
Defines functions get_legend_backing_minmax_dims add_legend_backing get_legend_title_coord move_unpositioned_legend_df estimate_top_left_circ_coord get_label_x get_circle_x max_rad min_rad max_y min_y generate_legend_df get_legend_dims get_unpositioned_y_coords gen_unpositioned_legend_df num_circles_covered_by_legend estimate_best_legend_df calculate_legend_spacing process_legend_spacing correct_legend_coord_if_str estimate_legend_sizes get_processed_legend_sizes insert_legend remove_legend_and_layers_after get_last_legend_layer_index get_first_legend_layer_index get_legend_layer_indices get_layers_after_legend has_layers_after_legend has_legend name_latest_legend_layer check_legend_params overlayLegend_error_handler overlayLegend removeLegend

Documented in overlayLegend removeLegend

# script to manage the circle size legend overlay

#' @title Remove current APackOfTheClones legend
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Removes the clone size legend on an APackOfTheClones plot, if
#' one is present. Will preserve any additional ggplot layers.
#' @inheritParams overlayLegend
#' @inheritParams APOTCPlot
#' @inherit APOTCPlot return
#' @export
#' @seealso [overlayLegend]
#' @examples
#' # create an APackOfTheClones plot with a legend
#' apotc_plot <- vizAPOTC(
#'     get(data("combined_pbmc")),
#'     add_size_legend = TRUE,
#'     verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' # remove the legend
#' apotc_plot <- removeLegend(apotc_plot)
#' apotc_plot
removeLegend <- function(apotc_ggplot) {
    if (!has_legend(apotc_ggplot)) return(apotc_ggplot)
    remove_ggplot_layers(apotc_ggplot, get_legend_layer_indices(apotc_ggplot))

#' @title overlay a clone size legend on an APackOfTheClones plot
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function has most of the parameters related to legend in
#' [APOTCPlot()], and can plot a new / override the current legend.
#' However, it is very important that the input plot to the function
#' is a plot generated solely by [APOTCPlot()] or [vizAPOTC()] due to it
#' being a custom ggplot object. It will not override or erase any
#' additional layers that the user/other functions have added. To just
#' remove the legend, see [removeLegend].
#' @param apotc_ggplot a ggplot object that is the output of [APOTCPlot()] or
#' [vizAPOTC()]
#' @inheritParams APOTCPlot
#' @details
#' The size legend on APackOfTheClones plots are simply a collection of
#' annotation layers of the `rect`, `text`, `circle` geoms. Therefore it
#' isn't quite a ggplot legend. In the actual ggplot object, the `$layers`
#' element should all be named with an empty character `""`, and those
#' that comprise the annotation layers of the legend should be named whatever
#' `APackOfTheClones:::.ApotcLegendLayerName` is. Note that this is simply
#' an implementation detail that the user should not interfere with.
#' @inherit APOTCPlot return
#' @export
#' @seealso [removeLegend]
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' # create a plot with a legend
#' apotc_plot <- vizAPOTC(get(data("combined_pbmc")), verbose = FALSE)
#' # reposition the legend to top right
#' overlayLegend(apotc_plot, legend_position = "top right")
#' # use different sizes and label - may be nice to use the pipe
#' apotc_plot %>% overlayLegend(
#'     legend_sizes = c(1, 3, 7, 9),
#'     legend_label = "odd sizes"
#' )
overlayLegend <- function(
    legend_sizes = "auto",
	legend_position = "auto",
	legend_buffer = 0.2,
	legend_color = "#808080",
	legend_spacing = "auto",
	legend_label = "Clone sizes",
	legend_text_size = 5,
	add_legend_background = TRUE,
	add_legend_centerspace = 0,
    linetype = "blank",
    res = 360L
) {

    layers_after_legend_present <- FALSE

    if (has_legend(apotc_ggplot)) {
        layers_after_legend <- get_layers_after_legend(apotc_ggplot)
        layers_after_legend_present <- !is.null(layers_after_legend)
        apotc_ggplot <- remove_legend_and_layers_after(apotc_ggplot)

    if (should_estimate(legend_sizes)) {
        legend_sizes <- get_estimated_legend_sizes(apotc_ggplot)

