loadIdentOnly <- function(pepfile,
fdr = 0.01,
method = "BH",
verbose = interactive()) {
if (verbose)
message("Processing ", basename(pepfile))
x1 <- .Synapter$new()
x1$IdentPeptideFile <- pepfile
x1$IdentPeptideData <- readFinalPeptides(x1$IdentPeptideFile,
verbose = verbose)
## x1$DbFastaFile <- fastafile
x1$IdentPeptideData$errorppm <-
error.ppm(obs = x1$IdentPeptideData$precursor.mhp,
theo = x1$IdentPeptideData$peptide.mhp)
x1$IdentPeptideData$protein.falsePositiveRate <-
x1$IdentPeptideData$protein.falsePositiveRate / 100
x1$filterIdentPepScore(fdrMethod = method)
## x1$setProtFpr(fpr)
## x1$filterIdentProtFpr()
setMethod("show", "MasterPeptides",
function(object) {
if (!length(object@masters)) {
cat("Empty object of class \"", class(object), "\"\n", sep = "")
} else {
cat("Object of class \"", class(object), "\"\n", sep = "")
f <- basename(object@pepfiles)[object@orders[[1]]]
f <- paste0(" [", 1:length(f), "] ", f)
o1 <- paste(1:length(object@pepfiles), collapse = " ")
o2 <- paste(c(2:length(object@pepfiles), 1), collapse = " ")
cat(" 1st Master [", o1, "] has", nrow(object@masters[[1]]), "peptides \n")
cat(" 2nd Master [", o2, "] has", nrow(object@masters[[2]]), "peptides \n")
cat(paste(f, collapse = "\n"), "\n")
if (.hasSlot(object, "fragmentlibrary")) {
if (!length(object@fragmentlibrary)) {
cat("\n No fragment library.\n")
} else {
cat("\n Fragment library contains fragments for ",
length(object@fragmentlibrary), " peptides.\n", sep="")
cat(paste0(" [", seq_along(object@fragmentfiles), "] ",
basename(object@fragmentfiles), "\n"), sep="")
setMethod("writeMasterPeptides", c("MasterPeptides", "character"),
function(x, file, ...) {
filename <- sprintf("%02i-%s", seq_along(x@masters), basename(file))
path <- dirname(file)
for (i in seq(along=x@masters)) {
write.csv(x@masters[[i]], file = file.path(path, filename[i]), row.names = FALSE, ...)
setMethod("writeFragmentLibrary", c("MasterPeptides", "character"),
function(x, file, ...) {
write.csv(x@fragments, file = file, row.names = FALSE, ...)
##' This function takes all possible combination of \code{pepfiles}
##' of length greater or equal than 2 and computes the number of
##' estimated incorrect peptides, the number of unique peptides,
##' the number of unique protetypic peptides and the
##' false discovery rate after merging for each combination.
##' The best combination has an fdr lower than \code{masterFdr}
##' and the highest number of unique (proteotypic) peptides.
##' The false discovery rate for the master (merged) file is calcualted
##' by summing the number of estimated false discoveries for each
##' individual final peptide file (number of unique peptides in that file
##' multiplied by \code{fdr}) divided by the total number of unique
##' peptides for that specific combination.
##' The function returns an instance of the class
##' \code{"\linkS4class{MasterFdrResults}"}.
##' @title Computes FDR for all possible final peptide combinations
##' @param pepfiles A \code{list} of \code{vector} of final peptide
##' filenames.
##' @param fastafile A \code{character} with the fasta filename.
##' @param masterFdr A \code{numeric} indicating the maximum merged
##' false discovery to be allowed.
##' @param fdr Peptide FDR level for individual peptide files filtering.
##' @param proteotypic Logical. Should number proteotypic peptides be
##' used to choose best combination and plot results or total number
##' of unique peptides.
##' @param missedCleavages Number of maximal missed cleavage sites. Default is 0.
##' @param IisL If \code{TRUE} Isoleucin and Leucin are treated as identical.
##' In this case sequences like "ABCI", "ABCL" are removed because they
##' are not unqiue. If \code{FALSE} (default) "ABCI" and "ABCL" are reported as
##' unique.
