newCher <- function(name, chr, start, end, cellType=NULL, antibody, maxLevel, score=NULL, probes=c(), ...) {
## element 'antibody' was named 'modification' before
cher <- list(name=name, chr=chr, start=start, end=end, cellType=cellType, antibody=antibody, typeUpstream=list(), typeDownstream=list(), maxLevel=maxLevel, score=score, probes=probes)
## add any further named arguments in "..."
cher <- c(cher, lapply(as.list([["..."]]),eval))
class(cher) = "cher"
print.cher <- function(x, ...) {
nUp = length(x$typeUpstream)
nIn = length(x$typeInside)
cat(x$name, "\nChr",x$chr,":",x$start, "-", x$end, "\n")
with(x, if (!is.null(antibody)) cat("Antibody :",antibody,"\n"))
with(x, if (!is.null(score)) cat("Score =",score,"\n"))
with(x, if (!is.null(probes)) cat("Number of probes =",length(probes),"\n"))
cat("nUp =", nUp, "nDown =", nIn, "\n")
plot.cher <- function(x, dat, probeAnno, samples=NULL, extent=1000, gff=NULL,...){
stopifnot(inherits(x,"cher"), inherits(dat,"ExpressionSet"))
if (!is.null(samples)&is.character(samples))
samples <- match(samples, sampleNames(dat))
if (!is.null(samples)&is.numeric(samples))
stopifnot(all(samples) %in% 1:ncol(dat))
cherVal <- chipAlongChrom(dat, chrom=x$chr, samples=samples, xlim=c(x$start-extent, x$end+extent), probeAnno=probeAnno, gff=gff, ...)
rug(x=c(x$start,x$end), side=3, lwd=3, col="gold")
if (!is.null(x$maxLevel))
legend(x="topright", legend=paste("Max.Level:",round(x$maxLevel,digits=2)),fill="gold", bty="n")
}#plot.cher <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE,...) {
stopifnot(is.list(x), inherits(x[[1]],"cher"))
np <- length(x) <- vector("character",np)
p.chr <- vector("character",np)
p.start <- integer(np)
p.end <- integer(np)
p.cellType <- vector("character",np)
p.antibody <- vector("character",np)
p.features <- vector("character",np)
p.maxLevel <- vector("numeric",np)
p.score <- vector("numeric",np)
for (i in 1:np){
p <- x[[i]][i] <- p@name
p.chr[i] <- p@chromosome
p.start[i] <- p@start
p.end[i] <- p@end
p.cellType[i] <- ifelse(is.null(p@cellType), NA, p@cellType)
p.antibody[i] <- p@antibody
p.features[i] <- paste(c(p@extras$typeUpstream, p@extras$typeInside), collapse=" ")
p.maxLevel[i] <- ifelse(is.null(p@maxLevel), NA, p@maxLevel)
p.score[i] <- ifelse(is.null(p@score), NA, p@score)
}#for i
df <- data.frame(, chr=p.chr, start=p.start, end=p.end, cellType=p.cellType, antibody=p.antibody, features=p.features, maxLevel=p.maxLevel, score=p.score, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=row.names)
relateChers <- function(pl, gff, upstream=5000, verbose=TRUE){
all(c("strand","name","start","end","chr") %in% names(gff)),
all(gff$start <= gff$end))
cherChr <- sapply(pl, function(x) x@chromosome)
cherMid <- sapply(pl, function(x) round((x@start+x@end)/2))
## get borders of upstream region:
gffUpStart <- ifelse(gff$strand==1, gff$start-upstream, gff$end+1)
gffUpEnd <- ifelse(gff$strand==1, gff$start-1, gff$end+upstream)
realTSS <- ifelse(gff$strand==1, gff$start, gff$end)
names(realTSS) <- gff$name
if (verbose) cat("Relating",length(pl),"ChIP-enriched regions to GFF:\n")
for (i in 1:length(pl)){
if (verbose & i%%1000==0) cat(i," ")
p <- pl[[i]]
thisTypeUpstream <- subset(gff, gff$chr==p@chromosome & cherMid[i]>=gffUpStart & cherMid[i] <= gffUpEnd, select="name", drop=TRUE)
thisTypeInside <- subset(gff, gff$chr==p@chromosome & cherMid[i]>=gff$start & cherMid[i] <= gff$end, select="name", drop=TRUE)
thisDistMid2TSS <- abs(realTSS[c(thisTypeUpstream, thisTypeInside, recursive=TRUE)]-cherMid[i])
#p$typeUpstream <- thisTypeUpstream; p$typeInside <- thisTypeInside; p$distMid2TSS <- thisDistMid2TSS
p <- update(p, typeUpstream=thisTypeUpstream, typeInside=thisTypeInside, distMid2TSS=thisDistMid2TSS)
# the c(,recursive) is to prevent (illegal) indexing with 0-row data.frames
if ("symbol" %in% names(gff)){
upSymbol <- subset(gff, gff$chr==p@chromosome & cherMid[i]>=gffUpStart & cherMid[i] <= gffUpEnd, select="symbol", drop=TRUE)
inSymbol <- subset(gff, gff$chr==p@chromosome & cherMid[i]>=gff$start & cherMid[i] <= gff$end, select="symbol", drop=TRUE)
# p$upSymbol <- upSymbol; p$inSymbol <- inSymbol
p <- update(p, upSymbol=upSymbol, inSymbol=inSymbol)
type <- paste(c("U","I")[c(length(thisTypeUpstream)>0,length(thisTypeInside)>0)],collapse="/")
#p$type <- type
p <- update(p, type=type)
pl[[i]] <- p
class(pl) <- unique(c("cherList", class(pl)))
### export cherList as BED file
chersToBED <- function(z, file, trackDef=TRUE, doSort=TRUE, ...){
# convert cherList to BED file
# z: cherList
# trackDef: logical; should USCS track definition be included
# ...: further arguments that are appended to the track-definition line, for example: color="255,255,0"
stopifnot(inherits(z, "cherList"))
zd <-
stopifnot(all(c("name","chr","start","end") %in% names(zd)))
## make sure chromosome column starts with 'chr'
zd$chr <- paste("chr", gsub("^chr", "", zd$chr), sep="")
## BED format uses zero-based, half-open interval notation
zd$start <- zd$start-1L
## sorting
if (doSort){
chr <- gsub("^chr", "", zd$chr)
## replace some chromosome names by numbers for sorting:
chr <- gsub("X$","100", chr)
chr <- gsub("Y$","200", chr)
chr <- gsub("MT?$","300", chr)
chr <- gsub("_random$","000", chr)
suppressWarnings(chr <- as.numeric(chr))
ord <- order(chr, zd$start, zd$end)
zd <- zd[ord,]
# output
if (trackDef){ # track definition line wanted?
## default track attributes
attribs <- list(name="chers1",
description="Found ChIP-enriched regions",
color="200,100,00", visibility="full")
trackLine <- 'track type=bed'
## additional track attributes specified?trackDef <- paste('track type=', format, sep='')
further.args <- as.list([["..."]])
if (length(further.args)>0)
for (i in 1:length(further.args))
attribs[names(further.args)[i]] <- eval(further.args[[i]])
for (i in 1:length(attribs))
trackLine <- paste(trackLine, ' ',
attribs[[i]],'"', sep="")
cat(trackLine, "\n", file=file, sep="")
}#if (trackDef)
write.table(zd[,c("chr", "start", "end", "name")],
sep="\t", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE,
quote=FALSE, file=file, append=trackDef)
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