
Defines functions getPlotSetArray

Documented in getPlotSetArray

#' Process genomic signal
#' Function to process genomic signal from tracks and/or motif data, 
#' calculate statistics. This function should be used as the entry point to the
#' SeqPlots pipeline and followed by plotting function(s).
#' @param tracks Character vector or list of BigWig track paths. For motif 
#'  density plots \code{\link{MotifSetup}} class containing motifs setup 
#'  and/or BigWig track paths (see details)
#' @param features Character vector or list containing feature file paths (BED 
#'  or GFF).
#' @param refgenome The UCSC code of reference genome, e.g. 'hg19' for 
#'  Homo sapiens (see details)
#' @param bin Binning window size in base pairs, defaults to 1L
#' @param rm0 Remove zeros from mean/error estimate calculation, 0 in track 
#' file will be treated as missing data, defaults to FALSE
#' @param xmin Upstream calculation distance in base pairs, defaults to 200L
#' @param xmax Downstream calculation distance in base pairs, defaults to 2000L
#' @param xanchored Anchored, feature body pseudo length in base pairs.
#'  The features will be extended or shrunk using linear approximation. 
#'  Used only if /code{type="af"}, defaults to 1000L
#' @param type The type of the calculation, "pf" for point features (default),
#'  "mf" for midpoint features, "ef" for endpoint features and "af" for 
#'  anchored features, see details
#' @param add_heatmap Add the heatmap data to output, must be on to plot
#'  heatmap form output \code{\link{PlotSetArray}} class, defauls to TRUE
#' @param ignore_strand If TRUE the directionality is ignored, that is all 
#'  features' strands, regardless of annotation in GFF/BED file, are treated 
#'  as undetermined ("*"), defaults to FALSE
#' @param verbose Print various messages and warnings, defaults to FALSE
#' @param stat If set to "median" the median is used as summarizing statistic 
#'   for linear plots instead of mean 
#' @param lvl1m function to handle lvl 1 messages, useful when invoked 
#'  in Shiny GUI environment, defaults to \code{\link[base]{message}}
#' @param lvl2m function to handle lvl 2 messages, useful when invoked 
#'  in Shiny GUI environment, defaults to \code{\link[base]{message}}
#' @return The \code{\link{PlotSetArray}} object.
#' @details
#' This function takes genomic coordinates in BED or GFF format, and extracts
#' the signal from track files (BigWig) and/or calculates motif density in 
#' these regions. Then it computes the statistics required for average 
#' and heatmap plots. Returns the \code{\link{PlotSetArray}} class, 
#' which can be further subsisted, and used for plotting.
#' \subsection{Modes of operation}{
#' The function operate in three modes, determined by \code{type} parameter:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \strong{Point Features} - anchor plot on the start of a feature. 
#'     By default, plot will be directional if strand information is present 
#'     (i.e, use start position and plot on positive strand for + strand 
#'     features and use end position and plot on negative strand for minus 
#'     strand features). If strand information is not present in the feature 
#'     file (or if the "ignore strand" option is chosen), plot will use start 
#'     position of feature and be plotted on the positive strand 
#'     (see explanations). 
#'     User chooses length of upstream and downstream sequence to plot.
#'     \item \strong{Midpoint Features} - similar to point feature, but plot 
#'     is centred on the midpoint of the feature.
#'     \item \strong{Endpoint Features} - similar to point feature, but plot 
#'     is centred on the end point (most downstream) of the feature.
#'     \item \strong{Anchored Features} - features are anchored at start 
#'     and stop positions and given pseudo-length chosen by the user. 
#'     Additionally, the user chooses the length of sequence upstream of 
#'     the start and downstream of the end to plot.
#' }
#' }
#' \subsection{Binning the track}{
#' \code{bin} numeric parameter determines the resolution of data acquisition.
#' The default value 10 means that 10bp intervals within the plotting range
#' will be summarized by calculating the mean. Higher values increases the
#' speed of calculation and produces smoother plots, but decreases resolution.
