
Defines functions modelTuner

Documented in modelTuner

# declare global variables (i.e. the foreach iterators)
globalVariables(c('algo', 'parms', 'iter'))

#' @title Model Tuner
#' @description Optimizes each model based upon the parameters provided either 
#' by the internal \code{\link{denovo.grid}}
#' function or by the user.
#' @param trainData Data used to fit the model
#' @param guide Output from \code{\link{tune.instructions}}.  Facilitates the 
#' optimization by avoiding redundant model fitting.
#' @param method Vector of strins listing models to be fit
#' @param inTrain Indicies for cross-validated training models
#' @param outTrain Indicies for cross-validated testing models
#' @param lev Group levels
#' @param savePredictions Logical argument dictating if should save the 
#' prediction data.  Default \code{savePredictions = FALSE}
#' @param allowParallel Logical argument dictating if parallel processing 
#' is allowed via foreach package
#' @param verbose Character argument specifying how much output progress 
#' to print.  Options are 'none', 'minimal' or 'full'.
#' @param theDots List of additional arguments provided in the initial 
#' classification and features selection function
#' @return Returns list of fitted models
#' @import DiscriMiner
#' @import randomForest
#' @import plyr
#' @importFrom caret progress
#' @import e1071
#' @import gbm
#' @import pamr
#' @import glmnet
#' @import foreach
#' @import caTools
# ' @export
#' @author Charles E. Determan Jr.

modelTuner <- 
           savePredictions = FALSE,
           allowParallel = FALSE,
           verbose = 'none',
           theDots = NULL
    # Set parallel option
    `%op%` <- if(allowParallel){
      ### Parallel Programming for Windows
      #cl <- makeCluster(1)
      #allowParallel = F
      # set number of iterations to number of resample lists 
      # (i.e. folds * repeats)
      # iter = seq(along = inTrain)
      # This is a triple loop
      # first loop cycles through the methods chosen
      # second loop cycles through the cross validations
      # third loop cycles through parameters of each cross validation cycle
      # Windows OS seems tempermental with foreach and requires 
      # several functions to be exported
      # within the loops
      # This is a moot point to my knowledge on Linux
      # algo = 1
      # iter = 1
      # parms = 1
      tmp.list <- 
        foreach(algo = seq(along = method),
                .verbose =FALSE, 
                .packages = c("OmicsMarkeR","foreach","plyr",
                .export = c("training", "round.multiple", 
                            "predicting", "expandParameters", 
                            "flatTable", "perf.calc",
                            "confusionMatrix", "performance.stats"),
                .errorhandling = "stop") %:%
        foreach(iter = seq(along = inTrain), 
                .combine = "c", 
                .verbose =FALSE, 
                .packages = c("OmicsMarkeR","foreach","plyr","DiscriMiner",
                .export = c("training", "round.multiple", "predicting", 
                            "expandParameters", "flatTable", "perf.calc", 
                            "confusionMatrix", "performance.stats"),
                .errorhandling = "stop") %:%
        foreach(parms = seq(nrow(guide[[algo]]$loop)),
                .combine = "c", 
                .verbose =FALSE, 
                .packages = c("OmicsMarkeR","foreach","plyr","DiscriMiner",
                .export = c("training", "round.multiple", "predicting", 
                            "expandParameters", "flatTable", "perf.calc", 
                            "confusionMatrix", "performance.stats"),
                .errorhandling = "stop") %op%
    ## Removes '.' from start of each parameter
    ## create 'printed' for verbose printing
    printed <- format(guide[[algo]]$loop, digits = 4)
    colnames(printed) <- gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(printed))
    # show progress through interations
    if(verbose == 'full') caret::progress(printed[parms,,drop = FALSE],
                         names(inTrain), iter)
    #index <- inTrain[[iter]]
    outIndex <- outTrain[[iter]]
    # create models
    mod <- try(
        training(data = trainData[complete.cases(
            trainData[inTrain[[iter]],,drop = FALSE]),,drop = FALSE],
            method = method[algo],
            tuneValue = guide[[algo]]$loop[parms,,drop = FALSE],
            obsLevels = lev,
            theDots = theDots
        silent = TRUE)
    # calculate predictions if model fit successfully
    if(class(mod)[1] != "try-error")
        predicted <- try(
            predicting(method = method[algo],
                       modelFit = mod$fit,
                       orig.data = trainData,
                       indicies = inTrain[[iter]],
                       newdata = trainData[outIndex, 
                                           !(names(trainData) %in% ".classes"),
                                           drop = FALSE],
                       param = guide[[algo]]$seqParam[[parms]]),
            silent = TRUE)
        # what should it do if predictionFunction fails???
        if(class(predicted)[1] == "try-error")
            #stop("prediction results failed")
            stop(paste("prediction results failed on", 
                       method[algo], outIndex, sep = " "))
        # what should it do if createModel fails???
    } else {
        stop("model could not be fit")
    # If the model was built with parameters that 'submodels' can be extracted
    # this section will combine them together
        ## merge the fixed and seq parameter values together
        allParam <- expandParameters(guide[[algo]]$loop[parms,,drop = FALSE], 
        ## For glmnet, we fit all the lambdas but x$fixed has an NA
        if(method[algo] == "glmnet"){
            allParam <- allParam[complete.cases(allParam),, drop = FALSE]
        ## collate the predicitons across all the sub-models
        predicted <- lapply(predicted,
                            function(x, y, lv)
                                if(!is.factor(x) & is.character(x)){
                                    x <- factor(as.character(x), levels = lv)
                                data.frame(pred = x, obs = y, 
                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            y = trainData$.classes[outIndex],
                            lv = lev)
        ## get the performance for this resample for each sub-model
        perf.metrics <- lapply(predicted,
                               lev = lev,
                               model = method[algo])
        ## for classification, add the cell counts
        if(length(lev) > 1)
            cells <- lapply(predicted,
                            function(x) flatTable(x$pred, x$obs))
            for(ind in seq(along = cells)){
                perf.metrics[[ind]] <- c(perf.metrics[[ind]], cells[[ind]])
        perf.metrics <- do.call("rbind", perf.metrics)          
        perf.metrics <- cbind(allParam, perf.metrics)
    } else {       
        # for models without retaining 'lower' parameters
        if(is.factor(trainData$.classes)) {
            predicted <- factor(as.character(predicted),levels = lev)
        tmp <-  data.frame(pred = predicted,
                           obs = trainData$.classes[outIndex],
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        ## Set first columnn to "pred"
        names(tmp)[1] <- "pred"
        #  tmpPred <- tmp
        #  tmpPred$rowIndex <- outIndex
        #  tmpPred <- cbind(tmpPred, guide$loop[parms,,drop = FALSE])
        #  tmpPred$Resample <- names(inTrain)[iter]
        #} else tmpPred <- NULL
        ## Generate performance metrics
        perf.metrics <- perf.calc(tmp,
                                  lev = lev,
                                  model = method[algo])
        ## Generate the confusion matrix
        perf.metrics <- c(perf.metrics, flatTable(tmp$pred, tmp$obs))
        perf.metrics <- as.data.frame(t(perf.metrics))
        perf.metrics <- cbind(
            perf.metrics, guide[[algo]]$loop[parms,,drop = FALSE])
    #perf.metrics$Resamples <- names(inTrain)[iter]
    perf.metrics$sampleIndex <- names(inTrain)[iter]
    # Print progress
    if(verbose == 'full') caret::progress(printed[parms,,drop = FALSE],
                                names(inTrain), iter, FALSE)

