#' Create Domainogram
#' Using as input the raw UMIs, this function creates a domainogram for the
#' supplied scales.
#' @param umi4c \linkS4class{UMI4C} object as generated by \code{\link{makeUMI4C}}.
#' @param scales Integer vector indicating the number of scales to use for the
#' domainogram creation. Default: 5:150.
#' @param normalized Logical whether the the resulting domainograms should be
#' normalized or not. Default: TRUE.
#' @return A matrix where the first column represents the fragment end
#' coordinates (start) and the rest represent the number of UMIs found when
#' using a specific scale.
calculateDomainogram <- function(umi4c,
scales = 5:150,
normalized = TRUE) {
## Get cumsum separately upstream and downstream
cumsum_up <- apply(assay(umi4c)[rowRanges(umi4c)$position == "upstream", , drop = FALSE], 2, cumsum)
cumsum_down <- apply(assay(umi4c)[rowRanges(umi4c)$position == "downstream", , drop = FALSE], 2, cumsum)
## Create domainogram
for (i in seq_len(ncol(assay(umi4c)))) {
dgram_up <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(cumsum_up), ncol = length(scales))
dgram_dw <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(cumsum_down), ncol = length(scales))
min_scale <- scales[1]
for (s in scales) {
dgram_up[, s - (min_scale - 1)] <- c(
rep(NA, s),
(cumsum_up[(2 * s + 1):nrow(cumsum_up), i] -
cumsum_up[seq_len(nrow(cumsum_up) - 2 * s), i]) / (2 * s),
rep(NA, s)
dgram_dw[, s - (min_scale - 1)] <- c(
rep(NA, s),
(cumsum_down[(2 * s + 1):nrow(cumsum_down), i] -
cumsum_down[seq_len(nrow(cumsum_down) - 2 * s), i]) / (2 * s),
rep(NA, s)
dgram <- rbind(
rownames(dgram) <- rownames(assay(umi4c))
colnames(dgram) <- scales
dgram(umi4c)[[colnames(assay(umi4c))[i]]] <- dgram
## Normalize dgrams
if (normalized) {
dgram_norm <- dgram(umi4c)
for (i in seq_len(length(dgram_norm))) {
dgram_norm[[i]] <- dgram_norm[[i]] * assays(umi4c)$norm_mat[, i]
dgram(umi4c) <- dgram_norm
#' Get normalization matrix
#' Will return a normalization matrix.
#' @param umi4c \linkS4class{UMI4C} object as generated by \code{\link{makeUMI4C}}.
#' @param norm_bins Numeric vector with the genomic bins to use for
#' normalization. Default: 1K, 10K, 100K, 1Mb.
#' @param post_smooth_win Numeric indicating the smoothing window to use.
#' Default: 50.
#' @param r_expand Numeric indicanting the expansion value for normalization.
#' Default: 1.2.
#' @return Creates a matrix of normalization factors using as a reference the
#' profile specified in the \linkS4class{UMI4C} object.
getNormalizationMatrix <- function(umi4c,
norm_bins = 10^(3:6),
post_smooth_win = 50,
r_expand = 1.2) {
bins <- sort(norm_bins)
bait_start <- GenomicRanges::start(bait(umi4c))
coords <- start(rowRanges(umi4c))
dist <- abs(coords - bait_start) # Ge distances to bait
# Create empty matrix for normalization
norm_mat <- matrix(NA,
ncol = ncol(assay(umi4c)),
nrow = nrow(assay(umi4c))
for (s in seq_len(ncol(assay(umi4c)))) { # For each sample present
dgram <- metadata(umi4c)$dgram[[s]] # get domainogram
mols <- assay(umi4c)[, s] # get num UMIs
# Create vector containing total UMIs in each fragment
# classified by their distance to bait
sum_vec <- rep(NA, length(coords))
# First bin, 1kb
f_bin <- dist < bins[1]
tot_in_bin <- sum(mols[f_bin]) # stat=linear
sum_vec[f_bin] <- tot_in_bin
# Rest of the bins
for (i in 2:length(bins)) {
f_bin_exp <- dist < bins[i] * r_expand & dist >= bins[i - 1] / r_expand
f_bin <- dist < bins[i] & dist >= bins[i - 1]
tot_in_bin <- sum(mols[f_bin_exp])
sum_vec[f_bin] <- tot_in_bin
# Distances > than last bin
f_bin <- dist >= bins[length(bins)]
tot_in_bin <- sum(mols[f_bin])
sum_vec[f_bin] <- tot_in_bin
# Linear smoothing of values
sum_vec <- zoo::rollmean(sum_vec, # Vector of UMIs
post_smooth_win, # Rolling window width (def 50)
fill = c(sum_vec[1], NA, sum_vec[length(sum_vec)])
) # Filling values
norm_mat[, s] <- sum_vec # Add vector to general matrix
colnames(norm_mat) <- colnames(assay(umi4c))
rownames(norm_mat) <- rownames(assay(umi4c))
## Normalize to reference profile
norm_vector <- norm_mat[, metadata(umi4c)$ref_umi4c]
norm_mat <- norm_vector * (1 / norm_mat)
assays(umi4c)$norm_mat <- norm_mat
#' Adaptative smoothing of normalized trend
#' Will perform adaptative smoothing will scaling one profile to the reference
#' UMI-4C profile.
