
Defines functions MDMix simMD makeHessianRespComponent makeHessianHalfComponent makeHessianNULLComponent makeGradientRespComponent makeGradientHalfComponent makeGradientNULLComponent makeLogLikeRespComponent makeLogLikeNULLComponent lkbeta

Documented in MDMix

# TODO: Implements the multinomial-dirichelt model for two cytokines Author: Greg
# Finak

# Observed data n.stim - vector of counts from the stimulated sample n.unstim -
# vector of counts from the unstimulated sample alpha.unstim alpha.stim

lkbeta <- function(alpha) {
    sum(lgamma(alpha)) - lgamma(sum(alpha))

makeLogLikeNULLComponent <- function(data.stim, data.unstim) {
    data <- data.stim + data.unstim
    ll <- function(x) {
        a <- x[(length(x)/2 + 1):length(x)]
        apply(data, 1, function(y) lkbeta(y + a)) - lkbeta(a)  #-
        # rowSums(lfactorial(data.stim))-rowSums(lfactorial(data.unstim))+lfactorial(rowSums(data.stim))+lfactorial(rowSums(data.unstim))
makeLogLikeRespComponent <- function(data.stim, data.unstim) {
    ll <- function(x) {
        a <- x[(length(x)/2 + 1):length(x)]
        b <- x[1:(length(x)/2)]
        apply(data.stim, 1, function(y) lkbeta(y + b)) + apply(data.unstim, 1, function(y) lkbeta(y + 
            a)) - lkbeta(b) - lkbeta(a)  #-
        # rowSums(lfactorial(data.stim))-rowSums(lfactorial(data.unstim))+lfactorial(rowSums(data.stim))+lfactorial(rowSums(data.unstim))

makeGradientNULLComponent <- function(data.stim, data.unstim, z = NULL) {
    data <- data.stim + data.unstim
    if (is.null(z)) {
        z <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(data.unstim), ncol = 2)
    grad <- function(x) {
        x <- x[(ncol(data.stim) + 1):(ncol(data.stim) * 2)]
        gr <- (t(digamma(sum(x)) - digamma(colSums((t(data) + x))) + digamma(t(x + 
            t(data)))) - digamma(x))
        gr <- gr %*% z[, 1]
        return(c(rep(0, ncol(data.stim)), gr))
makeGradientHalfComponent <- function(data, z = NULL) {
    if (is.null(z)) {
        z <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = 1)
    grad <- function(x) {
        gr <- (t(digamma(sum(x)) - digamma(colSums((t(data) + x))) + (digamma(t(x + 
            t(data))))) - digamma(x))
        gr %*% as.vector(z)

makeGradientRespComponent <- function(data.stim, data.unstim, z = NULL) {
    stim.ind <- 1:ncol(data.stim)
    unstim.ind <- (ncol(data.stim) + 1):(ncol(data.stim) * 2)
    if (is.null(z)) {
        z <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(data.stim), ncol = 2)
    gs <- makeGradientHalfComponent(data.stim, z = z[, 2])
    gu <- makeGradientHalfComponent(data.unstim, z = z[, 2])
    grad <- function(x) {
        c(gs(x[stim.ind]), gu(x[unstim.ind]))

makeHessianNULLComponent <- function(data.stim, data.unstim, z = NULL) {
    data <- data.stim + data.unstim
    if (is.null(z)) {
        z <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(data.unstim), ncol = 2)
    hess <- function(x) {
        x <- x[(ncol(data.stim) + 1):(ncol(data.stim) * 2)]
        H <- (trigamma(sum(x)) - trigamma(colSums(t(data) + x)))
        D <- (trigamma(x + t(data)) - trigamma(x))
        HH <- matrix(0, ncol(data) * 2, ncol(data) * 2)
        H <- sapply(1:length(H), function(i) {
            D[, i] <- D[, i] + H[i]
            M <- matrix(0, ncol(data) * 2, ncol(data) * 2)
            inds <- (ncol(data.stim) + 1):(ncol(data.stim) * 2)
            M[inds, inds] <- H[i]
            diag(M) <- c(rep(0, ncol(data)), D[, i])
            list(M * z[i, 1])
        for (i in seq_along(H)) {
            HH <- HH + H[[i]]

