## Class ##
## Class and Method Definitions for SYSargsList ##
## Define SYSargsList class
setClass("SYSargsList", slots=c(
## Methods to return SYSargsList components
setGeneric(name="sysconfig", def=function(x) standardGeneric("sysconfig"))
setMethod(f="sysconfig", signature="SYSargsList", definition=function(x) {return(x@sysconfig)})
setGeneric(name="codeSteps", def=function(x) standardGeneric("codeSteps"))
setMethod(f="codeSteps", signature="SYSargsList", definition=function(x) {return(x@codeSteps)})
setGeneric(name="stepsWF", def=function(x) standardGeneric("stepsWF"))
setMethod(f="stepsWF", signature="SYSargsList", definition=function(x) {return(names(x@stepsWF))})
setGeneric(name="dataWF", def=function(x) standardGeneric("dataWF"))
setMethod(f="dataWF", signature="SYSargsList", definition=function(x) {return(x@dataWF)})
setGeneric(name="SYSargs2_steps", def=function(x) standardGeneric("SYSargs2_steps"))
setMethod(f="SYSargs2_steps", signature="SYSargsList", definition=function(x) {return(x@SYSargs2_steps)})
setGeneric(name="statusWF", def=function(x) standardGeneric("statusWF"))
setMethod(f="statusWF", signature="SYSargsList", definition=function(x) {return(x@statusWF)})
setGeneric(name="projectWF", def=function(x) standardGeneric("projectWF"))
setMethod(f="projectWF", signature="SYSargsList", definition=function(x) {return(x@projectWF)})
## Constructor methods
## List to SYSargsList
setAs(from="list", to="SYSargsList",
def=function(from) {
new("SYSargsList", sysconfig=from$sysconfig, codeSteps=from$codeSteps, stepsWF=from$stepsWF, dataWF=from$dataWF, SYSargs2_steps=from$SYSargs2_steps,
statusWF=from$statusWF, projectWF=from$projectWF)
## Coerce back to list: as(SYSargsList, "list")
setGeneric(name="sysargslist", def=function(x) standardGeneric("sysargslist"))
setMethod(f="sysargslist", signature="SYSargsList", definition=function(x) {
sysargsset <- list(sysconfig=x@sysconfig, codeSteps=x@codeSteps, stepsWF=x@stepsWF, dataWF=x@dataWF, SYSargs2_steps=x@SYSargs2_steps, statusWF=x@statusWF, projectWF=x@projectWF)
## SYSargsList to list with: as("SYSargsList", list)
setAs(from="SYSargsList", to="list",
def=function(from) {
## Define print behavior for SYSargsList
setMethod(f="show", signature="SYSargsList",
definition=function(object) {
cat(paste0("Instance of '", class(object), "':"),
" WF Steps:",
"\n", sep="\n")
## Extend names() method
setMethod(f="names", signature="SYSargsList",
definition=function(x) {
## Extend length() method
setMethod(f="length", signature="SYSargsList",
definition=function(x) {
# Behavior of "[" operator for SYSargsList
setMethod(f="[", signature="SYSargsList", definition=function(x, i, ..., drop) {
if(is.logical(i)) {
i <- which(i)
x@SYSargs2_steps <- x@SYSargs2_steps[i]
## Behavior of "[[" operator for SYSargsList
setMethod(f="[[", signature="SYSargsList",
definition=function(x, i, ..., drop) {
return(as(x, "list")[[i]])
## Behavior of "$" operator for SYSargsList
setMethod("$", signature="SYSargsList",
definition=function(x, name) {
slot(x, name)
## Replacement method for SYSargs2 using "[" operator
setReplaceMethod(f="[[", signature="SYSargsList", definition=function(x, i, j, value) {
if(i==1) x@sysconfig <- value
if(i==2) x@codeSteps <- value
if(i==3) x@stepsWF <- value
if(i==4) x@dataWF <- value
if(i==5) x@SYSargs2_steps <- value
if(i==6) x@statusWF <- value
if(i==7) x@projectWF <- value
if(i=="sysconfig") x@sysconfig <- value
if(i=="codeSteps") x@codeSteps <- value
if(i=="stepsWF") x@stepsWF <- value
if(i=="dataWF") x@dataWF <- value
if(i=="SYSargs2_steps") x@SYSargs2_steps <- value
if(i=="statusWF") x@statusWF <- value
if(i=="projectWF") x@projectWF <- value
## Main functions ##
## SYSproject function ##
## Detection and creation of the directory of the project
SYSproject <- function(projPath="./", overwrite=FALSE, silent=FALSE, tempdir=FALSE){
if(!class(projPath)=="character") stop("Provide valid 'projPath' PATH.")
projPath <- tempdir()
projPath <- paste0(projPath, "/", ".SYSproject")
}else if(tempdir==FALSE){
projPath <- paste0(projPath, "/.SYSproject")
if(silent != TRUE) cat("Creating directory '", normalizePath(projPath), "'", sep = "")
} else if(file.exists(projPath)==TRUE){
if(overwrite == FALSE){
stop("/.SYSproject already exists. '/.SYSproject' can be overwritten OR restart the project where it was stopped.")
