#' Preprocessing of TNS class objects
#' Creates TNS class onbjects for regulons an survival data.
#' @param tni A \linkS4class{TNI} class, already processed with the same samples
#' listed in the survival data.frame.
#' @param survivalData A named data.frame with samples in rows and survival data
#' in the columns (this does not need to be provided if avaibale in the 'TNI' object).
#' @param regulatoryElements A character vector specifying which
#' 'TNI' regulatory elements should be evaluated.
#' @param time A numeric or character value corresponding to the column of the
#' data.frame where the time of last observation is given.
#' @param event A numeric or character value, corresponding to the columm of
#' the data.frame where the 'event' information is given.
#' @param endpoint A numeric value. It represents the cut-off point for the
#' 'time', if any.
#' @param pAdjustMethod A single character value specifying the p-value
#' adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' function for details).
#' @param keycovar A character vector of 'keycovars' listed in 'survivalData' columns.
#' @param samples An optional character vector listing samples to be analyzed.
#' @param excludeMid A logical value. If TRUE, inconclusive dES values is not
#' consired in the survival analysis.
#' @return A preprocessed \linkS4class{TNS} class
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' # create a new TNS object
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' @seealso \code{\link{tni.preprocess}} for similar
#' preprocessing.
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom RTN upgradeTNI tni.get
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tni2tnsPreprocess-methods
#' @aliases tni2tnsPreprocess
#' @export
setMethod("tni2tnsPreprocess", "TNI",
function(tni, survivalData = NULL, regulatoryElements = NULL,
time = 1, event = 2, endpoint = NULL, pAdjustMethod = "BH",
keycovar = NULL, samples = NULL, excludeMid = FALSE)
#-- tni checks
tni <- upgradeTNI(tni)
.tns.checks(tni, type="TNI")
.tns.checks(regulatoryElements, type="regulatoryElements")
regulatoryElements <- .checkRegel(tni, regulatoryElements)
tni@regulatoryElements <- regulatoryElements
if (is.null(survivalData)){
survivalData <- tni.get(tni, "colAnnotation")
samples <- .tns.checks(samples, survivalData, type = "samples.tni")
} else {
.tns.checks(survivalData, type = "survivalData")
samples <- .tns.checks(samples, survivalData, type = "samples")
if (!all(samples %in% colnames(tni@gexp))) {
tp <- paste("NOTE: all sample names listed in 'survivalData'",
"rownames must be available in the 'tni' object!")
survivalData <- survivalData[samples,,drop=FALSE]
tni@gexp <- tni@gexp[,samples,drop=FALSE]
tni@colAnnotation <- tni@colAnnotation[samples,,drop=FALSE]
#-- other checks
time <- .tns.checks(time, survivalData, type = "time")
event <- .tns.checks(event, survivalData, type = "event")
.tns.checks(keycovar, survivalData, "Keycovars")
.tns.checks(endpoint, type = "endpoint")
.tns.checks(excludeMid, type = "excludeMid")
.tns.checks(pAdjustMethod, type = "pAdjustMethod")
#-- reorganize survivalData
idx <- c(time, event) <- survivalData[, idx]
survivalData <- survivalData[, -idx]
survivalData <- cbind(, survivalData)
names(survivalData)[1:2] <- c("time", "event")
#-- set endpoint
endpoint <- max(survivalData$time, na.rm = TRUE)
#-- making TNS object
para <- list(time=time, event=event, endpoint=endpoint,
keycovar=keycovar, excludeMid=excludeMid,
object <- new("TNS", TNI = tni, survivalData = survivalData, para = para)
#-- status update
object <- tns.set(object, what = "status")
#-- Add regulonActivity if available
if (tni@status["Activity"]=="[x]"){
regulonActivity <- tni.get(tni, what = "regulonActivity")
regs <- tni@regulatoryElements
regs <- regs[names(regs)%in%colnames(regulonActivity$differential)]
regulonActivity$differential <- regulonActivity$differential[samples,names(regs)]
regulonActivity$positive <- regulonActivity$positive[samples,names(regs)]
regulonActivity$negative <- regulonActivity$negative[samples,names(regs)]
regulonActivity$regulatoryElements <- regs
regulonActivity$dif <- apply(regulonActivity$dif, 2, rescale, to=c(-1.8, 1.8))
para <- tnsGet(object, what = "para")
para$regulonActivity <- "gsea2"
object <- tns.set(object, regulonActivity, "regulonActivity")
object <- tns.set(object, para, "para")
object <- tnsStratification(object, sections = 1, center = TRUE)
#' Compute regulon activity using 2-tailed Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
#' Works as a wrapper for \code{\link{tni.gsea2}}, performing a
#' 2-tailed GSEA analysis on a \linkS4class{TNI} class object and integrating
#' the results into the \linkS4class{TNS} class object.
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} class, which has been preprocessed
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{\link{tni.gsea2}} function.
#' @return A \linkS4class{TNS} class, with added regulon activity scores.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#'# parallel version with SNOW package!
#'options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK"))
#'stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' @seealso \code{\link{tni.gsea2}} for information on all
#' parameters.
#' @importClassesFrom RTN TNI
#' @importFrom RTN tni.gsea2
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsGSEA2-methods
#' @aliases tnsGSEA2
#' @export
setMethod("tnsGSEA2", "TNS", function(tns, ...) {
#-- checks
if (tns@status["Preprocess"] != "[x]")
stop("NOTE: TNS object requires preprocessing!")
#-- update para
para <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")
para$regulonActivity <- "gsea2"
tns <- tns.set(tns, para, "para")
#-- run gsea2 and update TNS
tni <- tnsGet(tns, what = "TNI")
tni <- tni.gsea2(tni, ...=...)
regulonActivity <- tni.get(tni, what = "regulonActivity")
tns <- tns.set(tns, regulonActivity, "regulonActivity")
tns <- tnsStratification(tns, sections = 1, center = TRUE)
#' Compute regulon activity by calling aREA (analytic Rank-based Enrichment Analysis) algorithm
#' Uses \code{\link{tni.area3}} function to compute regulon activity
#' for \linkS4class{TNS} class objects.
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} class, which has been preprocessed
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{\link{tni.area3}} function.
#' @return A \linkS4class{TNS} class, with added regulon activity scores.
#' @references Alvarez et al. Functional characterization of somatic mutations in cancer
#' using network-based inference of protein activity. Nature Genetics, 48(8):838-847, 2016.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsAREA3(stns)
#' @seealso \code{\link{tni.area3}} for additional details.
