
Defines functions print.modavg modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS modavg.AICunmarkedFitDSO modavg.AICunmarkedFitMMO modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti modavg.AICunmarkedFitGPC modavg.AICunmarkedFitGMM modavg.AICunmarkedFitMPois modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP modavg.AICunmarkedFitGDS modavg.AICunmarkedFitDS modavg.AICunmarkedFitPCO modavg.AICunmarkedFitPCount modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN modavg.AICunmarkedFitColExt modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccu modavg.AICzeroinfl modavg.AICvglm modavg.AICsurvreg modavg.AICrlm.lm modavg.AICpolr modavg.AICnegbin.glm.lm modavg.AICmultinom.nnet modavg.AICglmerMod modavg.AIClmerModLmerTest modavg.AIClmerMod modavg.AICmer modavg.AICmaxlikeFit.list modavg.AIClmekin modavg.AIClme modavg.AIClm modavg.AIChurdle modavg.AICgls modavg.AICglmmTMB modavg.AICglm.lm modavg.AICcoxph modavg.AICcoxme modavg.AICclmm modavg.AICclm modavg.AICsclm.clm modavg.AICbetareg modavg.AICaov.lm modavg.default modavg

Documented in modavg modavg.AICaov.lm modavg.AICbetareg modavg.AICclm modavg.AICclmm modavg.AICcoxme modavg.AICcoxph modavg.AICglmerMod modavg.AICglm.lm modavg.AICglmmTMB modavg.AICgls modavg.AIChurdle modavg.AIClm modavg.AIClme modavg.AIClmekin modavg.AIClmerMod modavg.AIClmerModLmerTest modavg.AICmaxlikeFit.list modavg.AICmer modavg.AICmultinom.nnet modavg.AICnegbin.glm.lm modavg.AICpolr modavg.AICrlm.lm modavg.AICsclm.clm modavg.AICsurvreg modavg.AICunmarkedFitColExt modavg.AICunmarkedFitDS modavg.AICunmarkedFitDSO modavg.AICunmarkedFitGDS modavg.AICunmarkedFitGMM modavg.AICunmarkedFitGPC modavg.AICunmarkedFitMMO modavg.AICunmarkedFitMPois modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccu modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD modavg.AICunmarkedFitPCO modavg.AICunmarkedFitPCount modavg.AICvglm modavg.AICzeroinfl modavg.default print.modavg

modavg <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
                   nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, 
                   exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){
  cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set)
  UseMethod("modavg", cand.set)

modavg.default <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
                           nobs = NULL,  uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, 
                           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){
  stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

modavg.AICaov.lm <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL,  uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, 
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {  #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}    #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

    new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))

    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")


modavg.AICbetareg <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL,  uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, 
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm - problematic for parameters on "(phi)_temp:batch4" vs "batch4:(phi)_temp"
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract labels
    ##determine if parameter is on mean or phi
    if(regexpr(pattern = "\\(phi\\)_", parm) == "-1") {
      parm.phi <- NULL
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients$mean))
    } else {
      ##replace parm
      parm.phi <- gsub(pattern = "\\(phi\\)_", "", parm)
      if(regexpr(pattern = ":", parm) != "-1") {
        warning(cat("\nthis function does not yet support interaction terms on phi:\n",
                    "use 'modavgCustom' instead\n"))
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients$precision))

    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    ##if parameters on mean
    if(is.null(parm.phi)) {
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        idents.check <- NULL
        form <- mod_formula[[i]]

        ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
        if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
        } else {
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                    fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

        include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
        include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##if parameters on phi
    if(!is.null(parm.phi)) {
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        idents.check <- NULL
        form <- mod_formula[[i]]

        ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
        #if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        ##do not consider reversed parm here because of "(phi)_" prefix in coefficients
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm.phi, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.phi, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
#        } else {
#          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
#            idents[j] <- identical(parm.phi, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
#            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
#                                                                    fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  
#          }
#        }

        include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
        include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {  #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}    #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

    new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))

    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")


modavg.AICsclm.clm <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##check that link function is the same for all models
    check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link))
    unique.link <- unique(x = check.link)
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                         "from models using different link functions\n")
    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients))
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)
    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      ##check for duplicates in same model
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {
      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)
      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[[i]])[3]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")
      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)
      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
    new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                        second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    } else {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                       "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICclm <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##check that link function is the same for all models
    check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link))
    unique.link <- unique(x = check.link)
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                         "from models using different link functions\n")
    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients))
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)
    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      ##check for duplicates in same model
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {
      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)
      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[[i]])[3]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")
      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)
      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
    new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                        second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    } else {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                       "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICclmm <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##check that link function is the same for all models
    check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link))
    unique.link <- unique(x = check.link)
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                         "from models using different link functions\n")
    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients))
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      ##check for duplicates in same model
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {
      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)
      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[[i]])[3]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")
      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)
      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
    new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                        second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    } else {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                       "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICcoxme <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
                               nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
                               exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

  ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
  mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) names(fixef(i)))
  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]
    ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
    if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
      for (j in 1:length(form)) {
        idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
        idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
    } else {
      for (j in 1:length(form)) {
        idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
        idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  
    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")
  ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    ##check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
           "with similar names:\n",
           "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")

  ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
  ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
  ##warn that models were not excluded
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
              "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
              "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")
  ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
  if(!is.null(exclude)) {
    if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}
  ##if exclude is list  
  if(is.list(exclude)) {
    ##determine number of elements in exclude
    nexcl <- length(exclude)
    ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
    not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) formula(i)$fixed)
    ##set up a new list with model formula
    forms <- list( )
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
      if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
        forms[i] <- form.tmp
      } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}
    ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
    check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
    if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")
    ##search within formula for variables to exclude
    mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)
    ##iterate over each element in exclude list
    for (var in 1:nexcl) {
      ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        form.excl <- forms[[i]]
        ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
        for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
        mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
    to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
    ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
    include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
  new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                      second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(second.ord==TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  } else {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

##coxph and clogit
modavg.AICcoxph <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
                               nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
                               exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients))
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  
      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      ##check for duplicates in same model
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")
    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list( )
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")
      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                      second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(second.ord==TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  } else {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICglm.lm <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL,  uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, 
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, gamdisp = NULL, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##check that link function is the same for all models
    check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$link))
    unique.link <- unique(x = check.link)
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                     "from models using different link functions\n")

    ##check family of glm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion'
    fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family))
    fam.unique <- unique(fam.type)
    if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussian")) {disp <- NULL} else{disp <- 1}
    ##poisson and binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance)

    ##for negative binomial - reset to NULL
    if(any(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)) {
      disp <- NULL
      ##check for mixture of negative binomial and other
      ##number of models with negative binomial
      negbin.num <- sum(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)
      if(negbin.num < length(fam.type)) {
        stop("\nFunction does not support mixture of negative binomial with other distributions in model set\n")
    ##gamma is treated separately

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {  #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}    #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

    new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE,
                        c.hat = c.hat)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = disp)))[paste(parm)]))

    ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
    if(c.hat > 1) {
      new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

    gam1<-unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family[1]=="Gamma")) #check for gamma regression models
    ##correct SE's for estimates of gamma regressions
    if(any(gam1)==TRUE)  {
      ##check for specification of gamdisp argument
      if(is.null(gamdisp)) stop("\nYou must specify a gamma dispersion parameter with gamma generalized linear models\n")
      new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set,
                                  FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion=gamdisp)))[paste(parm)]))

    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")


modavg.AICglmmTMB <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
      ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
      parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
      ##reverse parm
      reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
      exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

      ##check for nlmer models
                                        #if(any(unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) as.character(i@call)[1])) == "nlmer")) warning("\nNon-linear models are part of the candidate model set: model-averaged estimates may not be meaningful\n")
      ##determine families of model
      fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$family))
      check.fam <- unique(fam.list)
      if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                     "from models using different families of distributions\n")
      ##determine link functions
      link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$link))
      check.link <- unique(link.list)
      if(length(check.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                      "from models using different link functions\n")

      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i)$cond))
      nmods <- length(cand.set)
      ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
      include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
      ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
      include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

      ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        idents.check <- NULL
        form <- mod_formula[[i]]

        ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
        if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
        } else {
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                    fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  
        include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
        include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

###exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
      if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
        ##check for duplicates in same model
        if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
          stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
               "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
               "with similar names:\n",
               "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")
      ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
      ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
      ##warn that models were not excluded
      if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
        if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
          warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                  "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                  "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")
      ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
      if(!is.null(exclude)) {
        if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

      ##if exclude is list  
      if(is.list(exclude)) {
        ##determine number of elements in exclude
        nexcl <- length(exclude)

        ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)  #random effect portion is returned within parentheses
        ##because matching uses identical( ) to check fixed effects against formula( ),
        ##should not be problematic for variables included in random effects
        ##set up a new list with model formula
        forms <- list( )
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
          if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
            forms[i] <- form.tmp
          } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

        ##remove leading and trailing spaces as well as spaces within string
        ##forms <- lapply(forms.space, FUN = function(b) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", b)) 
        ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
        check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
        if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")
        ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
        check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
        if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

        ##search within formula for variables to exclude
        mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

        ##iterate over each element in exclude list
        for (var in 1:nexcl) {
          ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
          for (i in 1:nmods) {
            idents <- NULL
            form.excl <- forms[[i]]
            ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
            for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
              idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
            mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
        ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
        to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
        ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
        include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0
      ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
      if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
      new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
      new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
      new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                          second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE,
                          c.hat = c.hat)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
      new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) fixef(i)$cond[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
      new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)$cond))[paste(parm)]))

      ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
      if(c.hat > 1) {
          new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
      if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
          Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

          ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
          if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
              Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
          ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
          if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
              Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

      if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
          Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
          ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
          if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
              Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
          ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
          if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
              Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

      if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
          Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
          ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
          if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
              Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
          ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
          if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
              Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

      if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
          Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

          ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
          if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
              Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

          ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
          if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
              Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
      zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
      Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
      Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
      out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                         "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
      class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICgls <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(summary(i)$coefficients))
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]
      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  
      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      ##check for duplicates in same model
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")
    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)
      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}
      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")
      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")
      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)
      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {
        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
    new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name, second.ord=second.ord,
                        nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord==TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    } else {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                       "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AIChurdle <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
         nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
         exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check that link function is the same for all models
  check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link))
  unique.link <- unique(x=check.link)
  if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set

    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {  #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}    #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

    new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name, 
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))

    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")


modavg.AIClm <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL,  uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, 
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {  #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}    #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

    new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))

