
Defines functions make_par_values

Documented in make_par_values

#' make_par_values
#' This is the one step function for make_priors and make_parameters.
#' See \code{make_priors} for more help.
#' @param model model created with \code{make_model}
#' @param alter character vector with one of "priors" or "param_value" specifying what to alter
#' @param x vector of real non negative values to be substituted into "priors" or "param_value"
#' @param alter_at string specifying filtering operations to be applied to parameters_df, yielding a logical vector indicating parameters for which values should be altered. (see examples)
#' @param node string indicating nodes which are to be altered
#' @param label string. Label for nodal type indicating nodal types for which values are to be altered. Equivalent to nodal_type.
#' @param nodal_type string. Label for nodal type indicating nodal types for which values are to be altered
#' @param param_set string indicating  the name of the set of parameters to be altered
#' @param given string indicates the node on which the parameter to be altered depends
#' @param statement causal query that determines nodal types for which values are to be altered
#' @param join_by string specifying the logical operator joining expanded types when \code{statement} contains wildcards. Can take values \code{'&'} (logical AND) or \code{'|'} (logical OR).
#' @param param_names string. The name of specific parameter in the form of, for example, 'X.1', 'Y.01'
#' @param distribution string indicating a common prior distribution (uniform, jeffreys or certainty)
#' @param normalize logical. If TRUE normalizes such that param set probabilities sum to 1.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # the below methods can be applied to either priors or
#' # param_values by specifying the desired option in \code{alter}
#' model <- CausalQueries::make_model("X -> M -> Y; X <-> Y")
#' #altering values using \code{alter_at}
#' CausalQueries:::make_par_values(model = model,
#' x = c(0.5,0.25),
#' alter_at = "node == 'Y' & nodal_type %in% c('00','01') & given == 'X.0'")
#' #altering values using \code{param_names}
#' CausalQueries:::make_par_values(model = model,
#' x = c(0.5,0.25),
#' param_names = c("Y.10_X.0","Y.10_X.1"))
#' #altering values using \code{statement}
#' CausalQueries:::make_par_values(model = model, x = c(0.5,0.25), statement = "Y[M=1] > Y[M=0]")
#' #altering values using a combination of other arguments
#' CausalQueries:::make_par_values(model = model,
#' x = c(0.5,0.25), node = "Y", nodal_type = c("00","01"), given = "X.0")

make_par_values <- function(model,
                            alter = "priors",
                            x = NA,
                            alter_at = NA,
                            node = NA,
                            label = NA,
                            nodal_type = NA,
                            param_set = NA,
                            given = NA,
                            statement = NA,
                            join_by = "|",
                            param_names = NA,
                            distribution = NA,
                            normalize = FALSE){

  full_param_set <- model$parameters_df$param_set
  full_node <- model$parameters_df$node

  # check inputs for model, alter, x, distribution
  if(all(!is.na(c(nodal_type, label)))){
    stop("cannot define both nodal_type and label simultaniously; use nodal_type only")

    warning("label is depreciated, use nodal_type instead")
    nodal_type <- label

    stop("alter must be of type character. No change to values.")

  if(length(alter) != 1){
    stop("must provide 1 value to alter. No change to values.")

  if(!(alter %in% c("priors","param_value"))){
    stop("type must be one of priors or param_value. No change to values.")

  if(alter == "priors"){
    y <- model$parameters_df$priors
  } else {
    y <- model$parameters_df$param_value

  if (all(is.na(distribution)) & all(is.na(x))){
    stop("neither distribution nor values provided. No change to values")

  if (!all(is.na(x)) && !is.numeric(x)) {
    stop("arguments 'parameters' and 'alphas' must be a numeric vector. No change to values.")

  if (!all(is.na(x)) && (min(x) < 0)){
    stop("arguments 'parameters' and 'alphas' must be non-negative.")

    stop("join_by must be of type character")

  if(!(join_by %in% c("|","&"))){
    stop("join_by must be one of '|' or '&'")

  if(length(join_by) > 1){
    stop("please only define one join_by")

