
Defines functions genSwathIonLib .generate_swath_ion_library .normalize_rt .swath_q1q3_conflicts .swath_plot_ .plot_ptm_ion

Documented in genSwathIonLib


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# $Id$
# $Date$

.plot_ptm_ion <- function(psm){
  # find all spec idxs having at least one modification
  psm.mod_idx <- which(lapply(psm, function(x){sum(x$varModification != 0.0)}) > 0)
  # draw all spec with index psm.mod_idx
  lapply(psm.mod_idx, function(idx){
    pp <- plot(psm[[idx]], sub=psm[[idx]]$peptideModSeq)
    b_idxs <- which(psm[[idx]]$varModification != 0.0)
    nAA <- length(psm[[idx]]$varModification)
    y_idxs <- nAA - b_idxs + 1
    abline(v=pp$fragmentIon$b1_[b_idxs], col='purple')
    abline(v=pp$fragmentIon$y1_[y_idxs], col='cyan')
    abline(v=pp$fragmentIon$b2_[b_idxs], col='purple', lwd=2)
    abline(v=pp$fragmentIon$y2_[y_idxs], col='cyan', lwd=2)

# .swath_plot_(peptideStd[[136]])
.swath_plot_ <- function(x){
  x.AAmass <- protViz::aa2mass(x$peptideSequence, protViz::AA$Monoisotopic, protViz::AA$letter1)
  x.AAmodifiedMass <- mapply( function(x, y){ x + y }, x$varModification, x.AAmass, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  # fi <- lapply( x.AAmodifiedMass, function(x){ fragmentIon(x, fragmentIonFUN)[[1]] } )
  fi <- protViz::fragmentIon(x.AAmodifiedMass)[[1]]
  idx <- which(x$varModification != 0.0)
  protViz::peakplot(peptideSequence=x$peptideSequence, spec=x)
  abline(v=fi$y[idx], col='green')

.swath_q1q3_conflicts <- function(ionlib, breaks=seq(400,2000,by=25), overlap=1.0){
  lapply(ionlib, function(x){
    q3 <- x@q3
    q1 <- x@q1
    q1_idx <- lower_bound_(q1, breaks)
    q3_idx <- lower_bound_(q3, breaks)
    res <- cbind(q1, q1_idx, q3_idx,  
                 lower=breaks[q3_idx], q3, upper=breaks[q3_idx+1], 
                 check=(breaks[q3_idx] < rep(q3, length(q3_idx)) & rep(q3, length(q3_idx)) < breaks[q3_idx+1]), 
                 conflict=(rep(q1_idx, length(q3_idx)) == q3_idx))
    #print(cbind(q1, q1_idx, breaks[q1_idx], breaks[q1_idx+1])) 
    # print(res)

# this function is for normalizing the rt on data
# for building the model data.fit  is used
.normalize_rt <- function(data, data.fit, iRT, plot=FALSE){
  message("normalizing RT ...")
  rt <- unlist(lapply(data, function(x){x$rt}))
  rt.fit <- unlist(lapply(data.fit, function(x){x$rt}))
  peptide <- as.character(unlist(lapply(data, function(x){x$peptideSequence})))
  peptide.fit <- as.character(unlist(lapply(data.fit, function(x){x$peptideSequence})))
  fileName <-  as.factor(unlist(lapply(data, function(x){x$fileName})))
  fileName.fit <-  as.factor(unlist(lapply(data.fit, function(x){x$fileName})))
  df <- data.frame(rt, peptide, fileName)
  df.fit <- data.frame(rt=rt.fit, peptide=peptide.fit, fileName=fileName.fit)
  data<-aggregate(df$rt, by=list(df$peptide, df$fileName), FUN=mean)
  data.fit<-aggregate(df.fit$rt, by=list(df.fit$peptide, df.fit$fileName), FUN=mean)
  names(data)<-c('peptide', 'fileName', 'aggregateInputRT')
  names(data.fit)<-c('peptide', 'fileName', 'aggregateInputRT')
  m <- merge(iRT, data.fit, by.x='peptide', by.y='peptide')
  if (nrow(m) < 1){
    message('no iRT peptides found for building the model.')
    message('=> no iRT regression applied, using orgiginal rt instead!')
  if (nrow(m) < 3){
    message('not enough iRT peptides found for building the model.')
    message('=> no iRT regression applied, using original rt instead!')
  for (i in sort(unique(m$fileName))){message(paste("found", nrow(m[m$fileName == i,]), "iRT peptide(s) in", i)) }
  # build the model
  # we can do this only if we have found iRT peptides!
  nFileName <- length(unique (as.factor(fileName)))
  message("building model ...")
  if ( nFileName == 1){
    message('model with only one file.')
    fit <- lm(formula = rt ~ aggregateInputRT, data=m)
  } else if (nFileName > 1){
    fit <- lm(formula = rt ~ aggregateInputRT * fileName, data=m)
  } else {
    stop("problem in .normalize_rt.")
  # apply the model to my data 
  fileName[!fileName %in% m$fileName] <- NA
  rt.predicted <- predict(fit, data.frame(aggregateInputRT=rt, fileName=fileName))

