
#' Automatic merging of overlapped nucleosome calls
#' This function joints close nucleosome calls into one larger, fuzzy
#' nucleosome.
#' This functions looks for overlapped calls and join those with more than
#' `min.overlap` bases overlapped. More than two reads can be joined in
#' one single call if all of them are overlapped at least that distance with
#' almost another read in the range.
#' Joining is performed in chain, so if nucleosome call A is close to B and B
#' is close to C, the final call will comprise the range A-B-C. The resulting
#' scores (mixed, width, height) of the final joined call will be the average
#' value of the individual scores.
#' The parameter `discard.low` allows to ignore the small peaks that could be
#' merged with larger ones, originating large calls. In the case that all of
#' the overlapped reads in a given position have `score_h` less than
#' `discard.low`, all of them will be selected instead of deleting that call.
#' @param calls [GenomicRanges::GRanges] with scored and ranged nucleosome
#'   calls from `peakScoring` or `peakDetection(..., score=TRUE)`.
#' @param min.overlap Minimum overlap between two reads for merge them
#' @param discard.low Discard low covered calls (i.e. calls with `score_h
#'   < discard.low` will be discarded)
#' @param mc.cores Number of cores available to parallel data processing.
#' @param verbose Show progress info?
#' @return [GenomicRanges::GRanges] with merged calls and the additional data
#'   column `nmerge`, with the count of how many original ranges are merged in
#'   the resulting range.
#' @author Oscar Flores \email{oflores@@mmb.pcb.ub.es}
#' @seealso [peakScoring()]
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' # Generate a synthetic coverage map (assuming reads of 40bp and fragments
#' # of 130)
#' map <- syntheticNucMap(
#'     wp.num=20, fuz.num=20,  nuc.len=40, lin.len=130, rnd.seed=1
#' )
#' cover <- filterFFT(coverage.rpm(map$syn.reads))
#' # Find peaks over FFT filtered coverage
#' calls <- peakDetection(filterFFT(
#'     cover, pcKeepComp=0.02), width=130, score=TRUE
#' )
#' # Merge overlapped calls
#' merged_calls <- mergeCalls(calls)
#' plotPeaks(merged_calls, cover)
#' @rdname mergeCalls
#' @export mergeCalls
    function (calls, min.overlap=50, discard.low=0.2, mc.cores=1, verbose=TRUE)

#' @rdname mergeCalls
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by do arrange
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
    function (calls, min.overlap=50, discard.low=0.2, verbose=TRUE)
        calls %>%
            data.frame %>%
            group_by(seqnames) %>%
            do(.mergeChrom(., min.overlap, discard.low, verbose)) %>%
            arrange(seqnames, start, end) %>%
globalVariables(c(".", "seqnames"))

#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter group_by ungroup do bind_rows select
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
.mergeChrom <- function (calls, min.overlap, discard.low, verbose)
    if (verbose) {
        chr <- unlist(calls[1, "seqnames"])
        message("* Starting space: ", chr)
        message(" - Finding overlapped reads")

    dfcalls <- mutate(calls,

    dfcalls %>% filter(merge.group == 0)

    dfcalls %>%
        filter(merge.group == 0) %>%
        mutate(nmerge=1) -> unmerged

    dfcalls %>%
        filter(merge.group != 0, score_h > discard.low) %>%
        group_by(merge.group) %>%
        mutate(start   = min(start),
               end     = max(end),
               score   = mean(score),
               score_w = mean(score_w),
               score_h = mean(score_h)) %>%
        do(mutate(., nmerge=nrow(.))) %>%
        do(.[1, ]) %>%
        ungroup %>%
        bind_rows(unmerged) %>%
        select(-merge.group) -> res

    if (verbose) {
            " - Done (",
            sum(dfcalls$merge.group == 0),
            " non-overlapped | ",
            sum(dfcalls$merge.group != 0),
            " merged calls)"

globalVariables(c(".", "merge.group", "nmerge", "start", "end", "score",
                  "score_w", "score_h"))

#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics start end
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges findOverlaps reduce
.getMergeGroup <- function (start, end, min.overlap)
    ovlps <- findOverlaps(
        IRanges(start=start, end=end),
        minoverlap     = min.overlap,
        type           = "any",
        select         = "all",
        drop.self      = TRUE,
        drop.redundant = TRUE

    # Select those reads wich are overlapped (by construction with the n+1
    # read)
    hits <- queryHits(ovlps)

    # Make a list of the id of those reads wich are overlapped and with
    # how many following reads they are overlapped
    red <- reduce(IRanges(start=hits, width=1))

    # we give a value of 0 to nucleosomes that are not to be merged and a
    # positive number to the ones that will be merged, giving the same
    # number to the ones that are to be merged together
    merge.group <- rep(0, length(start))
    for (i in seq_along(red)) {
        from <- start(red)[i]
        to <- end(red)[i] + 1
        merge.group[from:to] <- i

    return (merge.group)

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nucleR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:24 p.m.