
Defines functions estimatelog2FoldChanges fitDispersionFunctionHelper_SIMPLE adapted.localDispersionFit adapted.parametricDispersionFit adapted.estimateDispersionsFit fitDispersionFunction_advancedMode fitDispersionFunction_simpleMode balanceFeatures arrangeCoefs constructModelFrame estimateFeatureDispersionFromRow logConditionalLikelihood rmDepCols vst adapted.estimateDispersionsMAP estimateUnsharedDispersions estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix calc.filtered.adjusted.p JS.perGeneQValueExact JS.perGeneQValueBySimulation JS.perGeneQValue

#These functions were mostly extracted directly from the DEXSeq and DESeq2 source-code, with some modifications.
# Note that DEXSeq is licensed under the GPL v3, and DESeq2 is licensed under the LGPL v3. Therefore this
#   code packaged together is licensed under the GPL v3, as noted in the LICENSE file.
# Some code snippets are "united states government work" and thus cannot be
#   copyrighted. See the LICENSE file for more information.
# The current versions of the original functions upon which these were based can be found
#    here: http://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/DESeq2
#         and
#    here: http://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/DEXSeq
# Updated Authorship and license information can be found here:
#   here: http://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/DESeq2/blob/master/DESCRIPTION
#         and
#   here: http://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/DEXSeq/blob/master/DESCRIPTION

#From DEXSeq:
JS.perGeneQValue = function(pvals, wTest, geneID, method = JS.perGeneQValueExact) {
  ## use only those exons that were testable
  pvals     = pvals[wTest]
  ## 'factor' removes ununsed levels
  geneID    = factor(geneID[wTest])
  geneSplit = split(seq(along=geneID), geneID)

  ## summarise p-values of exons for one gene: take the minimum
  pGene = sapply(geneSplit, function(i) min(pvals[i]))

  ## Determine the thetas to be used
  theta = unique(sort(pGene))

  ## compute q-values associated with each theta
  q = method(pGene, theta, geneSplit)

  ## return a named vector of q-values per gene
  res        = rep(NA_real_, length(pGene))
  res        = q[match(pGene, theta)]
  res = pmin(1, res)
  names(res) = names(geneSplit)

## For each value of theta, determine how many minima of random per-exon
## p-values are smaller (using the number of exons per gene)
JS.perGeneQValueBySimulation = function(pGene, theta, geneSplit, nperm = 24) {
  nr = sum(listLen(geneSplit))
  pRand = apply(matrix(runif(nr*nperm), nrow=nr, ncol=nperm), 2,
    function(p) sapply(geneSplit, function(i) min(p[i])))

  ## check that the apply/sapply stuff worked as intended
  stopifnot(nrow(pRand)==length(pGene), ncol(pRand)==nperm)

  hTest   = hist(pGene, breaks=c(theta,+Inf), plot=FALSE)
  hRand   = hist(pRand, breaks=c(theta,+Inf), plot=FALSE)

  numPos       = cumsum(hTest$counts)
  numFalsePos  = cumsum(hRand$counts)/nperm


## Exact computation - see methods part of the paper
JS.perGeneQValueExact = function(pGene, theta, geneSplit) {

  ## Compute the numerator \sum_{i=1}^M 1-(1-theta)^{n_i}
  ## Below we first identify the summands which are the same
  ## (because they have the same n_i), then do the sum via the
  ## mapply
  numExons     = listLen(geneSplit)
  tab          = tabulate(numExons)
  notZero      = (tab>0)
  numerator    = mapply(function(m, n) m * (1 - (1-theta)^n),
                            m = tab[notZero],
                            n = which(notZero))
  numerator    = rowSums(numerator)

  ## Compute the denominator: for each value of theta, the number
  ## of genes with pGene <= theta[i].
  ## Note that in cut(..., right=TRUE), the intervals are
  ## right-closed (left open) intervals.
  bins   = cut(pGene, breaks=c(-Inf, as.vector(theta)), right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE)
  counts = tabulate(bins, nbins = nlevels(bins))
  denom  = cumsum(counts)



calc.filtered.adjusted.p <- function(
    testable, status,
    independentFiltering = TRUE,
    filter, pvalue, maxCooks,
    theta, alpha = 0.1,
    cooksFilter = TRUE, cooksCutoff,
    pAdjustMethod = "BH",
    filterThreshold = NULL,
    verbose = TRUE
   #independentFiltering = TRUE
   if(verbose) message("> Performing final p.adjust filtering.")
   pvalue[!testable] <- NA
   status <- as.character(status)
   m <- nrow(dispModelMatrix)
   p <- ncol(dispModelMatrix)
      if(verbose) message(">      No cook's cutoffs found.")
    } else {
      if (m > p) {
        defaultCutoff <- qf(.99, p, m - p)
        if (missing(cooksCutoff)) {
          cooksCutoff <- defaultCutoff
        if (is.logical(cooksCutoff) && cooksCutoff) {
          cooksCutoff <- defaultCutoff
      } else {
        cooksCutoff <- FALSE
      if(verbose) message(">      Applying cooks cutoff outlier filtering.")
      # apply cutoff based on maximum Cook's distance
      performCooksCutoff <- (is.numeric(cooksCutoff) | cooksCutoff) 
      if ((m > p) && performCooksCutoff) {
        cooksOutlier <- f.na(maxCooks > cooksCutoff)