    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")


modavg.AIClme <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(summary(i)$coefficients$fixed))
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      ##check for duplicates in same model
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {
      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

    new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    } else {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                       "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AIClmekin <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
         nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
         exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

  ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
  mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i)))

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)

  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

    ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
    if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
      for (j in 1:length(form)) {
        idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
        idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
    } else {
      for (j in 1:length(form)) {
        idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
        idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    ##check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
           "with similar names:\n",
           "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


  ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
  ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
  ##warn that models were not excluded
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
              "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
              "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

  ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
  if(!is.null(exclude)) {
    if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

  ##if exclude is list  
  if(is.list(exclude)) {

    ##determine number of elements in exclude
    nexcl <- length(exclude)

    ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
    not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

    ##set up a new list with model formula
    forms <- list()
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
      if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
        forms[i] <- form.tmp
      } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

    ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
    check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
    if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

    ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
    check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
    if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

    ##search within formula for variables to exclude
    mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

    ##iterate over each element in exclude list
    for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        form.excl <- forms[[i]]
        ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
        for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
        mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
    to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
    ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
    include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

  ##compute table
  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))               

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  } else {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICmaxlikeFit.list <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'maxlikeFit\' models\n")

    ##check that link function is the same for all models
    check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link))
    unique.link <- unique(x = check.link)
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                         "from models using different link functions\n")
    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) names(coef(i)))
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      ##check for duplicates in same model
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {
      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)
      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[[i]])[3]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")
      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)
      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
    new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name, second.ord=second.ord,
                        nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE, c.hat = 1)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    } else {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                       "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICmer <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
         nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
         exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

##check for nlmer models
if(any(unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) as.character(i@call)[1])) == "nlmer")) warning("\nNon-linear models are part of the candidate model set: model-averaged estimates may not be meaningful\n")

  ##determine families of model
  fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) fam.link.mer(i)$family))
  check.fam <- unique(fam.list)
  if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                       "from models using different families of distributions\n")
  ##determine link functions
  link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) fam.link.mer(i)$link))
  check.link <- unique(link.list)
  if(length(check.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                       "from models using different link functions\n")

  ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
  mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i)))

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

    ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

###exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    ##check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
           "with similar names:\n",
           "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")
  ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
  ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
  ##warn that models were not excluded
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
              "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
              "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")
  ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
  if(!is.null(exclude)) {
    if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

  ##if exclude is list  
  if(is.list(exclude)) {
    ##determine number of elements in exclude
    nexcl <- length(exclude)

    ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
    not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)  #random effect portion is returned within parentheses
    ##because matching uses identical( ) to check fixed effects against formula( ),
    ##should not be problematic for variables included in random effects
    ##set up a new list with model formula
    forms <- list()
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
      if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
        forms[i] <- form.tmp
      } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

    ##remove leading and trailing spaces as well as spaces within string
    ##forms <- lapply(forms.space, FUN = function(b) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", b)) 
    ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
    check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
    if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")
    ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
    check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
    if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

    ##search within formula for variables to exclude
    mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

    ##iterate over each element in exclude list
    for (var in 1:nexcl) {
      ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        form.excl <- forms[[i]]
        ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
        for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
        mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
    to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
    ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
    include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
  new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                      second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(second.ord==TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  } else {
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AIClmerMod <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
      ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
      parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
      ##reverse parm
      reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
      exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

      ##check for nlmer models
                                        #if(any(unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) as.character(i@call)[1])) == "nlmer")) warning("\nNon-linear models are part of the candidate model set: model-averaged estimates may not be meaningful\n")

      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i)))
      nmods <- length(cand.set)
      ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
      include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
      ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
      include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

      ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        idents.check <- NULL
        form <- mod_formula[[i]]

        ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
        if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
        } else {
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                    fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  
        include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
        include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

###exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
      if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
        ##check for duplicates in same model
        if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
          stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
               "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
               "with similar names:\n",
               "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")
      ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
      ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
      ##warn that models were not excluded
      if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
        if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
          warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                  "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                  "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")
      ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
      if(!is.null(exclude)) {
        if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

      ##if exclude is list  
      if(is.list(exclude)) {
        ##determine number of elements in exclude
        nexcl <- length(exclude)

        ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)  #random effect portion is returned within parentheses
        ##because matching uses identical( ) to check fixed effects against formula( ),
        ##should not be problematic for variables included in random effects
        ##set up a new list with model formula
        forms <- list( )
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
          if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
            forms[i] <- form.tmp
          } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

        ##remove leading and trailing spaces as well as spaces within string
        ##forms <- lapply(forms.space, FUN = function(b) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", b)) 
        ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
        check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
        if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")
        ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
        check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
        if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

        ##search within formula for variables to exclude
        mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

        ##iterate over each element in exclude list
        for (var in 1:nexcl) {
          ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
          for (i in 1:nmods) {
            idents <- NULL
            form.excl <- forms[[i]]
            ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
            for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
              idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
            mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
        ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
        to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
        ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
        include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0
      ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
      if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
      new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
      new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
      new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                          second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
      new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
      new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
      ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
      if(second.ord==TRUE) {
        Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

      } else {
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
      zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
      Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
      Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
      out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                         "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                         "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
      class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AIClmerModLmerTest <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
      ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
      parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
      ##reverse parm
      reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
      exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