} else if(overwrite==TRUE){
unlink(projPath, recursive = T)
if(silent != TRUE) cat("Directory '", normalizePath(projPath), "' was overwritten", sep = "")
## Usage
# SYSproj <- SYSproject()
# SYSproj <- SYSproject(projPath="./", overwrite=FALSE, tempdir=TRUE)
## initProject function ##
## This function detects an existing project or creates a project structure on the path provide
initProject <- function(projPath="./", data="data", param="param", results="results", script=NULL, targets=NULL,
subProj=FALSE, filename="SYSconfig.yml", overwrite=FALSE, silent=FALSE){
project <- list(project=projPath, data=paste0(normalizePath(projPath), "/", data),
param=paste0(normalizePath(projPath), "/", param), results=paste0(normalizePath(projPath), "/", results))
path <- sapply(project, function(x) suppressMessages(tryPath(x)))
create <- NULL
for(i in seq_along(path)){
if(is.null(path[[i]])) create <- c(create, project[i])
## Question
if(!is.null(create)) {
## For an interactive() session
dir_create <- readline(cat("There is no directory called", paste0(create, collapse = " OR "), "\n",
"Would you like to create this directory now? Type a number: \n 1. Yes \n 2. No \n"))
} else {
## For an non-interactive session
dir_create <-"1"
for(i in seq_along(create))
dir.create(create[[i]], recursive = TRUE)
print(paste("Creating directory:", create[[i]]))
} else if (dir_create==2) {
stop("Aborting project creation.")
path <- sapply(project, function(x) suppressMessages(tryPath(x)))
project_path <- list(class="Directory", path=normalizePath(path[1]))
data_path <- list(class="Directory", path=normalizePath(path[2]))
param_path <- list(class="Directory", path=normalizePath(path[3]))
results_path <- list(class="Directory", path=normalizePath(path[4]))
targets <- list(class="File", path=targets)
script <- list(class="File", path=script)
initProj <- list(project=project_path, data=data_path,
param=param_path, results=results_path, targets=targets,
dump <- "do nothing"
} else if(subProj==FALSE){
SYSproj <- SYSproject(projPath=projPath, overwrite=overwrite, silent=TRUE,tempdir=FALSE)
if(all(file.exists(paste0(projPath, "/", filename)) & overwrite == FALSE)) stop(paste("I am not allowed to overwrite files; please delete existing file:", filename, "or set 'overwrite=TRUE'"))
yaml::write_yaml(x=initProj, file=paste0(projPath, "/", filename))
if(silent != TRUE) cat("Project started with success: ./SYSproject and", filename, "were created.")
initProj <- c(initProj, list(SYSproj=SYSproj, SYSconfig=normalizePath(paste0(projPath, "/", filename))))
## Usage
# SYSconfig <- initProject(projPath="./", targets="targets.txt", script="systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", overwrite=TRUE, silent=FALSE)
# SYSconfig <- initProject(projPath="./", targets="targets.txt", script="systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", overwrite=TRUE, silent=TRUE)
# SYSconfig <- initProject(projPath="./", targets="targets.txt", script="systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", overwrite=FALSE, silent=FALSE)
# SYSconfig <- initProject(projPath="./", data="./data2", param="./param2", results="./results")
## initWF function ##
initWF <- function(sysconfig=NULL, subProj=FALSE, dir_str="level0", dirName="default", script, targets=NULL, silent=FALSE, overwrite=FALSE){
## Validations
if(all(!is.null(sysconfig) && !file.exists(sysconfig)==TRUE)) stop("Provide valid 'sysconfig' file. Check the file PATH.")
if(subProj==TRUE & !dir_str %in% "level0") stop("If argument 'subProj' is TRUE, argument 'dir_str' can only be assigned: 'level0'")
if(subProj==TRUE & !class(dirName)=="character") stop("Argument 'dirName' needs to be object of class 'character'.")
if(all(is.null(sysconfig) && !file.exists(script)==TRUE)) stop("Provide valid 'script' file. Check the file PATH.")
## Building an 'SYSargsList' empty container
init <- as(SYScreate("SYSargsList"), "list")
## detects an existing project or creates a project structure on getwd() OR it uses all the info from the sysconfig argument
if(!file.exists(script)==TRUE) stop("Provide valid 'script' file. Check the file PATH.")
sysconfig <- initProject(projPath="./", targets=targets, script=script, overwrite=overwrite, silent=silent, subProj=subProj)
} else if(!is.null(sysconfig)){
warning = function(w) {
w$message <- paste("Please check the", sysconfig, "file. Some file path is missing. For more details: 'help(initWF)'")
sysconfig <- yaml::read_yaml(sysconfig, eval.expr=TRUE)
if(!file.exists(script)==TRUE) stop("Provide valid 'script' file or provide this path file on the 'sysconfig' file.")
sysconfig$script$path <- script
## Creates the subproject if is TRUE
init$projectWF <- list(project=sysconfig$project$path, data=sysconfig$data$path, param=sysconfig$param$path,
} else if(subProj==TRUE){
if(dirName=="default"){ <- paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y_%H%M%S"))
} else { <- dirName
original_dir <- list(project=sysconfig$project$path, data=sysconfig$data$path, param=sysconfig$param$path,
results=sysconfig$results$path) <- paste0(basename(getwd()), "_",
dir.create(paste0("../",, "/results/"), recursive = T)
cat(paste0("New directory has been created:", "\n", normalizePath(paste0("../",
file.copy(from=sysconfig$param$path, to=paste0("../",, recursive = T)
if(all(file.exists(c(".batchtools.conf.R", "batchtools.slurm.tmpl")))){
file.copy(c("batchtools.slurm.tmpl", ".batchtools.conf.R"), paste0("../",
project <- normalizePath(paste0("../",
param <- normalizePath(paste0("../",, "/", basename(sysconfig$param$path)))
results <- normalizePath(paste0("../",, "/results"))
## symbolic link
# file.symlink(from, to) #unix
# Sys.junction(from, to) #windows
## For file.symlink the to argument can specify a single existing directory. (Unix and macOS native filesystems support both.
## Function Sys.junction creates one or more junctions: to should either specify a single existing directory or a set of non-existent file paths of the same length as from.
