
Defines functions shinyServer_clme shiny_clme

Documented in shiny_clme shinyServer_clme

#' Shiny GUI for CLME
#' @description Opens a graphical user interface to run \pkg{CLME}, built from the \pkg{shiny} package.
#' @rdname shiny_clme
#' @param input  input from GUI.
#' @param output output to GUI.
#' @details 
#' Currently the GUI does not allow specification of custom orders for the alternative hypothesis. Future versions may enable this capability.
#' The data should be a CSV or table-delimited file with the first row being a header. Variables are identified using their column letter or number (e.g., 1 or A). Separate multiple variables with a comma (e.g., 1,2,4 or A,B,D), or select a range of variables with a dash (e.g., 1-4 or A-D). Set to 'None' (default) to indicate no covariates or random effects.
#' If group levels for the constrained effect are character, they may not be read in the proper order. An extra column may contain the ordered group levels (it may therefore have different length than the rest of the dataset).
#' @note
#' This function is primarily designed to call \code{\link{clme}}. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ shiny_clme() }
#' @import shiny
#' @export
shiny_clme <- function(){
      ui     = shinyUI_clme,
      server = shinyServer_clme

## The user interface for the shiny app
#  shinyUI(bootstrapPage())

#' CLME siny GUI: UI
#' @description The UI for the shiny app in CLME
#' @rdname shiny_clme
#' @export

shinyUI_clme <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Constrained Linear Mixed Effects"),
      ## Data input
      fileInput('file1', 'Data (choose file)',
                accept=c('text/csv', 'text/comma-separated-values,text/plain', '.csv', '.xlsx')
      selectInput(inputId = "dlmt",
                  label = "Delimiter:",
                  choices=c("Comma-delimited", "Tab-delimited", "xlsx") 
      ## Main controls
      selectInput(inputId = "solver",
                  label = "Type of Solver / fitting norm:",
                  choices=c("Least Squares (LS)", "Least Absolute Value (L1)",
                            "General LS (GLS)", "Asymmetrix LS" , 
                            "L1 approx", "Huber", "SILF", "Chebyshev",
                            "L-p Power Norm", "Quantile", "Poisson" ) 
      selectInput(inputId = "tsfunc",
                  label = "Test Statistic:",
                  choices=c("LRT", "Williams") 
      selectInput(inputId = "order",
                         label = "Order:",
                         choices=c("Unspecified", "Simple", "Umbrella", "Tree")
      selectInput(inputId = "decreasing",
                    label = "Direction:",
                  choices=c("Unspecified (both)", "Increasing", "Decreasing")
      textInput(inputId = "node",
                  label = "Node:",
                  value = "None"
      helpText("Identify columns of data"),
      helpText("Use column letters or numbers"),
      helpText("e.g., 1-3 or A-C or a list: 1,4,6"),
      textInput(inputId = "yy",
                   label = "Column of response:"),
      textInput(inputId = "p1",
                   label = "Column of constrained effect:"),
      textInput(inputId = "p2",
                   label = "Column(s) of Covariates:", value="None"),
      textInput(inputId = "q",
                   label = "Column(s) of random effects:", value="None"),

      numericInput(inputId = "nsim",
                   label = "Number of Bootstraps:",
                   min=0 , max=50000 , value=1000
      ## Action buttons
      helpText("Click to run model or update output."),
      actionButton(inputId = "compute1",
                   label = "Run model"
      actionButton(inputId = "compute2",
                   label = "Update plot"
      actionButton(inputId = "compute3",
                   label = "Update summary"
      ## Output controls
      checkboxInput(inputId = "outcheck",
                    label = "Format Output:",
      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.outcheck",
                       checkboxInput(inputId = "plotci",
                                     label = "CI on Plot:",
      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.outcheck",
                       sliderInput(inputId = "alpha",
                                   label = "Alpha level:",
                                   min=0 , max=0.15 , value=0.05 , step=0.01
      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.outcheck",
                       checkboxInput(inputId = "makeFactor",
                                   label = "Force constrained effect to be factor",
      #conditionalPanel(condition = "input.outcheck",
      #                 helpText("Number of decimal places for:")
      #conditionalPanel(condition = "input.outcheck",
      #                 sliderInput(inputId = "digits",
      #                             label = "p-values:",
      #                             min=0 , max=8 , value=4 , step=1
      #                 )

