
Defines functions plotWordcloud

Documented in plotWordcloud

findCoordinates = function (width, height){
    .Call("findCoordinates", width, height, PACKAGE = "GOsummaries")

findCoordinates_left = function (width, height){
    .Call("findCoordinates_left", width, height, PACKAGE = "GOsummaries")

findCoordinates_left_top = function (width, height){
    .Call("findCoordinates_left_top", width, height, PACKAGE = "GOsummaries")

#' Plot a wordcloud given words and frequencies
#' General \code{grid} based wordcloud drawing function 
#' Uses the algorithm from wordcloud package to calculate the positions of the  
#'  words. It then uses grid graphics to plot the words on screen. The shape of 
#' the wordcloud depends on the shape of the plotting window
#' @param words vector of words to draw
#' @param freq frequencies for words, has to be the same length as words vector
#' @param rot.per percentage of vertical words
#' @param max_min relative scales to adjust the size difference between largest 
#' and smallest word, by default the largest word is written with 10 times as 
#' large font than the smallest
#' @param scale a fraction of the available space on figure that will be 
#' covered with the bounding boxes of words
#' @param min.freq minimal frequency of words to be displayed
#' @param max.words maximal number of words to be displayed
#' @param random.order plot words in random order. If false, they will be 
#' plotted in decreasing frequency
#' @param colors vector of colors fro the words. This vector will be 
#' extrapolated into as many colors as needed, starting with the first color 
#' for lower frequencies and ending with last color for higher frequencies.
#' @param random.colors if true, assigns random color for the words.
#' @param fontface fontface for the words (1 - regular; 2 - Bold; 3 - italic)
#' @param algorithm algorithm to find positions of words possible values: 
#' "circle", "leftside" and "rightside".
#' @param tryfit if TRUE the algorithm checks if all words fit to the figure, 
#' if not it tries gradually smaller values of scale parameter until everything 
#' fits
#' @param add if TRUE adds the picture to existing plot.
#' @param grob if TRUE returns the text grob instead of drawing it
#' @param dimensions a two element vector of units giving the width and height 
#' of the word cloud respectively
#' @author  Raivo Kolde <raivo.kolde@@eesti.ee>
#' @examples
#'  plotWordcloud(c("Audi", "Volkswagen", "Opel", "Porsche", "Mercedez", "BMW"), 8:3)
#' @export
plotWordcloud = function(words, freq, rot.per = 0.3, max_min = c(1, 0.1), scale = 0.4, min.freq = 3, max.words = Inf, random.order = FALSE, colors = "black", random.colors = FALSE, fontface = 1, algorithm = "circle", tryfit = TRUE, add = FALSE, grob = FALSE, dimensions = unit(c(1, 1), "npc")){
    # Empty the drawng area
    width = convertWidth(dimensions[1], "cm", valueOnly = TRUE)
    height = convertHeight(dimensions[2], "cm", valueOnly = TRUE)
    # Check if word and freq are same length
    if(length(words) != length(freq)){
        stop("The word and freq length do not match")
    # Create the data frame for words
    d = data.frame(words, freq, fontface, stringsAsFactors = F)
    # Create colors
    if(length(colors) == 1){
        d$colors = colors
    else if(random.colors){
        d$colors = sample(colorRampPalette(rev(colors))(nrow(d)))
    else if(length(colors) == nrow(d)){
        d$colors = colors
        d$colors = rep(colorRampPalette(rev(colors))(length(unique(d$freq))), table(d$freq))
    # Order words according to frequencies
    ord = order(-d$freq)
    d = d[ord, ]
    # Filter the words and frequencies
    d = d[1:nrow(d) <= max.words, ]
    d = d[d$freq >= min.freq, ]
    # Randomize order
        d = d[sample(1:nrow(d)), ]
    # Normalize the text sizes
    d$words = as.character(d$words)
    normedFreq <- d$freq/max(d$freq)
    d$size <- (max_min[1]-max_min[2])*normedFreq + max_min[2]
    # Decide angle
    n = nrow(d)
    d$angle = ifelse(runif(n) < rot.per, 90, 0)
    # Calculate the word sizes
    tg = list()
    for(i in 1:nrow(d)){
        tg[[i]] = textGrob(d$words[i], gp = gpar(fontface = d$fontface[i]))
    w = unit(rep(1, n), "grobwidth", tg)
    d$width = convertWidth(w, "cm", valueOnly = TRUE) / width
    h = unit(rep(1, n), "grobheight", tg)
    d$height = convertHeight(h, "cm", valueOnly = TRUE) / height
    tailed = grepl("g|j|p|q|y|_", d$words)
    d$height[tailed] = d$height[tailed] * 1.3
    # Add padding 
    d$width = d$width * 1.1
    d$height = d$height * 1.1
    # Rotate words
    if(any(d$angle == 90)){
        a = d$width[d$angle == 90]
        d$width[d$angle == 90] = d$height[d$angle == 90] * height / width
        d$height[d$angle == 90] = a * width / height
    # Calculate area of all words and apply scaling factor to sizes
    area = sum(d$height * d$width * d$size ** 2)
    d$size = d$size / sqrt(area / scale)
    # If some words are bigger than window scale down all words to fit there
    maxsize = max(c(d$height * d$size, d$width * d$size))
    if(maxsize > 1){
        d$size = d$size / maxsize * 0.8
    # Resize the words
    d$width = d$width * d$size
    d$height = d$height * d$size
    # d = d[d$size > 0.6,]
    # Calculate the coordinates of words
    if(tryfit) {
        dontfit = TRUE
            if(algorithm == "leftside"){
                a = findCoordinates_left(d$width, d$height)
            if(algorithm == "rightside"){
                a = findCoordinates_left(d$width, d$height)
                a[, 1] = 1 - a[, 1]
            if(algorithm == "leftside_top"){
                a = findCoordinates_left_top(d$width, d$height)
            if(algorithm == "rightside_top"){
                a = findCoordinates_left_top(d$width, d$height)
                a[, 1] = 1 - a[, 1]
            if(algorithm == "circle"){
                a = findCoordinates(d$width, d$height)
            if(any(a[, 2] == 3)){
                d$size = d$size * 0.95
                d$width = d$width * 0.95
                d$height = d$height * 0.95
                # d = d[d$size > 0.6,]
                dontfit = FALSE
        if(algorithm == "leftside"){
            a = findCoordinates_left(d$width, d$height)
        if(algorithm == "rightside"){
            a = findCoordinates_left(d$width, d$height)
            a[, 1] = 1 - a[, 1]
        if(algorithm == "leftside_top"){
            a = findCoordinates_left_top(d$width, d$height)
        if(algorithm == "rightside_top"){
            a = findCoordinates_left_top(d$width, d$height)
            a[, 1] = 1 - a[, 1]
        if(algorithm == "circle"){
            a = findCoordinates(d$width, d$height)

