# Clark method from 2003 eForum paper
# Author: Daniel Murphy
# Date: October 31, 2010 - 2011
# Includes:
# LDF and Cape Cod methods
# Two growth functions -- loglogistic and weibull
# print method: displays the table on p. 65 of the paper
# plot method: displays 3 residual plots, QQ-plot with
# results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test.
# Organization:
# "LDF" and "CapeCod" scripts that accept the data (a matrix)
# and arguments to flag:
# Does the matrix hold cumulative or incremental data?
# In the case of the Cape Code method, a premium vector
# whose length = nrow(data)
# Should the analysis be conducted based on the average
# date of loss within the origin period?
# What is the maximum age to which losses should be projected?
# What growth function should be utilized?
# print, plot, summary, and other methods
# Functions
# Definition of "function class with derivatives"
# Generics to access the derivatives of a function
# Definition of growth function class with derivatives with respect to
# the second, parameter argument
# Loglogistic growth function
# Weibull growth function
# Loglikelihood function under Clark's ODP assumption
# Function to calculate SIGMA2
# Expected value (MU) functions
# LDF Method
# Cape Cod Method
# Reserve Functions
# LDF Method
# Cape Cod Method
#require(actuar) # for its fast loglogistic function!
ClarkLDF <- function(Triangle,
cumulative = TRUE,
maxage = Inf,
adol = TRUE,
adol.age = NULL,
origin.width = NULL,
G = "loglogistic"
) {
# maxage represents the age to which losses are projected at Ultimate
# adol.age is the age within an origin period of the
# average date of loss (adol.age); only relevant if adol=TRUE
# origin.width is the width of an origin period; only relevant if adol=TRUE
if (!is.character(G))
stop("Growth function G must be the character name of a growth function")
if (length(G)>1L)
stop("Only one growth function can be specified")
G <- switch(G,
loglogistic = loglogistic,
weibull = weibull,
stop(paste("Growth function '", G, "' unrecognized", sep=""))
if (!is.matrix(Triangle)) stop("ClarkLDF expects Triangle in matrix format")
nr <- nrow(Triangle)
if (ncol(Triangle) < 4L) stop("matrix must have at least 4 columns")
dev <- as.numeric(colnames(Triangle))
if (length(dev)<1 | any( stop("non-'age' column name(s)")
if (any(dev[-1L]<=head(dev, -1L))) stop("ages must be strictly increasing")
if (tail(dev, 1L) > maxage[1L]) stop("'maxage' must not be less than last age in triangle")
# 'workarea' stores intermediate calculations
# workarea <- new.env()
workarea <<- new.env()
if (!inherits(Triangle, "triangle")) Triangle <- as.triangle(Triangle)
# Save the origin, dev names
origins <- rownames(Triangle)
devs <- colnames(Triangle)
# Save user's names for 'origin' (row) and 'dev' (column), if any
dimnms <- c("origin", "dev")
if (!is.null(nm<-names(dimnames(Triangle))))
# If only one name specified by user, other will be NA
dimnms[!] <- nm[!]
# Calculate the age.from/to's and maxage based on adol setting. <- dev
if (adol) {
if (is.null(origin.width)) {
agediff <- diff(
if (!all(abs(agediff-agediff[1L])<sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
warning("origin.width unspecified, but varying age differences; check reasonableness of 'Table64$AgeUsed'")
origin.width <- mean(agediff)
if (is.null(adol.age)) # default is half width of origin period
adol.age <- origin.width / 2
# rudimentary reasonableness checks of adol.age
if (adol.age < 0)
stop("age of average date of loss cannot be negative")
if (adol.age >= origin.width)
stop("age of average date of loss must be < origin.width (ie, within origin period)")
## For all those ages that are before the end of the origin period,
## we will assume that the average date of loss of the
## partial period is proportional to the age
early.age <- < origin.width[!early.age] <-[!early.age] - adol.age[early.age] <-[early.age] * (1 - adol.age / origin.width)
colnames(Triangle) <-
maxage.used <- maxage - adol.age
else {
if (!is.null(adol.age))
stop("adol.age is specified but adol is FALSE")
if (!is.null(origin.width))
stop("origin.width is specified but adol is FALSE")
maxage.used <- maxage
Age.from <- c(0, head(, -1L))
# Let's scale the Triangle asap.
# Just as Clark uses SIGMA2 to scale to model with ODP, we will scale
# losses by a large amount so that the scaled losses and the growth
# function parameters are in a closer relative magnitude. Otherwise,
# the Fisher Information matrix may not invert.
CurrentValue <- getLatestCumulative(if (cumulative) Triangle else incr2cum(Triangle))
Uinit <- if (is.logical(tryCatch(checkTriangle(Triangle), error = function(e) FALSE))) CurrentValue
if (cumulative) predict(chainladder(Triangle))[,ncol(Triangle)]
else predict(chainladder(incr2cum(Triangle)))[,ncol(Triangle)]
workarea$magscale <- magscale <- max(Uinit)
Triangle <- Triangle / magscale
CurrentValue <- CurrentValue / magscale
Uinit <- Uinit / magscale
# Save age from/to's of current diagonal
CurrentAge <- getLatestCumulative({ # as labeled, prior to adol adjustment
z <- col(Triangle)
array(dev[z], dim(Triangle))
CurrentAge.from <- getLatestCumulative(array(Age.from[z], dim(Triangle)))
CurrentAge.used <- <- getLatestCumulative(array([z], dim(Triangle)))
# Turn loss matrix into incremental losses, if not already
if (cumulative) Triangle <-cum2incr(Triangle)
# Create the "long format" data.frame as in Table 1.1 of paper.
Table1.1 <-
Table1.1$origin <-
Table1.1$dev <- rep(, each=nr)
Table1.1$Age.from <- rep(Age.from, each=nr)
Table1.1$ <- rep(, each=nr)
Table1.1 <- Table1.1[![[3L]]),]
# "prime" 'workarea' with initial data
workarea$origin <- Table1.1$origin # origin year (index) of the observation
workarea$io <- outer(workarea$origin, 1:nr, `==`) # T/F flag: is obs in origin year=column
workarea$value <- as.numeric(Table1.1$value)
workarea$Age.from <- Table1.1$Age.from
workarea$ <- Table1.1$
workarea$dev <- devs[Table1.1$dev]
workarea$nobs <- nobs <- nrow(Table1.1)
workarea$np <- np <- nr + G@np
# Calc starting values for the parameters, call optim
theta <- c(structure(Uinit, names=origins), G@initialGuess(workarea))
# optim returns the maximum (optimal) value of LL.ODP in the
# list value 'value'; call that value valopt.
# Any value of theta that gives a value of LL.ODP(theta) that is
# less than valopt is a "suboptimal" solution.
S <- optim(
par = theta,
LL.ODP, # function to be maximized (fmscale=-1)
gr = dLL.ODPdt, ## much faster with gradient function
lower = c(rep(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), nr), G@LBFGSB.lower(workarea)),
upper = c(rep(Inf, nr), G@LBFGSB.upper(workarea)),
control = list(
parscale=c(Uinit, 1, 1),
if (S$convergence>0) {
msg <- "Maximum likelihood solution not found."
