
Defines functions ctmaInit

Documented in ctmaInit

#' ctmaInit
#' @description Fits ctsem models to each primary study in the supplied list of primary studies prepared by \code{\link{ctmaPrep}}.
#' @param primaryStudies list of primary study information created with \code{\link{ctmaPrep}}
#' @param activeDirectory defines another active directory than the one used in \code{\link{ctmaPrep}}
#' @param activateRPB set to TRUE to receive push messages with 'CoTiMA' notifications on your phone
#' @param checkSingleStudyResults Displays estimates from single study ctsem models and waits for user input to continue. Useful to check estimates before they are saved.
#' @param digits number of digits used for rounding (in outputs)
#' @param n.latent number of latent variables of the model (hast to be specified)!
#' @param n.manifest number of manifest variables of the model (if left empty it will assumed to be identical with n.latent).
#' @param lambda R-type matrix with pattern of fixed (=1) or free (any string) loadings.
#' @param manifestVars define the error variances of the manifests within a single time point using R-type lower triangular matrix with nrow=n.manifest & ncol=n.manifest.
#' @param drift labels for drift effects. Have to be either of the character strings of the type V1toV2 (= freely estimated) or values (e.g., 0 for effects to be excluded, which is usually not recommended)
#' @param diff labels for diffusion effects. Have to be either of the character strings of the type "diff_eta1" or "diff_eta2_eta1" (= freely estimated) or values (e.g., 0 for effects to be excluded, which is usually not recommended)
#' @param indVarying control for unobserved heterogeneity by having randomly (inter-individually) varying manifest means
#' @param saveRawData save (created pseudo) raw date. List: saveRawData$studyNumbers, $fileName, $row.names, col.names, $sep, $dec
#' @param coresToUse if neg., the value is subtracted from available cores, else value = cores to use
#' @param silentOverwrite overwrite old files without asking
#' @param saveSingleStudyModelFit save the fit of single study ctsem models (could save a lot of time afterwards if the fit is loaded)
#' @param loadSingleStudyModelFit load the fit of single study ctsem models
#' @param scaleTI scale TI predictors
#' @param scaleTime scale time (interval) - sometimes desirable to improve fitting
#' @param optimize if set to FALSE, Stan's Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler is used (default = TRUE = maximum a posteriori / importance sampling) .
#' @param nopriors if TRUE, any priors are disabled - sometimes desirable for optimization
#' @param finishsamples number of samples to draw (either from hessian based covariance or posterior distribution) for final results computation (default = 1000).
#' @param chains number of chains to sample, during HMC or post-optimization importance sampling.
#' @param iter number of interation (defaul = 1000). Sometimes larger values could be required fom Bayesian estimation
#' @param verbose integer from 0 to 2. Higher values print more information during model fit - for debugging
#' @param customPar logical. If set TRUE leverages the first pass using priors and ensure that the drift diagonal cannot easily go too negative (helps since ctsem > 3.4)
#' @param doPar parallel and multiple fitting if single studies. A value > 1 will fit each study doPar times in parallel mode during which no output is generated (screen remains silent). Useful to obtain best fit.
#' @param useSV if TRUE (default=FALSE) start values will be used if provided in the list of primary studies
#' @param experimental set TRUE to try new pairwise N function
#' @param T0means Default 0 (assuming standardized variables). Can be assigned labels to estimate them freely.
#' @param manifestMeans Default 0 (assuming standardized variables). Can be assigned labels to estimate them freely.
#' @param CoTiMAStanctArgs parameters that can be set to improve model fitting of the \code{\link{ctStanFit}} Function
#' @param posLL logical. Allows (default = TRUE) of positive loglik (neg -2ll) values
#' @importFrom RPushbullet pbPost
#' @importFrom crayon red blue
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom ctsem ctDeintervalise ctLongToWide ctIntervalise ctWideToLong ctModel ctStanFit ctExtract ctCollapse
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table
#' @importFrom openxlsx addWorksheet writeData createWorkbook openXL saveWorkbook
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom stats cov2cor
#' @importFrom OpenMx expm
#' @export ctmaInit
#' @examples
#' # Fit a ctsem model to all three primary studies summarized in
#' # CoTiMAstudyList_3 and save the three fitted models
#' \dontrun{
#' CoTiMAInitFit_3 <- ctmaInit(primaryStudies=CoTiMAstudyList_3,
#'                             n.latent=2,
#'                             checkSingleStudyResults=FALSE,
#'                             activeDirectory="/Users/tmp/") # adapt!
#' summary(CoTiMAInitFit_3)
#' }
#' @return ctmaFit returns a list containing some arguments supplied, the fitted models, different elements summarizing the main results,
#' model type, and the type of plot that could be performed with the returned object. The arguments in the returned object are activeDirectory,
#' coresToUse, n.latent, n.manifest, and primaryStudyList. The study count is returned as n.studies, the created matrix of loadings of
#' manifest on latent factors is returned as lambda, and a re-organized list of primary studies with some information ommited is returned as
#' studyList. The fitted models for each primary study are found in studyFitList, which is a large list with many elements (e.g., the ctsem
#' model specified by CoTiMA, the rstan model created by ctsem, the fitted rstan model etc.). Further results returned are emprawList
#' (containing the pseudo raw data created), statisticsList (comprising baisc stats such as average sample size, no. of measurement points,
#' etc.), a list with modelResults (i.e., DRIFT=model_Drift_Coef, DIFFUSION=model_Diffusion_Coef, T0VAR=model_T0var_Coef,
#' CINT=model_Cint_Coef), and the paramter names internally used. The summary list,  which is printed if the summary function is applied to the
#' returned object, comprises "estimates" (the aggregated effects), possible randomEffects (not yet fully working),  confidenceIntervals, the
#' minus2ll value and its n.parameters, and possible warning messages (message). Plot type is plot.type=c("drift") and model.type="stanct"
#' ("omx" was deprecated).
ctmaInit <- function(

