
Defines functions .performanceResample_inference performanceResample

Documented in performanceResample

### performanceResample.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: mar  3 2022 (12:01) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: apr 22 2022 (10:10) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 172
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * performanceResample (documentation)
##' @title Uncertainty About Performance of a Classifier (EXPERIMENTAL)
##' @description Use resampling to quantify uncertainties about the performance of one or several binary classifiers evaluated via cross-validation.
##' @param object a \code{glm} or \code{range} object, or a list of such object.
##' @param data [data.frame] the training data.
##' @param name.response [character] The name of the response variable (i.e. the one containing the categories).
##' @param type.resampling [character] Should non-parametric bootstrap (\code{"bootstrap"}) or permutation of the outcome (\code{"permutation"}) be used.
##' @param n.resampling [integer,>0] Nnumber of bootstrap samples or permutations.
##' @param fold.repetition [integer,>0] Nnumber of folds used in the cross-validation. Should be strictly positive.
##' @param conf.level [numeric, 0-1] confidence level for the confidence intervals.
##' @param cpus [integer, >0] the number of CPU to use. If strictly greater than 1, resampling is perform in parallel. 
##' @param seed [integer, >0] seed used to ensure reproducibility.
##' @param trace [logical] Should the execution of the function be traced.
##' @param filename [character] Prefix for the files containing each result.
##' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{performance}}.
##' @details WARNING: using bootstrap after cross-validation may not provide valid variance/CI/p-value estimates.

## * performanceResample (code)
##' @export
performanceResample <- function(object, data = NULL, name.response = NULL,
                                type.resampling = "permutation", n.resampling = 1000, fold.repetition = 0, conf.level = 0.95,
                                cpus = 1, seed = NULL, trace = TRUE, filename = NULL, ...){

    ## ** fix randomness
        if(!is.null(get0(".Random.seed"))){ ## avoid error when .Random.seed do not exists, e.g. fresh R session with no call to RNG
            old <- .Random.seed # to save the current seed
            on.exit(.Random.seed <<- old) # restore the current seed (before the call to the function)
            on.exit(rm(.Random.seed, envir=.GlobalEnv))

    ## ** Normalize arguments
    type.resampling <- match.arg(type.resampling, c("permutation", "bootstrap"))
        vec.resampling <- 1:n.resampling
        vec.resampling <- n.resampling
        n.resampling <- length(vec.resampling)

    ## ** Point estimate
    initPerf <- performance(object, data = data, name.response = name.response,
                            fold.repetition = fold.repetition, se = FALSE, trace = FALSE, seed = NULL, ...)
            filename <- paste0(filename,"-seed",seed)
        saveRDS(initPerf, file = paste0(filename,".rds"))

        data <- initPerf$data
        name.response <- initPerf$args$name.response
    data[["XXresponseXX"]] <- NULL

    ## ** single run function
        dataResample <- as.data.frame(data)
        attr(dataResample,"internal") <- attr(data,"internal") ## only do CV

        warperResampling <- function(i){
            test.factice <- i %in% vec.resampling == FALSE
            dataResample[[name.response]] <- sample(data[[name.response]])
            iPerf <- try(suppressWarnings(performance(object, data = dataResample, name.response = name.response, fold.repetition = fold.repetition,
                                                      trace = trace-1, se = FALSE, seed = if(test.factice){"only"}else{NULL}, ...)),
                         silent = FALSE)
            if(inherits(iPerf, "try-error") || test.factice){
                dt.iPerf <- as.data.table(iPerf, type = "performance")
                    saveRDS(cbind(sample = i, dt.iPerf[,c("method","metric","model","estimate")]), file = paste0(filename,"-",type.resampling,i,".rds"))
                return(cbind(sample = i, dt.iPerf[,c("method","metric","model","estimate")]))
    }else if(type.resampling=="bootstrap"){
        warperResampling <- function(i){
            test.factice <- i %in% vec.resampling == FALSE
            dataResample <- data[sample(NROW(data), size = NROW(data), replace = TRUE),,drop=FALSE]
            attr(dataResample,"internal") <- attr(data,"internal") ## only do CV
            iPerf <- try(suppressWarnings(performance(object, data = dataResample, name.response = name.response, fold.repetition = fold.repetition,
                                                      trace = trace-1, se = FALSE, seed = if(test.factice){"only"}else{NULL}, ...)),
                         silent = FALSE)
            if(inherits(iPerf, "try-error") || test.factice){
                dt.iPerf <- as.data.table(iPerf, type = "performance")
                    saveRDS(cbind(sample = i, dt.iPerf[,c("method","metric","model","estimate")]), file = paste0(filename,"-",type.resampling,i,".rds"))
                return(cbind(sample = i, dt.iPerf[,c("method","metric","model","estimate")]))
    ## warperResampling(5)
    ## serial calculations
        ## ** method to loop
        if (trace > 0) {
            method.loop <- pbapply::pblapply
            method.loop <- lapply

        ## ** loop
        ls.resampling <- do.call(method.loop,
                                 args = list(X = 1:max(vec.resampling),
                                             FUN = warperResampling)

        if(!is.null(seed)){rm(.Random.seed, envir=.GlobalEnv)} # restaure original seed

    }else{ ## parallel calculations
        ## define cluster
            cl <- suppressMessages(parallel::makeCluster(cpus, outfile = ""))
            pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = max(vec.resampling), style = 3)          
            cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cpus)
        ## link to foreach