##' @param maxFileComb A \code{numeric} to limit the accepted file
##' combinations to reduce computation time. Default is
##' \code{length(pepfiles)} meaning no limit set.
##' @param verbose Should progress messages be printed?
##' @return An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MasterFdrResults}"}.
##' See details above.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @references Bond N. J., Shliaha P.V., Lilley K.S. and Gatto L.,
##' (2013) J. Prot. Research.
##' @seealso The \code{\link{makeMaster}} function to combine
##' the peptide data as suggested by \code{estimateMasterFdr} into
##' one single \emph{master} peptide file.
##' The vignette, accessible with \code{synapterGuide()} illustrates a
##' complete pipeline using \code{estimateMasterFdr} and
##' \code{makeMaster}.
estimateMasterFdr <- function(pepfiles,
masterFdr = 0.025,
fdr = 0.01,
proteotypic = TRUE,
missedCleavages = 0,
maxFileComb = length(pepfiles),
verbose = interactive()) {
hdmseList <- lapply(pepfiles,
fdr = fdr,
verbose = verbose)
if (verbose) {
message("Generating unique proteotypic peptides...")
proteotyptic <- dbUniquePeptideSet(fastafile,
missedCleavages = missedCleavages,
IisL = IisL,
verbose = FALSE)
cmbs <- .calculatePeptideFileCombinations(length(pepfiles),
maxFileComb = maxFileComb,
verbose = verbose)
uniquePeptidesList <- lapply(hdmseList, function(x)
if (verbose) {
ans <- .masterFdrSummary(cmbs, proteotyptic, uniquePeptidesList, fdr)
b <- which.max(ans[ans$fdr < masterFdr, ifelse(proteotypic,
all = ans,
best = ans[which(ans$fdr < masterFdr)[b], ],
files = pepfiles,
masterFdr = masterFdr)
#' Calculate the possible combinations of pepfiles for master creation.
#' @param n number of files
#' @param maxFileComb maximal accepted file combinations
#' @param verbose verbose output?
#' @return list, with numeric vectors containing all combinations
#' @noRd
.calculatePeptideFileCombinations <- function(n, maxFileComb=n,
verbose=interactive()) {
cmbs <- lapply(2:maxFileComb, function(k)combn(n, k, simplify = FALSE))
cmbs <- Reduce(c, cmbs)
if (verbose) {
msg <- paste(n, "peptide files available -", length(cmbs), "combinations")
if (maxFileComb < n) {
msg <- paste0(msg, " (limited by maxFileComb=", maxFileComb, ")")
#' Create bookholder matrix for unique peptides in specific ident files
#' @param x list of unique peptides per file (one element per file)
#' @return matrix, with unique peptides in rows and files in columns
#' @noRd
.peptideMatrix <- function(x) {
uniquePeptides <- unique(unlist(x))
l <- lapply(x, "%in%", x=uniquePeptides)
m <-, l)
rownames(m) <- uniquePeptides
colnames(m) <- seq_along(x)
storage.mode(m) <- "integer"
#' Create summary for combinations needed for MasterFdrResults
#' @param cmbs list of combinations
#' @param proteotyptic character, proteotypic peptides
#' @param uniquePeptidesList list of unique peptides per file
#' (one element per file)
#' @param fdr fdr
#' @return data.frame
#' @noRd
.masterFdrSummary <- function(cmbs, proteotyptic, uniquePeptidesList, fdr) {
contMat <- .peptideMatrix(uniquePeptidesList)
nIncorrect <- round(colSums(contMat) * fdr, 0L)
ans <- lapply(cmbs, function(cmb) {
uniquePeptides <- unique(unlist(uniquePeptidesList[cmb]))
c(incorrect = round(sum(contMat[, cmb]) * fdr, 0L),
unique = sum(rowSums(contMat[, cmb]) != 0L),
proteotypic = sum(uniquePeptides %in% proteotyptic))
ans <-, ans))
ans$fdr <- ans$incorrect / ans$unique
ans$combination <- cmbs
ans$nbSample <- lengths(cmbs)
setMethod("show", "MasterFdrResults",
function(object) {
cat(length(object@files), "files -", nrow(object@all), "combinations\n")
cat("Best combination:", object@best$combination[[1]], "\n")
cat(" -", object@best$proteotypic, "proteotypic peptides\n")
cat(" -", object@best$unique, "unique peptides\n")
cat(" -", round(object@best$fdr,3), "FDR\n")
setMethod("plot", c("MasterFdrResults", "missing"),
function(x,y, proteotypic = TRUE) {
.x <- x@all$fdr
{ .y <- x@all[, "proteotypic"]; .ylab <- "Number of unique proteotypic peptides"},
