
Defines functions getMatPseudo allBetweenCombs colTDTinter2way print.colTDTepi print.tdtEpi colGxGlrt colTDTepistatic tdtEpistatic print.colTDT colGxG colTDT2way colTDT tdtGxG tdt2way print.tdt tdt

Documented in colGxG colTDT colTDT2way colTDTinter2way getMatPseudo print.colTDT print.colTDTepi print.tdt print.tdtEpi tdt tdt2way tdtGxG

tdt <- function(snp, model=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive")){
	n <- length(snp)
	if(n%%3 != 0)
		stop("snp has a length not dividable by 3.")
	if(any(!snp %in% c(0:2, NA)))
		stop("The values in snp must be 0, 1, and 2.")
	type <- match.arg(model)
	mat.trio <- matrix(snp, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
	mat.trio <- mat.trio[rowSums(is.na(mat.trio))==0,]
	mat <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,0,1,1, 1,0,0,1, 1,0,0,1, 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,
		2,2,2,2, 1,1,2,2, 1,1,2,2, 2,1,1,2, 2,1,1,2, 0,1,1,2, 1,0,1,2, 
		2,0,1,1), nrow=4)
	cn <- c("000", "010", "100", "011", "101", "021", "201", "222", "121", "211",
		"122", "212", "110", "111", "112")
	colnames(mat) <- cn
	code <- paste(mat.trio[,1], mat.trio[,2], mat.trio[,3], sep="")
	if(any(!code %in% cn)){
		tmp.ids <- !code %in% cn
		warning(sum(tmp.ids), " trios show Mendelian errors. These are removed.",
		code <- code[!tmp.ids]
	x <- as.vector(mat[,code])
		x <- (x >= 1) * 1
		x <- (x > 1) * 1
	y <- rep.int(c(1,0,0,0), length(code))
	strat <- rep(1:length(code), e=4)
	c.out <- clogit(y ~ x + strata(strat))
	coef <- c.out$coefficients
	names(coef) <- NULL
	se <- sqrt(diag(c.out$var))
	stat <- (coef/se)^2
	conf <- exp(coef + c(-1, 1) * qnorm(0.975) * se)
	out <- list(coef=coef, se=se, stat=stat, pval= 1 - pchisq(stat, 1),
		RR=exp(coef), lowerRR=conf[1], upperRR=conf[2], ia=FALSE, type=type)  
	class(out) <- "tdt"

print.tdt <- function(x, digits=4, ...){
	pval <- format.pval(x$pval, digits=digits)
	out <- data.frame(Coef=x$coef, RR=x$RR, Lower=x$lowerRR, Upper=x$upperRR, 
		SE=x$se, Statistic=x$stat, "p-Value"=pval, check.names=FALSE)
		rownames(out) <- ""
		cat("Genotypic TDT for Two-Way Interaction (Using 15 Pseudo Controls)",
		cat("        Genotypic TDT Based on 3 Pseudo Controls","\n\n")
	cat("Model Type:", switch(x$type, "additive"="Additive", "dominant"="Dominant",
		"recessive"="Recessive"), "\n\n")
	if(x$ia && is.na(x$stat))
		cat("Fitting failed. Possible reason: SNPs might be in (strong) LD.\n\n")
		print(format(out, digits=digits))
	if(!is.na(x$pval) && x$pval <= .Machine$double.eps)
		warning("The results might be misleading, as the very small p-value might be caused\n",
			"by non-biological artefacts (e.g., sparseness of the data).", call.=FALSE)

tdt2way <- function(...)
	cat("tdt2way has been renamed to tdtGxG. So please use tdtGxG instead.")