#' @importClassesFrom RTN TNI
#' @importFrom RTN tni.area3
#' @importFrom scales rescale
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsAREA3-methods
#' @aliases tnsAREA3
#' @export
setMethod("tnsAREA3", "TNS", function(tns, ...){
#-- checks
if (tns@status["Preprocess"] != "[x]")
stop("NOTE: TNS object requires preprocessing!")
#-- update para
para <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")
para$regulonActivity <- "aREA"
tns <- tns.set(tns, para, "para")
#-- run area3
tni <- tnsGet(tns, what = "TNI")
tni <- tni.area3(tni, ...=...)
regulonActivity <- tni.get(tni, what = "regulonActivity")
#-- rescale to fit graphics
regulonActivity$dif <- apply(regulonActivity$dif, 2, rescale, to=c(-1.8, 1.8))
#-- update TNA
tns <- tns.set(tns, regulonActivity, "regulonActivity")
#' Kaplan-Meier analysis for TNS class objects
#' Creates survival curves and tests if there is a difference between
#' curves using 'survfit' and 'survdiff' functions, respectivelly.
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} object, which must have passed GSEA2 analysis.
#' @param regs An optional string vector listing regulons to be tested.
#' @param sections A numeric value for sample stratification. The larger
#' the number, the more subdivisions will be created for the Kaplan-Meier
#' analysis.
#' @param undetermined.status a logical value. If TRUE, regulons assigned as
#' 'undetermined' will form a group.
#' @param verbose A logical value specifying to display detailed messages
#' (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE).
#' @return Results from 'survfit' and 'survdiff', including log-rank statistics.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' stns <- tnsKM(stns)
#' tnsGet(stns, "kmTable")
#' @importFrom survival survdiff survfit coxph Surv
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsKM-methods
#' @aliases tnsKM
#' @export
setMethod("tnsKM", "TNS",
function(tns, regs = NULL, sections = 1,
undetermined.status=TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
#-- checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "Activity")
.tns.checks(regs, type = "regs")
.tns.checks(sections, type = "sections")
.tns.checks(verbose, type = "verbose")
.tns.checks(undetermined.status, type = "undetermined.status")
#-- run stratification
tns <- tnsStratification(tns, sections = sections,
#-- get data and para
regulonActivity <- tnsGet(tns, what = "regulonActivity")
survData <- tnsGet(tns, what = "survivalData")
para <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")
endpoint <- para$endpoint
excludeMid <- para$excludeMid
pAdjustMethod <- para$pAdjustMethod
#--- update para
para$sections <- sections
para$undetermined.status <- undetermined.status
tns <- tns.set(tns, para, "para")
#-- set endpoint
survData$event[survData$time > endpoint] <- 0
survData$time[survData$time > endpoint] <- endpoint
#-- making reglist
reglist <- colnames(regulonActivity$status)
if(!is.null(regs)) {
if (!all(regs %in% reglist)) {
stop("all names in 'regs' should be listed in the slot 'results$regulonActivity' of the 'tns' object!")
reglist <- regs
idx <- apply(regulonActivity$status, 2, function(es) {
validregs <- colnames(regulonActivity$status)[!idx]
reglist <- reglist[reglist %in% validregs]
if (verbose) {
cat("Computing survival curves...\n")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(reglist), style = 3)
#--- logrank
kmFit <- list()
kmTable <- NULL
for(reg in reglist){
res <- .survstats(regulonActivity, survData=survData, reg=reg, excludeMid=excludeMid)
kmFit[[reg]]$survfit <- res$survfit
kmFit[[reg]]$survdiff <- res$survdiff
kmTable <- rbind(kmTable,res$kmTable)
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, which(reglist == reg))
if(verbose) close(pb)
rownames(kmTable) <- reglist
kmTable <- data.frame(Regulons=reglist, kmTable, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
kmTable$Adjusted.Pvalue <- p.adjust(kmTable$Pvalue, method = pAdjustMethod)
kmTable <- kmTable[sort.list(kmTable[,"Pvalue"]),, drop=FALSE]
resKM <- list(Table=kmTable, Fit=kmFit)
tns <- tns.set(tns, resKM, "KM")
tns <- tnsStratification(tns, sections = sections, center = TRUE,
#' Kaplan-Meier plots for TNS class objects
#' Makes a 2 or 3 panel plot for survival analysis. The first panel shows the
#' differential Enrichment score (dES) for all samples, ranked by dES
#' in their sections. The second (optional) panel shows the status of other
#' attributes which may be present in the survival data frame for all samples.
#' The third panel shows a Kaplan-Meier plot computed for the given survival
#' data, with a curve for each section.
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} object, which must have passed GSEA2 analysis.
#' @param regs An optional string vector specifying regulons to make the plot.
#' @param attribs A character vector of attributes listed in the column
#' names of the survivalData. All attributes should be binary encoded for
#' plotting. Available attributes can be checked by running
#' colnames(tnsGet(tns, "survivalData")). Alternatively, attributes
#' can be grouped when provided within a list.
#' @param fname A string. The name of the file in which the plot will be saved
#' @param fpath A string. The path to the directory where the plot will be saved
#' @param xlab A string. The label for the x axis on the third panel. This should
#' be the measure of time shown in the survival data frame after the last
#' check-up.
#' @param ylab A string. The label for the y axis on the third panel
#' @param colorPalette A string, which can be 'red', 'blue', 'redblue', or 'bluered'.
#' Alternatively, it can be colors or hex values.
#' @param plotpdf A logical value. If TRUE, the plot is saved as a pdf file.
#' If false, it is plotted in the plotting area.
#' @param plotbatch A logical value. If TRUE, plots for all regulons are saved in
#' the same file. If FALSE, each plot for each regulon is saved in a different file.
#' @param width A numeric value. Represents the width of the plot.
#' @param height A numeric value. Represents the height of the plot.
#' @param panelWidths A numeric vector of length=3 specifying the relative
#' width of the internal panels.