{ .y <- x@all[, "unique"]; .ylab <- "Number of unique peptides"})
plot(.y ~ .x, type = "n",
xlab = "Total FDR", ylab = .ylab)
text(.x, .y,
cex = .6,
col = ifelse(x@all$fdr < x@masterFdr,
abline(v = x@masterFdr, lty = "dotted")
.x <- x@best[, c("fdr", "proteotypic")],
.x <- x@best[, c("fdr", "unique")])
points(.x, pch = 19, cex = 2, col = "#FF000020")
points(.x, pch = 19, cex = 2, col = "#FF000020")
setMethod("bestComb", "MasterFdrResults",
function(object) object@best$combination[[1]])
setMethod("fileNames", "MasterFdrResults",
function(object) object@files)
setMethod("masterFdr", "MasterFdrResults",
function(object) object@masterFdr)
setMethod("allComb", "MasterFdrResults",
function(object) object@all)
##' This function combines a list of peptide final peptide files into
##' one single \emph{master} file that is obtained by merging
##' the unique peptides from the filtered original peptide files. \cr
##' Additionally it can combine multiple final fragment files into a fragment
##' library.
##' The merging process is as follows:
##' \enumerate{
##' \item Each individual peptide final peptide file is filtered to retain
##' (i) non-duplicated unique tryptic peptides, (ii) peptides with a
##' false discovery rate <= \code{fdr} and (iii) proteins with a false
##' positive rate <= \code{fpr}.
##' \item The filtered peptide files are ordered (1) according to their total
##' number of peptides (for example [P1, P2, P3]) and (2) as before with the first
##' item is positioned last ([P2, P3, P1] in the previous example).
##' The peptide data are then combined in pairs in these respective orders.
##' The first one is called the \emph{master} file.
##' \item For each (master, slave) pair, the slave peptide file
##' retention times are modelled according to the (original)
##' master's retention times and slave peptides, not yet present in the
##' master file are added to the master file.
##' \item The final \emph{master} datasets, containing their own peptides and
##' the respective slave specific retention time adjusted peptides are returned
##' as a \code{MasterPeptides} instance.
##' }
##' The resulting \code{MasterPeptides} instance can be further used
##' for a complete master vs. peptides/Pep3D analysis, as described in
##' \code{\link{Synapter}}, \code{\link{synergise}} or using the GUI
##' (\code{\link{synapterGUI}}). To do so, it must be serialised (using the
##' \code{saveRDS} function) with a \code{.rds} file
##' extension, to be recognised (and loaded) as a \code{R} object.
##' When several quantitation (or identification) files are combined as a master set
##' to be mapped back against the inidividual final peptide files,
##' the second master [P2, P3, P1] is used when analysing the peptide data
##' that was first selected in the master generation (P1 above).
##' This is to avoid aligning two identical sets of peptides (those of P1)
##' and thus not being able to generate a valid retention time model.
##' This is detected automatically for the user.
##' The two master peptides dataframes can be exported to disk as
##' two \code{csv} files with \code{writeMasterPeptides}. The
##' \code{MasterPeptides} object returned by \code{makeMaster} can be
##' saved to disk (with \code{save} or \code{saveRDS}) and later reloaded
##' (with \code{load} or \code{readRDS}) for further analysis.
##' The fragment library generation works as follows:
##' \enumerate{
##' \item Each individual final fragment file is imported and only peptides
##' present in the \emph{master} dataset are used.
##' \item The fragments are combined based on their precursor ions.
##' \item The intensities of identical fragments (seen in different runs)
##' is summed and divided by the summed precursor intensity (of the same
##' peptide in different runs).
##' \item Afterwards the intensities are normalized to the average precursor
##' intensity of the different runs.
##' \item Finally a \code{\linkS4class{MSnExp}} object is created.