      ## Extra parameters
      checkboxInput(inputId = "varssq",
                    label = "Heteroscedasticity:",
      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.varssq",
                       textInput(inputId = "gfix",
                                    label = "Column of variance groups:")
      checkboxInput(inputId = "xlevel1",
                    label = "Define order of constrained groups:",
      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.xlevel1",
                       textInput(inputId = "xlevels",
                                 label = "Column of ordered group levels:")
      ## Technical controls
      checkboxInput(inputId = "technical",
                    label = "Select Control Parameters:",
      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.technical",
                       numericInput(inputId = "emiter",
                                    label = "Max EM Iterations:",
                                    min=10 , max=50000 , value=500
      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.technical",
                       numericInput(inputId = "mqiter",
                                    label = "Max MINQUE Iterations:",
                                    min=10 , max=50000 , value=500)
      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.technical",
                       numericInput(inputId = "emeps",
                                    label = "EM Convergence Criteria:",
                                    min=0 , max=50000 , value=0.0001)
      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.technical",
                       numericInput(inputId = "mqeps",
                                    label = "MINQUE Convergence Criteria:",
                                    min=0 , max=50000 , value=0.0001)
      conditionalPanel(condition = "input.technical",
                       numericInput(inputId = "ranseed",
                                    label = "Set RNG Seed:",
                                    min=0 , max=Inf , value=42)
        tabPanel("Data Summary" , 
                 plotOutput(outputId = "fig0", height = "650px"),
                 tableOutput(outputId = "sum_table")
        tabPanel("Model Summary", 
                 verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "summary"),
                 h5("Code to run model:"),
                 verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "fullCode")
        tabPanel("Model Plot"   ,
                 plotOutput(outputId = "fig1", height = "650px")
        tabPanel("Model Data"   ,
                 dataTableOutput(outputId = "datatbl")

