Defines functions cpo.NRMI2 summary.NRMI2 print.NRMI2 plot.NRMI2 MixNRMI2

Documented in cpo.NRMI2 MixNRMI2 plot.NRMI2 print.NRMI2 summary.NRMI2

#' Normalized Random Measures Mixture of Type II
#' Bayesian nonparametric estimation based on normalized measures driven
#' mixtures for locations and scales.
#' This generic function fits a normalized random measure (NRMI) mixture model
#' for density estimation (James et al. 2009). Specifically, the model assumes
#' a normalized generalized gamma (NGG) prior for both, locations (means) and
#' standard deviations, of the mixture kernel, leading to a fully nonparametric
#' mixture model.
#' The details of the model are: \deqn{X_i|Y_i,Z_i \sim
#' k(\cdot|Y_i,Z_i)}{X_i|Y_i,Z_i ~ k(.|Y_i,Z_i)} \deqn{(Y_i,Z_i)|P \sim P,
#' i=1,\dots,n}{(Y_i,Z_i)|P ~ P, i=1,...,n} \deqn{P \sim
#' \textrm{NGG}(\texttt{Alpha, Kappa, Gama; P\_0})}{P ~ NGG(Alpha, Kappa, Gama;
#' P_0)} where, \eqn{X_i}'s are the observed data, \eqn{(Y_i,Z_i)}'s are
#' bivariate latent (location and scale) vectors, \code{k} is a parametric
#' kernel parameterized in terms of mean and standard deviation, \code{(Alpha,
#' Kappa, Gama; P_0)} are the parameters of the NGG prior with a bivariate
#' \code{P_0} being the centering measure with independent components, that is,
#' \eqn{P_0(Y,Z) = P_0(Y)*P_0(Z)}. The parameters of \code{P_0(Y)} are assigned
#' vague hyper prior distributions and \code{(mu.pz0,sigma.pz0)} are the
#' hyper-parameters of \code{P_0(Z)}. In particular, \code{NGG(Alpha, 1, 0;
#' P_0)} defines a Dirichlet process; \code{NGG(1, Kappa, 1/2;P_0)} defines a
#' Normalized inverse Gaussian process; and \code{NGG(1, 0, Gama; P_0)} defines
#' a normalized stable process. The evaluation grid ranges from \code{min(x) -
#' epsilon} to \code{max(x) + epsilon}. By default \code{epsilon=sd(x)/4}.
#' @param x Numeric vector. Data set to which the density is fitted.
#' @param probs Numeric vector. Desired quantiles of the density estimates.
#' @param Alpha Numeric constant. Total mass of the centering measure.  See
#' details.
#' @param Kappa Numeric positive constant. See details.
#' @param Gama Numeric constant. \eqn{0 \leq Gama \leq 1}{0 <= Gama <=1}.  See
#' details.
#' @param distr.k The distribution name for the kernel. Allowed names are "normal", "gamma", "beta", "double exponential", "lognormal" or their common abbreviations "norm", "exp", or an integer number identifying the mixture kernel: 1 = Normal; 2 = Gamma; 3 = Beta; 4 = Double Exponential; 5 = Lognormal.
#' @param distr.py0 The distribution name for the centering measure for locations. Allowed names are "normal", "gamma", "beta", or their common abbreviations "norm", "exp", or an integer number identifying the centering measure for locations: 1 = Normal; 2 = Gamma; 3 = Beta.
#' @param distr.pz0 The distribution name for the centering measure for scales.  Allowed names are "gamma", or an integer number identifying the centering measure for
#' scales: 2 = Gamma. For more options use \code{\link{MixNRMI2cens}}.
#' @param mu.pz0 Numeric constant. Prior mean of the centering measure for
#' scales.
#' @param sigma.pz0 Numeric constant. Prior standard deviation of the centering
#' measure for scales.
#' @param delta_S Numeric positive constant. Metropolis-Hastings proposal
#' variation coefficient for sampling the scales.
#' @param kappa Numeric positive constant. Metropolis-Hastings proposal
#' variation coefficient for sampling the location parameters.
#' @param delta_U Numeric positive constant. Metropolis-Hastings proposal
#' variation coefficient for sampling the latent U. If `adaptive=TRUE`, `delta_U`is the starting value for the adaptation.
