## All functions for xcmsRaw methods should be put here.
#' @include DataClasses.R c.R
xcmsRaw <- function(filename, profstep = 1, profmethod = "bin",
profparam = list(),
includeMSn = FALSE, mslevel = NULL,
scanrange = NULL) {
object <- new("xcmsRaw")
object@env <- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv)
## Change between old and new code; new code uses the "newer" mzR approach
## to read the file.
## if (useOriginalCode()) {
object@filepath <- xcmsSource(filename)
rawdata <- loadRaw(object@filepath, includeMSn = includeMSn)
## } else {
## object@filepath <- new("xcmsFileSource", filename)
## rawdata <- readRawData(filename, includeMSn = includeMSn)
## }
rtdiff <- diff(rawdata$rt)
if (any(rtdiff == 0))
warning("There are identical scantimes.")
if (any(rtdiff < 0)) {
badtimes <- which(rtdiff < 0)
stop(paste("Time for scan ", badtimes[1], " (",
rawdata$rt[[badtimes[1]]], ") greater than scan ",
badtimes[1]+1, " (", rawdata$rt[[badtimes[1]+1]], ")",
sep = ""))
object@scantime <- rawdata$rt
object@tic <- rawdata$tic
object@scanindex <- rawdata$scanindex
object@env$mz <- rawdata$mz
object@env$intensity <- rawdata$intensity
## Doing first an eventual scanrange subsetting so that we don't have to
## re-calculate the profile matrix later.
if (length(scanrange) < 2) {
scanrange <- c(1, length(object@scantime))
} else {
scanrange <- range(scanrange)
if (min(scanrange) < 1 | max(scanrange) > length(object@scantime)) {
scanrange[1] <- max(1, scanrange[1])
scanrange[2] <- min(length(object@scantime), scanrange[2])
message("Provided scanrange was adjusted to ", scanrange[1]," - ", scanrange[2])
if (!is.null(rawdata$acquisitionNum)) {
## defined only for mzData and mzXML
object@acquisitionNum <- rawdata$acquisitionNum
if (!is.null(rawdata$polarity)) {
object@polarity <- factor(rawdata$polarity,
levels = c(0, 1, -1),
labels = c("negative", "positive", "unknown"))
## After the MS1 data, take care of MSn
if(!is.null(rawdata$MSn) ) {
object@env$msnMz <- rawdata$MSn$mz
object@env$msnIntensity <- rawdata$MSn$intensity
object@msnScanindex <- rawdata$MSn$scanindex
object@msnAcquisitionNum <- rawdata$MSn$acquisitionNum
object@msnLevel <- rawdata$MSn$msLevel
object@msnRt <- rawdata$MSn$rt
object@msnPrecursorScan <- match(rawdata$MSn$precursorNum,
object@msnPrecursorMz <- rawdata$MSn$precursorMZ
object@msnPrecursorIntensity <- rawdata$MSn$precursorIntensity
object@msnPrecursorCharge <- rawdata$MSn$precursorCharge
object@msnCollisionEnergy <- rawdata$MSn$collisionEnergy
## setting the scanrange.
scanrange(object) <- as.numeric(scanrange)
## Subset by scanrange
object <- object[scanrange[1]:scanrange[2]]
mslevel(object) <- as.numeric(mslevel)
object@mzrange <- range(object@env$mz, na.rm = TRUE)
object@profmethod <- profmethod
object@profparam <- profparam
## Creating profile matrix if profstep > 0
if (profstep)
profStep(object) <- profstep
## if (!is.null(scanrange)) {
## ## Scanrange filtering
## keepidx <-, length(object@scantime)) %in%
##[1], scanrange[2])
## object <- split(object, f=keepidx)[["TRUE"]]
## }
if (!missing(mslevel) & !is.null(mslevel)) {
## Issue #101
## Copy the ms2 level data only if mslevel > 1
if (max(mslevel) > 1) {
object <- msn2ms(object)
object <- split(object, f=object@msnLevel==mslevel)$"TRUE"