{  # begin function definition (until end of file)

  start.time <- Sys.time()

  original.options <- options("scipen"); original.options
  options(scipen = 999); options("scipen") # turn scientific notation off.
  on.exit(options(scipen = original.options))  # scientific notation as user's original

  ########################################### Check Model Specification #################################################
    Msg <- "################################################################################# \n########################## Check Model Specification ############################ \n#################################################################################"

    if (is.null(verbose) & (optimize == FALSE) )  {verbose <- 0} else {verbose <- CoTiMA::CoTiMAStanctArgs$verbose}

    if (is.null(primaryStudies)) {
      if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
      cat(crayon::red$bold(" List with lists of primary study information not specified!", sep="\n"))
      cat(crayon::red$bold(" ", " ", sep="\n"))
      cat(crayon::red$bold("Should I try to get primary study information (e.g., empcov1, delta_t22) from the global environment?", sep="\n"))
      cat(crayon::red$bold(" ", " ", sep="\n"))
      cat(crayon::red$bold("(This is the way how earlier version of CoTiMA were run but no longer recommended.)", sep="\n"))
      cat(crayon::red$bold(" ", " ", sep="\n"))
      cat(crayon::blue("Press 'q' to quit and specify or 'c' to give it a try. Press ENTER afterwards ", "\n"))
      char <- readline(" ")
      while (!(char == 'c') & !(char == 'C') & !(char == 'q') & !(char == 'Q')) {
        cat((crayon::blue("Please press 'q' to quit and specify primaryStudies or 'c' to try reading from global environment Press ENTER afterwards.", "\n")))
        char <- readline(" ")
      if (char == 'q' | char == 'Q') {
        ErrorMsg <- "\nGood luck for the next try!"
      } else {
        if (!(is.numeric(tryCatch(get(paste("sampleSize", 1, sep = "")), error = function(e) e)))) {
          ErrorMsg <- "\nGetting primary study information from the global environment failed \nTo test, I searched for sampleSize1 and could not find it! \nGood luck for the next try!"
        } else {
          cat(crayon::blue("Please type the number of primary studies to read from global environment. Press ENTER afterwards ", "\n"))
          char <- as.numeric(readline(""))
          while ((is.na(char))) {
            cat((crayon::blue("Please type the number of primary studies to read from global environment. Press ENTER afterwards ", "\n")))
            char <- as.numeric(readline(""))
          primaryStudies <- ctmaPrep(selectedStudies=1:char)
        } # END else (catch failed)
      } # END else
    } #

    if (is.null(n.latent)) {
      if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
      ErrorMsg <- "\nNumber of variables (n.latent) not specified! \nGood luck for the next try!"

    if (is.null(activeDirectory)) {
      if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
      ErrorMsg <- "\nNo active directory has been specified! \nGood luck for the next try!"

    if  (length(coresToUse) > 0) {
      if (coresToUse < 1)  coresToUse <- parallel::detectCores() + coresToUse

    if (coresToUse >= parallel::detectCores()) {
      if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Attention!"))}
      coresToUse <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
      Msg <- "No of coresToUsed was set to >= all cores available. Reduced to max. no. of cores - 1 to prevent crash.\n"

    # CHD changed on 19 Sep 2022
    if (doPar > 1) {
      myCluster <- parallel::makeCluster(coresToUse)
      '%dopar%' <- foreach::'%dopar%'

    if (n.manifest > n.latent ) {
      if (is.null(lambda)) {
        if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Attention!"))}
        ErrorMsg <- "\nManifest variables specified, but not matrix of loadings (lambda) specified, which is required. \nGood luck for the next try!"
      } else {
        if ( (dim(lambda)[1] != n.manifest) | (dim(lambda)[2] != n.latent) ) {
          if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Attention!"))}
          ErrorMsg <- "\nDimensions of loadings matrix (lambda) do not match n.latent and n.manifest. \nGood luck for the next try!"

    if ((n.manifest <= n.latent ) &  (is.null(lambda)))  lambda=diag(n.latent)

    { # fitting params

      invariantDrift <- FALSE
      moderatedDrift <- NULL

      # Added 17. Aug 2022
      tmp1 <- names(CoTiMA::CoTiMAStanctArgs) %in% names(CoTiMAStanctArgs); tmp1
      tmp2 <- CoTiMA::CoTiMAStanctArgs
      if (!(is.null(CoTiMAStanctArgs))) tmp2[tmp1] <- CoTiMAStanctArgs
      CoTiMAStanctArgs <- tmp2

      if (!(is.null(scaleTI))) CoTiMAStanctArgs$scaleTI <- scaleTI
      if (!(is.null(scaleTime))) CoTiMAStanctArgs$scaleTime <- scaleTime
      if (!(is.null(optimize))) CoTiMAStanctArgs$optimize <- optimize
      if (!(is.null(nopriors))) CoTiMAStanctArgs$nopriors <- nopriors
      if (!(is.null(finishsamples))) CoTiMAStanctArgs$optimcontrol$finishsamples <- finishsamples
      if (!(is.null(chains))) CoTiMAStanctArgs$chains <- chains
      if (!(is.null(iter))) CoTiMAStanctArgs$iter <- iter
      if (!(is.null(verbose))) CoTiMAStanctArgs$verbose <- verbose

