
Defines functions safe

Documented in safe

safe <-
function(X.mat, y.vec, C.mat = NULL, Z.mat = NULL, method = "permutation", platform = NULL,
         annotate = NULL, min.size = 2, max.size = Inf, by.gene = FALSE, local="default",
         global = "default", args.local = NULL, args.global = list(one.sided=FALSE), Pi.mat = NULL,
         error = "FDR.BH", parallel=FALSE, alpha = NA, epsilon = 10^(-10), print.it=TRUE, ...){

## X.mat:    Object of class 'matrix' with rows as genes and columns as samples.
## y.vec:    Object of class 'numeric', 'integer' or 'character' with response.
## Z.mat:    Optional object of class 'matrix' with rows as samples and columns as covariates
## method:   Character string of SAFE method. Options include:
##             "permutation","bootstrap.t", "bootstrap.q", or "express"
## C.mat:    Object of class 'matrix' or 'list' with SparseM elements from getCmatrix().
## platform: A character string of a Bioconductor annotation package to build gene categories.
## annotate: A character string to specify the set of categories to build. Options include:
##             "GO.BP","GO.CC","GO.MF","PFAM", and "REACTOME"      
## min.size: Optional minimum category size to be built.
## max.size: Optional maximum category size to be built
## by.gene:  Logical as to whether multiple probesets to a single gene should be downweighted
## local:    Character string for the gene-specific statistic; following are included in SAFE
##             "t.Student","t.Welch", "t.SAM", "f.ANOVA", "t.LM" and "z.COXPH"
## global:   Character string for the global statistic; the following are included in SAFE
##             "Wilcoxon", "Fisher", "Pearson", "AveDiff"
## args.local:  An optional list to be passed to local statistics that require additional arguments.
## args.global: An optional list to be passed to global statistics that require additional arguments.
## Pi.mat:   Either a 'matrix' permutations, or an integer of permutations to build.
## error:    Character string of method to compute error rate estimates; the following are included in SAFE
##             "FDR.YB", "FWER.WY", "FWER.Bonf", "FDR.BH", and "none"
## parallel: Logical with default = FALSE, set TRUE to run method in parallel.
## alpha:    Criterion for significance after adjusting for multiple comparison.
## epsilon:  Level of numerical precision to statistics; required to get accurate emp.p with small n.
## ...:      Allows depreciated arguments from version 1.0 and 2.0 to be ignored
#  require(SparseM)

#### 0) Set up objects
  if(!is.matrix(X.mat) && !is.data.frame(X.mat))
      stop("SAFE v3.* nolonger supports exprSet and other S4 class objects.",call.=FALSE)

      stop("Dimensions of X.mat and y.vec do not conform",call.=FALSE)