tdtGxG <- function(snp1, snp2, test=c("epistatic", "lrt", "full", "screen"), model=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive")){
	n1 <- length(snp1)
	n2 <- length(snp2)
	if(n1 != n2)
		stop("snp1 must have the same length as snp2.")
	if(n1%%3 != 0)
		stop("The SNPs do not seem to contain trio data, as their length\n",
			"is not dividable by 3.")
	if(any(!snp1 %in% c(0, 1, 2, NA)))
		stop("The values in snp1 must be 0, 1, and 2.")
	if(any(!snp2 %in% c(0, 1, 2, NA)))
		stop("The values in snp2 must be 0, 1, and 2.")
	type <- match.arg(model)
	testtype <- match.arg(test)
	mat.trio <- cbind(matrix(snp1, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE), matrix(snp2, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE))
	mat.trio <- mat.trio[rowSums(is.na(mat.trio))==0,]
	mat <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,0,1,1, 1,0,0,1, 1,0,0,1, 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,
		2,2,2,2, 1,1,2,2, 1,1,2,2, 2,1,1,2, 2,1,1,2, 0,1,1,2, 1,0,1,2, 
		2,0,1,1), nrow=4)
	cn <- c("000", "010", "100", "011", "101", "021", "201", "222", "121", "211",
		"122", "212", "110", "111", "112")
	colnames(mat) <- cn
	code1 <- paste(mat.trio[,1], mat.trio[,2], mat.trio[,3], sep="")
	code2 <- paste(mat.trio[,4], mat.trio[,5], mat.trio[,6], sep="")
	if(any(!code1 %in% cn)){
		tmp.ids <- !code1 %in% cn
		warning(sum(tmp.ids), " trios in snp1 show Mendelian errors. These are removed.",
		code1 <- code1[!tmp.ids]
		code2 <- code2[!tmp.ids]
	if(any(!code2 %in% cn)){
		tmp.ids <- !code2 %in% cn
		warning(sum(tmp.ids), " trios show Mendelian errors in snp2 (but not in snp1).\n",
			"These trios are removed.", call.=FALSE)
		code2 <- code2[!tmp.ids]
		code1 <- code1[!tmp.ids]
	n.trio <- length(code1)		
	x1 <- as.vector(mat[,code1])
	x2 <- as.vector(mat[,code2])
		return(tdtEpistatic(x1, x2, n.trio))
		x1 <- (x1 >= 1) * 1
		x2 <- (x2 >= 1) * 1
		x1 <- (x1 > 1) * 1
		x2 <- (x2 > 1) * 1
	mat.ids <- cbind(rep.int(rep(1:4, e=4), n.trio), rep.int(1:4, 4*n.trio))
	mat.ids <- mat.ids + 4 * rep(0:(n.trio-1), e=16)
	IA <- x1[mat.ids[,1]] * x2[mat.ids[,2]]
	y <- rep.int(c(1, rep.int(0, 15)), n.trio)
	strat <- rep(1:n.trio, e=16)
	wa <- options()$warn
		c.out <- try(clogit(y ~ IA + strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
		SNP1 <- x1[mat.ids[,1]]
		SNP2 <- x2[mat.ids[,2]]
		c.out <- try(clogit(y ~ SNP1 + SNP2 + IA + strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
			c.out2 <- try(clogit(y ~ SNP1 + SNP2 + strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
		ll.main <- if(is(c.out2, "try-error")) NA else c.out2$loglik[2]
		ll.full <- if(is(c.out, "try-error")) NA else c.out$loglik[2]
		if(!is.na(ll.full) && !is.na(ll.main)){
			stat <- -2 * (ll.main - ll.full)
			pval <- pchisq(stat, 4, lower.tail=FALSE)
			stat <- pval <- NA
		out <- list(ll.main=ll.main, ll.full=ll.full, stat=stat, pval=pval, 
			full.model=c.out, testtype="lrt")
	if(is(c.out, "try-error"))
		coef <- se <- stat <- pval <- lower <- upper <- NA
		coef <- c.out$coefficients
		se <- sqrt(diag(c.out$var))
			names(coef) <- NULL
		stat <- (coef/se)^2
		pval <- pchisq(stat, 1, lower.tail=FALSE)
		lower <- exp(coef - qnorm(0.975) * se)
		upper <- exp(coef + qnorm(0.975) * se)
	out <- list(coef=coef, se=se, stat=stat, pval= pval,
		RR=exp(coef), lowerRR=lower, upperRR=upper, ia=TRUE, type=type)  
	class(out) <- "tdt"