#' }
#' \subsection{DNA motifs}{
#' The \code{\link{MotifSetup}} class allows to calculate and plot the density
#' of any user-defined motif around the chosen genomic feature using the 
#' reference sequence package. Motif plots can be mixed with track files' 
#' signal plots. The \code{\link{MotifSetup}} can be initialized in following 
#' way:
#' \code{ms <- MotifSetup()} \cr
#' \code{ms$addMotif("TATA", window=200L, heatmap=TRUE, revcomp=TRUE, 
#'     name=pattern)} \cr
#' \code{ms$addMotif("GAGA", window=100L)$addBigWig("path/to/file.bw")} \cr
#' The \code{addMotiff} methods accepts following parameters:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{\code{motif}}{ The DNA motif sequence. }
#'     \item{\code{window}}{ Sliding window size in base pairs [bp] - the size
#'     of the sliding window for motif calculation. The value (number of 
#'     matching motifs within the window) is reported in the middle of the 
#'     window, e.g. if window is set to 200bp, DNA motif is "GC" and there are
#'     8 CpGs in first 200 bp of the chromosome the value 8 will be 
#'     reported at 100th bp.}
#'     \item{\code{name}}{ Display name - The name of the motif that will be 
#'     shown in key and heatmap labels. Leave blank to use DNA motif value.}
#'     \item{\code{heatmap}}{ Plot heatmap or error estimates - this checkbox 
#'     determines if heatmap matrix and error estimates should be calculated. 
#'     If unchecked much faster algorithm will be used for motif density 
#'     calculation, but only the average plot without the error estimates 
#'     will be available.}
#'     \item{\code{revcomp}}{ Match reverse complement as well - select if 
#'     reverse complement motif should be reported as well. For example the 
#'     TATA motif will report both TATA and ATAT with this option selected.}
#' }
#' }
#' \subsection{Reference genomes}{
#' The \code{refgenome} parameter determines the reference genome to be used 
#  for calculation. Reference genome package is needed to establish baseline
#' chromosome naming convention (e.g. chrX vs. X) and chromosome lengths. 
#' Also for motif plots the genomic sequence is used to calculate motif
#' density tracks. To check which genomic packages are installed in current R 
#' session use \code{\link[BSgenome]{installed.genomes}} function.
#' \code{\link[BSgenome]{available.genomes}} gives the list of all reference 
#' genome packages currently supplied by BioConductor. Please refer to 
#' \code{\link[BSgenome]{BSgenome}} package documentation for installing and 
#' forging new genome packages.
#' }
#' @family plotting functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Get the paths of example files                      
#' bed1 <- system.file("extdata", 
#'     "Transcripts_ce10_chrI_100Kb.bed", package="seqplots")
#' bed2 <- system.file("extdata", 
#'     "GSM1208361_chrI_100Kb_PeakCalls.bed", package="seqplots")
#' bw1 <- system.file("extdata", 
#'     "GSM1208360_chrI_100Kb_q5_sample.bw", package="seqplots")
#' #If required install C. elegans genomic package from Bioconductor
#' if(!"BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce10" %in% BSgenome::installed.genomes()) {
#'     if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows" || .Machine$sizeof.pointer != 4) {
#'         if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
    #'         install.packages("BiocManager")
#'         BiocManager::install("BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce10")
#'     }
#' }
#' #Get getPlotSetArray for track and feature files
#' #Does not work on Windows i386 (32 bit)
#' if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows" || .Machine$sizeof.pointer != 4) {
#'     plotset1 <- getPlotSetArray(bw1, c(bed1, bed2), 'ce10')
#' } else {
#'     load(system.file("extdata", "precalc_plotset.Rdata", package="seqplots"))
#' }
#' plot(plotset1) #Average plot
#' plot(plotset1[1,], what='h') #Heatmap
#' #Get getPlotSetArray for motifs, track and feature files
#' ms <- MotifSetup()
#' ms <- MotifSetup()
#' ms$addMotif('GAGA')
#' ms$addMotif('TATA')
#' ms$addBigWig(bw1)
#' if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows" || .Machine$sizeof.pointer != 4) {
