CDVineSeqEst <- function(data, family, type, method = "mle", se = FALSE, max.df = 30,
max.BB = list(BB1 = c(5, 6), BB6 = c(6, 6), BB7 = c(5, 6), BB8 = c(6, 1)),
progress = FALSE) {
# Function that estimates the parameter(s)
# by stages, It can be used as starting values
# data Data for which to estimate parameter
# family The array definig the copulas in the pcc copula construction
# type Type of vine (1=canonical vine, 2=D-Vine)
# out Estimated Parameters
# Author: Carlos Almeida and Ulf Schepsmeier
# Date: 2009-11-11
# Update: 2011-03-01 (by Ulf Schepsmeier)
if (type == "CVine")
type <- 1 else if (type == "DVine")
type <- 2
if (type != 1 & type != 2)
stop("Vine model not implemented.")
if (method != "mle" && method != "itau")
stop("Estimation method has to be either 'mle' or 'itau'.")
if (is.logical(se) == FALSE)
stop("'se' has to be a logical variable (TRUE or FALSE).")
if (max.df <= 2)
stop("The upper bound for the degrees of freedom parameter has to be larger than 2.")
if (!is.list(max.BB))
stop("'max.BB' has to be a list.")
if (max.BB$BB1[1] < 0.001)
stop("The upper bound for the first parameter of the BB1 copula should be greater than 0.001 (lower bound for estimation).")
if (max.BB$BB1[2] < 1.001)
stop("The upper bound for the second parameter of the BB1 copula should be greater than 1.001 (lower bound for estimation).")
if (max.BB$BB6[1] < 1.001)
stop("The upper bound for the first parameter of the BB6 copula should be greater than 1.001 (lower bound for estimation).")
if (max.BB$BB6[2] < 1.001)
stop("The upper bound for the second parameter of the BB6 copula should be greater than 1.001 (lower bound for estimation).")
if (max.BB$BB7[1] < 1.001)
stop("The upper bound for the first parameter of the BB7 copula should be greater than 1.001 (lower bound for estimation).")
if (max.BB$BB7[2] < 0.001)
stop("The upper bound for the second parameter of the BB7 copula should be greater than 0.001 (lower bound for estimation).")
if (max.BB$BB8[1] < 1.001)
stop("The upper bound for the first parameter of the BB1 copula should be greater than 0.001 (lower bound for estimation).")
if (max.BB$BB8[2] < 0.001 || max.BB$BB8[2] > 1)
stop("The upper bound for the second parameter of the BB1 copula should be in the interval [0,1].")
n <- dim(data)[1]
d <- dim(data)[2]
# Sicherheitsabfragen
if (d < 3)
stop("Dimension has to be at least 3.")
if (n < 2)
stop("Number of observations has to be at least 2.")
if (any(data > 1) || any(data < 0))
stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
if (length(family) != d * (d - 1)/2)
stop("Number of copula families incorrect.")
for (i in 1:(d * (d - 1)/2)) {
if (!(family[i] %in% c(0, 1:10, 13, 14, 16:20, 23, 24, 26:30, 33, 34, 36:40)))
stop("Copula family not implemented.")