    # correction of misspecified user input
    if (is.null(T0means)) T0means <- 0
    if (is.null(manifestMeans)) manifestMeans <- 0

  } ### END Check Model Specification ###

  ##################### Read user provided data and create list with all study information ##############################
    Msg <- "################################################################################# \n###### Read user provided data and create list with all study information ####### \n#################################################################################"

    studyList <- list()
    minInterval <- .0001 # replace missing values for time lags (cannot be NA because it is a definition variable)
    maxLengthModeratorVector <- 0
    loadRawDataStudyNumbers <- unlist(lapply(primaryStudies$rawData,
                                             function(extract) extract$studyNumbers)); loadRawDataStudyNumbers

    # resorting primary study information
    if (!(exists("moderatorNumber"))) moderatorNumber <- 1; moderatorNumber
    # determine number of studies (if list is created by ctmaInit.R it is 1 element too long)
    # Option 1: Applies for older versions of ctmaPrep
    #tmp <- length(unlist(primaryStudies$studyNumbers)); tmp
    tmp <- unlist(primaryStudies$studyNumbers); tmp
    tmp2 <- which(is.na(tmp)); tmp2
    for (i in tmp2) primaryStudies$studyNumbers[[i]] <- NULL
    tmp <- length(tmp[!(is.na(tmp))]); tmp
    if  ( is.na(primaryStudies$deltas[tmp]) &
          is.na(primaryStudies$sampleSizes[tmp]) &
          is.na(primaryStudies$deltas[tmp]) &
          is.null(dim(primaryStudies$pairwiseNs[tmp])) &
          is.null(dim(primaryStudies$emcovs[tmp])) &
          all(is.na(unlist(primaryStudies$moderators[tmp]))) &
          # 9. Aug. 2022:
          & (length(tmp) > 1) ) {
      if (tmp != 1) n.studies <- tmp-1 else n.studies <- 1
      primaryStudies$studyNumbers[[tmp]] <- NULL
    } else {
      n.studies <- tmp
    # Option 2: versions of ctmaPrep after 14. August 2020
    if (!(is.null(primaryStudies$n.studies))) n.studies <- primaryStudies$n.studies; n.studies

    # delete empty list entries
    if (n.studies > 1) { # may not apply if a single study is fitted (e.g., ctmaOptimizeInit) # RECENT CHANGE
      tmp1 <- which(names(primaryStudies) == "n.studies"); tmp1
      for (i in 1:(tmp1-1)) primaryStudies[[i]][[n.studies+1]] <- NULL

    for (i in 1:n.studies) {
      #i <- 38
      studyList[[i]] <- list(studyNumber=i, empcov=primaryStudies$empcovs[[i]], delta_t=primaryStudies$deltas[[i]],
                             sampleSize=primaryStudies$sampleSizes[[i]], originalStudyNo=primaryStudies$studyNumber[[i]],
                             timePoints=sum(length(primaryStudies$deltas[[i]]), 1), moderators=primaryStudies$moderators[[i]],
                             # CHD changed next line on 29 Sep 2022
                             #maxModerators=length(primaryStudies$moderators[[i]]), startValues=primaryStudies$inits[[i]],
                             maxModerators=length(primaryStudies$moderators[[i]]), startValues=primaryStudies$startValues[[i]],
                             rawData=primaryStudies$rawData[[i]], pairwiseN=primaryStudies$pairwiseNs[[i]],
                             source=paste(primaryStudies$source[[i]], collapse=", "))
      if (useSV == FALSE) studyList[[i]]$startValues <- NULL
      # CHD added next line on 30 Sep 2022, changed 7 Oct 2022 , see also line 893 & 939
      #if ((useSV == TRUE) & (is.null(studyList[[i]]$startValues)) ) studyList[[i]]$startValues <- NA
      #if ((useSV == TRUE) & (is.na(studyList[[i]]$startValues)) ) studyList[[i]]$startValues <- NULL DOES NOT WORK
      if (is.null(studyList[[i]]$startValues)) studyList[[i]]$startValues <- NA

      if (length(primaryStudies$moderators[[i]]) > maxLengthModeratorVector) maxLengthModeratorVector <- length(primaryStudies$moderators[[i]])
      # check matrix symmetry if matrix is provided
      if (!(primaryStudies$studyNumbers[i] %in% loadRawDataStudyNumbers)) {
        if (isSymmetric(primaryStudies$empcovs[[i]]) == FALSE) {
          ErrorMsg <- paste0("\nThe correlation matrix of study no.", i, " is not symmetric. Check and re-start! \nGood luck for the next try!")