      ##check for nlmer models
                                        #if(any(unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) as.character(i@call)[1])) == "nlmer")) warning("\nNon-linear models are part of the candidate model set: model-averaged estimates may not be meaningful\n")

      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i)))
      nmods <- length(cand.set)
      ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
      include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
      ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
      include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

      ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        idents.check <- NULL
        form <- mod_formula[[i]]

        ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
        if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
        } else {
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                    fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  
        include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
        include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

###exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
      if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
        ##check for duplicates in same model
        if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
          stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
               "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
               "with similar names:\n",
               "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")
      ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
      ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
      ##warn that models were not excluded
      if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
        if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
          warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                  "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                  "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")
      ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
      if(!is.null(exclude)) {
        if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

      ##if exclude is list  
      if(is.list(exclude)) {
        ##determine number of elements in exclude
        nexcl <- length(exclude)

        ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)  #random effect portion is returned within parentheses
        ##because matching uses identical( ) to check fixed effects against formula( ),
        ##should not be problematic for variables included in random effects
        ##set up a new list with model formula
        forms <- list( )
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
          if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
            forms[i] <- form.tmp
          } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

        ##remove leading and trailing spaces as well as spaces within string
        ##forms <- lapply(forms.space, FUN = function(b) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", b)) 
        ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
        check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
        if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")
        ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
        check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
        if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

        ##search within formula for variables to exclude
        mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

        ##iterate over each element in exclude list
        for (var in 1:nexcl) {
          ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
          for (i in 1:nmods) {
            idents <- NULL
            form.excl <- forms[[i]]
            ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
            for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
              idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
            mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
        ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
        to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
        ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
        include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0
      ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
      if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
      new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
      new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
      new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                          second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
      new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
      new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
      ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
      if(second.ord==TRUE) {
        Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

      } else {
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
      zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
      Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
      Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
      out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                         "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                         "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
      class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICglmerMod <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
      ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
      parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
      ##reverse parm
      reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
      exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

      ##check for nlmer models
                                        #if(any(unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) as.character(i@call)[1])) == "nlmer")) warning("\nNon-linear models are part of the candidate model set: model-averaged estimates may not be meaningful\n")
      ##determine families of model
      fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) fam.link.mer(i)$family))
      check.fam <- unique(fam.list)
      if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                     "from models using different families of distributions\n")
      ##determine link functions
      link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) fam.link.mer(i)$link))
      check.link <- unique(link.list)
      if(length(check.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                      "from models using different link functions\n")

      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i)))
      nmods <- length(cand.set)
      ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
      include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
      ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
      include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

      ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        idents.check <- NULL
        form <- mod_formula[[i]]

        ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
        if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
        } else {
          for (j in 1:length(form)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
            idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                    fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  
        include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
        include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

###exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
      if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
        ##check for duplicates in same model
        if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
          stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
               "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
               "with similar names:\n",
               "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")
      ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
      ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
      ##warn that models were not excluded
      if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
        if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
          warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                  "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                  "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")
      ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
      if(!is.null(exclude)) {
        if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

      ##if exclude is list  
      if(is.list(exclude)) {
        ##determine number of elements in exclude
        nexcl <- length(exclude)

        ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)  #random effect portion is returned within parentheses
        ##because matching uses identical( ) to check fixed effects against formula( ),
        ##should not be problematic for variables included in random effects
        ##set up a new list with model formula
        forms <- list( )
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
          if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
            forms[i] <- form.tmp
          } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

        ##remove leading and trailing spaces as well as spaces within string
        ##forms <- lapply(forms.space, FUN = function(b) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", b)) 
        ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
        check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
        if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")
        ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
        check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
        if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

        ##search within formula for variables to exclude
        mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

        ##iterate over each element in exclude list
        for (var in 1:nexcl) {
          ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
          for (i in 1:nmods) {
            idents <- NULL
            form.excl <- forms[[i]]
            ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
            for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
              idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
            mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
        ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
        to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
        ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
        include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0
      ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
      if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
      new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
      new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
      new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                          second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
      new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
      new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
      ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
      if(second.ord==TRUE) {
        Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

      } else {
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
      zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
      Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
      Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
      out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                         "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                         "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
      class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICmultinom.nnet <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

  ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set    
  mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) colnames(summary(i)$coefficients)) 

nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

    ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
    if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
      for (j in 1:length(form)) {
        idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
        idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
    } else {
      for (j in 1:length(form)) {
        idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
        idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
           "with similar names:\n",
           "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


  ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
  ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
  ##warn that models were not excluded
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
              "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
              "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")


  ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
  if(!is.null(exclude)) {
    if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

  ##if exclude is list  
  if(is.list(exclude)) {
    ##determine number of elements in exclude
    nexcl <- length(exclude)

    ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  - in multinom( ) must be extracted from call   
    not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) formula(i$call))

    ##set up a new list with model formula
    forms <- list()
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
      if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
        forms[i] <- form.tmp
      } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

    ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
    check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
    if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

    ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
    check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
    if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

    ##search within formula for variables to exclude
    mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)
    ##iterate over each element in exclude list
    for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        form.excl <- forms[[i]]
        ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
        for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
        mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)

    ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
    to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
    ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
    include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

  new.cand.set<-cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name<-modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

  ##determine number of levels - 1
  mod.levels <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract level of response variable 
  check.levels <- unlist(unique(mod.levels))