#' @param Meps Numeric constant. Relative error of the jump sizes in the
#' continuous component of the process. Smaller values imply larger number of
#' jumps.
#' @param Nx Integer constant. Number of grid points for the evaluation of the
#' density estimate.
#' @param Nit Integer constant. Number of MCMC iterations.
#' @param Pbi Numeric constant. Burn-in period proportion of \code{Nit}.
#' @param epsilon Numeric constant. Extension to the evaluation grid range.
#' See details.
#' @param printtime Logical. If TRUE, prints out the execution time.
#' @param extras Logical. If TRUE, gives additional objects: means, sigmas,
#' weights and Js.
#' @param adaptive Logical. If TRUE, uses an adaptive MCMC strategy to sample the latent U (adaptive delta_U).
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{xx}{Numeric vector. Evaluation grid.}
#' \item{qx}{Numeric array. Matrix
#' of dimension \eqn{\texttt{Nx} \times (\texttt{length(probs)} + 1)}{Nx x
#' (length(probs)+1)} with the posterior mean and the desired quantiles input
#' in \code{probs}.}
#' \item{cpo}{Numeric vector of \code{length(x)} with
#' conditional predictive ordinates.}
#' \item{R}{Numeric vector of
#' \code{length(Nit*(1-Pbi))} with the number of mixtures components
#' (clusters).}
#' \item{U}{Numeric vector of \code{length(Nit*(1-Pbi))} with the
#' values of the latent variable U.}
#' \item{Allocs}{List of
#' \code{length(Nit*(1-Pbi))} with the clustering allocations.}
#' \item{means}{List of \code{length(Nit*(1-Pbi))} with the cluster means
#' (locations). Only if extras = TRUE.}
#' \item{sigmas}{Numeric vector of
#' \code{length(Nit*(1-Pbi))} with the cluster standard deviations. Only if
#' extras = TRUE.}
#' \item{weights}{List of \code{length(Nit*(1-Pbi))} with the
#' mixture weights. Only if extras = TRUE.}
#' \item{Js}{List of
#' \code{length(Nit*(1-Pbi))} with the unnormalized weights (jump sizes). Only
#' if extras = TRUE.}
#' \item{Nm}{Integer constant. Number of jumps of the
#' continuous component of the unnormalized process.}
#' \item{delta_Us}{List of
#' \code{length(Nit*(1-Pbi))} with the sequence of adapted delta_U used in the MH step for the latent variable U.}
#' \item{Nx}{Integer
#' constant. Number of grid points for the evaluation of the density estimate.}
#' \item{Nit}{Integer constant. Number of MCMC iterations.}
#' \item{Pbi}{Numeric constant. Burn-in period proportion of \code{Nit}.}
#' \item{procTime}{Numeric vector with execution time provided by \code{proc.time} function.}
#' \item{distr.k}{Integer corresponding to the kernel chosen for the mixture}
#' \item{data}{Data used for the fit}
#' \item{NRMI_params}{A named list with the parameters of the NRMI process}
#' @section Warning : The function is computing intensive. Be patient.
#' @author Barrios, Kon Kam King, G., E., Lijoi, A., Nieto-Barajas, L.E. and Prüenster, I.
#' @seealso \code{\link{MixNRMI2}}, \code{\link{MixNRMI1cens}},
#' \code{\link{MixNRMI2cens}}, \code{\link{multMixNRMI1}}
#' @references 1.- Barrios, E., Lijoi, A., Nieto-Barajas, L. E. and Prünster,
#' I. (2013). Modeling with Normalized Random Measure Mixture Models.
#' Statistical Science. Vol. 28, No. 3, 313-334.
#' 2.- James, L.F., Lijoi, A. and Prünster, I. (2009). Posterior analysis for
#' normalized random measure with independent increments. Scand. J. Statist 36,
#' 76-97.
