Man pages for miRLAB
Dry lab for exploring miRNA-mRNA relationships

BordaEnsemble method for miRNA target prediction using Borda count...
BordaTopkEnsemble method for miRNA target prediction using Borda count...
bRankExtract topk predicted targets of a miRNA Rank all the...
convertConvert miRNA symbols from a miRBase version to another
DcovmiRNA target prediction with the Distance correlation method
DiffExpAnalysisDifferentially expressed analysis
ElasticmiRNA target prediction with the Elastic-net regression...
experimentFunction for validate the results from all 12 methods.
ExtopkExtract top k miRNA-mRNA interactions
filterAndCompareFilter and compare the validation results from 12 methods...
getDatagetData from GDC
GOBPenrichmentFunctional enrichment analysis
HoeffdingmiRNA target prediction with the Hoeffding correlation...
ICPPam50Identify miRNA targets by ICP and PAM50
IDAmiRNA target prediction with the IDA method
identifymiRTargetsByEnsembleIdentify the top miRNA targets by an ensemble method with...
identifymiRTargetsByICPPam50Identify the top miRNA targets by ICP and PAM50
ImputeNormDataFilter, impute, and normalise data.
KEGGenrichmentFunctional enrichment analysis KEGG enrichment analysis for a...
KendallmiRNA target prediction with the Kendall correlation...
LassomiRNA target prediction with the Lasso method
MImiRNA target prediction with mutual information method
miRLAB-packageA dry lab for exploring miRNA-mRNA relationships
PearsonmiRNA target prediction with the Pearson correlation...
ProMISemiRNA target prediction with the ProMISe method
RDCmiRNA target prediction with the Randomized Dependence...
ReadRead dataset from csv file
ReadExtResultRead results from other methods
readHeaderRead the header of the dataset
SpearmanmiRNA target prediction with the Spearman correlation...
StandardiseStardarsise the dataset Stadardise the dataset to have mean=0...
ValidateAllValidate the targets of all miRNA using both experimentally...
ValidationValidate the targets of a miRNA
ValidationTValidate the targets of a miRNA using transfection data
ZscoremiRNA target prediction with the Z-score method
miRLAB documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:45 p.m.