colTDT <- function(mat.snp, model=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive"), size=50){
		stop("mat.snp has to be a matrix.")
	if(nrow(mat.snp) %% 3 != 0)
		stop("mat.snp does not seem to contain trio data, as its number of rows is\n",
			"not dividable by 3.")
		stop("mat.snp does not seem to be a matrix in genotype format,\n",
			"as the names of the rows are missing.")
	if(any(!mat.snp %in% c(0, 1, 2, NA)))
		stop("The values in mat.snp must be 0, 1, and 2.")
	type <- match.arg(model)
	fastTDT(mat.snp, type, size=size)

colTDT2way <- function(...){
	cat("colTDT2way has been renamed to colGxG. So please use colGxG instead.\n")

colGxG <- function(mat.snp, test=c("epistatic", "lrt", "full", "screen"), genes=NULL, maf=FALSE,
		model=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive")){
		stop("mat.snp has to be a matrix.")
	if(nrow(mat.snp) %% 3 != 0)
		stop("mat.snp does not seem to contain trio data, as its number of rows is\n",
			"not dividable by 3.")
		stop("mat.snp does not seem to be a matrix in genotype format,\n",
			"as the names of the rows are missing.")
	if(any(!mat.snp %in% c(0, 1, 2, NA)))
		stop("The values in mat.snp must be 0, 1, and 2.")
	type <- match.arg(model)
	testtype <- match.arg(test)
	mat.code <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,0,1,1, 1,0,0,1, 1,0,0,1, 1,1,1,1, 
		1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 1,1,2,2, 1,1,2,2, 2,1,1,2, 2,1,1,2, 0,1,1,2, 
		1,0,1,2, 2,0,1,1, NA,NA,NA,NA), nrow=4)
	cn <- c("000", "010", "100", "011", "101", "021", "201", "222", "121", "211",
		"122", "212", "110", "111", "112", "NANANA")
	colnames(mat.code) <- cn
	n.snp <- ncol(mat.snp)
	mat.pseudo <- matrix(NA, 4/3 * nrow(mat.snp), n.snp)
	for(i in 1:n.snp){
		mat.trio <- matrix(mat.snp[,i], ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
		mat.trio[rowSums(is.na(mat.trio)) > 0, ] <- NA
		code <- paste(mat.trio[,1], mat.trio[,2], mat.trio[,3], sep="")
		if(any(!code %in% cn)){
			tmp.ids <- !code %in% cn
			warning(sum(tmp.ids), " trios show Mendelian errors. These are removed.",
			code[tmp.ids] <- "NANANA"
		mat.pseudo[,i] <- as.vector(mat.code[,code])
		mat.snp <- mat.snp[-seq(3, nrow(mat.snp), 3), ]
		mat.snp <- mat.snp[!duplicated(rownames(mat.snp)), ]
		valMAF <- colSums(mat.snp, na.rm=TRUE) / (2 * colSums(!is.na(mat.snp)))
		valMAF <- NULL
	n.trio <- length(code)
		return(colTDTepistatic(mat.pseudo, n.trio, colnames(mat.snp), genes=genes, valMAF=valMAF))
		mat.pseudo <- (mat.pseudo >= 1) * 1
		mat.pseudo <- (mat.pseudo > 1) * 1
	mat.ids <- cbind(rep.int(rep(1:4, e=4), n.trio), rep.int(1:4, 4*n.trio))
	mat.ids <- mat.ids + 4 * rep(0:(n.trio-1), e=16)
	y <- rep.int(c(1, rep.int(0, 15)), n.trio)
	strat <- rep(1:n.trio, e=16)
		coef <- se <- numeric(n.snp * (n.snp - 1) / 2)
		combs <- allCombs(n.snp)
			stop("genes must be a vector of character strings.")
		if(length(genes) != n.snp)
			stop("The length of genes must be equal to the number of columns of mat.snp.")
		ids.genes <- as.numeric(as.factor(genes))
		combs <- allBetweenCombs(ids.genes)
		coef <- se <- numeric(nrow(combs))
		return(colGxGlrt(mat.pseudo, mat.ids, combs, y, strat, rn=colnames(mat.snp), genes=genes,
	add <- testtype=="full"
	wa <- options()$warn
	for(i in 1:nrow(combs)){
		x1 <- mat.pseudo[mat.ids[,1], combs[i,1]] 
		x2 <- mat.pseudo[mat.ids[,2], combs[i,2]]
		IA <- x1 * x2
			c.out <- try(clogit(y ~ IA + x1 + x2 + strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
			c.out <- try(clogit(y ~ IA + strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
		coef[i] <- if(is(c.out, "try-error")) NA else c.out$coefficients[1]
		se[i] <- if(is(c.out, "try-error")) NA else sqrt(diag(c.out$var))[1]
		warning("For at least one interaction,the fitting of the model has failed.\n",
			"Therefore, all statistics for these interactions are set to NA.", call.=FALSE)
	stat <- (coef / se)^2
	lower <- exp(coef - qnorm(0.975) * se)
	upper <- exp(coef + qnorm(0.975) * se)
	pval <- pchisq(stat, 1, lower.tail=FALSE)
	if(any(pval <= .Machine$double.eps, na.rm=TRUE))
		warning("Some of the p-values are very small (< 2.2e-16). These results might be\n",
			"misleading, as the small p-values might be caused by non-biological artefacts\n",
			"(e.g., sparseness of the data).", call.=FALSE)
	rn <- if(is.null(colnames(mat.snp))) paste("SNP", 1:n.snp, sep="") else colnames(mat.snp)
	names(coef) <- names(stat) <- names(pval) <- paste(rn[combs[,1]], rn[combs[,2]], sep=" : ")
		genes <- paste(genes[combs[,1]], genes[combs[,2]], sep=" : ")
		mat.maf <- cbind(round(valMAF, 4)[combs[,1]], round(valMAF, 4)[combs[,2]])
		rownames(mat.maf) <- names(coef) 
		colnames(mat.maf) <- c("First SNP", "Second SNP")
		mat.maf <- NULL
	out <- list(coef=coef, se=se, stat=stat, pval=pval, RR=exp(coef), 
		lowerRR=lower, upperRR=upper, ia=TRUE, type=type, add=add, genes=genes, maf=valMAF,
	class(out) <- "colTDT"