#' @return A plot, showing a graphical analysis for the 'tnsKM' function.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' stns <- tnsKM(stns)
#' tnsPlotKM(stns)
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom survival survdiff survfit coxph Surv
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsPlotKM-methods
#' @aliases tnsPlotKM
#' @export
setMethod("tnsPlotKM", "TNS",
function(tns, regs = NULL, attribs = NULL,
fname = "survplot", fpath = ".", xlab = "Months",
ylab = "Survival probability", colorPalette = "bluered",
plotpdf = FALSE, plotbatch = FALSE, width = 6.3,
height = 3.6, panelWidths = c(3, 2, 4)){
#-- checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "Activity")
.tns.checks(regs, type = "regs")
.tns.checks(attribs, tns@survivalData, type = "attribs")
.tns.checks(fname, type = "fname")
.tns.checks(fpath, type = "fpath")
.tns.checks(xlab, type = "xlab")
.tns.checks(ylab, type = "ylab")
.tns.checks(plotpdf, type = "plotpdf")
.tns.checks(plotbatch, type = "plotbatch")
.tns.checks(width, type = "width")
.tns.checks(height, type = "height")
.tns.checks(panelWidths, type = "panelWidths")
tnstatus <- tnsGet(tns, what = "status")
if(tnstatus["KM"] != "[x]")
stop("NOTE: TNS object needs to be evaluated by 'tnsKM'!",
call. = FALSE)
#-- stratification
para <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")
endpoint <- para$endpoint
excludeMid <- para$excludeMid
sections <- para$sections
undetermined.status <- para$undetermined.status
tns <- tnsStratification(tns, sections = sections, center = FALSE,
#-- get data
regulonActivity <- tnsGet(tns, what = "regulonActivity")
survData <- tnsGet(tns, what = "survivalData")
kmTable <- tnsGet(tns, what = "kmTable")
kmFit <- tnsGet(tns, what = "kmFit")
#-- check colorPalette with sections
.tns.checks(colorPalette, sections, type = "colorPalette")
#-- set endpoint
survData$event[survData$time > endpoint] <- 0
survData$time[survData$time > endpoint] <- endpoint
#-- get attribs
if (!is.null(attribs)) {
if (is.list(attribs)) {
groups <- unlist(lapply(attribs, length))
idx <- unlist(attribs)
attribs <- as.matrix(survData[, idx])
} else {
groups <- NULL
attribs <- as.matrix(survData[, attribs])
if (!all(attribs %in% c(0, 1, NA)))
stop("'attribs' variables should only include binary values!")
#-- making reglist
reglist <- kmTable$Regulons
if(!is.null(regs)) {
if (!all(regs %in% reglist)) {
stop("all names in 'regs' should be listed in the slot 'results$regulonActivity' of the 'tns' object!")
reglist <- regs
#--- remove invalid string
fname <- gsub(".pdf", '',fname, = TRUE)
fname <- paste(fname, ".pdf", sep = "")
pdf(file = paste(fpath, "/", fname, sep = ""), width = width, height = height)
for(reg in reglist){
kmtb <- kmTable[reg,]
survdf <- kmFit[[reg]]$survdiff
survft <- kmFit[[reg]]$survfit
.survplot(regulonActivity, kmtb=kmtb, survdf=survdf, survft=survft, reg=reg,
endpoint=endpoint, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, colorPalette=colorPalette,
panelWidths=panelWidths, excludeMid=excludeMid, attribs=attribs,
tp1 <- paste0("NOTE: file '",fname,"' should be available either in the\n")
tp2 <- c("working directory or in a user's custom directory!\n")
} else {
for(reg in reglist){
pdf(file = paste(fpath, "/", fname, "_", reg, ".pdf", sep = ""),
width = width, height = height)
kmtb <- kmTable[reg,]
survdf <- kmFit[[reg]]$survdiff
survft <- kmFit[[reg]]$survfit
.survplot(regulonActivity, kmtb=kmtb, survdf=survdf, survft=survft, reg=reg,
endpoint=endpoint, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, colorPalette=colorPalette,
panelWidths=panelWidths, excludeMid=excludeMid, attribs=attribs,
if (plotpdf)
fname <- paste(fname, "...pdf", sep = "")
tp1 <- c("NOTE: ",length(reglist)," files named '",fname,
"' should be available either in the\n")
tp2 <- c("working directory or in a user's custom directory!\n")
} else {
fname <- paste(fname,"_",reglist, ".pdf", sep = "")
tp1 <- paste0("NOTE: file '",fname,"' should be available either in the\n")
tp2 <- c("working directory or in a user's custom directory!\n")
#' Cox regression analysis for TNS class objects
#' Run Cox multivariate regression for regulons and other covariates.
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} object, which must have passed GSEA2 analysis.
#' @param regs An optional string vector listing regulons to be tested.
#' @param qqkeycovar A logical value. If TRUE, only the samples in the 2nd and
#' 3rd quartils of 'keycovar' are used in the analysis. If FALSE, all samples
#' are used (see \code{\link{tni2tnsPreprocess}}).
#' @param verbose A logical value specifying to display detailed messages
#' (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE).
#' @return Cox hazard models and statistics.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Age','Grade'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' stns <- tnsCox(stns, regs = c('PTTG1','E2F2','FOXM1'))
#' tnsGet(stns, "coxTable")
#' @docType methods
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @rdname tnsCox-methods
#' @aliases tnsCox
#' @export
setMethod("tnsCox", "TNS",
function(tns, regs = NULL, qqkeycovar = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
#-- checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "Activity")
.tns.checks(regs, type = "regs")
.tns.checks(qqkeycovar, type = "qqkeycovar")
.tns.checks(verbose, type = "verbose")
#-- gets
regulonActivity <- tnsGet(tns, what = "regulonActivity")
survData <- tnsGet(tns, what = "survivalData")
.tns.checks(survData, type = "survival_cox")
para <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")
keycovar <- para$keycovar
excludeMid <- para$excludeMid
pAdjustMethod <- para$pAdjustMethod
endpoint <- para$endpoint
#-- set endpoint
survData$event[survData$time > endpoint] <- 0
survData$time[survData$time > endpoint] <- endpoint
#-- checks
dif <- regulonActivity$dif
if (excludeMid) {
dif[regulonActivity$status == regulonActivity$center] <- NA
if(!is.null(regs)) {
if (!all(regs %in% colnames(dif))) {
stop("Not all 'regs' have regulonActivity!")
