
Defines functions weitrix_components_inner calc_weighted_ss calc_weighted_ss_inner orthogonalize_decomp fit_all_rows fit_all_rows_inner fit_all_cols fit_all_cols_inner least_squares_func scale_cols components_varimax components_order_and_flip

setClass("Components", representation("list"))

setMethod("show", "Components", function(object) {
    cat("Components are:", paste(colnames(object$row), collapse=", "),"\n")
    cat("$row : ", nrow(object$row),"x",ncol(object$row),"matrix\n")
    cat("$col : ", nrow(object$col),"x",ncol(object$col),"matrix\n")
    cat("$R2  : ", object$R2,"\n")

# Ensure largest components are first, positive skew on columns of $row
components_order_and_flip <- function(comp) {
    # Ensure largest factor first
    scaling <- sqrt(colMeans(comp$col[,comp$ind_components,drop=FALSE]^2))
    reordering <- comp$ind_components[order(scaling, decreasing=TRUE)]
    comp$row[,comp$ind_components] <- comp$row[,reordering,drop=FALSE]
    comp$col[,comp$ind_components] <- comp$col[,reordering,drop=FALSE]

    # Ensure positive skew (outliers positive)
    flips <- comp$ind_components[
        colSums(comp$row[,comp$ind_components,drop=FALSE]^3) < 0]
    comp$row[,flips] <- -comp$row[,flips,drop=FALSE]
    comp$col[,flips] <- -comp$col[,flips,drop=FALSE]


# Seek meaningful components by varimax rotation
# Varimax rotation rotates components in a decomposition so that
#     each component has a few large loadings and the rest small.
# By the grace of sparsity we hope that these components 
#     are then individually interpretable.
components_varimax <- function(comp) {
    if (length(comp$ind_components) < 2)

    rotation <- varimax(
        comp$row[,comp$ind_components,drop=FALSE], normalize=FALSE)
    comp$row[,comp$ind_components] <- 
        comp$row[,comp$ind_components] %*% rotation$rotmat
    comp$col[,comp$ind_components] <- 
        comp$col[,comp$ind_components] %*% rotation$rotmat


scale_cols <- function(A,s) {
    assert_that(ncol(A) == length(s))

# Least squares, always producing an answer
# Returns a function, which will cache last weighting used for future calls
# Where multiple solutions exist, one should be chosen arbitrarily
# NA is treated as 0 (should be given weight 0 or not present in any case!)
least_squares_func <- function(A) {
    state <- new.env()
    state$last_present <- NULL
    state$last_w <- NULL
    state$solver <- NULL

    function(present,w,b) {
        # No data or no non-zero weights?
        if (max(0,w) == 0) 
            return(rep(0, ncol(A)))

        # Scaling of weights doesn't matter, normalize out
        w <- w/max(w)

        # Treat as equal if within 1e-9
        if (!identical(state$last_present, present) ||
            max(abs(state$last_w-w)) >= 1e-9) {
            state$last_present <- present
            state$last_w <- w

            # Soldier on:
            # - Missing values become NA
            # - (near)zero singular values nuked            
            sw <- sqrt(w)
            decomp <- svd(A[present,,drop=FALSE]*sw)
            good <- decomp$d > 1e-9*max(decomp$d)
            state$solver <- 
                decomp$v[,good,drop=FALSE] %*% 

        b[is.na(b)] <- 0.0
        as.vector(state$solver %*% b)

fit_all_cols_inner <- function(args) {
    y <- as.matrix(args$y)
    w <- as.matrix(args$w)
    solver <- args$least_squares_func(args$x)

    result <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(y)), function(i) {
        wi <- w[,i]
        present <- wi > 0
        fixed <- as.vector(
            args$fixed_row[present,,drop=FALSE] %*% args$fixed_col[i,])
        solver(present,wi[present],y[present,i] - fixed)
    do.call(rbind, result)

fit_all_cols <- function(x,y,w, fixed_row,fixed_col) {
    if (ncol(x) == 0)
        return(matrix(0, nrow=ncol(y), ncol=0))
    BPPARAM <- bpparam()

