
Defines functions testFeatureForDJU.fromRow.simpleNormDist testFeatureForDJU.fromCountVector testFeatureForDJU.fromRow modelFrameForGene modelFrameForGene.v2 getAllJunctionSeqCountVectors fitAndArrangeCoefs getEffectsForPlotting countTableForGene get.rawcounts.data get.norcounts.data get.rexpr.data get.expression.data getLogFoldChangeFromModel getAllData2 extractFromArray applyByDimname applyByDimnameOLD doesArrayContainDim getAllData getAllDataList

#These functions were (loosely) based on similar functions created for the DEXSeq package.
# Note that DEXSeq is licensed under the GPL v3. Therefore this
#   code packaged together is licensed under the GPL v3, as noted in the LICENSE file.
# Some code snippets are "united states government work" and thus cannot be
#   copyrighted. See the LICENSE file for more information.
# The current versions of the original functions upon which these were based can be found
#    here: http://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/DEXSeq
# Updated Authorship and license information can be found here:
#   here: http://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/DEXSeq/blob/master/DESCRIPTION

getAllDataList <- function(ecs,es,geneID,fitExpToVar="condition"){
   temp <- list(get.expression.data(ecs,es,geneID),   get.expression.data(ecs,es,geneID,vst.xform=FALSE),
                 get.rexpr.data(ecs,es,geneID),   get.rexpr.data(ecs,es,geneID,vst.xform=FALSE),
                 get.norcounts.data(ecs,geneID),  get.norcounts.data(ecs,geneID,vst.xform=FALSE),
   countbinID <- as.character(row.names(temp))
   #temp <- t(apply(temp,MAR=c(2),FUN=function(x){ as.numeric(as.character(x)) }))
   #temp <- apply(temp,MAR=c(2),FUN=function(x){ as.numeric(as.character(x)) })
   geneIDs <- rep(as.character(geneID),length(countbinID))
   featureID <- paste(geneID,countbinID,sep=':')
   out <- cbind.data.frame(featureID = featureID,geneID=geneIDs,countbinID = countbinID,temp)
   row.names(out) <- featureID

getAllData <- function(ecs,es,geneID,fitExpToVar="condition"){
   temp <- cbind.data.frame(get.expression.data(ecs,es,geneID),   get.expression.data(ecs,es,geneID,vst.xform=FALSE),
                 get.rexpr.data(ecs,es,geneID),   get.rexpr.data(ecs,es,geneID,vst.xform=FALSE),
                 get.norcounts.data(ecs,geneID),  get.norcounts.data(ecs,geneID,vst.xform=FALSE),
   countbinID <- as.character(row.names(temp))
   geneIDs <- rep(as.character(geneID),length(countbinID))
   featureID <- paste(geneID,countbinID,sep=':')
   out <- cbind.data.frame(featureID = featureID,geneID=geneIDs,countbinID = countbinID,temp)
   row.names(out) <- featureID

######### coefficient calculation functions from DEXSeq:

doesArrayContainDim <- function(a, dimname){
  } else {
    return(   any(  dimname == names(dimnames(a)))   )

applyByDimnameOLD <- function(a, dimname, FUN){
  if(length(dimnames(a)) == 1){
    if(names(dimnames(a)) == dimname){
    } else {
      stop("Internal Error. Impossible state! (applyByDimname) Dimension not found: ",dimname)
  } else {
    otherDim <- which(dimname != names(dimnames(a)))
    out <- array(apply(coef, MARGIN = otherDim, FUN = FUN))
    dimnames(out) <- dimnames(a)[otherDim]

applyByDimname <- function(a, dimname, FUN){
  } else if(! is.array(a)){
    stop("Can only use applyByDimname on vectors or arrays.")
  } else {
    if(  any(  dimname == names(dimnames(a)))   ){
      if(length(dimnames(a)) == 1){
        if(names(dimnames(a)) == dimname){
        } else {
          stop("Internal Error. Impossible state! (applyByDimname) Dimension not found: ",dimname)
      } else {
        otherDim <- which(dimname != names(dimnames(a)))
        out <- array(apply(a, MARGIN = otherDim, FUN = FUN))
        dimnames(out) <- dimnames(a)[otherDim]
    } else {

extractFromArray <- function(a, dimname, val){
  if(length(dimnames(a)) == 1){
  } else {
    otherDim <- which(dimname != names(dimnames(a)))
    out <- array(apply(coef, MARGIN = otherDim, FUN = function(x){
    dimnames(out) <- dimnames(a)[otherDim]