        stop("Dimensions of Z.mat and y.vec do not conform",call.=FALSE)
    X.mat <- getXYresiduals(X.mat,y.vec,Z.mat)
    df.p  <- X.mat$df.p
    y.vec <- X.mat$y.star
    X.mat <- X.mat$X.star
  } else df.p <- 0
  ## b) Get Categories
    if(is.null(platform) | is.null(annotate)){
      stop("C.mat or platform & annotate must be specified",call.=FALSE)
    } else {
      platform <- sub("[.]db$","",platform)
      probes <- rownames(X.mat)
      genes <- get(paste(platform,"SYMBOL",sep=""))
      if (is.null(probes) | (!prod(probes %in% names(as.list(genes))))){
        stop(paste("Rownames of X.mat do not conform with ",platform,sep=""),call.=FALSE)
      } else genes <- unlist(mget(probes,genes))
        cat(paste("Building categories from ",platform,"GO2ALLPROBES\n",sep=""))
        C.mat <- getCmatrix(keyword.list = as.list(get(paste(platform,"GO2ALLPROBES",sep=""))),
                            present.genes = probes, GO.ont = substr(annotate,4,5),
                            min.size = min.size,max.size = max.size,
                            by.gene = by.gene, gene.names = genes)
        C.names <- C.mat$col.names
        C.mat <- C.mat$C.mat.csr
#      } else if(annotate=="KEGG"){
#        cat(paste("Building categories from ",platform,"PATH\n",sep=""))
#        C.mat <- getCmatrix(gene.list = as.list(get(paste(platform,"PATH",sep=""))),
#                            present.genes = probes,
#                            min.size = min.size, max.size = max.size,
#                            by.gene = by.gene, gene.names = genes)
#        C.names <- paste("KEGG:",C.mat$col.names,sep="")
#        C.mat <- C.mat$C.mat.csr
      } else if(annotate=="PFAM"){
        cat(paste("Building categories from ",platform,"PFAM\n",sep=""))
        C.mat <- getCmatrix(gene.list = as.list(get(paste(platform,"PFAM",sep=""))),
                            present.genes = probes,
                            min.size = min.size, max.size = max.size,
                            by.gene = by.gene, gene.names = genes)
        C.names <- paste("PFAM:",substr(C.mat$col.names,3,100),sep="")
        C.mat <- C.mat$C.mat.csr
      } else if(annotate=="REACTOME"){
        cat(paste("Building categories from reactome.db by ENTREZID"))
        entrez <- as.character(unlist(mget(probes,get(paste(platform,"ENTREZID",sep="")))))
        entrez[is.na(entrez)] <- paste("NaN",1:sum(is.na(entrez)))
        C.mat <- getCmatrix(gene.list = as.list(reactomeEXTID2PATHID),
                            present.genes = entrez,
                            min.size = min.size, max.size = max.size,
                            by.gene = by.gene, gene.names = genes)
        C.names <- paste("REACTOME:",C.mat$col.names,sep="")
        C.mat <- C.mat$C.mat.csr

      } else stop(paste("Annotate = \"",annotate,"\" not recognized",sep=""),call.=FALSE)
  } else if(is.matrix(C.mat)){
    C.names <- colnames(C.mat)
        C.names <- paste("Column",1:ncol(C.mat))
        cat("Warning: Arbitrary columns names generated for categories \n")
    C.mat <- as.matrix.csr(C.mat)
    if (sum(rownames(X.mat)!=rownames(C.mat)))
      cat("Warning: gene labels do not match between X.mat and C.mat \n")
  } else { C.names <- C.mat$col.names; C.mat <- C.mat$C.mat.csr }
  if (nrow(C.mat)!=nrow(X.mat)) {
    stop("Dimensions of X.mat and C.mat do not conform",call.=FALSE)}

  num.cats  <- ncol(C.mat)
  num.genes <- nrow(X.mat)
  num.arrays<- ncol(X.mat)

#### 1) Safe-express
    if(!local %in% c("default","Score"))
      cat("WARNING: Only Score statistics can be used in safe-express \n")
    local <- "Score"
    if(!global %in% c("default","D","U","V"))
      cat(paste("WARNING: global = \"",global,"\" not available in safe-express\n",sep=""))
    if(!global %in% c("D","U","V")) global <- "D"
    if(error %in% c("FWER.WY","FDR.YB")){
      cat(paste("WARNING: error = \"",error,"\" not available in safe-express \n",sep=""))
      error <- "none"
    if(!prod(unique(as.matrix(C.mat)) %in% 0:1))
       stop("Soft categories not available in safe-express",call.=FALSE)

    if (length(unique(y.vec)) == 2) if (!prod(y.vec %in% 0:1)) {
        cat(paste("Warning: y.vec is not (0,1), thus Group 1 ==",y.vec[1], "\n"))
        y.vec <- (y.vec == y.vec[1]) * 1

    C.list <- apply(as.matrix(C.mat)==1,2,which)

    if(is.null(args.global$grid.length))  grid  <- 100   else grid  <- args.global$grid.length
    if(is.null(args.global$gamma.thresh)) gamma <- 0.01  else gamma <- args.global$gamma.thresh
    if(is.null(args.global$method.bivar)) mb <- "exact"  else mb    <- args.global$method.bivar
    if(is.null(args.global$swivel))       sw  <- 1e-4    else sw    <- args.global$swivel

    express <- safe.express(X.mat = X.mat, y.vec = y.vec, C.list = C.list,
                            df.penalty = df.p, method = global, gamma.thresh = gamma,
                            method.bivar = mb, grid = grid, swivel = sw,
                            parallel = parallel)