    ### create pseudo raw data for all studies or load raw data if available & specified
    empraw <- lags <- moderators <- emprawMod <- allSampleSizes <- lostN <- overallNDiff <- relativeNDiff <- list()
    emprawLong <- list()

    if (n.studies > 1) {
      if (is.na(primaryStudies$deltas[length(primaryStudies$deltas)])) primaryStudies$deltas <- primaryStudies$deltas[-length(primaryStudies$deltas)]
    allTpoints <-unlist(lapply(primaryStudies$deltas, function(extract) length(extract)+1)); allTpoints # more complicated than expected

    # manifests
    if (n.manifest > n.latent) {
      manifestNames <- paste0("y", 1:n.manifest); manifestNames
      latentNames <- paste0("V", 1:n.latent); latentNames
    } else {
      manifestNames <- paste0("V", 1:n.latent); manifestNames
      latentNames <- paste0("V", 1:n.latent); latentNames
    for (i in 1:n.studies) {
      #i <- 1
      if (!(studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo %in% loadRawDataStudyNumbers)) {
        currentSampleSize <- (lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$sampleSize))[[i]]; currentSampleSize
        currentTpoints <- (lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$timePoints))[[i]]; currentTpoints
        currentEmpcov <- (lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$empcov))[[i]]; currentEmpcov
        currentLags <- (lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$delta_t))[[i]]; currentLags
        currentPairwiseN <- (lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$pairwiseN))[[i]]; currentPairwiseN
        currentModerators <- (lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$moderators))[[i]]; currentModerators

        currentVarnames <- c()
        for (j in 1:(currentTpoints)) {
          if (n.manifest == 0) {
            for (h in 1:n.latent) {
              currentVarnames <- c(currentVarnames, paste0("V",h,"_T", (j-1)))
          } else {
            for (h in 1:n.manifest) {
              currentVarnames <- c(currentVarnames, paste0("y",h,"_T", (j-1)))

        # Create Pseudo Raw Data
        if (!(studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo %in% loadSingleStudyModelFit)) {
          tmp1 <- paste0(" Create Pseudo Raw Data for Study No. ", i, ".    Could take long !!! ")
          tmp2 <- nchar(tmp1); tmp2
          tmp3 <- (81 - tmp2)/2; tmp3
          tmp4 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 + 0.45, 0)); tmp4
          tmp5 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 - 0.45, 0)); tmp5
          tmp6 <- paste0(tmp4, tmp1, tmp5); tmp6
          Msg <- paste0("################################################################################# \n", tmp6, "\n#################################################################################")

          #Msg <- paste0("################################################################################# \n###### Create Pseudo Raw Data for Study No. ", i, ".    Could take long !!! ####### \n#################################################################################")

        # CHD ADDED 7.9.2022 reduce computation time by creating Pseudo Raw Data with small sample size because the data are loaded anyway
        currentSampleSizeTmp <- currentSampleSize
        currentPairwiseNTmp <- currentPairwiseN
        currentEmpcovTmp <- currentEmpcov
        if (length(loadSingleStudyModelFit) > 0) {
          tmp <- as.numeric(loadSingleStudyModelFit[2:length(loadSingleStudyModelFit)]); tmp
          if (studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo %in% tmp) {
            currentSampleSizeTmp <- (n.latent * currentTpoints)^2; currentSampleSizeTmp
            currentPairwiseNTmp <- matrix(0,0,0)
            currentEmpcovTmp <- matrix(0, n.latent * currentTpoints, n.latent * currentTpoints); currentEmpcovTmp

        # CHD: changed 7.9.2022 "Tmp"
        tmp <- suppressWarnings(ctmaPRaw(empCovMat=currentEmpcovTmp, empN=currentSampleSizeTmp, empNMat=currentPairwiseNTmp,

          empraw[[i]] <- tmp$data
          lostN[[i]] <- tmp$lostN
          overallNDiff[[i]] <- tmp$overallLostN
          relativeNDiff[[i]] <- tmp$relativeLostN
          lags[[i]] <- matrix(currentLags, nrow=dim(empraw[[i]])[1], ncol=currentTpoints-1, byrow=TRUE)
          empraw[[i]] <- cbind(empraw[[i]], lags[[i]]);
          colnames(empraw[[i]]) <- c(c(currentVarnames, paste0("dT", seq(1:(currentTpoints-1)))))
          empraw[[i]] <- as.data.frame(empraw[[i]])

          n.var <- max(c(n.manifest, n.latent)); n.var
          ## START correction of current lags if entire time point is missing for a case
          emprawLongTmp <- ctsem::ctWideToLong(empraw[[i]], Tpoints=currentTpoints, n.manifest=n.var, manifestNames=manifestNames)
          emprawLongTmp <- suppressMessages(ctsem::ctDeintervalise(datalong = emprawLongTmp, id='id', dT='dT'))
          ## eliminate rows where ALL latents are NA
          if (n.manifest > n.latent) targetCols <- paste0("y", 1:n.manifest) else targetCols <- paste0("V", 1:n.latent)
          emprawLongTmp <- emprawLongTmp[, ][ apply(emprawLongTmp[, targetCols], 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)) != n.var ), ]
          # eliminate rows where time is NA
          emprawLongTmp <- emprawLongTmp[which(!(is.na(emprawLongTmp[, "time"]))), ]
          # make wide format
          emprawWide <- suppressMessages(ctsem::ctLongToWide(emprawLongTmp, id='id', time='time', manifestNames=manifestNames))
          # intervalise
          emprawWide <- suppressMessages(ctsem::ctIntervalise(emprawWide, Tpoints=currentTpoints, n.manifest=n.var, manifestNames=manifestNames))
          # restore
          empraw[[i]] <- as.data.frame(emprawWide)
          # END correction
          # add potential moderators

