
Defines functions agd_format read_agd

Documented in agd_format read_agd

# Main function -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Read an ActiGraph agd file
#' @param file character. Path to the agd file
#' @param return character. The desired elements to return (see details)
#' @param tz character. The desired timezone
#' @param verbose logical. Print updates to console?
#' @details The agd is made up of a \code{settings} element and a \code{data}
#'   element. The former is likely only necessary for debugging, and so the
#'   default is to return only the \code{data} element. Both \code{settings} and
#'   \code{data} are in data frame format. If \code{return = "both"}, they are
#'   given as a list.
#' @return the desired output
#' @seealso \href{https://github.com/actigraph/ActiLifeManual/blob/master/docs/appendix.rst}{ActiGraph documentation}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' agd_file <- system.file("extdata", "example1sec.agd", package = "AGread")
#' read_agd(agd_file, "both")
read_agd <- function(
  file, return = c("data", "settings", "both"), tz = "UTC", verbose = FALSE
) {

  timer <- PAutilities::manage_procedure(
    "Start", "\nReading", basename(file), verbose = verbose

  return <- match.arg(return)

  conn <-
    RSQLite::SQLite() %>%

    c("settings", "data"),
    MoreArgs = list(conn = conn),
  ) %T>%
  {DBI::dbDisconnect(conn)} %>%
  agd_format(return, tz, file) %T>%
  {PAutilities::manage_procedure("End", timer = timer, verbose = verbose)}


# Supporting code ---------------------------------------------------------

#' Format ActiGraph agd data after initial reading
#' @param AG list. The result of initial reading
#' @inheritParams read_agd
#' @rdname agd_format
#' @keywords internal
agd_format <- function(AG, return, tz, file) {

  ## Checks

    if (nrow(AG$data) > 0) {
      # Continuity
      diff(AG$data$dataTimestamp) %>%
      unique(.) %>%
      length(.) %>%
      {. == 1} %>%
    } else {
      warning("No data in ", basename(file), call. = FALSE)

    # Variable names
    names(AG$data) %>%
    {. %in% .agd_names$agd_name} %>%
    all(.) %>%
    stopifnot(., "dataTimestamp" %in% names(AG$data))

  ## Format data

    AG$data %<>%
      names(.) %>%
      match(.agd_names$agd_name) %>%
      .agd_names$csv_name[.] %>%
      stats::setNames(AG$data, .) %>%
        Timestamp = tick_to_posix(Timestamp, tz)
        Date = agd_date_string(Timestamp, tz)
        Time = strftime(Timestamp, "%H:%M:%S", tz)
      }) %>%
        dplyr::any_of(c("Date", "Time")),
        .after = "Timestamp"
      ) %>%

  ## Finish up

      "data" = AG$data,
      "settings" = AG$settings,
      "both" = AG


#' @rdname agd_format
#' @keywords internal
agd_date_string <- function(timestamp, tz) {
  strftime(timestamp, "%m/%d/%Y", tz) %>%
  strsplit("/") %>%
  lapply(., gsub, pattern = "^0", replacement = "") %>%
  lapply(paste, collapse = "/") %>%
  do.call(c, .)

#' @rdname agd_format
#' @param expected character. The expected names of the triaxial variables
#' @keywords internal
agd_vector_magnitude <- function(AG, expected = paste0("Axis", 1:3)) {
  ## This will calculate vector magnitude if possible, regardless of whether
  ## the data already includes it. Not a big deal because the operation runs
  ## quickly.
  if (all(expected %in% names(AG))) {
    AG[ ,expected] %>%
    as.list(.) %>%
    stats::setNames(c("x", "y", "z")) %>%
    do.call(get_VM_C, .) %>%
    round(2) %>%
    {within(AG, {
      Vector.Magnitude = .
  } else {

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AGread documentation built on Sept. 13, 2022, 5:06 p.m.