# Developer's Note:
#       The function getAllData2 is a replacement for the
#       DEXSeq-based visualization modeling/estimation. Instead of modeling the
#       entire gene at once, it would model each splice junction individually
#       compared with the rest of the gene (similar to the methods used for 
#       the hypothesis tests, except using a main effect for the "condition" variable). 

#complex effect
#formula1 <- formula(~ condition + countbin + covar : countbin + condition : countbin)
getAllData2 <- function(jscs, runOnFeatures = seq_len(nrow(fData(jscs))),
                        formula1 = formula(paste0("~ ",fitExpToVar," + countbin + ",fitExpToVar," : countbin")),
                        nCores=1, dispColumn="dispersion",verbose = TRUE){
  varlist <- rownames(attr(terms(formula1), "factors"))
  covarlist <- varlist[ ! varlist %in% c(fitExpToVar, "countbin") ]
  myApply <- getMyApply(nCores)
  modelFrame <- constructModelFrame( jscs )
  modelFrame$countbin <- factor(modelFrame$countbin, levels = c("others","this"))
  mm <- rmDepCols( model.matrix( formula1, modelFrame ) )
  conditionLevels <- levels(modelFrame[[fitExpToVar]])
  conditionCt <- length(conditionLevels)
  fitList <- myApply(runOnFeatures, function(i){
    if( verbose && i %% 1000 == 0 ){
       message(paste0("-------> generateCompleteResults: (Calculating effect size and predicted values for feature ",i," of ",nrow(jscs),")","(",date(),")"))
    geneID <- fData(jscs)$geneID[i]
    countbinID <- fData(jscs)$countbinID[i]
    countVector <- jscs@countVectors[i,]
    if(! fData(jscs)$testable[i]){
      return(c(rep(NA,conditionCt - 1), rep(NA,conditionCt), rep(NA,conditionCt), 
                                        rep(NA,conditionCt), rep(NA,conditionCt), 
                                        rep(NA,conditionCt), rep(NA,conditionCt), 
                                        countVector * modelFrame$sizeFactor, 
                                        vst(countVector * modelFrame$sizeFactor, jscs),
    } else {
      disp <- fData(jscs)[i, dispColumn]
      fit <- try( {
        glmnb.fit( mm,  countVector, dispersion = disp, offset = log( modelFrame$sizeFactor ) )
      if( any(inherits( fit, "try-error" ) )) {
        warning( sprintf("glmnb.fit failed for %s:%s\n", as.character( geneID ), countbinID) )
        return(list(fitConverged = FALSE, fit = NULL))