print.colTDT <- function(x, top=5, digits=4, ...){
	pval <- format.pval(x$pval, digits=digits)
		out <- data.frame(Coef=x$coef, RR=x$RR, Lower=x$lowerRR, Upper=x$upperRR, 
			SE=x$se, Statistic=x$stat, "p-Value"=pval,
			check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		cat("      Genotypic TDT for Two-Way Interaction (Using 15 Pseudo Controls)",
		out <- data.frame(Coef=x$coef, RR=x$RR, Lower=x$lowerRR, Upper=x$upperRR, 
			SE=x$se, Statistic=x$stat, "p-Value"=pval, Trios=x$usedTrios,
			check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
			out <- data.frame(out, "P(Mendel Error)"=x$pMendelErr, 
				check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		cat("        Genotypic TDT Based on 3 Pseudo Controls","\n\n")
	cat("Model Type: ", switch(x$type, "additive"="Additive", "dominant"="Dominant",
		"recessive"="Recessive"), "\n", 
		if(x$add) "Model also contains the two respective individual SNPs.\n",
		"\n", sep="")
	if(!is.na(top) && top>0 && top <= length(x$coef)){
		ord <- order(x$pval)[1:top]
		out <- out[ord,]
		cat("Top", top, ifelse(x$ia, "SNP Interactions:\n", "SNPs:\n"))
	print(format(out, digits=digits))

