.openConnection <- function(dbPath) {
drv <- SQLite()
db <- dbConnect(drv, dbPath)
.createTables <- function(db) {
tables <- cbind('CREATE TABLE genes (gene_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, probe_name VARCHAR,
'CREATE TABLE gene_aliases (gene_id INTEGER, alias_id INTEGER, alias VARCHAR,
CONSTRAINT gene_aliases_u UNIQUE (gene_id, alias_id, alias) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT gene_aliases_g_f FOREIGN KEY (gene_id) REFERENCES genes(gene_id),
CONSTRAINT gene_aliases_a_f FOREIGN KEY (alias_id) REFERENCES alias_annotation(alias_id))',
'CREATE TABLE z_scores (gene_id INTEGER, dataset_id INTEGER, mean_z_score DOUBLE,
CONSTRAINT z_scores_u UNIQUE (gene_id, dataset_id) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT z_scores_g_f FOREIGN KEY (gene_id) REFERENCES genes(gene_id),
CONSTRAINT z_scores_g_d FOREIGN KEY (dataset_id) REFERENCES expression_dataset_annotation(dataset_id))',
'CREATE TABLE results (gene_id INTEGER, experiment_id INTEGER, log_likelihood DOUBLE, baseline_log_likelihood DOUBLE, params BLOB,
CONSTRAINT results_u UNIQUE (gene_id, experiment_id) ON CONFLICT REPLACE,
CONSTRAINT results_g_f FOREIGN KEY (gene_id) REFERENCES genes(gene_id),
CONSTRAINT results_e_f FOREIGN KEY (experiment_id) REFERENCES experiment_annotation(experiment_id))',
'CREATE TABLE supplementary_data (gene_id INTEGER, supp_dataset_id INTEGER, value DOUBLE,
CONSTRAINT supplementary_data_u UNIQUE (gene_id, supp_dataset_id) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT supplementary_data_g_f FOREIGN KEY (gene_id) REFERENCES genes(gene_id),
CONSTRAINT supplementary_data_s_f FOREIGN KEY (supp_dataset_id) REFERENCES supplementary_dataset_annotation(supp_dataset_id))',
'CREATE TABLE target_sets (experiment_id INTEGER, gene_id INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT target_sets_u UNIQUE (experiment_id, gene_id) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT target_sets_e_f FOREIGN KEY (experiment_id) REFERENCES experiment_annotation(experiment_id),
CONSTRAINT target_sets_g_f FOREIGN KEY (gene_id) REFERENCES genes(gene_id))',
'CREATE TABLE figures (experiment_id INTEGER, figure_id INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT figures_u UNIQUE (experiment_id, figure_id) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT figures_e_f FOREIGN KEY (experiment_id) REFERENCES experiment_annotation(experiment_id),
CONSTRAINT figures_f_f FOREIGN KEY (figure_id) REFERENCES figure_annotation(figure_id))',
'CREATE TABLE figuredata (figure_id INTEGER, gene_id INTEGER, data BLOB,
CONSTRAINT figuredata_u UNIQUE (figure_id, gene_id) ON CONFLICT REPLACE,
CONSTRAINT figuredata_f_f FOREIGN KEY (figure_id) REFERENCES figure_annotation(figure_id),
CONSTRAINT figures_g_f FOREIGN KEY (gene_id) REFERENCES genes(gene_id))',
'CREATE TABLE regulators (regulator_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, gene_id INTEGER, dataset_id INTEGER, regulator_name VARCHAR,
CONSTRAINT regulators_u UNIQUE (dataset_id, regulator_name) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT regulators_g_f FOREIGN KEY (gene_id) REFERENCES genes(gene_id),
CONSTRAINT regulators_d_f FOREIGN KEY (dataset_id) REFERENCES expression_dataset_annotation(dataset_id))',
'CREATE TABLE figure_annotation (figure_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, filename, name VARCHAR, description VARCHAR, priority INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT figure_annotation_u UNIQUE (filename, name) ON CONFLICT IGNORE)',
'CREATE TABLE experiment_annotation (experiment_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, dataset_id INTEGER, regulator_id INTEGER, loop_variable INTEGER, model_translation BOOLEAN, number_of_parameters INTEGER, parameter_names VARCHAR, producer VARCHAR, timestamp VARCHAR, description VARCHAR, name VARCHAR,
CONSTRAINT experiment_annotation_u UNIQUE (dataset_id, regulator_id, loop_variable, model_translation, name) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT experiment_annotation_d_f FOREIGN KEY (dataset_id) REFERENCES expression_dataset_annotation(dataset_id),