    parts <- partitions(ncol(y), nrow(y)*2, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, cpu_heavy=TRUE)
    feed <- map(parts, function(part) {

    result <- bplapply(feed, fit_all_cols_inner, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

    do.call(rbind, result)

fit_all_rows_inner <- function(args) {
    y <- as.matrix(args$y)
    w <- as.matrix(args$w)
    solver <- args$least_squares_func(args$x)

    result <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(y)), function(i) {
        wi <- w[i,]
        present <- wi > 0
    do.call(rbind, result)

fit_all_rows <- function(x,y,w) {
    if (ncol(x) == 0)
        return(matrix(0, nrow=nrow(y), ncol=0))

    BPPARAM <- bpparam()

    parts <- partitions(nrow(y), ncol(y)*2, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, cpu_heavy=TRUE)
    feed <- map(parts, function(part) {
    result <- bplapply(feed, fit_all_rows_inner, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

    do.call(rbind, result)

# Turn decomposition rows %*% t(cols) into an orthogonal version
# Furthermore, the columns of rows will have unit variance
orthogonalize_decomp <- function(rows,cols) {
    if (ncol(rows) == 0)

    n <- nrow(rows)
    decomp <- svd(rows)
    rows <- decomp$u * sqrt(n)
    cols <- scale_cols(cols %*% decomp$v, decomp$d / sqrt(n))
    decomp <- svd(cols)
    cols <- scale_cols(decomp$u, decomp$d)
    rows <- rows %*% decomp$v

# Weighted sum of squares error of a matrix decomposition
calc_weighted_ss_inner <- function(args) with(args, {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    w <- as.matrix(w)

    total <- 0
    for(i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
        wi <- w[,i]
        present <- wi > 0
        errors <- 
            as.vector(x[present,i]) - 
            as.vector(row[present,,drop=FALSE] %*% col[i,]) 
        total <- total + sum(errors*errors*wi[present])

calc_weighted_ss <- function(x, w, row, col) {
    BPPARAM <- bpparam()
    parts <- partitions(ncol(x), nrow(x)*2, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
    feed <- map(parts, function(part) {
    result <- bplapply(feed, calc_weighted_ss_inner, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

## Test:
# n <- 10
# m <- 7
# p <- 3
# A <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),nrow=n)
# B <- matrix(rnorm(m*p),nrow=m)
# decomp <- orthogonalize_decomp(A,B)
# (A %*% t(B)) - (decomp$rows %*% t(decomp$cols))

weitrix_components_inner <- function(
        weitrix, x, weights, p, p_design, design, max_iter, col_mat, 
        ind_components, ind_design, ss_total, tol, verbose
        ) {
    R2 <- -Inf

    for(i in seq_len(max_iter)) {
        start <- proc.time()["elapsed"]


        # Esure col_mat[,ind_components] are orthogonal col_mat[,ind_design]
        col_mat[,ind_components] <- 

        # Update row_mat
        row_mat <- fit_all_rows(col_mat, x, weights)

        # Update col_mat
        col_mat <- fit_all_cols(row_mat[,p_design+seq_len(p),drop=FALSE], 
            x, weights, row_mat[,ind_design,drop=FALSE], design)
        col_mat <- cbind(design, col_mat)

        # Make decomposition matrices orthogonal
        decomp <- orthogonalize_decomp(row_mat[,ind_components,drop=FALSE], 
        row_mat[,ind_components] <- decomp$rows
        col_mat[,ind_components] <- decomp$cols

        # Check R^2
        ss_resid <- calc_weighted_ss(x, weights, row_mat, col_mat)
        ratio <- ss_resid/ss_total
        last_R2 <- R2
        R2 <- 1-ratio

        end <- proc.time()["elapsed"]
        if (verbose && max_iter > 1 && (i <= 5 || i %% 10 == 0)) {
            message(sprintf("Iter %4d R^2=%7.5f %.1fsec",i,R2,end-start))

        if (i >= 5 && R2 - last_R2 <= tol) 