        ## export package
        parallel::clusterCall(cl, fun = function(x){
            suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(BuyseTest, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE, verbose = FALSE))
        toExport <- NULL
        iB <- NULL ## [:forCRANcheck:] foreach        
        ls.resampling <- foreach::`%dopar%`(
                                                       .export = toExport,
                                                       .packages = "data.table"),                                            
                                          if(trace>0){utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, iB)}



    ## ** statistical inference
    dt.resampling <- data.table::as.data.table(do.call(rbind, ls.resampling[sapply(ls.resampling,length)>0]))
    new.performance <- .performanceResample_inference(performance = initPerf$performance[,c("method","metric","model","estimate")],
                                                      resampling = dt.resampling,
                                                      type.resampling = type.resampling,
                                                      conf.level = conf.level)

    ## ** gather results
    out <- list(call = match.call(),
                response = initPerf$response,
                performance = new.performance,
                prediction = initPerf$prediction,
                resampling = dt.resampling,
                auc = initPerf$auc,
                brier = initPerf$brier,
                data = initPerf$data,
                args = initPerf$args
    out$args$transformation <- NA
    out$args$null <- NULL
    out$args$conf.level <- conf.level
    out$args$n.resampling <- n.resampling
    out$args$type.resampling <- type.resampling
    out$args$filename <- filename

    ## ** export
    class(out) <- append("performance",class(out))

## * .performanceResample_inference
.performanceResample_inference <- function(performance, resampling, type.resampling, conf.level){
    resampling <- data.table::copy(resampling)

        data.table::setnames(resampling, old = "estimate", new ="estimate.perm")
        dt.merge <- resampling[performance, on = c("method","metric","model")]
            dt.merge[,c("delta","delta.perm") := list(c(NA,.SD$estimate[-1]-.SD$estimate[-length(.SD$estimate)]),
                     by = c("sample","metric","method")]

            dt.merge[,c("delta","delta.perm") := as.numeric(NA)]
        out <- rbind(dt.merge[dt.merge$metric == "auc", list(estimate = mean(.SD$estimate), resample = mean(.SD$estimate.perm), se.resample = stats::sd(.SD$estimate.perm),
                                                             p.value = (sum(.SD$estimate<=.SD$estimate.perm) + 1)/(NROW(.SD)+1),
                                                             p.value_comp = (sum(abs(.SD$delta)<=abs(.SD$delta.perm)) + 1)/(NROW(.SD)+1)),
                              by = c("method","metric","model")],
                     dt.merge[dt.merge$metric == "brier", list(estimate = mean(.SD$estimate), resample = mean(.SD$estimate.perm), se.resample = stats::sd(.SD$estimate.perm),
                                                               p.value = (sum(.SD$estimate>=.SD$estimate.perm) + 1)/(NROW(.SD)+1),
                                                               p.value_comp = (sum(abs(.SD$delta)<=abs(.SD$delta.perm)) + 1)/(NROW(.SD)+1)),
                              by = c("method","metric","model")]

    }else if(type.resampling=="bootstrap"){
        vec.estimate <- performance[["estimate"]]
        M.resampling <- as.matrix(dcast(resampling, value.var = "estimate", formula = sample~method+metric+model))[,-1,drop=FALSE]
        out.method <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(M.resampling), split = "_", fixed = TRUE),"[[",1)
        out.metric <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(M.resampling), split = "_", fixed = TRUE),"[[",2)
        out.model <- as.character(mapply(x = paste0("^",out.method,"_",out.metric,"_"), y = colnames(M.resampling), FUN = function(x,y){gsub(pattern = x, replacement = "", x = y)}))

        out <- data.frame(method = out.method, metric = out.metric, model = out.model,
                          confint_percentileBootstrap(Delta = vec.estimate,
                                                      Delta.resampling = M.resampling,
                                                      null = c(auc = 0.5, brier = NA)[out.metric], alternative = "two.sided", alpha = 1-conf.level,
                                                      endpoint = colnames(M.resampling), backtransform.delta = function(x){x}))

        vecauc.estimate <- vec.estimate[out.metric=="auc"]
        vecbrier.estimate <- vec.estimate[out.metric=="brier"]
        Mauc.resampling <- M.resampling[,out.metric=="auc",drop=FALSE]
        Mbrier.resampling <- M.resampling[,out.metric=="brier",drop=FALSE]
            deltaout <- confint_percentileBootstrap(Delta = c(0,vecauc.estimate[-length(vecauc.estimate)] - vecauc.estimate[-1],
                                                              0,vecbrier.estimate[-length(vecbrier.estimate)] - vecbrier.estimate[-1]),
                                                    Delta.resampling = cbind(0,Mauc.resampling[,-ncol(Mauc.resampling)] - Mauc.resampling[,-1],
                                                                             0,Mbrier.resampling[,-ncol(Mbrier.resampling)] - Mbrier.resampling[,-1]),
                                                    null = c(NA, rep(0, length(vecauc.estimate)-1), NA, rep(0, length(vecbrier.estimate)-1)), alternative = "two.sided", alpha = 1-conf.level,
                                                    endpoint = colnames(M.resampling), backtransform.delta = function(x){x})
            out$p.value_comp <- deltaout[,"p.value"]
            out$p.value_comp <- NA

        names(out)[names(out) == "lower.ci"] <- "lower"
        names(out)[names(out) == "upper.ci"] <- "upper"
        out$null <- NULL

    ## ** export

### performanceResample.R ends here

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BuyseTest documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:55 p.m.