#' 3.- Arbel, J., Kon Kam King, G.,  Lijoi, A., Nieto-Barajas, L.E. and Prüenster, I. (2021). BNPdensity: a package for Bayesian Nonparametric density estimation using Normalised Random Measures with Independent Increments.. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, to appear
#' @keywords distribution models nonparametrics
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### Example 1
#' # Data
#' data(acidity)
#' x <- acidity
#' # Fitting the model under default specifications
#' out <- MixNRMI2(x)
#' # Plotting density estimate + 95% credible interval
#' plot(out)
#' }
#' ### Example 2
#' ## Do not run
#' # set.seed(150520)
#' # data(enzyme)
#' # x <- enzyme
#' #  Enzyme2.out <- MixNRMI2(x, Alpha = 1, Kappa = 0.007, Gama = 0.5,
#' #                          distr.k = "gamma", distr.py0 = "gamma",
#' #                          distr.pz0 = "gamma", mu.pz0 = 1, sigma.pz0 = 1, Meps=0.005,
#' #                          Nit = 5000, Pbi = 0.2)
#' # The output of this run is already loaded in the package
#' # To show results run the following
#' # Data
#' data(enzyme)
#' x <- enzyme
#' data(Enzyme2.out)
#' attach(Enzyme2.out)
#' # Plotting density estimate + 95% credible interval
#' plot(Enzyme2.out)
#' # Plotting number of clusters
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plot(R, type = "l", main = "Trace of R")
#' hist(R, breaks = min(R - 0.5):max(R + 0.5), probability = TRUE)
#' # Plotting u
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plot(U, type = "l", main = "Trace of U")
#' hist(U, nclass = 20, probability = TRUE, main = "Histogram of U")
#' # Plotting cpo
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plot(cpo, main = "Scatter plot of CPO's")
#' boxplot(cpo, horizontal = TRUE, main = "Boxplot of CPO's")
#' print(paste("Average log(CPO)=", round(mean(log(cpo)), 4)))
#' print(paste("Median log(CPO)=", round(median(log(cpo)), 4)))
#' detach()
#' ### Example 3
#' ## Do not run
#' # set.seed(150520)
#' # data(galaxy)
#' # x <- galaxy
#' #  Galaxy2.out <- MixNRMI2(x, Alpha = 1, Kappa = 0.015, Gama = 0.5,
#' #                          distr.k = "normal", distr.py0 = "gamma",
#' #                          distr.pz0 = "gamma", mu.pz0 = 1, sigma.pz0 = 1,  Meps=0.005,
#' #                          Nit = 5000, Pbi = 0.2)
#' # The output of this run is already loaded in the package
#' # To show results run the following
#' # Data
#' data(galaxy)
#' x <- galaxy
#' data(Galaxy2.out)
#' attach(Galaxy2.out)
#' # Plotting density estimate + 95% credible interval
#' plot(Galaxy2.out)
#' # Plotting number of clusters
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plot(R, type = "l", main = "Trace of R")
#' hist(R, breaks = min(R - 0.5):max(R + 0.5), probability = TRUE)
#' # Plotting u
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plot(U, type = "l", main = "Trace of U")
#' hist(U, nclass = 20, probability = TRUE, main = "Histogram of U")
#' # Plotting cpo
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plot(cpo, main = "Scatter plot of CPO's")
#' boxplot(cpo, horizontal = TRUE, main = "Boxplot of CPO's")
#' print(paste("Average log(CPO)=", round(mean(log(cpo)), 4)))
#' print(paste("Median log(CPO)=", round(median(log(cpo)), 4)))
#' detach()
#' @export MixNRMI2
MixNRMI2 <-
  function(x, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), Alpha = 1, Kappa = 0,
           Gama = 0.4, distr.k = "normal", distr.py0 = "normal", distr.pz0 = "gamma", mu.pz0 = 3,
           sigma.pz0 = sqrt(10), delta_S = 4, kappa = 2, delta_U = 2, Meps = 0.01,
           Nx = 150, Nit = 1500, Pbi = 0.1, epsilon = NULL, printtime = TRUE,
           extras = TRUE, adaptive = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(distr.k)) {
      stop("Argument distr.k is NULL. Should be provided. See help for details.")
    if (is.null(distr.py0)) {
      stop("Argument distr.py0 is NULL. Should be provided. See help for details.")