    apotc_ggplot <- insert_legend(
        plt = apotc_ggplot,
        plt_dims = get_apotc_plot_dims_from_df(apotc_ggplot$data),
        apotc_obj = get_apotcdata(apotc_ggplot),
        sizes = legend_sizes,
        pos = legend_position,
        buffer = legend_buffer,
        additional_middle_spacing = add_legend_centerspace,
        color = legend_color,
        n = res,
        spacing = legend_spacing,
        legend_label = legend_label,
        legend_textsize = legend_text_size,
        do_add_legend_border = add_legend_background,
        linetype = linetype

    if (layers_after_legend_present) {
        apotc_ggplot$layers <- append(apotc_ggplot$layers, layers_after_legend)


overlayLegend_error_handler <- function() {
    args <- get_parent_func_args()
    typecheck(args$res, is_a_positive_integer)

check_legend_params <- function(args) {

    if (!should_estimate(args$legend_sizes))
        typecheck(args$legend_sizes, is_positive_numeric)

    if (!(
        is_a_character(args$legend_position) ||
    )) {
        stop(call. = FALSE,
            "`legend_position` must be a numeric pair or specific characters. ",
            "See function level documentation for details on this argument."

    typecheck(args$legend_buffer, is_a_numeric)
    typecheck(args$legend_color, is_a_character)

    if (!(
        is_a_numeric(args$legend_spacing) ||
    )) {
        stop(call. = FALSE, "`legend_spacing` must be a numeric.")

    typecheck(args$legend_label, is_a_character)
    typecheck(args$legend_text_size, is_a_positive_numeric)
    typecheck(args$add_legend_background, is_a_logical)
    typecheck(args$add_legend_centerspace, is_a_numeric)

# internal global constant for the name of each legend layer
.ApotcLegendLayerName <- "ApotcLegendLayer"

name_latest_legend_layer <- function(plt) {
    plt %>% name_latest_layer(.ApotcLegendLayerName)

has_legend <- function(apotc_ggplot) {
    any(names(apotc_ggplot$layers) == .ApotcLegendLayerName)

has_layers_after_legend <- function(apotc_ggplot) {
    length(apotc_ggplot$layers) > get_last_legend_layer_index(apotc_ggplot)

get_layers_after_legend <- function(apotc_ggplot) {
    if (!has_layers_after_legend(apotc_ggplot)) return(NULL)
    layers <- apotc_ggplot$layers
    layers[(get_last_legend_layer_index(apotc_ggplot) + 1):length(layers)]

get_legend_layer_indices <- function(apotc_ggplot) {
    which(names(apotc_ggplot$layers) == .ApotcLegendLayerName)

get_first_legend_layer_index <- function(apotc_ggplot) {

get_last_legend_layer_index <- function(apotc_ggplot) {

remove_legend_and_layers_after <- function(apotc_ggplot) {
    num_layers <- length(apotc_ggplot$layers)
    removal_indices <- get_first_legend_layer_index(apotc_ggplot):num_layers
    apotc_ggplot$layers[removal_indices] <- NULL

insert_legend <- function(
    color = "#808080",
    n = 360,
    spacing = "auto",
    legend_label = "Clone sizes",
    legend_textsize = 5,
    do_add_legend_border = FALSE,
    linetype = "blank"
) {

    # setup relevant variables

    rad_decrease <- get_rad_decrease(apotc_obj)
    sizes <- get_processed_legend_sizes(apotc_obj, sizes)
    pos <- correct_legend_coord_if_str(pos)
    spacing <- process_legend_spacing(spacing, plt_dims, rad_decrease)

    # calculate relevant legend plotting data

    unpositioned_legend_df <- gen_unpositioned_legend_df(
        legend_sizes = sizes,
        spacing = spacing,
        circ_scale_factor = apotc_obj@clone_scale_factor,
        rad_decrease = rad_decrease,
        color = color,
        additional_middle_spacing = additional_middle_spacing

    legend_dims <- get_legend_dims(unpositioned_legend_df)

    if (should_estimate(pos)) {
        legend_df <- estimate_best_legend_df(
            plt_dims, plt$data, unpositioned_legend_df, legend_dims, buffer
    } else {
        legend_df <- generate_legend_df(
            pos, unpositioned_legend_df, legend_dims, plt_dims, buffer