nuMat <- matrix(0, nrow = d - 1, ncol = d - 1)
rhoMat <- matrix(0, nrow = d - 1, ncol = d - 1)
w <- matrix(0, d - 1, d - 1)
k <- 1
for (i in 1:(d - 1)) {
for (j in 1:(d - i)) {
w[i, j] <- family[k]
k <- k + 1
if (se == TRUE) {
seMat1 <- matrix(0, nrow = d - 1, ncol = d - 1)
seMat2 <- matrix(0, nrow = d - 1, ncol = d - 1)
if (type == 1) {
# C-Vine
v <- array(0, c(d - 1, d - 1, n))
for (i in 1:(d - 1)) {
if (w[1, i] %in% c(2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40)) {
if (progress == TRUE)
message(1, ",", i + 1)
par.out <- BiCopEst(data[, 1], data[, i + 1], w[1, i], method, se, max.df, max.BB = max.BB)
# par1 <- par.out$par
rhoMat[1, i] <- par.out$par
nuMat[1, i] <- par.out$par2
if (se == TRUE) {
# se1 <- par.out$se
seMat1[1, i] <- par.out$se
seMat2[1, i] <- par.out$se2
} else {
if (progress == TRUE)
message(1, ",", i + 1)
par.out <- BiCopEst(data[, 1], data[, i + 1], w[1, i], method, se, max.df, max.BB = max.BB)
rhoMat[1, i] <- par.out$par
if (se == TRUE) {
seMat1[1, i] <- par.out$se
v[1, i, ] <- .C("Hfunc1", as.integer(w[1, i]), as.integer(n), as.double(data[, i + 1]), as.double(data[,
1]), as.double(rhoMat[1, i]), as.double(nuMat[1, i]), as.double(rep(0, n)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
for (j in 2:(d - 1)) {
for (i in 1:(d - j)) {
if (w[j, i] %in% c(2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40)) {
if (progress == TRUE)
message(j, ",", j + i, "|", paste(1:(j - 1), collapse = ","))
par.out <- BiCopEst(v[j - 1, 1, ], v[j - 1, i + 1, ], w[j, i], method, se, max.df, max.BB = max.BB)
# par1 <- par.out$par
rhoMat[j, i] <- par.out$par
nuMat[j, i] <- par.out$par2
if (se == TRUE) {
# se1 <- par.out$se
seMat1[j, i] <- par.out$se
seMat2[j, i] <- par.out$se2
} else {
if (progress == TRUE)
message(j, ",", j + i, "|", paste(1:(j - 1), collapse = ","))
par.out <- BiCopEst(v[j - 1, 1, ], v[j - 1, i + 1, ], w[j, i], method, se, max.df, max.BB = max.BB)
rhoMat[j, i] <- par.out$par
if (se == TRUE) {
seMat1[j, i] <- par.out$se
if (j < (d - 1)) {
v[j, i, ] <- .C("Hfunc1", as.integer(w[j, i]), as.integer(n), as.double(v[j - 1, i + 1,
]), as.double(v[j - 1, 1, ]), as.double(rhoMat[j, i]), as.double(nuMat[j, i]), as.double(rep(0,
n)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
} else {
# D-Vine
v <- array(0, c(d, 2 * d - 4, n))
for (i in 1:(d - 1)) {
if (w[1, i] %in% c(2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40)) {
if (progress == TRUE)
message(i, ",", i + 1)
par.out <- BiCopEst(data[, i], data[, i + 1], w[1, i], method, se, max.df, max.BB = max.BB)
# par1 <- par.out$par
rhoMat[1, i] <- par.out$par
nuMat[1, i] <- par.out$par2
if (se == TRUE) {
# se1 <- par.out$se
seMat1[1, i] <- par.out$se
seMat2[1, i] <- par.out$se2
} else {
if (progress == TRUE)
message(i, ",", i + 1)
par.out <- BiCopEst(data[, i], data[, i + 1], w[1, i], method, se, max.df, max.BB = max.BB)
rhoMat[1, i] <- par.out$par
if (se == TRUE) {
seMat1[1, i] <- par.out$se
v[1, 1, ] <- .C("Hfunc2", as.integer(w[1, 1]), as.integer(n), as.double(data[, 1]), as.double(data[,
2]), as.double(rhoMat[1, 1]), as.double(nuMat[1, 1]), as.double(rep(0, n)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
if (d > 3) {
for (k in 1:(d - 3)) {
v[1, 2 * k, ] <- .C("Hfunc1", as.integer(w[1, k + 1]), as.integer(n), as.double(data[, k +
2]), as.double(data[, k + 1]), as.double(rhoMat[1, k + 1]), as.double(nuMat[1, k + 1]),