CONSTRAINT experiment_annotation_r_f FOREIGN KEY (regulator_id) REFERENCES regulators(regulator_id))',
'CREATE TABLE experiment_set (experiment_set_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, parent_id INTEGER, name VARCHAR,
CONSTRAINT experiment_set_p_f FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES experiment_set(experiment_set_id))',
'CREATE TABLE experiment_set_experiments (experiment_set_id INTEGER, experiment_id INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT experiment_set_experiments_u UNIQUE (experiment_set_id, experiment_id) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT experiment_set_experiments_s_f FOREIGN KEY (experiment_set_id) REFERENCES experiment_set(experiment_set_id),
CONSTRAINT experiment_set_experiments_e_f FOREIGN KEY (experiment_id) REFERENCES experiment_annotation(experiment_id))',
'CREATE TABLE expression_dataset_annotation (dataset_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, dataset_name VARCHAR, species VARCHAR, source VARCHAR, platform VARCHAR, description VARCHAR, save_location VARCHAR, figure_filename VARCHAR,
CONSTRAINT expression_dataset_annotation_u UNIQUE (dataset_name) ON CONFLICT IGNORE)',
'CREATE TABLE alias_annotation (alias_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, dataset_id INTEGER, alias_class VARCHAR, source VARCHAR, description VARCHAR,
CONSTRAINT alias_annotation_u UNIQUE (dataset_id, alias_class) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT alias_annotation_d_f FOREIGN KEY (dataset_id) REFERENCES expression_dataset_annotation(dataset_id))',
'CREATE TABLE supplementary_dataset_annotation (supp_dataset_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, supp_dataset_type INTEGER, supp_dataset_name VARCHAR, regulator_id INTEGER, source VARCHAR, platform VARCHAR, description VARCHAR,
CONSTRAINT supplementary_dataset_annotation_u UNIQUE (supp_dataset_name, regulator_id) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT supplementary_dataset_annotation_r_f FOREIGN KEY (regulator_id) REFERENCES regulators(regulator_id))')
tableCount <- length(dbListTables(db))
if (tableCount > 0) {
for (i in seq_along(tables)) {
table <- tables[i]
dbExecute(db, table)
dbGetQuery(db, paste("PRAGMA user_version = ", VERSION))
.getVersion <- function(db) {
return(dbGetQuery(db, "PRAGMA user_version")[1,1])
.addAndGetAliasId <- function(db, datasetId, aliasClass, source='', description='') {
query <- paste("INSERT INTO alias_annotation",
"VALUES (null, :did, :class, :source, :desc)")
dbExecute(db, query, params = list(did = datasetId, class = aliasClass, source = source, desc = description))
alias_query <- paste("SELECT aa.alias_id",
"FROM alias_annotation AS aa",
"WHERE aa.alias_class = :ac AND aa.dataset_id = :did")
alias_id <- dbGetQuery(db, alias_query, params = list(ac = aliasClass, did = datasetId))
.addAndGetProbeGeneIds <- function(db, probeNames) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO genes",
"VALUES (null, :probe)")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = list(probe=probeNames))
query <- paste("SELECT g.probe_name, g.gene_id",
"FROM genes AS g",
"WHERE g.probe_name IN (:probe_names)")
result <- dbGetQuery(db, query, params = list(probe_names = probeNames))
.getProbeGeneId <- function(db, probe) {
query <- paste("SELECT g.gene_id",
"FROM genes AS g",
"WHERE g.probe_name = :probe")
return(dbGetQuery(db, query, params = list(probe = probe)))
.addAndGetRegulatorId <- function(db, regulatorName, datasetId) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO regulators",
"VALUES (null, :gene_id, :dataset_id, :regulator_name)")
gene_id <- .getProbeGeneId(db, regulatorName)
if (nrow(gene_id) == 0) {
gene_id <- NA
} else {
gene_id <- gene_id[1,1]
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = list(gene_id = gene_id, dataset_id = datasetId, regulator_name = regulatorName))
query <- paste("SELECT r.regulator_id",
"FROM regulators AS r",
"WHERE r.regulator_name = :regulator_name")
regulator_id <- dbGetQuery(db, query, params = list(regulator_name = regulatorName))
.addAndGetDatasetId <- function(db, name, species='', source='', platform='', description='', saveLocation='', figureFilename='') {