  # disallow redundant argument specification
  if(!is.na(alter_at) & any(!is.na(list(node, nodal_type, param_set, given, statement, param_names)))){
    stop("Specifying alter_at with any of node, nodal_type, param_set, given, statement or param_names is redundant. No change to values.")

  if(any(!is.na(param_names)) & any(!is.na(list(node, nodal_type, param_set, given, statement)))){
    stop("Specifying param_names with any of node, nodal_type, param_set, given or statement is redundant. No change to values.")

  if(all(!is.na(list(nodal_type, statement)))){
    stop("Specifying both nodal_type and statement is redundant. No change to values.")

  if(all(!is.na(list(node, statement)))){
    stop("Specifying both node and statement is redundant. No change to values.")

  if(!all(is.na(distribution)) & !all(is.na(x))){
    stop("values and distribution cannot be declared at the same time. Try sequentially. No change to values")

  #disallow multiple statements
  if(!is.na(statement) & length(statement) > 1) {
    stop("please specify only one statement")

  # construct commands for alter_at

      stop("alter_at must be of type character")

    # extract logical operations that join filter statements
    join <- stringr::str_extract_all(alter_at, "\\& | \\| | \\|\\| | \\&\\&")[[1]] |>
      trimws(which = "both") |>
      stringr::str_pad(width = 4, side = "both")

    # extract filter statements
    operation <- unlist(strsplit(alter_at, trimws(join, which = "both")))

    # extract operands from filter statements
    operand <- sapply(operation, function(i) stringr::str_extract_all(i, "\\%in% | \\== | \\!=")[[1]]) |>
      trimws(which = "both")

    # check if correct columns are specified in filter statements
    cols <- mapply(function(operation, operand) {
      sub(paste(operand, ".*", sep = ""), "", operation) |>
        trimws(which = "both")
    }, operation, operand)

    wrong_cols <- !(cols %in% c("parm_names","param_set","given","node","nodal_type"))

      stop(paste("In alter_at statement: specified columns;",
                 paste(cols[wrong_cols], collapse = ","),
                 "not in parameters_df. Please only specify column names present in parameters_df. This can be one of param_names, param_set, given, node or nodal_type. No change to values.",
                 sep = " "))

    # split filter statements into column + operand and filter values
    sets <- mapply(function(operation,operand) {
      split <- strsplit(operation, operand)[[1]]
      list(paste(paste("param_df", split[1], sep = "$"), operand, sep = " "),
           eval(parse(text = split[2])))
    }, operation, operand, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    # call expand.grid on filter values >> this allows for the construction of a unique filter
    # command for each parameter
    commands <- lapply(sets, function(i) i[[2]]) |>
      expand.grid(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # construct filter commands
    for(i in 1:length(sets)) {
      commands[[i]] <- paste(sets[[i]][[1]],paste("'",commands[[i]],"'", sep = ""), sep = " ")

    commands <- apply(commands, 1, function(row) paste(row, collapse = join))

  # construct commands for param_names

      stop("param_names must be of type character. No change to values.")

    # check if correct param_names specified
    wrong_names <- !(param_names %in% model$parameters_df$param_names)

      stop(paste("In param_names: specified parameters;",
           paste(param_names[wrong_names], collapse = ","),
           "not in model parameters. No change to values.",
           sep = " ")

    # construct commands for param_names
    commands <- paste("param_df$param_names == ", "'", param_names, "'", sep = "")

  # construct command for remaining arguments
  if(any(!is.na(list(node, nodal_type, param_set, given, statement)))){

    # check which arguments are given
    args <- c("node","nodal_type","param_set","given","statement")
    defined <- args[!is.na(list(node, nodal_type, param_set, given, statement))]

    not_char <- sapply(eval(parse(text = paste("list(",paste(defined, collapse = ","),")"))),
                       function(i) !is.character(i))

      stop(paste(paste(defined[not_char], sep = ","),
                 "must be of type character. No change to values.",
                 sep = " ")

    sets <- as.list(rep(NA,4))
    names <- c("node","nodal_type","param_set","given")
    names(sets) <- names

