
Defines functions print.countHist countHist.unmarkedFitMMO countHist.unmarkedFrameMMO countHist.unmarkedFitGMM countHist.unmarkedFrameGMM countHist.unmarkedFitPCO countHist.unmarkedFramePCO countHist.unmarkedFitMPois countHist.unmarkedFrameMPois countHist.unmarkedFitGPC countHist.unmarkedFrameGPC countHist.unmarkedFitPCount countHist.unmarkedFramePCount countHist.default countHist

Documented in countHist countHist.default countHist.unmarkedFitGMM countHist.unmarkedFitGPC countHist.unmarkedFitMMO countHist.unmarkedFitMPois countHist.unmarkedFitPCO countHist.unmarkedFitPCount countHist.unmarkedFrameGMM countHist.unmarkedFrameGPC countHist.unmarkedFrameMMO countHist.unmarkedFrameMPois countHist.unmarkedFramePCO countHist.unmarkedFramePCount print.countHist

##summarize detection histories and count data
countHist <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE,
                      cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...){
  UseMethod("countHist", object)

countHist.default <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE,
                              cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...){
  stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

##for unmarkedFramePCount 
countHist.unmarkedFramePCount <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE,
                                          cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec <- as.vector(yMat)
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        ##create histogram
        barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = "Distribution of raw counts",
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames

    ##summarize count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames

    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]
    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##for unmarkedFitPCount 
countHist.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE,
                                        cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec <- as.vector(yMat)
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        ##create histogram
        barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = "Distribution of raw counts",
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    ##count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]

    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##for unmarkedFrameGPC 
countHist.unmarkedFrameGPC <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE,
                                       cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec <- as.vector(yMat)
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        ##create histogram
        barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = "Distribution of raw counts",
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames

    ##summarize count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)
    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]
    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##for unmarkedFitGPC 
countHist.unmarkedFitGPC <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE,
                                     cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec <- as.vector(yMat)
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        ##create histogram
        barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = "Distribution of raw counts",
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    ##count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]

    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##for unmarkedFrameMPois 
countHist.unmarkedFrameMPois <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE,
                                         cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec <- as.vector(yMat)
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        ##create histogram
        barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = "Distribution of raw counts",
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    ##summarize count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]

    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##for unmarkedFitMPois 
countHist.unmarkedFitMPois <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE,
                                       cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec <- as.vector(yMat)
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        ##create histogram
        barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = "Distribution of raw counts",
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    ##summarize count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]

    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##for unmarkedFramePCO
countHist.unmarkedFramePCO <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE,
                                       cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                                       plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- object@numPrimary
    n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat)

    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    ##summarize count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames

    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames

    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
                             "extinct", "static", "common")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##sequence of visits
    vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
    for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
        col.start <- vis.seq[i]
        col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
        ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
        ##summarize count histories
            ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason)
        yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason)
        yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season
        det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
        hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)
        count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL)

        ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
        det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

        ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
        sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
        is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
        ##number of sites sampled
        out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
        out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

        ##sites without detections
        none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
        ##sites with at least one detection
        some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
        out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)

    ##check if any seasons were not sampled
    y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))

    ##if only season-specific plots are requested
    if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) {
        ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix
        if(n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 12
            warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n")
        if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) {

            ##if n.seasons < 12
            ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3
            ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3
            ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2
            ##if 4 <- 2 x 2
            ##if 3 <- 3 x 1
            ##if 2 <- 2 x 1
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {

                if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {

                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 4) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1
                            } else {
                                nRows <- 2
                                nCols <- 1
        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))

    ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        if(!plot.seasons) {
            nRows <- 1
            nCols <- 1
        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 11
            warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n")

        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) {
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {
                if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {
                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 2) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1

        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
        ##histogram for data combined across seasons
        barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""),
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##iterate over each season
    if(plot.seasons) {
        for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) {
            ##check for missing season
            if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled
            ##histogram for data combined across seasons
            barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                    main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""),
                    cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
    ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
    for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
        none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
        some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
        none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
        some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some
        ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
            if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
                out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
            if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
        } else {

            out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
            out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
            ##no change
            out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
            ##sites both sampled in t and t-1
            year1 <- c(none1, some1)
            year2 <- c(none2, some2)
            out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
    colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)

    for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
        ##proportion of sites with detections
        out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
        ##add check for seasons without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
            out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
        } else {
            ##proportion colonized
            out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion extinct
            out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion static
            out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]

