
Defines functions print.detHist detHist.unmarkedFitOccuMS detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuMS detHist.unmarkedFitOccuMulti detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuMulti detHist.unmarkedFitColExt detHist.unmarkedMultFrame detHist.unmarkedFitOccuRN detHist.unmarkedFitOccuFP detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuFP detHist.unmarkedFitOccu detHist.unmarkedFrameOccu detHist.default detHist

Documented in detHist detHist.default detHist.unmarkedFitColExt detHist.unmarkedFitOccu detHist.unmarkedFitOccuFP detHist.unmarkedFitOccuMS detHist.unmarkedFitOccuMulti detHist.unmarkedFitOccuRN detHist.unmarkedFrameOccu detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuFP detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuMS detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuMulti detHist.unmarkedMultFrame print.detHist

##summarize detection histories and count data
detHist <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("detHist", object)

detHist.default <- function(object, ...){
  stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

##for unmarkedFrameOccu (same as data format for occuRN)
detHist.unmarkedFrameOccu <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##summarize detection histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))
    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]

    out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                    "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                    "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                    "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                    "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                    "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.det) <- "detHist"

##for occu
detHist.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##summarize detection histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]

    out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                    "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                    "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                    "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                    "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                    "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
  class(out.det) <- "detHist"

##for unmarkedFrameOccuFP
detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuFP <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##summarize detection histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]

    out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                    "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                    "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                    "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                    "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                    "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.det) <- "detHist"

##for occuFP
detHist.unmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##summarize detection histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]

    out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                    "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                    "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                    "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                    "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                    "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
  class(out.det) <- "detHist"

##for occuRN
detHist.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##summarize detection histories
    hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)
    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

    hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full
    ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
    det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

    ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
    sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)
    is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(yMat)) == ncol(yMat)
    ##number of sites sampled
    out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
    ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
    out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum)
    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]
    out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                    "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                    "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                    "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                    "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                    "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.det) <- "detHist"

##for unmarkedMultFrame
detHist.unmarkedMultFrame <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- object@numPrimary
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##summarize detection histories
    ##starting and ending columns
    colStarts <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
    colEnds <- colStarts + (n.visits.season - 1)
    yrows <- list( )

    ##add check for seasons not sampled
    y.seasons <- list( )
    ##subsequent seasons
    for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
        yrows[[i]] <- apply(yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
        y.seasons[[i]] <- yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]]

    ##check if any seasons were not sampled
    y.seasonsNA <- sapply(y.seasons, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))

    ##organize and paste rows
    hist.full <- do.call(what = "paste", args = c(yrows, sep = "'"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)
    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
                             "extinct", "static", "common")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##sequence of visits
    vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
    for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
        col.start <- vis.seq[i]
        col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
        ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
        ##summarize detection histories
        det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
        hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)
        ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
        det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))
        ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
        sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
        is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
        ##number of sites sampled
        out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
        out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)
        ##sites without detections
        none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
        ##sites with at least one detection
        some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
        out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)
    ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
    for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
        none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
        some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
        none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
        some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some
        ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
            if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
                out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
            if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
        } else {
            out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
            out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
            ##no change
            out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
            ##sites both sampled in t and t-1
            year1 <- c(none1, some1)
            year2 <- c(none2, some2)
            out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
    colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)

    for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
        ##proportion of sites with detections
        out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
        ##add check for seasons without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
            out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
        } else {
            ##proportion colonized
            out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion extinct
            out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion static
            out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]
    out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                    "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                    "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                    "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                    "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                    "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
    class(out.det) <- "detHist"

##for colext
detHist.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##summarize detection histories
    ##starting and ending columns
    colStarts <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
    colEnds <- colStarts + (n.visits.season - 1)
    yrows <- list( )

    ##add check for seasons not sampled
    y.seasons <- list( )
    ##subsequent seasons
    for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
        yrows[[i]] <- apply(yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
        y.seasons[[i]] <- yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]]

    ##check if any seasons were not sampled
    y.seasonsNA <- sapply(y.seasons, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))

    ##organize and paste rows
    hist.full <- do.call(what = "paste", args = c(yrows, sep = "'"))
    hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
                             "extinct", "static", "common")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

    ##sequence of visits
    vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
    for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
        col.start <- vis.seq[i]
        col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
        ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
        ##summarize detection histories
        det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
        hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)

        ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
        det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

        ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
        sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
        is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
        ##number of sites sampled
        out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
        out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)
        ##sites without detections
        none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
        ##sites with at least one detection
        some <- which(sum.rows != 0)

        out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)
    ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
    for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
        none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
        some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
        none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
        some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some

        ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
            if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
                out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
            if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
        } else {
            out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
            out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
            ##no change
            out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
            ##sites both sampled in t and t-1
            year1 <- c(none1, some1)
            year2 <- c(none2, some2)
            out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
    ##and extinctions based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
    colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)

    for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
        ##proportion of sites with detections
        out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
        ##add check for seasons without sampling
        if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
            out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
        } else {
            ##proportion colonized
            out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion extinct
            out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
            ##proportion static
            out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]
        out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                        "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                        "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                        "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                        "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                        "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
        class(out.det) <- "detHist"


##for unmarkedFrameOccuMulti
detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuMulti <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract species detection data
    speciesList <- object@ylist
    speciesNames <- names(object@ylist)
    if(is.null(speciesNames)) {
        speciesNames <- paste("species", 1:nspecies, sep = "")
    nspecies <- length(speciesList)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nsites <- nrow(speciesList[[1]])
    nvisits <- ncol(speciesList[[1]])

    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons

    ##generic name to include in detection history
    genericNames <- letters[1:nspecies]

    ##combine detection histories of each species
    histList <- vector(mode = "list", length = nspecies)
    for(sp in 1:nspecies) {
        detVector <- as.vector(speciesList[[sp]])
        histList[[sp]] <- ifelse(detVector == 1, genericNames[sp], detVector)

    comboDet <- do.call("paste", c(histList, sep = ""))
    ##number of co-occurrences in any given survey across sites
    coOcc <- table(comboDet)
    comboMat <- matrix(comboDet, nrow = nsites, ncol = nvisits)
    ##detection histories
    comboHist <- apply(comboMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "'"))
    hist.table.full <- table(comboHist)
    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = nspecies)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- speciesNames

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with detections
    ##based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    hist.table.species <- vector(mode = "list", length = nspecies)
    names(hist.table.species) <- speciesNames
    for(i in 1:nspecies) {

        yMat <- speciesList[[i]]
        ##summarize detection histories
        hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
        hist.table.species[[i]] <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)
        ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
        det.sum <- apply(X = speciesList[[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

        ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
        sum.rows <- rowSums(speciesList[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
        is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(speciesList[[i]])) == ncol(yMat)

        ##number of sites sampled
        out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
        ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
        out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

        ##proportion of sites with detections
        out.props[i, 1] <- out.freqs[i, 2]/out.freqs[i, 1]

    ##add frequencies of co-occurrences
    hist.table.species$coOcc <- coOcc
    out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                    "hist.table.species" = hist.table.species,
                    "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                    "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                    "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                    "n.species" = nspecies, "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.det) <- "detHist"

##for occuMulti
detHist.unmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract species detection data
    speciesList <- object@data@ylist
    speciesNames <- names(object@data@ylist)
    if(is.null(speciesNames)) {
        speciesNames <- paste("species", 1:nspecies, sep = "")
    nspecies <- length(speciesList)
    n.seasons <- 1
    nsites <- nrow(speciesList[[1]])
    nvisits <- ncol(speciesList[[1]])

    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons

    ##generic name to include in detection history
    genericNames <- letters[1:nspecies]

    ##combine detection histories of each species
    histList <- vector(mode = "list", length = nspecies)
    for(sp in 1:nspecies) {
        detVector <- as.vector(speciesList[[sp]])
        histList[[sp]] <- ifelse(detVector == 1, genericNames[sp], detVector)

    comboDet <- do.call("paste", c(histList, sep = ""))
    ##number of co-occurrences in any given survey across sites
    coOcc <- table(comboDet)
    comboMat <- matrix(comboDet, nrow = nsites, ncol = nvisits)
    ##detection histories
    comboHist <- apply(comboMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "'"))
    hist.table.full <- table(comboHist)
    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = nspecies)
    colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
    rownames(out.freqs) <- speciesNames

    ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with detections
    ##based on raw data
    out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
    colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
    rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
    hist.table.species <- vector(mode = "list", length = nspecies)
    names(hist.table.species) <- speciesNames
    for(i in 1:nspecies) {

        yMat <- speciesList[[i]]
        ##summarize detection histories
        hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
        hist.table.species[[i]] <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)
        ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
        det.sum <- apply(X = speciesList[[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

        ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
        sum.rows <- rowSums(speciesList[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
        is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(speciesList[[i]])) == ncol(yMat)

        ##number of sites sampled
        out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
        ##number of sites with at least 1 detection
        out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

        ##proportion of sites with detections
        out.props[i, 1] <- out.freqs[i, 2]/out.freqs[i, 1]

    ##add frequencies of co-occurrences
    hist.table.species$coOcc <- coOcc
    out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                    "hist.table.species" = hist.table.species,
                    "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                    "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                    "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                    "n.species" = nspecies, "missing.seasons" = FALSE)
    class(out.det) <- "detHist"