## symbolic link 'unix' system
file.symlink(from=sysconfig$data$path, to=paste0("../",
cat(paste0("\n", "A Symbolic link has been created for the './data' directory:", "\n", normalizePath(paste0("../",
## Sys.junction 'windows' system: tested
} else if(.Platform$OS.type=="windows") {
Sys.junction(from=sysconfig$data$path, to=paste0("../",
cat(paste0("\n", "A link has been created for the './data' directory:", "\n", normalizePath(paste0("../",, "\n"))
data <- normalizePath(paste0("../",, "/", basename(sysconfig$data$path)))
## TODO: should I copy targets and script files? add an argument with the file location/T/F?
sysconfig <- initProject(projPath=project, targets=targets, script=script, overwrite=overwrite, silent=TRUE, subProj = FALSE)
init$projectWF <- list(project=project, data=data, param=param,
results=results, targets=targets, script=script, original_dir=original_dir)
} else if(dir_str=="level1"){
##TODO: Rethink whether this structure is worth it
dump <- "do nothing"
# ## rename of the param and results folder
# run <- as.list(dir(project)); names(run) <- run
# if(length(grep(paste0(basename(param),"_run"), run)) != length(grep(paste0(basename(results),"_run"), run))) warning(paste0("We recommend having the subdirectories '", basename(results), "' and '", basename(param), "' in sync. For each '", basename(results), "' subdirectory, have one '", basename(param), "' subdirectory."))
# run_param <- paste0("_run", length(grep(paste0(basename(param),"_run"), run))+1)
# run_results <- paste0("_run", length(grep(paste0(basename(results),"_run"), run))+1)
# ## TODO: I can provide the option to the user choose the name, either by using the "dirName" argument or creating a new argument
# file.rename(from=param, to=paste0(param, run_param))
# dir.create(param)
# file.copy(from= normalizePath(list.files(paste0(param, run_param), "*", full.names = TRUE)),
# to=param, recursive = TRUE)
# file.rename(from=results, to=paste0(results, run_results))
# dir.create(results)
# original_dir <- list(project=project, data=data, param=paste0(param, run_param),
# results=paste0(results, run_results))
#TODO: think if its worth it
init$sysconfig <- sysconfig
init <- as(init, "SYSargsList")
init <- configWF(x = init, input_steps = "ALL", exclude_steps = NULL, silent=silent)
return(as(init, "SYSargsList"))
## Usage:
# sysargslist <- initWF(script="systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", targets = "targets.txt", overwrite = TRUE)
# sysargslist <- initWF(sysconfig = "SYSconfig.yml")
# sysargslist <- initWF(sysconfig = NULL, subProj=TRUE, script="systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", dir_str = "level0")
## ConfigWF function ##
configWF <- function(x, input_steps = "ALL", exclude_steps = NULL, silent=FALSE, ...) {
## Validations
if(class(x)!="SYSargsList") stop("Argument 'x' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargsList'")
capture.output(steps_all <- subsetRmd(Rmd = x$sysconfig$script$path), file = ".SYSproject/.NULL") ##TODO: refazer
if("ALL" %in% input_steps) {
input_steps <- paste0(steps_all$t_number[1], ":", steps_all$t_number[length(steps_all$t_number)])
save_rmd <- FALSE
Rmd_outfile <- NULL
Rmd_path <- x$sysconfig$script$path
} else {
input_steps <- input_steps
save_rmd <- TRUE
Rmd_outfile <- paste0(.getPath(x$sysconfig$script$path), "/", paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y")),
"_", basename(x$sysconfig$script$path))
Rmd_path <- Rmd_outfile
capture.output(steps_all <- subsetRmd(Rmd = x$sysconfig$script$path, input_steps = input_steps,
exclude_steps = exclude_steps, save_Rmd = save_rmd, Rmd_outfile = Rmd_outfile), file = ".NULL") ##TODO: refazer
steps_number <- as.numeric(steps_all$t_number[steps_all$selected])
## Save input_steps in the SYSconfig.yml
if (!any(names(x$sysconfig) %in% c("input_steps", "exclude_steps"))) {
input_file <- x$sysconfig$SYSconfig
param <- list(input_steps = input_steps, exclude_steps = exclude_steps)
input <- config.param(input_file = input_file, param, file = "append", silent = TRUE)
x <- as(x, "list")
x$sysconfig <- input
x <- as(x, "SYSargsList")
if (is.null(x$sysconfig$script)) {
cat("empty list")
} else {
steps <- paste0(strrep(" ", (as.numeric(steps_all$t_lvl[steps_all$selected]) - 1)), steps_all$t_number[steps_all$selected],
".", steps_all$t_text[steps_all$selected])
names(steps_number) <- steps
## CODESteps
code <- steps_all$code[steps_all$selected]
names(code) <- steps
x <- as(x, "list")
script_path <- x$sysconfig$script$path
x$sysconfig$script[["path"]] <- Rmd_path
x$sysconfig$script[["orginal"]] <- script_path
x$stepsWF <- steps_number
x$codeSteps <- code
x$dataWF <- steps_all
# x$sysconfig$script$path <- Rmd_outfile
return(as(x, "SYSargsList"))
## Usage:
# sysargslist <- configWF(x=sysargslist)
## runWF function ##
runWF <- function(sysargslist, steps = "ALL") {
## Validations
if(class(sysargslist)!="SYSargsList") stop("Argument 'sysargslist' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargsList'")
sysproj <- paste(sysargslist$projectWF$project, ".SYSproject", sep = "/")
if(!file.exists(sysproj)==TRUE) stop("Project was not initialized with the 'initWF' function.")