    # plotting

    # add the legend label on top
    label_coord <- get_legend_title_coord(legend_df, legend_dims, spacing)
    plt <- (plt + ggplot2::annotate(
        "text", x = label_coord[1], y = label_coord[2],
        label = legend_label, size = legend_textsize
    )) %>% name_latest_legend_layer()

    # add the background
    if (do_add_legend_border) {
        plt <- add_legend_backing(plt, legend_df) %>% name_latest_legend_layer()
    # add the side number labels
    plt <- (plt + ggplot2::annotate(
        "text", x = legend_df[, "label_x"], y = legend_df[, "y"],
        label = legend_df[, "labels"], size = legend_textsize
    )) %>% name_latest_legend_layer()

    # add the circles and return
    (plt + ggforce::geom_circle(
        data = legend_df,
        mapping = apotc_aes_string(
            x0 = "circle_x",
            y0 = "y",
            r = "rad",
            fill = "color"
        linetype = linetype,
        n = n
    )) %>% name_latest_legend_layer()

get_processed_legend_sizes <- function(apotc_obj, s) {
    if (is.numeric(s)) return(sort(unique(c(1, s))))
    if (should_estimate(s)) return(estimate_legend_sizes(apotc_obj))

estimate_legend_sizes <- function(apotc_obj) {
    sizes <- unlist(get_raw_clone_sizes(apotc_obj))
        stats::median(sizes), mean(sizes), mean(unique(sizes)),

correct_legend_coord_if_str <- function(pos) {
    if (is.numeric(pos)) {

    pos <- strip_and_lower(pos)
    pos <- switch(
        "auto" = "auto",
        "topleft" = "top_left",
        "topright" = "top_right",
        "bottomleft" = "bottom_left",
        "bottomright" = "bottom_right",

    if (should_estimate(pos)) return(pos)

        s = pos,
        strset = c("top_left", "top_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_right"),
        stop_msg_start = "invalid legend coordinate string"

process_legend_spacing <- function(spacing, plt_dims, rad_decrease) {
    if (should_estimate(spacing)) {
        return(calculate_legend_spacing(spacing, plt_dims, rad_decrease))

calculate_legend_spacing <- function(
    spacing, plt_dims, rad_decrease, portion = 0.05
) {
    (abs(get_xr(plt_dims)[1]) * portion) - (2 * rad_decrease)

# given the circle placements, estimate the legend dataframe with the least
# *number* of circles that overlap
estimate_best_legend_df <- function(
    plt_dims, plot_df, unpositioned_legend_df, legend_dims, buffer
) {
    min_num_circles_covered <- Inf
    best_legend_df <- data.frame()

    for (pos in c("top_left", "top_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_right")) {
        curr_legend_df <- generate_legend_df(
            pos, unpositioned_legend_df, legend_dims, plt_dims, buffer

        # TODO this should be estimate from the plot dataframe instead
        curr_num_circles_covered <- num_circles_covered_by_legend(
            minmax_dims = get_legend_backing_minmax_dims(curr_legend_df)

        if (curr_num_circles_covered == 0) {

        if (curr_num_circles_covered < min_num_circles_covered) {
            min_num_circles_covered <- curr_num_circles_covered
            best_legend_df <- curr_legend_df



num_circles_covered_by_legend <- function(df, minmax_dims) {
    num_circles_covered <- 0
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
        does_overlap_x <- is_bound_between(
            lowerbound = minmax_dims["xmin"] + df$r[i],
            upperbound = minmax_dims["xmax"] - df$r[i]

        does_overlap_y <- is_bound_between(
            lowerbound = minmax_dims["ymin"] + df$r[i],
            upperbound = minmax_dims["ymax"] - df$r[i]

        num_circles_covered <- num_circles_covered +
            (does_overlap_x && does_overlap_y)


gen_unpositioned_legend_df <- function(
    legend_sizes, spacing, circ_scale_factor, rad_decrease, color,
) {
    radii <- (sqrt(legend_sizes) * circ_scale_factor) - rad_decrease
    num_radii <- length(radii)
    label_x <- spacing + 1 - rad_decrease +
        (sqrt(radii[num_radii]) * circ_scale_factor) +