    # Use original row and column names
    # Give factors in the decomposition meaningful names
    rownames(row_mat) <- rownames(weitrix)
    rownames(col_mat) <- colnames(weitrix)
    colnames(row_mat) <- c(colnames(design), 
        map_chr(seq_len(p), ~paste0("C",.)))
    colnames(col_mat) <- colnames(row_mat)

    new("Components", list(
        row=row_mat, col=col_mat, 

#' Principal components of a weitrix
#' Finds principal components of a weitrix.
#' If varimax rotation is enabled, 
#'     these are then rotated to enhance interpretability.
#' Note that this is a slow numerical method to solve a gnarly problem, 
#'     for the case where weights are not uniform.
#' The case of uniform weights or weights that can be written as 
#'     an outer product of row and column weights is somewhat faster, 
#' however there are much faster algorithms for this available elsewhere.
#' An iterative method is used, 
#'     starting from a random initial set of components.
#' It is possible for this to get stuck at a local minimum.
#' To ameliorate this, the iteration is initially run \code{n_restarts} times 
#'     and the best result used. 
#' This is then iterated further.
#' Examine \code{all_R2s} in the output to see if this is happening -- 
#'     if the values are not all nearly identital, 
#'     the iteration is sometimes getting stuck at local minima.
#' Increase \code{n_restarts} to 
#'     increase the odds of finding the global minimum.
#' @param weitrix 
#' A weitrix object, or an object that can be converted to a weitrix 
#'     with \code{as_weitrix}.
#' @param p 
#' Number of components to find.
#' @param design 
#' A formula referring to \code{colData(weitrix)} or a matrix, 
#'     giving predictors of a linear model for the experimental design. 
#' By default only an intercept term is used, 
#'     i.e. rows are centered before finding components. 
#' A more complex formula might be used to account for batch effects. 
#' \code{~0} can be used if rows are already centered.
#' @param n_restarts 
#' Number of restarts of the iteration to use.
#' @param max_iter 
#' Maximum iterations.
#' @param tol 
#' Stop iterating if R-squared increased by 
#'     less than this amount in an iteration.
#' @param use_varimax 
#' Use varimax rotation to enhance interpretability of components.
#' @param initial 
#' Optional, an initial guess for column components (scores). 
#' Can have fewer columns than \code{p}, 
#'     in which remaining components are initialized randomly. 
#' Can have more columns than \code{p},
#'     in which case a randomly chosen subspace is used in each restart.
#' @param verbose 
#' Show messages about the progress of the iterations.
#' @return
#' A "Components" object with the following elements accessible using \code{$}.
#' \itemize{
#'     \item{row}{
#'         Row matrix, aka loadings. 
#'         Rows are rows in the weitrix, 
#'             and columns contain the experimental design 
#'             (usually just an intercept term), and components.}
#'     \item{col}{
#'         Column matrix, aka scores. 
#'         Rows are columns in the weitrix, 
#'             and columns contain fitted coefficients 
#'             for the experimental design, and components.}
#'     \item{R2}{
#'         Weighted R squared statistic. 
#'         The proportion of total variance explained by the components.}
#'     \item{all_R2s}{
#'         R2 statistics from all restarts. 
#'         This can be used to check how consistently 
#'             the iteration finds optimal components.}
#'     \item{ind_design}{Column indices associated with experimental design.}
#'     \item{ind_components}{Column indices associated with components.}
#' }
#' For a result \code{comp}, 
#' the original measurements are approximated 
#' by \code{comp$row \%*\% t(comp$col)}.
#' \code{weitrix_components_seq} returns a list of Components objects, 
#' with increasing numbers of components from 1 up to p.
#' @examples
#' # Variables in rows, observations in columns, as per Bioconductor convention
#' dat <- t(iris[,1:4])
#' # Find two components
#' comp <- weitrix_components(dat, p=2, max_iter=5, n_restart=1)
#' # Examine row and col matrices
#' pairs(comp$row, panel=function(x,y) text(x,y,rownames(comp$row)))
#' pairs(comp$col)
#' @describeIn weitrix_components
#' Find a matrix decomposition with the specified number of components.
#' @export
weitrix_components <- function(
        weitrix, p=0, design=~1, n_restarts=3, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-5, 
        use_varimax=TRUE, initial=NULL, verbose=TRUE
        ) {

    weitrix <- as_weitrix(weitrix)
    assert_that(is.number(p), p >= 0)

    x <- weitrix_x(weitrix)
    weights <- weitrix_weights(weitrix)