## Storing steps list
codeList <- sysargslist$codeSteps
if ("ALL" %in% steps) {
stepslist <- seq_along(sysargslist$stepsWF)
} else {
stepslist <- steps
t_lvl <- sysargslist$dataWF$t_lvl
names(t_lvl) <- sysargslist$dataWF$t_number
stepslist <- .parse_step(t_lvl, input_steps = steps)
file_log <- paste0(sysproj, "/", "_logWF_", format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y_%H%M"), sep = "")
status <- as.character()
for (i in stepslist) {
cat(paste0("################ ", paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%b%d%Y_%H%Ms%S")), " ################"),
file = file_log, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
cat(codeList[[i]], file = file_log, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
log <- capture.output(eval(parse(text = codeList[[i]])))
cat(log, file = file_log, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
log <- (capture.output(eval(parse(text = codeList[[i]])), type = c("output", "message")))
stepS <- paste0("Step Done: ", names(codeList[i]))
cat(stepS, "\n")
status <- c(status, stepS)
sysargslist <- as(sysargslist, "list")
sysargslist$statusWF <- list(statusWF=status)
sysargslist$projectWF[["SYSproject"]] <- sysproj
return(as(sysargslist, "SYSargsList"))
## Usage:
# script <- system.file("extdata/workflows/rnaseq", "systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", package="systemPipeRdata")
# sysargslist <- initWF(script="systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", overwrite = TRUE)
# sysargslist <- configWF(x=sysargslist, input_steps = "1:2")
# sysargslist <- runWF(sysargslist = sysargslist, steps = "ALL")
# sysargslist <- runWF(sysargslist = sysargslist, steps = "1:2")
# sysargslist <- initWF(script="systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", overwrite = T) %>%
# configWF( input_steps = "1:5") %>%
# runWF(steps = 1:2)
## renderReport function ##
## type: c("pdf_document", "html_document")
renderReport <- function(sysargslist, type=c("html_document")){
file <- sysargslist$sysconfig$script$path
if(!file.exists(file)==TRUE) stop("Provide valid 'sysargslist' object. Check the initialization of the project.")
evalCode(infile=file, eval=FALSE, output = file)
rmarkdown::render(input=file, c(paste0("BiocStyle::", type)))
file_path <- .getPath(file)
file_out <- .getFileName(file)
ext <- strsplit(basename(type), split="\\_")[[1]][1]
sysargslist <- as(sysargslist, "list")
sysargslist$projectWF[["Report"]] <- normalizePath(paste0(file_path, "/", file_out, ".", ext))
return(as(sysargslist, "SYSargsList"))
## Usage
# renderReport(x=sysargslist)
## subsetRmd function ##
## This function allows the user to subset the Rmarkdown and select the corresponding text and R chunk code.
## The steps definition is based on the block-level elements, defined by the `#`.
## For example: # First-level header represents step number 1;
## For example: ## Second-level header represents step number 1.1;
## For example: ### Third-level header represents step number 1.1.1
## Arguments:
# Rmd: a character vector name and path of the Rmd file
# Rmd_outfile: a character vector name and path of the output Rmd file
# input_steps: a character vector of all steps desires to preserve on the output file.
# Default is NULL. If no input_steps defined, it will return only list steps on Rmd and datagram, however, all titles are unselected (FALSE) and no output file will be saved.
# It can be used the symbol ":" to select many steps in sequence, for example, input_steps=1:5.2, from step 1 to step 5.2.
# The symbol "." represents the substeps and symbol "," is used to separate selections.
# Jump from a major step to sub-step is supported, but if a major step is selected/excluded, all sub-steps of this major step will be selected/excluded. Repeatedly selected steps will only result in a unique step. It is recommended to put major steps in `input_steps`, like '1:4, 6:8, 10'; and unwanted sub-steps in `exclude_steps`, like '1.1, 3.1.1-3.1.3, 6.5'.
# Reverse selecting is supported e.g. '10:1'.
# exclude_steps: a character vector of all steps desires to remove on the output file.
# save_Rmd: logical, default TRUE. If set FALSE, list new selected tiles and exit.
## Value
## It returns a data frame of title levels, title numbers, title text, whether it is selected, and R code under this title.
subsetRmd <- function(Rmd, input_steps=NULL, exclude_steps=NULL, Rmd_outfile=NULL, save_Rmd=TRUE){
# function start, check inputs
if (assertthat::not_empty(input_steps)) assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(input_steps))
if (assertthat::not_empty(Rmd_outfile)) assertthat::assert_that(file.exists(dirname(Rmd_outfile)))
if (assertthat::not_empty(exclude_steps)) assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(exclude_steps))
# default out behavior, in ISO 8601 time format
if (is.null(Rmd_outfile)) Rmd_outfile <- paste0('new', format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"), basename(Rmd))
# read file
file <- readLines(Rmd)
# check for proper start and end
t_start <- file %>% stringr::str_which("^#")
if (length(t_start) == 0) stop("This Rmd does not have any '#' titles")
# get code chunks
chunk_start <- file %>% stringr::str_which("^```\\{.*\\}.*")
chunk_end <- file %>% stringr::str_which("^```[[:blank:]]{0,}$")
if (length(chunk_start) != length(chunk_end)) stop("unmatched number of code chunk starts and ends")
for (i in seq_along(chunk_start)[-length(chunk_end)]){
if (chunk_start[i+1] <= chunk_end[i]) stop(paste("A code chunk does not end: chunk line", chunk_start[i+1]))
# remove '#' titles in code chunk
t_start <- t_start[!unlist(lapply(t_start, function(x) any(x >= chunk_start & x <= chunk_end)))]
# get end
t_end <- append((t_start - 1)[c(-1)], length(file))
# get # levels and text
t_text <- file[t_start] %>% stringr::str_remove("^[#]+")
t_lvl <- file[t_start] %>% stringr::str_extract("^[#]+") %>% nchar()
# parse levels
for (lvl in unique(t_lvl)[-length(t_lvl)]){
if (lvl == min(unique(t_lvl))){
step_main <- which(t_lvl == lvl)
names(t_lvl)[step_main] <- names(step_main) <- seq_along(step_main)
step_main <- append(step_main, 9999)
sub_lvl <- lvl
while (sub_lvl <= max(t_lvl)) {
step_sub <- which(t_lvl == sub_lvl + 1)
if (length(step_sub) < 1) {
sub_lvl <- sub_lvl + 1
} else {
jump_step_glue <- if (sub_lvl - lvl == 0) "." else rep(".1.", sub_lvl - lvl) %>%
paste0(collapse = "") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("\\.\\.", "\\.")