makeHessianHalfComponent <- function(data, z = NULL) {
    if (is.null(z)) {
        z <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = 1)
    hess <- function(x) {
        H <- (trigamma(sum(x)) - trigamma(colSums(t(data) + x)))
        D <- (trigamma(x + t(data)) - trigamma(x))
        HH <- matrix(0, ncol(data), ncol(data))
        H <- sapply(1:length(H), function(i) {
            D[, i] <- D[, i] + H[i]
            M <- matrix(H[i], ncol(data), ncol(data))
            diag(M) <- D[, i]
            list(M * z[i])
        for (i in seq_along(H)) {
            HH <- HH + H[[i]]

makeHessianRespComponent <- function(data.stim, data.unstim, z = NULL) {
    stim.ind <- 1:ncol(data.stim)
    unstim.ind <- (ncol(data.stim) + 1):(ncol(data.stim) * 2)
    if (is.null(z)) {
        z <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(data.stim), ncol = 2)
    hs <- makeHessianHalfComponent(data.stim, z[, 2])
    hu <- makeHessianHalfComponent(data.unstim, z[, 2])
    hess <- function(x) {
        H <- matrix(0, nrow = length(c(stim.ind, unstim.ind)), ncol = length(c(stim.ind, 
        H[stim.ind, stim.ind] <- hs(x[stim.ind])
        H[unstim.ind, unstim.ind] <- hu(x[unstim.ind])

#'@importFrom MCMCpack rdirichlet
simMD <- function(alpha.s = c(100, 50, 10, 10), alpha.u = c(100, 10, 10, 10), N = 100, 
    w = 0.5, n = 2, alternative = "greater") {
    nnull <- round((1 - w) * N)
    nresp <- N - round((1 - w) * N)
    pu <- rdirichlet(nnull, alpha.u)
    if (nnull > 0) {
        ps <- pu
    } else {
        # empty matrix when all responders
        ps <- matrix(ncol = length(alpha.s), nrow = 0)
    i <- nnull + 1
    ps <- rbind(ps, matrix(0, nrow = nresp, ncol = length(alpha.s)))
    pu <- rbind(pu, matrix(0, nrow = nresp, ncol = length(alpha.u)))
    if (alternative == "greater") {
        while (i <= nnull + nresp) {
            p.s <- rdirichlet(1, alpha.s)
            p.u <- rdirichlet(1, alpha.u)
            if (any(p.s[-1L] > p.u[-1L])) {
                ps[i, ] <- p.s
                pu[i, ] <- p.u
                i <- i + 1
    } else {
        p.s <- rdirichlet(nresp, alpha.s)
        p.u <- rdirichlet(nresp, alpha.u)
        i <- (nnull + 1):(nnull + nresp)
        ps[i, ] <- p.s
        pu[i, ] <- p.u
    NU <- runif(N, 1.5 * 10^n, 1.5 * 10^n)
    NS <- runif(N, 1.5 * 10^n, 1.5 * 10^n)
    nu <- t(sapply(seq_along(1:N), function(i) rmultinom(1, NU[i], pu[i, ])))
    ns <- t(sapply(seq_along(1:N), function(i) rmultinom(1, NS[i], ps[i, ])))
    data <- list(n.stim = ns, n.unstim = nu)