    ##reset to original values
    if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) {
    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##for unmarkedFitPCO
countHist.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, 
                                     cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                                     plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary
    n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat)
    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    ##summarize count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
                             "extinct", "static", "common")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##sequence of visits
    vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
    for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
        col.start <- vis.seq[i]
        col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
        ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
        ##summarize count histories
            ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason)
        yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason)
        yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season
        det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
        hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)
        count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL)
        ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
        det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))
        ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
        sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
        is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
        ##number of sites sampled
        out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
        out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)
        ##sites without detections
        none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
        ##sites with at least one detection
        some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
        out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)
    ##check if any seasons were not sampled
    y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))

    ##if only season-specific plots are requested
    if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) {
        ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix
        if(n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 12
            warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n")
        if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) {

            ##if n.seasons < 12
            ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3
            ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3
            ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2
            ##if 4 <- 2 x 2
            ##if 3 <- 3 x 1
            ##if 2 <- 2 x 1
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {
                if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {
                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 4) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1
                            } else {
                                nRows <- 2
                                nCols <- 1
        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))

    ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        if(!plot.seasons) {
            nRows <- 1
            nCols <- 1
        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 11
            warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n")

        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) {
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {

                if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {

                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 2) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1

        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
        ##histogram for data combined across seasons
        barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""),
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##iterate over each season
    if(plot.seasons) {
        for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) {
            ##check for missing season
            if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled
            ##histogram for data combined across seasons
            barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                    main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""),
                    cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
    ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
    for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
        none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
        some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
        none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
        some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some
        ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
            if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
                out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
            if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
        } else {
            out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
            out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
            ##no change
            out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
            ##sites both sampled in t and t-1
            year1 <- c(none1, some1)
            year2 <- c(none2, some2)
            out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
    colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
        ##proportion of sites with detections
        out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
        ##add check for seasons without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
            out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
        } else {
            ##proportion colonized
            out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion extinct
            out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion static
            out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]
    ##reset to original values
    if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) {
    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##for unmarkedFrameGMM
countHist.unmarkedFrameGMM <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE,
                                       cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                                       plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- object@numPrimary
    n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat)

    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    ##summarize count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
                             "extinct", "static", "common")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##sequence of visits
    vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
    for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
        col.start <- vis.seq[i]
        col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
        ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
        ##summarize count histories
            ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason)
        yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason)
        yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season
        det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
        hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)
        count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL)

        ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
        det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))
        ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
        sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
        is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
        ##number of sites sampled
        out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
        out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

        ##sites without detections
        none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
        ##sites with at least one detection
        some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
        out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)

    ##check if any seasons were not sampled
    y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))

    ##if only season-specific plots are requested
    if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) {
        ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix
        if(n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 12
            warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n")
        if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) {

            ##if n.seasons < 12
            ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3
            ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3
            ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2
            ##if 4 <- 2 x 2
            ##if 3 <- 3 x 1
            ##if 2 <- 2 x 1
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {

                if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {
                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 4) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1
                            } else {
                                nRows <- 2
                                nCols <- 1
        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))

    ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        if(!plot.seasons) {
            nRows <- 1
            nCols <- 1
        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 11
            warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n")

        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) {
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {
                if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {
                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 2) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1

        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
        ##histogram for data combined across seasons
        barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""),
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##iterate over each season
    if(plot.seasons) {
        for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) {
            ##check for missing season
            if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled
            ##histogram for data combined across seasons
            barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                    main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""),
                    cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
    ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
    for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
        none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
        some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
        none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
        some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some

        ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
            if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
                out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
            if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
        } else {

            out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
            out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
            ##no change
            out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
            ##sites both sampled in t and t-1
            year1 <- c(none1, some1)
            year2 <- c(none2, some2)
            out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
    colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)

    for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
        ##proportion of sites with detections
        out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
        ##add check for seasons without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
            out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
        } else {
            ##proportion colonized
            out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion extinct
            out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion static
            out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]

    ##reset to original values
    if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) {
    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##for unmarkedFitGMM
countHist.unmarkedFitGMM <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, 
                                     cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                                     plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary
    n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat)
    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    ##summarize count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames

    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
                             "extinct", "static", "common")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##sequence of visits
    vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
    for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
        col.start <- vis.seq[i]
        col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
        ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
        ##summarize count histories
            ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason)
        yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason)
        yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season
        det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
        hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)
        count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL)

        ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
        det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

        ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
        sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
        is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
        ##number of sites sampled
        out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
        out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

        ##sites without detections
        none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
        ##sites with at least one detection
        some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
        out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)

    ##check if any seasons were not sampled
    y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))

    ##if only season-specific plots are requested
    if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) {
        ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix
        if(n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 12
            warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n")
        if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) {

            ##if n.seasons < 12
            ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3
            ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3
            ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2
            ##if 4 <- 2 x 2
            ##if 3 <- 3 x 1
            ##if 2 <- 2 x 1
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {
                if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {
                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 4) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1
                            } else {
                                nRows <- 2
                                nCols <- 1
        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))

    ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        if(!plot.seasons) {
            nRows <- 1
            nCols <- 1
        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 11
            warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n")

        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) {
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {
                if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {
                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 2) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1
        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
        ##histogram for data combined across seasons
        barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""),
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##iterate over each season
    if(plot.seasons) {
        for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) {
            ##check for missing season
            if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled
            ##histogram for data combined across seasons
            barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                    main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""),
                    cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
    ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
    for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
        none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
        some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
        none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
        some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some

        ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
            if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
                out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
            if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
        } else {

            out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
            out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
            ##no change
            out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
            ##sites both sampled in t and t-1
            year1 <- c(none1, some1)
            year2 <- c(none2, some2)
            out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))
    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
    colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)

    for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
        ##proportion of sites with detections
        out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
        ##add check for seasons without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
            out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
        } else {
            ##proportion colonized
            out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion extinct
            out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion static
            out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]
    ##reset to original values
    if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) {

    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

countHist.unmarkedFrameMMO <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, 
                                       cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                                       plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- object@numPrimary
    n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat)
    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    ##summarize count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames

    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
                             "extinct", "static", "common")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##sequence of visits
    vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
    for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
        col.start <- vis.seq[i]
        col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
        ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
        ##summarize count histories
            ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason)
        yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason)
        yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season
        det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
        hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)
        count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL)

        ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
        det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

        ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
        sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
        is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
        ##number of sites sampled
        out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
        out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

        ##sites without detections
        none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
        ##sites with at least one detection
        some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
        out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)

    ##check if any seasons were not sampled
    y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))

    ##if only season-specific plots are requested
    if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) {
        ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix
        if(n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 12
            warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n")
        if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) {

            ##if n.seasons < 12
            ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3
            ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3
            ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2
            ##if 4 <- 2 x 2
            ##if 3 <- 3 x 1
            ##if 2 <- 2 x 1
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {

                if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {

                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 4) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1
                            } else {
                                nRows <- 2
                                nCols <- 1
        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))

    ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        if(!plot.seasons) {
            nRows <- 1
            nCols <- 1
        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 11
            warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n")

        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) {
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {
                if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {
                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 2) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1

        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))

        ##histogram for data combined across seasons
        barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""),
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##iterate over each season
    if(plot.seasons) {
        for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) {
            ##check for missing season
            if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled
            ##histogram for data combined across seasons
            barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                    main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""),
                    cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
    ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
    for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
        none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
        some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
        none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
        some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some

        ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
            if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
                out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
            if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
        } else {

            out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
            out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
            ##no change
            out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
            ##sites both sampled in t and t-1
            year1 <- c(none1, some1)
            year2 <- c(none2, some2)
            out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
    colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)

    for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
        ##proportion of sites with detections
        out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
        ##add check for seasons without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
            out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
        } else {
            ##proportion colonized
            out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion extinct
            out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion static
            out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]

    ##reset to original values
    if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) {
    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##for unmarkedFitMMO
countHist.unmarkedFitMMO <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, 
                                     cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                                     plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary
    n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##collapse yMat into a single vector
    yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat)
    ##raw counts
    count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0)
    ##summarize count histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames

    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
                             "extinct", "static", "common")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##sequence of visits
    vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
    for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
        col.start <- vis.seq[i]
        col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
        ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
        ##summarize count histories
            ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason)
        yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason)
        yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season
        det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|"))
        hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)
        count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL)
        ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
        det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

        ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
        sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
        is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
        ##number of sites sampled
        out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
        out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

        ##sites without detections
        none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
        ##sites with at least one detection
        some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
        out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)
    ##check if any seasons were not sampled
    y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))