idx <- colnames(dif) %in% regs
dif <- dif[, idx]
dif <- dif[, regs]
#---set valid names for a 'formula'
regs <- colnames(dif)
xregs <- .namesCorrect(regs)
colnames(dif) <- xregs
names(regs) <- xregs
#---combine dif and survivalData
dtsumm <- cbind(survData[rownames(dif), ], dif)
#--- set keycovar by quantile
if(qqkeycovar && !is.null(keycovar)){
for(kvar in keycovar){
tp <- dtsumm[[kvar]]
ql <- quantile(tp, c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE)
tp[tp < ql[1]] <- NA
tp[tp > ql[2]] <- NA
dtsumm[[kvar]] <- tp
#--- filter data
dtsumm <- dtsumm[, c("time", "event", keycovar, xregs)]
#--- get cox formula
fm1 <- "Surv(time, event) ~ "
} else {
fm1 <- paste("Surv(time, event) ~ ",
paste(keycovar, collapse = "+"),
sep = "")
if (verbose) {
cat("Computing Cox regression models...\n")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(xregs), style = 3)
#--- fit cox regression models
coxFit <- lapply(xregs, function(rg){
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, which(xregs == rg))
nas <-[, rg])
if (sum(nas) > nrow(dtsumm)/2) {
cxmd <- NA
} else {
fm2 <- formula(paste(fm1, rg, sep = "+"))
cxmd <- coxph(fm2, data = dtsumm[!nas, ])
} else {
fm2 <- formula(paste(fm1, rg, sep = ""))
cxmd <- coxph(fm2, data = dtsumm[!nas, ])
if(verbose) close(pb)
names(coxFit) <- xregs
#--- get probs
coxprobs <- sapply(xregs, function(rg) {
cxmd <- coxFit[[rg]]
res <- summary(cxmd)
res <- res$coefficients[rg,c("Pr(>|z|)")]
} else {
res <- 1
ci <- p.threshold(pvals=coxprobs, alpha=0.05, method=pAdjustMethod)
#--- get coefs
coxcoefs <- sapply(xregs, function(rg) {
cxmd <- coxFit[[rg]]
res <- summary(cxmd, = 1-ci)
res <- res$[rg,c(1,3:4)]
} else {
res <- c(1, 0.99, 1.01)
coxcoefs <- t(coxcoefs)
coxTable <- cbind(coxcoefs,coxprobs)
#--- add keycovars to coxTable
idx <- which.max(coxTable[, 1])
rg <- rownames(coxTable)[idx]
cxmd <- coxFit[[rg]]
resref <- summary(cxmd, = 1-ci)
ci <- resref$[,c(1,3:4)]
pr <- resref$coefficients[,c("Pr(>|z|)")]
resref <- cbind(ci,pr)
coxTable <- rbind(resref[-nrow(resref),], coxTable)
rownames(coxTable)[1:length(keycovar)] <- keycovar
colnames(coxTable) <- c("HR","Lower95","Upper95","Pvalue")
#--- add original symbols to rownames
idx <- match(names(regs), rownames(coxTable))
rownames(coxTable)[idx] <- regs
coxTable <- data.frame(Regulons=rownames(coxTable), coxTable,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#--- adjust pvalues and assign significant results
coxTable$Adjusted.Pvalue <- p.adjust(coxTable$Pvalue, method = pAdjustMethod)
coxTable <- coxTable[sort.list(coxTable[,"Pvalue"]),, drop=FALSE]
#--- return
res <- list(Table=coxTable, Fit=coxFit)
tns <- tns.set(tns, res, "Cox")
#' Cox plots for TNS class objects
#' Run Cox multivariate regression for regulons and key covariables.
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} object, which must have passed GSEA2 analysis.
#' @param regs An optional string vector specifying regulons to make the plot.
#' @param fname A string. The name of the PDF file which will contain the plot.
#' @param fpath A string. The directory where the file will be saved.
#' @param ylab A string. The label of the y-axis, describing what is represented.
#' @param xlab A string. The label of the x-axis.
#' @param width A numeric value. The width of the plot.
#' @param height A numeric value. The height of the plot.
#' @param xlim A vector with 2 values indicating lowest and highest HR values.
#' @param sortregs A logical value. If TRUE, regulons are sorted from most
#' negatively associated with hazard to most positively associated with hazard.
#' @param plotpdf A logical value.
#' @return A Cox hazard model plot and statistics.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Age','Grade'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' stns <- tnsCox(stns, regs = c('PTTG1','E2F2','FOXM1'))
#' tnsPlotCox(stns)
#' @docType methods
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @rdname tnsPlotCox-methods
#' @aliases tnsPlotCox
#' @export
setMethod("tnsPlotCox", "TNS",
function(tns, regs = NULL, fname = "coxplot",
fpath = ".", ylab = "Regulons and other covariates",
xlab = "Hazard Ratio (95% CI)", width = 5, height = 5,
xlim = c(0.3, 3), sortregs = TRUE, plotpdf = FALSE){
#-- checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "Activity")
.tns.checks(regs, type = "regs")
.tns.checks(fname, type = "fname")
.tns.checks(fpath, type = "fpath")
.tns.checks(ylab, type = "ylab")
.tns.checks(xlab, type = "xlab")
.tns.checks(width, type = "width")
.tns.checks(height, type = "height")
.tns.checks(xlim, type = "xlim_log")
.tns.checks(sortregs, type = "sortregs")
.tns.checks(plotpdf, type = "plotpdf")
tnstatus <- tnsGet(tns, what = "status")
if(tnstatus["Cox"] != "[x]")
stop("NOTE: TNS object needs to be evaluated by 'tnsCox'!",
call. = FALSE)
#-- gets
coxTable <- tns@results$Cox$Table
para <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")
keycovar <- para$keycovar
if (any(regs %in% keycovar)) {
stop("'regs' should not be listed in 'keycovar'!")
if (!all(regs %in% coxTable$Regulons)) {
stop("All 'regs' should be listed in the 'coxTable', please see 'tnsGet' function!")
idx <- coxTable$Regulons %in% c(keycovar,regs)
coxTable <- coxTable[idx, ]
} else {
regs <- setdiff(coxTable$Regulons,keycovar)
#--- sort coxTable
coxTable <- coxTable[sort.list(coxTable$HR, decreasing = T),]
idx <- which(coxTable$Regulons%in%keycovar)
coxTable <- rbind(coxTable[-idx,],coxTable[idx,])
#--- plot
.plotCox(coxTable, regs = regs, keycovar = keycovar, fpath = fpath,
fname = fname, width = width, height = height, xlim = xlim,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, plotpdf = plotpdf)
setMethod("show", "TNS", function(object) {
message("a TNS (Transcriptional Network - Survival) object:\n")
print(object@status, quote = FALSE)
#' Get information from slots in a TNS object
#'Get information from individual slots in a TNS object and any
#'available results from a previous analysis.
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} object.
#' @param what A string specifying what should be retrieved from the object.
#' Options: 'status','survivalData', 'regulonActivity', 'TNI', 'para', 'kmTable', 'kmFit',
#' 'coxTable', 'coxFit', 'kmInteractionTable', 'kmInteractionFit',
#' 'coxInteractionTable', 'coxInteractionFit', and 'regulatoryElements'.