query <- paste("INSERT INTO expression_dataset_annotation",
"VALUES (null, :name, :species, :source, :platform, :desc, :save_location, :figure_filename)")
dbExecute(db, query, params=list(name = name, species = species, source = source, platform = platform, desc = description, save_location = saveLocation, figure_filename = figureFilename))
dataset_query <- paste("SELECT d.dataset_id",
"FROM expression_dataset_annotation AS d",
"WHERE d.dataset_name = :dname")
dataset_id <- dbGetQuery(db, dataset_query, params = list(dname = name))
.addAndGetExperimentId <- function(db, name, description, datasetId, regulatorId=NA, loopVariable=2, modelTranslation=FALSE, numberOfParameters=NA, parameterNames=NA, producer='', timestamp='') {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO experiment_annotation",
"VALUES (null, :dataset_id, :regulator_id, :loop_variable, :model_translation, :number_of_parameters, :parameter_names, :producer, :timestamp, :description, :name)")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = list(dataset_id = datasetId, regulator_id = regulatorId, loop_variable = loopVariable, model_translation = modelTranslation, number_of_parameters = numberOfParameters, parameter_names = parameterNames, producer = producer, timestamp = timestamp, description = description, name = name))
query <- paste("SELECT e.experiment_id",
"FROM experiment_annotation AS e",
"WHERE = :name AND e.dataset_id = :dataset_id AND e.regulator_id = :regulator_id AND e.loop_variable = :loop_variable AND e.model_translation = :model_translation")
experiment_id <- dbGetQuery(db, query, params = list(name = name, dataset_id = datasetId, regulator_id = regulatorId, loop_variable = loopVariable, model_translation = modelTranslation))
.addAndGetFigureId <- function(db, filename, name='', description='', priority=0) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO figure_annotation",
"VALUES (null, :filename, :name, :description, :priority)")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = list(filename = filename, name = name, description = description, priority = priority))
query <- paste("SELECT f.figure_id",
"FROM figure_annotation AS f",
"WHERE f.filename = :filename AND = :name")
figure_id <- dbGetQuery(db, query, params = list(filename = filename, name = name))
.addAndGetSupplementaryDataId <- function(db, name, regulatorId=NA, type=0, source='', platform='', description='') {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO supplementary_dataset_annotation",
"VALUES (null, :type, :name, :regulator_id, :source, :platform, :description)")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = list(type = type, name = name, regulator_id = regulatorId, source = source, platform = platform, description = description))
if ( {
query <- paste("SELECT s.supp_dataset_id",
"FROM supplementary_dataset_annotation AS s",
"WHERE s.supp_dataset_name = :name")
supp_id <- dbGetQuery(db, query, params = list(name = name))
} else {
query <- paste("SELECT s.supp_dataset_id",
"FROM supplementary_dataset_annotation AS s",
"WHERE s.supp_dataset_name = :name AND s.regulator_id = :regulator_id")
supp_id <- dbGetQuery(db, query, params = list(name = name, regulator_id = regulatorId))
.addAndGetExperimentSetId <- function(db, name, parentId) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO experiment_set",
"VALUES (null, :parent_id, :name)")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = list(parent_id = parentId, name = name))
query <- paste("SELECT s.experiment_set_id",
"FROM experiment_set AS s",
"WHERE = :name")
set_id <- dbGetQuery(db, query, params = list(name = name))
.addExperimentSetExperiments <- function(db, setId, experimentIds) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO experiment_set_experiments",
"VALUES (:set_id, :experiment_id)")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = list(set_id = setId, experiment_id = experimentIds))
.addSupplementaryData <- function(db, suppDatasetId, suppData) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO supplementary_data",