as.double(rep(0, n)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
v[1, 2 * k + 1, ] <- .C("Hfunc2", as.integer(w[1, k + 1]), as.integer(n), as.double(data[,
k + 1]), as.double(data[, k + 2]), as.double(rhoMat[1, k + 1]), as.double(nuMat[1, k +
1]), as.double(rep(0, n)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
v[1, 2 * d - 4, ] <- .C("Hfunc1", as.integer(w[1, d - 1]), as.integer(n), as.double(data[, d]), as.double(data[,
d - 1]), as.double(rhoMat[1, d - 1]), as.double(nuMat[1, d - 1]), as.double(rep(0, n)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
for (j in 2:(d - 1)) {
for (i in 1:(d - j)) {
if (w[j, i] %in% c(2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40)) {
if (progress == TRUE)
message(i, ",", i + j, "|", paste((i + 1):(i + j - 1), collapse = ","))
par.out <- BiCopEst(v[j - 1, 2 * i - 1, ], v[j - 1, 2 * i, ], w[j, i], method, se, max.df,
max.BB = max.BB)
# par1 <- par.out$par
rhoMat[j, i] <- par.out$par
nuMat[j, i] <- par.out$par2
if (se == TRUE) {
# se1 <- par.out$se
seMat1[j, i] <- par.out$se
seMat2[j, i] <- par.out$se2
} else {
if (progress == TRUE)
message(i, ",", i + j, "|", paste((i + 1):(i + j - 1), collapse = ","))
par.out <- BiCopEst(v[j - 1, 2 * i - 1, ], v[j - 1, 2 * i, ], w[j, i], method, se, max.df,
max.BB = max.BB)
rhoMat[j, i] <- par.out$par
if (se == TRUE) {
seMat1[j, i] <- par.out$se
v[j, 1, ] <- .C("Hfunc2", as.integer(w[j, 1]), as.integer(n), as.double(v[j - 1, 1, ]), as.double(v[j -
1, 2, ]), as.double(rhoMat[j, 1]), as.double(nuMat[j, 1]), as.double(rep(0, n)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
if (d > 4 & (d - j - 2) > 0) {
for (i in 1:(d - j - 2)) {
v[j, 2 * i, ] <- .C("Hfunc1", as.integer(w[j, i + 1]), as.integer(n), as.double(v[j - 1,
2 * i + 2, ]), as.double(v[j - 1, 2 * i + 1, ]), as.double(rhoMat[j, i + 1]), as.double(nuMat[j,
i + 1]), as.double(rep(0, n)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
v[j, 2 * i + 1, ] <- .C("Hfunc2", as.integer(w[j, i + 1]), as.integer(n), as.double(v[j -
1, 2 * i + 1, ]), as.double(v[j - 1, 2 * i + 2, ]), as.double(rhoMat[j, i + 1]), as.double(nuMat[j,
i + 1]), as.double(rep(0, n)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
v[j, 2 * d - 2 * j - 2, ] <- .C("Hfunc1", as.integer(w[j, d - j]), as.integer(n), as.double(v[j -
1, 2 * d - 2 * j, ]), as.double(v[j - 1, 2 * d - 2 * j - 1, ]), as.double(rhoMat[j, d - j]),
as.double(nuMat[j, d - j]), as.double(rep(0, n)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
theta0 <- rep(0, d * (d - 1)/2)
se1 <- rep(0, d * (d - 1)/2)
k <- 1
for (j in 1:(d - 1)) {
for (i in 1:(d - j)) {
theta0[k] <- rhoMat[j, i]
if (se == TRUE)
se1[k] <- seMat1[j, i]
k <- k + 1
tt <- sum(family == 2) + sum(family == 7) + sum(family == 8) + sum(family == 9)
nu0 <- rep(0, tt)
se0 <- rep(0, tt)
k <- 1
for (j in 1:(d - 1)) {
for (i in 1:(d - j)) {
if (w[j, i] %in% c(2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40)) {
nu0[k] <- nuMat[j, i]
if (se == TRUE)
se0[k] <- seMat2[j, i]
k <- k + 1
nu1 <- numeric()
se2 <- numeric()
kk <- 1
dd <- d * (d - 1)/2
for (k in 1:dd) {
if (family[k] %in% c(2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40)) {
nu1[k] <- nu0[kk]
if (se == TRUE)
se2[k] <- se0[kk]
kk <- kk + 1
} else {
nu1[k] <- 0
if (se == TRUE)
se2[k] <- 0
if (se == TRUE)
out <- list(par = theta0, par2 = nu1, se = se1, se2 = se2) else out <- list(par = theta0, par2 = nu1)
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