#'     plotset2 <- getPlotSetArray(ms, c(bed1, bed2), 'ce10')
#' }
#' plot(plotset2) #Average plot
#' plot(plotset2[1,], what='h') #Heatmap
getPlotSetArray <- function(
    tracks, features, refgenome, bin=10L, rm0=FALSE, ignore_strand=FALSE, 
    xmin=2000L, xmax=2000L, xanchored=1000L, type='pf', add_heatmap=TRUE, 
    verbose=FALSE, stat='mean', lvl1m=message, lvl2m=message) {
    old_opt <- options('warn'); on.exit(options(old_opt));
    if( !verbose ) options('warn'=-1)
    if( class(tracks) == "MotifSetup" ) tracks <- tracks$data
    if( class(tracks) == "BigWigFile" ) tracks <- list(tracks)
    if( class(tracks) == "BigWigFileList" ) tracks <- as.list(tracks)
    if( class(tracks) == "BamFile" ) tracks <- list(tracks)
    if( class(tracks) == "BamFileList" ) tracks <- as.list(tracks)
    if( class(features) == "GRanges" ) features <- list(features)
    if( is(features, "GRangesList") ) features <- as.list(features)
    n <- 1; k <- 1; fe_names <- character();
    TSS <- list(length(features))
    ANNO <- list(length(features))
    extarct_matrix <- function(track, gr, size, ignore_strand) {
        sum <- suppressWarnings(.Call(
            'BWGFile_summary', path.expand(path(track)),
            as.character(seqnames(gr)), ranges(gr), 
            S4Vectors::recycleIntegerArg(size, "size", length(gr)), 
            "mean", as.numeric(NA_real_), PACKAGE='rtracklayer'
        M <- do.call( rbind, sum )
        if (!ignore_strand) 
            M[as.character(strand(gr))=='-',] <- M[
                as.character(strand(gr))=='-', ncol(M):1]
    for (j in features) {
        #Set up genome package
        if( class(refgenome) == "SQLiteConnection" ) {
            genome_ind <- dbGetQuery(
                refgenome, paste0("SELECT genome FROM files WHERE name = '", 
                                  basename(j), "'")
            if(genome_ind == 'custom') genome_ind <- NA
        } else {
            genome_ind <- refgenome  
        if(!is.na(genome_ind)) {
            GENOME <- getREF(genome_ind)
            if(class(try(seqlevelsStyle(GENOME))) == "character") {
                remap_chr <- FALSE
            } else {
                remap_chr <- TRUE
        } else {
            GENOME <- NA
            remap_chr <- FALSE
        #Get features to plot
        if(class(j) == "character") {
            tss <- try( 
                anno_out <- sel <- rtracklayer::import(normalizePath(j))
            , silent = FALSE );
            if (class(sel) == "try-error") {
                file_con <- file( normalizePath(j) )
                anno_out <- sel <- rtracklayer::import(file_con)
        } else if(class(j) == "GRanges") {
            anno_out <- sel <- j
        proc <- list(); proc_names <- character();
        for(i in 1:length(tracks) ) {

            fe_name <- if(class(j) == "character") {
            } else if(length(names(features)[n])) {
            } else {
                paste0('feature', '_', n)
            tr_name <- if(class(tracks[[i]]) == 'BigWigFile' | class(tracks[[i]]) == 'BamFile') 
                if( is.null(names(tracks[i])) ) basename(path(tracks[[i]])) else names(tracks[i])
                if( is.null(names(tracks[i])) ) basename(tracks[[i]][[1]]) else names(tracks[i])
                'Processing:', fe_name, '@', tr_name, 
                '[', k, '/',length(features)*length(tracks), ']'
            if (ignore_strand)                strand(sel) <- '*'
            if( type == 'mf' ) sel <- resize(sel, 1, fix='center')
            if( type == 'ef' ) sel <- resize(sel, 1, fix='end')
            if( class(tracks[[i]]) == 'character' ) {
                if(grepl('bam$', tracks[[i]])) {
                    tracks[[i]] <- Rsamtools::BamFile( normalizePath(tracks[[i]]) )
                    bf <- tracks[[i]]
                    if(remap_chr) { seqlevelsStyle(sel) <- seqlevelsStyle(bf)[1] }
                } else {
                    track <- BigWigFile( normalizePath(tracks[[i]]) )
                    if(remap_chr) { seqlevelsStyle(sel) <- seqlevelsStyle(track)[1] }
            } else if ( class(tracks[[i]]) == 'list' ) {  
                pattern <- tracks[[i]]$pattern
                seq_win <- tracks[[i]]$window
                pnam    <- tracks[[i]]$name