if (S$convergence == 1)
msg<-paste(msg,"Max interations (100000) reached.")
else msg<-paste(msg,"'convergence' code=",S$convergence)
# Pull the parameters out of the solution list
theta <- S$par
K <- np - G@np
K1 <-
U <- thetaU <- theta[K1]
thetaG <- tail(theta, G@np)
if (any(G@LBFGSB.lower(workarea) == thetaG | G@LBFGSB.upper(workarea) == thetaG)) {
warning("Solution constrained at growth function boundary! Use results with caution!\n\n")
# Calculate the SIGMA2 "scaling parameter"
SIGMA2 <- workarea$SIGMA2 <- LL.ODP.SIGMA2(workarea)
# Expected value of reserves, all origin years
R <- R.LDF(theta, G,, maxage, oy=1:nr)
# Alternatively, by developing current diagonal
# For LDF formula, see table at top of p. 64
g <- G(CurrentAge.used, thetaG)
g.maxage <- G(maxage.used, thetaG)
ldf <- 1 / g
ldf.truncated <- g.maxage / g
R.ldf.truncated <- (ldf.truncated - 1) * CurrentValue
gammar2 <- R * SIGMA2
gammar <- sqrt(gammar2)
# Calculate the Fisher Information matrix = matrix of
# 2nd partial derivatives of the LL fcn w.r.t. all parameters
workarea$FI <- FI <- structure(
d2LL.ODPdt2(S$par, MU.LDF, G, workarea),
dimnames = list(names(S$par), names(S$par))
# array to "unscale" FI
FImult <- array(
c(rep(c(rep(1/magscale, K), rep(1, G@np)), K),
rep(c(rep(1, K), rep(magscale, G@np)), G@np)),
c(np, np)
# Let's see if FI will invert
if (rcond(FI) < .Machine$double.eps) { # No
message("Fisher Information matrix is computationally singular (condition number = ",
format(1/rcond(FI), digits=3, scientific=TRUE),
")\nParameter risk estimates not available"
# Calculate the gradient matrix, dR = matrix of 1st partial derivatives
# for every origin year w.r.t. every parameter
dR <- NA
# Delta Method => approx var/cov matrix of reserves
# Origin year parameter risk estimates come from diagonal entries
# Parameter risk for sum over all origin years = sum over
# entire matrix (see below).
deltar2 <- rep(NA, nr)
deltar <- rep(NA, nr)
# Total Risk = process risk + parameter risk
totalr2 <- rep(NA, nr)
totalr <- rep(NA, nr)
# AY Total row
CurrentValue.sum <- sum(CurrentValue)
R.sum <- sum(R)
R.ldf.truncated.sum <- sum(R.ldf.truncated)
gammar2.sum <- sum(gammar2)
gammar.sum = sqrt(gammar2.sum)
deltar2.sum <- NA
deltar.sum <- NA
totalr2.sum <- NA
totalr.sum = NA
else {
# Calculate the gradient matrix, dR = matrix of 1st partial derivatives
# for every origin year w.r.t. every parameter
dR <- dfdx(R.LDF, theta, G,, maxage.used, oy=1:nr)
# Delta Method => approx var/cov matrix of reserves
VCOV.R <- -workarea$SIGMA2 * t(dR) %*% solve(FI, dR)
# Origin year parameter risk estimates come from diagonal entries
# Parameter risk for sum over all origin years = sum over
# entire matrix (see below).
deltar2 <- diag(VCOV.R)
# Hessian only approximates the covariance matrix; no guarantee
# that the matrix is positive (semi)definite.
# If find negative diagonal variances, set them to zero,
# issue a warning.
ndx <- deltar2<0
if (any(ndx)) {
if (sum(ndx)>1L) msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced 'negative variances' for the following origin years (values set to zero):\n"
else msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced a 'negative variance' for the following origin year (value set to zero):\n"
df2 <- data.frame(
Origin = origins[ndx],
Reserve = R.ldf.truncated[ndx] * magscale,
ApproxVar = deltar2[ndx] * magscale^2,
RelativeVar = deltar2[ndx] * magscale / R.ldf.truncated[ndx]
df2 <- format(
data.frame(Origin="Origin",Reserve="Reserve", ApproxVar="ApproxVar", RelativeVar="RelativeVar"),
format(df2, big.mark=",", digits=3)
msg <- c(msg, apply(df2, 1, function(x) paste(paste(x, collapse=" "), "\n")))
deltar2[ndx] <- 0
deltar <- sqrt(deltar2)
# Total Risk = process risk + parameter risk
totalr2 <- gammar2 + deltar2
totalr <- sqrt(totalr2)
# AY Total row
CurrentValue.sum <- sum(CurrentValue)
R.sum <- sum(R)
R.ldf.truncated.sum <- sum(R.ldf.truncated)
gammar2.sum <- sum(gammar2)
gammar.sum = sqrt(gammar2.sum)
deltar2.sum <- sum(VCOV.R)
if (deltar2.sum<0) {
msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced a 'negative variance' for the Total row (value set to zero):\n"
df2 <- data.frame(
Reserve = R.ldf.truncated.sum * magscale,
ApproxVar = deltar2.sum * magscale^2,
RelativeVar = deltar2.sum * magscale / R.ldf.truncated.sum
df2 <- format(
data.frame(Reserve="Reserve", ApproxVar="ApproxVar", RelativeVar="RelativeVar"),
format(df2, big.mark=",", digits=3)
msg <- c(msg, apply(df2, 1, function(x) paste(paste(x, collapse=" "), "\n")))
deltar2.sum <- 0
deltar.sum <- sqrt(deltar2.sum)
totalr2.sum <- gammar2.sum + deltar2.sum
totalr.sum = sqrt(totalr2.sum)
# KEY: Mixed case: origin year (row level) amounts
# all-lower-case: workarea (observation level) amounts
# all-upper-case: model parameters
method = "LDF",
growthFunctionName = G@name,
Origin = origins,
CurrentValue = CurrentValue * magscale,
CurrentAge = CurrentAge,
CurrentAge.used = CurrentAge.used,
MAXAGE = maxage,
MAXAGE.USED = maxage.used,
FutureValue = R.ldf.truncated * magscale,