  ##recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table<-aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name,
                    second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE, c.hat=c.hat) 
  ##create object to store model-averaged estimate and SE's of k - 1 level of response
  out.est <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(check.levels), ncol=4)
  colnames(out.est) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE", "Lower.CL", "Upper.CL")
  rownames(out.est) <- check.levels

  ##iterate over levels of response variable
  for (g in 1:length(check.levels)) {
    ##extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set,
                                        FUN=function(i) coef(i)[check.levels[g], paste(parm)]))
    ##extract SE of estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set,
                                  FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(check.levels[g], ":",
                                    parm, sep="")]))

    ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
    if(c.hat > 1) {new_table$SE<-new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)} 

    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    ##if c-hat is estimated compute values accordingly and adjust table names
    if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    ##if c-hat is estimated compute values accordingly and adjust table names  
    if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    out.est[g, 1] <- Modavg_beta
    out.est[g, 2] <- Uncond_SE
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
  out.est[,3] <- out.est[,1] - zcrit*out.est[,2]
  out.est[,4] <- out.est[,1] + zcrit*out.est[,2]
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = out.est[,1],
                     "Uncond.SE" = out.est[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= out.est[,3],
                     "Upper.CL" = out.est[,4])
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICnegbin.glm.lm <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL,  uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, 
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

      ##check that link function is the same for all models
      check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$link))
      unique.link <- unique(x = check.link)
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                       "from models using different link functions\n")

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {  #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}    #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

    new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))

    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")


modavg.AICpolr <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
         nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, 
         exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

  ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set    
  mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) 

  nmods <- length(cand.set)

  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

    ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
           "with similar names:\n",
           "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


  ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
  ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
  ##warn that models were not excluded
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
              "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
              "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

  ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

  ##if exclude is list  
  if(is.list(exclude)) {

    ##determine number of elements in exclude
    nexcl <- length(exclude)

    ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) - in polr( ) must be extracted from call  
    not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) formula(i$call))

    ##set up a new list with model formula
    forms <- list()
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
      if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
        forms[i] <- form.tmp
      } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

    ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
    check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
    if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

    ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
    check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
    if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

    ##search within formula for variables to exclude
    mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

    ##iterate over each element in exclude list
    for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        idents <- NULL
        form.excl <- forms[[i]]
        ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
        for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
        mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
    to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
    ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
    include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

  new.cand.set<-cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name<-modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

  new_table<-aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name, 
                    second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  ##add logical test to distinguish between intercepts and other coefs
  if(attr(regexpr(pattern = "\\|", text = parm), "match.length")==-1) {
  new_table$Beta_est<-unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)]))
} else {new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) (i)$zeta[paste(parm)])) }
  ##extract beta estimate for parm
  new_table$SE<-unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL based on AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE) {
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL based on AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE) {

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICrlm.lm <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients))
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      ##check for duplicates in same model
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {
      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)
      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")
      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)
      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names
    new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set, modnames=new.mod.name, 
                        second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    } else {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                       "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICsurvreg <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL,  uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, 
           exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##check that distribution is the same for all models
    check.dist <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$dist)
    unique.dist <- unique(x = check.dist)
    if(length(unique.dist) > 1) stop("\nFunction does not support model-averaging estimates from different distributions\n")


    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) names(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {  #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}    #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

    new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))

    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
    class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")


modavg.AICvglm <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
         nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
         exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##check that link function is the same for all models
    check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i@family@blurb[3])) 
    unique.link <- unique(x=check.link)
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                     "from models using different link functions\n")
    ##check family of vglm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion'
    fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) i@family@vfamily))
    fam.unique <- unique(fam.type)
    if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussianff")) {disp <- NULL} else{disp <- 1}
    if(identical(fam.unique, "gammaff")) stop("\nGamma distribution is not supported yet\n")
  ##poisson and binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance)
  ##for negative binomial - reset to NULL
  if(identical(fam.unique, "negbinomial")) {disp <- NULL}

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set

    nmods <- length(cand.set)

    ##check whether parm is involved in interaction or if label changes for some models - e.g., ZIP models
    ##if : not already included
    if(regexpr(":", parm, fixed = TRUE) == -1){

      ##if : not included
      parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
      inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
                                                                       mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
      if(sum(inter.check) > 0) warning("\nLabel of parameter of interest seems to change across models:\n",
                                       "check model syntax for possible problems\n")
    } else {
      ##if : already included
      ##remove : from parm
      simple.parm <- unlist(strsplit(parm, split = ":"))[1]

      ##search for simple.parm and parm in model formulae
      no.colon <- sum(ifelse(attr(regexpr(simple.parm, mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") != "-1", 1, 0))
      with.colon <- sum(ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") != "-1", 0, 1))

      ##check if both are > 0
      if(no.colon > 0 && with.colon > 0) warning("\nLabel of parameter of interest seems to change across models:\n",
                                                 "check model syntax for possible problems\n")

    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {  #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}    #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

    new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = disp)))[paste(parm)]))

    ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
    if(c.hat > 1) {
      new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)


    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)

  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")


modavg.AICzeroinfl <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
         nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
         exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check that link function is the same for all models
  check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link))
  unique.link <- unique(x=check.link)
  if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set

    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

      include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

    ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n",
             "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    ##warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")}

    ##if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

      ##determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( )  
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula)

      ##set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1]
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {  #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}    #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model

      ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      ##search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      ##iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

        ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]
          ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j]))
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
      ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      ##exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0

    ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
    if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }

    new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter
    new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include==1)]    #update model names

    new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name, 
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
    new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
    new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))

    ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
    if(second.ord == TRUE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE
    Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE
    out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                       "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")


####added functionality for reversing parameters
##added additional argument parm.type = "psi", "gamma", "epsilon", "lambda", "omega", "detect"
##model type:  parameters labeled in unmarked - parameters labeled in AICcmodavg.unmarked
##single season: state, det - USE psi, detect
##multiseason model:  psi, col, ext, det - USE psi, gamma, epsilon, detect
##RN heterogeneity model: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##N-mixture: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##Open N-mixture: lambda, gamma, omega, iota, det - USE lambda, gamma, omega, iota, detect
##distsamp: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##gdistsamp: state, det, phi - USE lambda, detect, phi
##false-positive occupancy: state, det, fp - USE psi, detect, fp
##gpcount: lambda, phi, det - USE lambda, phi, detect
##gmultmix: lambda, phi, det - USE lambda, phi, detect
##multinomPois: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##occuMulti: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##occuMS: state, det - USE psi, detect
##occuTTD: psi, det, col, ext - USE psi, detect, gamma, epsilon
##pcount.spHDS: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##multmixOpen: lambda, gamma, omega, iota, det - USE lambda, gamma, epsilon, iota, detect
##distsampOpen: lambda, gamma, omega, iota, det - USE lambda, gamma, epsilon, iota, detect

modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccu <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
         uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
         c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
    ##single-season occupancy model
    if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
      parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]])
        parm.type1 <- "state"
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
      parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]])
      parm.type1 <- "det"

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                          "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitColExt <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##multiseason occupancy model
    ##psi - initial occupancy
    if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$psi)))
      ##create label for parm
      parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@psiformula)
        parm.type1 <- "psi"
    ##gamma - colonization
    if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$col)))
      ##create label for parm
      parm <- paste("col", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("col", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@gamformula)
        parm.type1 <- "col"
    ##epsilon - extinction
    if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$ext)))
      ##create label for parm
      parm <- paste("ext", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("ext", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      ##for epsilon
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@epsformula)
        parm.type1 <- "ext"
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
      parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@detformula)
      parm.type1 <- "det"

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
         uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
         c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
  ##Royle-Nichols heterogeneity model
  ##lambda - abundance
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
    parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
    if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]])
      parm.type1 <- "state"
  if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
    mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
    parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
    if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
    not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]])
    parm.type1 <- "det"

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                      "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitPCount <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
         uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
         c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

  ##single season N-mixture model
  ##lambda - abundance
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
    ##create label for parm
    parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
    if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]])
      parm.type1 <- "state" 
  if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
    parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
    if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
    not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]])
    parm.type1 <- "det"
    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                      "with different link functions\n")}
  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitPCO <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
      ##open version of N-mixture model
      ##lambda - abundance
      if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
          parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula)
          parm.type1 <- "lambda"
      ##gamma - recruitment
      if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma)))
          ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend)
          strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]])
          unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam)
          if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n
beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n")
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$gammaformula)
          parm.type1 <- "gamma"
      ##omega - apparent survival
      if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) {
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega)))   
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste("omega", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("omega", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$omegaformula)
          parm.type1 <- "omega"
      ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")
      if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) {
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste("iota", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("iota", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$iotaformula)
          ##check that parameter appears in all models
          parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type)))
          if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
              stop("\nParameter \'iota\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
                   "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n")
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota))) 
          parm.type1 <- "iota"
      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
          parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$pformula)
          parm.type1 <- "det"

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitDS <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

    ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##Distance sampling model
    ##lambda - abundance
    if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
      parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]])
        parm.type1 <- "state"
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
        ##check for key function used
        keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun))
        if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n",
                                   "cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n")
        if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n")
        ##set key prefix used in coef( )
        if(identical(keyid, "halfnorm")) {
            parm.key <- "sigma"
        if(identical(keyid, "hazard")) {
            parm.key <- "shape"
        if(identical(keyid, "exp")) {
            parm.key <- "rate"

        ##label for intercept - label different with this model type
        if(identical(parm, "Int")) {parm <- "(Intercept)"}

        mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
        parm <- paste("p", "(", parm.key, "(", parm, "))", sep="")
        if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", parm.key, "(", reversed.parm, "))", sep="")}
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]])
        parm.type1 <- "det"

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}

    nmods <- length(cand.set)
    ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
    include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
    ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
    include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
    ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
    for (i in 1:nmods) {
      idents <- NULL
      idents.check <- NULL
      form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitGDS <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
  ##Distance sampling model with availability
  ##lambda - abundance
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
    parm <- paste("lambda", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
    if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula)
      parm.type1 <- "lambda"
  if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
    ##check for key function used
      keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun))
      if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n",
                                 "cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n")
      if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n")

      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
      parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]])
      parm.type1 <- "det"
  if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
    ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
    mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi)))
    parm <- paste("phi", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
    if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("phi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$phiformula)
      parm.type1 <- "phi"