##for occuMS
detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuMS <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- object@numPrimary
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##no missing season when single season
    y.seasonsNA <- FALSE
    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames

    if(n.seasons == 1) {
        ##summarize detection histories
        hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
        hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

        out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = 1)
        colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
        rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

        ##sequence of visits
        vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
        for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
            col.start <- vis.seq[i]
            col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
            ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
            ##summarize detection histories
            det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
            hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)

            ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
            det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

            ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
            sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
            is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
            ##number of sites sampled
            out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
            out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

            ##sites without detections
            none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
            ##sites with at least one detection
            some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
            out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)

        out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
        colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
        rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
        out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]

    if(n.seasons > 1) {

        ##summarize detection histories
        ##starting and ending columns
        colStarts <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
        colEnds <- colStarts + (n.visits.season - 1)
        yrows <- list( )
        yMat.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
        ##subsequent seasons
        for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
            yrows[[i]] <- apply(yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
            yMat.seasons[[i]] <- yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]]

        ##check if any seasons were not sampled
        y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yMat.seasons, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))
        ##organize and paste rows
        hist.full <- do.call(what = "paste", args = c(yrows, sep = "'"))
        hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

        out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
        colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
                                 "extinct", "static", "common")
        rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

        ##sequence of visits
        vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
        for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
            col.start <- vis.seq[i]
            col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
            ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
            ##summarize detection histories
            det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
            hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)

            ##determine number of sites with at least 1 detection
            det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

            ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
            sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
            is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
            ##number of sites sampled
            out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
            out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

            ##sites without detections
            none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
            ##sites with at least one detection
            some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
            out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)

        ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
        for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
            none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
            some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
            none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
            some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some

            ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
            if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
                    out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
                if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                    out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
            } else {

                out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
                out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
                ##no change
                out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
                ##sites both sampled in t and t-1
                year1 <- c(none1, some1)
                year2 <- c(none2, some2)
                out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))
        ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
        ##and extinctions based on raw data
        out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
        colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
        rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)

        for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
            ##proportion of sites with detections
            out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
            ##add check for seasons without sampling
            if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
                out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
            } else {
                ##proportion colonized
                out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
                ##proportion extinct
                out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
                ##proportion static
                out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]
    out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                    "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                    "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                    "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                    "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                    "n.species" = 1,
                    "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
    class(out.det) <- "detHist"

##for occuMS
detHist.unmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(object, ...) {

    ##extract data
    yMat <- object@data@y
    nsites <- nrow(yMat)
    n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary
    nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
    ##visits per season
    n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
    seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
    ##no missing season when single season
    y.seasonsNA <- FALSE
    ##for each season, determine frequencies
    out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
    names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
    if(n.seasons == 1) {
        ##summarize detection histories
        hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
        hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

        out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = 1)
        colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
        rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"

        ##sequence of visits
        vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
        for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
            col.start <- vis.seq[i]
            col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
            ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
            ##summarize detection histories
            det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
            hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)

            ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
            det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

            ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
            sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
            is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
            ##number of sites sampled
            out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
            out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

            ##sites without detections
            none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
            ##sites with at least one detection
            some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
            out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)

        out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
        colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
        rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
        out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]

    if(n.seasons > 1) {

        ##summarize detection histories
        ##starting and ending columns
        colStarts <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
        colEnds <- colStarts + (n.visits.season - 1)
        yrows <- list( )
        yMat.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
        ##subsequent seasons
        for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
            yrows[[i]] <- apply(yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))

            yMat.seasons[[i]] <- yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]]

        ##check if any seasons were not sampled
        y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yMat.seasons, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))
        ##organize and paste rows
        hist.full <- do.call(what = "paste", args = c(yrows, sep = "'"))
        hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0)

        out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
        colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
                                 "extinct", "static", "common")
        rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")

        ##sequence of visits
        vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
        for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
            col.start <- vis.seq[i]
            col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1)
            ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end]
            ##summarize detection histories
            det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
            hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0)

            ##determine number of sites with at least 1 detection
            det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0))

            ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
            sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE)
            is.na(sum.rows) <- rowSums(is.na(ySeason)) == ncol(ySeason)
            ##number of sites sampled
            out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(sum.rows))
            out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)

            ##sites without detections
            none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
            ##sites with at least one detection
            some <- which(sum.rows != 0) 
            out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)

        ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
        for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
            none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
            some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
            none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
            some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some

            ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
            if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
                    out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
                if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
                    out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
            } else {

                out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
                out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
                ##no change
                out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
                ##sites both sampled in t and t-1
                year1 <- c(none1, some1)
                year2 <- c(none2, some2)
                out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))
        ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
        ##and extinctions based on raw data
        out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
        colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
        rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)

        for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
            ##proportion of sites with detections
            out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
            ##add check for seasons without sampling
            if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
                out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
            } else {
                ##proportion colonized
                out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
                ##proportion extinct
                out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
                ##proportion static
                out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]

    out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full,
                    "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons,
                    "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
                    "n.seasons" = n.seasons,
                    "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
                    "n.species" = 1,
                    "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
    class(out.det) <- "detHist"

##print method
print.detHist <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) {
    ##convert NA to . for nicer printing
    hist.names <- names(x$hist.table.full)
    names(x$hist.table.full) <- gsub(pattern = "NA",
                                     replacement = ".",
                                     x = hist.names)
    if(identical(x$n.seasons, 1)) {
        if(x$n.species > 1) {
            nspecies <- x$n.species
            speciesNames <- rownames(x$out.freqs)

            ##convert NA to . for nicer printing
            for(d in 1:nspecies) {
                hist.names <- names(x$hist.table.species[[d]])
                names(x$hist.table.species[[d]]) <- gsub(pattern = "NA",
                                                         replacement = ".",
                                                         x = hist.names)
            ##species code in detection histories
            speciesCode <- character( )
            for(j in 1:nspecies) {
                speciesCode[j] <- paste(speciesNames[j], " (", letters[j], ")", sep = "")
            cat("\nSummary of detection histories: \n")
            num.chars <- nchar(paste(names(x$hist.table.full), collapse = ""))
            if(num.chars >= 80) {
                cat("\nNote:  Detection histories exceed 80 characters and are not displayed\n")
            } else {
                cat(speciesCode, sep = ", ")
                out.mat <- matrix(x$hist.table.full, nrow = 1)
                colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$hist.table.full)
                rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency"

            cat("\nSpecies-specific detection histories: \n")
            for(i in 1:nspecies) {
                cat(speciesNames[i], "\n")
                temp.tab <- x$hist.table.species[[i]]
                out.mat <- matrix(temp.tab, nrow = 1)
                colnames(out.mat) <- names(temp.tab)
                rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency"
            cat("Frequency of co-occurrence among sites: \n")
            cat(speciesCode, sep = ", ")
            occ.tab <- x$hist.table.species$coOcc
            occ.mat <- matrix(occ.tab, nrow = 1)
            colnames(occ.mat) <- names(occ.tab)
            rownames(occ.mat) <- "Frequency"
            cat("\nProportion of sites with at least one detection:\n")
            print(x$out.props[, "naive.occ"], digits)

            cat("Frequencies of sites with detections:\n")
            ##add matrix of frequencies
        } else {
            cat("\nSummary of detection histories: \n")
            out.mat <- matrix(x$hist.table.full, nrow = 1)
            colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$hist.table.full)
            rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency"
            cat("\nProportion of sites with at least one detection:\n", round(x$out.props[, "naive.occ"], digits), "\n\n")

            cat("Frequencies of sites with detections:\n")
            ##add matrix of frequencies


    if(x$n.seasons > 1) {
        ##convert NA to . for nicer printing
        for(d in 1:x$n.seasons) {
            hist.names <- names(x$hist.table.seasons[[d]])
            names(x$hist.table.seasons[[d]]) <- gsub(pattern = "NA",
                                                                replacement = ".",
                                                                x = hist.names)

        cat("\nSummary of detection histories (", x$n.seasons, " seasons combined): \n", sep ="")
        ##determine number of characters
        num.chars <- nchar(paste(names(x$hist.table.full), collapse = ""))
        if(num.chars >= 80) {
            cat("\nNote:  Detection histories exceed 80 characters and are not displayed\n")
        } else {
            out.mat <- matrix(x$hist.table.full, nrow = 1)
            colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$hist.table.full)
            rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency"

        ##if some seasons have not been sampled
        if(any(x$missing.seasons)) {
            if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) {
                cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n")
            } else {
                cat("\nNote: seasons",
                    paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "),
                    "were not sampled\n")
            cat("\nSeason-specific detection histories: \n")
            for(i in 1:x$n.seasons) {
                if(!x$missing.seasons[i]) {
                    cat("Season", i, "\n")
                } else {
                    cat("Season", i, "(no sites sampled)", "\n")
                temp.tab <- x$hist.table.seasons[[i]]
                out.mat <- matrix(temp.tab, nrow = 1)
                colnames(out.mat) <- names(temp.tab)
                rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency"

        cat("Frequencies of sites with detections, extinctions, and colonizations:\n")
        ##add matrix of frequencies

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AICcmodavg documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:08 a.m.