        if(verbose) message(">      Filtering out ",sum(cooksOutlier & testable)," features because maxCooks > ",cooksCutoff)
        pvalue[cooksOutlier] <- NA
        status[testable & cooksOutlier] <- "COOKS_OUTLIER"
        testable[testable & cooksOutlier] <- FALSE
  # perform independent filtering
  if(independentFiltering) {
    if (missing(filter)) {
      stop("Must set a filter parameter!")
    if (missing(theta)) {
      lowerQuantile <- mean(filter == 0)
      if (lowerQuantile < .95) upperQuantile <- .95 else upperQuantile <- 1
      theta <- seq(lowerQuantile, upperQuantile, length=20)
    stopifnot(length(theta) > 1)
    #stopifnot(length(filter) == nrow(object))
    filtPadj <- genefilter::filtered_p(filter=filter, test=pvalue,
                                       theta=theta, method=pAdjustMethod) 
    numRej  <- colSums(filtPadj < alpha, na.rm = TRUE)
    j <- which.max(numRej)
    padj <- filtPadj[, j, drop=TRUE]
    cutoffs <- quantile(filter, theta)
    filterThreshold <- cutoffs[j]
    use <- (filter >= filterThreshold) & testable
    filterNumRej <- data.frame(theta=theta, numRej=numRej)
    if(verbose) message(">      Automatically selecting a filtering threshold of ",filterThreshold," to optimize results at the alpha < ",alpha," significance level.")
    if(verbose) message(">         (Filtering ",sum(testable & (! use))," out of ",sum(testable)," \"testable\" features, using baseMean < ",filterThreshold,")")
    if(verbose) message(">         (Rejected H0 for ",sum(numRej[j])," out of ",sum(use), " features at alpha < ",alpha,")")
    status[testable & (! use)] <- "LOW_COUNTS_INDEP_FILTER"
    testable[testable & (! use)] <- FALSE
  } else {
    if(is.null(filterThreshold)) {
      filterThreshold <- -1
    padj <- rep(NA,length(filter))
    use <- (filter >= filterThreshold) & testable
    padj[use] <- p.adjust(pvalue[use],method=pAdjustMethod)
    numRej  <- sum(padj < alpha, na.rm=TRUE)
    j <- 1
    filterNumRej <- data.frame(theta = sum(testable & (! use)) / sum(testable), numRej =  numRej)
    if(verbose) message(">      Filtering for preset threshold (BaseMean > ",filterThreshold,")")
    if(verbose) message(">         (Filtering ",sum(testable & (! use))," out of ",sum(testable)," \"testable\" features, using baseMean < ",filterThreshold,")")
    if(verbose) message(">         (Rejected H0 for ",sum(numRej[j])," out of ",sum(use), " features at alpha < ",alpha,")")
  if(verbose) message("> Final p.adjust filtering complete.")
    res = data.frame(
      status = status,
      testable = testable,
      padjust = padj
    filterThreshold = filterThreshold,
    filterNumRej = filterNumRej

#' Low-level function to estimate size factors with robust regression.
#' Given a matrix or data frame of count data, this function estimates the size
#' factors as follows: Each column is divided by the geometric means of the
#' rows. The median (or, if requested, another location estimator) of these
#' ratios (skipping the genes with a geometric mean of zero) is used as the size
#' factor for this column. Typically, one will not call this function directly, but use
#' \code{\link{estimateSizeFactors}}.
#' @param counts a matrix or data frame of counts, i.e., non-negative integer
#' values
#' @param locfunc a function to compute a location for a sample. By default, the
#' median is used. However, especially for low counts, the
#' \code{\link[genefilter]{shorth}} function from genefilter may give better results.
#' @param geoMeans by default this is not provided, and the
#' geometric means of the counts are calculated within the function.
#' A vector of geometric means from another count matrix can be provided
#' for a "frozen" size factor calculation
#' @param controlGenes optional, numeric or logical index vector specifying those genes to
#' use for size factor estimation (e.g. housekeeping or spike-in genes)
#' @return a vector with the estimates size factors, one element per column
#' @author Simon Anders
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimateSizeFactors}}
#' @examples
#' dds <- makeExampleDESeqDataSet()
#' estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(counts(dds))
#' geoMeans <- exp(rowMeans(log(counts(dds))))
#' estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(counts(dds),geoMeans=geoMeans)
estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix <- function( counts, locfunc = stats::median, geoMeans, controlGenes )
  if (missing(geoMeans)) {
    loggeomeans <- rowMeans(log(counts))
  } else {
    if (length(geoMeans) != nrow(counts)) {
      stop("geoMeans should be as long as the number of rows of counts")
    loggeomeans <- log(geoMeans)
  if (all(is.infinite(loggeomeans))) {
    stop("every gene contains at least one zero, cannot compute log geometric means")
  sf <- if (missing(controlGenes)) {
    apply(counts, 2, function(cnts) {
      exp(locfunc((log(cnts) - loggeomeans)[is.finite(loggeomeans) & cnts > 0]))
  } else {
    if ( !( is.numeric(controlGenes) || is.logical(controlGenes) ) ) {
      stop("controlGenes should be either a numeric or logical vector")
    loggeomeansSub <- loggeomeans[controlGenes]
    apply(counts[controlGenes,,drop=FALSE], 2, function(cnts) {
      exp(locfunc((log(cnts) - loggeomeansSub)[is.finite(loggeomeansSub) & cnts > 0]))