## fix xcmsRaw metadata, or always calculate later than here ?
## specNoise
specNoise <- function(spec, gap = quantile(diff(spec[,"mz"]), .9)) {
## In a spectrum with just one raw peak we can't calculate noise
if (nrow(spec) < 2) {
intmean <- mean(spec[,"intensity"])
mzlen <- diff(range(spec[,"mz"]))
mzdiff <- diff(spec[,"mz"])
gaplen <- sum(mzdiff[mzdiff > gap])
weighted.mean(c(intmean, min(spec[,"intensity"])/2), c(1 - gaplen/mzlen,
## specPeaks
specPeaks <- function(spec, sn = 20, mzgap = .2) {
noise <- specNoise(spec)
spectab <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3)
colnames(spectab) <- c("mz", "intensity", "fwhm")
while (spec[i <- which.max(spec[,"intensity"]), "intensity"] > noise*sn) {
mz <- spec[i,"mz"]
intensity <- spec[i,"intensity"]
fwhmrange <- descendValue(spec[,"intensity"], spec[i,"intensity"]/2, i)
if (fwhmrange[1] > 1 && fwhmrange[2] < nrow(spec)) {
fwhm1 <- spec[fwhmrange[1],"mz"] - (spec[fwhmrange[1],"intensity"]-intensity/2)*diff(spec[fwhmrange[1]-1:0,"mz"])/diff(spec[fwhmrange[1]-1:0,"intensity"])
fwhm2 <- spec[fwhmrange[2],"mz"] - (spec[fwhmrange[2],"intensity"]-intensity/2)*diff(spec[fwhmrange[2]+1:0,"mz"])/diff(spec[fwhmrange[2]+1:0,"intensity"])
fwhm <- fwhm2-fwhm1
if (!any(abs(spectab[,"mz"] - mz) <= mzgap))
spectab <- rbind(spectab, c(mz, intensity, fwhm))
peakrange <- descendValue(spec[,"intensity"], min(noise*sn, spec[i,"intensity"]/4), i)
spec[seq(peakrange[1], peakrange[2]),"intensity"] <- 0
## issue #74
##' @title Extract an EIC from the profile matrix
##' @description The \code{profEIC} does extract the EIC not from the raw data,
##' but from the profile matrix. To get the EIC from the raw data use the
##' \code{\link{rawEIC}} method. The \code{profEIC} is a replacement of the
##' old \code{getEIC} method implementation (both of functions \code{getEICold}
##' and \code{getEICnew}) supporting the same input arguments and returning the
##' same result object, but with more sanity checks and using the newer binning
##' and interpolation functions.
##' @note This method uses the new binning and linear interpolation functionality
##' i.e. the \code{\link{binYonX}} and \code{\link{imputeLinInterpol}}. In
##' contrast to the old \code{getEIC} implementation (pre xcms 1.51.1), this
##' method performs also considerably more input parameter validations.
##' @noRd
profEIC <- function(object, mzrange, rtrange = NULL, step = 0.1) {
## Input argument checking:
if (missing(mzrange)) {
mzrange <- matrix(object@mzrange, nrow = 1)
} else {
if (length(mzrange) == 2)
mzrange <- matrix(as.numeric(mzrange), nrow = 1)
if (!is.matrix(mzrange))
stop("'mzrange' is supposed to be a two-column matrix with each row",
" containing the min and max value specifying the mz range.")
if (all(c("mzmin", "mzmax") %in% colnames(mzrange)))
mzrange <- mzrange[, c("mzmin", "mzmax"), drop = FALSE]
## rtrange
if (is.null(rtrange)) {
rtrange <- matrix(range(object@scantime), nrow = 1)
} else {
if (length(rtrange) == 2)
rtrange <- matrix(as.numeric(rtrange), nrow = 1)
if (!is.matrix(rtrange))
stop("'rtrange' is supposed to be a two-column matrix with each row",
" containing the min and max value specifying the rt range.")
## Check sizes...
if (nrow(rtrange) != nrow(mzrange)) {
## Try to fix:
if (nrow(rtrange) == 1)
rtrange <- matrix(rep(rtrange[1, ], each = nrow(mzrange)),
nrow = nrow(mzrange))
if (nrow(mzrange) == 1)
mzrange <- matrix(rep(mzrange[1, ], each = nrow(rtrange)),
nrow = nrow(rtrange))
if (nrow(rtrange) != nrow(mzrange))
stop("'rtrange' and 'mzrange' have to have the same number of rows!")
if (ncol(rtrange) != 2 | ncol(mzrange) != 2)
stop("Number of columns of 'rtrange' and 'mzrange' have to be 2!")