        return(c(rep(NA,conditionCt - 1), rep(NA,conditionCt), rep(NA,conditionCt), 
                                          rep(NA,conditionCt), rep(NA,conditionCt), 
                                          rep(NA,conditionCt), rep(NA,conditionCt), 
                                          countVector * modelFrame$sizeFactor, 
                                          vst(countVector * modelFrame$sizeFactor, jscs),
      coefs <- arrangeCoefs( formula1, modelFrame, mm, fit = fit, insertValues = TRUE )
      predictedEstimates <- lapply(conditionLevels, function(pvn){
        pvToAdd <- sapply(coefs, function(coef){
          if("(Intercept)" %in% names(dimnames(coef))){
          if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, "countbin")){
            coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = "countbin", FUN = function(cf){
          if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, fitExpToVar)){
            coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = fitExpToVar, FUN = function(cf){
          for(covar in covarlist){
            if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, covar)){
              coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = covar, FUN = function(cf){
      names(predictedEstimates) <- conditionLevels
      predictedEstimatesOther <- lapply(conditionLevels, function(pvn){
        pvToAdd <- sapply(coefs, function(coef){
          if("(Intercept)" %in% names(dimnames(coef))){
          if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, "countbin")){
            coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = "countbin", FUN = function(cf){
          if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, fitExpToVar)){
            coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = fitExpToVar, FUN = function(cf){
          for(covar in covarlist){
            if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, covar)){
              coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = covar, FUN = function(cf){
      names(predictedEstimatesOther) <- conditionLevels
      meanCondition <- mean(sapply(predictedEstimates, function(pe){
      relativeEstimates <- predictedEstimates
      for(j in seq_len(length(predictedEstimates))){
        relativeEstimates[[j]] <- predictedEstimates[[j]] - predictedEstimatesOther[[j]]
      relativeLogExprEstimate <- sapply(relativeEstimates, sum)
      logFCs <- relativeLogExprEstimate[-1] - relativeLogExprEstimate[1]
      exprEstimate <- exp(sapply(predictedEstimates, sum))
      otherExprEstimate <- exp(sapply(predictedEstimatesOther, sum))
      relExprEstimate <- exp(relativeLogExprEstimate + predictedEstimates[[1]][["(Intercept).(Intercept)"]] + predictedEstimates[[1]][["countbin"]])
        exprEstimate, vst(exprEstimate, jscs),
        otherExprEstimate, vst(otherExprEstimate, jscs),
        relExprEstimate, vst(relExprEstimate, jscs),
        countVector * modelFrame$sizeFactor, vst(countVector * modelFrame$sizeFactor, jscs),
  sampleNames <- colnames(counts(jscs))
  out <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, fitList)
  names(out) <- c(paste0("logFC(",conditionLevels[-1],"/",conditionLevels[1],")"),
                  paste0("expr_",conditionLevels), paste0("exprVST_",conditionLevels),
                  paste0("exprGene_",conditionLevels),  paste0("exprGeneVST_",conditionLevels),
                  paste0("rexpr_",conditionLevels), paste0("rexprVST_",conditionLevels),
                  paste0("normCount_",sampleNames), paste0("normGeneCount_",sampleNames), 
                    paste0("normCountVST_",sampleNames), paste0("normGeneCountVST_",sampleNames), 
                  paste0("rawCount_",sampleNames), paste0("rawGeneCounts_",sampleNames) 

getLogFoldChangeFromModel <- function(formula1, modelFrame, mm, fit){
  fitExpToVar <- "condition"
  conditionLevels <- levels(modelFrame[[fitExpToVar]])
  varlist <- rownames(attr(terms(formula1), "factors"))
  covarlist <- varlist[ ! varlist %in% c(fitExpToVar, "countbin") ]
  coefs <- arrangeCoefs( formula1, modelFrame, mm, fit = fit, insertValues = TRUE )
  predictedEstimates <- lapply(conditionLevels, function(pvn){
    pvToAdd <- sapply(coefs, function(coef){
      if("(Intercept)" %in% names(dimnames(coef))){
      if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, "countbin")){
        coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = "countbin", FUN = function(cf){
      if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, fitExpToVar)){
        coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = fitExpToVar, FUN = function(cf){
      for(covar in covarlist){
        if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, covar)){
          coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = covar, FUN = function(cf){
  names(predictedEstimates) <- conditionLevels

  predictedEstimatesOther <- lapply(conditionLevels, function(pvn){
    pvToAdd <- sapply(coefs, function(coef){
      if("(Intercept)" %in% names(dimnames(coef))){
      if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, "countbin")){
        coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = "countbin", FUN = function(cf){
      if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, fitExpToVar)){
        coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = fitExpToVar, FUN = function(cf){
      for(covar in covarlist){
        if(doesArrayContainDim(coef, covar)){
          coef <- applyByDimname(coef, dimname = covar, FUN = function(cf){
  names(predictedEstimatesOther) <- conditionLevels

