
Defines functions .filterFFT .pad2power2

#' Clean noise and smoothing for genomic data using Fourier-analysis
#' Remove noise from genomic data smoothing and cleaning the observed signal.
#' This function doesn't alter the shape or the values of the signal as much as
#' the traditional method of sliding window average does, providing a great
#' correlation within the original and filtered data (>0.99).
#' Fourier-analysis principal components selection is widely used in signal
#' processing theory for an unbiased cleaning of a signal over the time.
#' Other procedures, as the traditional sliding window average, can change too
#' much the shape of the results in function of the size of the window, and
#' moreover they don't only smooth the noise without removing it.
#' With a Fourier Transform of the original signal, the input signal is
#' descomposed in diferent wavelets and described as a combination of them.
#' Long frequencies can be explained as a function of two ore more periodical
#' shorter frequecies. This is the reason why long, unperiodic sequences are
#' usually identified as noise, and therefore is desireable to remove them from
#' the signal we have to process.
#' This procedure here is applied to genomic data, providing a novel method to
#' obtain perfectly clean values wich allow an efficient detection of the peaks
#' which can be used for a direct nucleosome position recognition.
#' This function select a certain number of components in the original power
#' spectrum (the result of the Fast Fourier Transform which can be seen with
#' `showPowerSpec=TRUE`) and sets the rest of them to 0 (component knock-out).
#' The amout of components to keep (given as a percentage of the input lenght)
#' can be set by the `pcKeepComp`. This will select the first components of
#' the signal, knock-outing the rest. If this value is close to 1, more
#' components will be selected and then more noise will be allowed in the
#' output. For an effective filtering which removes the noise keeping almost
#' all relevant peaks, a value between 0.01 and 0.05 is usually sufficient.
#' Lower values can cause merging of adjacent minor peaks.
#' This library also allows the automatic detection of a fitted value for
#' `pcKeepComp`. By default, if uses the `pcKeepCompDetect` function, which 
#' looks which is the minimum percentage of components than can reproduce
#' the original signal with a corelation between the filtered and the original
#' one of 0.99. See the help page of `pcKeepCompDetect` for further details and
#' reference of available parameters.
#' One of the most powerful features of `nucleR` is the efficient
#' implementation of the FFT to genomic data. This is achived trought few
#' tweaks that allow an optimum performance of the Fourier Transform. This
#' includes a by-range filtering, an automatic detection of uncovered regions,
#' windowed execution of the filter and padding of the data till nearest power
#' of 2 (this ensures an optimum case for FFT due the high factorization of
#' components). Internal testing showed up that in specific datasets, these
#' optimizations lead to a dramatic improvement of many orders of magnitude
#' (from 3 days to few seconds) while keeping the correlation between the
#' native `fft` call and our `filterFFT` higher than 0.99. So, the use of these
#' optimizations is highly recomended.
#' If for some reason you want to apply the function without any kind of
#' optimizations you can specify the parameter `useOptim=FALSE` to bypass them
#' and get the pure knockout inverse from native FFT call. All other parameters
#' can be still applyied in this case.
#' @param data Coverage or intensities values representing the results of the
#'   NGS of TA experiment. This attribute could be a individual vector
#'   representing a chromosome (`Rle` or `numeric` object) or a list of them.
#' @param pcKeepComp Number of components to select, in percentage respect
#'   total length of the sample. Allowed values are numeric (in range 0:1) for
#'   manual setting or "auto" for automatic detection. See details.
#' @param showPowerSpec Plot the Power Spectrum of the Fast Fourier Transform
#'   to visually identify the selected components (see details).
#' @param useOptim This function implements tweaks to a standard fft call to
#'   improve (dramatically) the performance in large genomic data. These
#'   optimizations can be bypassed by setting this parameter to `FALSE`.
#' @param mc.cores If multiple cores are available, maximum number of them to
#'   use for parallel processing of `data` elements (only useful if `data` is a
#'   list of elements)
#' @param \dots Other parameters to be passed to `pcKeepCompDetect` function
#' @return Numeric vector with cleaned/smoothed values
#' @author Oscar Flores \email{oflores@@mmb.pcb.ub.es}, David Rosell
#' \email{david.rossell@@irbbarcelona.org}
#' @references Smith, Steven W. (1999), The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to
#' Digital Signal Processing (Second ed.), San Diego, Calif.: California
#' Technical Publishing, ISBN 0-9660176-3-3 (availabe online:
#' http://www.dspguide.com/pdfbook.htm)
#' @keywords manip
#' @rdname filterFFT
#' @examples
#' # Load example data, raw hybridization values for Tiling Array
#' raw_data <- get(data(nucleosome_tiling))
#' # Filter data
#' fft_data <- filterFFT(raw_data, pcKeepComp=0.01)
#' # See both profiles
#' library(ggplot2)
#' plot_data <- rbind(
#'     data.frame(x=seq_along(raw_data), y=raw_data, intensities="raw"),
#'     data.frame(x=seq_along(fft_data), y=fft_data, intensities="filtered")
#' )
#' qplot(x=x, y=y, data=plot_data, geom="line", xlab="position",
#'   ylab="intensities") + facet_grid(intensities~.)
#' # The power spectrum shows a visual representation of the components
#' fft_data <- filterFFT(raw_data, pcKeepComp=0.01, showPowerSpec=TRUE)
#' @export
    function(data, pcKeepComp="auto", showPowerSpec=FALSE, useOptim=TRUE, ...)