estimateUnsharedDispersions <- function(object,
                                        maxit=100, quiet=FALSE, formula=design(object), 
                                        BPPARAM=MulticoreParam(workers=1)) {
  allVars <- all.vars(formula)
  if( any(!allVars %in% colnames( colData(object) )) ){
     notPresent <- allVars[!allVars %in% colnames( colData(object) )]
     notPresent <- paste(notPresent, collapse=",")
     stop(sprintf("the variables '%s' of the parameter 'formula' are not specified in the columns of the colData", notPresent ) )
  splitParts <- sort(
    length.out=nrow(object) ) )
  splitObject <- split( object, splitParts )
  modelMatrix <- rmDepCols(
    model.matrix(formula, as.data.frame(colData(object))))
  splitObject <- bplapply( splitObject, 
          maxit=maxit, quiet=quiet, 
          modelMatrix = modelMatrix, 
          niter = 10)}, 
  mergeObject <- do.call( rbind, splitObject )
  matchedNames <- match( rownames(object), rownames(mergeObject))  
  mcols(object) <- mcols( mergeObject )[matchedNames,]
  assays(object) <- assays(mergeObject[matchedNames,])

adapted.estimateDispersionsMAP <- function( jscs, useRows, #dispFn, 
                                    test.formula1 = formula(jscs@formulas[["formulaDispersion"]]),
                                    outlierSD = 2, dispPriorVar, minDisp = 1e-08, 
                                    kappa_0 = 1, dispTol = 1e-06, maxit = 100, modelMatrix, verbose = TRUE) {
    stopifnot(length(outlierSD) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(minDisp) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(kappa_0) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(dispTol) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(maxit) == 1)
    dispBeforeSharing <- fData(jscs)$dispBeforeSharing[useRows]
    dispFitted        <- fData(jscs)$dispFitted[useRows]
    means <- fData(jscs)$baseMean[useRows]
    countVectors <- jscs@countVectors[useRows,]
    mu <- jscs@fittedMu[useRows,]
    if (missing(modelMatrix)) {
        modelFrame <- constructModelFrame( jscs )
        modelMatrix <- rmDepCols( model.matrix( test.formula1, modelFrame ) )
    aboveMinDisp <- f.na(dispBeforeSharing > minDisp * 100)
    varLogDispEsts <- mad(log(dispBeforeSharing[aboveMinDisp]) - log(dispFitted[aboveMinDisp]), na.rm = TRUE)^2
    if (missing(dispPriorVar)) {
        if (sum(dispBeforeSharing >= minDisp * 100, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
            stop(paste0("all genes have dispersion estimates < ", minDisp * 10, "!"))
        dispPriorVar <- adapted.estimateDispersionsPriorVar(dispBeforeSharing = dispBeforeSharing, dispFitted = dispFitted, varLogDispEsts = varLogDispEsts, modelMatrix = modelMatrix, minDisp = minDisp, verbose = verbose)
    stopifnot(length(dispPriorVar) == 1)
    log_alpha_prior_sigmasq <- dispPriorVar
    dispInit <- ifelse(dispBeforeSharing > 0.1 * dispFitted, 
    dispInit[is.na(dispInit)] <- dispFitted[is.na(dispInit)]
    dispResMAP <- fitDispWrapper(ySEXP = countVectors, xSEXP = modelMatrix, 
        mu_hatSEXP = mu, log_alphaSEXP = log(dispInit), log_alpha_prior_meanSEXP = log(dispFitted), 
        log_alpha_prior_sigmasqSEXP = log_alpha_prior_sigmasq, 
        min_log_alphaSEXP = log(minDisp/10), kappa_0SEXP = kappa_0, 
        tolSEXP = dispTol, maxitSEXP = maxit, use_priorSEXP = TRUE)
    dispMAP <- exp(dispResMAP$log_alpha)
    dispConv <- dispResMAP$iter < maxit
    refitDisp <- ! dispConv
    if (sum(refitDisp) > 0) {
        dispInR <- fitDispGridWrapper(y = countVectors[refitDisp, , drop = FALSE], 
                                      x = modelMatrix, mu = mu[refitDisp, , drop = FALSE], 
                                      logAlphaPriorMean = log(dispFitted)[refitDisp], 
                                      logAlphaPriorSigmaSq = log_alpha_prior_sigmasq, usePrior = TRUE)
        dispMAP[refitDisp] <- dispInR
    maxDisp <- max(10, nrow(modelMatrix))
    dispMAP <- pmin(pmax(dispMAP, minDisp), maxDisp)
    dispersionFinal <- dispMAP
    dispOutlier <- f.na(log(dispBeforeSharing) > log(dispFitted) + outlierSD * sqrt(varLogDispEsts))
    dispersionFinal[dispOutlier] <- dispBeforeSharing[dispOutlier]
    resultsList <- list(dispersion = dispersionFinal, 
                        dispIter = dispResMAP$iter, 
                        dispOutlier = dispOutlier, 
                        dispMAP = dispMAP)


adapted.estimateDispersionsPriorVar <- function (dispBeforeSharing, dispFitted, varLogDispEsts, minDisp = 1e-08, modelMatrix, verbose = TRUE){
    aboveMinDisp <- dispBeforeSharing >= minDisp * 100