#' @return Content from slots in the \linkS4class{TNS} object.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' regulonActivity <- tnsGet(stns, 'regulonActivity')
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsGet-methods
#' @aliases tnsGet
#' @export
setMethod("tnsGet", "TNS", function(tns, what)
if (what == "survivalData"){
} else if(what == "regulonActivity"){
} else if(what == "TNI"){
} else if(what == "kmTable"){
} else if (what == "kmFit"){
} else if(what == "coxTable"){
query <- tns@results$Cox$Table
query <- query[!query$Regulons%in%tns@para$keycovar,]
} else if(what == "coxFit"){
} else if(what == "kmInteractionTable"){
} else if(what == "kmInteractionFit"){
} else if(what == "coxInteractionTable"){
} else if(what == "coxInteractionFit"){
} else if (what == "para"){
} else if(what == "regulatoryElements"){
} else if(what == "status"){
} else if(what == "regulonEnrichment") {
} else if (what == "regulonDifference") {
} else {
stop("'what' must be one of:\n",
"'status', 'survivalData', 'regulonActivity', 'TNI', 'para','kmTable', 'kmFit',\n",
"'coxTable', 'coxFit', 'kmInteractionTable', 'kmInteractionFit',\n",
"'coxInteractionTable', 'coxInteractionFit', 'regulonEnrichment', \n",
"'regulonDifference' and 'regulatoryElements'.")
#' Survival analysis for dual regulons
#' A generic call to 'tnsCoxInteraction' and 'tnsKmInteraction' functions.
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} object, which must have passed GSEA2 analysis.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to \code{\link{tnsKmInteraction}} and
#' \code{\link{tnsCoxInteraction}} functions.
#' @param verbose A logical value specifying to display detailed messages
#' (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE).
#' @return A \linkS4class{TNS} object evaluated by the 'tnsKmInteraction' and
#' 'tnsCoxInteraction' functions.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' # survival analysis for dual regulons
#' # stns <- tnsInteraction(stns, stepFilter = FALSE)
#' @importFrom survival survdiff survfit coxph Surv
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsInteraction-methods
#' @aliases tnsInteraction
#' @export
setMethod("tnsInteraction", "TNS",
function(tns, ..., verbose=TRUE){
if (verbose)
cat("Assessing interaction between regulons...\n")
tns <- tnsKmInteraction(tns, ...=...)
tns <- tnsCoxInteraction(tns, ...=...)
#' Kaplan-Meier analysis for dual regulons
#' Kaplan-Meier analysis for dual regulons, assessing the interaction between regulons.
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} object, which must have passed GSEA2 analysis.
#' @param stepFilter A single logical value specifying to use a step-filter
#' algorithm, testing dual regulons that have at least one significant predictor
#' in the 'tnsKM' method (when stepFilter=TRUE) or not (when stepFilter=FALSE).
#' @param pValueCutoff An numeric value. The p-value cutoff applied to the results
#' from the previous steps of the analysis pipeline (when stepFilter=TRUE).
#' @param verbose A logical value specifying to display detailed messages
#' (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE).
#' @return Results from 'survfit' and 'survdiff', including log-rank statistics.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' # KM analysis for dual regulons
#' # stns <- tnsKmInteraction(stns, stepFilter = FALSE)
#' # tnsGet(stns, "kmInteractionTable")
#' @importFrom survival survdiff survfit coxph Surv
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsKmInteraction-methods
#' @aliases tnsKmInteraction
#' @export
setMethod("tnsKmInteraction", "TNS",
function(tns, stepFilter = TRUE, pValueCutoff = 0.05, verbose = TRUE){
#-- checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "Activity")
.tns.checks(stepFilter, type = "stepFilter")
.tns.checks(pValueCutoff, type = "pValueCutoff")
.tns.checks(verbose, type = "verbose")
#-- stratification
tns <- tnsStratification(tns, sections = 1, center = TRUE)
#-- get data
regulonActivity <- tnsGet(tns, what = "regulonActivity")
survData <- tnsGet(tns, what = "survivalData")
para <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")
endpoint <- para$endpoint
excludeMid <- para$excludeMid
pAdjustMethod <- para$pAdjustMethod
#-- set endpoint
survData$event[survData$time > endpoint] <- 0
survData$time[survData$time > endpoint] <- endpoint
#-- get dualregs
regs <- names(tnsGet(tns, what = "regulatoryElements"))
dualtb <- t(combn(regs,2))
colnames(dualtb) <- c("reg1","reg2")
dualtb <- data.frame(dualtb, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(dualtb) <- paste(dualtb$reg1, dualtb$reg2, sep="~")
dualregs <- rownames(dualtb)
#-- apply stepFilter from previous methods
tnstatus <- tnsGet(tns, what = "status")
if(tnstatus["KM"] != "[x]"){
stop("NOTE: when 'stepFilter=TRUE', the TNS object needs to be evaluated by 'tnsKM'!",
call. = FALSE)
mktb <- tnsGet(tns, what = "kmTable")
mktb <- mktb[mktb$Adjusted.Pvalue<pValueCutoff, ]
idx <- dualtb$reg1%in%rownames(mktb) | dualtb$reg2%in%rownames(mktb)
dualtb <- dualtb[idx,]
dualregs <- rownames(dualtb)
message("NOTE: using 'stepFilter=TRUE': no significant regulon from the 'tnsKM' method!",
call. = FALSE)
if (verbose) {
cat("Computing survival curves...\n")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(dualregs), style = 3)
#--- logrank
kmFit <- list()
kmTable <- NULL
for(dual in dualregs){
regs <- as.character(dualtb[dual,])
res <- .survstatsDuals(regulonActivity, survData=survData,
regs=regs, excludeMid=excludeMid)
kmFit[[dual]]$survfit <- res$survfit
kmFit[[dual]]$survdiff <- res$survdiff
kmTable <- rbind(kmTable,res$kmTable)
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, which(dualregs == dual))
if(verbose) close(pb)
kmTable <- data.frame(Regulon1=dualtb$reg1, Regulon2=dualtb$reg2,
kmTable, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(kmTable) <- dualregs
kmTable$Adjusted.Pvalue <- p.adjust(kmTable$Pvalue, method = pAdjustMethod)
kmTable <- kmTable[sort.list(kmTable[,"Pvalue"]),, drop=FALSE]
resKM <- list(Table=kmTable, Fit=kmFit)
tns <- tns.set(tns, resKM, "KmInt")
#' Plot results from Kaplan-Meier analysis for dual regulons
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} object, which must have passed GSEA2 analysis.
#' @param dualreg A character string with the name of a dual regulon.
#' @param fname A string. The name of the file in which the plot will be saved
#' @param fpath A string. The path to the directory where the plot will be saved
#' @param xlab A string. The label for the x axis on the third panel. This should
#' be the measure of time shown in the survival data.frame after the last
#' check-up.
#' @param ylab A string. The label for the y axis on the third panel
#' @param colorPalette A string, which can be 'red', 'blue', 'redblue', or 'bluered'.