  relativeEstimates <- predictedEstimates
  for(j in seq_len(length(predictedEstimates))){
    relativeEstimates[[j]] <- predictedEstimates[[j]] - predictedEstimatesOther[[j]]
  relativeLogExprEstimate <- sapply(relativeEstimates, sum)
  logFCs <- relativeLogExprEstimate[-1] - relativeLogExprEstimate[1]
  names(logFCs) <- paste0("logFC(",conditionLevels[-1],"/",conditionLevels[1],")")

get.expression.data <- function(ecs, es, geneID, fitExpToVar="condition", vst.xform = TRUE){
          warning(sprintf("glm fit failed for gene %s", geneID))
      coeff <- as.matrix( t( getEffectsForPlotting(es, averageOutExpression=FALSE, groupingVar=fitExpToVar) ) )
      coeff <- exp(coeff)
      if(vst.xform) coeff <- vst( coeff, ecs )

get.rexpr.data <- function(ecs,es,geneID,fitExpToVar="condition", vst.xform = TRUE){
      coeff <- as.matrix( t( getEffectsForPlotting( es, averageOutExpression=TRUE, groupingVar=fitExpToVar) ) )
      coeff <- exp(coeff)
      if(vst.xform) coeff <- vst( coeff, ecs )

get.norcounts.data <- function(ecs,geneID,fitExpToVar="condition", vst.xform = TRUE){
      count <- countTableForGene(ecs, geneID, normalized=TRUE)
      #ylimn <- c(0, max(count, na.rm=TRUE))
      if(vst.xform) count <- vst( count, ecs )
get.rawcounts.data <- function(ecs,geneID,fitExpToVar="condition", vst.xform = FALSE){
      count <- countTableForGene(ecs, geneID, normalized=FALSE)
      if(vst.xform) count <- vst( count, ecs )

countTableForGene <- function( ecs, geneID, normalized=FALSE, withDispersion=FALSE ) {
   stopifnot( is( ecs, "JunctionSeqCountSet") )
   rows <- geneIDs(ecs) == geneID
   if( sum(rows) == 0 )
      stop( "geneID not found" )
	ans <- counts( ecs )[ rows, , drop=FALSE ]
	rownames( ans ) <- countbinIDs(ecs)[ rows ]
	attr( ans, "geneID" ) <- geneID
	if( normalized )
   	   stop("Please first call function estimateSizeFactors\n")
	   ans <- t( t(ans) / sizeFactors(ecs) )
	if( withDispersion )
      attr( ans, "dispersion" ) <- fData(ecs)$dispersion[rows]

getEffectsForPlotting <- function( coefs, groupingVar = "condition", averageOutExpression=FALSE )
   groupingExonInteraction <- which( sapply( coefs, function(x) 
      all( c( groupingVar, "countbin") %in% names(dimnames(x)) ) & length(dim(x)) == 2 ) ) 
   fittedValues <- coefs[[ groupingExonInteraction ]]
   if( names(dimnames(fittedValues))[1] == "countbin" )
      fittedValues <- t( fittedValues )
   stopifnot( identical( names(dimnames(fittedValues)), c( groupingVar, "countbin" ) ) )
   for( x in coefs[ -groupingExonInteraction ] ) {
      if( all( c( groupingVar, "countbin") %in% names(dimnames(x)) ) )
         stop( "Cannot yet deal with third-order terms." )
      if( !any( c( groupingVar, "countbin") %in% names(dimnames(x)) ) ) {
         fittedValues <- fittedValues + mean( x )
      } else if( averageOutExpression & identical( names(dimnames(x)), groupingVar ) ) {
         fittedValues <- fittedValues + mean( x )
      } else if( groupingVar %in% names(dimnames(x)) ) {
         groupMeans <- apply2( x, groupingVar, mean )
         stopifnot( identical( names(groupMeans), dimnames(fittedValues)[[1]] ) )
         fittedValues <- fittedValues + groupMeans
      } else if( "countbin" %in% names(dimnames(x)) ) {
         exonMeans <- apply2( x, "countbin", mean )
         fittedValues <- t( t(fittedValues) + exonMeans )
      } else {
         message( x )
         stop( "Unexpected term encountered." )