## Profile generation settings:
profmat <- NULL
pi <- profinfo(object)
method <- pi$method
baselevel <- pi$baselevel
if (is.null(baselevel)) {
baseValue <- min(object@env$intensity, na.rm = TRUE) / 2
} else {
baseValue <- baselevel
basespace <- pi$basespace
impMeths <- c("none", "lin", "linbase", "intlin")
names(impMeths) <- c("bin", "binlin", "binlinbase", "intlin")
impute <- impMeths[method]
if (impute == "intlin") {
## Have to calculate the full profile matrix...
profmat <- profMat(object, method = "intlin", step = step)
## Re-use the existing profile matrix?
if (length(object@env$profile) > 0) {
## If the settings are the same:
if (profStep(object) == step)
profmat <- object@env$profile
if (is.null(profmat)) {
valsPerSpect <- diff(c(object@scanindex, length(object@env$mz)))
toIdx <- cumsum(valsPerSpect)
fromIdx <- c(1L, toIdx[-length(toIdx)] + 1L)
} else {
mass <- seq(floor(min(object@env$mz) / step) * step,
ceiling(max(object@env$mz) / step) * step,
by = step)
## Get the global ranges; individual ranges have to be within these!
object_rtrange <- range(object@scantime)
object_mzrange <- object@mzrange
## Initialize object
eic <- vector("list", nrow(rtrange))
for (i in 1:nrow(rtrange)) {
rtr <- range(rtrange[i, ])
mzr <- range(mzrange[i, ])
## Check the parameters!
if (!(rtr[2] <= object_rtrange[2] & rtr[1] >= object_rtrange[1]))
stop("'rtrange' number ", i, " (", paste(rtr, collapse = ", "), ") ",
"is outside of the retention time range of 'object'")
if (!(mzr[2] <= object_mzrange[2] & mzr[1] >= object_mzrange[1]))
stop("'mzrange' number ", i, " (", paste(mzr, collapse = ", "), ") ",
"is outside of the mz value range of 'object'")
if (!is.null(profmat)) {
## Re-use the existing profile matrix to calculate.
imz <- findRange(mass, c(mzr[1]-.5*step, mzr[2]+0.5*step), TRUE)
irt <- which(object@scantime >= rtr[1]
& object@scantime <= rtr[2])
if (length(imz) == 0)
stop("Specified mz range ", mzr, " outside of the measured",
" mz range!")
if (length(irt) == 0)
stop("Specified retention time range ", rtr, " outside of ",
"the measured retention time range!")
eic[[i]] <- cbind(rt = object@scantime[irt],
intensity = colMax(profmat[imz[1]:imz[2], irt,
} else {
## 1) Determine which spectra to consider
inSpectra <- which(object@scantime >= rtr[1]
& object@scantime <= rtr[2])
if (length(inSpectra) == 0)
stop("Specified retention time range ", rtr, " outside of ",
"the measured retention time range!")
mass <- seq(floor(mzr[1]/step)*step,
ceiling(mzr[2]/step)*step, by = step)
nBins <- length(mass)
binRes <- binYonX(x = object@env$mz,
y = object@env$intensity,
nBins = nBins,
binFromX = mass[1],
binToX = mass[nBins],
fromIdx = fromIdx[inSpectra],
toIdx = toIdx[inSpectra],
baseValue = ifelse(impute == "none",
yes = 0, no = NA),
shiftByHalfBinSize = TRUE,
sortedX = TRUE)
if (length(binRes) == 1)
binRes <- list(binRes)
bin_size <- binRes[[1]]$x[2] - binRes[[1]]$x[1]
if (is.null(basespace)) {
distance <- floor(0.075 / bin_size)
} else {
distance <- floor(basespace[1] / bin_size)
binVals <- lapply(binRes, function(z) {
return(max(imputeLinInterpol(z$y, method = impute,
distance = distance,
noInterpolAtEnds = TRUE,
baseValue = baseValue),
na.rm = TRUE))
eic[[i]] <- cbind(rt = object@scantime[inSpectra],
intensity = unlist(binVals, use.names = FALSE))
new("xcmsEIC", eic = list(xcmsRaw=eic), mzrange = mzrange, rtrange = rtrange,
rt = "raw", groupnames = character(0))