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

    ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
    if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}
    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    parm.strip <- parm #to use later
    ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
    if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
    ##single-season false-positive occupancy model
    if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
      parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@stateformula)
        parm.type1 <- "state"
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
      parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@detformula)
      parm.type1 <- "det"
    ##false positives - fp
    if(identical(parm.type, "falsepos") || identical(parm.type, "fp")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$fp)))
      parm <- paste("fp", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("fp", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@FPformula)
      parm.type1 <- "fp"
    ##certainty of detections - b
    if(identical(parm.type, "certain")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$b)))
      parm.unmarked <- "b"
      parm <- paste("b", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("b", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@Bformula)
      ##check that parameter appears in all models
      parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.unmarked)))
      if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
          stop("\nParameter \'b\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
               "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n")
      parm.type1 <- "b"

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitMPois <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

    ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
    if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    parm.strip <- parm #to use later
    ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
    if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
    ##multinomPois model
    ##lambda - abundance
    if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
      ##create label for parm
      parm <- paste("lambda", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lambda", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]])
        parm.type1 <- "state"
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
      parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]])
      parm.type1 <- "det"
      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitGMM <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

    ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
    if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}
    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    parm.strip <- parm #to use later
    ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
    if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
    ##gmultmix model
    ##lambda - abundance
    if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
      parm <- paste("lambda", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lambda", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula)
        parm.type1 <- "lambda"
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
      parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$pformula)
      parm.type1 <- "det"
    if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi)))
      parm <- paste("phi", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("phi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$phiformula)
      parm.type1 <- "phi"

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitGPC <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

    ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
    if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

    ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
    parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
    parm.strip <- parm #to use later
    ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
    if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

    ##reverse parm
    reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
    reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
    exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
    ##lambda - abundance
    if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
      parm <- paste("lambda", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lambda", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula)
        parm.type1 <- "lambda"
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
      parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$pformula)
      parm.type1 <- "det"
    if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi)))
      parm <- paste("phi", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("phi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$phiformula)
      parm.type1 <- "phi"
      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
         uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
         c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}
  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  #parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
    ##single-season occupancy model
    if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
        ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
        mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
        parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
        if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        ##not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]])
        not.include <- mod_formula
        parm.type1 <- "state"
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
      parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      ##not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]])
      not.include <- mod_formula
       parm.type1 <- "det"

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                      "with different link functions\n")}
  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitMMO <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
      ##open version of N-mixture model
      ##lambda - abundance
      if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
          parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula)
          parm.type1 <- "lambda"
      ##gamma - recruitment
      if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma)))
          ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend)
          strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]])
          unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam)
          if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n
beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n")
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$gammaformula)
          parm.type1 <- "gamma"
      ##omega - apparent survival
      if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) {
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega)))   
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste("omega", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("omega", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$omegaformula)
          parm.type1 <- "omega"
      ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")
      if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) {
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste("iota", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("iota", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$iotaformula)
          ##check that parameter appears in all models
          parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type)))
          if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
              stop("\nParameter \'iota\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
                   "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n")
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota)))
          parm.type1 <- "iota"
      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
          parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$pformula)
          parm.type1 <- "det"

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitDSO <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
      ##open version of N-mixture model
      ##lambda - abundance
      if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
          parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula)
          parm.type1 <- "lambda"
      ##gamma - recruitment
      if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma)))
          ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend)
          strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]])
          unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam)
          if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n
beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n")
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$gammaformula)
          parm.type1 <- "gamma"
      ##omega - apparent survival
      if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) {
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega)))   
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste("omega", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("omega", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$omegaformula)
          parm.type1 <- "omega"

      ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")
      if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) {
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste("iota", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("iota", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$iotaformula)
          ##check that parameter appears in all models
          parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type)))
          if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
              stop("\nParameter \'iota\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
                   "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n")
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota)))   
          parm.type1 <- "iota"
      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          ##check for key function used
          keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun))
          if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n",
                                     "cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n")
          if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n")
          ##set key prefix used in coef( )
          if(identical(keyid, "halfnorm")) {
              parm.key <- "sigma"
          if(identical(keyid, "hazard")) {
              parm.key <- "shape"
          if(identical(keyid, "exp")) {
              parm.key <- "rate"
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
          parm <- paste("sigma", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("sigma", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$pformula[[2]])
          parm.type1 <- "det"

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}

      nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
         uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
         c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}
  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  #parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)
    ##single-season occupancy model
    if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
      parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- mod_formula
        parm.type1 <- "state"
    if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
        ##check that parameter appears in all models
        nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary))
        if(nseasons == 1) {
            stop("\nParameter \'phi\' does not appear in single-season models\n")

        mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) labels(coef(x@estimates@estimates$transition)))
        parm <- paste("phi", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
        if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("phi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- mod_formula
        parm.type1 <- "transition"

    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
      parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
      not.include <- mod_formula
      parm.type1 <- "det"

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                      "with different link functions\n")}

  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)  #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <-
  function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, 
           uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE,
           c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){

  ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")}

  ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
  parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
  parm.strip <- parm #to use later
  ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
  if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"

  ##reverse parm
  reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm)
  reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later
  exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude)