fitAndArrangeCoefs <- function( ecs, geneID, frm = count ~ condition * countbin, balanceFeatures = TRUE, set.na.dispersions = NULL, tol = NULL)
   if(is.null(tol)) tol <- 1e-6
   mf <- modelFrameForGene( ecs, geneID )
   if(! is.null(set.na.dispersions))  mf$dispersion <- ifelse(is.na(mf$dispersion), set.na.dispersions, mf$dispersion)
   if( length(levels(mf$countbin)) <= 1 )
      return( NULL )
   mm <- model.matrix( frm, mf )
   fit <- try( glmnb.fit(mm, mf$count, dispersion=mf$dispersion, offset=log(mf$sizeFactor), tol = tol), silent=TRUE)
   if( is( fit, "try-error" ) )
      return( NULL )
   coefs <- arrangeCoefs( frm, mf, mm, fit )
   if( balanceFeatures ) {
      return(list(fit = fit, coefs = balanceFeatures( coefs, tapply( mf$dispersion, mf$countbin, `[`, 1 ) )))
   } else {
      return(list(fit = fit, coefs = coefs))

### Internal Calc Functions:

getAllJunctionSeqCountVectors <- function( ecs, method.countVectors = c("geneLevelCounts","sumOfAllBinsForGene","sumOfAllBinsOfSameTypeForGene"), nCores = 1 ) {
   stopifnot( inherits( ecs, "JunctionSeqCountSet" ) )
   method.countVectors <- match.arg(method.countVectors)
   gct <- ecs@geneCountData
   myApply <- getMyApply(nCores)
   message("    getAllJunctionSeqCountVectors: dim(counts) = ",paste(dim(counts(ecs)),  sep=",",collapse=",")  , " (",date(),")" )
   message("    getAllJunctionSeqCountVectors: dim(gct) = ",paste(dim(gct),sep=",",collapse=",") )
   if(method.countVectors == "geneLevelCounts"){
      featureCounts <- counts(ecs)
      out <- cbind(featureCounts, gct[match(geneIDs(ecs),rownames(gct)),] - featureCounts)
      # Remove rare negative numbers, which can occur on extremely low-coverege genes that appear near other genes.
      out <- apply(out,MARGIN=c(1,2), FUN=max, 0)
      out <- as.matrix(out)
      mode(out) <- "integer"
      message("    getAllJunctionSeqCountVectors: out generated. dim = ",paste(dim(out),sep=",",collapse=",")," (",date(),")")
      rownames(out) <- rownames(fData(ecs))
      colnames(out) <- c( paste0(colnames(counts(ecs)),"_thisBin")  , paste0(colnames(counts(ecs)),"_gene")  )
   } else if(method.countVectors == "sumOfAllBinsForGene") {
      out.list <- myApply(1:nrow(fData(ecs)), function(i){
        geneID <- geneIDs(ecs)[i]
        rowsWithGeneID <- which(geneIDs(ecs) == geneID)
        binCounts <- counts(ecs)[i,]
        geneCounts <- colSums(counts(ecs)[rowsWithGeneID,, drop=FALSE])
        return( c(binCounts, geneCounts - binCounts) )
      message("    getAllJunctionSeqCountVectors: out.list generated. length = ",length(out.list), " (",date(),")")
      out <- as.matrix(do.call(rbind, out.list))
      mode(out) <- "integer"
      message("    getAllJunctionSeqCountVectors: out generated. dim = ",paste(dim(out),sep=",",collapse=",")," (",date(),")")
      rownames(out) <- rownames(fData(ecs))
      colnames(out) <- c( paste0(colnames(counts(ecs)),"_thisBin")  , paste0(colnames(counts(ecs)),"_gene")  )
      warning("Fallback (DEXSeq-style) model framework is depreciated and no longer supported!")
   } else if(method.countVectors == "sumOfAllBinsOfSameTypeForGene"){
     stop("method.countVectors 'sumOfAllBinsOfSameTypeForGene' is not implemented at this time.")
   } else {
     stop("ERROR: Impossible State: getAllJunctionSeqCountVectors method.countVectors not recognized.")