    # construct commands defining where to filter for each argument
    for(i in 1:length(defined)){
      #if argument is statement place filter values in node and nodal_type position for argument list
      if(defined[i] == "statement"){
        query <- map_query_to_nodal_type(model, statement, join_by = join_by)
        sets[["node"]] <- query$node
        sets[["nodal_type"]]<- names(which(query$types))
      } else {
        #place filter values in argument list
        sets[[defined[i]]] <- eval(parse(text = paste("unlist(", defined[i], ")", sep = "")))

    # expand.grid on argument list >> this allows for the construction of a unique filter
    # command for each parameter
    commands <- expand.grid(sets,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # construct commands
    for(i in 1:length(sets)) {
      commands[[i]] <- paste(paste("param_df$", names[i], sep = ""), "==", paste("'",commands[[i]],"'", sep = ""), sep = " ")

    if("statement" %in% defined) {
      defined <- defined[!defined == "statement"]
      defined <- c(defined, "node", "nodal_type")

    commands <- commands[,defined, drop = FALSE]
    commands <- apply(commands, 1, function(row) paste(row, collapse = " & "))


  # Provide values unless a distribution is provided
    if(!(distribution %in% c("uniform", "jeffreys", "certainty"))){
      stop("distribution should be either 'uniform', 'jeffreys', or 'certainty'.")
    x <- switch(distribution, uniform = 1, jeffreys = 0.5, certainty = 10000)

  # generate where to alter
      message("No specific parameters to alter values for specified. Altering all parameters.")
    to_alter <- rep(TRUE, length(y))
  } else {
    # reorder new parameter values according to the parameter order in parameters_df
    param_df <- model$parameters_df
    names <- sapply(commands, function(i) {
      eval(parse(text = paste("param_df[", i, ",][['param_names']]")))
    }, simplify = FALSE) |>

    # warn if conditions are under-specified
    if((length(x) != 1) && (length(commands) != length(names))) {
      warning("A specified condition matches multiple parameters. In these cases it is unclear which parameter value should be assigned to which parameter. Assignment thus defaults to the order in which parameters appear in 'parameters_df'.
              \n We advise checking that parameter assignment was carried out as you intended. ")

    # forgive user when specifying across
    if(all(grepl("_", names))) {
      if((!is.na(statement) && (!grepl("param_set", statement) || !grepl("given", statement))) | (all(is.na(param_set)) && all(is.na(given)))){
        warning("You are altering parameters on confounded nodes. Alterations will be applied across all 'param_sets'. If this is not the alteration behavior you intended, try specifying the 'param_set' or 'given' option to more clearly indicate parameters whose values you wish to alter.")

      if(length(x) != length(names)) {
        x <- rep(x, each = length(names)/length(commands))

    # ensure the unambiguous single value case passes checks
    if((length(names) > 1) & (length(x) == 1)) {
      x <- rep(x, length(names))

    n_vals <- length(x)

    # check if specified number of parameters values matches number of parameters to alter
    if(length(names) != n_vals) {
      stop(paste("Trying to replace ", length(names), " parameters with ", n_vals, " values.",
                 "You either specified a wrong number of values or your conditions do not match the expected number of model parameters.",
                 sep = ""))

    names(x) <- names
    x <- x[param_df$param_names]
    to_alter <- !is.na(x)
    x <- x[to_alter]

  # apply changes
  if(sum(to_alter) == 0){
    message("Conditions do not match any parameters. No change to values.")
    out <- y
  } else {

    # Make changes: No normalization
    y[to_alter] <- x

    # When used for parameters, normalization is usually required
    # We normalize so that pars in a family set that has not been specified renormalize to
    # the residual of what has been specified

      sets_implicated <- unique(full_param_set[to_alter])

      for(j in sets_implicated){

        if(sum(y[to_alter & full_param_set==j])>1){
          warning("Provided values exceed 1 but normalization requested.")

        y[!to_alter & full_param_set==j] <-
          y[!to_alter & full_param_set == j] * sum(1 - sum(y[to_alter & full_param_set == j])) / sum(y[!to_alter & full_param_set == j])

        y[full_param_set==j] <-
          y[full_param_set == j] / sum(y[full_param_set == j])



    out <- y




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CausalQueries documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 1:06 a.m.