tdtEpistatic <- function(x1, x2, n.trio){
	x1 <- x1 - 1
	z1 <- ifelse(x1==0, 0.5, -0.5)
	x2 <- x2 - 1
	z2 <- ifelse(x2==0, 0.5, -0.5)

	mat.ids <- cbind(rep.int(rep(1:4, e=4), n.trio), rep.int(1:4, 4*n.trio))
	mat.ids <- mat.ids + 4 * rep(0:(n.trio-1), e=16)
	x1 <- x1[mat.ids[,1]]
	x2 <- x2[mat.ids[,2]]
	z1 <- z1[mat.ids[,1]]
	z2 <- z2[mat.ids[,2]]
	x1x2 <- x1 * x2
	x1z2 <- x1 * z2
	z1x2 <- z1 * x2
	z1z2 <- z1 * z2
	y <- rep.int(c(1, rep.int(0, 15)), n.trio)
	strat <- rep(1:n.trio, e=16)
	wa <- options()$warn
	woIA <- try(clogit(y ~ x1 + z1 + x2 + z2 + strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
	full <- try(clogit(y ~ x1 + z1 + x2 + z2 + x1x2 + x1z2 + z1x2 + z1z2 + 
		strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
	ll.main <- if(is(woIA, "try-error")) NA else woIA$loglik[2]	
	ll.full <- if(is(full, "try-error")) NA else full$loglik[2]
	if(!is.na(ll.full) && !is.na(ll.main)){
		stat <- -2 * (ll.main - ll.full)
		pval <- pchisq(stat, 4, lower.tail=FALSE)
		stat <- pval <- NA
	out <- list(ll.main=ll.main, ll.full=ll.full, stat=stat, pval=pval,
		full.model=full, testtype="epistatic") 
	class(out) <- "tdtEpi"

colTDTepistatic <- function(mat.pseudo, n.trio, rn, genes=NULL, valMAF=NULL){
	x <- mat.pseudo - 1 
	z <- (x == 0) - 0.5
	mat.ids <- cbind(rep.int(rep(1:4, e=4), n.trio), rep.int(1:4, 4*n.trio))
	mat.ids <- mat.ids + 4 * rep(0:(n.trio-1), e=16)
	y <- rep.int(c(1, rep.int(0, 15)), n.trio)
	strat <- rep(1:n.trio, e=16)
	n.snp <- ncol(mat.pseudo)
		ll.main <- ll.full <- numeric(n.snp * (n.snp - 1) / 2)
		combs <- allCombs(n.snp)
			stop("genes must be a vector of character strings.")
		if(length(genes) != n.snp)
			stop("The length of genes must be equal to the number of columns of mat.snp.")
		ids.genes <- as.numeric(as.factor(genes))
		combs <- allBetweenCombs(ids.genes)
		ll.main <- ll.full <- numeric(nrow(combs))
	wa <- options()$warn
	for(i in 1:nrow(combs)){
		x1 <- x[mat.ids[,1], combs[i,1]]
		z1 <- z[mat.ids[,1], combs[i,1]] 
		x2 <- x[mat.ids[,2], combs[i,2]]
		z2 <- z[mat.ids[,2], combs[i,2]]
		woIA <- try(clogit(y ~ x1 + z1 + x2 + z2 + strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
		full <- try(clogit(y ~ x1 + z1 + x2 + z2 + x1*x2 + x1*z2 + z1*x2 + 
			z1*z2 + strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
		ll.main[i] <- if(is(woIA, "try-error")) NA else woIA$loglik[2]
		ll.full[i] <- if(is(full, "try-error")) NA else full$loglik[2]
	if(any(is.na(ll.full)) | any(is.na(ll.main)))
		warning("For some interactions, the fitting of at least one of the models has failed.\n",
			"Therefore, the corresponding test statistic and the p-value are thus set to NA.",
	stat <- -2 * (ll.main - ll.full)
	pval <- pchisq(stat, 4, lower.tail=FALSE)
	if(any(pval <= .Machine$double.eps, na.rm=TRUE))
		warning("Some of the p-values are very small (< 2.2e-16). These results might be\n",
			"misleading, as the small p-values might be caused by non-biological artefacts\n",
			"(e.g., sparseness of the data).", call.=FALSE)
		rn <- paste("SNP", 1:n.snp, sep="")
	names(ll.full) <- names(stat) <- names(pval) <- paste(rn[combs[,1]], rn[combs[,2]], sep=" : ")
		ind.genes <- genes
		genes <- paste(genes[combs[,1]], genes[combs[,2]], sep=" : ")
		ind.genes <- NULL
		mat.maf <- cbind(round(valMAF, 4)[combs[,1]], round(valMAF, 4)[combs[,2]])
		rownames(mat.maf) <- names(ll.full)
		colnames(mat.maf) <- c("First MAF", "Second MAF") 
		mat.maf <- NULL
	out <- list(ll.main=ll.main, ll.full=ll.full, stat=stat, pval=pval, 
		maf=valMAF, matMAF=mat.maf, genes=genes, ind.genes=ind.genes, testtype="epistatic")
	class(out) <- "colTDTepi"