        # load raw data on request
        if (studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo %in% loadRawDataStudyNumbers) {
          if ( (!(is.null(primaryStudies$emprawList[[i]]))) &
               ((is.null(primaryStudies$empcovs[[i]]))) ) {  # if the function list of primary studies is already post-processed (ctmaSV) and called from ctmaOptimizeINit)
            empraw[[i]] <- primaryStudies$emprawList[[i]]
            if (!(exists("n.var"))) n.var <- max(c(n.latent, n.manifest))
            tmp1 <- dim(empraw[[i]])[2]; tmp1
            currentTpoints <- (tmp1 + 1)/(n.var+1); currentTpoints
            currentTpointsBackup <- currentTpoints # in case function is called from ctmaOptimizeInit
            currentVarnames <- c()
            for (j in 1:(currentTpoints)) {
              if (n.manifest == 0) {
                for (h in 1:n.latent) {
                  currentVarnames <- c(currentVarnames, paste0("V",h,"_T", (j-1)))
              } else {
                for (h in 1:n.manifest) {
                  currentVarnames <- c(currentVarnames, paste0("y",h,"_T", (j-1)))
            tmp1 <- empraw[[i]]
            tmp2 <- tmp1[,grep("dT", colnames(tmp1))] == minInterval
            tmp1[ ,grep("dT", colnames(tmp1))][tmp2] <- NA
            for (h in 1:(currentTpoints-1)) studyList[[i]]$delta_t[h] <- mean(tmp1[, paste0("dT", h)], na.rm=TRUE)
          } else {
            currentTpoints <- length((lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$delta_t))[[i]])+1; currentTpoints

            tmp1 <- studyList[[i]]$rawData$fileName; tmp1
            tmp2 <- studyList[[i]]$rawData$header; tmp2
            tmp3 <- studyList[[i]]$rawData$dec; tmp3
            tmp4 <- studyList[[i]]$rawData$sep; tmp4
            if (activeDirectory != primaryStudies$activeDirectory) {
              tmp1 <- gsub(primaryStudies$activeDirectory, activeDirectory, tmp1, fixed=TRUE)
            tmpData <- utils::read.table(file=tmp1,

            currentVarnames <- c()
            for (j in 1:(currentTpoints)) {
              if (n.manifest == 0) {
                for (h in 1:n.latent) {
                  currentVarnames <- c(currentVarnames, paste0("V",h,"_T", (j-1)))
              } else {
                for (h in 1:n.manifest) {
                  currentVarnames <- c(currentVarnames, paste0("y",h,"_T", (j-1)))

            # replace missing values
            tmpData <- as.matrix(tmpData) # important: line below will not work without having data as a matrix
            tmpData[tmpData %in% studyList[[i]]$rawData$missingValues] <- NA
            empraw[[i]] <- as.data.frame(tmpData)

            ## START correction of current lags if entire time point is missing for a case
            # if called from ctmaOptimize
            if (!(exists("n.var"))) n.var <- max(n.latent, n.manifest)
            # change variable names
            tmp1 <- dim(empraw[[i]])[2]; tmp1
            currentTpoints <- (tmp1 + 1)/(n.var+1); currentTpoints
            currentTpointsBackup <- currentTpoints # in case function is called from ctmaOptimizeInit
            if (n.manifest > n.latent) {
              colnames(empraw[[i]])[1:(currentTpoints * n.manifest)] <- paste0(paste0("x", 1:n.manifest), "_T", rep(0:(currentTpoints-1), each=n.manifest))
            } else {
              colnames(empraw[[i]])[1:(currentTpoints * n.latent)] <- paste0(paste0("V", 1:n.latent), "_T", rep(0:(currentTpoints-1), each=n.latent))

            # wide to long
            emprawLongTmp <- ctsem::ctWideToLong(empraw[[i]], Tpoints=currentTpoints, n.manifest=n.var, manifestNames=manifestNames)
            emprawLongTmp <- suppressMessages(ctsem::ctDeintervalise(datalong = emprawLongTmp, id='id', dT='dT'))

            # eliminate rows where ALL latents are NA
            ## skipped on 31. Aug. 2022
            #if (n.manifest > n.latent) {
            #  emprawLongTmp <- emprawLongTmp[apply(emprawLongTmp[, paste0("x", 1:n.manifest)], 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)) != n.manifest ), ]
            #} else {
            #  emprawLongTmp <- emprawLongTmp[apply(emprawLongTmp[, paste0("V", 1:n.latent)], 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)) != n.latent ), ]

            # eliminate rows where time is NA
            emprawLongTmp <- emprawLongTmp[which(!(is.na(emprawLongTmp[, "time"]))), ]
            # 9. Aug. 2022: handle possibly reduced Tpoints (if some rows were eliminated for all cases)
            currentTpoints <- max(table(emprawLongTmp[,1])); currentTpoints

            # make wide format
            emprawWide <- suppressMessages(ctsem::ctLongToWide(emprawLongTmp, id='id', time='time', manifestNames=manifestNames))
            # intervalise
            emprawWide <- suppressMessages(ctsem::ctIntervalise(emprawWide,
            # restore
            empraw[[i]] <- as.data.frame(emprawWide)