.defaultSwathFragmentIon <- function (b, y) {
  Hydrogen <- 1.007825
  Oxygen <- 15.994915
  Nitrogen <- 14.003074
  #bn_ <- (b + (n-1) * Hydrogen) / n 
  b1_ <- (b )
  y1_ <- (y ) 
  b2_ <- (b + Hydrogen) / 2
  y2_ <- (y + Hydrogen) / 2 
  b3_ <- (b + 2 * Hydrogen) / 3
  y3_ <- (y + 2 * Hydrogen) / 3
  return( cbind(b1_, y1_, b2_, y2_, b3_, y3_) )

.generate_swath_ion_library <- function(x, peptideStd){
  x<- peptideStd[[1]]
  m <- length(2 * nchar(x$peptideSequence))
  q1 <- x$pepmass
  mZ_sorted_fragment_ion <- sort(unlist(fragmentIon(x$peptideSequence)[[1]]))
  # step 0: determine the topN peaks
  topN <- length(x$intensity)
  idx_topN_peaks <- rev(order(x$intensity))[1:topN]
  # step 1: for each peak find the closest in-silico fragment ion
  NN_in_silico <- findNN_(q=x$mZ[idx_topN_peaks], vec=unlist(mZ_sorted_fragment_ion), check=TRUE)
  intensity <- x$intensity[idx_topN_peaks]
  NN_measured <- findNN_(q=unlist(mZ_sorted_fragment_ion), vec=mZ[mZ.idx]) 
  # op<-par(mfrow=c(2,1))
  plot(x$mZ[idx_topN_peaks], x$intensity[idx_topN_peaks], type='h', log='y')
  text(x$mZ[idx_topN_peaks], x$intensity[idx_topN_peaks], names(mZ_sorted_fragment_ion[NN_in_silico]), cex=0.5)
  plot(mZ[mZ.idx], intensity[mZ.idx], type='h')

genSwathIonLib <- function(data, 
                           data.fit = data,
                           max.mZ.Da.error = 0.1, 
                           ignoreMascotIonScore = TRUE, 
                           topN = 10,
                           fragmentIonMzRange = c(300, 1800),
                           fragmentIonRange = c(4, 100), 
                           fragmentIonFUN = .defaultSwathFragmentIon, 
                           iRT = specL::iRTpeptides,
                           AminoAcids = protViz::AA,
  # one transition is useless anyway
  if (fragmentIonRange[1] < 2){
    fragmentIonRange = c(2,100)
    warning("min fragmentIonRange should be at least set to 2. reset fragmentIonRange = c(2,100).")

  .genSwathIonLibSpecL <- function(x, fi, findNN.idx, mZ.error_, rt){
    m <- length(2 * nchar(x$peptideSequence))
    q1 <- x$pepmass
    # mZ values 
    q3 <- x$mZ[findNN.idx]
    fi.unlist <- sort(unlist(fi))
    q3.in_silico <- unlist(fi)
    q1.in_silico <- protViz::parentIonMass(x$peptideSequence) + sum(x$varModification)
    if (sum(is.na(q3)) > 0){
    #message(paste("length of q3 ", length(q3)))
    irt <- round(rep(rt, m), 2)
    #decoy <- rep(0, m)
    prec_z <- rep(x$charge, m)
    frg_type <- gsub("(.*)([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)", "\\1",  names(unlist(fi)))
    frg_z <- gsub("(.*)([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)", "\\2",  names(unlist(fi)))
    frg_nr  <- rep(1:nrow(fi), ncol(fi))  
    # group_id <- rep(paste(x$peptideSequence, ".", x$charge,";", x$pepmass, sep=''), 1)
    group_id <- rep(paste(x$peptideSequence, ".", x$charge, sep=''), 1)
    # expect a modification information, e.g., AAAMASATTM[+16.0]LTTK
    if ("peptideModSeq" %in% names(x)){
      if (nchar(x$peptideModSeq) > nchar(x$peptideSequenc)){
        group_id <- rep(paste(x$peptideModSeq, ".", x$charge, sep=''), 1)
    } else{
      # warning("x$peptideModSeq does not exists!")
    intensity <- 100 * round(x$intensity[findNN.idx] / max(x$intensity[findNN.idx], na.rm=TRUE), 2)
    peptide_sequence <- rep(x$peptideSequence, 1)
    peptideModSeq <- x$peptideModSeq
    filter_mass_error <- (mZ.error_ < max.mZ.Da.error) & (fragmentIonMzRange[1] < q3 & q3 < fragmentIonMzRange[2])
    # TODO(cp): add the SWATH window filter here
    if (length(breaks) > 1){
      # q1_idx <- .Call("lower_bound_", q1, breaks, PACKAGE = "specL")
      # q3_idx <- .Call("lower_bound_", q3, breaks, PACKAGE = "specL")