    distr.k <- process_dist_name(distr.k)
    distr.py0 <- process_dist_name(distr.py0)
    distr.pz0 <- process_dist_name(distr.pz0)
    tInit <- proc.time()
    n <- length(x)
    y <- x
    xsort <- sort(x)
    y[seq(n / 2)] <- mean(xsort[seq(n / 2)])
    y[-seq(n / 2)] <- mean(xsort[-seq(n / 2)])
    z <- rep(1, n)
    u <- 1
    if (is.null(epsilon)) {
      epsilon <- sd(x) / 4
    xx <- seq(min(x) - epsilon, max(x) + epsilon, length = Nx)
    Fxx <- matrix(NA, nrow = Nx, ncol = Nit)
    fx <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = Nit)
    R <- seq(Nit)
    U <- seq(Nit)
    Nmt <- seq(Nit)
    Allocs <- vector(mode = "list", length = Nit)
    if (adaptive) {
      optimal_delta <- rep(NA, n)
    if (extras) {
      means <- vector(mode = "list", length = Nit)
      sigmas <- vector(mode = "list", length = Nit)
      weights <- vector(mode = "list", length = Nit)
      Js <- vector(mode = "list", length = Nit)
      if (adaptive) {
        delta_Us <- seq(Nit)
    mu.py0 <- mean(x)
    sigma.py0 <- sd(x)
    for (j in seq(Nit)) {
      if (floor(j / 500) == ceiling(j / 500)) {
        cat("MCMC iteration", j, "of", Nit, "\n")
      tt <- comp2(y, z)
      ystar <- tt$ystar
      zstar <- tt$zstar
      nstar <- tt$nstar
      rstar <- tt$rstar
      idx <- tt$idx
      Allocs[[max(1, j - 1)]] <- idx
      # if (is.na(optimal_delta[rstar])) {
      #   optimal_delta[rstar] <- compute_optimal_delta_given_r(r = rstar, gamma = Gama, kappa = Kappa, a = Alpha, n = n)
      # }
      if (Gama != 0) {
        if (adaptive) {
          tmp <- gs3_adaptive3(u, n = n, r = rstar, alpha = Alpha, kappa = Kappa, gama = Gama, delta = delta_U, U = U, iter = j, adapt = adaptive)
          u <- tmp$u_prime
          delta_U <- tmp$delta
        else {
          u <- gs3(u,
            n = n, r = rstar, alpha = Alpha, kappa = Kappa,
            gama = Gama, delta = delta_U
      JiC <- MvInv(
        eps = Meps, u = u, alpha = Alpha, kappa = Kappa,
        gama = Gama, N = 50001
      Nm <- length(JiC)
      TauyC <- rk(Nm, distr = distr.py0, mu = mu.py0, sigma = sigma.py0)
      TauzC <- rk(Nm, distr = distr.pz0, mu = mu.pz0, sigma = sigma.pz0)
      tt <- gsYZstar(ystar, zstar, nstar, rstar, idx, x, delta_S,
        distr.k = distr.k, distr.py0 = distr.py0,
        mu.py0 = mu.py0, sigma.py0 = sigma.py0, distr.pz0 = distr.pz0,
        mu.pz0 = mu.pz0, sigma.pz0 = sigma.pz0
      ystar <- tt$ystar
      zstar <- tt$zstar
      tt <- gsHP(ystar, rstar, distr.py0)
      mu.py0 <- tt$mu.py0
      sigma.py0 <- tt$sigma.py0
      Jstar <- rgamma(rstar, nstar - Gama, Kappa + u)
      Tauy <- c(TauyC, ystar)
      Tauz <- c(TauzC, zstar)
      J <- c(JiC, Jstar)
      tt <- fcondYZXA(x, distr = distr.k, Tauy, Tauz, J)
      y <- tt[, 1]
      z <- tt[, 2]
      Fxx[, j] <- fcondXA2(xx,
        distr = distr.k, Tauy, Tauz,
      fx[, j] <- fcondXA2(x, distr = distr.k, Tauy, Tauz, J)
      R[j] <- rstar
      U[j] <- u
      Nmt[j] <- Nm
      if (extras) {
        means[[j]] <- Tauy
        sigmas[[j]] <- Tauz
        weights[[j]] <- J / sum(J)
        Js[[j]] <- J
        if (adaptive) {
          delta_Us[j] <- delta_U
    tt <- comp2(y, z)
    Allocs[[Nit]] <- tt$idx
    biseq <- seq(floor(Pbi * Nit))
    Fxx <- Fxx[, -biseq]
    qx <- as.data.frame(t(apply(Fxx, 1, quantile, probs = probs)))
    names(qx) <- paste("q", probs, sep = "")
    qx <- cbind(mean = apply(Fxx, 1, mean), qx)
    R <- R[-biseq]
    U <- U[-biseq]
    Allocs <- Allocs[-biseq]
    if (extras) {
      means <- means[-biseq]
      sigmas <- sigmas[-biseq]
      weights <- weights[-biseq]
      Js <- Js[-biseq]
      if (adaptive) {
        delta_Us <- delta_Us[-biseq]
