
Defines functions vuong.clarke.sim my.loglik vuong.test clarke.test score BiCopVuongClarke kurtosis

Documented in BiCopVuongClarke

# Functions of Natalia Djunushalieva for Vuong and Clarke test  	#
# (copula selection - goodness-of-fit)					#
# vuong.clarke.sim							#
# vuong.test								#
# clarke.test								#
# score									#
# gofVC			goodness-of-fit on the basis of Vuong and Clarke#

# vuong.clarke.sim						#
#								#
# Input:							#
# xy		2-dim matrix of data				#
# cop.model1	character, copula on the left side		#
# cop.model2	vector of character, copula on the righ side	#
# Output:							#
# sim.result	Simulation of the models			#

vuong.clarke.sim <- function(xy, cop.model1, cop.model2, correction, level) {
  n <- dim(xy)[1]
  loglik.model1 <- my.loglik(xy, cop.model1)
  loglik.model2 <- data.frame(sapply(cop.model2, function(x) {
    my.loglik(fam = x, data = xy)
  vuong.result.temp <- list()
  clarke.result.temp <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(cop.model2)) {
    p1 <- 1
    p2 <- 1
    if (cop.model1 == cop.model2[i]) {
      test.result <- data.frame(NA, NA, NA, NA)
      names(test.result) <- c("model", "nu", "p.value", "kurtosis")
      vuong.result.temp[[i]] <- test.result
      names(vuong.result.temp)[i] <- cop.model2[i]
      clarke.result.temp[[i]] <- test.result
      names(clarke.result.temp)[i] <- cop.model2[i]
    } else if (cop.model1 != cop.model2[i]) {
      if (cop.model1 %in% c(2, 7:10, 17:20, 27:30, 37:40)) {
        p1 <- 2
      if (cop.model2[i] %in% c(2, 7:10, 17:20, 27:30, 37:40)) {
        p2 <- 2
      vuong.result.temp[[i]] <- vuong.test(loglik.model1, loglik.model2[, i], alpha = level, p1 = p1, 
        p2 = p2, print.result = FALSE, correction)
      names(vuong.result.temp)[i] <- cop.model2[i]
      clarke.result.temp[[i]] <- clarke.test(loglik.model1, loglik.model2[, i], alpha = level, p1 = p1, 
        p2 = p2, print.result = FALSE, correction)
      names(clarke.result.temp)[i] <- cop.model2[i]
  sim.result <- list(vuong.result.temp, clarke.result.temp)
  names(sim.result) <- c("vuong", "clarke")

# my.loglik  			#
#					#
# Input:				#
# data		2-dim matrix		#
# fam		copula family		#
# Output:				#
# loglik.temp	Log likelihood		#

my.loglik <- function(data, fam) {
  T <- dim(data)[1]
  # Parameter schaetzen
  par <- BiCopEst(data[, 1], data[, 2], fam)
  if (fam %in% c(2, 7:10, 17:20, 27:30, 37:40)) {
    theta <- par$par
    nu <- par$par2
  } else {
    theta <- par$par
    nu <- 0
  loglik.temp <- rep(0, T)
  for (i in 1:T) {
    out <- .C("LL_mod", as.integer(fam), as.integer(1), as.double(data[i, 1]), as.double(data[i, 2]), 
      as.double(theta), as.double(nu), as.double(0), PACKAGE = "CDVine")
    loglik.temp[i] <- out[[7]]
    if (loglik.temp[i] %in% c(NA, NaN, Inf)) 
      loglik.temp[i] <- 1e+10

# vuong.test  						#
#								#
# Input:							#
# loglik.model1	vector of log likelihood of the first model	#
# loglik.model1	vector of log likelihood of the second model	#
# alpha		alpha-level for p-value				#
# p1		number of parameters (model 1)			#
# p2		number of parameters (model 2)			#
# Output:							#
# Vuong test							#

vuong.test <- function(loglik.model1, loglik.model2, alpha = 0.05, p1 = 0, p2 = 0, print.result = TRUE, correction) {
  # cat('H0: model (1) is eqivalent to model (2)', '\n')
  # Calculate test statistic
  n <- length(loglik.model1)
  if (correction == FALSE) 
    m.i <- loglik.model1 - loglik.model2 else if (correction == "Akaike") 
    m.i <- loglik.model1 - loglik.model2 - (p1 - p2)/n else if (correction == "Schwarz") 
    m.i <- loglik.model1 - loglik.model2 - (p1 - p2) * log(n)/(2 * n)
  kurt.ratios <- kurtosis(loglik.model1 - loglik.model2)
  nu <- (sqrt(n) * mean(m.i))/(sqrt((n - 1)/n * var(m.i)))
  if (abs(nu) < qnorm(1 - alpha/2)) {
    decision <- "Decision: none of the models is favored."
    result <- 0
  if (nu >= qnorm(1 - alpha/2)) {
    decision <- "Decision: favor model 1."
    result <- 1
  if (nu <= -qnorm(1 - alpha/2)) {
    decision <- "Decision: favor model 2."
    result <- 2
  # cat(decision,'\n')
  pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(nu))
  result <- data.frame(result, round(nu, digits = 3), round(pvalue, digits = 3), round(kurt.ratios, digits = 3))
  names(result) <- c("model", "nu", "p.value", "kurtosis")
  if (print.result) 
  rm(n, m.i, kurt.ratios, nu, pvalue, result, decision)