UltimateValue = (CurrentValue + R.ldf.truncated) * magscale,
ProcessSE = gammar * magscale,
ParameterSE = deltar * magscale,
StdError = totalr * magscale,
Total = list(
Origin = "Total",
CurrentValue = CurrentValue.sum * magscale,
FutureValue = R.ldf.truncated.sum * magscale,
UltimateValue = (CurrentValue.sum + R.ldf.truncated.sum) * magscale,
ProcessSE = gammar.sum * magscale,
ParameterSE = deltar.sum * magscale,
StdError = totalr.sum * magscale
PAR = c(unclass(S$par)) * c(rep(magscale, K), rep(1, G@np)),
THETAU = thetaU * magscale,
THETAG = thetaG,
GrowthFunction = g,
GrowthFunctionMAXAGE = g.maxage,
SIGMA2 = c(unclass(SIGMA2)) * magscale,
Ldf = ldf,
LdfMAXAGE = 1/g.maxage,
TruncatedLdf = ldf.truncated,
FutureValueGradient = dR * c(rep(1, K), rep(magscale, G@np)),
origin = workarea$origin,
age = workarea$dev,
fitted = workarea$mu * magscale,
residuals = workarea$residuals * magscale,
stdresid = workarea$residuals/sqrt(SIGMA2*workarea$mu),
FI = FI * FImult,
value = S$value,
counts = S$counts
class=c("ClarkLDF", "clark", "list")
ClarkCapeCod <- function(Triangle,
cumulative = TRUE,
maxage = Inf,
adol = TRUE,
adol.age = NULL,
origin.width = NULL,
G = "loglogistic"
) {
# maxage represents the age to which losses are projected at Ultimate
# adol.age is the age within an origin period of the
# average date of loss (adol.age); only relevant if adol=TRUE
# origin.width is the width of an origin period; only relevant if adol=TRUE
if (!is.character(G))
stop("Growth function G must be the character name of a growth function")
if (length(G)>1L)
stop("Only one growth function can be specified")
G <- switch(G,
loglogistic = loglogistic,
weibull = weibull,
stop(paste("Growth function '", G, "' unrecognized", sep=""))
if (!is.matrix(Triangle)) stop("ClarkCapeCod expects Triangle in matrix format")
nr <- nrow(Triangle)
if (ncol(Triangle) < 4L) stop("matrix must have at least 4 columns")
# Recycle Premium, limit length, as necessary
Premium <- c(Premium)
if (length(Premium) == 1L) Premium <- rep(Premium, nr)
if (length(Premium)!=nr) {
warning('Mismatch between length(Premium)=', length(Premium), ' and nrow(Triangle)=', nrow(Triangle), '. Check results!')
if (length(Premium) < nr) Premium <- rep(Premium, nr)
if (length(Premium) > nr) Premium <- Premium[]
dev <- as.numeric(colnames(Triangle))
if (length(dev)<1 | any( stop("non-'age' column name(s)")
if (any(dev[-1L]<=head(dev, -1L))) stop("ages must be strictly increasing")
if (tail(dev, 1L) > maxage[1L]) stop("'maxage' must not be less than last age in triangle")
# 'workarea' stores intermediate calculations
# workarea <- new.env()
workarea <<- new.env()
if (!inherits(Triangle, "triangle")) Triangle <- as.triangle(Triangle)
# Save the origin, dev names
origins <- rownames(Triangle)
devs <- colnames(Triangle)
# Save user's names for 'origin' (row) and 'dev' (column), if any
dimnms <- c("origin", "dev")
if (!is.null(nm<-names(dimnames(Triangle))))
# If only one name specified by user, other will be NA
dimnms[!] <- nm[!]
# Calculate the age.from/to's and maxage based on adol setting. <- dev
if (adol) {
if (is.null(origin.width)) {
agediff <- diff(
if (!all(abs(agediff-agediff[1L])<sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
warning("origin.width unspecified, but varying age differences; check reasonableness of 'Table64$AgeUsed'")
origin.width <- mean(agediff)
if (is.null(adol.age)) # default is half width of origin period
adol.age <- origin.width / 2
# rudimentary reasonableness checks of adol.age
if (adol.age < 0)
stop("age of average date of loss cannot be negative")
if (adol.age >= origin.width)
stop("age of average date of loss must be < origin.width (ie, within origin period)")
## For all those ages that are before the end of the origin period,
## we will assume that the average date of loss of the
## partial period is proportional to the age
early.age <- < origin.width[!early.age] <-[!early.age] - adol.age[early.age] <-[early.age] * (1 - adol.age / origin.width)
colnames(Triangle) <-
maxage.used <- maxage - adol.age
else {
if (!is.null(adol.age))
stop("adol.age is specified but adol is FALSE")
if (!is.null(origin.width))
stop("origin.width is specified but adol is FALSE")
maxage.used <- maxage
Age.from <- c(0, head(, -1L))
# Triangle does not need to be scaled for Cape Cod method.
CurrentValue <- getLatestCumulative(if (cumulative) Triangle else incr2cum(Triangle))
ELRinit <- if (is.logical(tryCatch(checkTriangle(Triangle), error = function(e) FALSE))) 1.000
else sum(if (cumulative) predict(chainladder(Triangle))[,ncol(Triangle)]
else predict(chainladder(incr2cum(Triangle)))[,ncol(Triangle)]) / sum(Premium)
# Save age from/to's of current diagonal
CurrentAge <- getLatestCumulative({
z <- col(Triangle)
array(dev[z], dim(Triangle))
CurrentAge.from <- getLatestCumulative(array(Age.from[z], dim(Triangle)))
CurrentAge.used <- <- getLatestCumulative(array([z], dim(Triangle)))
# Turn loss matrix into incremental losses, if not already
if (cumulative) Triangle <-cum2incr(Triangle)