#' @rdname filterFFT
    function (data, pcKeepComp="auto", showPowerSpec=FALSE, useOptim=TRUE,
              mc.cores=1, ...)
            lapply(data, as.vector),

#' @rdname filterFFT
    function (data, pcKeepComp="auto", showPowerSpec=FALSE, useOptim=TRUE, ...)
        filterFFT(as.vector(data), pcKeepComp, showPowerSpec, useOptim, ...)

#' @rdname filterFFT
    function (data, pcKeepComp="auto", showPowerSpec=FALSE, useOptim=TRUE,
            mc.cores=1, ...)

        if (length(data) > 1 & showPowerSpec) {
            stop("showPowerSpec only can be applyied to lists of length = 1")


#' @rdname filterFFT
    function (data, pcKeepComp="auto", showPowerSpec=FALSE, useOptim=TRUE,
        # Check the pcKeepComp
        if (is.numeric(pcKeepComp)) {
            if (pcKeepComp > 1 | pcKeepComp < 0) {
                stop("numeric pcKeepComp must be in range 0:1")
        } else {
            pcKeepComp <- pcKeepCompDetect(data, ...)

        if (showPowerSpec) {
            print(.plotFFT(data, pcKeepComp))

        # Bypass all optimizations, very much slower
        if (useOptim) {
            return (.optimFFT(data, pcKeepComp))
        } else {
            return (.filterFFT(data, pcKeepComp))

#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics width
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors Rle
.optimFFT <- function (data, pcKeepComp)
    # Partition the data for available values
    ranges <- IRanges(!is.na(data))
    ranges <- ranges[width(ranges) > 50]  # Discard short regions
    defVal <- NA

    # Split, instead of NAs, the large 0 rows
    if (width(ranges[1]) == length(data)) {
        r <- Rle(data == 0)
        r@values[r@values == TRUE & r@lengths > 500] <- "SPLIT"
        ranges <- IRanges(as.vector(r) != "SPLIT")
        ranges <- ranges[width(ranges) > 100]
        defVal <- 0

    fft_ranges <- lapply(
        function (i)

    # Create a vector of default values and fill it
    res <- rep(defVal, length(data))
    for (i in seq_along(ranges)) {
        res[.unlist_as_integer(ranges[i])] <- fft_ranges[[i]]

    # Set to default values the positions that have them in the input
    # (remove strange periodicities from large uncovered regions)
    if (is.na(defVal)) {
        rtmp <- IRanges(is.na(data))
        rtmp <- rtmp[width(rtmp) > 15]
        if (length(rtmp) > 0) {
            for (i in 1:length(rtmp)) {
                res[.unlist_as_integer(rtmp[i])] <- NA
    } else if (defVal == 0) {
        rtmp <- IRanges(data == 0)
        rtmp <- rtmp[width(rtmp) > 15]
        if (length(rtmp) > 0) {
            for (i in 1:length(rtmp)) {
                res[.unlist_as_integer(rtmp[i])] <- 0
        res[res < 0] <- 0

    return (res)

#' FFT Region
#' Define FFT by regions to avoid a large amount of memory use and a drop in
#' performance
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics start end width end<-
.fftRegion <- function (data2, pcKeepComp)
    # Make windows overlapped 5000bp
    ran <- IRanges(
        start=seq(from=1, to=length(data2), by=(2 ^ 19) - 5000),
    # Last range has the lenght till the end of data
    end(ran[length(ran)]) <- length(data2)

    # If this gives only one range, return the fft directly
    if (length(ran) == 1) {
        return (.filterFFT(

    # If last range is shorter than 5000, extend the last-1
    # (we know now we have >1 ranges)
    if (width(ran)[length(ran)] < 5000) {
        end(ran[length(ran) - 1]) <- end(ran[length(ran)])  # Extend
        ran <- ran[1:(length(ran) - 1)]  # Remove last range

    # Iterative case
    res <- NULL
    while (length(ran) > 1) {  # While not last range
        tmp <- .filterFFT(data2[start(ran[1]):end(ran[1])], pcKeepComp)
        if (is.null(res)){
            res <- tmp
        } else {
            res <- c(
                res[1:(length(res) - 2500)],
        ran <- ran[2:length(ran)]

    # Last range
    tmp <- .filterFFT(

    # If res not set, set it; otherwise append (by construction it is larger
    # than 5000bp)
    if (is.null(res)) {
        res <- tmp
    } else {
        res <- c(res[1:(length(res) - 2500)], tmp[2501:length(tmp)])

    return (res)

.pad2power2 <- function(x)
    pow <- ceiling(log2(length(x)))
    pad <- rep(0, 2^pow - length(x))
    return (c(x, pad))

#' @importFrom stats fft
.filterFFT <- function(data, pcKeepComp)
    data[is.na(data)] <- 0
    temp <- fft(data)
    keep <- round(length(temp) * pcKeepComp)
    temp[keep:(length(temp) - keep)] <- 0
    return (Re(fft(temp, inverse=TRUE)) / length(temp))

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line geom_vline labs
.plotFFT <- function (data, pcKeepComp, upper=250000)
    if (length(data) > upper) {
            "warning: only first 250,000bp are represented in the ",
            "power spectrum"
        data <- data[1:upper]

    data[is.na(data)] <- 0
    freqs <- fft(data)
    keep <- round(length(data) * pcKeepComp)

    x <- 2:round(length(freqs) / 2)
    y <- Re(freqs[x])
    df <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)

    ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
        geom_line() +
        geom_vline(xintercept=keep, color="red", lty=2) +
        labs(subtitle = "Selected components threshold marked as red line",
             x        = "components",
             y        = "power")
globalVariables(c("x", "y"))

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