                revcomp <- tracks[[i]]$revcomp
                if(remap_chr) { seqlevelsStyle(sel) <- seqlevelsStyle(GENOME) }
            } else if ( class(tracks[[i]]) == 'BigWigFile' ) {
                track <- tracks[[i]]
                if(remap_chr) { seqlevelsStyle(sel) <- seqlevelsStyle(track)[1] }
            } else if ( class(tracks[[i]]) == 'BamFile' ) {
                bf <- tracks[[i]]
                if(remap_chr) { seqlevelsStyle(sel) <- seqlevelsStyle(bf)[1] }
            if ( (type == 'pf') | (type == 'mf') | (type == 'ef') ) {
                gr <- suppressWarnings( GenomicRanges::promoters(sel, xmin, xmax) )
                gr <- trim(gr)
                all_ind  <- seq(-xmin, xmax, by=as.numeric(bin) )
                if( class(tracks[[i]]) == 'character' | class(tracks[[i]]) == 'BigWigFile') {
                    M <- extarct_matrix(
                        track, gr, length(all_ind), ignore_strand)
                } else if ( class(tracks[[i]]) == 'list' ) {
                    if(suppressWarnings(is.na(GENOME))) stop('Motif plots are not possible for undefined genomes.')
                    if(verbose) lvl2m("Processing genome...")
                    suppressWarnings( seqlengths(gr) <- seqlengths(GENOME)[seqlevels(gr)] )
                    gr <- trim(gr)
                        lvl2m("Searching for motif...")
                    M <- suppressWarnings( getSF(
                        GENOME, trim(gr), pattern, seq_win, !add_heatmap, 
                        revcomp=revcomp,  nbins=length(all_ind)
                } else if ( class(tracks[[i]]) == 'BamFile' ) {
                    seqinfo(sel) <- seqinfo(bf)[seqlevels(sel)]
                    what <- c("mapq")
                    flag <- scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE)
                    w <- reduce(GenomicRanges::promoters(sel, xmin*1.2, xmax*1.2), ignore.strand = TRUE)
                    #w <- reduce( c(flank(w, width = 0.5*(xmax-xmin), both = TRUE), w))
                    param <- ScanBamParam(
                        flag = flag, simpleCigar = FALSE, what = what
                    ga <- readGAlignments(bf, param=param)
                    #system.time(ga <- readGAlignments(
                    #    BamViews('test.bam', bamRanges=reduce(gr, ignore.strand=TRUE))
                    #grng <- trim(resize(GRanges(ga), 200L))
                    grng <- GRanges(ga)
                    covr <- coverage(grng)
                    tmp <- tempfile()
                    export.bw(covr, tmp)
                    bwf <- BigWigFile(tmp)
                    M <- extarct_matrix(
                        bwf, gr, length(all_ind), ignore_strand)
                    #M1 <- do.call(rbind, as.list(NumericList(covr[trim(gr)])))
                    #ii <- seq(1, ncol(M1), by=as.numeric(bin) )
                    #zero <- (which(all_ind==0)*bin)-bin/2
                    #M <- do.call(cbind, Map(function(s, e) {
                    #    rowMeans(M1 [,s:e])
                    #}, ii, ii + (as.numeric(bin)-1)))
                    #M <- cbind(M[,which(all_ind < 0)], M1[zero], M[,which(all_ind > 0)-1])
            } else if (type == 'af') {
                left_ind <- seq(-xmin, -1, by=bin)
                mid_ind <- seq(0, xanchored, by=bin)   
                right_ind <- seq(xanchored+bin, xanchored+xmax, by=bin) 
                all_ind <- c(left_ind, mid_ind, right_ind)
                if( class(tracks[[i]]) == 'character' | class(tracks[[i]]) == 'BigWigFile') {
                    M.left <- extarct_matrix(
                        track, trim(flank(sel, xmin, start=TRUE)), length(left_ind), 
                        ignore_strand) #left
                    M.middle <- extarct_matrix(
                        track, trim(sel), length(mid_ind), ignore_strand) #middle    
                    M.right <- extarct_matrix(
                        track, trim(flank(sel, xmax, start=FALSE)), 
                        length(right_ind), ignore_strand)  #right
                    M <- cbind(M.left, M.middle, M.right)   
                } else if ( class(tracks[[i]]) == 'list' ) {
                    if(suppressWarnings(is.na(GENOME))) stop('Motif plots are not possible for undefined genomes.')