modelFrameForGene.v2 <- function( ecs, geneID, onlyTestable=FALSE) {
   stopifnot( is( ecs, "JunctionSeqCountSet") )
   if( onlyTestable && any(colnames(fData(ecs)) %in% "testable")){
      rows <- geneIDs(ecs) == geneID & fData(ecs)$testable
      rows <- geneIDs(ecs) == geneID

   numJunctions <- sum(rows)
   junctionCol <- rep( factor( countbinIDs(ecs)[rows], levels=countbinIDs(ecs)[rows] ), ncol( counts(ecs) ) )
   modelFrame <- data.frame(
      sample = rep( factor( colnames( counts(ecs) ) ), each = numJunctions ),
      countbin = junctionCol,
      sizeFactor = rep( sizeFactors(ecs), each = numJunctions ) )
   for( cn in colnames( design(ecs,drop=FALSE) ) )
         modelFrame[[cn]] <- factor(rep( design(ecs,drop=FALSE)[[cn]], each=numJunctions ), levels=levels(design(ecs,drop=FALSE)[[cn]] ))
   modelFrame$dispersion <- fData(ecs)$dispersion[ rows ][
      match( modelFrame$countbin, countbinIDs(ecs)[rows] ) ]
   modelFrame$count <- as.vector( counts(ecs)[rows,] )
   attr( modelFrame, "geneID" ) <- geneID

modelFrameForGene <- function( ecs, geneID, onlyTestable=FALSE) {
   stopifnot( is( ecs, "JunctionSeqCountSet") )
   if( onlyTestable && any(colnames(fData(ecs)) %in% "testable")){
      rows <- geneIDs(ecs) == geneID & fData(ecs)$testable
      rows <- geneIDs(ecs) == geneID

   numJunctions <- sum(rows)
   junctionCol <- rep( factor( countbinIDs(ecs)[rows], levels=countbinIDs(ecs)[rows] ), ncol( counts(ecs) ) )
   modelFrame <- data.frame(
      sample = rep( factor( colnames( counts(ecs) ) ), each = numJunctions ),
      countbin = junctionCol,
      sizeFactor = rep( sizeFactors(ecs), each = numJunctions ) )
   for( cn in colnames( design(ecs,drop=FALSE) ) )
         modelFrame[[cn]] <- factor(rep( design(ecs,drop=FALSE)[[cn]], each=numJunctions ), levels=levels(design(ecs,drop=FALSE)[[cn]] ))
   modelFrame$dispersion <- fData(ecs)$dispersion[ rows ][
      match( modelFrame$countbin, countbinIDs(ecs)[rows] ) ]
   modelFrame$count <- as.vector( counts(ecs)[rows,] )
   attr( modelFrame, "geneID" ) <- geneID

testFeatureForDJU.fromRow <- function(formula1, ecs, i, modelFrame, mm0, mm1, disp, keepCoefs = ncol(mm1)){
  stopifnot( inherits( ecs, "JunctionSeqCountSet" ) )
  geneID <- geneIDs(ecs)[i]
  countbinID <- countbinIDs(ecs)[i]
  stopifnot( !is.na(disp) )
  if( all( is.na( sizeFactors( ecs )) ) ){
    stop("Please calculate size factors first\n")
  countVector <- ecs@countVectors[i,]
  conditionLevels <- levels(modelFrame[["condition"]])
     warning("Dispersion is NA!")
     return(list(coefficient = rep(NA,length(keepCoefs)), logFC = rep(NA, length(conditionLevels) - 1),pval = NA, disp = NA, countVector = countVector, fit = list(fitH0 = NA, fitH1 = NA) ))
  return(testFeatureForDJU.fromCountVector(formula1 = formula1, mm0 = mm0,mm1 = mm1,disp = disp, keepCoefs = keepCoefs, modelFrame = modelFrame, countVector = countVector, 
                                           geneID = geneID, countbinID = countbinID))