# Create the "long format" data.frame as in Table 1.1 of paper.
Table1.1 <-
Table1.1$origin <-
Table1.1$P <- rep(Premium, ncol(Triangle))
Table1.1$dev <- rep(, each=nr)
Table1.1$Age.from <- rep(Age.from, each=nr)
Table1.1$ <- rep(, each=nr)
Table1.1 <- Table1.1[![[3L]]),]
# "prime" workarea with initial data
workarea$origin <- Table1.1$origin # origin year (index) of the observation
# workarea$io <- outer(workarea$origin, 1:nr, `==`) # not used for CC, but leave in anyway
workarea$value <- as.numeric(Table1.1$value)
workarea$P <- Table1.1$P
workarea$Age.from <- Table1.1$Age.from
workarea$ <- Table1.1$
workarea$dev <- devs[Table1.1$dev]
workarea$nobs <- nobs <- nrow(Table1.1)
workarea$np <- np <- 1L + G@np
# Calc starting values for the parameters, call optim
theta <- c(ELR=ELRinit, G@initialGuess(workarea))
S <- optim(
par = theta,
LL.ODP, # function to be maximized (fmscale=-1)
gr = dLL.ODPdt, ## much faster with gradient function
lower = c(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), G@LBFGSB.lower(workarea)),
upper = c(10, G@LBFGSB.upper(workarea)),
control = list(
if (S$convergence>0) {
msg <- "Maximum likelihood solution not found."
if (S$convergence == 1)
msg<-paste(msg,"Max interations (100000) reached.")
else msg<-paste(msg,"'convergence' code=",S$convergence)
# Pull the parameters out of the solution list
theta <- S$par
K <- np - G@np
K1 <-
ELR <- theta[1L]
thetaG <- tail(theta, G@np)
if (any(G@LBFGSB.lower(workarea) == thetaG | G@LBFGSB.upper(workarea) == thetaG))
warning("Solution constrained at growth function boundary! Use results with caution!\n\n")
# Calculate the SIGMA2 "scaling parameter"
SIGMA2 <- workarea$SIGMA2 <- LL.ODP.SIGMA2(workarea)
# Expected value of reserves
R <- R.CapeCod(theta, Premium, G, CurrentAge.used, maxage.used)#, workarea)
g <- G(CurrentAge.used, thetaG)
g.maxage <- G(maxage.used, thetaG)
ldf <- 1 / g
ldf.truncated <- g.maxage / g
gammar2 <- R * SIGMA2
gammar <- sqrt(gammar2)
# Calculate the Fisher Information matrix = matrix of
# 2nd partial derivatives of the LL fcn w.r.t. all parameters
workarea$FI <- FI <- structure(
d2LL.ODPdt2(S$par, MU.CapeCod, G, workarea),
dimnames = list(names(S$par), names(S$par))
# Let's see if FI will invert
if (rcond(FI) < .Machine$double.eps) { # No
message("Fisher Information matrix is computationally singular (condition number = ",
format(1/rcond(FI), digits=3, scientific=TRUE),
")\nParameter risk estimates not available"
# Calculate the gradient matrix, dR = matrix of 1st partial derivatives
# for every origin year w.r.t. every parameter
dR <- NA
# Delta Method => approx var/cov matrix of reserves
# Origin year parameter risk estimates come from diagonal entries
# Parameter risk for sum over all origin years = sum over
# entire matrix (see below).
deltar2 <- rep(NA, nr)
deltar <- rep(NA, nr)
# Total Risk = process risk + parameter risk
totalr2 <- rep(NA, nr)
totalr <- rep(NA, nr)
# AY Total row
CurrentValue.sum <- sum(CurrentValue)
Premium.sum <- sum(Premium)
R.sum <- sum(R)
gammar2.sum <- sum(gammar2)
gammar.sum = sqrt(gammar2.sum)
deltar2.sum <- NA
deltar.sum <- NA
totalr2.sum <- NA
totalr.sum = NA
else {
# Calculate the gradient matrix, dR = matrix of 1st partial derivatives
# for every origin year w.r.t. every parameter
dR <- dfdx(R.CapeCod, theta, Premium, G,, maxage.used)#, workarea)
# Delta Method => approx var/cov matrix of reserves
VCOV.R <- -workarea$SIGMA2 * t(dR) %*% solve(FI, dR)
# Origin year parameter risk estimates come from diagonal entries
# Parameter risk for sum over all origin years = sum over
# entire matrix (see below).
deltar2 <- diag(VCOV.R)
# Hessian only approximates the covariance matrix; no guarantee
# that the matrix is positive (semi)definite.
# If find negative diagonal variances, set them to zero,
# issue a warning.
ndx <- deltar2<0
if (any(ndx)) {
if (sum(ndx)>1L) msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced 'negative variances' for the following origin years (values set to zero):\n"
else msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced a 'negative variance' for the following origin year (value set to zero):\n"
df2 <- data.frame(
Origin = origins[ndx],
Reserve = R[ndx],# * magscale,
ApproxVar = deltar2[ndx],# * magscale^2,
RelativeVar = deltar2[ndx] / R[ndx]# * magscale / R[ndx]
df2 <- format(
data.frame(Origin="Origin",Reserve="Reserve", ApproxVar="ApproxVar", RelativeVar="RelativeVar"),
format(df2, big.mark=",", digits=3)
msg <- c(msg, apply(df2, 1, function(x) paste(paste(x, collapse=" "), "\n")))
deltar2[ndx] <- 0
deltar <- sqrt(deltar2)
# Total Risk = process risk + parameter risk
totalr2 <- gammar2 + deltar2
totalr <- sqrt(totalr2)
# AY Total row
CurrentValue.sum <- sum(CurrentValue)
Premium.sum <- sum(Premium)
R.sum <- sum(R)
gammar2.sum <- sum(gammar2)
gammar.sum = sqrt(gammar2.sum)
deltar2.sum <- sum(VCOV.R)
if (deltar2.sum<0) {
msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced a 'negative variance' for the Total row (value set to zero):\n"
df2 <- data.frame(
Reserve = R.sum,# * magscale,
ApproxVar = deltar2.sum,# * magscale^2,
RelativeVar = deltar2.sum / R.sum# * magscale / R.sum
df2 <- format(
data.frame(Reserve="Reserve", ApproxVar="ApproxVar", RelativeVar="RelativeVar"),
format(df2, big.mark=",", digits=3)
msg <- c(msg, apply(df2, 1, function(x) paste(paste(x, collapse=" "), "\n")))
deltar2.sum <- 0
deltar.sum <- sqrt(deltar2.sum)
totalr2.sum <- gammar2.sum + deltar2.sum
totalr.sum = sqrt(totalr2.sum)
# KEY: Mixed case: origin year (row level) amounts
# all-lower-case: workarea (observation level) amounts
method = "CapeCod",
growthFunctionName = G@name,
Origin = origins,
Premium = Premium,
CurrentValue = CurrentValue,
CurrentAge = CurrentAge,
