
Defines functions expressionQCPipeline

Documented in expressionQCPipeline

expressionQCPipeline = function(BLData, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, qcDir = "QC", plotType = ".jpeg", 
                                horizontal = TRUE,controlProfile=NULL,overWrite=FALSE, nSegments=9,
                                tagsToDetect = list(housekeeping = "housekeeping", Biotin = "biotin", Hybridisation = "cy3_hyb"),
                                zlim=c(5,7), positiveControlTags = c("housekeeping", "biotin"), 
                                hybridisationTags =  c("cy3_hyb"), negativeTag= "negative", 
                                boxplotFun = logGreenChannelTransform, imageplotFun = logGreenChannelTransform){

an = sectionNames(BLData)

###Use the controlProfile if specified


	controlProfile = makeControlProfile(annotation(BLData))


  message("ControlProfile could not be created\n")

  ##First step doing per-array plots

  dir.create(qcDir, showWarnings=F)
  dir.create(paste(qcDir, "/outliers",sep=""), showWarnings=F)
  dir.create(paste(qcDir, "/imageplot",sep=""), showWarnings=F)
  dir.create(paste(qcDir, "/controls",sep=""), showWarnings = F)

  for(i in 1:length(an)){

	  cat("Making per-array plots for section", i, "\n")
	  ##Create a HTML page to write to

	  ###Plots of control probes

	  ##Positive controls
	  cat("Positive controls\n")

	  if(plotType == ".jpeg"){

		  fname.pc = paste(qcDir, "/controls/", an[i], ".jpeg",sep="")


	  else if(plotType == ".png"){
		  fname.pc = paste(qcDir, "/controls/", an[i], ".png",sep="")


		  p <- combinedControlPlot(BLData, array=i,controlProfile = controlProfile)
		  ggsave(p, filename = fname.pc,width=8,height=8, dpi=100)
		  else cat("Positive control plot exists. Skipping to next plot\n")	


	  else {
	      p <- combinedControlPlot(BLData, array=i,controlProfile = controlProfile)
		  ggsave(p, filename = fname.pc,width=8,height=8, dpi=100)



	  if(plotType == ".jpeg") {
		  fname.out = paste(qcDir, "/outliers/", an[i], ".jpeg",sep="")
		  jpeg(fname.out, width=1200, height=300)

	  else if(plotType == ".pdf"){
		  fname.out = paste(qcDir, "/outliers/", an[i], ".pdf",sep="")
		  pdf(fname.out, width=12, height=3)
	  else if(plotType == ".png"){
		  fname.out = paste(qcDir, "/outliers/", an[i], ".png",sep="")	
		  png(fname.out, width=1200, height=300)

			  outlierplot(BLData, array=i, nSegments = nSegments, horizontal = horizontal, outlierFun=outlierFun)

		  else cat("Outlier plot exists. Skipping to next plot\n")	


		  outlierplot(BLData, array=i, nSegments = nSegments, horizontal = horizontal, outlierFun = outlierFun)


	  if(plotType == ".jpeg") {
		  fname.im = paste(qcDir, "/imageplot/", an[i], ".jpeg",sep="")
		  jpeg(fname.im, width=1200, height=300)

	  else if(plotType == ".pdf"){
		  fname.im = paste(qcDir, "/imageplot/", an[i], ".pdf",sep="")
		  pdf(fname.im, width=12, height=3)
	  else if(plotType == ".png"){
		  fname.im = paste(qcDir, "/imageplot/", an[i], ".png",sep="")	
		  png(fname.im, width=1200, height=300)


			  im <- imageplot(BLData, array=i, useLocs=TRUE,zlim=zlim, horizontal = horizontal, transFun = imageplotFun)	
			  ggsave(im, filename = fname.im,width=4,height=1)

		  else cat("Positive control plot exists. Skipping to next plot\n")	

		  im <- imageplot(BLData, array=i, useLocs=TRUE,zlim=zlim, horizontal = horizontal, transFun = imageplotFun)	
		  ggsave(im, filename = fname.im,width=4,height=1)