    dispResiduals <- log(dispBeforeSharing) - log(dispFitted)
    if (sum(aboveMinDisp, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
        stop("no data found which is greater than minDisp")
    m <- nrow(modelMatrix)
    p <- ncol(modelMatrix)
    if(((m - p) <= 3) & (m > p)) {
        if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
            oldRandomSeed <- .Random.seed
        obsDist <- dispResiduals[aboveMinDisp]
        brks <- -20:20/2
        obsDist <- obsDist[obsDist > min(brks) & obsDist < max(brks)]
        obsVarGrid <- seq(from = 0, to = 8, length = 200)
        obsDistHist <- hist(obsDist, breaks = brks, plot = FALSE)
        klDivs <- sapply(obsVarGrid, function(x) {
            randDist <- log(rchisq(10000, df = (m - p))) + rnorm(10000, 0, sqrt(x)) - log(m - p)
            randDist <- randDist[randDist > min(brks) & randDist < max(brks)]
            randDistHist <- hist(randDist, breaks = brks, plot = FALSE)
            z <- c(obsDistHist$density, randDistHist$density)
            small <- min(z[z > 0])
            kl <- sum(obsDistHist$density * (log(obsDistHist$density + small) - log(randDistHist$density + small)))
        lofit <- loess(klDivs ~ obsVarGrid, span = 0.2)
        obsVarFineGrid <- seq(from = 0, to = 8, length = 1000)
        lofitFitted <- predict(lofit, obsVarFineGrid)
        argminKL <- obsVarFineGrid[which.min(lofitFitted)]
        expVarLogDisp <- trigamma((m - p)/2)
        dispPriorVar <- pmax(argminKL, 0.25)
        if (exists("oldRandomSeed")) {
            .Random.seed <<- oldRandomSeed
    if (m > p) {
        expVarLogDisp <- trigamma((m - p)/2)
        dispPriorVar <- pmax((varLogDispEsts - expVarLogDisp), 0.25)
    } else {
        dispPriorVar <- varLogDispEsts
        expVarLogDisp <- 0


vst <- function(x, ecs)
    stop("vst: Cannot find dispersion fit data! Fit dispersions first.")
  } else if(ecs@dispFunctionType[["fitType"]] != "parametric"){
    warning("vst cannot be performed without parametric dispersion fit. Using un-transformed data instead.")
  } else {
      ( 2 / ( sqrt(ecs@dispFitCoefs[1]) ) ) * 
         log( 2 * ecs@dispFitCoefs[1] * sqrt(x) + 
              2 * sqrt( ecs@dispFitCoefs[1] * ( ecs@dispFitCoefs[2] + 1 + ecs@dispFitCoefs[1] * x ) ) ) -
      ( 2 / ( sqrt(ecs@dispFitCoefs[1]) ) ) * 
         log( 2 * sqrt( ecs@dispFitCoefs[1] * ( ecs@dispFitCoefs[2] + 1 ) ) ) 

rmDepCols <- function(m) {
   q <- qr( m )
   if( q$rank < ncol(m) ){
      #Added functionality: pass on the "assign" attribute:
      out <- m[ , -q$pivot[ (q$rank+1) : ncol(m) ] ]
      attr(out,"assign") <- attr(m,"assign")[ -q$pivot[ (q$rank+1) : ncol(m) ] ]

logConditionalLikelihood <- function( disp, mm, y, muhat )
   # calculate the log likelihood:
   if(length(disp) != length(y)){
      disp <- rep(disp, length(y))

   ll <- sum( sapply( seq(along=y), function(i)
      dnbinom( y[i], mu=muhat[i], size=1/disp[i], log=TRUE ) ) )

   # transform the residuals, i.e., y - muhat, to the linear
   # predictor scale by multiplying them with the derivative
   # of the link function, i.e., by 1/muhat, and add this to the
   # linear predictors, log(muhat), to get the predictors that
   # are used in the IWLS regression
   z <- log(muhat) + ( y - muhat ) / muhat

   # the variance function of the NB is as follows
   v0 <- muhat + disp * muhat^2

   # transform the variance vector to linear predictor scale by
   # multiplying with the squared derivative of the link to
   # get the (reciprocal) weights for the IWLS
   w <- 1 / ( ( 1 / muhat )^2 * v0 )

   # All we need from the IRLS run is the QR decomposition of
   # its matrix
   qrres <- qr( mm*sqrt(w) )

   # from it, we extract we leverages and calculate the Cox-Reid
   # term:
   cr <- sum( log( abs( diag( qrres$qr )[ seq_len(qrres$rank) ] ) ) )

   # return the profile log likelihood:
   ll - cr

estimateFeatureDispersionFromRow <- function( ecs, i, modelFrame, mm , use.alternate.method  = TRUE ){
   stopifnot( inherits( ecs, "JunctionSeqCountSet" ) )
   if( all( is.na( sizeFactors( ecs ) )) ){
     stop("Please calculate size factors before estimating dispersions\n")
   count <- ecs@countVectors[i,]
   disp <- .1
   for( i in 1:10 ) {
     fit <- glmnb.fit( mm, count, dispersion = disp, offset = log( modelFrame$sizeFactor ) )
     olddisp <- disp
     disp <- exp( optimize( function(logalpha)
        logConditionalLikelihood( exp(logalpha), mm, count, fitted.values(fit) ), 
        log( c( 1e-11, 1e5 ) ), maximum=TRUE, tol=.01 )$maximum )
     if( abs( log(disp) - log(olddisp) ) < .03 )

constructModelFrame <- function( ecs ){
  stopifnot( inherits( ecs, "JunctionSeqCountSet" ) )
  modelFrame <- cbind(
     sample = sampleNames(ecs),
     design(ecs, drop=FALSE),
     sizeFactor = sizeFactors(ecs) )
  modelFrame <- rbind(
     cbind( modelFrame, countbin="this" ),
     cbind( modelFrame, countbin="others" ) )
  modelFrame$countbin <- factor(modelFrame$countbin, levels = c("this","others"))
  rownames(modelFrame) <- NULL
  return( modelFrame )