##' }
##' The fragment library dataframe can be exported to disk as
##' \code{csv} file with \code{writeFragmentLibrary}.
##' @title Merges final peptide files
##' @param pepfiles A \code{character} vector of final peptide file
##' names to be merged.
##' @param fragmentfiles A \code{character} vector of final fragment file
##' names to be combined into an fragment library. These files should be
##' from the same runs as the final peptide files used in \code{pepfiles}.
##' @param fdr A \code{numeric} indicating the peptide false
##' discovery rate limit.
##' @param method A \code{character} indicating the p-value adjustment to
##' be used. One of \code{BH} (default), \code{Bonferroni} or \code{qval}.
##' @param span.rt A \code{numeric} with the loess span parameter value
##' to be used for retention time modelling.
##' @param A \code{numeric} with the loess span parameter value
##' to be used for intensity modelling.
##' @param maxDeltaRt A \code{double} value that sets a maximum limit for
##' the retention time deviaton between master and slave run to be included
## in the retention time modelling.
##' @param removeNeutralLoss A \code{logical}, if \code{TRUE} peptides with
##' neutral loss are removed from the fragment library.
##' @param removePrecursor A \code{logical}, if \code{TRUE} precursor ions are
##' removed from the fragment spectra.
##' @param tolerance A \code{double} value that determines the tolerance used
##' to look for the precursor ions.
##' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if information should be
##' printed out.
##' @return An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MasterPeptides}"}.
##' @author Laurent Gatto, Sebastian Gibb
##' @aliases writeMasterPeptides
##' writeMasterPeptides,MasterPeptides,character-method
##' writeFragmentLibrary writeFragmentLibrary,MasterPeptides,character-method
##' @references Shliaha P.V., Bond N. J., Lilley K.S. and Gatto L., in prep.
##' @seealso See the \code{\link{Synapter}} class manual page for
##' detailed information on filtering and modelling and the general
##' algorithm implemented in the \code{synapter} package.
##' The \code{\link{estimateMasterFdr}} function allows to control
##' false dicovery rate when combining several peptide files while
##' maximising the number of identifications and suggest which
##' combination of peptide files to use.
##' The vignette, accessible with \code{synapterGuide()}
##' illustrates a complete pipeline using \code{estimateMasterFdr} and
##' \code{makeMaster}.
makeMaster <- function(pepfiles,
fdr = 0.01,
## fpr
method = c("BH", "Bonferroni", "qval"),
span.rt = 0.05, = 0.05,
maxDeltaRt = Inf,
removeNeutralLoss = TRUE,
removePrecursor = TRUE,
tolerance = 25e-6,
verbose = interactive()) {
method <- match.arg(method)
hdmseList <- lapply(pepfiles, loadIdentOnly,
fdr = fdr,
method = method,
verbose = verbose)
hdmseList <- lapply(hdmseList, .filterDuplicatedPeptideSequences)
orders <- .orderForMasterModels(hdmseList)
mergedList <- lapply(orders,
span.rt = span.rt, =,
maxDeltaRt = maxDeltaRt,
verbose = verbose))
mergedList <- .regeneratePrecursorLeId(mergedList, verbose = verbose)
## create fragment library
if (!missing(fragmentfiles)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Creating fragment library.")
fragments <- .createFragmentLibrary(master = mergedList[[1L]],
files = fragmentfiles,
removeNeutralLoss = removeNeutralLoss,
verbose = verbose)
lib <- .fragments2spectra(df = NULL, # df is not needed for storeAll=TRUE, because we don't use
# ID intersection
fragments = fragments,
file = fragmentfiles,
storeAll = TRUE,
removePrecursor = removePrecursor,
tolerance = tolerance,
verbose = verbose)
} else {
lib <- new("MSnExp")
fragmentfiles <- character()
fragments <- data.frame()
masters = mergedList,
pepfiles = pepfiles,
fdr = fdr,
method = method,
orders = orders,
fragmentfiles = fragmentfiles,
fragments = fragments,
fragmentlibrary = lib)
#' Remove rows with douplicated peptide.seq entries.
