
#' @title Output a Boolean Model into Cytoscape & Gephi readable format
#' @description
#' This function outputs a Boolean Model in a format that is readable by Cytoscape and Gephi. Return invisibly the edges (with edge attributes) and node attributes. (i.e. list of 2 dfs)
#' @param bmodel S4 BoolModel object.
#' @param path character. Specify path (AND NOT file name). Default to current working directory, i.e. getwd(). Set to NULL to disable file output.
#' @param file character. Specify file name. Default to NULL for default file names.
#' @param and_node logical. Specify AND as an individual node. Default to T.
#' @export
outgraph_model = function(bmodel, path=getwd(), file=NULL, and_node=T)
  edge_vec = character() #setup output vector.
  arule = bmodel@rule_act
  irule = bmodel@rule_inh
  #Replace the gene names back into the rules.
  for(i in 1:length(bmodel@target_var))
    for(j in 1:length(bmodel@target_var))
      arule[[j]] = gsub(bmodel@target_var[i], bmodel@target[i], arule[[j]])
      irule[[j]] = gsub(bmodel@target_var[i], bmodel@target[i], irule[[j]])
  #Split rules into single or double terms.
  s_arule = sapply(arule, function(x) x[!grepl('&', x)])
  d_arule = sapply(arule, function(x) x[grepl('&', x)])
  s_irule = sapply(irule, function(x) x[!grepl('&', x)])
  d_irule = sapply(irule, function(x) x[grepl('&', x)])
  #Put '0' for empty rules.
  s_arule[sapply(s_arule, function(x) length(x)==0)] = '0'
  d_arule[sapply(d_arule, function(x) length(x)==0)] = '0'
  s_irule[sapply(s_irule, function(x) length(x)==0)] = '0'
  d_irule[sapply(d_irule, function(x) length(x)==0)] = '0'
    #Start writing rules out for single terms.
    for(i in 1:length(bmodel@target))
      edge_vec = c(edge_vec, paste(s_arule[[i]], 'activates', bmodel@target[i], sep=','))
      edge_vec = c(edge_vec, paste(s_irule[[i]], 'inhibits', bmodel@target[i], sep=','))
    #Write rules out for double terms.
    tmp_and = paste('and', seq(1, sum(grepl('&', unlist(d_arule)))+sum(grepl('&', unlist(d_irule)))), sep='_')
    ind = 1
    for(i in 1:length(bmodel@target))
      #Write arule.
        tmp_rule = strsplit(d_arule[[i]], '&')
        for(j in 1:length(tmp_rule))
          #Join coproteins with ANDs.
          edge_vec = c(edge_vec, paste(tmp_rule[[j]], 'activates', tmp_and[ind], sep=','))
          #Join ANDs with target genes.
          edge_vec = c(edge_vec, paste(tmp_and[ind], 'activates', bmodel@target[i], sep=','))
          ind = ind + 1
      #Write irule.
        tmp_rule = strsplit(d_irule[[i]], '&')
        for(j in 1:length(tmp_rule))
          #Join coproteins with ANDs.
          edge_vec = c(edge_vec, paste(tmp_rule[[j]], 'activates', tmp_and[ind], sep=',')) #note that this should be activates.
          #Join ANDs with target genes.
          edge_vec = c(edge_vec, paste(tmp_and[ind], 'inhibits', bmodel@target[i], sep=','))
          ind = ind + 1
  } else
    #Start writing rules out for both single and double terms.
    for(i in 1:length(bmodel@target))
      edge_vec = c(edge_vec, paste(s_arule[[i]], 'activates', bmodel@target[i], sep=','))
      edge_vec = c(edge_vec, paste(s_irule[[i]], 'inhibits', bmodel@target[i], sep=','))
      edge_vec = c(edge_vec, paste(d_arule[[i]], 'activates', bmodel@target[i], sep=','))
      edge_vec = c(edge_vec, paste(d_irule[[i]], 'inhibits', bmodel@target[i], sep=','))
  #Remove anything with 0 in the first and final terms.
  edge_vec = edge_vec[!(grepl('^0,', edge_vec))]
  edge_vec = edge_vec[!(grepl(',0$', edge_vec))]
  #Convert the vector into a matrix.
  edge_df = data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(edge_vec, ',')))
  colnames(edge_df) = c('Source', 'Directed', 'Target')
    #Generating node attributes. (to distinguish gene nodes from AND nodes)
    node_vec = c(bmodel@target, tmp_and)
    node_df = data.frame(Id=node_vec, node_types=ifelse(grepl('and', node_vec), 'ands', 'genes'))

  #Output into files.
      write.csv(edge_df, file=paste(path, '/edges.csv', sep=''), quote=F, row.names=F)
        write.csv(node_df, file=paste(path, '/nodes.csv', sep=''), quote=F, row.names=F)
    } else
      write.csv(edge_df, file=paste(path, '/', file, '_edges.csv', sep=''), quote=F, row.names=F)
        write.csv(node_df, file=paste(path, '/', file, '_nodes.csv', sep=''), quote=F, row.names=F)
    invisible(list(edge_df, node_df))
  } else