	  if(requireNamespace("hwriter")) {

	      ##Make the HTML page
	      outfile = openPage(filename = paste(qcDir, "/",an[i], ".htm", sep=""))
	      hwrite(paste("Quality assessment for ", an[i]), heading=1,outfile)

	      hwrite("Imageplot", heading=2,outfile)

	      hwrite("Imageplot created from the log2 transformed green intensiites. White space indicates beads that could not be decoded after array manufacture", outfile)

	      hwriteImage(gsub(paste(qcDir, "/", sep=""), "", fname.im),outfile)

	      hwrite("Outlier locations", heading=2,outfile)

	      hwrite("Locations of beads that are flagged as outliers using Illumina's outlier detection procedure on log2 intensities", outfile)

	      hwriteImage(gsub(paste(qcDir, "/", sep=""), "",fname.out),outfile)

	      hwrite("Positive Controls", heading=2,outfile)

	      hwriteImage(gsub(paste(qcDir, "/", sep=""), "",fname.pc), outfile)


	  else warning("Could not create HTML page. Make sure that 'hwriter' package is installed\n")


	  if(requireNamespace("hwriter")) {
	      outfile = openPage(filename = paste(qcDir, "/Summary.htm", sep=""))

	      hwrite("Quality assessment summary", heading=1, outfile)

	      ##Create boxplot using defined functions

	      if(plotType == ".jpeg") {jpeg(paste(qcDir, "/Boxplot.jpeg",sep=""), width = 1200, height = 300);hwriteImage("Boxplot.jpeg", outfile)}
	      if(plotType == ".png") {png(paste(qcDir, "/Boxplot.png",sep=""), width = 1200, height = 300);hwriteImage("Boxplot.png", outfile)}
	      if(plotType == ".pdf") pdf(paste(qcDir, "/Boxplot.pdf",sep=""), width = 12, height = 3);

	      boxplot(BLData, transFun = boxplotFun, outline=FALSE)

	      hwrite("Scan Metrics", heading=2,outfile)

	      if("Metrics" %in% colnames(BLData@sectionData)) hwrite(BLData@sectionData$Metrics, outfile)

	      hwrite("Bead-level control summary", heading=2, outfile)

	      cat("Creating probe metrics\n")

	      beadLevelQC = makeQCTable(BLData, transFun = transFun, controlProfile = controlProfile)

	      hwrite(beadLevelQC, outfile)

	      cat("Calculating outlier Metrics\n")

	      outlierTable = matrix(nrow = length(an), ncol = nSegments)

	      colnames(outlierTable) = paste("Segment", 1:nSegments)
	      rownames(outlierTable) = an

	      for(i in 1:length(an)){

		      outlierTable[i,] = calculateOutlierStats(BLData, transFun = transFun, array=i,nSegments=nSegments, outlierFun=outlierFun)


		  hwrite("Outlier Metrics", outfile,heading=2)

		  hwrite(round(outlierTable,2), outfile)

			  detectionTable = matrix(nrow = length(an), ncol=length(tagsToDetect))
			  colnames(detectionTable) = names(tagsToDetect)
			  rownames(detectionTable) = an
			  for(i in 1:length(an)){
				  detectionTable[i,] = controlProbeDetection(BLData, transFun = transFun, array=i, tagsToDetect = tagsToDetect, negativeTag = negativeTag, controlProfile=controlProfile)


		  hwrite("Detection Metrics", outfile,heading=2)

		  hwrite(round(detectionTable, 2),outfile)


		  ##Write to csv

		  write.csv(beadLevelQC, file=paste(qcDir,"/probeMetrics.csv",sep=""), quote=FALSE)

		  write.csv(metrics(BLData), file=paste(qcDir, "/scanMetrics.csv",sep=""), quote=FALSE)	

		  write.csv(outlierTable, file=paste(qcDir, "/outlierMetrics.csv",sep=""), quote=FALSE)

		  write.csv(detectionTable, file=paste(qcDir, "/detectionMetrics.csv",sep=""), quote=FALSE)

	  else warning("Could not create HTML page. Make sure that 'hwriter' package is installed\n")



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beadarray documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:51 p.m.