colGxGlrt <- function(mat.pseudo, mat.ids, combs, y, strat, rn=NULL, genes=NULL, valMAF=NULL){
	ll.main <- ll.full <- rep.int(NA, nrow(combs))
	wa <- options()$warn
	for(i in 1:nrow(combs)){
		x1 <- mat.pseudo[mat.ids[,1], combs[i,1]]
		x2 <- mat.pseudo[mat.ids[,2], combs[i,2]]
		IA <- x1*x2
		full <- try(clogit(y ~ x1 + x2 + IA + strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
		main <- try(clogit(y ~ x1 + x2 + strata(strat)), silent=TRUE)
		ll.full[i] <- if(is(full, "try-error")) NA else full$loglik[2]
		ll.main[i] <- if(is(main, "try-error")) NA else main$loglik[2]
	if(any(is.na(ll.full)) | any(is.na(ll.main)))
		warning("For some interactions, the fitting of at least one of the models has failed.\n",
			"Therefore, the corresponding test statistic and the p-value are thus set to NA.",
	stat <- -2 * (ll.main - ll.full)
	pval <- pchisq(stat, 4, lower.tail=FALSE)
	if(any(pval <= .Machine$double.eps, na.rm=TRUE))
		warning("Some of the p-values are very small (< 2.2e-16). These results might be\n",
			"misleading, as the small p-values might be caused by non-biological artefacts\n",
			"(e.g., sparseness of the data).", call.=FALSE)
		rn <- paste("SNP", 1:ncol(mat.pseudo), sep="")
	names(ll.full) <- names(stat) <- names(pval) <- paste(rn[combs[,1]], rn[combs[,2]], sep=" : ")
		ind.genes <- genes
		genes <- paste(genes[combs[,1]], genes[combs[,2]], sep=" : ")
		ind.genes <- NULL
		mat.maf <- cbind(round(valMAF, 4)[combs[,1]], round(valMAF, 4)[combs[,2]])
		rownames(mat.maf) <- names(ll.full)
		colnames(mat.maf) <- c("First MAF", "Second MAF") 
		mat.maf <- NULL
	out <- list(ll.main=ll.main, ll.full=ll.full, stat=stat, pval=pval, 
		maf=valMAF, matMAF=mat.maf, genes=genes, ind.genes=ind.genes, testtype="lrt")
	class(out) <- "colTDTepi"