###### Tuning loops Complete #######
if(length(method) > 1){
    names(tmp.list) <- method
    ## plyr:::rbind.fill - binds list of dataframes together
    tunes <- lapply(tmp.list, FUN = function(x) 
        rbind.fill(x[names(x) == "tunes"]))
    #pred <- if(savePredictions){
    #   rbind.fill(result[names(result) == "pred"])}else{NULL}
    ## remove '.' from each name
    new.names <- lapply(tunes, FUN = function(x) gsub("^\\.", "", names(x)))
    tunes <- mapply(tunes, FUN = function(x,y) {
        names(x) <- y; return(x)}, 
        y = new.names, SIMPLIFY =FALSE)
    for(i in length(tunes)){
                tunes[[i]][,!grepl("^cell|sampleIndex", names(tunes[[i]])),
                           drop = FALSE])
            warning(paste("There were missing values in resampled 
                          performance measures in", names(tunes[i]), sep = " "))
    ## ddply from plyr
    ## MeanSD replicated from caret
    metrics <-mapply(tunes, FUN = function(x,y) 
        ddply(x[,!grepl("^cell|sampleIndex", colnames(x)),drop = FALSE],
              MeanSD, exclude = y$model$parameter), y = guide, SIMPLIFY =FALSE)
    if(verbose == 'minimal' | verbose == 'full'){
        print("Model Tuning Complete")
    out <- vector("list", length(method))
    names(out) <- method
    for(i in seq(along = method)){
        out[[i]] <- list(performance = metrics[[i]], tunes = tunes[[i]])
        tmp.list <- unlist(tmp.list, recursive = FALSE)
        ## plyr:::rbind.fill - binds list of dataframes together
        tunes <- rbind.fill(tmp.list[names(tmp.list) == "tunes"])
        ## remove '.' from each name
        names(tunes) <- gsub("^\\.", "", names(tunes))  
            tunes[,!grepl("^cell|sampleIndex", colnames(tunes)),drop = FALSE])
            warning("There were missing values in 
                    resampled performance measures.")
        ## plyr:::ddply
        ## caret:::MeanSD
        metrics <- ddply(tunes[,!grepl("^cell|sampleIndex", colnames(tunes)),
                               drop = FALSE],
                         MeanSD, exclude = guide[[1]]$model$parameter)
        if(verbose == 'minimal' | verbose == 'full'){
            print(paste(method, "complete"))
        out <- list(performance = metrics, tunes = tunes)


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OmicsMarkeR documentation built on April 28, 2020, 6:54 p.m.