            # Change the NAs provided for deltas if raw data are loaded
            for (h in 1:(currentTpoints-1)) {
              # temporarily replace dT = .001 by NA
              tmp1 <- grep("dT", colnames(empraw[[i]])); tmp1
              colnamesTmp <- colnames(empraw[[i]])[tmp1]; colnamesTmp
              emprawTmp <- as.matrix(empraw[[i]][, tmp1])
              colnames(emprawTmp) <- colnamesTmp
              emprawTmp[emprawTmp == minInterval] <- NA
              studyList[[i]]$delta_t[h] <- mean(emprawTmp[, paste0("dT", h)], na.rm=TRUE)

            # change sample size if entire cases were deleted
            studyList[[i]]$sampleSize <- (dim(empraw[[i]]))[1]
            allSampleSizes[[i]] <- dim(empraw[[i]])[1]; allSampleSizes[[i]]
            currentSampleSize <- (lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$sampleSize))[[i]]; currentSampleSize
            currentTpoints <- allTpoints[[i]]; currentTpoints
            if (is.null(currentTpoints)) currentTpoints <- currentTpointsBackup

            colnames(empraw[[i]]) <- c(c(currentVarnames, paste0("dT", seq(1:(currentTpoints-1)))))

            # standardize (variables - not time lags) if option is chosen
            if (studyList[[i]]$rawData$standardize == TRUE) empraw[[i]][, currentVarnames] <- scale(empraw[[i]][, currentVarnames])

            # replace missing values for time lags dTi by minInterval (has to be so because dTi are definition variables)
            tmpData <- empraw[[i]][, paste0("dT", seq(1:(currentTpoints-1)))]
            tmpData[is.na(tmpData)] <- minInterval
            empraw[[i]][, paste0("dT", seq(1:(currentTpoints-1)))] <- tmpData

            # add moderators to loaded raw data
            # Save raw data  on request
            if ( i %in% saveRawData$studyNumbers ) {
              x1 <- paste0(saveRawData$fileName, i, ".dat"); x1
              utils::write.table(empraw[[i]], file=x1, row.names=saveRawData$row.names, col.names=saveRawData$col.names,
                                 sep=saveRawData$sep, dec=saveRawData$dec)

        # augment pseudo raw data for stanct model
          dataTmp <- empraw[[i]]
          dataTmp2 <- ctsem::ctWideToLong(dataTmp, Tpoints=currentTpoints, n.manifest=n.var, #n.TIpred = (n.studies-1),
          dataTmp3 <- suppressMessages(ctsem::ctDeintervalise(dataTmp2))
          dataTmp3[, "time"] <- dataTmp3[, "time"] * CoTiMAStanctArgs$scaleTime

          # eliminate rows where ALL latents are NA
          if (n.manifest > n.latent) {
            dataTmp3 <- dataTmp3[, ][ apply(dataTmp3[, paste0("y", 1:n.manifest)], 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)) != n.manifest ), ]
          } else {
            dataTmp3 <- dataTmp3[, ][ apply(dataTmp3[, paste0("V", 1:n.latent)], 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)) != n.latent ), ]
          emprawLong[[i]] <- dataTmp3
      } ### END for i ...
    } ### END Read user provided data and create list with all study information ###

  # Check if sample sizes specified in prep file deviate from cases provided in possible raw data files
  N1 <- (unlist((lapply(empraw, function(extract) dim(extract)[1])))); N1
  N2 <- (unlist(primaryStudies$sampleSizes)); N2
  N1 <- sum(unlist((lapply(empraw, function(extract) dim(extract)[1]))) , na.rm=TRUE); N1
  N2 <- sum(unlist(primaryStudies$sampleSizes), na.rm=TRUE); N2
  if (!(N1 == N2)) {
    tmp1 <- unlist(lapply(empraw, function(extract) dim(extract)[1])); tmp1
    tmp2 <- unlist(primaryStudies$sampleSizes); tmp2
    if (!(any(is.na(tmp2)))) {   # check if mismatch is because >= 1 study used pairwise N
      Msg <- paste0("There is a possible mismatch between sample sizes specified in the primary study list
    (created with the PREP R-file) and the cases provided in raw data files.\nN based on raw data: \n", tmp1)
      Msg <- paste0("\nN as specified in list: \n", tmp2)

  ################################################### Some Statistics ###################################################
    Msg <- "################################################################################# \n################# Compute Summary Statistics of Primary Studies ################# \n#################################################################################"