# clarke.test  						#
#								#
# Input:							#
# loglik.model1	vector of log likelihood of the first model	#
# loglik.model1	vector of log likelihood of the second model	#
# alpha		alpha-level for p-value				#
# p1		number of parameters (model 1)			#
# p2		number of parameters (model 2)			#
# Output:							#
# Clarke test							#

clarke.test <- function(loglik.model1, loglik.model2, alpha = 0.05, p1 = 0, p2 = 0, print.result = TRUE, 
  correction) {
  # cat('H0: model (1) is eqivalent to model (2)', '\n')
  # Calculate test statistic
  n <- length(loglik.model1)
  if (correction == FALSE) 
    m.i <- loglik.model1 - loglik.model2 else if (correction == "Akaike") 
    m.i <- loglik.model1 - loglik.model2 - (p1 - p2)/n else if (correction == "Schwarz") 
    m.i <- loglik.model1 - loglik.model2 - (p1 - p2) * log(n)/(2 * n)
  kurt.ratios <- kurtosis(loglik.model1 - loglik.model2)
  B <- sum(m.i > 0)
  # Calculate critical value
  decision <- "Decision: non of the models is favoured"
  result <- 0
  if (B >= n/2) {
    pvalue <- 2 * (1 - pbinom(B - 1, n, 0.5))
    if (pvalue <= alpha) {
      decision <- "Decision: favour model 1"
      result <- 1
  if (B < n/2) {
    pvalue <- 2 * (pbinom(B, n, 0.5))
    if (pvalue <= alpha) {
      decision <- "Decision: favour model 2"
      result <- 2
  # cat(decision,'\n')
  result <- data.frame(result, round(B, digits = 3), round(pvalue, digits = 3), round(kurt.ratios, digits = 3))
  names(result) <- c("model", "B", "p.value", "kurtosis")
  if (print.result) 
  rm(n, m.i, kurt.ratios, B, result, decision, pvalue)

# Score Funktion  	#
#				#
# Input:			#
# dat		data matrix	#
# Output:			#
# score				#

score <- function(dat) {
  if (sum(is.na(dat)) != length(dat)) {
    yes <- sum(dat == 1, na.rm = TRUE)  # zaehle wieviel mal kommt yes vor
    no <- sum(dat == 2, na.rm = TRUE) * (-1)  # zaehle wieviel mal kommt no vor
    score.out <- yes + no
  if (sum(is.na(dat)) == length(dat)) {
    score.out <- NA

# Goodness-of-fit test with Vuong and Clarke  #
#						#
# Input:					#
# xy		data matrix (2-dim)		#
# family	vector of copula families	#
# Output:					#
# score.gof	Goodness-of-fit score		#

BiCopVuongClarke <- function(u1, u2, familyset = NA, correction = FALSE, level = 0.05) {
  if (is.na(familyset[1])) 
    familyset <- c(1:10, 13, 14, 16:20, 23, 24, 26:30, 33, 34, 36:40)
  # Sicherheitsabfragen
  if (is.null(u1) == TRUE || is.null(u2) == TRUE) 
    stop("u1 and/or u2 are not set or have length zero.")
  if (any(u1 > 1) || any(u1 < 0)) 
    stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
  if (any(u2 > 1) || any(u2 < 0)) 
    stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
  if (length(u1) != length(u2)) 
    stop("Lengths of 'u1' and 'u2' do not match.")
  if (length(u1) < 2) 
    stop("Number of observations has to be at least 2.")
  for (i in 1:length(familyset)) {
    if (!(familyset[i] %in% c(1:10, 13, 14, 16:20, 23, 24, 26:30, 33, 34, 36:40))) 
      stop("Copula family not implemented.")
  xy <- cbind(u1, u2)
  score.gof <- matrix(rep(NA, 2 * length(familyset)), nrow = 2)
  dimnames(score.gof) <- list(c("Vuong", "Clarke"), familyset)
  for (i in 1:length(familyset)) {
    temp <- vuong.clarke.sim(xy, familyset[i], familyset, correction, level)
    temp.vuong <- c()
    temp.clarke <- c()
    for (j in 1:length(temp$vuong)) {
      temp.vuong <- cbind(temp.vuong, t(temp$vuong[[j]]))
      dimnames(temp.vuong)[[2]][j] <- names(temp$vuong)[j]
      temp.clarke <- cbind(temp.clarke, t(temp$clarke[[j]]))
      dimnames(temp.clarke)[[2]][j] <- names(temp$clarke)[j]
    score.temp <- rbind(score(temp.vuong[1, ]), score(temp.clarke[1, ]))
    score.gof[, i] <- score.temp

# kurtosis  	#

kurtosis <- function(x) {
  x <- x[!is.na(x)]
  kurtosis <- sum((x - mean(x))^4/as.numeric(var(x))^2)/length(x)

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