    cpo <- 1 / apply(1 / fx[, -biseq], 1, mean)
    if (printtime) {
      cat(" >>> Total processing time (sec.):\n")
      print(procTime <- proc.time() - tInit)
    res <- list(
      xx = xx, qx = qx, cpo = cpo, R = R, U = U,
      Allocs = Allocs, Nm = Nmt, Nx = Nx, Nit = Nit, Pbi = Pbi,
      procTime = procTime, distr.k = distr.k, data = x,
      NRMI_params = list("Alpha" = Alpha, "Kappa" = Kappa, "Gamma" = Gama)
    if (extras) {
      res$means <- means
      res$sigmas <- sigmas
      res$weights <- weights
      res$Js <- Js
      if (adaptive) {
        res$delta_Us <- delta_Us
    return(structure(res, class = "NRMI2"))

#' Plot the density estimate and the 95\% credible interval
#' The density estimate is the mean posterior density computed on the data
#' points.
#' @param x A fitted object of class NRMI2
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to generic function, ignored at the moment
#' @return A graph with the density estimate, the 95\% credible interval and a
#' histogram of the data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Example for non censored data
#' data(acidity)
#' out <- MixNRMI2(acidity, Nit = 20)
#' plot(out)
#' ## Example for censored data
#' data(salinity)
#' out <- MixNRMI2cens(salinity$left, salinity$right, Nit = 20)
#' plot(out)
plot.NRMI2 <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is_censored(x$data)) {
  else {

#' S3 method for class 'MixNRMI2'
#' @param x A fitted object of class NRMI2
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to generic function, ignored at the moment
#' @return A visualization of the important information about the object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #' ## Example for censored data
#' data(acidity)
#' out <- MixNRMI2(acidity, Nit = 20)
#' print(out)
#' data(salinity)
#' out <- MixNRMI2cens(salinity$left, salinity$right, Nit = 20)
#' print(out)
print.NRMI2 <- function(x, ...) {
  kernel_name <- tolower(give_kernel_name(x$distr.k))
  writeLines(paste("Fit of a nonparametric", kernel_name, "mixture model on", length(x$data), "data points.\nThe MCMC algorithm was run for", x$Nit, "iterations with", 100 * x$Pbi, "% discarded for burn-in."))

#' S3 method for class 'MixNRMI2'
#' @param object A fitted object of class NRMI2
#' @param number_of_clusters Whether to compute the optimal number of clusters, which can be a time-consuming operation (see \code{\link{compute_optimal_clustering}})
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to generic function, ignored at the moment
#' @return Prints out the text for the summary S3 methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(acidity)
#' out <- MixNRMI2(acidity, Nit = 20)
#' summary(out)
#' data(salinity)
#' out <- MixNRMI2cens(salinity$left, salinity$right, Nit = 20)
#' summary(out)
summary.NRMI2 <- function(object, number_of_clusters = FALSE, ...) {
  kernel_name <- tolower(give_kernel_name(object$distr.k))
  kernel_comment <- paste("A nonparametric", kernel_name, "mixture model was used.")
  NRMI_comment <- paste("Density estimation using a", comment_on_NRMI_type(object$NRMI_params))
  summarytext(object, kernel_comment, NRMI_comment, number_of_clusters = number_of_clusters)

#' Extract the Conditional Predictive Ordinates (CPOs) from a fitted object
#' @param object A fit obtained through from the function MixNRMI2/MixNRMI2cens
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to generic function, ignored at the moment
#' @return A vector of Conditional Predictive Ordinates (CPOs)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(acidity)
#' out <- MixNRMI2(acidity, Nit = 50)
#' cpo(out)
cpo.NRMI2 <- function(object, ...) {

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