CurrentAge.used = CurrentAge.used,
MAXAGE = maxage,
MAXAGE.USED = maxage.used,
FutureValue = R,
UltimateValue = CurrentValue + R,
ProcessSE = gammar,
ParameterSE = deltar,
StdError = totalr,
Total = list(
Origin = "Total",
Premium = Premium.sum,
CurrentValue = CurrentValue.sum,
FutureValue = R.sum,
UltimateValue = CurrentValue.sum + R.sum,
ProcessSE = gammar.sum,
ParameterSE = deltar.sum,
StdError = totalr.sum
THETAG = thetaG,
GrowthFunction = g,
GrowthFunctionMAXAGE = g.maxage,
FutureGrowthFactor = g.maxage - g,
SIGMA2=c(unclass(SIGMA2)),# * magscale,
Ldf = ldf,
LdfMAXAGE = 1/g.maxage,
TruncatedLdf = ldf.truncated,
FutureValueGradient = dR,
origin = workarea$origin,
age = workarea$dev,
fitted = workarea$mu,# * magscale,
residuals = workarea$residuals,# * magscale,
stdresid = workarea$residuals/sqrt(SIGMA2*workarea$mu),
FI = FI,
value = S$value,
counts = S$counts
class=c("ClarkCapeCod", "clark", "list")
summary.ClarkLDF <- function(object, ...) {
origin <- c(object$Origin, object$Total$Origin)
Origin = origin,
CurrentValue = c(object$CurrentValue, object$Total$CurrentValue),
Ldf = c(object$TruncatedLdf, NA),
UltimateValue = c(object$UltimateValue, object$Total$UltimateValue),
FutureValue = c(object$FutureValue, object$Total$FutureValue),
StdError = c(object$StdError, object$Total$StdError),
CV = c(object$StdError, object$Total$StdError) / c(object$FutureValue, object$Total$FutureValue),
row.names = origin,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
print.ClarkLDF <- function(x, Amountdigits=0, LDFdigits=3, CVdigits=3, row.names=FALSE, ...) {
y <- summary(x)
z <- structure(data.frame(y[1],
format(round(y[[2]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","),
Ldf = c(head(format(round(y[[3]], LDFdigits)), -1), ""),
format(round(y[[4]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","),
format(round(y[[5]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","),
format(round(y[[6]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","),
formatC(100*round(y[[7]], CVdigits), format="f", digits=CVdigits-2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
names = c(names(y)[1:6], "CV%")
print(z, row.names = row.names, ...)
summary.ClarkCapeCod <- function(object, ...) {
origin <- c(object$Origin, object$Total$Origin)
Origin = origin,
CurrentValue = c(object$CurrentValue, object$Total$CurrentValue),
Premium = c(object$Premium, object$Total$Premium),
ELR = c(rep(object$ELR, length(object$Premium)), NA),
FutureGrowthFactor = c(object$FutureGrowthFactor, NA),
FutureValue = c(object$FutureValue, object$Total$FutureValue),
UltimateValue = c(object$UltimateValue, object$Total$UltimateValue),
StdError = c(object$StdError, object$Total$StdError),
CV = c(object$StdError, object$Total$StdError) / c(object$FutureValue, object$Total$FutureValue),
row.names = origin,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
print.ClarkCapeCod <- function(x, Amountdigits=0, ELRdigits=3, Gdigits=4, CVdigits=3, row.names=FALSE, ...) {
y <- summary(x)
z <- structure(data.frame(y[1],
format(round(y[[2]], Amountdigits), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE),
format(round(y[[3]], Amountdigits), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE),
c(head(formatC(round(y[[4]], ELRdigits), digits=ELRdigits, format="f"), -1), ""),
c(head(formatC(round(y[[5]], Gdigits), digits= Gdigits, format="f"), -1), ""),
format(round(y[[6]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","),
format(round(y[[7]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","),
format(round(y[[8]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","),
formatC(100*round(y[[9]], CVdigits), format="f", digits=CVdigits-2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
names = c(names(y)[1:8], "CV%")
print(z, row.names = FALSE, ...)
plot.clark <- function(x, ...) {
# We will plot the residuals as functions of
# 1. origin
# 2. age (at end of development period)
# 3. fitted value (observe heteroscedasticity)
# The y-values of the plots are the x$stdresid's
# 4th plot shows results of normality test
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2), # 4 plots on one page
oma = c(0, 0, 5, 0)) # outer margins necessary for page title
x$stdresid,ylab="standardized residuals",
main="By Origin")
z <- lm(x$stdresid~x$origin)
abline(z, col="blue")
ylab="standardized residuals",
main="By Projected Age")
age <- as.numeric(x$age)
z <- lm(x$stdresid~age)
abline(z, col="blue")
x$stdresid,ylab="standardized residuals",
xlab="Expected Value",
main="By Fitted Value")
z <- lm(x$stdresid~x$fitted)
abline(z, col="blue")
# Normality test
ymin <- min(x$stdresid)
ymax <- max(x$stdresid)
yrange <- ymax - ymin
sprd <- yrange/10
qqline(x$stdresid, col="blue")
N <- min(length(x$stdresid),5000) # 5000=shapiro.test max sample size
shap.p <- shapiro.test(sample(x$stdresid,N))
shap.p.value <- round(shap.p$p.value,5)
text(xmin, ymax - sprd, paste("Shapiro-Wilk p.value = ", shap.p.value, ".", sep=""), cex=.7, adj=c(0,0))
# text(xmin, ymax - 2*sprd, paste(ifelse(shap.p.value<.05,"Should reject",
# "Cannot reject"),
# "ODP hypothesis"), cex=.7, adj=c(0,0))
# text(xmin, ymax - 3*sprd,expression(paste("at ",alpha," = .05 level.",sep="")), cex=.7, adj=c(0,0))
# Finally, the overall title of the page of plots
"Standardized Residuals\nMethod: ",
paste("Clark", x$method, sep=""),
"; Growth function: ",
outer = TRUE,
cex = 1.5
vcov.clark <- function(object, ...) {
if (rcond(object$FI)<.Machine$double.eps) { # Fisher Information matrix will not invert
message("Fisher Information matrix is computationally singular (condition number = ",
format(1/rcond(object$FI), digits=3, scientific=TRUE),
")\nCovariance matrix is not available."