for (i in seq_along(step_main[-1])) {
subs <- step_sub[step_sub > step_main[i] & step_sub < step_main[i + 1]]
names(t_lvl)[subs] <- names(step_sub)[step_sub %in% subs] <- paste0(names(step_main[i]), jump_step_glue, seq_along(subs))
step_main <- append(step_sub, 9999)
# get code in lists
code_list <- lapply(seq_along(t_start), function(t_index) {
code_start <- chunk_start[chunk_start %in% (t_start[t_index]: t_end[t_index])]
code_end <- chunk_end[chunk_end %in% (t_start[t_index]: t_end[t_index])]
code_lines <- lapply(seq_along(code_start), function(code_index) {
}) %>% unlist()
# create a df to store everything
rmd_df <- data.frame(t_lvl = t_lvl, t_number = names(t_lvl),
t_text = t_text, selected = FALSE,
row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rmd_df$code <- code_list
# add sample run/success, step link cols
rmd_df$no_run <- NA
rmd_df$no_run <- ifelse(sapply(rmd_df$code, length) == 0, 0, NA)
rmd_df$no_success <- NA
rmd_df$no_success <- ifelse(sapply(rmd_df$code, length) == 0, 0, NA)
rmd_df$link_to <- NA
rmd_df$link_to[1:(nrow(rmd_df) - 1)] <- rmd_df$t_number[2:nrow(rmd_df)]
# list all steps if no input_steps
if (!assertthat::not_empty(input_steps)) {
cat("No input_steps is given, list all sections and exit\n")
cat("This file contains following sections\n")
stringr::str_replace(t_text, "^", paste0(strrep(" ", (t_lvl - 1)), names(t_lvl), " ")) %>%
paste0(., collapse = '\n') %>% stringr::str_replace("$", "\n") %>% cat()
# parse steps
index_select <- .parse_step(t_lvl, input_steps)
index_exclude <- .parse_step(t_lvl, exclude_steps)
index_final <- index_select[!index_select %in% index_exclude]
rmd_df$selected[index_final] <- TRUE
# print again what will be write in the new file
cat("The following sections are selected\n")
paste0(strrep(" ", (t_lvl[index_final] - 1)),
names(t_lvl[index_final]), " ")) %>%
paste0(., collapse = '\n') %>% stringr::str_replace("$", "\n") %>% cat()
# to print new titles and return
if (save_Rmd == FALSE) return(rmd_df)
# sebset lines
final_lines <- mapply(seq, t_start[index_final], t_end[index_final]) %>%
unlist() %>%
append(1:(t_start[1] - 1), .) %>%
writeLines(file[final_lines], Rmd_outfile)
cat(paste("File write to", normalizePath(Rmd_outfile), '\n'))
## Usage:
# Rmd <- system.file("extdata/workflows/rnaseq", "systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", package="systemPipeRdata")
# newRmd <- subsetRmd(Rmd=Rmd, input_steps="1:2.1, 3.2:4, 4:6", exclude_steps="3.1", Rmd_outfile="test_out.Rmd", save_Rmd=TRUE)
## plotWF function ##
plotWF <- function(sysargslist, plot_style="detect", out_type='html', out_path='default', height=NULL, width=NULL){
## Validation for 'sysargslist'
if(class(sysargslist)!="SYSargsList") stop("Argument 'sysargslist' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargsList'")
df_wf <- sysargslist$dataWF
# pre checks
assert_that(out_type %in% c('html', 'png', 'svg', 'shiny'), msg = "out_type needs to be one of 'html', 'png', 'svg'")
assert_that(plot_style %in% c('detect', 'none', 'linear'), msg = "out_type needs to be one of 'detect', 'none', 'linear'")
all(c("t_lvl", "t_number", "t_text", "selected", "no_run", "no_success", "link_to") %in% names(df_wf)) %>%
assert_that(msg='One of following columns is missing: "t_lvl" "t_number" "t_text" "selected" "no_run" "no_success" "link_to"')
if (out_path == 'default' & !out_type %in% c('html', 'shiny')){
assert_that(is.count(height) | is.null(height))
assert_that(is.count(width) | is.null(width))
out_path = switch(out_type,
'svg' = paste0('wfplot', format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), '.svg'),
'png' = paste0('wfplot', format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), '.png')
df_wf <- df_wf[df_wf$selected == TRUE, ]
if (nrow(df_wf) == 0) return(cat("no step is selected"))
wf <- .make_plot(df_wf, plot_style, is_main_branch=FALSE)
wf <- append(wf, .make_plot(df_wf, plot_style, is_main_branch=TRUE), after = length(wf) - 1)
# special case for detection style plotting, need to move unneeded nodes out of main branch
if (plot_style == "detect") wf <- .change_branch(df_wf, wf)
# collapse entire graph
# return(wf)
wf <- paste0(wf, collapse = "")
# plot
plot <- switch(out_type,
'shiny' = dot(wf, return = "verbatim"),
'html' = dot(wf),
'svg' = dot(wf, return = "verbatim") %>% rsvg_svg(file = out_path, height = height, width = width),
'png' = dot(wf, return = "verbatim") %>% charToRaw() %>% rsvg_png(file = out_path, height = height, width = width)
## Usage:
# df_wf <- dataWF(sysargslist)
# df_wf$no_success[3:8] <- 1
# df_wf$no_run[3:5] <- 10
# df_wf$no_run[6:8] <- 1
# df_wf$selected[1:35] <- TRUE
# df_wf$link_to <- NA
# df_wf$link_to[1:(nrow(df_wf) - 1)] <- df_wf$t_number[2:nrow(df_wf)]
# df_wf$link_to[3] <- NA
# df_wf$link_to[1] <- "1.1, 2"
# df_wf$link_to[4] <- "2.1, 3"
# df_wf$link_to[14] <- NA
# df_wf <- df_wf[1:17,]
# df_wf$link_to[8] <- "3, 2.5"
# plotWF(df_wf, plot_style = "linear")
## config.param function ##
config.param <- function(input_file = NULL, param, file = "default", silent=FALSE) {
## In the case of 'input_file'
if (class(input_file) == "character") {
if (!class(param) == "list")
stop("'param' needs to be object of class 'list'.")
