
Defines functions plotindi

Documented in plotindi

#' Individual sample plot
#' Plot relationship between platforms and features for each individual. 
#' Only work for muli-platform inference.
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette dev.off pdf
#' @importFrom graphics axis grid legend par plot points
#' @importFrom stats aggregate dnorm dunif kmeans sd
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table
#' @param ngs_plr A list of NGS intensity data. Each entry is an individual. If no NGS data, no need to specify.
#' @param snp_lrr A list of SNP array intensity data. Each entry is an individual. If no SNP array data, no need to specify.
#' @param ngs_baf A list of NGS BAF data. Each entry is an individual. If no NGS data, no need to specify.
#' @param snp_baf A list of SNP array BAF data. Each entry is an individual. If no SNP array data, no need to specify.
#' @param ngs_plr.pos A list of NGS intensity postion data. Each entry is an individual with dimension= (#of bins or exons, 2(start and end position)). If no NGS data, no need to specify.
#' @param snp_lrr.pos A list of SNP array intensity postion data. Each entry is an individual with length=#of SNPs. If no SNP array data, no need to specify.
#' @param ngs_baf.pos A list of NGS BAF postion data. Each entry is an individual with length=#of BAFs. If no NGS data, no need to specify.
#' @param snp_baf.pos A list of SNP array BAF postion data. Each entry is an individual with length=#of BAFs. If no SNP array data, no need to specify.
#' @param icnvres CNV inference result. The output from iCNV_detection()
#' @param I Indicating the position of the individual to plot. Type integer. 
#' @param h start position of this plot. Default Start of the whole chromosome
#' @param t end position of this plot. Default End of the whole chromosome
#' @return void
#' @examples
#' plotindi(ngs_plr,snp_lrr,ngs_baf,snp_baf,
#'  ngs_plr.pos,snp_lrr.pos,ngs_baf.pos,snp_baf.pos,
#'  icnv_res0,I=1)
#' @export
plotindi <- function(ngs_plr,snp_lrr,ngs_baf,snp_baf,ngs_plr.pos,snp_lrr.pos,ngs_baf.pos,snp_baf.pos,icnvres,I=numeric(),h=NULL,t=NULL){
  hmmcalls <- icnvres[[1]]
  if (is.null(h)){
    h <- min(hmmcalls[[1]][[2]])
  if (is.null(t)){
    t <- max(hmmcalls[[1]][[2]])
  r1i <- r1L[[I]]
  r2i <- r2L[[I]]
  baf1i <- baf1[[I]]
  baf2i <- baf2[[I]]
  rpos1i <- rpos1[[I]]
  rpos2i <- rpos2[[I]]
  bpos1i <- bpos1[[I]]
  bpos2i <- bpos2[[I]]
  res <- hmmcalls[[I]]
  result <- res[[1]]
  Lposi <- res[[2]]
  rt <- res[[3]]
  mu <- res[[4]]
  sigma <- res[[5]]
  score <- res[[7]]