    ##single season or dynamic occupancy model
    ##psi - initial occupancy
    if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
      ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
      mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$psi)))
      ##create label for parm
      parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
      if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
        not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@psiformula)
        parm.type1 <- "psi"
      ##gamma - colonization
      if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
          nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary))
          if(nseasons == 1) {
              stop("\nParameter \'gamma\' does not appear in single-season models\n")
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$col)))
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste("col", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("col", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@gamformula)
          parm.type1 <- "col"
      ##epsilon - extinction
      if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) {
          nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary))
          if(nseasons == 1) {
              stop("\nParameter \'epsilon\' does not appear in single-season models\n")
          ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$ext)))
          ##create label for parm
          parm <- paste("ext", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("ext", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          ##for epsilon
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@epsformula)
          parm.type1 <- "ext"
      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          ##detect - lambda parameter is a rate of a species not detected in t to be detected at next time step
          mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
          parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="")
          if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")}
          not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@detformula)
          parm.type1 <- "det"

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                        "with different link functions\n")}
  nmods <- length(cand.set)
  ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model
  include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)
  ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions)
  include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1)

###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35
###to enable search with regexpr( ) 
  ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
  for (i in 1:nmods) {
    idents <- NULL
    idents.check <- NULL
    form <- mod_formula[[i]]

      ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list
      if(is.null(reversed.parm)) {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j])
          ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( )
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1)  
      } else {
        for (j in 1:length(form)) {
          idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j])
          idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j],
                                                                  fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1)  

    include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0)
    include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK")

  #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE:  warn that duplicates occur and stop
  if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) {
    #check for duplicates in same model
    if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
      stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n",
           "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n",
             "with similar names:\n",
             "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n")


    #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE:  compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest,
    #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...),
    #warn that models were not excluded
    if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) {
      if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) {
        warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n",
                "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n",
                "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n")

    #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")}

    #if exclude is list  
    if(is.list(exclude)) {

    #determine number of elements in exclude
      nexcl <- length(exclude)

      #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list
      #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula)

      #set up a new list with model formula
      forms <- list()
      for (i in 1:nmods) {
        form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects
        if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) {
          forms[i] <- form.tmp
        } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")}

      #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+"
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n")

      ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models
      check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]]))
      if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n")

      #search within formula for variables to exclude
      mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl)

      #iterate over each element in exclude list
      for (var in 1:nexcl) {

      #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list
        for (i in 1:nmods) {
          idents <- NULL
          form.excl <- forms[[i]]

          #iterate over each element of forms[[i]]
          for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) {
            idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j])
          mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0)
      #determine outcome across all variables to exclude
      to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude)
      #exclude models following models from model averaging  
      include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0

  ##add a check to determine if include always == 0
  if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
  new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter
  new.mod.name <- modnames[which(include == 1)]    #update model names

  new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames = new.mod.name,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
  new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here
  new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
  ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here

  ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
  if(c.hat > 1) {
    new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)

  ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {      
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
    Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)

    ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
    if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))

    ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
    if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
      Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))

  zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
  Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
  out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
                     "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
                     "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
  class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list")

##print method
print.modavg <-
  function(x, digits = 2, ...) {
    ic <- colnames(x$Mod.avg.table)[3]
    cat("\nMultimodel inference on \"", x$Parameter, "\" based on ", ic, "\n", sep = "")
    cat("\n", ic, " table used to obtain model-averaged estimate:\n", sep = "")
    oldtab <- x$Mod.avg.table
    if (any(names(oldtab)=="c_hat")) {cat("\t(c-hat estimate = ", oldtab$c_hat[1], ")\n", sep = "")}
    if (any(names(oldtab)=="c_hat")) {
      nice.tab <- cbind(oldtab[,2], oldtab[,3], oldtab[,4], oldtab[,6],
                        oldtab[,9], oldtab[,10])
    } else {nice.tab <- cbind(oldtab[,2], oldtab[,3], oldtab[,4], oldtab[,6],
                              oldtab[,8], oldtab[,9])

##modify printing style if multinomial model is used  
    if(length(x$Mod.avg.beta)==1) {
      colnames(nice.tab) <- c(colnames(oldtab)[c(2,3,4,6)], "Estimate", "SE")
      rownames(nice.tab) <- oldtab[,1]
      print(round(nice.tab, digits=digits))
      cat("\nModel-averaged estimate:", eval(round(x$Mod.avg.beta, digits=digits)), "\n")
      cat("Unconditional SE:", eval(round(x$Uncond.SE, digits=digits)), "\n")
      cat("",x$Conf.level*100, "% Unconditional confidence interval: ", round(x$Lower.CL, digits=digits),
          ", ", round(x$Upper.CL, digits=digits), "\n\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      col.ns <- ncol(nice.tab)
      nice.tab <- nice.tab[,-c(col.ns-1,col.ns)]
      colnames(nice.tab) <- c(colnames(oldtab)[c(2,3,4,6)])
      rownames(nice.tab) <- oldtab[,1]
      print(round(nice.tab, digits=digits))
      cat("\n\nModel-averaged estimates for different levels of response variable:", "\n\n")
      resp.labels <- labels(x$Mod.avg.beta)
      mult.out <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(resp.labels), ncol=4)
      colnames(mult.out) <- c("Model-averaged estimate", "Uncond. SE", paste(x$Conf.level*100,"% lower CL", sep = ""),
                              paste(x$Conf.level*100, "% upper CL", sep = ""))
      rownames(mult.out) <- resp.labels
      mult.out[,1] <- round(x$Mod.avg.beta, digits=digits)
      mult.out[,2] <- round(x$Uncond.SE, digits=digits)
      mult.out[,3] <- round(x$Lower.CL, digits=digits)
      mult.out[,4] <- round(x$Upper.CL, digits=digits)

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