modavgShrink <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set)
UseMethod("modavgShrink", cand.set)
modavgShrink.default <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")
modavgShrink.AICaov.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICbetareg <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract labels
##determine if parameter is on mean or phi
if(regexpr(pattern = "\\(phi\\)_", parm) == "-1") {
parm.phi <- NULL
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients$mean))
} else {
##replace parm
parm.phi <- gsub(pattern = "\\(phi\\)_", "", parm)
if(regexpr(pattern = ":", parm) != "-1") {
warning(cat("\nthis function does not yet support interaction terms on phi:\n",
"use 'modavgCustom' instead\n"))
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients$precision))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) stop("\nTo compute a shrinkage version of model-averaged estimate, each term must appear with the same frequency across models\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
##if parameters on mean
if(is.null(parm.phi)) {
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
##if parameters on phi
if(!is.null(parm.phi)) {
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm.phi, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm.phi, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICsclm.clm <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x =
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$beta))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set=cand.set, modnames=modnames,
second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICclm <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x =
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$beta))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set=cand.set, modnames=modnames,
second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICclmm <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x =
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$beta))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICcoxme <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) names(fixef(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
terms.freq <- table(pooled.terms)
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
##coxph and clogit
modavgShrink.AICcoxph <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
terms.freq <- table(pooled.terms)
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICglm.lm <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, gamdisp = NULL, ...){
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
#check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$family$link)) <- unique(
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##check family of glm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion'
fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$family))
fam.unique <- unique(fam.type)
if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussian")) {disp <- NULL} else{disp <- 1}
##poisson and binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance)
##for negative binomial - reset to NULL
if(any(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)) {
disp <- NULL
##check for mixture of negative binomial and other
##number of models with negative binomial
negbin.num <- sum(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)
if(negbin.num < length(fam.type)) {
stop("Function does not support mixture of negative binomial with other distributions in model set")
##gamma is treated separately
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE,
c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = disp)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <-new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
gam1 <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family[1]=="Gamma")) #check for gamma regression models
##correct SE's for estimates of gamma regressions
if(any(gam1) == TRUE) {
##check for specification of gamdisp argument
if(is.null(gamdisp)) stop("\nYou must specify a gamma dispersion parameter with gamma generalized linear models\n")
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set,
FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = gamdisp)))[paste(parm)]))
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE,
"Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICglmmTMB <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, ...){
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##determine families of model
fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$family))
check.fam <- unique(fam.list)
if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different families of distributions\n")
##determine link functions
link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list)
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i)$cond))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE,
c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)$cond[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)$cond))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <-new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICgls <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AIChurdle <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "count_(Intercept)" & pooled.terms != "zero_(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE,
"Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AIClm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AIClme <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(summary(i)$coefficients$fixed))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AIClmekin <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i)))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICmaxlikeFit.list <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, ...){
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x =
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) names(coef(i)))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE,
c.hat = 1) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICmer <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##determine families of model
fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$family))
check.fam <- unique(fam.list)
if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different families of distributions\n")
##determine link functions
link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list)
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i)))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord==TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICglmerMod <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##determine families of model
fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$family))
check.fam <- unique(fam.list)
if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different families of distributions\n")
##determine link functions
link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list)
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i)))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord==TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AIClmerMod <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i)))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord==TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AIClmerModLmerTest <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i)))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord==TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICmultinom.nnet <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, ...){
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) colnames(summary(i)$coefficients))
nmods <- length(cand.set)
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##determine number of levels - 1
mod.levels <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract level of response variable
check.levels <- unlist(unique(mod.levels))
##recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)
##create object to store model-averaged estimate and SE's of k - 1 level of response
out.est <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(check.levels), ncol = 4)
colnames(out.est) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE", "Lower.CL", "Upper.CL")
rownames(out.est) <- check.levels
##iterate over levels of response variable
for (g in 1:length(check.levels)) {
##extract coefficients from each model for given level
coefs.levels <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[check.levels[g], ])
##extract coefficients from each model for all levels
SE.all.levels <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i))))