    ### some stats
    # Sample size
    allSampleSizes <-unlist(lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$sampleSize)); allSampleSizes
    overallSampleSize <- N1; overallSampleSize
    meanSampleSize <- mean(allSampleSizes, na.rm=TRUE); meanSampleSize
    maxSampleSize <- suppressWarnings(max(allSampleSizes, na.rm=TRUE)); maxSampleSize
    minSampleSize <- suppressWarnings(min(allSampleSizes, na.rm=TRUE)); minSampleSize
    # lags (will be computed again below if raw data are loaded #
    allDeltas <-unlist(lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$delta_t)); allDeltas
    if (is.na(allDeltas[length(allDeltas)])) allDeltas <- allDeltas[-length(allDeltas)]; allDeltas
    meanDelta <- mean(allDeltas, na.rm=TRUE); meanDelta
    maxDelta <- max(allDeltas, na.rm=TRUE); maxDelta
    minDelta <- min(allDeltas, na.rm=TRUE); minDelta
    # Time points
    allTpoints; length(allTpoints)
    overallTpoints <- sum(allTpoints, na.rm=TRUE); overallTpoints
    meanTpoints  <- mean(allTpoints, na.rm=TRUE); meanTpoints
    maxTpoints  <- max(allTpoints, na.rm=TRUE); maxTpoints
    minTpoints  <- min(allTpoints, na.rm=TRUE); minTpoints
    # Moderators Information
    statisticsList <- list(originalStudyNumbers=unlist(primaryStudies$studyNumber),
                           allSampleSizes=allSampleSizes, overallSampleSize=overallSampleSize, meanSampleSize=meanSampleSize,
                           maxSampleSize=maxSampleSize, minSampleSize=minSampleSize,
                           allDeltas=allDeltas, meanDelta=meanDelta, maxDelta=maxDelta, minDelta=minDelta,
                           allTpoints=allTpoints, overallTpoints=overallTpoints, meanTpoints=meanTpoints,
                           maxTpoints=maxTpoints, minTpoints=minTpoints,

  } ### END Some Statistics ###

  ############################# Create ctsem model template to fit all primary studies ##################################
    Msg <- "################################################################################# \n############# Set ctsem Model Parameters to fit all Primary Studies ############# \n#################################################################################"

    namesAndParams <- ctmaLabels(
    driftNames <- namesAndParams$driftNames; driftNames
    driftFullNames <- namesAndParams$driftFullNames; driftFullNames
    driftParams <- namesAndParams$driftParams; driftParams
    diffNames <- namesAndParams$diffNames; diffNames
    diffParams <- namesAndParams$diffParams; diffParams
    diffFullNames <- namesAndParams$diffFullNames; diffFullNames
    invariantDriftNames <- namesAndParams$invariantDriftNames; invariantDriftNames
    invariantDriftParams <- namesAndParams$invariantDriftParams; invariantDriftParams
    lambdaParams <- namesAndParams$lambdaParams; lambdaParams
    T0VARParams <- namesAndParams$T0VARParams; T0VARParams
    #manifestmeansParams <- namesAndParams$manifestMeansParams; manifestmeansParams
    manifestMeansParams <- namesAndParams$manifestMeansParams; manifestMeansParams
    T0meansParams=namesAndParams$T0meansParams; T0meansParams
    manifestVarsParams <- namesAndParams$manifestVarsParams; manifestVarsParams

  } ### END Create ctsem model template to fit all primary studies ###

  ##################################### Check Specification of Primary Studies ##########################################
    Msg <- "################################################################################# \n#################### Check Specification of Primary Studies ##################### \n#################################################################################"

    if (length(saveSingleStudyModelFit) == 1){
      if ((activateRPB==TRUE) &  (silentOverwrite==FALSE)) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
      if (silentOverwrite==FALSE) {
        cat(crayon::red$bold("You have indicated that you want to save SingleStudyModelFits, but have not selected any study/studies to save the fit for!","\n"))
        cat(crayon::red("Would you like to save the SingleStudyModelFits for ALL studies??","\n"))
        cat(crayon::blue("Press 'y' to save ALL singleStudyModelFits or 's' to continue and","\n"))
        cat(crayon::blue("select the study/studies you whish to save the fits for. If you wish to quite, press 'q'. Press ENTER afterwards","\n"))
        char <- readline(" ")
        while (!(char == 's') & !(char == 'S') & !(char == 'y') & !(char == 'Y') & !(char == 'q') & !(char == 'Q')) {
          cat((crayon::blue("Please press 'y' to save ALL, 's' to specify the study/studies to save, or 'q' to quit. Press ENTER afterwards.", "\n")))
          char <- readline(" ")
        if (char == 'y' | char == 'Y') {
          for (i in unlist(primaryStudies$studyNumber)) saveSingleStudyModelFit <- c(saveSingleStudyModelFit, i)
        } else if (char == 's' | char == 'S') {
          cat(crayon::blue("Which SingleStudyModelFits would you like to save?", "\n"))
          cat(crayon::blue("Please enter the no. of study/studies separated by commas!", "\n"))
          chars <- readline(" ")
          chars <- gsub(" ", "", chars, fixed = TRUE)
          chars <- unlist(strsplit(chars, ","))
          saveSingleStudyModelFit <- c(saveSingleStudyModelFit, chars)
        } else if (char == 'q' | char == 'Q'){
          ErrorMsg <- "Good luck for the next try!"
      } else {
        saveSingleStudyModelFit <- c(saveSingleStudyModelFit, unlist(primaryStudies$studyNumber))