## The server for the shiny app

#' CLME siny GUI: server
#' @description The server for the shiny app in CLME
#' @rdname shiny_clme
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom openxlsx read.xlsx
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
shinyServer_clme <- function(input, output) {
  clme_out <- reactive({
    compute1 <- input$compute1
    ## Put all the code to run CLME inside this
    if( compute1 > 0 ){
        file1   <- input$file1[4]
        solver  <- input$solver
        dlmt    <- input$dlmt
        #data1   <- as.matrix( read.csv( file=paste(file1) ) )
        if( dlmt=="Comma-delimited"){
          data1   <- read.csv( file=paste(file1) )
          file_text <- paste0( "dFrame <- data.frame(read.csv(file='", input$file1[1], "'))" )
        if( dlmt=="Tab-delimited" ){
          data1   <- read.csv( file=paste(file1) , sep="\t")
          file_text <- paste0( "dFrame <- data.frame(read.csv(file='", input$file1[1], "', sep='\t'))" )
        if( dlmt=="xlsx"){
          data1   <- read.xlsx( xlsxFile=paste(file1), colNames=TRUE )
          file_text <- paste0( "dFrame <- data.frame(read.xlsx(xlsxFile='", input$file1[1], "', colNames=TRUE))" )
        yy      <- input$yy
        p1      <- input$p1
        p2      <- input$p2
        q       <- input$q
        nsim    <- input$nsim
        alpha      <- 0.05        
        makeFactor <- FALSE
        if( input$outcheck==TRUE ){
          makeFactor <- input$makeFactor
          alpha      <- input$alpha
        if( p2 == '' | p2==0 ){ p2 <- "None" }
        if(  q == '' |  q==0 ){  q <- "None" }
        mySolver <- switch( EXPR=solver ,
                            "Least Squares (LS)"        = "LS",
                            "Least Absolute Value (L1)" = "L1",
                            "General LS (GLS)"          = "GLS",
                            "Asymmetrix LS"             = "asyLS",
                            "L1 approx"                 = "L1eps",
                            "Huber"                     = "huber",
                            "SILF"                      = "SILF",
                            "Chebyshev"                 = "chebyshev",
                            "L-p Power Norm"            = "Lp",
                            "Quantile"                  = "quantile",
                            "Poisson"                   = "poisson")       
        ## Get the indexes for X2 and U
        parse_idx <- function( arg1 ){
          arg1 <- toupper(gsub( " ", "", arg1 ))
          if( arg1=="NONE" ){
            p4 <- 0
          } else{
            p2s <- strsplit(arg1, ",")[[1]]
            if( length(p2s) > 1 ){
              p3 <- vector()
              for( ii in 1:length(p2s) ){
                next1 <- sapply( p2s[ii],  FUN=function(x){ strsplit(x, "-") }  )[[1]]
                if( length(next1)==1 ){
                  if(  next1 %in% LETTERS ){
                    p3 <- append( p3 , which(next1 == LETTERS) )
                  } else{
                    p3 <- append( p3 , as.numeric(next1) )
                } else{
                  next1a <- next1[1]
                  next1b <- next1[2]
                  if( next1a%in%LETTERS & next1b%in%LETTERS ){
                    n1a <- which(next1a == LETTERS)
                    n1b <- which(next1b == LETTERS)
                    p3 <- append( p3 , n1a:n1b )
                  } else{
                    p3 <- append( p3 , as.numeric(next1a):as.numeric(next1b) )
            } else{
              next1 <- sapply( p2s,  FUN=function(x){ strsplit(x, "-") }  )[[1]]
              if( length(next1)==1 ){
                if(  next1 %in% LETTERS ){
                  p3 <-  which(next1 == LETTERS)
                } else{
                  p3 <-as.numeric(next1)
              } else{
                next1a <- next1[1]
                next1b <- next1[2]
                if( next1a%in%LETTERS & next1b%in%LETTERS ){
                  n1a <- which(next1a == LETTERS)
                  n1b <- which(next1b == LETTERS)
                  p3  <- n1a:n1b
                } else{
                  p3 <- as.numeric(next1a):as.numeric(next1b)
              p4 <- as.numeric(p3)
        idx_yy <- parse_idx(yy)
        yn <- colnames(data1)[idx_yy]
        idx_x1 <- parse_idx(p1)
        x1n <- colnames(data1)[idx_x1]
        cov <- ran <- FALSE
        if( p2 != "None" ){
          idx_x2 <- parse_idx(p2)
          x2n <- colnames(data1)[idx_x2]
          cov <- TRUE
        if( q != "None" ){
          idx_u  <- parse_idx(q)
          uun <- colnames(data1)[idx_u]
          ran <- TRUE
        ## Create the formula
        ## Reorder the levels of X1 if needed
        if( input$xlevel1 ){
          xlev    <- parse_idx(input$xlevels)
          nlev    <- length( levels(as.factor( data1[,xlev] )) )
          xlevels <- as.character( data1[1:nlev,xlev] )
          if( any(xlevels=="") ){
            xlevels <- xlevels[ -which(xlevels=="")]  
          data1[,idx_x1] <- factor( data1[,idx_x1], levels=xlevels, ordered=TRUE )
        } else if( !is.ordered(data1[,idx_x1]) ){
          data1[,idx_x1] <- factor( data1[,idx_x1] , ordered=TRUE )
        ## Build the formula
        x1f <- paste( x1n , collapse=" + ")
        if( !cov & !ran ){
          ## No extra terms
          tform <- paste( yn, "~", x1f )
        } else if( cov & !ran ){
          ## Yes covariates, no random effects
          x2f   <- paste( x2n , collapse=" + ")
          tform <- paste( yn, "~", x1f, "+", x2f )
        } else if( !cov & ran ){
          ## No covariates, yes random effects
          uf    <- paste( "(1|", uun , ")", collapse=" + " )
          tform <- paste( yn, "~", x1f, "+", uf )
        } else if( cov & ran ){
          ## Covariates and random effects
          x2f   <- paste( x2n , collapse=" + ")
          uf    <- paste( "(1|", uun , ")", collapse=" + " )
          tform <- paste( yn, "~", x1f, "+", x2f, "+", uf )
        frml <- formula( tform )
        ## Input control arguments
        ## Select the test statistic
        if( input$tsfunc=="Williams" ){
          tsf <- w.stat
        } else{
          tsf <- lrt.stat
        ## Construct the constraints
        constraints <- list()
        if( input$order=="Unspecified" ){
          constraints$order <- c("simple", "umbrella")
        } else{
          constraints$order <- paste0(tolower(input$order))
