
Defines functions readFromGTF writeToGTF writeBambuOutput

Documented in readFromGTF writeBambuOutput writeToGTF

#' Outputs a GTF file, transcript-count file, and gene-count file from bambu
#' @title Write bambu results to GTF and transcript/gene-count files
#' @param se a \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}} object 
#' from \code{\link{bambu}}.
#' @param path the destination of the output files 
#' (gtf, transcript counts, and gene counts)
#' @param prefix the prefix of the output files
#' @return The function will generate three files, 
#' a .gtf file for the annotations,
#' two .txt files for transcript and gene counts respectively.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' se <- readRDS(system.file("extdata",
#'     "seOutput_SGNex_A549_directRNA_replicate5_run1_chr9_1_1000000.rds",
#'     package = "bambu"
#' ))
#' path <- tempdir()
#' writeBambuOutput(se, path)
writeBambuOutput <- function(se, path, prefix = "") {
    if (missing(se) | missing(path)) {
        stop("Both summarizedExperiment object from bambu and
            the path for the output files are required.")
    } else {
        outdir <- paste0(path, "/")
        if (!dir.exists(outdir))
            dir.create(outdir, recursive = TRUE)

        transcript_grList <- rowRanges(se)
        transcript_gtffn <- paste(outdir, prefix,
            "extended_annotations.gtf", sep = "")
        gtf <- writeToGTF(annotation = transcript_grList,
            file = transcript_gtffn)
        transcript_counts <- as.data.frame(assays(se)$counts)
        geneIDs <- data.frame(mcols(transcript_grList,
            use.names = FALSE)$TXNAME, mcols(transcript_grList,
            use.names = FALSE)$GENEID)
        colnames(geneIDs) <- c("TXNAME", "GENEID")
        transcript_counts <- cbind(geneIDs, transcript_counts)
        transcript_countsfn <- paste(outdir, prefix, 
            "counts_transcript.txt", sep = "")
        utils::write.table(transcript_counts, file = transcript_countsfn,
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
        gene_se <- transcriptToGeneExpression(se)
        gene_counts <- as.data.frame(assays(gene_se)$counts)
        gene_countsfn <- paste(outdir, prefix, "counts_gene.txt", sep = "")
        utils::write.table(gene_counts, file = gene_countsfn, 
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
#' Write annotation GRangesList into a GTF file
#' @title write GRangeslist into GTF file
#' @param annotation a \code{GRangesList} object
#' @param file the output gtf file name
#' @param geneIDs an optional dataframe of geneIDs (column 2) with
#'                  the corresponding transcriptIDs (column 1)
#' @return gtf a GTF dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' outputGtfFile <- tempfile()
#' gr <- readRDS(system.file("extdata",
#'     "annotationGranges_txdbGrch38_91_chr9_1_1000000.rds",
#'     package = "bambu"
#' ))
#' writeToGTF(gr, outputGtfFile)
writeToGTF <- function(annotation, file, geneIDs = NULL) {
    if (missing(annotation) | missing(file)) {
        stop("Both GRangesList and the name of the output file are required.")
    } else if (!methods::is(annotation, "CompressedGRangesList")) {
        stop("The inputted GRangesList is of the wrong class.")
    df <- as_tibble(annotation)
    df$exon_rank <- paste('exon_number "', df$exon_rank, '";', sep = "")
    if (missing(geneIDs)) {
        if (!is.null(mcols(annotation, use.names = FALSE)$GENEID)) {
            geneIDs <- as_tibble(mcols(annotation, use.names = FALSE)[,
                c("TXNAME", "GENEID")])
            geneIDs$seqnames <- unlist(unique(seqnames(annotation)))
            geneIDs$strand <- unlist(unique(strand(annotation)))
    df <- left_join(df, geneIDs[, c("TXNAME", "GENEID")], 
        by = c("group_name" = "TXNAME"), all = TRUE)
    df$group_name <- paste('transcript_id "', df$group_name, '";', sep = "")
    df$GENEID <- paste('gene_id "', df$GENEID, '";', sep = "")
    dfExon <- mutate(df, source = "Bambu", feature = "exon", score = ".",
        frame = ".", attributes = paste(GENEID, group_name, exon_rank)) %>%
        dplyr::select(seqnames, source, feature, start, end, score,
        strand, frame, attributes, group_name)
    dfTx <- as.data.frame(range(ranges(annotation)))
    dfTx <-
        left_join(dfTx, geneIDs, by = c("group_name" = "TXNAME"), all = TRUE)
    dfTx$group_name <-
        paste('transcript_id "', dfTx$group_name, '";', sep = "")
    dfTx$GENEID <- paste('gene_id "', dfTx$GENEID, '";', sep = "")

    dfTx <- mutate(dfTx,source = "Bambu", feature = "transcript", score = ".",
        frame = ".", attributes = paste(GENEID, group_name)) %>%
        dplyr::select(seqnames, source, feature, start, end, score,
        strand, frame, attributes, group_name)

    gtf <- rbind(dfTx, dfExon) %>% group_by(group_name) %>%
        arrange(as.character(seqnames), start) %>% ungroup() %>%
        dplyr::select(seqnames, source, feature, start, end, score,
        strand, frame, attributes)
    gtf <- mutate(gtf, strand = recode_factor(strand, `*` = "."))
    utils::write.table(gtf, file = file, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
        col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

#' Outputs GRangesList object from reading a GTF file
#' @title convert a GTF file into a GRangesList
#' @param file a .gtf file
#' @return grlist a \code{GRangesList} object, with two columns
#' \itemize{
#'   \item TXNAME specifying prefix for new gene Ids (genePrefix.number),
#'                defaults to empty
#'   \item GENEID indicating whether filter to remove read classes which are
#'                a subset of known transcripts(), defaults to TRUE
#'   }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gtf.file <- system.file("extdata",
#'     "Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.91_chr9_1_1000000.gtf",
#'     package = "bambu"
#' )
#' readFromGTF(gtf.file)
readFromGTF <- function(file) {
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("A GTF file is required.")
    } else {
        data <- utils::read.delim(file, header = FALSE, comment.char = "#")

        colnames(data) <- c("seqname", "source", "type", "start", "end",
            "score", "strand", "frame", "attribute")
        data <- data[data$type == "exon", ]
        data$strand[data$strand == "."] <- "*"
        data$GENEID <- gsub("gene_id (.*?);.*", "\\1", data$attribute)
        data$TXNAME <- gsub(".*transcript_id (.*?);.*", "\\1", data$attribute)
        grlist <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(
            data[, c("seqname", "start", "end", "strand", "TXNAME")],
            split.field = "TXNAME", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
        grlist <- grlist[IRanges::order(start(grlist))]

        geneData <- (unique(data[, c("TXNAME", "GENEID")]))
        mcols(grlist) <-
            DataFrame(geneData[(match(names(grlist), geneData$TXNAME)), ])

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bambu documentation built on Nov. 12, 2020, 2:01 a.m.