cTRAP: cTRAP package

Description Details


Compare differential gene expression results with those from big datasets (e.g. CMap), allowing to infer which types of perturbations may explain the observed difference in gene expression.


Input: To use this package, a named vector of differentially expressed gene metric is needed, where its values represent the significance and magnitude of the differentially expressed genes (e.g. t-statistic) and its names are gene symbols.

Workflow: The differentially expressed genes will be compared against selected perturbation conditions by:

Available perturbation conditions for CMap include:

Values for each perturbation type can be listed with getCMapPerturbationTypes()

Output: The output includes a data frame of ranked perturbations based on the associated statistical values and respective p-values.

cTRAP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 10:58 p.m.