profEIC2 <- function(object, mzrange, rtrange = NULL, step = 0.1) {
## This version does guess the indices to be passed directly to binYonX.
## binFromX binToX represents the mz range.
## fromIdx toIdx can be used to specify the
## getEICOld
## that's the original getEIC version.
## We've got a problem if step = 0! (relates to issue #39)
getEICOld <- function(object, mzrange, rtrange = NULL, step = 0.1) {
## if mzrange and rtrange is not provided use the full range.
mzrange <- matrix(object@mzrange, nrow=1)
colnames(mzrange) <- c("mzmin", "mzmax")
rtrange <- matrix(range(object@scantime), nrow=1)
colnames(rtrange) <- c("rtmin", "rtmax")
profFun <- match.profFun(object)
if (all(c("mzmin","mzmax") %in% colnames(mzrange)))
mzrange <- mzrange[,c("mzmin", "mzmax"),drop=FALSE]
### Create EIC buffer
mrange <- range(mzrange)
mass <- seq(floor(mrange[1]/step)*step, ceiling(mrange[2]/step)*step, by = step)
bufsize <- min(100, length(mass))
buf <- profFun(object@env$mz, object@env$intensity, object@scanindex,
bufsize, mass[1], mass[bufsize], TRUE, object@profparam)
bufidx <- integer(length(mass))
idxrange <- c(1, bufsize)
bufidx[idxrange[1]:idxrange[2]] <- 1:bufsize
if (missing(rtrange))
eic <- matrix(nrow = nrow(mzrange), ncol = ncol(buf))
eic <- vector("list", nrow(rtrange))
for (i in order(mzrange[,1])) {
imz <- findRange(mass, c(mzrange[i,1]-.5*step, mzrange[i,2]+.5*step), TRUE)
### Update EIC buffer if necessary
if (bufidx[imz[2]] == 0) {
bufidx[idxrange[1]:idxrange[2]] <- 0
idxrange <- c(max(1, min(imz[1], length(mass)-bufsize+1)), min(bufsize+imz[1]-1, length(mass)))
bufidx[idxrange[1]:idxrange[2]] <- 1:(diff(idxrange)+1)
buf <- profFun(object@env$mz, object@env$intensity, object@scanindex,
diff(idxrange)+1, mass[idxrange[1]], mass[idxrange[2]],
TRUE, object@profparam)
if (missing(rtrange)) {
eic[i,] <- colMax(buf[bufidx[imz[1]:imz[2]],,drop=FALSE])
} else {
eic[[i]] <- matrix(c(object@scantime, colMax(buf[bufidx[imz[1]:imz[2]],,drop=FALSE])),
ncol = 2)[object@scantime >= rtrange[i,1] & object@scantime <= rtrange[i,2],,drop=FALSE]
colnames(eic[[i]]) <- c("rt", "intensity")
invisible(new("xcmsEIC", eic = list(xcmsRaw=eic), mzrange = mzrange, rtrange = rtrange,
rt = "raw", groupnames = character(0)))
## getEICNew
## what's different in this method?
## 1) we're not (re-) calculating the profile matrix if it already exists and if the step argument
## is the same.
## 2) by not using the buffer with the fixed (max) size of 100 we're no longer limited to small m/z
## ranges, thus we can use the method to extract the EIC for the full m/z range (i.e. the base
## peak chromatogram BPC).
## 3) the method might be slower.
## We've got a problem if step = 0! (relates to issue #39)
getEICNew <- function(object, mzrange, rtrange = NULL,
step = 0.1, BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
## if mzrange and rtrange is not provided use the full range.
if(length(object@mzrange) == 2){
mzrange <- matrix(object@mzrange, nrow=1)
mzrange <- matrix(c(min(object@env$mz), max(object@env$mz)), nrow=1)
colnames(mzrange) <- c("mzmin", "mzmax")
rtrange <- matrix(range(object@scantime), nrow=1)
colnames(rtrange) <- c("rtmin", "rtmax")
## rtrange and mzrange have to have the same number of rows!
stop("rtrange and mzrange have to have the same number of rows!")