if (is.null(names(param)))
stop("for each element of the 'param' list need to assign a name.")
if (class(input_file) == "list") {
input <- out_obj <- .replace(input = input_file, param = param)
path_file <- normalizePath(file) ##TOD find a better solution!
} else {
if (!file.exists(input_file))
stop("Provide valid 'input_file' file. Check the file PATH.")
input <- yaml::read_yaml(file.path(input_file), eval.expr=TRUE)
input <- out_obj <- .replace(input = input, param = param)
path_file <- normalizePath(input_file)
out_msg <- c("input_file")
## In the case of 'args'
} else if (class(input_file) == "SYSargs2") {
dir_path <- .getPath(input_file$cwlfiles$cwl)
args1 <- loadWorkflow(targets = input_file, wf_file = basename(input_file$cwlfiles$cwl), input_file = basename(input_file$cwlfiles$yml),
dir_path = dir_path)
input <- args1$yamlinput
input <- .replace(input = input, param = param)
args1 <- as(args1, "list")
args1$yamlinput <- input
args1 <- as(args1, "SYSargs2")
inputvars <- args1$inputvars
args1 <- out_obj <- renderWF(WF = args1, inputvars = inputvars)
path_file <- args1$cwlfiles$yml
out_msg <- c("yamlinput(input_file)")
} else if (class(input_file) == "SYSargsList") {
input <- out_obj <- .replace(input = input_file$sysconfig, param = param)
path_file <- input_file$projectWF$project
out_msg <- c("input_file")
} else if (all(is.null(input_file)))
stop("'input_file' need to be defenid as '.yml' OR 'SYSargs2 class' OR 'SYSargsList class' ")
## File and Path to be written
if (file == "default") {
run <- dir(.getPath(path_file))
fileName <- paste0("_run", length(grep(paste0(gsub("\\..*", "", basename(path_file)), "_run"),
run)) + 1)
# path <- paste0(.getPath(path_file), '/', paste(format(Sys.time(), '%b%d%Y_%H%M%S')), '_',
# basename(path_file), collapse = '/')
path <- paste0(.getPath(path_file), "/", gsub("\\..*", "", basename(path_file)), fileName, ".",
gsub(".*\\.", "", basename(path_file)), collapse = "/")
} else if(file=="append"){
path <- path_file
} else {
path <- file
## Rename original file
file.rename(from = path_file, to = path)
if(silent != TRUE) cat("\t", "The original file was renamed to:", "\n", paste0(path), "\n")
## Write YML file
yaml::write_yaml(x = input, file = path_file)
if(silent != TRUE) cat("\t", "All the new param + ", out_msg, "were written to:", "\n", paste0(path_file), "\n")
## Usage:
# Config param files
# targets <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package="systemPipeR")
# input_file <- system.file("extdata", "cwl/hisat2/hisat2-se/hisat2-mapping-se.yml", package="systemPipeR")
# param <- list(thread=10, fq=list(class="File", path="./results2"))
# input <- config.param(input_file=input_file, param, file="default") # Example with 'input_file'
## Utilities ##
## SYSarg2 OR SYSargsList empty object ##
## [Internal] Creation of the SYSargs2 or SYSargsList empty object
SYScreate <- function(class){
SYS.empty <- list(
return((as(SYS.empty, "SYSargs2")))
} else if(class == "SYSargsList"){
SYS.empty <- list(
# logload=list(),
# statusWF=list(),
# statusWF=list(),
# plotWF=list(),
# renderReport=list(), #method?
return((as(SYS.empty, "SYSargsList")))
} else if(!class %in% c("SYSargs2", "SYSargsList")) stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an character 'SYSargs2' OR 'SYSargsList'")
## Usage:
# list <- SYScreate("SYSargsList")
# list <- SYScreate("SYSargs2")
## Function to check if the command line / Software is installed and set in your PATH ##
tryCL <- function(command){
tryCatch( { system(command, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE); print("All set up, proceed!") },
warning = function(w) cat(paste0("ERROR: ", "\n", command, ": COMMAND NOT FOUND. ", '\n',
"Please make sure to configure your PATH environment variable according to the software in use."), "\n"))
## Usage:
# tryCL(command="R")
# tryCL(command="blastp")
# tryCL(command="hisat2")
## Function to check if the Path (file or dir) exists ##
tryPath <- function(path){
warning = function(w) message(paste0(path,": ", "No such file or directory")),
error = function(e) message(paste0(path,": ", "Please provide a valid Path")))
## Usage:
# tryPath(path="./")
## Function to evaluate (eval=TRUE) or not evaluate (eval=FALSE) R code in the Rmarkdown ##
## infile: Name and path of the infile file, format Rmarkdown.
evalCode <- function(infile, eval=TRUE, output){
if (!file.exists(infile)) stop("Provide valid 'infile' file. Check the file PATH.")
