
Defines functions .isPackageLoaded tweeDE

Documented in tweeDE

tweeDE <- function(object, group, mc.cores=1, pair=NULL, a=NULL, ...)
    x <- object
    totalTime <- proc.time()

    if (!is.matrix(object) && !is.data.frame(object))
        stop("'object' must be a matrix or a data.frame")
        warning("Assuming all genes have shape parameter a=",a)
        a <- rep(a, nrow(object))
        stop("Length of provided 'a' is different from number of genes in 'object'")
        stop("'a' must be strictly less than 1")
      inputA <- TRUE
      inputA <- FALSE
    if (!is.factor(group))
      group <- as.factor(group)

    if (ncol(object) != length(group))
      stop("'object' must have number of columns equal to the length of 'group'")
    groups <- levels(group)

    if (is.null(pair))
      pair <- groups

    if (length(pair) != 2) 
        stop("'pair' (number of groups) must be of length 2.")

    if (is.numeric(pair)) 
      pair <- levels(group)[pair]
      pair <- as.character(pair)

    this.pair <- (group %in% pair)

    if (!all(pair %in% groups)) 
        stop("At least one element of given pair is not a group.\n Groups are: ", 
            paste(groups, collapse = " "), "\n")

    x <- x[ , this.pair] 
    group <- factor(as.vector(group[this.pair]))

    cat("Comparing groups:", as.vector(pair[2]), "-", as.vector(pair[1]), "\n")
    test.i <- function(x, g, cont, nc, inputA, ...)
          a <- x[length(x)]
          x <- x[-length(x)]
        aux <<- aux + 1
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, nc*aux)

        suppressWarnings( mod <- try(testPoissonTweedie(x, g, loglik=FALSE, a=a, maxCount=6000, ...), TRUE) )
        if (!inherits(mod, "try-error")) {
          ans <- c(mod$mean, mod$stat, mod$pval)
        else {
          mm <- aggregate(x, by=list(g), FUN=mean) 
          ans <- c(unlist(mm[,2]), NA, NA)
    test.i.mc <- function(x, g, cont, nc, coreID, inputA, ...)
          a <- x[length(x)]
          x <- x[-length(x)]
        masterDesc <- get('masterDescriptor', envir=getNamespace('parallel'))
        if(masterDesc() == coreID){
          aux <<- aux + 1
          setTxtProgressBar(pb, nc*aux)
        suppressWarnings( mod <- try(testPoissonTweedie(x, g, loglik=FALSE, a=a, maxCount=6000, ...), TRUE) )
        if (!inherits(mod, "try-error")) {
          ans <- c(mod$mean, mod$stat, mod$pval)
        else {
          mm <- aggregate(x, by=list(g), FUN=mean) 
          ans <- c(unlist(mm[,2]), NA, NA)

      temp <- cbind(x, a)
      temp <- x
    data <- data.frame(t(temp))
    ngenes <- nrow(x)
    aux <- 0
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=ngenes,initial=0,style=3)

#    haveMulticore <- tweeDEseq:::.isPackageLoaded("multicore")
#    if (mc.cores > 1 && !haveMulticore)
#      stop("In order to run calculations in parallel with multiple cores the 'multicore' library should be loaded first")
#    if (haveMulticore) {

#      mclapp <- get('mclapply', envir=getNamespace('multicore'))
#     detCor <- get('detectCores', envir=getNamespace('multicore'))

    masterDesc <- try(get('masterDescriptor', envir=getNamespace('parallel')), TRUE)
    if(mc.cores > 1){
      if(class(masterDesc) == "try-error")
        stop("It appears you are trying to use multiple cores from Windows, this is not possible")
      nAvailableCores <- detectCores()
#      if (mc.cores == 1)
#        mc.cores <- nAvailableCores
      coreID <- mclapply(as.list(1:mc.cores), function(x) masterDesc(), mc.cores=mc.cores)[[1]]
      res <- t(data.frame(mclapply(data, test.i.mc, mc.cores = mc.cores, 
                                 g = group, nc = mc.cores, coreID = coreID, inputA = inputA)))
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, ngenes)
      res <-t(data.frame(lapply(data, test.i, g = group, nc = 1, inputA = inputA)))
    colnames(res)[1:2] <- groups
    pval.bh <- p.adjust(res[,4], "BH")
    if(identical(pair, groups))
       pair.ind <- 2:1
       pair.ind <- 1:2
    log2fc <- log2(res[,pair.ind[1]]/res[,pair.ind[2]])

    ans <- data.frame(overallMean=round(rowMeans(x),3),
                      round(res[,1:2],3), log2fc=log2fc, stat=res[,3], pval=res[,4],
    class(ans) <- c("tweeDE", "data.frame")
    attr(ans, "comparison") <- paste(as.vector(pair[2]), "-", as.vector(pair[1]))


## from https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-September/078974.html
## function: isPackageLoaded
## purpose: to check whether the package specified by the name given in
##          the input argument is loaded. this function is borrowed from
##          the discussion on the R-help list found in this url:
##          https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-September/078974.html
## parameters: name - package name
## return: TRUE if the package is loaded, FALSE otherwise

.isPackageLoaded <- function(name) {
  ## Purpose: is package 'name' loaded?
  ## --------------------------------------------------
  (paste("package:", name, sep="") %in% search()) ||
  (name %in% loadedNamespaces())

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tweeDEseq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:59 p.m.