print.tdtEpi <- function(x, digits=3, ...){
	pval <- format.pval(x$pval, digits=digits-1)
		cat("Likelihood Ratio Test for Epistatic Interactions Based on Genotypic TDTs", 
			"\n\n", sep="")
		cat("Likelihood Ratio Test Based on Genotypic TDTs\n", sep="")
		cat("Failed. At least one of the models did not fit properly",
		cat("Loglikelihood (with Interactions): ", round(x$ll.full, digits), "\n", sep="")
		cat("Loglikelihood (without IAs):       ", round(x$ll.main, digits), "\n", sep="")
		cat("Test Statistic: ", round(x$stat, digits), "\n", sep="")
		cat("P-Value:        ", pval, "\n\n", sep="")

print.colTDTepi <- function(x, top=5, digits=4, ...){
	pval <- format.pval(x$pval, digits=digits)
	out <- data.frame("LL (with IAs)"=x$ll.full, "LL (w/o IAs)"=x$ll.main,
		Statistic=x$stat, "P-Value"=pval, check.names=FALSE)
		out <- data.frame(out, Genes=x$genes, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		out <- data.frame(out, x$matMAF, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) 
	cat("      Genotypic TDT for", ifelse(x$testtype=="epistatic", "Epistatic", "SNP-SNP"), 
		"Interactions (Using 15 Pseudo Controls)", "\n\n")
	if(length(x$ll.main) > top){
		ord <- order(x$pval)[1:top]
		out <- out[ord,]
		cat("Top", top, "SNP Interactions (Likelihood Ratio Test):\n")
		cat("Likelihood Ratio Test:\n")
	print(format(out, digits=digits))

colTDTinter2way <- function(...){
	cat("colTDTinter2way has been removed from trio. Please use colGxG instead.\n",
		"In colGxG, the argument genes can be used to specify the different sets of SNPs.\n", sep="")
allBetweenCombs <- function(gene){
	ids <- 1:length(gene)
	mat.comb <- NULL
	for(i in 1:(max(gene) - 1)){
		tmp1 <- ids[gene == i]
		tmp2 <- ids[gene > i]
		tmpmat <- cbind(rep(tmp1, e=length(tmp2)), rep.int(tmp2, length(tmp1)))
		mat.comb <- rbind(mat.comb, tmpmat)

getMatPseudo <- function(mat.snp){
		stop("mat.snp has to be a matrix.")
	if(nrow(mat.snp) %% 3 != 0)
		stop("mat.snp does not seem to contain trio data, as its number of rows is\n",
			"not dividable by 3.")
		stop("mat.snp does not seem to be a matrix in genotype format,\n",
			"as the names of the rows are missing.")
	if(any(!mat.snp %in% c(0, 1, 2, NA)))
		stop("The values in mat.snp must be 0, 1, and 2.")
	mat.code <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,0,1,1, 1,0,0,1, 1,0,0,1, 1,1,1,1, 
		1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 1,1,2,2, 1,1,2,2, 2,1,1,2, 2,1,1,2, 0,1,1,2, 
		1,0,1,2, 2,0,1,1, NA,NA,NA,NA), nrow=4)
	cn <- c("000", "010", "100", "011", "101", "021", "201", "222", "121", "211",
		"122", "212", "110", "111", "112", "NANANA")
	colnames(mat.code) <- cn
	n.snp <- ncol(mat.snp)
	mat.pseudo <- matrix(NA, 4/3 * nrow(mat.snp), n.snp)
	for(i in 1:n.snp){
		mat.trio <- matrix(mat.snp[,i], ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
		mat.trio[rowSums(is.na(mat.trio)) > 0, ] <- NA
		code <- paste(mat.trio[,1], mat.trio[,2], mat.trio[,3], sep="")
		if(any(!code %in% cn)){
			tmp.ids <- !code %in% cn
			warning(sum(tmp.ids), " trios show Mendelian errors. These are removed.",
			code[tmp.ids] <- "NANANA"
		mat.pseudo[,i] <- as.vector(mat.code[,code])
	colnames(mat.pseudo) <- colnames(mat.snp)

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trio documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:41 p.m.