Table65 <- function(x) { # Form "report table" as on p. 65 of paper
Origin = c(x$Origin, x$Total$Origin),
CurrentValue = c(x$CurrentValue, x$Total$CurrentValue),
FutureValue = c(x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue),
ProcessSE = c(x$ProcessSE, x$Total$ProcessSE),
ProcessCV = 100 * round(c(x$ProcessSE, x$Total$ProcessSE) / c(x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue), 3),
ParameterSE = c(x$ParameterSE, x$Total$ParameterSE),
ParameterCV = 100 * round(c(x$ParameterSE, x$Total$ParameterSE) / c(x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue), 3),
StdError = c(x$StdError, x$Total$StdError),
TotalCV = 100 * round(c(x$StdError, x$Total$StdError) / c(x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue), 3),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
Table64 <- function(x) {
if (!inherits(x, "ClarkLDF")) {
warning(sQuote(deparse(substitute(x))), " is not a ClarkLDF model.")
Origin = c("", x$Origin, x$Total$Origin),
CurrentValue = c(NA, x$CurrentValue, x$Total$CurrentValue),
CurrentAge = c(x$MAXAGE, x$CurrentAge, NA),
AgeUsed = c(x$MAXAGE.USED, x$CurrentAge.used, NA),
GrowthFunction = c(x$GrowthFunctionMAXAGE, x$GrowthFunction, NA),
Ldf = c(x$LdfMAXAGE, x$Ldf, NA),
TruncatedLdf = c(1.0, x$TruncatedLdf, NA),
LossesAtMaxage = c(NA, x$CurrentValue + x$FutureValue, x$Total$CurrentValue + x$Total$FutureValue),
FutureValue = c(NA, x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
Table68 <- function(x) {
if (!inherits(x, "ClarkCapeCod")) {
warning(sQuote(deparse(substitute(x))), " is not a ClarkCapeCod model.")
Origin = c("", x$Origin, x$Total$Origin),
Premium = c(NA, x$Premium, x$Total$Premium),
CurrentAge = c(x$MAXAGE, x$CurrentAge, NA),
AgeUsed = c(x$MAXAGE.USED, x$CurrentAge.used, NA),
GrowthFunction = c(x$GrowthFunctionMAXAGE, x$GrowthFunction, NA),
FutureGrowthFactor = x$GrowthFunctionMAXAGE - c(x$GrowthFunctionMAXAGE, x$GrowthFunction, NA),
PremiumxELR = x$ELR * c(NA, x$Premium, x$Total$Premium),
FutureValue = c(NA, x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Function Classes
# First, a function-or-NULL virtual class
setClassUnion("funcNull", c("function","NULL"))
# Functions stemming from this class have one argument, x
# By issuing the name of the instance of this class, you will get
# the function as defined when the instance was created.
contains = "function",
representation = representation(
# partial derivative function, vector of length = length(x)
dfdx = "funcNull",
# 2nd partial derivative function, vector of length = length(x)
d2fdx2 = "funcNull"
# Generics to return the 1st & 2nd partial derivatives
setGeneric("dfdx", function(f, ...) standardGeneric("dfdx"))
setMethod("dfdx", "dfunction", function(f, ...) f@dfdx(...))
setGeneric("d2fdx2", function(f, ...) standardGeneric("d2fdx2"))
setMethod("d2fdx2", "dfunction", function(f, ...) f@d2fdx2(...))
# Generic "change-in-function" method
setGeneric("del", function(f, from, to, ...) standardGeneric("del"))
setMethod("del", "function", function(f, from, to, ...) f(to, ...) - f(from, ...))
# Functions stemming from this class have two arguments:
# x = age/lag/time at which the function will be evaluated
# theta = vector of parameters
# Growth function's derivatives will be with respect to 2nd argument --
# 't' stands for 'theta' = vector of parameters -- which is different
# from dfunction class whose derivatives are w.r.t. 1st argument
# By issuing the name of the instance of this class, you will get
# the function as defined when the instance was created.
contains = "function",
representation = representation(
name = "character",
# number of parameters (length of theta)
np = "integer",
# function to return initial parameters before running optim
initialGuess = "funcNull",
# function to return lower "L-BFGS-B" constraint
LBFGSB.lower = "funcNull",
# function to return upper "L-BFGS-B" constraint
LBFGSB.upper = "funcNull",
# partial derivative function, vector of length np
dGdt = "funcNull",
# 2nd partial derivative function, np x np matrix
d2Gdt2 = "funcNull"
G.loglogistic <- function(x, theta) {
if (any(theta <= 0)) return(rep(0, length(x)))
pllogis(x, shape = theta[1], scale = theta[2])
dG.loglogisticdtheta <- function(x, theta) {
if (any(theta <= 0)) return(
if (length(x) > 1L) array(0, dim = c(2L, length(x)))
else numeric(2L)
y <- pllogis(x, shape = theta[1], scale = theta[2])
y1y <- y * (1-y)
logxtheta <- log(x/theta[2])
dy <- structure(
y1y * logxtheta,
-y1y * theta[1] / theta[2]
dimnames = list(names(x), names(theta))
dy[] <- 0
d2G.loglogisticdtheta2 <- function(x, theta) {
if (any(theta <= 0)) return(
array(0, dim = if (length(x) > 1L) c(length(x), 4L) else c(2L, 2L))
y <- pllogis(x, shape = theta[1], scale = theta[2])
y1y <- y * (1-y)
oneMinus2y <- 1 - 2 * y
logxtheta <- log(x/theta[2])
dyomega <- y1y * logxtheta
A <- dyomega * logxtheta * oneMinus2y
B <- -y1y / theta[2] * (1 + theta[1] * logxtheta * oneMinus2y)
C <- y1y * theta[1] / theta[2]^2 * (1 + theta[1] * oneMinus2y)
d2y <- if (length(x)>1L) structure(cbind(A, B, B, C), dimnames = list(
outer(names(theta), names(theta), paste, sep=":")))
else array(c(A, B, B, C), dim = c(2L, 2L), dimnames = list(
names(theta), names(theta)))
d2y[] <- 0
loglogistic <- new("GrowthFunction",
name = "loglogistic",
np = 2L,
initialGuess = function(env) c(
omega = 2,
theta = median(env$, na.rm=TRUE)
LBFGSB.lower = function(env) c(
omega = .01,
theta = min(c(.5, env$
LBFGSB.upper = function(env) c(
omega = Inf,
theta = Inf
dGdt = dG.loglogisticdtheta,
d2Gdt2 = d2G.loglogisticdtheta2
G.weibull <- function(x, theta) {
if (any(theta <= 0)) return(rep(0, length(x)))
om <- unname(theta[1L])
th <- unname(theta[2L])
y <- 1 - exp(-(x/th)^om)
y[] <- 0
dG.weibulldtheta <- function(x, theta) {
if (any(theta <= 0)) return(
if (length(x) > 1L) array(0, dim = c(2L, length(x)))
else numeric(2L)
om <- theta[1L]
th <- theta[2L]
xth <- x / th
u <- xth^om
# dydom <- exp(-u) * u * log(u) / om
# dydth <- -exp(-u) * u * om / th
v <- exp(-u) * u
dydom <- v * log(xth)