                    #MOTIF - left 
                    if(verbose) lvl2m(paste0(
                        "MOTIF: Processing upsterem ", pattern, " motif..."
                    gr <- trim(flank(sel, xmin, start=TRUE))
                    suppressWarnings( seqlengths(gr) <- seqlengths(GENOME)[seqlevels(gr)] )
                    M.left <- suppressWarnings( getSF(
                        GENOME, trim(gr), pattern, seq_win, !add_heatmap, 
                        revcomp=revcomp, nbins=length(left_ind)
                    ) )
                    #MOTIF - middle
                    if(verbose) lvl2m(paste0(
                        "MOTIF: Processing middle ", pattern, " motif..."
                    gr <- sel
                    suppressWarnings( seqlengths(gr) <- seqlengths(GENOME)[seqlevels(gr)] )
                    M.middle <- suppressWarnings(getSF(
                        GENOME, trim(gr), pattern, seq_win, !add_heatmap, 
                        revcomp=revcomp, nbins=length(mid_ind)
                    #MOTIF - right
                    if(verbose) lvl2m(paste0(
                        "MOTIF: Processing downsteream ", pattern, " motif..."
                    gr <- flank(sel, xmin, start=FALSE)
                    suppressWarnings( seqlengths(gr) <-  seqlengths(GENOME)[seqlevels(gr)] )
                    M.right <- suppressWarnings(getSF(
                        GENOME, trim(gr), pattern, seq_win, !add_heatmap,
                        revcomp=revcomp, nbins=length(right_ind)
                    M <- cbind(M.left, M.middle, M.right)
            if(verbose) lvl2m("Calculeating means/stderr/95%CIs...")
            if (rm0) M[M==0] <- NA
            if( stat == 'median' ) {
                means <- apply(M, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
                stderror <- apply(M, 2, function (n) {
                    mad(n, na.rm=TRUE) / sqrt( sum(!is.na(n)) )
                conint  <- apply(M, 2, function (n) {
                    quantile(n, .975, na.rm = TRUE)*mad(n, na.rm = TRUE)/sqrt(sum(!is.na(n)))
            } else {
                means <- colMeans(M, na.rm=TRUE)
                stderror <- apply(M, 2, function (n) {
                    sd(n, na.rm=TRUE) / sqrt( sum(!is.na(n)) )
                conint  <- apply(M, 2, function (n) {
            stderror[is.na(stderror)] <- 0
            conint[is.na(conint)] <- 0
            if(verbose) lvl2m("Exporting results...")
            proc[[i]] <- list(
                means=means, stderror=stderror, conint=conint, all_ind=all_ind,
                e=if (type == 'af') xanchored else NULL,
                desc=paste(sub("\\.(bw|BW)$", "", tr_name), 
                            sub("\\.(gff|GFF|bed|BED)$", "", fe_name), sep="\n@"),
                heatmap=if (add_heatmap) M else NULL,
            proc_names <- c(proc_names, tr_name)
            k <- k+1
        names(proc) <- sub("\\.(bw|BW)$", "", proc_names)
        fe_names <- c(fe_names, sub("\\.(gff|GFF|bed|BED)$", "", fe_name))
        TSS[[n]] <- proc
        ANNO[[n]] <- sel
        n <- n+1
    names(TSS) <- fe_names
    return( PlotSetArray(data = TSS, annotations = ANNO) )

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seqplots documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:52 p.m.