    ##if only season-specific plots are requested
    if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) {
        ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix
        if(n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 12
            warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n")
        if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) {

            ##if n.seasons < 12
            ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3
            ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3
            ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2
            ##if 4 <- 2 x 2
            ##if 3 <- 3 x 1
            ##if 2 <- 2 x 1
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {

                if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {

                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 4) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1
                            } else {
                                nRows <- 2
                                nCols <- 1
        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))

    ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested
    ##summarize detection histories
    if(plot.freq) {

        if(!plot.seasons) {
            nRows <- 1
            nCols <- 1
        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 11
            warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n")

        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) {
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {
                if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {
                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 2) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1

        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))

        ##histogram for data combined across seasons
        barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""),
                cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)

    ##iterate over each season
    if(plot.seasons) {
        for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) {
            ##check for missing season
            if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled
            ##histogram for data combined across seasons
            barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals",
                    main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""),
                    cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
    ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
    for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
        none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
        some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
        none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
        some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some

        ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
            if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
                out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
            if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
        } else {

            out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
            out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
            ##no change
            out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
            ##sites both sampled in t and t-1
            year1 <- c(none1, some1)
            year2 <- c(none2, some2)
            out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
    colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)

    for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
        ##proportion of sites with detections
        out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
        ##add check for seasons without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
            out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
        } else {
            ##proportion colonized
            out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion extinct
            out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion static
            out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]

    ##reset to original values
    if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) {
    out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full,
                      "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons,
                      "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                      "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                      "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                      "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                      "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                      "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
    class(out.count) <- "countHist"

##print method
print.countHist <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) {
    if(x$n.seasons == 1) {

        ##convert NA to . for nicer printing
        hist.names <- names(x$hist.table.full)
        names(x$hist.table.full) <- gsub(pattern = "NA",
                                          replacement = ".",
                                          x = hist.names)
        cat("\nSummary of counts:\n")
        count.mat <- matrix(x$count.table.full, nrow = 1)
        colnames(count.mat) <- names(x$count.table.full)
        rownames(count.mat) <- "Frequency"
        cat("\nSummary of count histories:\n")
        ##account for number of visits, number of unique histories, number of separators
        num.chars <- nchar(paste(names(x$hist.table.full), collapse = ""))
        if(num.chars >= 80) {
            cat("\nNote:  Count histories exceed 80 characters and are not displayed\n")
        } else {
            out.mat <- matrix(x$hist.table.full, nrow = 1)
            colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$hist.table.full)
            rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency"
        cat("\nProportion of sites with at least one detection:\n", round(x$out.props[, "naive.occ"], digits), "\n\n")
        cat("Frequencies of sites with detections:\n")
        ##add matrix of frequencies


    if(x$n.seasons > 1) {
        cat("\nSummary of counts (", x$n.seasons, " seasons combined): \n", sep ="")
        count.mat <- matrix(x$count.table.full, nrow = 1)
        colnames(count.mat) <- names(x$count.table.full)
        rownames(count.mat) <- "Frequency"
        cat("\nSummary of count histories:\n")

        if(x$n.visits.season == 1) {
            visits <- 1
        } else {
            visits <- x$n.visits.season - 1
        num.chars <- nchar(paste(names(x$hist.table.full), collapse = ""))
        if(num.chars >= 80) {
            cat("\nNote:  Count histories exceed 80 characters and are not displayed\n")
        } else {
            out.mat <- matrix(x$hist.table.full, nrow = 1)
            colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$hist.table.full)
            rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency"

        ##if some seasons have not been sampled
        if(any(x$missing.seasons)) {
            if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) {
                cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n")
            } else {
                cat("\nNote: seasons",
                    paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "),
                    "were not sampled\n")
        cat("\nSeason-specific counts: \n")
        for(i in 1:x$n.seasons) {
            if(!x$missing.seasons[i]) {
                cat("Season", i, "\n")
            } else {
                cat("Season", i, "(no sites sampled)", "\n")
            temp.tab <- x$count.table.seasons[[i]]
            out.mat <- matrix(temp.tab, nrow = 1)
            colnames(out.mat) <- names(temp.tab)
            rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency"
        cat("Frequencies of sites with detections, extinctions, and colonizations:\n")
        ##add matrix of frequencies

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AICcmodavg documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:08 a.m.