  sel <- which(h<=Lposi[,1] & Lposi[,2]<=t)
  result <- result[sel]
  score <- score[sel]
  Lposi <- Lposi[sel,]
  sel <- which(h<=rpos1i[,1]&rpos1i[,2]<=t)
  r1i <- r1i[sel]
  rpos1i <- rpos1i[sel,]
  sel <- which(h<=rpos2i & rpos2i<=t)
  r2i <- r2i[sel]
  rpos2i <- rpos2i[sel]
  sel <- which(h<=bpos1i & bpos1i<=t)
  baf1i <- baf1i[sel]
  bpos1i <- bpos1i[sel]
  sel <- which(h<=bpos2i & bpos2i<=t)
  baf2i <- baf2i[sel]
  bpos2i <- bpos2i[sel]
  b <- 1000
  ttlpos <- seq(h-b/2,t+b,by=b)
  n <- length(ttlpos)
  # row: z1, baf1, z2, baf2, score
  mat <- matrix(NA,ncol=n-1,nrow=5)
  for (i in seq_len(n-1)){
    sel <- which(rpos2i>=ttlpos[i] & rpos2i<=ttlpos[i+1])
    if (length(sel)>0){
      mat[3,i] <- mean(r2i[sel],na.rm=TRUE)
    sel <- which(bpos1i>=ttlpos[i] & bpos1i<=ttlpos[i+1])
    if (length(sel)>0){
      mat[2,i] <- mean(baf1i[sel],na.rm=TRUE)
    sel <- which(bpos2i>=ttlpos[i] & bpos2i<=ttlpos[i+1])
    if (length(sel)>0){
      mat[4,i] <- mean(baf2i[sel],na.rm=TRUE)
  for (i in seq_along(r1i)){
    sel <- which(ttlpos>=rpos1i[i,1] & ttlpos<=rpos1i[i,2])
    if (length(sel)>0){
      if (all(sel==1)){
        mat[1,sel] <- r1i[i]
        if (is.na(mat[2,sel])){mat[2,sel] <- 1}
        mat[1,sel-1] <- r1i[i]
        for(j in seq_along(sel)){
          if (is.na(mat[2,sel[j]-1])){
            mat[2,sel[j]-1] <- 1
      sel <- max(which(ttlpos<=rpos1i[i,1]))
      # cat(sel)
      if (!is.infinite(sel)){
        mat[1,sel] <- r1i[i]
        if (is.na(mat[2,sel])){
          mat[2,sel] <- 1
  for (i in seq_along(score)){
    a <- Lposi[i,1]
    b <- Lposi[i,2]
      sel <- which(ttlpos<=a)
      mat[5,max(sel)] <- score[i]
    else {
      sel <- which(ttlpos>=a & ttlpos<=b)
      if (length(sel>0)){
        mat[5,sel-1] <- score[i]
        sel <- which(ttlpos<=a)
        mat[5,max(sel)] <- score[i]

  sel <- which(!is.na(mat[5,]))
  mat <- mat[,sel]
  ttlpos <- ttlpos[sel]
  n2 <- ncol(mat)
  rmax <- max(abs(mat[c(1,3),]),na.rm=TRUE)
  smax <- max(abs(mat[5,]),na.rm=TRUE)
  r1max <- max(abs(mat[1,]),na.rm=TRUE)
  r2max <- max(abs(mat[3,]),na.rm=TRUE)
  x <- seq_len(n2)
  l <- 3
  del <- which(result<2)
  dup <- which(result>2)
  cat('individual',I,', # of deletion states:',length(del),', # of duplication states:',length(dup),'\n')
  sel <- unique(unlist(mapply(
    function(x,y,pos){which(x<=pos & y>=pos)},Lposi[del,1],Lposi[del,2],
    MoreArgs = list(pos=ttlpos),SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))-1
  sel <- unique(unlist(mapply(
    function(x,y,pos){which(x<=pos & y>=pos)},Lposi[dup,1],Lposi[dup,2],
    MoreArgs = list(pos=ttlpos),SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))-1
  sel <- unique(unlist(mapply(
    function(x,y,pos){which(x==y & abs(x-pos)<1000)},Lposi[del,1],Lposi[del,2],
    MoreArgs = list(pos=ttlpos),SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))-1
  sel <- unique(unlist(mapply(
    function(x,y,pos){which(x==y & abs(x-pos)<1000)},Lposi[dup,1],Lposi[dup,2],
    MoreArgs = list(pos=ttlpos),SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))-1
  legend("topright",c("del", "dup"), col = c('white','black'),bg='green2',
    text.col = c('white','black'), pch = c(20,20),cex = 0.75)

  plot(x,y=mat[5,],pch=20,xlab="",type='l', axes=FALSE,col='green',ylab="",
  plot(x,y=mat[1,],pch=20,col='grey',cex=0.5,xlab="", ylab=I,
  plot(x,y=mat[2,],pch=20,cex=0.5,axes=FALSE,xlab="", ylab="",
  axis(side = 4)
  legend("topright",c("intensity", "BAF","score"),
    col = c('grey','black','green'), pch = c(20,20,20),cex = 0.75)

  plot(x,y=mat[5,],pch=20,xlab="",type='l', axes=FALSE,col='green',ylab="",
  plot(x,y=mat[4,],pch=20,cex=0.5,axes=FALSE,xlab="", ylab="",
  axis(side = 4)
  legend("topright",c("intensity", "BAF","score"),
    col = c('grey','black','green'), pch = c(20,20,20),cex = 0.75)

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iCNV documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:12 p.m.