          constraints$order <- gsub( "tree", "simple.tree", constraints$order )
        if( input$decreasing=="Increasing" ){
          constraints$decreasing <- FALSE
        } else if( input$decreasing=="Decreasing" ){
          constraints$decreasing <- TRUE
        } else{
          constraints$decreasing <- c(TRUE,FALSE)
        if( input$node=="None" ){
          constraints$node <- 1:length(levels(data1[,idx_x1]))
        } else{
          constraints$node <- parse_idx( input$node )
        ## Create the code as text string to run model
        gen_code <- paste0( "clme_out <- summary( clme( ", tform,  ", data=dFrame" )
        gfix <- NULL
        if( input$varssq ){
          idx_grp  <- parse_idx(input$gfix)
          gfix     <- data1[,idx_grp]
          gen_code <- paste0( gen_code, ", gfix = dFrame[,", idx_grp,"]" )
        gen_code <- paste0( gen_code, ", constraints=constraints" )
        if( input$tsfunc=="Williams" ){
          gen_code <- paste0( gen_code, ", tsf=w.stat" )
        } else{
          gen_code <- paste0( gen_code, ", tsf=lrt.stat" )
        emiter <- 500
        mqiter <- 500
        emeps  <- 0.00001
        mqeps  <- 0.00001
        seedvl <- NULL
        if( input$technical==TRUE ){
          emiter <- input$emiter
          mqiter <- input$mqiter
          emeps  <- input$emeps
          mqeps  <- input$mqeps
          seedvl <- input$ranseed
        gen_code <- paste0( gen_code, ", mySolver= ", mySolver , ", ",
                            "em.eps=" , emeps, ", ",
                            "em.iter=", emiter, ", ",
                            "mq.eps=" , mqeps, ", ",
                            "mq.iter=", mqiter, "), ",
                            "alpha="  , alpha, ", ",
                            "seed="   , seedvl, ", ",
                            "nsim="   , nsim
        gen_code <- paste0( gen_code, ")" )
        ## Build the code for the constraints
        if( length(constraints$order)>1 ){
          con_text <- paste0( "constraints <- list(order=c('", paste0(constraints$order, collapse="','"), "'), decreasing="  )
        } else{
          con_text <- paste0( "constraints <- list(order='", constraints$order, "', decreasing="  )
        if( length(constraints$decreasing)>1 ){
          con_text <- paste0( con_text, "c(TRUE,FALSE), node="  )
        } else{
          con_text <- paste0( con_text, constraints$decreasing, ", node=" )
        if( length(constraints$node)>1 ){
          con_text <- paste0( con_text, "c(", paste0(constraints$node, collapse=","), ") )"  )
        } else{
          con_text <- paste0( con_text, constraints$node, ")" )
        ## Put all of the code together
        full_code <- list( file_text = file_text, con_text  = con_text, gen_code  = gen_code )
        ## Run the model
        data2 <- as.data.frame( data1 )
        withProgress(message = 'Status:', value = 1, {
          setProgress(1/2, detail = paste("Computing"))
          clme.results <- summary( clme(
            formula=frml, data=data2, gfix=gfix, constraints=constraints, 
            verbose = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), tsf=tsf, tsf.ind = w.stat.ind,
            mySolver=mySolver, em.eps=emeps, em.iter=emiter, mq.eps=mqeps, 
            mq.iter=mqiter ), alpha=alpha, seed=seedvl, nsim=nsim )
          #if( ncon==1 & input$xlevel1 ){
          #  clme.results <- summary( clme(
          #    formula=frml, data=data2, gfix=gfix, constraints=constraints, 
          #    verbose = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), tsf=tsf, tsf.ind = w.stat.ind,
          #    mySolver=mySolver, ncon=ncon, levels=list(idx_x1, xlevels), 
          #    em.eps=emeps, em.iter=emiter, mq.eps=mqeps, mq.iter=mqiter
          #  ), alpha=alpha, seed=seedvl, nsim=nsim )
          #} else{
          #  clme.results <- summary( clme(
          #    formula=frml, data=data2, gfix=gfix, constraints=constraints, 
          #    verbose = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), tsf=tsf, tsf.ind = w.stat.ind,
          #    mySolver=mySolver, ncon=ncon,
          #    em.eps=emeps, em.iter=emiter, mq.eps=mqeps, mq.iter=mqiter
          #  ), alpha=alpha, seed=seedvl, nsim=nsim )
          # }
        clme.results$full_code <- full_code
  ## Boxplot of the data
  output$fig0 <- renderPlot({
    clme_out <- clme_out()
    if( length(clme_out)>1 ){
      dframe   <- clme_out$dframe
      if( is.factor( dframe[,2] ) ){
        if( length(levels(dframe[,2]))==clme_out$P1 ){        
          boxplot( dframe[,1] ~ dframe[,2],
                   xlab=colnames(dframe)[2], ylab=colnames(dframe)[1]  )
        #if( (ncol(dframe)-1) >= clme_out$P1 ){
        #  xx1 <- apply( dframe[,2:(clme_out$P1+1)], 2, FUN=function(x){ (max(x)==1)*(min(x)==0) }  )
      } else{
        xx <- yy <- c(0,1)  
        plot( xx, yy, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt='n', yaxt='n', main="", col=0 )
        legend( "top", inset=0.45, box.lwd=0,
                legend="Cannot detect appropriate plot type.\n Try making constrained variable a factor.")
    } else{
      plot( 1:5 , 1:5 , col="white", xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab="", ylab="", frame.plot=FALSE )
  output$sum_table <- renderTable({
    clme_out <- clme_out()
    if( length(clme_out)>1 ){
      dframe   <- clme_out$dframe
      funq1 <- function(x) quantile(x, 0.25 )
      funq3 <- function(x) quantile(x, 0.75 )
      xbar <- aggregate( dframe[,1] , by=list(dframe[,2]), FUN="mean")
      ndat <- aggregate( dframe[,1] , by=list(dframe[,2]), FUN="length")
      stdv <- aggregate( dframe[,1] , by=list(dframe[,2]), FUN="sd")
      minx <- aggregate( dframe[,1] , by=list(dframe[,2]), FUN="min")
      maxx <- aggregate( dframe[,1] , by=list(dframe[,2]), FUN="max")
      medn <- aggregate( dframe[,1] , by=list(dframe[,2]), FUN="median")
      qrt1 <- aggregate( dframe[,1] , by=list(dframe[,2]), FUN=funq1)
      qrt3 <- aggregate( dframe[,1] , by=list(dframe[,2]), FUN=funq3)
      tbl1 <- cbind( ndat, xbar[,2], stdv[,2], minx[,2], qrt1[,2], medn[,2], qrt3[,2], maxx[,2] )
      colnames(tbl1) <- c("Groups", "N", "Mean", "Std", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max")
      format(tbl1, digits=3)
    } else{
      tbl1 <- matrix( "No results yet" , ncol=1, nrow=1)
      format(tbl1, digits=3)      