arrangeCoefs <- function( frm, mf, mm = model.matrix( frm, mf ), fit = NULL, insertValues = TRUE ) {

   if( is.null(fit) & insertValues )
      stop( "If fit==NULL, returnCoefValues must be FALSE" )
   if( !is.null(fit) )
      stopifnot( all( colnames(mm) == names(coefficients(fit)) ) )

   fctTbl <- attr( terms(frm), "factors" )

   coefIndicesList <- 
   lapply( seq_len(ncol(fctTbl)), function( fctTblCol ) {
      termName <- colnames(fctTbl)[ fctTblCol ]
      varsInTerm <- stringr::str_split( termName, stringr::fixed(":") )[[1]] 
      coefNames <- colnames(mm)[ attr( mm, "assign" ) == fctTblCol ]
      lvlTbl <- stringr::str_match( coefNames, 
         stringr::str_c( "^", stringr::str_c( varsInTerm, "([^:]*)", collapse=":" ), "$" ) )[ , -1, drop=FALSE ]
      stopifnot( ncol(lvlTbl) == length( varsInTerm ) )
      stopifnot( nrow(lvlTbl) == length( coefNames ) )
      if( !all( sapply( varsInTerm, function(v) is.factor(mf[[v]]) | is.character(mf[[v]]) ) ) )
         stop( "Non-factor in model frame" )

      varLevels <- lapply( varsInTerm, function(v) levels( factor( mf[[v]] ) ) ) 
      coefIndices <- array( NA_character_, dim = sapply( varLevels, length ), dimnames = varLevels )
      names( dimnames( coefIndices ) ) <- varsInTerm

      for( i in seq_len( nrow(lvlTbl) ) )
         coefIndices <- do.call( `[[<-`, c( quote(coefIndices), as.list( lvlTbl[ i, ] ), coefNames[i] ) )

   } )
   names( coefIndicesList ) <- colnames( fctTbl )

   if( attr( terms(frm), "intercept" ) ) {
      a <- array( c( `(Intercept)` = "(Intercept)" ) )
      dimnames(a) <- list( `(Intercept)` = c( "(Intercept)" ) )
      coefIndicesList <- c( list( `(Intercept)` = a ), coefIndicesList )

   if( !insertValues )
      ans <- coefIndicesList
      ans <- lapply( coefIndicesList, function(coefIndices) {
         a <- ifelse( is.na(coefIndices), 0, coefficients(fit)[ coefIndices ] )
         attr( a, "variables" ) <- attr( coefIndices, "variables" )
         a } )
   lapply( ans, function(x) 
      if( is.array(x) ) 
      else { 
         y <- array( x, dim=length(x) )
         attr( y, "variables" ) <- attr( x, "variables" )
         dimnames(y) <- list( names(x) )
         y } )

balanceFeatures <- function( coefs, dispersions ) {
   stopifnot( any( sapply( coefs, function(x) 
      identical( names(dimnames(x)), "(Intercept)" ) ) ) )
   termsWithFeature <- sapply( coefs, function(x) "countbin" %in% names(dimnames(x)) )
   meanMainEffect <- sum( sapply( coefs[!termsWithFeature], mean, na.rm=TRUE ) )
   meanExonEffects <- rowSums( sapply( coefs[termsWithFeature], function(x) 
      apply2( x, "countbin", mean, na.rm=TRUE ) ) )

   meanExonFittedValue <- exp( meanMainEffect + meanExonEffects )

   exonWeights <-  1 / ( dispersions + 1 / meanExonFittedValue )

   shifts <- lapply( coefs[termsWithFeature], function(x) { 
      nonExonDims <- which(  names(dimnames(x)) != "countbin" )
         vars = names(dimnames(x))[ nonExonDims ],
         wmeans = apply2( x, nonExonDims, weighted.mean, exonWeights) ) } )

   lapply( coefs, function(x) {
      nonExonVars <- names(dimnames(x))[ names(dimnames(x)) != "countbin" ]
      if( identical( nonExonVars, "(Intercept)" ) )
         whichShift <- which( sapply( shifts, function(xx) length( xx$vars ) == 0 ) )
         whichShift <- which( sapply( shifts, function(xx) identical( xx$vars, nonExonVars ) ) )
      if( length( whichShift ) == 0 )
         return( x )
      if( length( whichShift ) > 1 )
         stop( "Confused about selecting shift." )
      if( "countbin" %in% names(dimnames(x)) )
         x - shifts[[ whichShift ]]$wmeans
         x + shifts[[ whichShift ]]$wmeans
    } )


fitDispersionFunction_simpleMode <- function(jscs, verbose = TRUE){
     if(verbose) message("> fitDispersionFunction(): Fallback mode.")
     if(verbose) message("> fitDispersionFunction() Starting (",date(),")")
     stopifnot(is(jscs, "JunctionSeqCountSet"))
        stop("no CR dispersion estimations found, please first call estimateDispersions function")
     means <- fData(jscs)$baseMean
     disps <- fData(jscs)$dispBeforeSharing
     coefs <- c( .1, 1 )
     iter <- 0
     while(TRUE) {
        residuals <- disps / ( coefs[1] + coefs[2] / means )
        good <- which((residuals > 1e-4) & (residuals < 15))
        mm <- model.matrix(disps[good] ~ I(1/means[good]))