testFeatureForDJU.fromCountVector <- function(formula1, mm0,mm1,disp, keepCoefs = ncol(mm1), modelFrame,countVector, 
                                              # The remaining parameters have no effect on functionality, only impact error reporting:
                                              geneID = "", countbinID = ""){
  fitExpToVar <- "condition"
  conditionLevels <- levels(modelFrame[[fitExpToVar]])
  fitB <- try( {
      fit0 <- glmnb.fit( mm0,  countVector, dispersion = disp, offset = log( modelFrame$sizeFactor ) )
      fit1 <- glmnb.fit( mm1,  countVector, dispersion = disp, offset = log( modelFrame$sizeFactor ) )
  if( any(inherits( fitB, "try-error" ) )) {
     warning( sprintf("glmnb.fit failed for %s:%s\n", as.character( geneID ), countbinID) )
     return(list(coefficient = rep(NA,length(keepCoefs)), logFC = rep(NA, length(conditionLevels) - 1),pval = NA, disp = NA, countVector = countVector, fit = list(fitH0 = NA, fitH1 = NA) ))
  fit0 <- fitB[[1]]
  fit1 <- fitB[[2]]

  coefficient <- fit1$coefficients[keepCoefs]
  pval <- pchisq( deviance( fit0 ) - deviance( fit1 ), ncol( mm1 ) - ncol( mm0 ), lower.tail=FALSE )
  logFC <- getLogFoldChangeFromModel(formula1, modelFrame, mm1, fit1)
  return(list(coefficient = coefficient, logFC = logFC, pval = pval, disp = disp, countVector = countVector, fit = list(fitH0 = fit0, fitH1 = fit1) ))

testFeatureForDJU.fromRow.simpleNormDist <- function(formula1, ecs, i, modelFrame, mm0, mm1, disp = NA, keepCoefs = ncol(mm1)){
  #note: disp is NONFUNCTIONAL!
  stopifnot( inherits( ecs, "JunctionSeqCountSet" ) )
  geneID <- geneIDs(ecs)[i]
  countbinID <- countbinIDs(ecs)[i]
  if( all( is.na( sizeFactors( ecs )) ) ){
    stop("Please calculate size factors first\n")
  countVector <- ecs@countVectors[i,]
  conditionLevels <- levels(modelFrame[["condition"]])
  fitB <- try( {
      fit0 <- glm.fit( mm0,  countVector, offset = log( modelFrame$sizeFactor ) )
      fit1 <- glm.fit( mm1,  countVector, offset = log( modelFrame$sizeFactor ) )
  if( any(inherits( fitB, "try-error" ) )) {
     warning( sprintf("glm.fit failed for %s:%s\n", as.character( geneID ), countbinID) )
     return(list(coefficient = rep(NA,length(keepCoefs)), logFC = rep(NA, length(conditionLevels) - 1),pval = NA, disp = NA, countVector = countVector, fit = list(fitH0 = NA, fitH1 = NA) ))
  fit0 <- fitB[[1]]
  fit1 <- fitB[[2]]

  coefficient <- fit1$coefficients[keepCoefs]
  pval <- pchisq( deviance( fit0 ) - deviance( fit1 ), ncol( mm1 ) - ncol( mm0 ), lower.tail=FALSE )
  logFC <- getLogFoldChangeFromModel(formula1, modelFrame, mm1, fit1)
  return(list(coefficient = coefficient, logFC = logFC, pval = pval, disp = disp, countVector = countVector, fit = list(fitH0 = fit0, fitH1 = fit1) ))

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JunctionSeq documentation built on April 28, 2020, 7:57 p.m.