#' @param x hdmse list generated by lapply(..., loadIdentOnly)
#' @noRd
.filterDuplicatedPeptideSequences <- function(x) {
x$IdentPeptideData <-
x$IdentPeptideData[!duplicated(x$IdentPeptideData$peptide.seq), ]
#' Use the data set with the highest number of peptides for model creation
#' @param x hdmse list generated by lapply(..., loadIdentOnly)
#' @noRd
.orderForMasterModels <- function(x) {
n <- vapply(x, function(xx)nrow(xx$IdentPeptideData), double(1L))
o <- order(n, decreasing = TRUE)
list(o, c(o[-1L], o[1L]))
#' Merge a peptide data (master and a single slave)
#' @param master master df
#' @param slave df that should be merged
#' @param maxDeltaRt maximal allowed deviation in retTime; see issue #107
#' @param verbose verbose output?
#' @noRd
.mergePeptideData <- function(master, slave, maxDeltaRt = Inf,
verbose = interactive()) {
m <- merge(master, slave, by.x = "peptide.seq", by.y = "peptide.seq",
suffixes = c(".master", ".slave"))
m$deltaRt <- m$precursor.retT.master - m$precursor.retT.slave
m$intenRatio <- log2(m$precursor.inten.master / m$precursor.inten.slave)
keep <- abs(m$deltaRt) < maxDeltaRt
if (verbose && sum(!keep)) {
message(" | Ignoring ", sum(!keep), " features because ",
"deltaRt > ", maxDeltaRt,
" (using ", sum(keep), " for rt model).")
m[keep, ]
#' Merge a master and its corresponding slaves.
#' @param x hdmse list generated by lapply(..., loadIdentOnly)
#' @param span.rt loess span for retention time model
#' @param loess span for intensity model
#' @param maxDeltaRt maximal allowed deviation in retTime; see issue #107
#' @param verbose verbose output?
#' @noRd
.mergeMaster <- function(x, span.rt = 0.05, = 0.05, maxDeltaRt = Inf,
verbose = interactive()) {
if (length(x) < 2L) {
stop("To create a master at least two identification data are needed.")
master <- x[[1L]]
slaves <- x[-1L]
merged <- master$IdentPeptideData
if (verbose) {
message("Master: ", basename(master$IdentPeptideFile),
" (", nrow(master$IdentPeptideData), " peptides)")
for (i in seq(along=slaves)) {
if (verbose) {
message(" +- Merging master and ",
" (", nrow(slaves[[i]]$IdentPeptideData), " peptides)")
mergedPeptideData <- .mergePeptideData(master$IdentPeptideData,
maxDeltaRt = maxDeltaRt,
verbose = verbose)
rtModel <- loessModel(mergedPeptideData$precursor.retT.master,
mergedPeptideData$deltaRt, span=span.rt)
slaves[[i]]$IdentPeptideData$precursor.retT <-
slaves[[i]]$IdentPeptideData$precursor.retT +
predict(rtModel, slaves[[i]]$IdentPeptideData$precursor.retT)
intModel <- loessModel(mergedPeptideData$precursor.retT.slave,
slaves[[i]]$IdentPeptideData$precursor.inten <-
slaves[[i]]$IdentPeptideData$precursor.inten *
2L^(predict(intModel, slaves[[i]]$IdentPeptideData$precursor.retT))
isMissing <- !(slaves[[i]]$IdentPeptideData$peptide.seq %in%
isNotNa <- ![[i]]$IdentPeptideData$precursor.retT)
merged <- rbind(merged,
slaves[[i]]$IdentPeptideData[isMissing & isNotNa, ])
if (verbose) {
sep <- if (i == length(slaves)) { "\\" } else { "|" }
message(" ", sep, "--- (", i, ") Merged: ", nrow(merged), " features.")
rownames(merged) <- NULL
#' Create new values for the precursor.leID column.
#' @param x list generated by lapply(..., .mergeMaster)
#' @param verbose verbose output?
#' @noRd
.regeneratePrecursorLeId <- function(x, verbose = interactive()) {
if (verbose) {
message("Regenerate precursor.leIDs.")
peptide.seqs <- unique(x[[1L]]$peptide.seq)
precursor.leID <- setNames(seq_along(peptide.seqs), peptide.seqs)
lapply(x, function(xx) {
xx$precursor.leID <- precursor.leID[xx$peptide.seq]
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