        #FIX ME! TEST ME! (Note: Done.)
        fit <- tryCatch({
            glmgam.fit(mm, disps[good], coef.start=coefs, maxit=250)
          }, warning = function(w){
            message("> fitDispersionFunction(): warning encountered in glmgam.fit (iteration ",iter,")\n    ",w)
            glmgam.fit(mm, disps[good], coef.start=coefs, maxit=250)
          }, error = function(e){
            message("> fitDispersionFunction(): Fatal Error encountered in glmgam.fit (iteration ",iter,")")
            message("> fitDispersionFunction(): Failed to fit the dispersion function!")

        oldcoefs <- coefs
        coefs <- coefficients(fit)

        if(verbose) message("> (Iteration ",iter,") Dispersion Coefs: [",coefs[1], ",", coefs[2],"]")
        if(coefs[1] < 0){
           coefs[1] <- 0
           message("> fitDispersionFunction(): warning encountered on iteration ",iter,":\n    Negative intercept value in the dispersion function, it will be set to 0. Check fit diagnostics plot section from the vignette.")

           warning("Negative intercept value in the dispersion function, it will be set to 0. Check fit diagnostics plot section from the vignette.")
        if( sum( log( coefs / oldcoefs )^2 ) < .005 )
        iter <- iter + 1
        if( iter > 25 ) {
           warning( "Dispersion fit did not converge." )
           break }
      if(verbose) message("> fitDispersionFunction(): Finished on iteration ",iter,". Dispersion Coefs: [",coefs[1], ",", coefs[2],"]")
      jscs@dispFitCoefs <- coefs
      fData(jscs)$dispFitted <- jscs@dispFitCoefs[1] + jscs@dispFitCoefs[2] / colMeans( t(counts(jscs))/sizeFactors(jscs) )
      fData(jscs)$dispersion <- pmin(
            na.rm = TRUE ),
            1e8 )   # 1e8 as an arbitrary way-too-large value to capture infinities
      jscs@dispFunctionType <- list(fitType = "parametric", 
                                    attemptedFitType = "parametric", 
                                    finalDispersionMethod = "max", 
                                    fitDispersionsForExonsAndJunctionsSeparately = FALSE)
      if(verbose) message("> fitDispersionFunction() Done. (",date(),")")

fitDispersionFunction_advancedMode <- function( jscs, 
                                                fitType = c("parametric", "local", "mean"), 
                                                finalDispersionMethod = c("shrink","max","fitted","noShare"),
                                                fitDispersionsForExonsAndJunctionsSeparately = TRUE, 
                                                nCores = 1,
                                                verbose = TRUE){
   minDisp <- 1e-8; # 1e8 as an arbitrary way-too-small value to capture infinities
   minFitDisp <- minDisp * 100
   if(verbose) message("> fitDispersionFunction() Starting (",date(),")")
   fitType <- match.arg(fitType)
   finalDispersionMethod <- match.arg(finalDispersionMethod)
   if(verbose) message(">   (fitType = ",fitType,")")
   if(verbose) message(">   (finalDispersionMethod = ",finalDispersionMethod,")")
   if(verbose) message(">   (fitDispersionsForExonsAndJunctionsSeparately = ",fitDispersionsForExonsAndJunctionsSeparately,")")
   stopifnot(is(jscs, "JunctionSeqCountSet"))
      stop("no CR dispersion estimations found, please first call estimateDispersions function")
   means <- fData(jscs)$baseMean
   disps <- fData(jscs)$dispBeforeSharing
   useForFit <- f.na(disps > minFitDisp) & (! fData(jscs)$allZero)
   isExon <- fData(jscs)$featureType == "exonic_part"
   message("min(means[useForFit], na.rm=T)=",min(means[useForFit], na.rm=TRUE))
   if((! any(isExon)) | (! any(! isExon))){
     fitDispersionsForExonsAndJunctionsSeparately <- FALSE
   if(sum(useForFit) == 0){
     stop("No loci found with dispersion > ",minFitDisp, ". dispersion fit failed!")
   if(sum(useForFit & isExon) == 0 & fitDispersionsForExonsAndJunctionsSeparately){
     stop("No exonic regions found with dispersion > ",minFitDisp, ". dispersion fit failed!")
   if(sum(useForFit & (! isExon)) == 0 & fitDispersionsForExonsAndJunctionsSeparately){
     stop("No splice junctions found with dispersion > ",minFitDisp, ". dispersion fit failed!")
   if(verbose) message(">    fdf: Fitting dispersions:")
   dispFunction <- adapted.estimateDispersionsFit(means = means[useForFit], disps = disps[useForFit], fitType = fitType, quiet = ! verbose)
   jscs@dispFunction <- dispFunction
   if(attr(dispFunction,"fitType") == "parametric") jscs@dispFitCoefs <- attr(jscs@dispFunction,"coefficients")
     if(verbose) message(">    fdf: Fitting dispersions of exons and junctions to separate fitted trends.")
     if(verbose) message(">    fdf: Fitting exon dispersions:")
     useCols <- useForFit & isExon
     dispFunctionExon <- adapted.estimateDispersionsFit(means = means[useCols],disps = disps[useCols], fitType = fitType, quiet = ! verbose)
     if(verbose) message(">    fdf: Fitting splice-junction dispersions:")
     useCols <- useForFit & (! isExon)
     dispFunctionJct  <- adapted.estimateDispersionsFit(means = means[useCols],disps = disps[useCols], fitType = fitType, quiet = ! verbose)

     jscs@dispFunctionExon <- dispFunctionExon
     jscs@dispFunctionJct  <- dispFunctionJct