        "circle_x" = rep(0, num_radii),
        "label_x" = rep(label_x, num_radii),
        "y" = get_unpositioned_y_coords(radii, spacing),
        "rad" = radii,
        "labels" = as.character(legend_sizes),
        "color" = rep(color, num_radii)

get_unpositioned_y_coords <- function(radii, spacing) {
    y_coords <- numeric(length(radii))
    curr_y <- -spacing
    r <- 0

    for (i in seq_along(radii)) {
        prev_radius <- r
        r <- radii[i]
        curr_y <- curr_y - prev_radius - r - spacing
        y_coords[i] <- curr_y


# get the width and height of the circles and labels, NOT accounting for buffer
get_legend_dims <- function(unpositioned_legend_df) {
        "x" = max_rad(unpositioned_legend_df) +

        "y" = min_rad(unpositioned_legend_df) +
            abs(max_y(unpositioned_legend_df)) -
            abs(min_y(unpositioned_legend_df)) +

generate_legend_df <- function(
    pos, unpositioned_legend_df, legend_dims, plt_dims, buffer
) {
    if (!is.numeric(pos)) {
        pos <- estimate_top_left_circ_coord(
            unpositioned_legend_df = unpositioned_legend_df,
            legend_dims = legend_dims,
            destination_str = pos,
            plt_dims = plt_dims,
            buffer = buffer

        to_top_left_destination_coord = pos

min_y <- function(legend_df) legend_df[1, "y"]
max_y <- function(legend_df) legend_df[nrow(legend_df), "y"]

min_rad <- function(legend_df) legend_df[1, "rad"]
max_rad <- function(legend_df) legend_df[nrow(legend_df), "rad"]

get_circle_x <- function(legend_df) legend_df[1, "circle_x"]
get_label_x <- function(legend_df) legend_df[1, "label_x"]

# get the starting coordinate for the top left center of the *first circle*
estimate_top_left_circ_coord <- function(
    unpositioned_legend_df, legend_dims, destination_str, plt_dims, buffer
) {

    xr <- get_xr(plt_dims)
    yr <- get_yr(plt_dims)
    if (identical(destination_str, "top_left")) {
        return(c(xr[1] + max_rad(unpositioned_legend_df) + buffer, yr[2]))

    if (identical(destination_str, "top_right")) {
        return(c(xr[2] - unpositioned_legend_df[1, "label_x"] - buffer, yr[2]))

    if (identical(destination_str, "bottom_left")) {
            xr[1] + max_rad(unpositioned_legend_df) + buffer,
            yr[1] + legend_dims[2]
    # bottom right
        xr[2] - unpositioned_legend_df[1, "label_x"] - buffer,
        yr[1] + legend_dims[2]

move_unpositioned_legend_df <- function(
    unpositioned_df, to_top_left_destination_coord
) {
    dx <- to_top_left_destination_coord[1] - unpositioned_df[1, "circle_x"]
    dy <- to_top_left_destination_coord[2] - unpositioned_df[1, "y"]

    unpositioned_df[, "circle_x"] <- unpositioned_df[, "circle_x"] + dx
    unpositioned_df[, "label_x"] <- unpositioned_df[, "label_x"] + dx
    unpositioned_df[, "y"] <- unpositioned_df[, "y"] + dy


# get the coordinate in the middle of the top of the legend
get_legend_title_coord <- function(legend_df, legend_dims, spacing) {
    c("x" = sum(get_legend_backing_minmax_dims(legend_df)[1:2]) * 0.5,
      "y" = min_y(legend_df) + min_rad(legend_df) + (1.5 * spacing))

add_legend_backing <- function(plt, legend_df) {

    dims <- get_legend_backing_minmax_dims(legend_df)

    plt + ggplot2::annotate(
        geom = "rect",
        xmin = dims["xmin"], xmax = dims["xmax"],
        ymin = dims["ymin"], ymax = dims["ymax"],
        fill = "white",
        colour = "black"


get_legend_backing_minmax_dims <- function(legend_df) {
    spacing <- 0.15
    max_radius <- max_rad(legend_df)
    xmin <- get_circle_x(legend_df) - max_radius - spacing
    xmax <- get_label_x(legend_df) + max_radius + spacing

    ymin <- max_y(legend_df) - max_radius - spacing
    ymax <- min_y(legend_df) + min_rad(legend_df) + spacing

    c("xmin" = xmin, "xmax" = xmax, "ymin" = ymin, "ymax" = ymax)

# could put the ggplot color legend by sticking some points under something

Try the APackOfTheClones package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

APackOfTheClones documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 1:08 a.m.