    # TODO: chunking
    #x <- as.matrix(x)
    #weights <- as.matrix(weights)

    if (is(design, "formula"))
        design <- model.matrix(design, data=colData(weitrix))

    rownames(x) <- NULL
    colnames(x) <- NULL
    rownames(weights) <- NULL
    colnames(weights) <- NULL

    n <- nrow(x)
    m <- ncol(x)
    p_design <- ncol(design)
    p_total <- p_design+p

    assert_that(nrow(design) == m, n >= p_total, m >= p)

    df_total <- sum(weights > 0)
    df_model <- n*p_total-m*p
    df_residual <- df_total-df_model

    ind_design <- seq_len(p_design)
    ind_components <- p_design+seq_len(p)

    if (is.null(colnames(design)))
        colnames(design) <- map_chr(seq_len(p_design), ~paste0("design",.))

    # Centering to compare against
    row_mat_center <- fit_all_rows(design, x, weights)
    #centered <- x - row_mat_center %*% t(design)
    #ss_total <- sum(centered^2*weights, na.rm=TRUE)
    ss_total <- calc_weighted_ss(x, weights, row_mat_center, design)

    if (p == 0) {
        max_iter <- 1
        n_restarts <- 1
    # Warm up (unless n_restarts==1, then do full)
    max_warmup_iter <- if (n_restarts > 1) 5 else max_iter
    result <- NULL
    best_R2 <- -Inf
    R2s <- numeric(n_restarts)
    for(i in seq_len(n_restarts)) {
        col_mat <- design
        if (!is.null(initial)) {
            # Use a random projection of all columns from initial
            proj_out <- min(ncol(initial), p)
            proj <- matrix(rnorm(proj_out*ncol(initial)), ncol=proj_out)
            col_mat <- cbind(col_mat, initial %*% proj)
        col_mat <- cbind(col_mat, 
            matrix(rnorm(m*(p_total-ncol(col_mat))), nrow=m))

        this_result <- weitrix_components_inner(
            weitrix=weitrix, x=x, weights=weights, 
            p=p, p_design=p_design, design=design,
            max_iter=max_warmup_iter, col_mat=col_mat, 
            ind_components=ind_components, ind_design=ind_design, 
            ss_total=ss_total, tol=tol, verbose=verbose)

        R2s[i] <- this_result$R2
        if (this_result$R2 > best_R2) {
            result <- this_result
            best_R2 <- this_result$R2
    # Do full iteration (if n_restarts>1)
    if (n_restarts > 1) {
        result <- weitrix_components_inner(
            weitrix=weitrix, x=x, weights=weights, 
            p=p, p_design=p_design, design=design,
            max_iter=max_iter, col_mat=result$col, 
            ind_components=ind_components, ind_design=ind_design,
            ss_total=ss_total, tol=tol, verbose=verbose)    

    result$df_total <- df_total
    result$df_model <- df_model
    result$df_residual <- df_residual
    result$all_R2s <- R2s

    if (use_varimax)
        result <- components_varimax(result)
        result <- components_order_and_flip(result)