profFun <- match.profFun(object)
if (all(c("mzmin","mzmax") %in% colnames(mzrange)))
mzrange <- mzrange[,c("mzmin", "mzmax"),drop=FALSE]
## check if we have the profile and if, if the profile step fits the step...
if(any(names(object@env) == "profile" )){
pStep <- profStep(object)
if (length(pStep) == 0)
pStep <- step
if(pStep != step){
## delete that profile matrix since the step differs.
rm(list="profile", envir=object@env)
mass <- seq(floor(min(object@env$mz)/step)*step,
ceiling(max(object@env$mz)/step)*step, by = step)
## check if we've got already the profile matrix available, if yes, we don't have to
## re-calculate anything.
if(!any(names(object@env) == "profile")){
## calculate the profile matrix.
object@env$profile <- profFun(object@env$mz, object@env$intensity,
object@scanindex, length(mass), mass[1],
mass[length(mass)], TRUE, object@profparam)
## once we've got the full profile matrix we go on and extract the EICs.
parms <- vector("list", length=nrow(rtrange))
for(i in 1:length(parms)){
parms[[i]] <- list( mzrange=mzrange[i, ], rtrange=rtrange[i, ] )
## check if we could run the code on multiple cpus...
eic <- bplapply(parms, FUN=function(z){
imz <- findRange(mass, c(z$mzrange[1]-.5*step, z$mzrange[2]+0.5*step), TRUE)
irt <- which(object@scantime >= z$rtrange[1] & object@scantime <= z$rtrange[2])
e <- matrix(c(object@scantime[irt],
colMax(object@env$profile[imz[1]:imz[2], irt, drop=FALSE])), ncol=2)
colnames(e) <- c("rt", "intensity")
invisible(new("xcmsEIC", eic = list(xcmsRaw=eic), mzrange = mzrange, rtrange = rtrange,
rt = "raw", groupnames = character(0)))
## split.xcmsRaw
split.xcmsRaw <- function(x, f, drop = TRUE, ...)
if (length(x@msnLevel)>0)
warning ("MSn information will be dropped")
if (!is.factor(f))
f <- factor(f)
scanidx <- unclass(f)
lcsets <- vector("list", length(levels(f)))
names(lcsets) <- levels(f)
for (i in unique(scanidx)) {
lcsets[[i]] <- x
lcsets[[i]]@env <- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv)
lcsets[[i]]@tic = x@tic[scanidx == i]
lcsets[[i]]@scantime = x@scantime[scanidx == i]
lcsets[[i]]@polarity = x@polarity[scanidx == i]
lcsets[[i]]@acquisitionNum = x@acquisitionNum[scanidx == i]
lcsets[[i]]@mzrange = x@mzrange[scanidx == i]
startindex = x@scanindex[which(scanidx == i)]+1
endindex = x@scanindex[which(scanidx == i) +1]
endindex[which(] <- length(x@env$mz)
if (length(endindex) > 1) {
scanlength <- endindex-startindex+1
lcsets[[i]]@scanindex <- as.integer(c(0, cumsum(scanlength[1:length(scanlength)-1])))
ptidx <- unlist(sequences(cbind(startindex, endindex)))
} else {
## Single Scan
ptidx <- 0:endindex
lcsets[[i]]@scanindex <- as.integer(0)
lcsets[[i]]@env$mz <- x@env$mz[ptidx]
lcsets[[i]]@env$intensity <- x@env$intensity[ptidx]
profStep(lcsets[[i]]) <- profStep(x)
if (drop)
lcsets <- lcsets[seq(along = lcsets) %in% scanidx]
## sequences
sequences <- function(seqs) {
apply(seqs, 1, FUN=function(x) {x[1]:x[2]})
## match.profFun
match.profFun <- function(object) {[[profMethod(object)]])
## remakeTIC
for(i in 1:length(object@scanindex)){
object@tic[i]<-sum(getScan(object, i)[,"intensity"])
## getPeaks
#' @description Replacement function for the original getPeaks method/function
#' that does no longer use the deprecated \code{profFun} functions. This
#' function uses the \code{binYonX} and \code{imputeLinInterpol} to perform
#' the binning (and missing value imputation).
#' @param object An \code{xcmsRaw} object.
#' @param peakrange \code{matrix} with 4 required columns \code{"mzmin"},
#' \code{"mzmax"}, \code{"rtmin"} and \code{"rtmax"}.