      q1_idx <- lower_bound_(q1, breaks)
      q3_idx <- lower_bound_(q3, breaks)
      filter_swath_window <- (rep(q1_idx, length(q3_idx)) != q3_idx)
      if (length(filter_mass_error) != length(filter_swath_window)){
        warning("filter have different length!")
      filter_mass_error <- filter_mass_error & filter_swath_window
    #print (sum(filter_mass_error))
    intensity.idx <- rev(order(intensity[filter_mass_error]))
    if (length(intensity.idx) < topN){
      topN <- length(intensity.idx)
    idx <- intensity.idx[1:topN]
    # Testing if in-silico fragment ion were assigned to the same signal peak.
    idx.freqency <- table((findNN.idx[filter_mass_error])[idx])
    if (sum(idx.freqency > 1) > 0){
      mzIDX <- as.integer(names(idx.freqency[idx.freqency > 1]))
      # mZ signals assigned  more than once
      mZ <- x$mZ[mzIDX]
      #message(paste("At least on signal(idx=", mzIDX,",  mZ=", mZ,
      #              ") were assigned to two or more than one different in-silico computed fragment ions.",
      #              sep=''))
      # find all signals having two or more in-silico fragment ions.
      # TODO: can be more than one
      idx.tb.removed <- unlist(lapply(mZ, function(x.mZ){
        idx.redundant <- idx[as.numeric(q3[filter_mass_error])[idx] == x.mZ]
        ## find the one having the closest distance
        idx.redundant.dist <- (abs(as.numeric(q3[filter_mass_error])[idx.redundant] - as.numeric(q3.in_silico[filter_mass_error])[idx.redundant]))
        idx.redundant.min <- idx.redundant[idx.redundant.dist == min(idx.redundant.dist)]
        # keep only the nearest in-silico fragment ion. If dist(fi, mZ) is always the same take the first.
        return(idx.redundant[idx.redundant != idx.redundant.min[1]])
      # pruning 
      if (length(idx.tb.removed) > 0){
        idx <- idx[!idx %in% idx.tb.removed]
    if ( sum(table(as.numeric(q3[filter_mass_error])[idx]) != 1) > 0){ 
      warning("At least on q3 signal were assigned to two or more than one different in-silico computed fragment ions.")
    res <- specL(group_id=group_id, 
                 q1.in_silico = q1.in_silico,
  } # .genSwathIonLibSpecL
  x.peptideSeq <- sapply(data, function(x){x$peptideSequence})
  x.varModMass<-(lapply(data, function(x){
    if (length(x$varModification) != nchar(x$peptideSequence)){
      rep(0, nchar(x$peptideSequence))
  x.AAmass <- protViz::aa2mass(x.peptideSeq, AminoAcids$Monoisotopic, AminoAcids$letter1)
  x.AAmodifiedMass <- mapply(function(x, y){x + y}, x.varModMass, x.AAmass, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  x.rt <- sapply(data, function(x){x$rt})
  if (length(iRT) > 1 & length(data.fit) > 1){
    x.rt <- NORMALIZE(data, data.fit, iRT, plot=FALSE)
  message("generating ion library ...")
  # determine fragment ions while considering the var mods
  fi <- lapply(x.AAmodifiedMass, function(x){fragmentIon(x, fragmentIonFUN)[[1]]})
  fragmentIonTyp = names(fi[[1]]) 
  # find NN peak
  findNN.idx <- mapply(function(x.fi, y.data){ findNN_(unlist(x.fi), y.data$mZ) }, 
                       fi, data, 
                       SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  # determine mZ error
  mZ.error <- mapply(function(x, y.findNN.idx, z){
    abs(x$mZ[y.findNN.idx] - unlist(z))
  }, data, findNN.idx, fi, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  message("start generating specLSet object ..." )
  time.start <- Sys.time(); 
  message(paste("length of findNN idx ", length(findNN.idx)))
  # prepare table for output
  if ( parallel::detectCores() > 1 & length(data) > 200){
    message("using BiocParallel::bpmapply( ..." )
    output <- parallel::mcmapply (.genSwathIonLibSpecL, data, fi, findNN.idx, mZ.error, x.rt, 
                                  SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    output <- mapply (.genSwathIonLibSpecL, 
                      data, fi, findNN.idx, mZ.error, x.rt, 
                      SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  message(paste("length of genSwathIonLibSpecL  ", length(output)))
  time.end <- Sys.time();
  message(paste("time taken: ",  difftime(time.end, time.start, units='secs'), "secs"))
  output.filter <- which(unlist(lapply (output, function (x) {fragmentIonRange[1] <= length(x@q3) && length(x@q3) <= fragmentIonRange[2]})))
  output <- output[output.filter]
  message(paste("length of genSwathIonLibSpecL  after fragmentIonRange filtering", length(output)))
                                       max.mZ.Da.error = max.mZ.Da.error, 
                                       ignoreMascotIonScore = ignoreMascotIonScore,
                                       topN = topN,
                                       fragmentIonMzRange = fragmentIonMzRange,
                                       fragmentIonRange = fragmentIonRange,
                  rt.input=unlist(lapply(data, function(x){x$rt}))[output.filter])

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