#' @describeIn weitrix_components
#' Produce a sequence of weitrix decompositions with 1 to p components.
#' @export
weitrix_components_seq <- function(
        weitrix, p, design=~1, n_restarts=3, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-5, 
        use_varimax=TRUE, verbose=TRUE
        ) {

    weitrix <- as_weitrix(weitrix)
    assert_that(p >= 1)

    result <- rep(list(NULL), p)

    if (verbose)
        message("Finding ",p," components")

    result[[p]] <- weitrix_components(weitrix, p=p, 
        design=design, n_restarts=n_restarts, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, 
    for(i in rev(seq_len(p-1))) {
        if (verbose)
            message("Finding ",i," components")
        # Random projections of this will be used
        initial <- 

        result[[i]] <- weitrix_components(weitrix, p=i, 
            design=design, n_restarts=n_restarts, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, 
            use_varimax=use_varimax, verbose=verbose, initial=initial)


#' Proportion more variance explained by adding components one at a time
#' Based on the output of \code{components_seq}, 
#'    work out how much further variance is explained 
#'    by adding further components.
#' If \code{rand_comp} is given, 
#'     some possible threshold levels for including further components 
#'     are also calculated. 
#' The "Parallel analysis" threshold is chosen based on 
#'     varianced explained by a single component in a randomized weitrix. 
#' The "Optimistic" thresholds are chosen starting from 
#' the "Parallel Analysis" threshold. 
#' We view the Parallel Analysis threshold as indicating random variance 
#'     is split amongst an effective number of samples, 
#'     which will be somewhat smaller than the real number of samples. 
#' As each component is accepted, 
#'     the pool of remaining variance is reduced by its contribution, 
#'     and also the number of effective samples is reduced by one. 
#' The threshold is then the size of the remaining variance pool 
#'     divided by the effective remaining number of samples. 
#' This is a somewhat ad-hoc method, 
#'     but may indicate more components are justified 
#'     than by criteria based on a flat threshold.
#' @param comp_seq 
#' A list of Components objects, as produced by \code{components_seq}.
#' @param rand_comp 
#' Optional. A Components object with a single component. 
#' This should be based on a randomized version of the weitrix, 
#'     for example as produced by 
#'     \code{weitrix_components(weitrix_randomize(my_weitrix), p=1)}.
#' @return
#' \code{components_seq_scree} returns a data frame listing 
#'     the variance explained by each further component.
#' @examples
#' comp_seq <- weitrix_components_seq(simwei, 4, verbose=FALSE)
#' components_seq_scree(comp_seq)
#' components_seq_screeplot(comp_seq)
#' @export
components_seq_scree <- function(comp_seq, rand_comp=NULL) {
    R2 <- map_dbl(comp_seq, "R2")
    n <- length(R2)
    explained <- R2 - c(0, R2[-n])
    result <- data.frame(components=seq_len(n), explained=explained)
    # Seems conservative, would rather not have it as the only advice
    #result$kaiser <- 
    #    rep(1/min(nrow(comp_seq[[1]]$row), nrow(comp_seq[[1]]$col)), n)
    if (!is.null(rand_comp)) {
        assert_that(length(rand_comp$ind_components) == 1)
        pa <- rand_comp$R2
        result$pa <- pa

        decay <- rep(0, n)
        pool <- 1.0
        effective_vars <- 1/pa
        for(i in seq_len(n)) {
            decay[i] <- pool/effective_vars
            pool <- pool - explained[i]
            effective_vars <- effective_vars-1
        result$optimistic <- decay

#' @rdname components_seq_scree
#' @return
#' \code{components_seq_screeplot} returns a ggplot2 plot object.
#' @export
components_seq_screeplot <- function(comp_seq, rand_comp=NULL) {
    df <- components_seq_scree(comp_seq, rand_comp)
    n <- nrow(df)
    result <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x="components"))
    #result <- result +
    #    geom_line(aes_string(y="kaiser", color='"Kaiser Criterion"'))
    if (!is.null(df$pa)) {
        result <- result +
            geom_line(aes_string(y="pa", color='"Parallel Analysis"')) +
            geom_line(aes_string(y="optimistic", color='"Optimistic"'))
    result <- result + 
        geom_point(aes_string(x="components", y="explained")) +
        geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
        labs(x="Number of components", y="Further variance explained",
            color="Threshold guidance")

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weitrix documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:10 p.m.