id.coef <- lapply(coefs.levels, FUN = function(i) which(names(i) == paste(parm)))
##temporary matrix to hold estimates and SE's from models and set to 0 otherwise
tmp.coef <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = nmods)
for(k in 1:nmods) {
tmp.coef[k, 1] <- ifelse(length(id.coef[[k]]) != 0, coefs.levels[[k]][paste(parm)], 0)
tmp.coef[k, 2] <- ifelse(length(id.coef[[k]]) != 0, SE.all.levels[[k]][paste(check.levels[g], ":",
parm, sep="")], 0)
##extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$Beta_est <- tmp.coef[, 1]
##extract SE of estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- tmp.coef[, 2]
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)}
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
#unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
#revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
#if c-hat is estimated compute values accordingly and adjust table names
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
#unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
#revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
#unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
#revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
#if c-hat is estimated compute values accordingly and adjust table names
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
#unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
#revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
out.est[g, 1] <- Modavg_beta
out.est[g, 2] <- Uncond_SE
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
out.est[,3] <- out.est[,1] - zcrit*out.est[,2]
out.est[,4] <- out.est[,1] + zcrit*out.est[,2]
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = out.est[,1],
"Uncond.SE" = out.est[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= out.est[,3],
"Upper.CL" = out.est[,4])
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICnegbin.glm.lm <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$family$link)) <- unique(
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table,
"Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE,
"Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICpolr <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[attr(regexpr(pattern = "\\|", text = pooled.terms), "match.length") == -1 ]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
##add logical test to distinguish between intercepts and other coefs
if(attr(regexpr(pattern = "\\|", text = parm), "match.length") == -1) {
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)]))
} else {new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) (i)$zeta[paste(parm)])) }
##extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL based on AICc
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL based on AIC
if(second.ord == FALSE) {
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICrlm.lm <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICsurvreg <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check that distribution is the same for all models
check.dist <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$dist)
unique.dist <- unique(x = check.dist)
if(length(unique.dist) > 1) stop("\nFunction does not support model-averaging estimates from different distributions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) names(summary(i)$coefficients))
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
} else {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICvglm <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, ...){
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i@family@blurb[3])) <- unique(
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##check family of vglm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion'
fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) i@family@vfamily))
fam.unique <- unique(fam.type)
if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussianff")) {disp <- NULL} else{disp <- 1}
if(identical(fam.unique, "gammaff")) stop("\nGamma distribution is not supported yet\n")
##poisson and binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance)
##for negative binomial - reset to NULL
if(identical(fam.unique, "negbinomial")) {disp <- NULL}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)" & pooled.terms != "(Intercept):1" & pooled.terms != "(Intercept):2")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction or if label changes for some models - e.g., ZIP models
##if : not already included
if(regexpr(":", parm, fixed = TRUE) == -1){
##if : not included
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) warning("\nLabel of parameter of interest seems to change across models:\n",
"check model syntax for possible problems\n")
} else {
##if : already included
##remove : from parm
simple.parm <- unlist(strsplit(parm, split = ":"))[1]
##search for simple.parm and parm in model formulae
no.colon <- sum(ifelse(attr(regexpr(simple.parm, mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") != "-1", 1, 0))
with.colon <- sum(ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") != "-1", 0, 1))
##check if both are > 0
if(no.colon > 0 && with.colon > 0) warning("\nLabel of parameter of interest seems to change across models:\n",
"check model syntax for possible problems\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = disp)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <-new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##gam1 <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family[1]=="Gamma")) #check for gamma regression models
##correct SE's for estimates of gamma regressions
##if(any(gam1) == TRUE) {
##check for specification of gamdisp argument
## if(is.null(gamdisp)) stop("\nYou must specify a gamma dispersion parameter with gamma generalized linear models\n")
## new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set,
## FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = gamdisp)))[paste(parm)]))
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE,
"Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICzeroinfl <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(
if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
"from models using different link functions\n")
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##check for frequency of each terms
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "count_(Intercept)" & pooled.terms != "zero_(Intercept)")]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
##compute table
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE,
"Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
####added functionality for reversing parameters
##added additional argument parm.type = "psi", "gamma", "epsilon", "lambda", "omega", "detect"
##model type: parameters labeled in unmarked - parameters labeled in AICcmodavg.unmarked
##single season: state, det - USE psi, detect
##multiseason model: psi, col, ext, det - USE psi, gamma, epsilon, detect
##RN heterogeneity model: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##N-mixture: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##Open N-mixture: lambda, gamma, omega, det - USE lambda, gamma, omega, iota, detect
##distsamp: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##gdistsamp: state, det, phi - USE lambda, detect, phi
##false-positive occupancy: state, det, fp - USE psi, detect, fp
##gpcount: lambda, phi, det - USE lambda, phi, detect
##gmultmix: lambda, phi, det - USE lambda, phi, detect
##multinomPois: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##occuMulti: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##occuMS: state, det - USE psi, detect
##occuTTD: psi, det, col, ext - USE psi, detect, gamma, epsilon
##pcount.spHDS: state, det - USE lambda, detect
##multmixOpen: lambda, gamma, omega, iota, det - USE lambda, gamma, epsilon, iota, detect
##distsampOpen: lambda, gamma, omega, iota, det - USE lambda, gamma, epsilon, iota, detect
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccu <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##single-season occupancy model
if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
parm.unmarked <- "psi"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "state"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitColExt <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##multiseason occupancy model
##psi - initial occupancy
if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$psi)))
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "psi"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "psi"
##gamma - colonization
if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$col)))
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "col"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "col"
