
### R code from vignette source 'MotIV.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: options
options(prompt = " ", continue = " ", width = 85)

### code chunk number 2: loading MotIV
path <- system.file(package="MotIV")

### code chunk number 3: Load the database
jaspar <- readPWMfile(paste(path,"/extdata/jaspar2010.txt",sep=""))

### code chunk number 4: Load database scores
jaspar.scores <- readDBScores(paste(path,"/extdata/jaspar2010_PCC_SWU.scores",sep=""))

### code chunk number 5: Read input PWM
example.motifs <- readPWMfile(paste(path,"/extdata/example_motifs.txt",sep=""))

### code chunk number 6: start the analysis
example.jaspar <- motifMatch(inputPWM=example.motifs,align="SWU",cc="PCC",database=jaspar,DBscores=jaspar.scores,top=5)

### code chunk number 7: Viewresults
plot(example.jaspar[1:4],ncol=2,top=5, cex=0.8)

### code chunk number 8: Viewresults
foxa1.filter <- setFilter(tfname="FOXA")
ap1.filter <- setFilter(tfname="AP1")
foxa1.ap1.filter <- foxa1.filter | ap1.filter
example.filter <- filter(example.jaspar,foxa1.ap1.filter, exact=F)

### code chunk number 9: loading MotIV package (eval = FALSE)
## library(MotIV) 

### code chunk number 10: load DB
 jaspar <- readPWMfile(paste(path,"/extdata/jaspar2010.txt",sep=""))

### code chunk number 11: generate scores (eval = FALSE)
## jaspar.scores <- generateDBScores(inputDB=jaspar,cc="PCC",align="SWU",nRand=1000)

### code chunk number 12: write scores (eval = FALSE)
## writeDBScores(jaspar.scores,paste(path,"/extdata/jaspar_PCC_SWU.scores",sep=""))

### code chunk number 13: read scores
jaspar.scores <- readDBScores(paste(path,"/extdata/jaspar2010_PCC_SWU.scores",sep=""))

### code chunk number 14: load gadem object
load(paste(path, "/data/FOXA1_rGADEM.rda", sep = ""))
motifs <- getPWM(gadem)

### code chunk number 15: load gadem file
motifs.gadem <- readGademPWMFile(paste(path,"/extdata/observedPWMs.txt",sep=""))

### code chunk number 16: load transfac file
motifs.example <- readPWMfile(paste(path,"/extdata/example_motifs.txt",sep=""))

### code chunk number 17: trim input
motifs.trimed <- lapply(motifs,trimPWMedge, threshold=1)

### code chunk number 18: motiv analysis
foxa1.analysis.jaspar <- motifMatch(inputPWM=motifs,align="SWU",cc="PCC",database=jaspar,DBscores=jaspar.scores,top=5)

### code chunk number 19: motiv analysis shot
foxa1.analysis.jaspar <- motifMatch(motifs)

### code chunk number 20: motiv summary
summary(foxa1.analysis.jaspar )

### code chunk number 21: setFilter
f.foxa1<- setFilter( tfname="FOXA1", top=3, evalueMax=10^-5)
f.ap1 <- setFilter (tfname="AP1", top=3)

### code chunk number 22: operators
f.foxa1.ap1 <- f.foxa1 | f.ap1 

### code chunk number 23: filter
foxa1.filter <- filter(foxa1.analysis.jaspar, f.foxa1.ap1, exact=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)

### code chunk number 24: split
foxa1.split <- split(foxa1.analysis.jaspar, c(f.foxa1, f.ap1) , drop=FALSE, exact=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)

### code chunk number 25: combine
foxa1.filter.combine <- combineMotifs(foxa1.filter, c(f.foxa1, f.ap1), exact=FALSE, name=c("FOXA1", "AP1"), verbose=TRUE)

### code chunk number 26: motiv_plotMotiv
plot(foxa1.filter.combine ,ncol=2,top=5, rev=FALSE, main="Logo", bysim=TRUE)

### code chunk number 27: motiv alignment
foxa1.alignment <- viewAlignments(foxa1.filter.combine )
print(foxa1.alignment[[1]] )

### code chunk number 28: motiv_plotDistribution
plot(foxa1.filter.combine ,gadem,ncol=2, type="distribution", correction=TRUE, group=FALSE, bysim=TRUE, strand=FALSE, sort=TRUE, main="Distribution of FOXA")

### code chunk number 29: motiv_plotDistance
plot(foxa1.filter.combine ,gadem,type="distance", correction=TRUE, group=TRUE, bysim=TRUE, main="Distance between FOXA and AP-1", strand=FALSE, xlim=c(-100,100), bw=8)

### code chunk number 30: rangedData
################################################### <- exportAsGRanges(foxa1.filter.combine["FOXA1"], gadem) <- exportAsGRanges(foxa1.filter.combine["AP1"], gadem)

### code chunk number 31: motiv save
save(foxa1.filter.combine, file="foxa1_analysis.rda")

### code chunk number 32: motiv exportAsTransfacFile (eval = FALSE)
## exportAsTransfacFile(foxa1.filter.combine, file="foxa1_analysis")

### code chunk number 33: bedfile (eval = FALSE)
## library(rtracklayer)
## export(, file="FOXA.bed")

### code chunk number 34: viewMotifs
viewMotifs(foxa1.filter.combine, n=5)

### code chunk number 35: names

### code chunk number 36: similar

### code chunk number 37: select
foxa1.selected <- foxa1.filter.combine["FOXA1"]
other.selected <- foxa1.filter.combine["FOXA1", drop=T]

### code chunk number 38: select number
foxa1.names <- names(foxa1.filter.combine["FOXA1"])

### code chunk number 39: as_data_frame

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MotIV documentation built on April 28, 2020, 6:51 p.m.