dydth <- -v * om / th
# Sandwich columns together.
dtheta <- cbind(dydom, dydth)
# If x <= 0, Inf, derivative = 0 by definition (log returns NA)
dtheta[] <- 0
d2G.weibulldtheta2 <- function(x, theta) {
if (any(theta <= 0)) return(
array(0, dim = if (length(x) > 1L) c(length(x), 4L) else c(2L, 2L))
om <- theta[1L]
th <- theta[2L]
xth <- x/th
u <- xth^om
logu <- log(u)
u1 <- 1 - u
v <- exp(-u) * u
dydom <- v * log(xth)
dydthpositive <- v * om / th
d2ydom2 <- 2 * dydom * u1
d2ydth2 <- dydthpositive * (1 + om * u1) / th
d2ydomdth <- -v * (1 + logu * u1) / th
ndx <- x<=0 | is.infinite(x)
d2ydom2[ndx] <- 0
d2ydth2[ndx] <- 0
d2ydomdth[ndx] <- 0
if (length(x)>1L)
# Create a matrix where each column holds an observation's
# d2 matrix "stretched out" into a vector of length 4
cbind(d2ydom2, d2ydomdth, d2ydomdth, d2ydth2)
else array(
c(d2ydom2, d2ydomdth, d2ydomdth, d2ydth2),
dim = c(2L, 2L),
dimnames=list(names(theta), names(theta))
weibull <- new("GrowthFunction",
name = "weibull",
np = 2L,
initialGuess = function(env) c(
omega = (om<-1.5),
theta = max(env$, na.rm=TRUE) * (log(1/.05))^(-1/om) # 95% developed at current max age
LBFGSB.lower = function(env) c(
omega = .01, # a small number -- must be positive
theta = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)# a small number -- must be positive
LBFGSB.upper = function(env) c(
omega = 2,# 8 -- too high an exponent can lead to overflows
theta = 2 * max(env$
dGdt = dG.weibulldtheta,
d2Gdt2 = d2G.weibulldtheta2
LL.ODP <- function(theta, MU, G, workarea) {
# Calculate the expected value of all observations, store in workarea.
MU(theta, G, workarea)
if (any(workarea$mu < 0)) { # should not happen if G's formed correctly
msg <- c("Maximum likelihood search failure!\n",
"Search area bounds need to be tailored to this growth function and data.\n",
paste("Growth function parameters at point of failure: ",
paste(tail(theta, G@np), collapse=", "),
paste("Ages: ",
paste(unique(workarea$, collapse=", "),
"Contact package author."
# It would not be unreasonable for a G to generate zero expected losses.
# Since log(0)=Inf but optim must have finite values to work with, set
# mu to be a very small number.
# Also, a faster way to test for zero would be on the unique ages
# rather than on all the ages in workarea.
workarea$mu[workarea$mu < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
# Do ODP-model calc for all observations, add them up.
sum(workarea$value * log(workarea$mu) - workarea$mu)
dLL.ODPdt <- function(theta, MU, G, workarea) {
# Calculate the gradient for all observations, store in workarea.
# Create workarea$dmudt
dfdx(MU, theta, G, workarea)
# ... and an intermediate value used in second derivative
workarea$cmuminus1 <- workarea$value/workarea$mu-1
# Return a vector of column sums
colSums(workarea$cmuminus1 * workarea$dmudt)
d2LL.ODPdt2 <- function(theta, MU, G, workarea) {
# Calculate all the 2nd derivatives of MU
d2fdx2(MU, theta, G, workarea)
# Calculate the hessian matrix for every observation, store as a
# row in a matrix with # rows = # obs, add up all the
# matrices, and reshape.
# For each obs, the hessian matrix is the matrix of second partial
# derivatives of LL. The first term is the product of the
# ("stretched out") matrix of second partial derivatives of the
# MU function and the quantity cit/mu-1 (paper's notation).
# The second term is the outer product of (not the square of --
# we need a matrix not a vector) two first partial derivatives
# of the MU function times the quantity cit/mu^2.
y <- colSums(
workarea$cmuminus1 * workarea$d2mudt2 -
(workarea$value/(workarea$mu^2)) *
t(vapply(1:workarea$nobs, function(i)
c(outer(workarea$dmudt[i, ], workarea$dmudt[i, ])),
vector("double", length(theta)^2)
dim(y) <- rep(length(theta), 2)
LL.ODP.SIGMA2 <- function(workarea) {
workarea$residuals <- workarea$value-workarea$mu
return(workarea$SIGMA2 <-
sum(workarea$residuals^2/workarea$mu) / (workarea$nobs-workarea$np)
MU.LDF <- new("dfunction",
# theta = vector of parameters: U followed by omega and theta
# G = growth function (eg, loglogistic or weibull)
# workarea = environment where intermediate values are stored
function(theta, G, workarea) {
lent <- length(theta)
workarea$thetaU <- theta[1L:(lenu<-lent-G@np)]
workarea$thetaG <- theta[(lenu+1):lent]
workarea$u <- workarea$thetaU[workarea$origin] ## or thetaU %*% workarea$io
workarea$delG <- del(G, workarea$Age.from, workarea$, workarea$thetaG)
workarea$mu <- workarea$u * workarea$delG
dfdx = function(theta, G, workarea) {
workarea$deldG <- del(G@dGdt, workarea$Age.from, workarea$, workarea$thetaG)
# Sandwich
workarea$dmudt <- cbind(
workarea$delG * workarea$io,
workarea$u * workarea$deldG
d2fdx2 = function(theta, G, workarea) {
# Separately calculate the four submatrices for each obs:
# d2MUdthetaU2, d2MUdthetaUdthetaG, t(d2MUdthetaUdthetaG), and dtMUdthetaG2
# Bind them into one hessian matrix for each obs.
if (!exists("deldG", env=workarea)) stop("gr=NULL? Must run the derivatives.")