    if(global=="D") {global.pval <- unlist(express$global.D[,2]); global.stat <- unlist(express$global.D[,1])}
    if(global=="V") {global.pval <- unlist(express$global.V[,2]); global.stat <- unlist(express$global.V[,1])}
    if(global=="U") {global.pval <- unlist(express$global.U[,2]); global.stat <- unlist(express$global.U[,1])}
    if (error == "none"){
      global.error <- as.numeric(rep(NA,num.cats))
      if(is.na(alpha)) alpha <- 0.05
    } else {
      global.error <- get(paste("error",error,sep="."))(t(global.pval))
            if(is.na(alpha)) alpha <- 0.1

    local.stat <- express$local.stat
    local.pval <- pchisq(local.stat^2,1,lower.tail=F)
    names(local.stat) <- names(local.pval) <- rownames(X.mat)
    names(global.stat) <- names(global.pval) <- names(global.error) <- C.names

    return(new("SAFE",local=local, local.stat=local.stat, local.pval=local.pval, global=global,
           global.stat=global.stat, global.pval=global.pval, error=error, alpha=alpha,
           global.error=global.error, C.mat=C.mat, method=method))
#### 0.2) Else, more set up
  if (local=="default") {
    if (length(unique(y.vec)) == 2){
      local <- "t.Student"
    }  else if(is.character(y.vec)) {
      local <- "f.ANOVA"
    } else  local <-  "t.LM"
  if (global=="default") global <- "Wilcoxon"

  local.stat <- get(paste("local",local,sep="."))(X.mat,y.vec,args.local)
  u.obs  <- local.stat(data = X.mat)
  u.pval <- as.numeric(rep(NA,num.genes))

    stop("args.global$one.sided is missing or incorrect",call.=FALSE)
  global.stat <- get(paste("global",global,sep="."))(C.mat,u.obs,args.global)

  v.obs  <- global.stat(u.obs)
  v.pval <- as.numeric(rep(NA,num.cats))

  ## b) Get resamples
  if(is.null(Pi.mat)) if(substr(method,1,4)=="boot") Pi.mat <- 200 else Pi.mat <- 1000

  if(Pi.mat==1) {
    names(u.pval) <- names(u.obs) <- rownames(X.mat)
    names(v.pval) <- names(v.obs) <- C.names
    return(new("SAFE", local=local, local.stat=u.obs, local.pval=u.pval,
               global=global, global.stat=v.obs, global.pval=v.pval,
               error=error, global.error=v.pval, alpha=1,
               C.mat=C.mat, method="no resampling"))
  } else {
    num.perms <- Pi.mat; n = num.arrays
    if(local %in% c("t.paired")){
      if(method!="permutation") count <- factorial(n/2) else count <- 2^(n/2-1)
      if(count < num.perms) cat(paste("Warning: only",round(count),"unique resamples exist\n"))
      Pi.mat <- getPImatrix(block.vec = y.vec, K = num.perms, method = method)
    } else if(local %in% c("t.Student","t.Welch") & method=="permutation"){
      count <- choose(n,table(y.vec)[1])
         cat(paste("Warning: only",round(count),"unique resamples exist\n",
                   "         switching to exhaustive permutation\n"))
         Pi.mat <- getPIcomplete(y.vec)
         num.perms <- nrow(Pi.mat)
      } else Pi.mat <- getPImatrix(y.vec = y.vec, K = num.perms, method = method)
    } else if(local %in% c("f.ANOVA","t.Student","t.Welch")){
      n2 <- table(y.vec); n3 <- 1
      for(i in 1:length(n2)) n3 <- n3*sum(choose(n2[i],k=2:n2[i])*choose(n2[i]-1,k=1:(n2[i]-1)))
      if(method!="permutation") count<-n3  else count <- exp(lgamma(n+1) - sum(lgamma(n2+1)))
      if(count < num.perms) cat(paste("Warning: only",round(count),"unique resamples exist\n"))
      Pi.mat <- getPImatrix(y.vec = y.vec, K = Pi.mat, method = method)
    } else  if(local %in% c("t.LM","z.COXPH")) {
      if(method!="permutation") count<-sum(choose(n,k=2:n)*choose(n-1,k=1:(n-1))) else
         count <- factorial(n)
      if(count < num.perms) cat(paste("Warning: only",round(count),"unique resamples exist\n"))
      Pi.mat <- getPImatrix(n = length(y.vec), K = Pi.mat, method = method)
    } else {
      Pi.mat <- getPImatrix(n = length(y.vec), K = Pi.mat, method = method)
  } else {
    num.perms <- nrow(Pi.mat)
       stop("Dimensions of Pi.mat and y.vec do not conform",call.=FALSE)