#' @param umi4c \linkS4class{UMI4C} object as generated by \code{\link{makeUMI4C}}.
#' @inheritParams makeUMI4C
#' @return Calculates the adaptative trend considering the minimum number of
#' molecules to use for merging different restriction fragments. It also
#' calculates the geometric mean of the coordinates of the merged restriction
#' fragments.
calculateAdaptativeTrend <- function(umi4c,
sd = 2,
normalized = TRUE) {
## Select min_win_cov
mols <- colSums(assay(umi4c))
min_mols <- mols * metadata(umi4c)$min_win_factor
if (normalized) min_mols[min_mols != min(min_mols)] <- min(min_mols)
## Get domainograms and convert NA to 0
dgrams <- dgram(umi4c)
dgrams <- lapply(
function(x) {
x[] <- 0
# Initialize values
vector_trend <- matrix(NA,
nrow = nrow(dgrams[[1]]),
ncol = length(dgrams)
if (normalized) {
scale <- rep(NA, nrow(dgrams[[1]]))
coord <- rep(NA, nrow(dgrams[[1]]))
} else {
scale <- matrix(NA,
nrow = nrow(dgrams[[1]]),
ncol = length(dgrams)
coord <- matrix(NA,
nrow = nrow(dgrams[[1]]),
ncol = length(dgrams)
base_coord <- start(rowRanges(umi4c))
mean_coord <- numeric()
for (i in seq_len(ncol(dgrams[[1]]))) { # Loop for each scale in dgram
current_scale <- metadata(umi4c)$scales[i]
# Get geometric mean coordinates
mean_coords <- geoMeanCoordinates(
coords = base_coord,
scale = current_scale * 2,
bait_start = GenomicRanges::start(bait(umi4c))
# Obtain rows in which UMIs > threshold for each sample
pass <- mapply(function(x, min_win_cov) x[, i] * current_scale * 2 > min_win_cov,
x = dgrams,
min_win_cov = min_mols
if (normalized) {
# Select regions that are still NA in trend and pass cov threshold on
# all samples
sums <- rowSums(pass)
sel <- rowSums( == length(dgrams) & (sums == length(dgrams))
vector_trend[sel, ] <-
function(x) x[sel, i]
coord[sel] <- mean_coords[sel]
scale[sel] <- current_scale
} else {
tmp_dgram <-, lapply(dgrams, function(x) x[, i]))
# Select regions that are still NA in trend and pass cov threshold,
# sample-wise
na <-
pass <- (na + pass) == 2
vector_trend[pass] <- tmp_dgram[pass]
mean_coords_mat <- matrix(rep(mean_coords, length(dgrams)),
ncol = length(dgrams)
coord[pass] <- mean_coords_mat[pass]
scale[pass] <- current_scale
if (normalized) {
coord <- matrix(rep(coord, length(dgrams)), ncol = length(dgrams))
scale <- matrix(rep(scale, length(dgrams)), ncol = length(dgrams))
base_coord_mat <- matrix(rep(base_coord, length(dgrams)), ncol = length(dgrams))
coord[] <- base_coord_mat[]
## Add dimnames to coord and scale
dimnames(vector_trend) <- dimnames(assay(umi4c))
dimnames(coord) <- dimnames(assay(umi4c))
dimnames(scale) <- dimnames(assay(umi4c))
## Save info in assays
assays(umi4c)$trend <- vector_trend
assays(umi4c)$geo_coords <- coord
assays(umi4c)$scale <- scale
## Add SD
dev <- sd * sqrt(vector_trend / (scale * 2))
assays(umi4c)$sd <- dev
#' Get geometric mean of given coordinates
#' @param coords Vector of integers representing the coordinates from which to
#' obtain the geometric mean.
#' @param scale Vector of scales indicating how many fragment where merged.
#' @param bait_start Integer indicating the coordinates for the bait start.
#' @return Calculates geometric mean of the provided coordinates, taking into
#' account the distance to
#' the viewpoint and how many restriction fragments are being merged.
geoMeanCoordinates <- function(coords,
bait_start) {
bait_idx <- which(abs(coords - bait_start) == min(abs(coords - bait_start)))[1]
offsets <- abs(coords - coords[bait_idx])
offsets[bait_idx] <- 1 # Avoid 0s in log
mean_offsets_up <- exp(zoo::rollmean(log(offsets[seq_len(bait_idx)]),
fill = NA
mean_offsets_dw <- exp(zoo::rollmean(log(offsets[seq(bait_idx + 1, length(offsets))]),
fill = NA
## Deal with NAs near the bait
near_bait_up <- vapply(
seq((bait_idx - scale / 2 + 1), bait_idx),
function(x) exp(mean(log(offsets[seq(x, bait_idx)]))),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
near_bait_down <- vapply(
seq((bait_idx + 1), (bait_idx + scale / 2 - 1)),
function(x) exp(mean(log(offsets[seq((bait_idx + 1), x)]))),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
mean_offsets_up[(bait_idx - scale / 2 + 1):bait_idx] <- near_bait_up
mean_offsets_dw[seq_len(scale / 2 - 1)] <- near_bait_down
mean_offsets_up <- mean_offsets_up * -1
mean_offsets_up[bait_idx] <- 0
mean_offsets <- c(mean_offsets_up, mean_offsets_dw)
mean_coords <- coords[bait_idx] + mean_offsets
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