Man pages for tidybulk
Brings transcriptomics to the tidyverse

add_attrAdd attribute to abject
add_classAdd class to abject
add_scaled_counts_bulk.calcNormFactorCalculate the norm factor with calcNormFactor from limma
add_scaled_counts_bulk.get_low_expressedDrop lowly transcribed genes for TMM normalization
adjust_abundance-methodsAdjust transcript abundance for unwanted variation
aggregate_duplicated_transcripts_bulkAggregates multiple counts from the same samples (e.g., from...
aggregate_duplicates-methodsAggregates multiple counts from the same samples (e.g., from...
as_matrixGet matrix from tibble
bindEfficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column
breast_tcga_miniData set
check_if_counts_is_naCheck whether there are NA counts
check_if_duplicated_genesCheck whether there are duplicated genes/transcripts
check_if_wrong_inputCheck whether there are NA counts
cluster_elements-methodsGet clusters of elements (e.g., samples or transcripts)
countsExample data set
counts_ensemblCounts with ensembl annotation
counts_miniExample data set reduced
create_tt_from_bam_sam_bulkConvert bam/sam files to a tidy gene transcript counts data...
create_tt_from_tibble_bulkCreate tt object from tibble
deconvolve_cellularity-methodsGet cell type proportions from samples
describe_transcriptGet DESCRIPTION from gene SYMBOL for Human and Mouse
drop_attrDrop attribute to abject
drop_classRemove class to abject
ensembl_symbol_mappingData set
ensembl_to_symbol-methodsAdd transcript symbol column from ensembl id for human and...
error_if_counts_is_naCheck whether there are NA counts
error_if_duplicated_genesCheck whether there are duplicated genes/transcripts
error_if_log_transformedCheck whether a numeric vector has been log transformed
error_if_wrong_inputCheck whether there are NA counts
fill_missing_abundance-methodsFill transcript abundance if missing from sample-transcript...
fill_NA_using_formulaThis function is needed for DE in case the matrix is not...
fill_NA_using_valueThis function is needed for DE in case the matrix is not...
fill_NA_with_row_medianThis function is needed for DE in case the matrix is not...
filterSubset rows using column values
full_joinFull join datasets
get_abundance_norm_if_existsGet column names either from user or from attributes
get_adjusted_counts_for_unwanted_variation_bulkGet adjusted count for some batch effect
get_bibliography-methodsProduces the bibliography list of your workflow
get_cell_type_proportionsGet cell type proportions from cibersort
get_clusters_kmeans_bulkGet K-mean clusters to a tibble
get_clusters_SNN_bulkGet SNN shared nearest neighbour clusters to a tibble
get_differential_transcript_abundance_bulkGet differential transcription information to a tibble using...
get_differential_transcript_abundance_bulk_voomGet differential transcription information to a tibble using...
get_differential_transcript_abundance_deseq2Get differential transcription information to a tibble using...
get_elementsGet column names either from user or from attributes
get_elements_featuresGet column names either from user or from attributes
get_elements_features_abundanceGet column names either from user or from attributes
get_reduced_dimensions_MDS_bulkGet dimensionality information to a tibble using MDS
get_reduced_dimensions_PCA_bulkGet principal component information to a tibble using PCA
get_reduced_dimensions_TSNE_bulkGet principal component information to a tibble using tSNE
get_rotated_dimensionsGet rotated dimensions of two principal components or MDS...
get_sampleGet column names either from user or from attributes
get_sample_countsGet column names either from user or from attributes
get_sample_transcriptGet column names either from user or from attributes
get_sample_transcript_countsGet column names either from user or from attributes
get_scaled_counts_bulkGet a tibble with scaled counts using TMM
get_symbol_from_ensemblafter wget, this function merges hg37 and hg38 mapping data...
get_transcriptGet column names either from user or from attributes
group_byGroup by one or more variables
identify_abundant-methodsfind abundant transcripts
ifelse2_pipeThis is a generalisation of ifelse that acceots an object and...
ifelse_pipeThis is a generalisation of ifelse that acceots an object and...
impute_missing_abundance-methodsimpute transcript abundance if missing from sample-transcript...
inner_joinInner join datasets
keep_abundant-methodsKeep abundant transcripts
keep_variable-methodsKeep variable transcripts
keep_variable_transcriptsIdentify variable genes for dimensionality reduction
left_joinLeft join datasets
logit_translogit scale
mutateCreate, modify, and delete columns
parse_formula.formula parser
parse_formula_survivalFormula parser with survival
pipePipe operator
pivot_sample-methodsExtract sample-wise information
pivot_transcript-methodsExtract transcript-wise information
prependFrom rlang deprecated
quo_namesConvert array of quosure (e.g. c(col_a, col_b)) into...
reduce_dimensions-methodsDimension reduction of the transcript abundance data
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_redundancy_elements_though_reduced_dimensionsIdentifies the closest pairs in a MDS context and return one...
remove_redundancy_elements_through_correlationDrop redundant elements (e.g., samples) for which feature...
remove_redundancy-methodsDrop redundant elements (e.g., samples) for which feature...
renameRename columns
right_joinRight join datasets
rotate_dimensions-methodsRotate two dimensions (e.g., principal components) of an...
rowwiseGroup input by rows
run_epicPerform linear equation system analysis through llsr
run_llsrPerform linear equation system analysis through llsr
scale_abundance-methodsScale the counts of transcripts/genes
scale_designScale design matrix
select_closest_pairsSub function of...
se_miniSummarizedExperiment mini for vignette
summariseSummarise each group to fewer rows
symbol_to_entrezGet ENTREZ id from gene SYMBOL
test_deseq2_dfSummarizedExperiment mini for vignette
test_differential_abundance-methodsPerform differential transcription testing using edgeR QLT,...
test_differential_cellularity_Get differential composition information to a tibble using...
test_differential_cellularity-methodsAdd differential tissue composition information to a tbl
test_gene_enrichment_bulk_EGSEAGet gene enrichment analyses using EGSEA
test_gene_enrichment-methodsanalyse gene enrichment with EGSEA
test_gene_overrepresentation-methodsanalyse gene over-representation with GSEA
tidybulk-methodsCreates a 'tt' object from a 'tbl' or 'SummarizedExperiment'...
tidybulk_SAM_BAM-methodsCreates a 'tt' object from a list of file names of BAM/SAM
vignette_manuscript_signature_boxplotNeeded for vignette vignette_manuscript_signature_boxplot
vignette_manuscript_signature_tsneNeeded for vignette vignette_manuscript_signature_tsne
vignette_manuscript_signature_tsne2Needed for vignette vignette_manuscript_signature_tsne2
X_cibersortCibersort reference
tidybulk documentation built on April 7, 2021, 6 p.m.