  ## Summarize the model
  output$fig1 <- renderPlot({
    clme_out <- clme_out()
    if( length(clme_out)>1 ){
      compute2 <- input$compute2
      if( compute2 > 0 ){
          ciwd  <- FALSE
          alpha <- 0.05
          if( input$outcheck==TRUE ){
            ciwd  <- input$plotci
            alpha <- input$alpha
          plot( clme_out , ci=ciwd , alpha=alpha)
    } else{
      plot( 1:5 , 1:5 , col="white", xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab="", ylab="", frame.plot=FALSE )

  output$summary <- renderPrint({
    clme_out <- clme_out()
    if( length(clme_out)>1 ){
      compute3 <- input$compute3
      if( compute3 > 0 ){
    } else{
      print( "Model has not yet been run."  )
  output$fullCode <- renderPrint({
    clme_out  <- clme_out()
    full_code <- clme_out$full_code
    if( length(clme_out)>1 ){
      compute3 <- input$compute3
      if( compute3 > 0 ){
          cat( paste0(full_code$file_text), "\n# NOTE: may need to add path to file\n\n",
               paste0(full_code$con_text), "\n\n", paste0(full_code$gen_code) )
    } else{
      print( "Model has not yet been run."  )

  output$datatbl <-  renderDataTable({
    clme_out <- clme_out()
    if( length(clme_out) > 1 ){
  ## To check the output of various things when I'm updating
  #output$etc <-  renderPrint({
  #  print( clme_out() )

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CLME documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:49 p.m.