#' @param step \code{numeric(1)} defining the bin size for the profile matrix
#' generation.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.getPeaks_new <- function(object, peakrange, step = 0.1) {
## Here we're avoiding the profFun call.
if (all(c("mzmin","mzmax","rtmin","rtmax") %in% colnames(peakrange)))
peakrange <- peakrange[,c("mzmin","mzmax","rtmin","rtmax"),drop=FALSE]
stime <- object@scantime
pi <- profinfo(object)
method <- pi$method
if (missing(step))
step <- pi$step
if (step == 0)
step <- 0.1
baselevel <- pi$baselevel
basespace <- pi$basespace
vps <- diff(c(object@scanindex, length(object@env$mz)))
cat("method: ", method, "\n")
cat("step: ", step, "\n")
## Create the profile matrix:
pMat <- .createProfileMatrix(mz = object@env$mz, int = object@env$intensity,
valsPerSpect = vps,
method = method,
step = step,
baselevel = baselevel,
basespace = basespace,
returnBreaks = TRUE,
baseValue = 0,
mzrange. = NULL)
brks <- pMat$breaks
pMat <- pMat$profMat ## rows are masses, cols are retention times/scans.
bin_size <- diff(brks[1:2])
bin_half <- bin_size / 2
## Calculate the mean mass per bin using the breaks used for the binning.
## Note: these define the real mass breaks as they have been used for the
## binning. Simply using seq(floor...) as in the original code is wrong
## because the mass bins are calculated wrongly. The bin size is != step,
## bin size is marginally smaller and, for larger mz the correct mass
## bin will be wrongly identified.
mass <- brks[-length(brks)] + bin_half ## midpoint for the breaks
mass_range <- range(mass)
## Prepare the result matrix.
cnames <- c("mz", "mzmin", "mzmax", "rt", "rtmin", "rtmax", "into", "maxo")
rmat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(peakrange), ncol = length(cnames))
colnames(rmat) <- cnames
for (i in order(peakrange[, 1])) {
imz <- findRange(mass, c(peakrange[i, 1] - bin_half,
peakrange[i, 2] + bin_half), TRUE)
iret <- findRange(stime, peakrange[i, 3:4], TRUE)
idx_imz <- imz[1]:imz[2]
idx_iret <- iret[1]:iret[2]
## Extract the intensity matrix for the mz-rt range: rows are mz, cols
## rt values.
ymat <- pMat[idx_imz, idx_iret, drop = FALSE]
## Define the maximum intensity, is one value per mz.
ymax <- colMax(ymat)
iymax <- which.max(ymax)
## The width in rt.
pwid <- diff(stime[iret])/diff(iret)
## Calculate sum across rt. For each mz we get one value.
rosm <- rowSums(ymat)
limz <- length(idx_imz)
if (length(rosm) != limz) { ## that happens for some reason
warning("weighted.mean : x and w must have the same length \n")
rosm <- rep(1, limz) ## fallback to mean
## mean mz:
rmat[i, 1] <- weighted.mean(mass[idx_imz], rosm) ## mz; its not the
## position of the largest intensity!
if (is.nan(rmat[i,1]) ||[i,1])) ## R2.11 : weighted.mean()
## results in NA (not NaN) for zero weights
rmat[i, 1] <- mean(peakrange[i, 1:2])
rmat[i, 2:3] <- peakrange[i, 1:2] ## mzmin, mzmax
rmat[i, 4] <- stime[idx_iret][iymax] ## rt
rmat[i, 5:6] <- peakrange[i, 3:4] ## rtmin, rtmax
if (peakrange[i, 3] < stime[1] ||
peakrange[i, 4] > stime[length(stime)] ||
is.nan(pwid)) {
warning("getPeaks: Peak m/z:", peakrange[i, 1], "-",
peakrange[i, 2], ", RT:", peakrange[i, 3], "-",
peakrange[i, 4], "is out of retention time range for ",
"this sample (", object@filepath,
"), using zero intensity value.\n")
rmat[i, 7:8] <- 0
} else {
rmat[i, 7] <- pwid * sum(ymax) ## into
rmat[i, 8] <- ymax[iymax] ## maxo
#' @description Original getPeaks function. This should be removed at some point
#' as it uses deprecated API.