#### 2) Permutation testing
  if(method == "permutation"){
    u.pvalue <- rep(1/num.perms, num.genes)
    if(error %in% c("none","FWER.Bonf","FDR.BH")){
      error.p  <- v.pval
      emp.p <- rep(1/num.perms,num.cats)
      if(parallel == FALSE){
        for(i in 2:num.perms){
          u <- local.stat(data = X.mat[,Pi.mat[i,]], resample = Pi.mat[i,])
          u.pvalue <- u.pvalue + (abs(u) >= (abs(u.obs) + epsilon)) / num.perms
          v <- global.stat(u)
          emp.p <- emp.p + (v>=(v.obs + epsilon))/num.perms
          if(print.it) if (trunc(i/100)==i/100) cat(paste(i,"permutations completed\n"))
      } else { # Parallel with error eq "none","FWER.Bonf","FDR.BH" 
        if(print.it) cat(paste("Permutations split across", getDoParWorkers(), "cores\n"))
        parallel.p <- foreach(i=2:num.perms, .combine="+", .inorder=FALSE)%dorng%{
          u <- local.stat(data = X.mat[,Pi.mat[i,]], resample = Pi.mat[i,])
          u.frac <- (abs(u) >= (abs(u.obs) + epsilon)) 
          v <- global.stat(u)
          emp.frac <- (v>=(v.obs + epsilon))
          c(u.frac, emp.frac)
        u.pvalue <- u.pvalue + parallel.p[1:length(u.obs)]/num.perms
        emp.p <- emp.p + parallel.p[(length(u.obs)+1):(length(u.obs)+length(v.obs))]/num.perms
      if(error != "none"){ error.p <- get(paste("error",error,sep="."))(t(emp.p)) }
      if(is.na(alpha)) alpha <- 0.05
    } else { # error not eq "none"
      if(parallel == FALSE){
        V.mat <- matrix(0,num.perms,num.cats)
        V.mat[1,] <- v.obs
        for(i in 2:num.perms){
          u <- local.stat(data = X.mat[,Pi.mat[i,]], resample = Pi.mat[i,])
          u.pvalue <- u.pvalue + (abs(u) >= (abs(u.obs) + epsilon)) / num.perms
          V.mat[i,] <- global.stat(u)
          if(print.it) if (trunc(i/100)==i/100) cat(paste(i,"permutations completed\n"))
      } else stop(paste("error = \"", error,"\" can not be used with parallel = TRUE"),call.=FALSE)
      P.mat <- (num.perms + 1 - apply(V.mat,2,rank,ties.method="min")) / num.perms
      error.p <- get(paste("error",error,sep="."))(P.mat)
      emp.p <- P.mat[1,,drop=TRUE]
      if(is.na(alpha)) alpha <- 0.1
    names(u.pvalue) <- names(u.obs) <- rownames(X.mat)
    names(error.p) <- names(emp.p) <- names(v.obs) <- C.names
    return(new("SAFE",local=local, local.stat=u.obs, local.pval=u.pvalue, global=global,
           global.stat=v.obs, global.pval=emp.p, error=error, alpha=alpha,
           global.error=error.p, C.mat=C.mat, method=method))