     fData(jscs)$dispFitted <- ifelse(isExon,
   } else {
     if(verbose) message(">    fdf: Fitting exons and junctions dispersions together to a single fitted trend.")
     fData(jscs)$dispFitted <- jscs@dispFunction(means)
   if(finalDispersionMethod == "max"){
      if(verbose) message("> fdf(): Using the higher of the fitted or feature-specific dispersion estimates.")
      fData(jscs)$dispersion <- pmin(
              na.rm = TRUE 
   } else if(finalDispersionMethod == "shrink"){
      if(verbose) message("> fdf(): 'Shrinking' fitted and feature-specific dispersion estimates.")
      fData(jscs)$dispersion <- NA
        resultsListExon <- adapted.estimateDispersionsMAP( jscs = jscs, 
                                               useRows = (isExon) & fData(jscs)$testable,
                                               verbose = verbose)
        resultsListJct <- adapted.estimateDispersionsMAP( jscs = jscs, 
                                               useRows = (! isExon) & fData(jscs)$testable,
                                               verbose = verbose)
        fData(jscs)$dispersion[(isExon) & fData(jscs)$testable]   <- resultsListExon[["dispersion"]]
        fData(jscs)$dispersion[(! isExon) & fData(jscs)$testable] <- resultsListJct[["dispersion"]]
      } else {
        resultsList <- adapted.estimateDispersionsMAP( jscs = jscs, 
                                               useRows = fData(jscs)$testable,
                                               verbose = verbose)
        fData(jscs)$dispersion[fData(jscs)$testable] <- resultsList[["dispersion"]]
   } else if(finalDispersionMethod == "fitted"){
      if(verbose) message("> fdf(): Using fitted dispersion estimates. (NOTE: NOT RECOMMENDED!)")
      fData(jscs)$dispersion <- pmin(fData(jscs)$dispFitted,1e8)
   } else if(finalDispersionMethod == "noShare"){
      if(verbose) message("> fdf(): Using feature-specific dispersion estimates. (NOTE: NOT RECOMMENDED!)")
      fData(jscs)$dispersion <- pmin(fData(jscs)$dispBeforeSharing,1e8)

   jscs@dispFunctionType <- list(fitType = attr(dispFunction,"fitType"), 
                                 attemptedFitType = fitType,
                                 finalDispersionMethod = finalDispersionMethod,
                                 fitDispersionsForExonsAndJunctionsSeparately = fitDispersionsForExonsAndJunctionsSeparately)
   failedDisp <- is.na(fData(jscs)$dispersion) & fData(jscs)$testable
   if(verbose) message("> fdf() Dispersion estimate failed for ",sum(failedDisp)," out of ",sum(fData(jscs)$testable)," features.")
   if(verbose) message("> fitDispersionFunction() Done. (",date(),")")

#This code is taken from DESeq2 (which is licensed under the Lesser-GPL v3), but adapted to work with our data structures:
adapted.estimateDispersionsFit <- function(means, disps, fitType = c("parametric", "local", "mean"),  minDisp = 1e-08, quiet = FALSE) {
    fitType <- match.arg(fitType)
    stopifnot(length(fitType) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(minDisp) == 1)
    if (fitType == "parametric") {
        trial <- try(dispFunction <- adapted.parametricDispersionFit(means, disps, quiet))
        if (inherits(trial, "try-error")) {
            warning("the parametric fit of dispersion estimates over the mean of counts\nfailed, which occurs when the trend is not well captured by the\nfunction y = a/x + b. A local regression fit is automatically performed,\nand the analysis can continue. You can specify fitType='local' or 'mean'\nto avoid this message if re-running the same data.\nWhen using local regression fit, the user should examine plotDispEsts(dds)\nto make sure the fitted line is not sharply curving up or down based on\nthe position of individual points.")
            fitType <- "local"
    if (fitType == "local") {
        dispFunction <- adapted.localDispersionFit(means = means, 
                                           disps = disps, minDisp = minDisp)
    if (fitType == "mean") {
        #useForMean <- disps > 10 * minDisp
        meanDisp <- mean(means, 
                         na.rm = TRUE, trim = 0.05)
        dispFunction <- function(means) meanDisp
    if (!(fitType %in% c("parametric", "local", "mean"))) {
        stop("unknown fitType")
    attr(dispFunction, "fitType") <- fitType
    varLogDispEsts <- mad(log(disps) - log(dispFunction(means)), na.rm = TRUE)^2
    attr( dispFunction, "varLogDispEsts" ) <- varLogDispEsts
# Estimate a parametric fit of dispersion to the mean intensity
adapted.parametricDispersionFit <- function( means, disps, quiet = FALSE ) {
   coefs <- c( .1, 1 )
   iter <- 0
   while(TRUE) {
      residuals <- disps / ( coefs[1] + coefs[2] / means )
      good <- which( (residuals > 1e-4) & (residuals < 15) )
      # check for glm convergence below to exit while-loop
      suppressWarnings({fit <- glm( disps[good] ~ I(1/means[good]),
         family=Gamma(link="identity"), start=coefs )})
      oldcoefs <- coefs
      coefs <- coefficients(fit)
      if ( !all( coefs > 0 ) )
         stop(simpleError("parametric dispersion fit failed"))
      if ( ( sum( log( coefs / oldcoefs )^2 ) < 1e-6 )  & fit$converged )
      iter <- iter + 1
      if(! quiet) message(">       (Iteration ",iter,") Parametric Dispersion Coefs: [",coefs[1], ",", coefs[2],"]")
      if ( iter > 25 ) 
        stop(simpleError("dispersion fit did not converge"))
   if(! quiet)    message(">       (FINAL) Parametric Dispersion Coefs: [",coefs[1], ",", coefs[2],"]")
   names( coefs ) <- c( "asymptDisp", "extraPois" )
   ans <- function(q) coefs[1] + coefs[2] / q
   attr( ans, "coefficients" ) <- coefs
# Local fit of dispersion to the mean intensity
# fitting is done on log dispersion, log mean scale
adapted.localDispersionFit <- function( means, disps, minDisp ) {
  if (all(disps < minDisp*10)) {
  d <- data.frame(logDisps = log(disps), logMeans = log(means))
  #message("starting locfit")
  fit <- locfit(logDisps ~ logMeans, data=d[disps >= minDisp*10,,drop=FALSE],
                weights = means[disps >= minDisp*10])
  #message("locfit generated.")
  dispFunction <- function(means) {
    keep <- ! ( is.infinite(log(means)) | is.na(means) | is.nan(means) )
    out <- rep(NA,length(means))
    out[keep] <- exp(predict(fit, data.frame(logMeans=log(means[keep]))))