#' @noRd
.getPeaks_orig <- function(object, peakrange, step = 0.1) {
profFun <- match.profFun(object)
if (all(c("mzmin","mzmax","rtmin","rtmax") %in% colnames(peakrange)))
peakrange <- peakrange[,c("mzmin","mzmax","rtmin","rtmax"),drop=FALSE]
stime <- object@scantime
### Create EIC buffer
## This is NOT calculated for the full file.
mrange <- range(peakrange[,1:2])
## These mass bins are slightly different from the ones that are used
## by the binning function, since within the binning function the step/bin
## size is recalculated!
mass <- seq(floor(mrange[1]/step)*step, ceiling(mrange[2]/step)*step, by = step)
bufsize <- min(100, length(mass))
buf <- profFun(object@env$mz, object@env$intensity, object@scanindex,
bufsize, mass[1], mass[bufsize], TRUE, object@profparam)
bufidx <- integer(length(mass))
idxrange <- c(1, bufsize)
bufidx[idxrange[1]:idxrange[2]] <- 1:bufsize
cnames <- c("mz", "mzmin", "mzmax", "rt", "rtmin", "rtmax", "into", "maxo")
rmat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(peakrange), ncol = length(cnames))
colnames(rmat) <- cnames
for (i in order(peakrange[,1])) {
imz <- findRange(mass, c(peakrange[i,1]-.5*step, peakrange[i,2]+.5*step), TRUE)
iret <- findRange(stime, peakrange[i,3:4], TRUE)
### Update EIC buffer if necessary
if (bufidx[imz[2]] == 0) {
bufidx[idxrange[1]:idxrange[2]] <- 0
idxrange <- c(max(1, imz[1]), min(bufsize+imz[1]-1, length(mass)))
bufidx[idxrange[1]:idxrange[2]] <- 1:(diff(idxrange)+1)
buf <- profFun(object@env$mz, object@env$intensity, object@scanindex,
diff(idxrange)+1, mass[idxrange[1]], mass[idxrange[2]],
TRUE, object@profparam)
## Extract the intensity matrix for the mz-rt range: rows are mz, cols
## rt values.
ymat <- buf[bufidx[imz[1]:imz[2]],iret[1]:iret[2],drop=FALSE]
## Define the maximum intensity, is one value per mz.
ymax <- colMax(ymat)
iymax <- which.max(ymax)
## The width in rt.
pwid <- diff(stime[iret])/diff(iret)
## Calculate sum across rt. For each mz we get one value.
rosm <- rowSums(ymat)
limz <- length(imz[1]:imz[2])
if (length(rosm) != limz) { ## that happens for some reason
warning("weighted.mean : x and w must have the same length \n")
rosm <- rep(1, limz) ## fallback to mean
## mean mz:
rmat[i,1] <- weighted.mean(mass[imz[1]:imz[2]], rosm) ## mz; its not the
## position of the largest intensity!
if (is.nan(rmat[i,1]) ||[i,1])) ## R2.11 : weighted.mean() results in NA (not NaN) for zero weights
rmat[i,1] <- mean(peakrange[i,1:2])
rmat[i,2:3] <- peakrange[i,1:2] ## mzmin, mzmax
rmat[i,4] <- stime[iret[1]:iret[2]][iymax] ## rt
rmat[i,5:6] <- peakrange[i,3:4] ## rtmin, rtmax
if (peakrange[i,3] < stime[1] || peakrange[i,4] > stime[length(stime)] || is.nan(pwid)) {
warning("getPeaks: Peak m/z:",peakrange[i,1],"-",peakrange[i,2], ", RT:",peakrange[i,3],"-",peakrange[i,4],
"is out of retention time range for this sample (",object@filepath,"), using zero intensity value.\n")
rmat[i,7:8] <- 0
} else {
rmat[i,7] <- pwid*sum(ymax) ## into
rmat[i,8] <- ymax[iymax] ## maxo
msn2xcmsRaw <- function(xmsn) {
x <- deepCopy(xmsn)
x@tic <- x@msnAcquisitionNum
x@scantime <- x@msnRt # Fake time in secs
x@acquisitionNum <- x@msnAcquisitionNum
x@scanindex <- x@msnScanindex
x@env$mz <- x@env$msnMz
x@env$intensity <- x@env$msnIntensity
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