# The result of the following will be a matrix with a row for
# every observation. Each row is the hessian matrix for
# that observation, "stretched out" into a row vector.
U2 <- array(0, rep(length(workarea$thetaU), 2))
workarea$d2mudt2 <- t(vapply(1L:workarea$nobs, function(i) {
# Cross partials of thetaU and thetaG: 10x1 %*% 1x2 = 10x2
crossPartials.UG <- workarea$io[i, ] %*% t(workarea$deldG[i, ])
# Cross partials of thetaG and thetaG
crossPartials.GG <- workarea$u[i] * del(G@d2Gdt2, workarea$Age.from[i], workarea$[i], workarea$thetaG)
c(rbind(cbind(U2, crossPartials.UG),
cbind(t(crossPartials.UG), crossPartials.GG)))
}, vector("double", length(theta)^2)))
MU.CapeCod <- new("dfunction",
# theta = vector of parameters: U followed by omega and theta
# G = growth function (eg, loglogistic or weibull)
# workarea = environment where intermediate values are stored
function(theta, G, workarea) {
workarea$ELR <- theta[1L]
workarea$thetaG <- theta[2L:length(theta)]
workarea$u <- workarea$ELR * workarea$P
workarea$delG <- del(G, workarea$Age.from, workarea$, workarea$thetaG)
workarea$mu <- workarea$u * workarea$delG
dfdx = function(theta, G, workarea) {
workarea$deldG <- del(G@dGdt, workarea$Age.from, workarea$, workarea$thetaG)
# Sandwich
workarea$dmudt <- cbind(
workarea$P * workarea$delG,
workarea$u * workarea$deldG
d2fdx2 = function(theta, G, workarea) {
# Separately calculate the four submatrices for each obs:
# d2MUdELR2, d2MUdELRdthetaG, t(d2MUdELRdthetaG), and dtMUdthetaG2
# Bind them into one hessian matrix for each obs.
if (!exists("deldG", env=workarea)) stop("gr=NULL? Must run the derivatives.")
# The result of the following will be a matrix with a row for
# every observation. Each row is the hessian matrix for
# that observation, "stretched out" into a column vector.
ELR2 <- 0.0
workarea$d2mudt2 <- t(vapply($nobs), function(i) {
# Cross partials of thetaU and thetaG: 10x1 %*% 1x2 = 10x2
crossPartials.ELRG <- t(workarea$deldG[i, ])
# Cross partials of thetaG and thetaG
crossPartials.GG <- workarea$u[i] * del(G@d2Gdt2, workarea$Age.from[i], workarea$[i], workarea$thetaG)
c(rbind(c(ELR2, crossPartials.ELRG),
cbind(t(crossPartials.ELRG), crossPartials.GG)))
}, vector("double", length(theta)^2)))
# Functions to calculate the "reserve" (future development)
# and partial derivatives under the two methods.
R.LDF <- new("dfunction",
# theta = vector of parameters: U followed by omega and theta
# G = growth function (eg, loglogistic or weibull)
# from = age from after which losses are unpaid
# to = "ultimate" age. Could be a scalar
# oy = vector of origin years indices for selecting entries in thetaU
function(theta, G, from, to, oy){
lent <- length(theta)
thetaU <- theta[1L:(K <- lent - G@np)]
thetaG <- theta[(K+1):lent]
thetaU[oy] * del(G, from, to, thetaG)
dfdx = function(theta, G, from, to, oy){
# R is a vector valued function (think "column matrix").
# Taking the partials adds a new dimension ... put at beginning
# with rows corresponding to the parameters.
# So dR is a matrix valued function where ncols=length(from)
# and nrow = length(theta)
# 'to' can be a scalar (e.g., maxage)
if (length(to)<2L) to <- rep(to, length.out=length(from))
if (length(to)!=length(from)) stop("Unequal 'from', 'to'")
lent <- length(theta)
thetaU <- theta[1L:(K <- lent - G@np)]
thetaG <- theta[(K+1):lent]
# dR
# |A 0 0 . 0 | A: partial of R_ay wrt thetaU
# |0 A 0 . . | B: partial of R_ay wrt thetaG
# |0 0 . . |
# |. . . A 0 |
# |0 0 . 0 A |
# |B B ... B |
## Number of rows (~ parameters) is fixed
## Number of columns (~ origin years) can vary
del(G, from, to, thetaG) * outer(oy, 1L:K, `==`),
t(thetaU[oy] * del(G@dGdt, from, to, thetaG))
d2fdx2 = NULL # not needed at this point
R.CapeCod <- new("dfunction",
# theta = vector of parameters: U followed by omega and theta
# G = growth function (eg, loglogistic or weibull)
# from = age from after which losses are unpaid
# to = "ultimate" age. Could be a scalar
# oy = vector of origin years indices for selecting entries in thetaU
function(theta, Premium, G, from, to){
ELR <- theta[1L]
thetaG <- theta[2L:length(theta)]
ELR * Premium * del(G, from, to, thetaG )
dfdx = function(theta, Premium, G, from, to){
# R is a vector valued function (think "column matrix").
# Taking the partials adds a new dimension ... put at beginning
# with rows corresponding to the parameters.
# So dR is a matrix valued function where ncols=length(from)
# and nrow = length(theta)
# 'to' can be a scalar (e.g., maxage)
if (length(to)<2L) to <- rep(to, length.out=length(from))
if (length(to)!=length(from)) stop("Unequal 'from', 'to'")
ELR <- theta[1L]
thetaG <- theta[2L:length(theta)]
# dR
# |A| A: partial of R_ay wrt ELR
# |B| B: partial of R_ay wrt thetaG
## Rows ~ origin years (variable), columns ~ parameters (fixed)
ELR = Premium * del(G, from, to, thetaG),
t(ELR * Premium * del(G@dGdt, from, to, thetaG))
d2fdx2 = NULL # not needed at this point
.prn <- function (
x, txt, file = "")
# Based on code by Frank Harrell, Hmisc package, licence: GPL >= 2
calltext <- as.character([2]
if (file != "")
sink(file, append = TRUE)
if (!missing(txt)) {
if (nchar(txt) + nchar(calltext) + 3 > .Options$width)
calltext <- paste("\n\n ", calltext, sep = "")
else txt <- paste(txt, " ", sep = "")
cat("\n", txt, calltext, "\n\n", sep = "")
else cat("\n", calltext, "\n\n", sep = "")
if (file != "")
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