    d$x = a[, 1]
    d$y = a[, 2]
    # Issue warning when something is not drawn
    if(any(d$y == 3)){
        missing_words = paste(as.character(d$words[d$y == 3]), collapse = ", ")
        message = sprintf("Words not drawn: %s", missing_words)
    d = d[!(d$y == 3), ]
    if(nrow(d) < 1){
        warning("No words to be drawn. Try adjusting scales if some of them did not fit.")
    # Shift the talied words upwards
    tailed = grepl("g|j|p|q|y|_", d$words)
    if(any(d$angle == 90)){
        if(algorithm == "circle"){
            ind = tailed & d$angle == 90
            d[ind, "x"] = d[ind, "x"] - 0.1153846 * d[ind, "width"]
    ind = tailed & d$angle == 0
    d[ind, "y"] = d[ind, "y"] + 0.1153846 * d[ind, "height"]
    # Draw the words
    if(algorithm %in% c("leftside", "leftside_top")){
        hjust = ifelse(d$angle == 90, 0.5, 0)
        vjust = ifelse(d$angle == 90, 1, 0.5)
    if(algorithm %in% c("rightside", "rightside_top")){
        hjust = ifelse(d$angle == 90, 0.5, 1)
        vjust = ifelse(d$angle == 90, 0, 0.5)
    if(algorithm == "circle"){
        hjust = 0.5
        vjust = 0.5
        return(textGrob(d$words, d$x, d$y, rot = d$angle, hjust = hjust, 
                        vjust = vjust, 
                        gp = gpar(cex = d$size, col = d$colors, 
                            fontface = d$fontface),
                        vp = viewport(width = unit(width, "cm"), 
                        height = unit(height, "cm"))))
        grid.text(d$words, d$x, d$y, rot = d$angle, hjust = hjust, 
                  vjust = vjust, 
                  gp = gpar(cex = d$size, col = d$colors, 
                            fontface = d$fontface),
                  vp = viewport(width = unit(width, "cm"), 
                  height = unit(height, "cm")))

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GOsummaries documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:50 p.m.