if (!"Rmd" %in% .getExt(infile)) stop("Provide Rmarkdown file. Check the file PATH.")
file <- readLines(infile)
Rchunk <- grep("^```[{}]", file)
if (length(Rchunk) == 0) stop("The file does not have any R Chuck")
for(i in Rchunk){
if(grepl("eval", file[i])){
file[i] <- sub("eval.*E", paste0("eval=", eval), file[i])
} else {
file[i] <- sub("[}]", paste0(", eval=", eval, "}"), file[i])
writeLines(file, output)
## Usage:
# file <- system.file("extdata/workflows/rnaseq/", "systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd", package="systemPipeRdata")
# evalCode(infile=file, eval=FALSE, output="test.Rmd")
## Unexported helper functions ##
## Return the path of the file ##
## [x] A character vector or an object containing file PATH.
.getPath <- function(x) {
x <- normalizePath(x) ## add latter
if (!file.exists(x)) warning ("No such file or directory. Check the file PATH.")
path_un <- unlist(strsplit(x, "/"))
path <- path_un[path_un != basename(x)]
path <- paste0(path, collapse = "/")
## Usage:
# x <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package = "systemPipeR")
# .getPath(x) ## internal fct: it will delete any suffixes up to the last slash ('/') character and return the 'path of the file'
# basename(x) ## BiocGenerics pkg: it will delete any prefix up to the last slash ('/') character and return the 'name of the file'
## Return the file extension ##
## Function to return the extension of the file. The argument 'x' is a character vector or an object containing the file PATH.
.getExt <- function(x) {
ext <- strsplit(basename(x), split="\\.")[[1]]
ext <- ext[[-1]]
## Usage:
# x <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package = "systemPipeR")
# .getExt(x) ## internal fct: it will delete any suffixes up to the last slash ('/') character and return the 'extension of the file'
## Return the file name, without extension ##
## [x] A character vector or an object containing file File name without extension, simmilar with 'basename'
.getFileName <- function(x) {
if (!file.exists(x)) warning ("No such file or directory. Check the file PATH.")
filename <- strsplit(basename(x), split="\\.")[[1]]
filename <- filename[[-2]]
## Usage:
# x <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package = "systemPipeR")
# .getFileName(x) ## internal fct: it will delete any suffixes up to the last slash ('/') character and return the 'filename' of the file'
## Internal function to detect nested of the param list ##
.nest <- function(x) ifelse(is.list(x), 1L + max(sapply(x, .nest)), 0L)
## Usage:
# param <- list(results_new=list(class="Directory", path=8))
# nesting <- .nest(param[1])
## Internal function to replace or add the list values at the input file ##
.replace <- function(input, param) {
for (i in seq_along(param)) {
for (j in seq_along(param[[i]])) {
nesting <- .nest(param[i])
if (nesting == 1) {
if (is.numeric(param[[i]][j][[1]])) {
input[names(param)[i]] <- as.integer(param[[i]][j])
} else {
input[names(param)[i]] <- param[[i]][j]
} else if (nesting > 1) {
if (is.numeric(param[[i]][j][[1]])) {
input[[names(param[i])]][[names(param[[i]][j])]] <- as.integer(param[[i]][[j]])
} else {
input[[names(param[i])]][[names(param[[i]][j])]] <- (param[[i]][[j]])
input[[names(param[i])]] <- as.list(input[[names(param[i])]])
## Usage:
# input_file="param/cwl/hisat2/hisat2-se/hisat2-mapping-se.yml"
# input <- yaml::read_yaml(file.path(input_file))
# param <- list(thread=14, test="test")
# .replace(input=input, param=param)
## .sysconfigCheck function ##
## Function to check with the paths provided on the sysconfig file exists.
.sysconfigCheck <- function(sysconfig){
if(!file.exists(sysconfig)==TRUE) stop("Provide valid 'sysconfig' file. Check the file PATH.")
sysconfig <- yaml::read_yaml(sysconfig, eval.expr=TRUE)
project <- list(project=sysconfig$project$path, data=sysconfig$data$path, param=sysconfig$param$path,
for(i in seq_along(project)){
warning(paste(names(project[i]), "directory is missing..."))
} else {
tryPath(path = project[[i]])
if(!is.null(sysconfig$targets$path)) tryPath(path = sysconfig$targets$path)
if(is.null(sysconfig$script)) warning("Workflow is missing...")