#' EM fitting of the Multinomial Dirichlet MIMOSA model.
#' This function fits the multinomial dirichelt MIMOSA model using EM. It can also be used to initialize the model parameters for the MCMC model.
#' @param data The observed data
#' @param modelmatrix a model matrix specifying which components should be computed
#' @param alternative either 'greater' or 'not equal' to fit the one-sided or two-sided model.
#' @param initonly \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} to return just the initialization parameters.
#' @return An object of class \code{MDMixResult}
#' @author Greg Finak
#' TODO filtering of pu>ps needs to be corrected here.
MDMix <- function(data = NULL, modelmatrix = NULL, alternative = "greater", initonly = FALSE) {
    data <- icsdata2mvicsdata(data)
    unstim <- data$n.unstim
    stim <- data$n.stim
    match.arg(alternative, c("greater", "not equal"))
    if (alternative == "greater") {
        alternative <- "greater"
        filt <- apply(stim, 1, function(x) prop.table(x)[2]) < apply(unstim, 1, function(x) prop.table(x)[2])
    } else if (alternative == "not equal") {
        alternative <- "two.sided"
        filt <- rep(FALSE, nrow(stim))
    # fisher's exact test of all the marginals
    if (ncol(unstim) > 2) {
        # TODO double check that Fisher's gives the right result here for one sided test
        mm <- do.call(cbind, lapply(2:ncol(unstim), function(i) apply(cbind(rowSums(unstim[, 
            -i]), unstim[, i], rowSums(stim[, -i]), stim[, i]), 1, function(x) fisher.test(matrix(x, 
            2), alternative = alternative)$p.value)))
        mm <- matrix(p.adjust(mm, "fdr") < 0.05, ncol = ncol(unstim) - 1)
        # returns all non-significant
        mm <- apply(mm, 1, function(x) all(!x))
    } else {
        # two-D case
        mm <- sapply(1:nrow(unstim), function(i) fisher.test(matrix(unlist(c(unstim[i, 
            ], stim[i, ])), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), alternative = alternative)$p.value)
        mm <- p.adjust(mm, "fdr") < 0.05
        mm <- !mm
    # observations with no significant marginals belong to the null component.
    # The rest are from the responder component construct the z-matrix
    z <- matrix(0, length(mm), 2)
    z[mm, 1] <- 1
    z[!mm, 2] <- 1
    #If all non-response by Fisher, set a random starting point
     # alpha.s<-alpha.u #equal alpha.s and alpha.u
    #Hyperparameter estimation for 2-d
      # estimate hyperparamters.
      pu <- prop.table(colMeans(unstim))
      ps <- prop.table(colMeans(stim[which(z[, 2] == 1), , drop = FALSE]))
	## Fix.. stim and unstim may have all 0s in response.. need to fudge here if that happens.
      alpha.u <- round(colMeans(unstim))
      alpha.s <- round(colMeans(stim[which(z[, 2] == 1), , drop = FALSE]))
    if (any(is.nan(alpha.s))) 
        alpha.s[is.nan(alpha.s)] <- 1
    if (any(is.nan(alpha.u))) 
        alpha.u[is.nan(alpha.u)] <- 1
    alpha.s[alpha.s == 0] <- 1
    alpha.u[alpha.u == 0] <- 1
    guess <- c(ps, pu)
    w <- colSums(z)/sum(z)
    if (initonly) {
        return(list(q = w[1], z = z, alpha.s = alpha.s, alpha.u = alpha.u))
    # EM
    LL <- NULL
    repeat {
        if (is.null(LL)) {
            last <- .Machine$double.xmax
        # update parameters
        llnull <- makeLogLikeNULLComponent(stim, unstim)
        llresp <- makeLogLikeRespComponent(stim, unstim)
        gnull <- makeGradientNULLComponent(stim, unstim, z)
        gresp <- makeGradientRespComponent(stim, unstim, z)
        hessnull <- makeHessianNULLComponent(stim, unstim, z)
        hessresp <- makeHessianRespComponent(stim, unstim, z)
        iter <- 2
        ll <- rep(0, 1000)
        # make negative
        ll[1] <- .Machine$double.xmax
        lastguess <- guess
        step <- 0.5
        repeat {
            t <- try(solve(hessresp(guess) + hessnull(guess), gnull(guess) + gresp(guess)), 
                silent = TRUE)
            if (inherits(t, "try-error")) 
                t <- try(ginv(hessresp(guess) + hessnull(guess)) %*% (gnull(guess) + 
                  gresp(guess)), silent = TRUE)  #uses SVD
            if (inherits(t, "try-error")) {
                H <- hessresp(guess) + hessnull(guess)
                G <- gresp(guess) + gnull(guess)
                H <- H + G %*% t(G)
                t <- try(solve(H) %*% G, silent = TRUE)
            if (inherits(t, "try-error")) {
                stop("Hessian not positive definite. Trying MCMC")
            new <- guess - step*t
            ll[iter] <- -sum(llnull(new) * z[, 1] + llresp(new) * z[, 2])
            # put a limit on the number of iterations here
            piter <- 1
            while (((ll[iter - 1] - ll[iter]) < 1e-01) & piter < 4) {
                step <- step/2
                new <-  guess - step*t
                ll[iter] <- -sum(llnull(new) * z[, 1] + llresp(new) * z[, 2])
                piter <- piter + 1
            if ((sum(abs(new - guess)/abs(guess)) < 1e-01) | (iter > 999)) {
                guess <- new
                if (any(guess < 0)) {
                  warning("Parameter estimates became negative!")
            guess <- new
            iter <- iter + 1
        den <- apply(cbind(log(w[1]) + llnull(new), log(w[2]) + llresp(new)), 1, 
            function(x) log(sum(exp(x - max(x)))) + max(x))
        z2 <- exp((llresp(new) + log(w[2])) - (den))
        if (any(filt) & alternative == "greater") {
            ## Fix z's for pu>ps when alternative is greater
            z2[filt] <- 0
        z <- cbind(1 - z2, z2)
        w <- colSums(z)/sum(z)
        cll <- -sum(sapply((llnull(new) + log(w[1])) * z[, 1], function(x) ifelse(is.nan(x), 
            0, x)) + sapply((llresp(new) + log(w[2])) * z[, 2], function(x) ifelse(is.nan(x), 
            0, x)))
        if ((abs((last - cll)) < 0.01) & cll >= last) {
        LL <- c(LL, cll)
        # cat(cll,'\n')
        last <- cll
    gnull <- makeGradientNULLComponent(stim, unstim, z)
    gresp <- makeGradientRespComponent(stim, unstim, z)
    hessnull <- makeHessianNULLComponent(stim, unstim, z)
    hessresp <- makeHessianRespComponent(stim, unstim, z)
    if (any(new < 0)) {
        warning("Failed to converge: negative parameter estimates")
        m <- "Failed to converge: negative parameter estimates"
        class(m) <- "try-error"
    return(new("MDMixResult", llnull = llnull, llresp = llresp, gresp = gresp, hresp = hessresp, 
        gnull = gnull, w = w, hnull = hessnull, z = z, ll = LL, par.stim = new[1:(length(new)/2)], 
        par.unstim = new[(length(new)/2 + 1):length(new)], data = data))

