
Defines functions annotateTargets

Documented in annotateTargets

#' Annotate targets with gene symbols
#' This function can be used to add a \sQuote{Gene} meta column containing
#' gene symbols to a \code{GRanges} object.
#' It applies heuristics to find the protein coding genes that were
#' likely meant to target in the assay design in case transcripts
#' overlap.
#' @param x A \code{GRanges} object with interals to annotate
#' @param txdb A \code{TxDb} database, e.g.
#' \code{TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene}
#' @param org A \code{OrgDb} object, e.g. \code{org.Hs.eg.db}.
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object.
#' @author Markus Riester
#' @examples
#' library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' library(org.Hs.eg.db)
#' normal.coverage.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_normal.txt",
#'     package="PureCN")
#' x <- head(readCoverageFile(normal.coverage.file),100)
#' x <- annotateTargets(x,TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, org.Hs.eg.db)
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures transcriptsByOverlaps exonsByOverlaps
#' @export annotateTargets
annotateTargets <- function(x, txdb, org) {
    if (!is.null(x$on.target)) {
        idx <- x$on.target
    } else {
        idx <- seq_along(x)
    txdb <- .checkSeqlevelStyle(x, txdb, "txdb", "interval file")
    id <- transcriptsByOverlaps(txdb, ranges = x[idx], columns = "GENEID")
    id$SYMBOL <- suppressWarnings(
        select(org, vapply(id$GENEID, function(x) x[1], character(1)), 
               "SYMBOL")[, 2])

    idExons <- exonsByOverlaps(txdb, ranges = x[idx], columns = "GENEID")
    idExons$SYMBOL <- suppressWarnings(
        select(org, vapply(idExons$GENEID, function(x) x[1], character(1)),
               "SYMBOL")[, 2])

    ov <- findOverlaps(x[idx], id)
    ovExons <- findOverlaps(x[idx], idExons)

    # for targets with multiple gene hits, use the one with most overlapping
    # targets
    d.f <- data.frame(i = queryHits(ov),
                      SYMBOL = as.character(id$SYMBOL[subjectHits(ov)]))
    d.f <- d.f[!duplicated(d.f), ]

    # remove non-coding transcripts and ORFs
    d.f <- d.f[!grepl("-AS\\d$", d.f$SYMBOL), ]
    d.f <- d.f[!grepl("^LOC\\d", d.f$SYMBOL), ]
    d.f <- d.f[!grepl("\\dorf\\d", d.f$SYMBOL), ]
    d.f <- d.f[!grepl("^FLJ\\d+$", d.f$SYMBOL), ]

    d.f$COUNT <- table(d.f$SYMBOL)[d.f$SYMBOL]

    # in case multiple symbols have the same number of targets, prioritize the
    # ones overlapping exons
    d.fExons <- data.frame(
        i = queryHits(ovExons),
        SYMBOL = as.character(idExons$SYMBOL[subjectHits(ovExons)]))

    d.f$OverlapsExon <- ifelse(paste(d.f[, 1], d.f[, 2]) %in%
                               paste(d.fExons[, 1], d.fExons[, 2]), 1, 2)
    # reorder and pick the best transcript
    d.f <- d.f[order(d.f$i, d.f$COUNT, d.f$OverlapsExon), ]
    d.f$FLAG <- duplicated(d.f$i, fromLast = TRUE)
    d.f <- d.f[!duplicated(d.f$i), ]

    # Exclude targets for which we have multiple hits, but only one interval
    d.f <- d.f[!d.f$FLAG | d.f$COUNT > 2, ]
    if (is.null(x$Gene)) x$Gene <- "."
    x[idx]$Gene[d.f$i] <- as.character(d.f$SYMBOL)
    x$Gene[is.na(x$Gene)] <- "."

    flog.warn("Attempted adding gene symbols to intervals. Heuristics have %s",
        "been used to pick symbols for overlapping genes.")

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PureCN documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:37 p.m.