#' Alternatively, it can be a vector of five colors or hex values.
#' @param width A numeric value. Represents the width of the plot.
#' @param height A numeric value. Represents the height of the plot.
#' @param plotpdf A logical value. If TRUE, the plot is saved as a pdf file.
#' If false, it is plotted in the plotting area.
#' @return A plot, showing a graphical analysis for the 'tnsKmInteraction' function.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' # KM analysis for dual regulons
#' # stns <- tnsKmInteraction(stns, stepFilter=FALSE)
#' # tnsPlotKmInteraction(stns, dualreg = "FOXM1~PTTG1")
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom survival survdiff survfit coxph Surv
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsPlotKmInteraction-methods
#' @aliases tnsPlotKmInteraction
#' @export
setMethod("tnsPlotKmInteraction", "TNS",
function(tns, dualreg, fname = "kmInteraction",
fpath = ".", xlab = "Months",
ylab = "Survival probability",
colorPalette = "bluered", width = 4,
height = 4, plotpdf = FALSE){
#-- checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "Activity")
.tns.checks(dualreg, type = "dualreg")
.tns.checks(fname, type = "fname")
.tns.checks(fpath, type = "fpath")
.tns.checks(xlab, type = "xlab")
.tns.checks(ylab, type = "ylab")
.tns.checks(colorPalette, 2, type = "colorPalette")
.tns.checks(width, type = "width")
.tns.checks(height, type = "height")
.tns.checks(plotpdf, type = "plotpdf")
#-- stratification
tns <- tnsStratification(tns, sections = 1, center = TRUE)
#-- get data
regulonActivity <- tnsGet(tns, what = "regulonActivity")
survData <- tnsGet(tns, what = "survivalData")
para <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")
endpoint <- para$endpoint
excludeMid <- para$excludeMid
#-- get regs
regs <- unlist(strsplit(dualreg, split = "~", fixed=TRUE))
#-- making reglist
if (!all(regs %in% colnames(regulonActivity$status))) {
stop("all names in 'dualreg' should be listed in the slot 'results$regulonActivity' of the 'tns' object!")
fname <- gsub(".pdf", '',fname, = TRUE)
fname <- paste(fname,"_",paste(regs,collapse = "_"),".pdf", sep = "")
pdf(file = paste(fpath, "/", fname, sep = ""), width = width, height = height)
.survplotDuals(regulonActivity, survData=survData, regs=regs,
endpoint=endpoint, excludeMid=excludeMid,
ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, colorPalette=colorPalette)
tp1 <- paste0("NOTE: file '",fname,"' should be available either in the")
tp2 <- c("working directory or in a user's custom directory!\n")
#' Cox regression analysis for dual regulons
#' Cox regression analysis for dual regulons, including the interaction term.
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} object with regulons used to compute the dual regulons.
#' @param stepFilter A single logical value specifying to use a step-filter
#' algorithm, testing dual regulons that have at least one significant predictor
#' in the 'tnsCox' method (when stepFilter=TRUE) or not (when stepFilter=FALSE).
#' @param pValueCutoff An numeric value. The p-value cutoff applied to the results
#' from the previous steps of the analysis pipeline (when stepFilter=TRUE).
#' @param verbose A logical value specifying to display detailed messages
#' (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE).
#' @return Cox hazard models and statistics.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' # perform survival analysis for regulons
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' # run Cox regression for dual regulons
#' stns <- tnsCoxInteraction(stns, stepFilter = FALSE)
#' tnsGet(stns, "coxInteractionTable")
#' @return An updated TNS-class object containing Cox regression models
#' for all given duals
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsCoxInteraction-methods
#' @aliases tnsCoxInteraction
#' @export
setMethod("tnsCoxInteraction", "TNS",
function(tns, stepFilter = TRUE, pValueCutoff = 0.05,
verbose = TRUE)
#-- checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "Activity")
.tns.checks(stepFilter, type = "stepFilter")
.tns.checks(pValueCutoff, type = "pValueCutoff")
.tns.checks(verbose, type = "verbose")
#-- get dualregs
regs <- names(tnsGet(tns, what = "regulatoryElements"))
dualtb <- t(combn(regs,2))
colnames(dualtb) <- c("reg1","reg2")
dualtb <- data.frame(dualtb, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(dualtb) <- paste(dualtb$reg1, dualtb$reg2, sep="~")
dualregs <- rownames(dualtb)
#-- apply stepFilter from previous methods
tnstatus <- tnsGet(tns, what = "status")
if(tnstatus["Cox"] != "[x]"){
stop("NOTE: when 'stepFilter=TRUE', the TNS object needs to be evaluated by 'tnsCox'!",
call. = FALSE)
coxtb <- tns@results$Cox$Table
coxtb <- coxtb[coxtb$Adjusted.Pvalue<=pValueCutoff, ]
idx <- dualtb$reg1%in%rownames(coxtb) | dualtb$reg2%in%rownames(coxtb)
dualtb <- dualtb[idx,]
message("NOTE: using 'stepFilter=TRUE': no significant regulon from the 'tnsCox' method!",
call. = FALSE)
dualregs <- rownames(dualtb)
#-- gets
regulonActivity <- tnsGet(tns, what = "regulonActivity")
survData <- tnsGet(tns, what = "survivalData")
.tns.checks(survData, type = "survival_cox")
para <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")
excludeMid <- para$excludeMid
pAdjustMethod <- para$pAdjustMethod
endpoint <- para$endpoint
#-- set endpoint
survData$event[survData$time > endpoint] <- 0
survData$time[survData$time > endpoint] <- endpoint
#-- check dualtb with regulonActivity
tns.regs <- colnames(regulonActivity$dif)
if (!all(dualtb$reg1 %in% tns.regs) | !all(dualtb$reg2 %in% tns.regs)) {
idx1 <- which(dualtb$reg1 %in% tns.regs)
idx2 <- which(dualtb$reg2 %in% tns.regs)
dualtb <- dualtb[intersect(idx1, idx2),,drop=FALSE]
dualregs <- rownames(dualtb)
tp <- paste("Not all regulons have enrichment scores computed.\n",
"This is possibly due to 'minRegulonSize'. Regression being computed for ",
length(dualregs), " regulon pairs.", sep="")
warning(tp, call. = FALSE)
#-- checks
dif <- regulonActivity$dif
if (excludeMid) {
dif1[regulonActivity$status == regulonActivity$center] <- NA
#-- correct names for a 'formula'
colnames(dif) <- .namesCorrect(colnames(dif))
#-- combine data frames
dtsumm <- cbind(survData, dif)
if (verbose) {
cat("Computing Cox regression models...\n")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(dualregs), style = 3)
#--- fit cox regression model
coxFit <- lapply(dualregs, function(dual){
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, which(dualregs == dual))