# #' extracts bifunctional cytokine data from and ICS object given the two
# marginals (A, B) and A||B for stimualted and unstimulated. Used for the
# multinomial dirichlet model. ORDER OF CYTOKINES MATTERS!  #' @param ics #'
# @param cytokineA #' @param cytokineB #' @param or #' @param stim #' @param
# control #' @param subset #' @param shrink #' @param scl #' @returnType #'
# @return #' @author Greg Finak #' @export
# extractDataMultinomDir<-function(ics=NULL,cytokineA=NULL,cytokineB=NULL,or=NULL,stim=NULL,control=NULL,subset=NULL,shrink=1,scl=1){
# if(any(c(is.null(ics),is.null(cytokineA),is.null(stim),is.null(cytokineB),is.null(or),is.null(control),is.null(subset)))){
# stop('All arguments must be non--null'); }
# A<-extractData(ics,control=control,stim=stim,subset=c(subset,cytokineA))
# B<-extractData(ics,control=control,stim=stim,subset=c(subset,cytokineB))
# OR<-extractData(ics,control=control,stim=stim,subset=c(subset,or)) AND<-A+B-OR
# AND[,'Ns']<-A[,'Ns']+A[,'ns']-AND[,'ns']
# AND[,'Nu']<-A[,'Nu']+A[,'nu']-AND[,'nu'] ds<-AND[,'ns'] bs<-A[,'ns']-AND[,'ns']
# cs<-B[,'ns']-ds as<-A[,'Ns']-cs du<-AND[,'nu'] bu<-A[,'nu']-AND[,'nu']
# cu<-B[,'nu']-du au<-A[,'Nu']-cu
# n.unstim<-cbind('u1'=au,'u2'=bu,'u3'=cu,'u4'=du)
# n.stim<-cbind('s1'=as,'s2'=bs,'s3'=cs,'s4'=ds) ##rownames
# rownames(n.unstim)<-rownames(A) rownames(n.stim)<-rownames(A)
# r<-(list(n.stim,n.unstim)) names(r)<-c('n.stim','n.unstim')
# attr(r,'cytokines')<-c(cytokineA,cytokineB) attr(r,'subset')<-subset
# attr(r,'stim')<-stim class(r)<-c('list','MDlist') return(r) }

# setOldClass('MDlist') setMethod(show,'MDlist',function(object){ cat('Cytokines
# ',attr(object,'cytokines'),'\n') cat('Stimulation ',attr(object,'stim'),'\n')
# cat('Subset ', attr(object,'subset'),'\n') cat('Number of obs:
# ',nrow(object[[1]]),'\n') }) print.MDlist<-function(x,...){ cat('Cytokines
# ',attr(x,'cytokines'),'\n') cat('Stimulation ',attr(x,'stim'),'\n')
# cat('Subset ', attr(x,'subset'),'\n') cat(nrow(x[[1]]),' observations','\n')
# } 

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