Man pages for YAPSA
Yet Another Package for Signature Analysis

add_annotationAdd information to an annotation data structure
add_as_fist_to_listAdd an element as first entry to a list
aggregate_exposures_by_categoryAggregate exposures by category
annotate_intermut_dist_cohortAnnotate the intermutation distance of variants cohort-wide
annotate_intermut_dist_PIDAnnotate the intermutation distance of variants per PID
annotation_exposures_barplotPlot the exposures of a cohort with different layers of...
annotation_exposures_list_barplotPlot the exposures of a cohort with different layers of...
annotation_heatmap_exposuresHeatmap to cluster the PIDs on their signature exposures...
attribute_nucleotide_exchangesAttribute the nucleotide exchange for an SNV
attribute_sequence_contex_indelAttribution of sequence context and size for an INDEL
attribution_of_indelsAttribution of variant into one onf the 83 INDEL categories
build_gene_list_for_pathwayBuild a gene list for a given pathway name
classify_indelsINDEL function V1 - not compartible with AlexandrovSignatures
compare_exposuresCompares alternative exposures
compare_expousre_setsCompare two sets of exposures by cosine distance
compare_setsCompare two sets of signatures by cosine distance
compare_SMCsCompare all strata from different stratifications
compare_to_cataloguesCompare one mutational catalogue to reference mutational...
complex_heatmap_exposuresHeatmap to cluster the PIDs on their signature exposures...
compute_comparison_stat_dfExtract statistical measures for entity comparison
computeLogLikCompute the loglikelihood
confidence_indel_calulationWrapper to compute confidence intervals for SNV and INDEL...
confidence_indel_only_calulationWrapper to compute confidence intervals for only INDEL...
confIntExpCompute confidence intervals
correct_roundedReadjust the vector to it's original norm after rounding
cosineDistCompute the cosine distance of two vectors
cosineMatchDistCompute an altered cosine distance of two vectors
create_indel_mutation_catalogue_from_dfWrapper to create an INDEL mutational catalog from a vlf-like...
create_indel_mut_cat_from_dfCreate a Mutational catalog from a data frame
create_mutation_catalogue_from_dfCreate a Mutational Catalogue from a data frame
create_mutation_catalogue_from_VRCreate a Mutational Catalogue from a VRanges Object
cut_breaks_as_intervalsWrapper for cut
cutoffsCutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
cutoffs_pcawgOpt. cutoffs, PCAWG SNV signatures, including artifacts
deriveSigInd_dfDerive a signature_indices_df object
disambiguateVectorDisambiguate a vector
enrichSigsCompare to background distribution
exampleINDEL_YAPSAData structures used in examples, Indel tests and the Indel...
exampleYAPSATest and example data
exchange_colour_vectorColours codes for displaying SNVs
exome_mutCatRaw_dfExample mutational catalog for the exome vignette
exposures_barplotWrapper for enhanced_barplot
extract_names_from_gene_listReturn gene names from gene lists
find_affected_PIDsFind samples affected
GenomeOfNl_rawExample data for the Indel vignette
get_extreme_PIDsReturn those PIDs which have an extreme pattern for signature...
getSequenceContextExtracts the sequence context up and downstream of a...
hclust_exposuresCluster the PIDs according to their signature exposures
LCDLinear Combination Decomposition
LCD_complex_cutoffLCD with a signature-specific cutoff on exposures
LCD_SMCCD stratification analysis
logLikelihoodCompute a loglikelihood ratio test
lymphomaNature2013_mutCat_dfExample mutational catalog for the SNV vignette
make_catalogue_strata_dfGroup strata from different stratification axes
make_comparison_matrixCompute a similarity matrix for different strata
make_strata_dfGroup strata from different stratification axes
make_subgroups_dfMake a custom data structure for subgroups
makeVRangesFromDataFrameConstruct a VRanges Object from a data frame
melt_exposuresGenerically melts exposure data frames
merge_exposuresMerge exposure data frames
MutCat_indel_dfExample mutational catalog for the Indel vignette
normalize_df_per_dimUseful functions on data frames
normalizeMotifs_otherRownamesNormalize Somatic Motifs with different rownames
plotExchangeSpectraPlot the spectra of nucleotide exchanges
plotExchangeSpectra_indelPlot the spectra of nucleotide exchanges of INDELs
plot_exposuresPlot the exposures of a cohort
plotExposuresConfidencePlot exposures including confidence intervals
plotExposuresConfidence_indelPlot exposures including confidence intervals for exposures...
plot_SMCPlot results of the Stratification of a Mutational Catalogue
plot_strataPlot all strata from different stratification axes together
read_entryRead a single vcf-like file into a single data frame
relateSigsMake unique assignments between sets of signatures
repeat_dfCreate a data frame with default values
round_precisionRound to a defined precision
run_annotate_vcf_plWrapper function to annotate addition information
run_comparison_cataloguesCompare all strata from different stratifications
run_comparison_generalCompare all strata from different stratifications
run_kmer_frequency_correctionProvide comprehensive correction factors for kmer content
run_kmer_frequency_normalizationProvide normalized correction factors for kmer content
run_plot_strata_generalWrapper function for 'plot_strata'
run_SMCWrapper function for the Stratification of a Mutational...
shapiro_if_possibleWrapper for Shapiro test but allow for all identical values
sigsData for mutational signatures
sigs_pcawgData for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including...
SMCStratification of a Mutational Catalogue
SMC_perPIDRun SMC at a per sample level
split_exposures_by_subgroupsSplit an exposures data frame by subgroups
stat_plot_subgroupsPlot averaged signature exposures per subgroup
stat_test_SMCApply statistical tests to a stratification (SMC)
stat_test_subgroupsTest for differences in average signature exposures between...
stderrmeanCompute the standard error of the mean
sum_over_list_of_dfElementwise sum over a list of (numerical) data frames
targetCapture_cor_factorsCorrection factors for different target capture kits
temp_trellis_rainfall_plotCreate a rainfall plot in a trellis structure
test_exposureAffectedTest significance of association
test_gene_list_in_exposuresTest if mutated PIDs are enriched in signatures
testSigsTest for significance of alternative models cohort wide
transform_rownames_R_to_MATLABChange rownames from one naming convention to another
translate_to_hg19Translate chromosome names to the hg19 naming convention
trellis_rainfall_plotCreate a rainfall plot in a trellis structure
trellis_rainfall_plot_oldCreate a rainfall plot in a trellis structure
variateExpWrapper to compute confidence intervals for a cohort
variateExpSingleWrapper for the likelihood ratio test
YAPSAGenerate R documentation from inline comments.
YAPSA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:59 p.m.