fitDispersionFunctionHelper_SIMPLE <- function(means, disps,  quiet = FALSE){
   verbose <- ! quiet
   coefs <- c( .1, 1 )
   iter <- 0
   while(TRUE) {
      residuals <- disps / ( coefs[1] + coefs[2] / means )
      good <- which((residuals > 1e-4) & (residuals < 15))
      mm <- model.matrix(disps[good] ~ I(1/means[good]))
      fit <- tryCatch({
          glmgam.fit(mm, disps[good], coef.start=coefs, maxit=250)
        }, warning = function(w){
          message(">      fitDispersionFunction(): warning encountered in glmgam.fit (iteration ",iter,")\n    ",w)
          glmgam.fit(mm, disps[good], coef.start=coefs, maxit=250)
        }, error = function(e){
          message(">     fitDispersionFunction(): Fatal Error encountered in glmgam.fit (iteration ",iter,")")
          message(">     fitDispersionFunction(): Failed to fit the dispersion function!")
      oldcoefs <- coefs
      coefs <- coefficients(fit)
      if(verbose) message(">     (Iteration ",iter,") Dispersion Coefs: [",coefs[1], ",", coefs[2],"]")
      if(coefs[1] < 0){
        coefs[1] <- 0
        message(">     fitDispersionFunction(): warning encountered on iteration ",iter,":\n    Negative intercept value in the dispersion function, it will be set to 0. Check fit diagnostics plot section from the vignette.")
        warning("Negative intercept value in the dispersion function, it will be set to 0. Check fit diagnostics plot section from the vignette.")
      if( sum( log( coefs / oldcoefs )^2 ) < .005 )
      iter <- iter + 1
      if( iter > 25 ) {
        warning( "Dispersion fit did not converge." )
    if(verbose) message("> fitDispersionFunction(): Finished on iteration ",iter,". Dispersion Coefs: [",coefs[1], ",", coefs[2],"]")
    return( function(m){
      coefs[1] + coefs[2] / m

estimatelog2FoldChanges <- function(ecs, fitExpToVar="condition", denominator="", getOnlyEffects=FALSE, averageOutExpression=TRUE, nCores=1, quiet=FALSE, file="", estimate.fc.using.genewide.model = TRUE)
   myApply <- getMyApply(nCores)
   stopifnot(is(ecs, "JunctionSeqCountSet"))
      stop("Please estimate sizeFactors first\n")}
   if(!fitExpToVar %in% ecs@designColumns){
      stop("fitExpToVar parameter is not in the design columns, double check ecs@designColumns")}

   if(! estimate.fc.using.genewide.model){

   } else {
        stop("No dispersion parameters found, first call function estimateDispersions...\n")
     frm <- as.formula(paste("count ~", fitExpToVar,  "* countbin"))
     testablegenes <- as.character(unique(fData(ecs)[which(fData(ecs)$testable),]$geneID))

     geteffects <- function(geneID){
       coefficients <- fitAndArrangeCoefs(ecs, geneID=geneID, frm, balanceFeatures=TRUE)
       if( is.null( coefficients ) ){
       ret <- t(getEffectsForPlotting(coefficients, averageOutExpression=averageOutExpression, groupingVar=fitExpToVar))
       rownames(ret) <- paste(geneID, rownames(ret), sep=":")
     alleffects <- myApply( testablegenes, function(x){geteffects(x)})

      names(alleffects) <- testablegenes
      alleffects <- do.call(rbind, alleffects)
      alleffects <- vst(exp( alleffects ), ecs)
      toadd <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(ecs), ncol=ncol(alleffects))
      rownames(toadd) <- featureNames(ecs)

      if( getOnlyEffects ){
         colnames(toadd) <- colnames(alleffects)
         toadd[rownames(alleffects), colnames(alleffects)] <- alleffects
         if( denominator == "" ){
            denominator <- as.character(levels(design(ecs,drop=FALSE)[[fitExpToVar]])[1])
         stopifnot( any( colnames(alleffects) %in% denominator ) )
         denoCol <- which(colnames(alleffects) == denominator)
         alleffects <- log2(alleffects / alleffects[,denoCol])
         colnames(alleffects) <- sprintf("log2fold(%s/%s)", colnames(alleffects), denominator)
         colnames(toadd) <- colnames(alleffects)
         alleffects <- alleffects[,-denoCol, drop=FALSE]
         toadd <- toadd[,-denoCol, drop=FALSE]
         toadd[rownames(alleffects), colnames(alleffects)] <- alleffects

      fData(ecs) <- cbind(fData(ecs), toadd)

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JunctionSeq documentation built on April 28, 2020, 7:57 p.m.