#' @title Output a Boolean Model into Genysis readable format
#' @description
#' This function outputs a Boolean Model in a format that is readable by Genysis. Return invisibly the formatted vector.
#' @param bmodel S4 BoolModel object.
#' @param path character. Specify path (AND NOT file name). Default to current working directory, i.e. getwd(). Set to NULL to disable file output.
#' @param file character. Specify file name. Default to NULL for default file names.
#' @export
outgenysis_model = function(bmodel, path=getwd(), file=NULL)
  gene = bmodel@target
  arule = bmodel@rule_act
  irule = bmodel@rule_inh
  #Replace the gene names back into update functions.
  for(i in 1:length(bmodel@target_var))
    arule = lapply(arule, function(x) gsub(bmodel@target_var[i], bmodel@target[i], x))
    irule = lapply(irule, function(x) gsub(bmodel@target_var[i], bmodel@target[i], x))
  stopifnot(all(!grepl('v[0-9]+s', unlist(strsplit(unlist(arule), '&'))) | 
                  grepl('^0$', unlist(strsplit(unlist(arule), '&'))))) #check if all gene name conversions is successful.
  stopifnot(all(!grepl('v[0-9]+s', unlist(strsplit(unlist(irule), '&'))) | 
                  grepl('^0$', unlist(strsplit(unlist(irule), '&'))))) #check if all gene name conversions is successful.
  #Match gene with rule.
  out_vec = c()
  for(i in 1:length(gene))
      out_vec = c(out_vec, paste(arule[[i]], gene[i], sep=' -> '))
      out_vec = c(out_vec, paste(irule[[i]], gene[i], sep=' -| '))
  #Output into files.
      filename = sprintf('genysis_input.txt')
    } else
      filename = sprintf('%s_genysis_input.txt', file)
    fcon = file(filename, open='w')
    writeLines(out_vec, fcon)

#' @title Generate state transition graph
#' @description
#' This function generates a state transition graph using a Boolean model and its state space. Each node represent a state. All nodes in this graph is linked by an edge only if the 2 states have different value in only 1 gene. The output is readable by Cytoscape and Gephi.
#' @param mstate data frame. It should be a state(row) x gene(column) df.
#' @param bmodel S4 BoolModel object.
#' @param directed logical. Indicates whether to make directed edges or not. Default to FALSE.
#' @param record.both logical. Indicates whether to also record nodes that have no edges. Default to FALSE.
#' @param filepath character vector. Specify path (AND NOT file name). Default to current working directory, i.e. getwd(). Set to NULL to disable file output.
#' @export
outstate_graph = function(mstate, bmodel, directed=F, record.both=F, filepath=getwd())
  cat(sprintf('Generating state transition network...\n'))
  adj_cells = list()
  nonadj_cells = list()
  for(i in 1:nrow(mstate)) #Pick each row.
    cat(sprintf('\rComputing state difference using row %s...', rownames(mstate)[i]))
    ind = integer()
    non_ind = integer()
    for(j in 1:nrow(mstate))
      gene_diff = which(mstate[i,]!=mstate[j,])
      if(length(gene_diff) == 1) #Only those with one state difference.
        if(directed) #Generate directed network.
          ans = eval_bool(bmodel, unlist(mstate[i,]), gene_diff)
          if(ans == mstate[j,gene_diff]) 
            ind = c(ind,j) #Record the state step that is possible.
          } else
            non_ind = c(non_ind, j) #Not possible state step.
        } else #Generate indirected network.
          ind = c(ind,j)
    adj_cells[i] = list(ind)
    nonadj_cells[i] = list(non_ind)
  net_all = data.frame(Source=character(1), Directed=character(1), 
                       Target=character(1), stringsAsFactors=F) #Both 1 and stringsAsFactors are essential, but 1 will give an empty first row.
  for(i in 1:nrow(mstate))
    if(length(adj_cells[[i]] != 0)) #To exclude cell that does not have partner.
      for(j in 1:length(adj_cells[[i]]))
        net_row = as.character(c(rownames(mstate)[i], '(pp)', 
        net_all = rbind(net_all, net_row)
  net_all = net_all[2:nrow(net_all),]
  rownames(net_all) = NULL #Reset row names.
  cat(sprintf('State graph generated, with %s nodes and %s edges.\n', length(unique(c(net_all[,1], net_all[,3]))), nrow(net_all)))
    nonnet_all = data.frame(Source=character(1), Directed=character(1), 
                            Target=character(1), stringsAsFactors=F) #Both 1 and stringsAsFactors are essential, but 1 will give an empty first row.
    for(i in 1:nrow(mstate))
      if(length(nonadj_cells[[i]] != 0)) #To exclude cell that does not have partner.
        for(j in 1:length(nonadj_cells[[i]]))
          nonnet_row = as.character(c(rownames(mstate)[i], '(pp)', 
          nonnet_all = rbind(nonnet_all, nonnet_row)
    nonnet_all = nonnet_all[2:nrow(nonnet_all),]
    rownames(nonnet_all) = NULL #Reset row names.
    cat(sprintf('Transition not in agreement with model: %s nodes and %s edges.\n', length(unique(c(nonnet_all[,1], nonnet_all[,3]))), nrow(nonnet_all)))
    #Output into files.
      write.csv(net_all, paste(filepath, '/statespace_edges.txt', sep=''), quote=F, row.names=F)
      write.csv(nonnet_all, paste(filepath, '/notstatespace_edges.txt', sep=''), quote=F, row.names=F)
    invisible(list(net_all, nonnet_all))
  #Output into files.
    write.csv(net_all, paste(filepath, '/statespace_edges.txt', sep=''), quote=F, row.names=F)

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