##epsilon - extinction
if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$ext)))
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "ext"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "ext"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##Royle-Nichols heterogeneity model
##lambda - abundance
if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
parm.unmarked <- "lam"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "state"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitPCount <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##single season N-mixture model
##lambda - abundance
if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "lam"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "state"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitPCO <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##open version of N-mixture model
##lambda - abundance
if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
parm.unmarked <- "lam"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "lambda"
##gamma - recruitment
if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma)))
##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend)
strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]])
unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam)
if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n
beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n")
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- unique.gam
parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "gamma"
##omega - apparent survival
if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega)))
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "omega"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "omega"
##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")
if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) {
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "iota"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
##check that parameter appears in all models
parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.unmarked)))
if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
stop("\nParameter \'", parm.unmarked, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
"\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n")
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota)))
parm.type1 <- "iota"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitDS <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##Distance sampling model
##lambda - abundance
if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
parm.unmarked <- "lam"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "state"
##detect, e.g., parm = "sigmaarea"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
##check for key function used
keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun))
if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n",
"cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n")
if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n")
##set key prefix used in coef( )
if(identical(keyid, "halfnorm")) {
parm.key <- "sigma"
if(identical(keyid, "hazard")) {
parm.key <- "shape"
if(identical(keyid, "exp")) {
parm.key <- "rate"
##label for intercept - label different with this model type
if(identical(parm, "Int")) {parm <- "(Intercept)"}
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm.key, "(", parm, "))", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitGDS <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##Distance sampling model with availability
##lambda - abundance
if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
parm.unmarked <- "lambda"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "lambda"
##detect, e.g., parm = "sigmaarea"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
##check for key function used
keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun))
if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n",
"cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n")
if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n")
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi)))
parm.unmarked <- "phi"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "phi"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##single-season false-positive occupancy model
if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
parm.unmarked <- "psi"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "state"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##false positives - fp
if(identical(parm.type, "falsepos") || identical(parm.type, "fp")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$fp)))
parm.unmarked <- "fp"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "fp"
##certainty of detections - b
if(identical(parm.type, "certain")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$b)))
parm.unmarked <- "b"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
##check that parameter appears in all models
parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.unmarked)))
if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
stop("\nParameter \'", parm.unmarked, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
"\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n")
parm.type1 <- "b"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitMPois <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##multinomPois model
##lambda - abundance
if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
parm.unmarked <- "lambda"
##create label for parm
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "state"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitGMM <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##gmultmix model
##lambda - abundance
if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
parm.unmarked <- "lambda"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "lambda"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi)))
parm.unmarked <- "phi"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "phi"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitGPC <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##gpcount model
##lambda - abundance
if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
parm.unmarked <- "lambda"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "lambda"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi)))
parm.unmarked <- "phi"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "phi"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
##parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##single-season occupancy model
if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
parm.unmarked <- "psi"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "state"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitMMO <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##open version of N-mixture model
##lambda - abundance
if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
parm.unmarked <- "lam"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "lambda"
##gamma - recruitment
if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma)))
##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend)
strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]])
unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam)
if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n
beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n")
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- unique.gam
parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "gamma"
##omega - apparent survival
if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega)))
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "omega"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "omega"
##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")
if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) {
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "iota"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
##check that parameter appears in all models
parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.unmarked)))
if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
stop("\nParameter \'", parm.unmarked, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
"\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n")
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota)))
parm.type1 <- "iota"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitDSO <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##Distance sampling model
##lambda - abundance
if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda)))