#### 3) Bootstrap testing
  } else if(method=="bootstrap" | method=="bootstrap.t" |  method=="bootstrap.q"){
    if(local %in% c("f.GLM"))
      stop(paste("local = \"", local,"\" can not be used in the bootstrap"),call.=FALSE)
    if(global %in% c("Kolmogorov","Fisher"))
      stop(paste("global = \"", global,"\" cant be used in the bootstrap"),call.=FALSE)
    if(error %in% c("FWER.WY","FDR.YB"))
      stop(paste("error = \"", error,"\" can not be used in the bootstrap"),call.=FALSE)

    u.pvalue <-  rep(1/num.perms, num.genes)
    u.sum <- u.obs ; u2.sum <- u.obs^2
    null.local <- 0

    emp.p <- rep(1/num.perms,num.cats)

      C.size <- (rep(1,num.genes) %*% C.mat)[1,]
      null.global <- (num.genes + 1) * C.size / 2
    } else null.global = 0

    v.sum <- v.obs ; v2.sum <- v.obs^2
    if(parallel == FALSE){
      for(i in 2:num.perms){
        u <- local.stat(data = X.mat[,Pi.mat[i,]], vector = y.vec[Pi.mat[i,]], resample = Pi.mat[i,])
        u.sum <- u + u.sum ; u2.sum <- u^2 + u2.sum
        u.pvalue <- u.pvalue + (u*sign(u.obs) <= -epsilon)/num.perms

        v <- global.stat(u)
        v.sum <- v + v.sum; v2.sum <- v^2 + v2.sum
        emp.p <- emp.p + (v <= (null.global - epsilon))/num.perms
        if(print.it) if (trunc(i/100)==i/100) cat(paste(i,"bootstrap resamples completed\n"))
    } else { # Parallel 
        if(print.it) cat(paste("Bootstrap resamples split across", getDoParWorkers(), "cores\n"))
        parallel.p <- foreach(i=2:num.perms, .combine="+", .inorder=FALSE)%dorng%{
          u <- local.stat(data = X.mat[,Pi.mat[i,]], vector = y.vec[Pi.mat[i,]], resample = Pi.mat[i,])
          u.frac <- (u*sign(u.obs) <= -epsilon)
          v <- global.stat(u)
          emp.frac <- (v <= (null.global - epsilon))
          c(u, u^2, u.frac, v, v^2, emp.frac)
        # Parse results
        split.u <- length(u.obs)
        split.v <- length(v.obs)
        u.sum    <- u.sum + parallel.p[1:split.u]
        u2.sum   <- u2.sum + parallel.p[(split.u+1) : (2*split.u)]
        u.pvalue <- u.pvalue + parallel.p[(2*split.u+1) : (3*split.u)] /num.perms
        v.sum  <- v.sum + parallel.p[(3*split.u+1) : (3*split.u+split.v)]
        v2.sum <- v2.sum + parallel.p[(3*split.u+split.v+1) : (3*split.u+2*split.v)] 
        emp.p  <- emp.p + parallel.p[(3*split.u+2*split.v+1) : (3*split.u+3*split.v)]/num.perms

    if(method=="bootstrap" | method=="bootstrap.t"){
      emp.p <-  1 - pt(((v.sum / num.perms) - null.global) / sqrt((v2.sum - v.sum^2 /
                num.perms) / (num.perms - 1)), df = num.arrays - 1)
      u.pvalue <- 1- pt(abs(u.sum / num.perms) / sqrt((u2.sum - u.sum^2 /
                  num.perms) / (num.perms - 1)) ,df = num.arrays - 1)

    if (error == "none"){
      error.p <- as.numeric(rep(NA,num.cats))
      if(is.na(alpha)) alpha <- 0.05
    } else {
      if(is.na(alpha)) alpha <- 0.1
    names(u.pvalue) <- names(u.obs) <- rownames(X.mat)
    names(error.p) <- names(emp.p) <- names(v.obs) <- C.names
    return(new("SAFE",local=local, local.stat=u.obs, local.pval=as.numeric(u.pvalue), global=global,
             global.stat=v.obs, global.pval=emp.p, error=error, alpha=alpha,
             global.error=error.p, C.mat=C.mat, method=method))
  } else stop(paste("method = \"", method,"\" is not recognized",sep=""),call.=FALSE)

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safe documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:37 p.m.