regs <- unlist(strsplit(dual, "~"))
regs <- .namesCorrect(regs)
nas1 <-[, regs[1]])
nas2 <-[, regs[2]])
if (sum(nas1) > nrow(dif)/2 | sum(nas2) > nrow(dif)/2){
cxmd <- NA
} else {
coxdual <- paste(regs[1], regs[2], sep = "*")
fm <- formula(paste("Surv(time, event) ~ ", coxdual, sep = ""))
cxmd <- coxph(fm, data = dtsumm[!(nas1&nas2), ])
if(verbose) close(pb)
names(coxFit) <- dualregs
#--- get probs
coxprobs <- sapply(dualregs, function(dual){
cxmd <- coxFit[[dual]]
res <- summary(cxmd)
res <- res$coefficients[3,c("Pr(>|z|)")]
} else {
res <- 1
ci <- p.threshold(pvals=coxprobs, alpha=0.05, method=pAdjustMethod)
#--- get coefs
coxcoefs <- sapply(dualregs, function(dual){
cxmd <- coxFit[[dual]]
res <- summary(cxmd, = 1-ci)
res <- res$[3,c(1,3:4)]
} else {
res <- c(1, 0.99, 1.01)
coxcoefs <- t(coxcoefs)
coxTable <- cbind(coxcoefs,coxprobs)
nms <- t(sapply(dualregs, function(dual){
unlist(strsplit(dual, "~"))
coxTable <- data.frame(nms, coxTable, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(coxTable) <- c("Regulon1","Regulon2", "HR", "Lower95", "Upper95", "Pvalue")
coxTable$Adjusted.Pvalue <- p.adjust(coxTable$Pvalue, method = pAdjustMethod)
coxTable <- coxTable[sort.list(coxTable[,"Pvalue"]),, drop=FALSE]
res <- list(Table=coxTable, Fit=coxFit)
tns <- tns.set(tns, res, "CoxInt")
#' Plot results from Cox regression analysis for dual regulons
#' @param tns A `TNS` object with regulons used to compute the dual regulon.
#' @param dualreg A character string with the name of a dual regulon.
#' @param xlim A numeric vector of length 2, i.e. xlim = c(x1, x2),
#' indicating the limits of the plot for the first member of the dual regulon.
#' If xlim = NULL, it will be derevided from the observed data ranges.
#' Values must be in the range [-2,2].
#' @param ylim A numeric vector of length 2, i.e. ylim = c(y1, y2),
#' indicating the limits of the plot for the second member of the dual regulon.
#' If ylim = NULL, it will be derevided from the observed data ranges.
#' Values must be in the range [-2,2]. If plotype='2D', ylim represents the
#' two fixed values for the second member of the dual regulon.
#' @param hlim A numeric vector of length 2, i.e. hlim = c(h1, h2),
#' indicating the limits of the plot for the Hazard Ratio (HR).
#' If hlim = NULL, it will be derevided from the observed data ranges.
#' If plotype='2D', HR is represented in the y-axis.
#' @param hcols A vector of length 2 indicating a diverging color scheme for
#' the Hazard Ratio (HR).
#' @param showdata A logical value indicating whether to show the original data
#' used to fit linear model.
#' @param colorPalette A string, which can be 'red', 'blue', 'redblue', or 'bluered'.
#' Alternatively, it can be a vector of five colors or hex values.
#' @param fname A string. The name of the PDF file (when plotpdf=TRUE).
#' @param fpath A string. The directory where the file will be saved.
#' @param width A numeric value. The width of the plot.
#' @param height A numeric value. The height of the plot.
#' @param plotype A string indicating '2D' of '3D' plot type. If plotype = '2D',
#' the Hazard Ratio is represented in the y-axis.
#' @param plotpdf A logical value.
#' @return A Cox hazard model plot and statistics.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' # perform survival analysis for regulons
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =, time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns, verbose=FALSE)
#' # run Cox regression for dual regulons
#' # stns <- tnsCoxInteraction(stns, stepFilter = FALSE)
#' # tnsPlotCoxInteraction(stns, dualreg = "FOXM1~PTTG1")
#' @seealso \code{\link{tnsKM}},
#' \code{\link{tnsCox}}
#' @return A 3D heatmap plot.
#' @importFrom RTNduals mbrPlotInteraction
#' @importFrom survival coxph
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @importFrom graphics title
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsPlotCoxInteraction-methods
#' @aliases tnsPlotCoxInteraction
#' @export
setMethod("tnsPlotCoxInteraction", "TNS",
function(tns, dualreg, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, hlim=NULL,
hcols = c("#008080ff","#d45500ff"), showdata = TRUE,
colorPalette = "bluered", fname = "coxInteraction",
fpath = ".", width = 4.5, height = 4, plotype = "3D",
plotpdf = FALSE){
#-- checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "Activity")
.tns.checks(dualreg, type = "dualreg")
if(!is.null(xlim)) .tns.checks(xlim, type = "xlim_reg")
if(!is.null(ylim)) .tns.checks(ylim, type = "ylim_reg")
if(!is.null(hlim)) .tns.checks(hlim, type = "hlim_log")
.tns.checks(hcols, type = "hcols")
.tns.checks(showdata, type = "showdata")
.tns.checks(colorPalette, 2, type = "colorPalette")
.tns.checks(fname, type = "fname")
.tns.checks(fpath, type = "fpath")
.tns.checks(width, type = "width")
.tns.checks(height, type = "height")
.tns.checks(plotype, type = "plotype")
.tns.checks(plotpdf, type = "plotpdf")
tnstatus <- tnsGet(tns, what = "status")
if(tnstatus["CoxInt"] != "[x]")
stop("NOTE: TNS object needs to be evaluated by 'tnsCoxInteraction'!",
call. = FALSE)
#-- get regs
regs <- unlist(strsplit(dualreg, split = "~", fixed=TRUE))
#-- get cox model
coxInteractionFit <- tnsGet(tns, "coxInteractionFit")
coxInteractionTable <- tnsGet(tns, "coxInteractionTable")
model <- coxInteractionFit[[dualreg]]
model$pAdjustInteraction <- coxInteractionTable[dualreg,"Adjusted.Pvalue"]
} else {
tp <- paste(regs[2:1], collapse = "~")
stop("NOTE: 'dualreg' should be listed in 'coxInteractionFit'!\nsee 'tnsGet' function.\n",
model <- coxInteractionFit[[tp]]
model$pAdjustInteraction <- coxInteractionTable[tp,"Adjusted.Pvalue"]
#--- get labs
xlab <- paste("Regulon activity of",regs[1])
ylab <- paste("Regulon activity of",regs[2])
zlab <- "HR"
} else {
xlab <- paste("Regulon activity of",regs[1])
ylab <- paste("Regulon activity\nof",regs[2],"(dES)")
zlab <- "Hazard Ratio (HR)"
#-- correct names for a 'formula'
xregs <- .namesCorrect(regs)
names(xregs) <- regs
#--- set colorPalette
tns <- tnsStratification(tns, sections = 1, center = TRUE)
regulonActivity <- tnsGet(tns, "regulonActivity")
excludeMid <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")$excludeMid
status <- .getSurvplotCols(regulonActivity, regs, excludeMid, colorPalette)
obdata <- stats::model.frame(model, drop.unused.levels=TRUE)
if(all(rownames(obdata) %in% names(status$cols))){
datacols <- status$cols[rownames(obdata)]
} else {
stop("...unanticipated error occurred while processing this call!")