"VALUES (:gene_id, :supp_id, :value)")
probes <- names(suppData)
probe_gene_ids <- .addAndGetProbeGeneIds(db, probes)
data <-, suppDatasetId, suppData))
data <- data[2:4] # remove probe_name column
names(data) <- cbind("gene_id", "supp_id", "value")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = as.list(data))
.addFigures <- function(db, experimentId, filename, name='', description='', priority=0, figureData=NULL) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO figures",
"VALUES (:experiment_id, :figure_id)")
figure_id <- .addAndGetFigureId(db, filename, name, description, priority)
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = list(experiment_id = experimentId, figure_id = figure_id))
if (length(figureData) > 0) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO figuredata",
"VALUES (:figure_id, :gene_id, :data)")
probes <- names(figureData)
probe_gene_ids <- .addAndGetProbeGeneIds(db, probes)
data <-, probe_gene_ids, I(figureData)))
data <- data[c(1,3,4)] # remove probe_name column
# replace filename column by raw file contents
for (k in seq_along(data[[3]])) {
name <- data[[3]][[k]] <- file(name, "rb")
fileSize <-$size
data[[3]][[k]] <- I(readBin(, "raw", n=fileSize))
names(data) <- cbind("figure_id", "gene_id", "data")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = as.list(data))
.addResults <- function(db, experimentId, logLikelihoods, baselineLogLikelihoods=NA, params=NA) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO results",
"VALUES (:gene_id, :experiment_id, :log_likelihood, :baseline_log_likelihood, :params)")
probes <- names(logLikelihoods)
probe_gene_ids <- .addAndGetProbeGeneIds(db, probes)
data <-, experimentId, logLikelihoods, baselineLogLikelihoods, I(lapply(params, function(x) serialize(x, NULL, ascii = FALSE)))))
data <- data[2:6] # remove probe_name column
names(data) <- cbind("gene_id", "experiment_id", "log_likelihood", "baseline_log_likelihood", "params")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = as.list(data))
.addGeneAliases <- function(db, aliasId, geneId, aliasList) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO gene_aliases",
"VALUES (:gene_id, :alias_id, :alias)")
for (alias in aliasList) {
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = list(gene_id = geneId, alias_id = aliasId, alias = alias))
.addZscores <- function(db, datasetId, zscores) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO z_scores",
"VALUES (:gene_id, :dataset_id, :zscore)")
probes <- names(zscores)
probe_gene_ids <- .addAndGetProbeGeneIds(db, probes)
data <-, datasetId, zscores))
data <- data[2:4] # remove probe_name column
names(data) <- cbind("gene_id", "dataset_id", "zscore")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, params = as.list(data))
.addTargetSet <- function(db, experimentId, probes) {
insert_query <- paste("INSERT INTO target_sets",
"VALUES (:experiment_id, :gene_id)")
probe_gene_ids <- .addAndGetProbeGeneIds(db, probes)
data <-, probe_gene_ids))
data <- data[c(1,3)] # remove probe_name column
names(data) <- cbind("experiment_id", "gene_id")
dbExecute(db, insert_query, as.list(data))
.addAliases <- function(db, probes, preprocData, datasetId, aliasType) {
aliasSource <- annotation(preprocData)
aliasDescription <- aliasType
aliasClass <- sub("2PROBE", "", aliasType, = TRUE)
alias_id <- .addAndGetAliasId(db, datasetId, aliasClass, aliasSource, aliasDescription)
aliasMapping <- getAnnMap(aliasType, annotation(preprocData))
if (length(grep("2PROBE", aliasType, = TRUE)) > 0) { # reversed mapping
aliases <- revmap(aliasMapping)
} else {
aliases <- aliasMapping
aliases <- as.list(aliases)
probe_gene_ids <- .addAndGetProbeGeneIds(db, probes)
for (i in seq_along(probe_gene_ids[[1]])) {
probe <- probe_gene_ids[i, 1]
gene_id <- probe_gene_ids[i, 2]
if (probe %in% names(aliases)) {
alias_list <- aliases[probe]
.addGeneAliases(db, alias_id, gene_id, alias_list)
.getLoopVariables <- function(db) {
query <- paste("SELECT e.loop_variable",
"FROM experiment_annotation AS e")
loopVariables <- dbGetQuery(db, query)$loop_variable
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