if(!is.null(sysconfig$script$path)) tryPath(path = sysconfig$script$path)
## Uage:
# .sysconfigCheck(sysconfig="SYSconfig.yml")
## .parse_step function ##
## Internal parse function used in the subsetRmd function
.parse_step <- function(t_lvl, input_steps){
t_lvl_name <- names(t_lvl)
input_steps <- unlist(input_steps %>% stringr::str_remove_all(" ") %>% stringr::str_split(",") %>% list())
# single steps
nocolon_steps <- input_steps[stringr::str_which(input_steps, "^[^:]+$")]
lapply(nocolon_steps, function(x) if (!any(t_lvl_name %in% x)) stop(paste('Step', x, 'is not found')))
# dash linked steps
dash_list <- NULL
for (i in stringr::str_which(input_steps, ":")){
dash_step <- unlist(stringr::str_split(input_steps[i], ":"))
dash_parse <- unlist(lapply(dash_step, function(x) {
which(t_lvl_name %in% x) %>% ifelse(length(.) > 0, ., stop(paste('Step', x, 'is not found')))
})) %>% {
t_lvl_name[.[1]: .[2]]
dash_list <- append(dash_list, dash_parse)
# merge
all_step_name <- unique(append(nocolon_steps, dash_list))
# if upper level step is selected, all sub-level steps will be added
unlist(lapply(all_step_name, function(x) stringr::str_which(t_lvl_name, paste0('^', x, '\\..*')))) %>%
append(which(t_lvl_name %in% all_step_name)) %>%
unique() %>% sort() %>% return()
## .find_long_branch function ##
## Internal parse function used in the plotWF function
.find_long_branch <- function(t_number, link_to){
track_back <- function(t_number, link_to, track_list){
for (each_track_n in 1:length(track_list)){
each_track = track_list[[each_track_n]] %>% unlist()
previous_t_number <- names(link_to_list[which(sapply(link_to_list, function(x) any(x == t_number[each_track[1]])))])
for (each_num in 1:length(previous_t_number)) {
previous_link <- which(t_number == previous_t_number[each_num])
newtrack = append(previous_link, each_track)
if (each_num < 2){
track_list[[each_track_n]] <- newtrack
} else {
track_list[[each_track_n + each_num - 1]] <- newtrack
if (length(previous_t_number) == 0) return(track_list)
track_list <- track_back(t_number, link_to, track_list)
link_to_list <- str_split(link_to, ",") %>% lapply(function(x) str_remove_all(x, " "))
names(link_to_list) <- t_number
last_step <- list(length(t_number))
track_list <- track_back(t_number, link_to, last_step)
long <- sapply(track_list, function(x) all(c(1, length(t_number)) %in% x)) %>%
track_list[.] %>% sapply(length) %>% which.max() %>% track_list[.] %>% unlist()
## .make_plot function ##
## Internal parse function used in the plotWF function
.make_plot <- function(df_wf, plot_style, is_main_branch=TRUE){
if (is_main_branch){
# graph start
wf <- "subgraph { rank=same;\n"
df_wf <- switch(plot_style,
"detect" = df_wf[.find_long_branch(df_wf$t_number, df_wf$link_to), ],
"none" = df_wf[0,],
"linear" = {df_wf$link_to[1:(nrow(df_wf) - 1)] <- df_wf$t_number[2:nrow(df_wf)]; df_wf}
} else{
wf <- switch(plot_style,
"detect" = "digraph { rankdir=LR;\n",
"none" = "digraph { rankdir=TB;\n",
"linear" = "digraph { rankdir=LR;\n")
df_wf <- switch(plot_style,
"detect" = df_wf[-.find_long_branch(df_wf$t_number, df_wf$link_to), ],
"none" = df_wf,
"linear" = df_wf[0,]
if (nrow(df_wf) == 0) return(c(wf, "}"))
steps <- df_wf$t_number
step_text <- str_replace_all(df_wf$t_text, '[\'\"]', "\\\\'")
link_to <- df_wf$link_to
# reslove 1 to n links
link_to <- str_split(link_to, ",") %>% lapply(function(x) str_remove_all(x, " "))
# set up colors
step_color <- ifelse(df_wf$no_run == 0, 'gray',
ifelse($no_run) |$no_success),"black",
ifelse(df_wf$no_run != df_wf$no_success, 'red', 'green')
# dot language
# add steps
for (t in seq_along(steps)){
if (![t]) & t < length(steps)){
for (nlink in link_to[t]){
wf <- append(wf,
paste0(' n', str_replace_all(steps[t], "\\.", "_"), " -> ",
' n', str_replace_all(nlink, "\\.", "_"), ";\n")
# add color, text
wf <- c(wf, paste0(' n', str_replace_all(steps, "\\.", "_"),
' [label=\"',
steps, step_text, ' ', ifelse(df_wf$no_run == 0, '', paste0(df_wf$no_success, '/', df_wf$no_run)),
'\"', 'fontcolor=', step_color,
' color=white',
# end graph
wf <- paste0(c(wf, "}"))
## .change_branch function ##
## Internal parse function used in the plotWF function
.change_branch <- function(df_wf, wf){
long <- .find_long_branch(df_wf$t_number, df_wf$link_to)
plot_start <- wf %>% str_which("digraph")
sub_start <- wf %>% str_which("subgraph ")
sub_steps_lines <- wf %>% str_which(" -> [^\\[]") %>% .[. > sub_start]
sub_number <- wf[sub_steps_lines] %>%
str_remove_all("[->;\n]") %>% str_remove("^.*[ ]+") %>%
str_remove("n") %>% str_replace_all("_", "\\.") %>%
sapply(function(x) df_wf$t_number[df_wf$t_number == x]) %>% unlist()
move_line_num <- sub_steps_lines[!sub_number %in% df_wf$t_number[long]]
if (length(move_line_num) == 0) return(wf)
move_lines <- wf[move_line_num]
wf <- wf %>% .[-move_line_num] %>% append(move_lines, after = plot_start)
## .tryCatchSYS function ##
.tryCatchSYS <- function(x){
expr = {
eval(parse(text = x))
# message("")
error = function(e){
message('Caught an error!')
warning = function(w){
message('Caught an warning!')
finally = {
#message('All done, quitting.')
## Usage:
# .tryCatchSYS(x=codeList[[1]])
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