xlim <- range(obdata[,xregs[1]])*1.04
xlim <- max(abs(xlim))
xlim <- c(-xlim,xlim)
ylim <- range(obdata[,xregs[2]])*1.04
ylim <- max(abs(ylim))
ylim <- c(-ylim,ylim)
} else {
datacols <- NA
#----- Coxplot
fname <- gsub(".pdf", '',fname, = TRUE)
fname <- paste(fname,plotype,"_",paste(regs,collapse = "_"),sep = "")
mbrPlotInteraction(model=model, vars=xregs, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=hlim,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, zlog=TRUE,
zcols=hcols, showdata=showdata, datacols=datacols,
fname=fname, fpath=fpath, width=width, height=height,
plotpdf=plotpdf, plotype = plotype)
#' Plot 2-tailed GSEA for a sample from a TNS
#' Makes a 2-tailed GSEA plot for a certain phenotype (sample)
#' present in a TNS. A wrapper of \code{\link{tna.plot.gsea2}}
#' @param tns A \linkS4class{TNS} object
#' @param aSample A string specifying a given sample number present in the
#' 'survivalData' table.
#' @param regs An optional string vector specifying regulons to make the plot.
#' @param checklog A logical value. If TRUE, expression values are transformed
#' into log space.
#' @param verbose A logical value specifying to display detailed messages
#' (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE).
#' @param ntop An optional integer value. The number of regulons for which the
#' GSEA2 will be plotted.
#' @param pValueCutoff An numeric value. The p-value cutoff for the analysis.
#' @param pAdjustMethod A character. Specifies the adjustment method for the
#' pvalue.
#' See \code{\link{p.adjust}}
#' @param refsamp A character vector.
#' @param plotpdf A single logical value.
#' @param ... parameters which will be passed to \code{\link{tna.plot.gsea2}},
#' such as ylimPanels, heightPanels, width, height, ylabPanels, xlab...
#' @return A plot containing the 2-tailed GSEA analysis for a phenotype.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns, verbose=FALSE)
#' tnsPlotGSEA2(stns, 'MB-5115', regs = 'FOXM1', plotpdf = FALSE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{tna.plot.gsea2}} for all plot parameters
#' @importFrom RTN tni.gsea2 tna.plot.gsea2 tna.gsea2 tni2tna.preprocess tni.get
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette pdf
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis barplot image layout legend lines mtext
#' par plot points segments
#' @importFrom stats formula pchisq quantile
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsPlotGSEA2-methods
#' @aliases tnsPlotGSEA2
#' @export
setMethod("tnsPlotGSEA2", "TNS",
function(tns, aSample, regs = NULL, refsamp = NULL, checklog = FALSE,
ntop = NULL, pValueCutoff = 0.05, pAdjustMethod = "BH",
verbose = TRUE, plotpdf = FALSE, ...)
#-- checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "TNSpreprocess")
.tns.checks(aSample, object2 = tns@survivalData, type = "aSample")
.tns.checks(regs, type = "regs")
.tns.checks(refsamp, object2 = tns@survivalData, type = "refsamp")
.tns.checks(checklog, type = "checklog")
.tns.checks(ntop, type = "ntop")
.tns.checks(pValueCutoff, type = "pValueCutoff")
.tns.checks(pAdjustMethod, type = "pAdjustMethod")
.tns.checks(verbose, type = "verbose")
.tns.checks(plotpdf, type = "plotpdf")
if (verbose)
cat("-Transforming TNS object to inherit methods... \n")
tni <- tnsGet(tns, what = "TNI")
gexp <- tni.get(tni, what="gexp")
regulatoryElements <- tni.get(tni, what="regulatoryElements")
targetElements <- tni.get(tni, what="targetElements")
gexp <- gexp[targetElements,,drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(regs)){
nin <- length(regs)
idx1 <- which(regulatoryElements%in%regs)
idx2 <- which(names(regulatoryElements)%in%regs)
regs <- regulatoryElements[idx1]
} else {
regs <- regulatoryElements[idx2]
if (length(regs)<nin)
stop("NOTE: one or more 'regs' not listedin the TNS object")
} else {
regs <- regulatoryElements
##------ compute reference gx vec
if (is.null(refsamp)){
gxref <- apply(gexp, 1, mean)
} else {
idx <- colnames(gexp) %in% refsamp
if (!all(sum(idx) %in% length(refsamp))){
stop("'refsamp' should list only valid sample names!")
gxref <- apply(gexp[, refsamp], 1, mean)
##-- check log space/transform into log space
qx <- as.numeric(quantile(gexp, c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.99, 1), na.rm = TRUE))
LogC <- (qx[5] > 100) || (qx[6] - qx[1] > 50 && qx[2] > 0) ||
(qx[2] > 0 && qx[2] < 1 && qx[4] > 1 && qx[4] < 2)
if (checklog || LogC){
dt <- log2(1 + gexp) - log2(1 + gxref)
if (LogC)
warning("'gexp' values seem not to be in log space! ..log2 transformation has been applied!")
} else {
dt <- gexp - gxref
#-- get phenotype vector
pheno <- dt[, aSample]
names(pheno) <- rownames(dt)
#-- make tna from scratch
rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(tni, phenotype = pheno, verbose = verbose)
rtna <- tna.gsea2(rtna, pValueCutoff = pValueCutoff,
pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMethod,
tfs = regs, verbose = verbose)
#-- plot
tna.plot.gsea2(rtna, labPheno = aSample, tfs = regs, plotpdf = plotpdf, ...=...)
if(verbose & plotpdf){
tp1 <- paste0("NOTE: a PDF file for '",aSample,"' should be available either in the")
tp2 <- c("working directory or in a user's custom directory!\n")
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