parm.unmarked <- "lam"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "lambda"
##gamma - recruitment
if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma)))
##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend)
strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]])
unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam)
if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n
beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n")
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- unique.gam
parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "gamma"
##omega - apparent survival
if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega)))
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "omega"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "omega"
##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")
if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) {
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "iota"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
##check that parameter appears in all models
parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.unmarked)))
if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
stop("\nParameter \'", parm.unmarked, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
"\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n")
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota)))
parm.type1 <- "iota"
##detect, e.g., parm = "sigmaarea"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
##check for key function used
keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun))
if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n",
"cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n")
if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n")
##set key prefix used in coef( )
if(identical(keyid, "halfnorm")) {
parm.key <- "sigma"
if(identical(keyid, "hazard")) {
parm.key <- "shape"
if(identical(keyid, "exp")) {
parm.key <- "rate"
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "sigma"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
#parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##single-season occupancy model
if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
parm.unmarked <- "psi"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "state"
if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
##check that parameter appears in all models
nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary))
if(nseasons == 1) {
stop("\nParameter \'phi\' does not appear in single-season models\n")
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) labels(coef(x@estimates@estimates$transition)))
parm.unmarked <- "phi"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "transition"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "p"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <-
function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){
##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( )
##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
if(is.null(modnames)) {
if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
} else {
modnames <- names(cand.set)
##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")}
##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm
parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm)
##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility
if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int"
##single-season or dynamic occupancy model
if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state)))
parm.unmarked <- "psi"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "psi"
##gamma - colonization
if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary))
if(nseasons == 1) {
stop("\nParameter \'gamma\' does not appear in single-season models\n")
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$col)))
parm.unmarked <- "col"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "col"
##epsilon - extinction
if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) {
nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary))
if(nseasons == 1) {
stop("\nParameter \'epsilon\' does not appear in single-season models\n")
##extract model formula for each model in cand.set
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$ext)))
##create label for parm
parm.unmarked <- "ext"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "ext"
if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det)))
parm.unmarked <- "lam"
parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="")
parm.type1 <- "det"
##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
parm.type1, "@invlink",
sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1]
if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
"with different link functions\n")}
##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) )
pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula)
##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))]
terms.freq <- table(
if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n")
##check whether parm is involved in interaction
parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = ""))
inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2],
mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1)
if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n")
nmods <- length(cand.set)
new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures
new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm
new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)]))
##replace NA's with 0
new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0
new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0
##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model
if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") }
##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat
if(c.hat > 1) {
new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)
##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) {
Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est)
##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
if(identical(, "old")) {
Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))
##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
if(identical(, "revised")) {
Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)))
zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE
Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE
out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta,
"Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL,
"Upper.CL" = Upper_CL)
class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list")
print.modavgShrink <-
function(x, digits = 2, ...) {
ic <- colnames(x$Mod.avg.table)[3]
cat("\nMultimodel inference on \"", x$Parameter, "\" based on ", ic, "\n", sep = "")
cat("\n", ic, " table used to obtain model-averaged estimate with shrinkage:\n", sep = "")
oldtab <- x$Mod.avg.table
if (any(names(oldtab) == "c_hat")) {cat("\t(c-hat estimate = ", oldtab$c_hat[1], ")\n", sep = "")}
if (any(names(oldtab)=="c_hat")) { <- cbind(oldtab[, 2], oldtab[, 3], oldtab[, 4], oldtab[, 6],
oldtab[, 9], oldtab[, 10])
} else { <- cbind(oldtab[, 2], oldtab[, 3], oldtab[, 4], oldtab[, 6],
oldtab[, 8], oldtab[, 9])
##modify printing style if multinomial model is used
if(length(x$Mod.avg.beta) == 1) {
colnames( <- c(colnames(oldtab)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)], "Estimate", "SE")
rownames( <- oldtab[, 1]
print(round(, digits = digits))
cat("\nModel-averaged estimate with shrinkage:", eval(round(x$Mod.avg.beta, digits = digits)), "\n")
cat("Unconditional SE:", eval(round(x$Uncond.SE, digits = digits)), "\n")
cat("",x$Conf.level*100, "% Unconditional confidence interval: ", round(x$Lower.CL, digits = digits),
", ", round(x$Upper.CL, digits = digits), "\n\n", sep = "")
} else {
col.ns <- ncol( <-[,-c(col.ns - 1, col.ns)]
colnames( <- c(colnames(oldtab)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)])
rownames( <- oldtab[, 1]
print(round(, digits = digits))
cat("\n\nModel-averaged estimates with shrinkage for different levels of response variable:", "\n\n")
resp.labels <- labels(x$Mod.avg.beta)
mult.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(resp.labels), ncol = 4)
colnames(mult.out) <- c("Model-averaged estimate with shrinkage", "Uncond. SE", paste(x$Conf.level*100,"% lower CL", sep = ""),
paste(x$Conf.level*100, "% upper CL", sep = ""))
rownames(mult.out) <- resp.labels
mult.out[, 1] <- round(x$Mod.avg.beta, digits = digits)
mult.out[, 2] <- round(x$Uncond.SE, digits = digits)
mult.out[, 3] <- round(x$Lower.CL, digits = digits)
mult.out[, 4] <- round(x$Upper.CL, digits = digits)
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