    if (length(loadSingleStudyModelFit) == 1){
      if ((activateRPB==TRUE) & (silentOverwrite==FALSE)) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
      if (silentOverwrite==FALSE) {
        cat(crayon::red$bold("You have indicated that you want to load SingleStudyModelFits, but have not selected any study/studies to load the fit for!","\n"))
        cat(crayon::red("Would you like to load the SingleStudyModelFits for ALL studies??","\n"))
        cat(crayon::blue("Press 'y' to load ALL singleStudyModelFits or 's' to continue and","\n"))
        cat(crayon::blue("select the study/studies you whish to load the fits for. If you wish to quite, press 'q'. Press ENTER afterwards","\n"))
        char <- readline(" ")
        while (!(char == 's') & !(char == 'S') & !(char == 'y') & !(char == 'Y') & !(char == 'q') & !(char == 'Q')) {
          cat((crayon::blue("Please press 'y' to load ALL, 's' to specify the study/studies to load, or 'q' to quit. Press ENTER afterwards.", "\n")))
          char <- readline(" ")
        if (char == 'y' | char == 'Y') {
          for (i in unlist(primaryStudies$studyNumber)) loadSingleStudyModelFit <- c(loadSingleStudyModelFit, i)
        } else if (char == 's' | char == 'S') {
          cat(crayon::blue("Which SingleStudyModelFits would you like to load?", "\n"))
          cat(crayon::blue("Please enter the no. of study/studies separated by commas!", "\n"))
          chars <- readline(" ")
          chars <- gsub(" ", "", chars, fixed = TRUE)
          chars <- unlist(strsplit(chars, ","))
          loadSingleStudyModelFit <- c(loadSingleStudyModelFit, chars)
        } else if (char == 'q' | char == 'Q') {
          ErrorMsg <- "Good luck for the next try!"
      } else {
        loadSingleStudyModelFit <- c(loadSingleStudyModelFit, unlist(primaryStudies$studyNumber))
  } ### END check specification of primary studies ###

  ##################################### Fit ctsem Model to each Primary Study ###########################################
    # loop through all primary studies
    studyFit <- studyFitCI <- studyFit_Minus2LogLikelihood <- studyFit_estimatedParameters <- list()
    model_Drift_Coef <- model_Drift_SE <- model_Drift_CI <- list()
    model_Diffusion_Coef <- model_Diffusion_SE <- model_Diffusion_CI <- list()
    model_T0var_Coef <- model_T0var_SE <- model_T0var_CI <- list()
    model_Cint_Coef <- model_Cint_SE <- model_Cint_CI <- list()
    model_popsd <- list() # model_popcov <- model_popcor <- list()
    resultsSummary <- list()
    model_popcov_m <- model_popcov_sd <- model_popcov_T <- model_popcov_05 <- model_popcov_50 <- model_popcov_95 <- list()
    model_popcor_m <- model_popcor_sd <- model_popcor_T <- model_popcor_05 <- model_popcor_50 <- model_popcor_95 <- list()

    for (i in 1:n.studies) {
      #i <- 1
      notLoadable <- TRUE
      if ( (length(loadSingleStudyModelFit) > 1) & (studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo %in% loadSingleStudyModelFit[-1]) ) {
        tmp1 <- paste0(" LOADING SingleStudyFit ", i, " of ", n.studies, " (Study: ", studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo, ") ")
        tmp2 <- nchar(tmp1); tmp2
        tmp3 <- (81 - tmp2)/2; tmp3
        tmp4 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 + 0.45, 0)); tmp4
        tmp5 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 - 0.45, 0)); tmp5
        tmp6 <- paste0(tmp4, tmp1, tmp5); tmp6
        Msg <- paste0("################################################################################# \n" , tmp6 ,"\n#################################################################################")
        x1 <- paste0(activeDirectory, loadSingleStudyModelFit[1], " singleStudyFits/",loadSingleStudyModelFit[1], " studyFit", studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo, ".rds"); x1
        if (file.exists(x1)) {
          notLoadable <- FALSE
          studyFit[[i]] <- readRDS(file=x1)
          # CHD added 21 Sep 2022
          empraw[[i]] <- studyFit[[i]]$empraw
        } else {
          notLoadable <- TRUE
      } # END if ( (length(loadSingleStudyModelFit) > 1) &  ...

      tmpLogic <- 0
      if ((studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo %in% loadSingleStudyModelFit[-1]) & (notLoadable == TRUE) ) tmpLogic <- 1
      if (!(studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo %in% loadSingleStudyModelFit[-1]) ) tmpLogic <- 1
      if (tmpLogic == 1) {

        tmp1 <- paste0(" Fitting SingleStudyModel ", i, " of ", n.studies, " (Study: ", studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo, ") ")
        tmp2 <- nchar(tmp1); tmp2
        tmp3 <- (81 - tmp2)/2; tmp3
        tmp4 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 + 0.45, 0)); tmp4
        tmp5 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 - 0.45, 0)); tmp5
        tmp6 <- paste0(tmp4, tmp1, tmp5); tmp6
        Msg <- paste0("################################################################################# \n", tmp6, "\n#################################################################################")

        #Msg <- paste0("################################################################################# \n################### Fitting SingleStudyModel ", i, " of ", n.studies, " (Study: ", studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo, ") ###################### \n#################################################################################")

        if (!(optimize)) {
          customPar <- FALSE
          if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Attention!"))}

          tmp1a <- paste0(" Bayesian sampling was selected, which does require appropriate scaling of time. ")
          tmp2 <- nchar(tmp1a); tmp2
          tmp3 <- (81 - tmp2)/2; tmp3
          tmp4 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 + 0.45, 0)); tmp4
          tmp5 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 - 0.45, 0)); tmp5
          tmp6a <- paste0(tmp4, tmp1a, tmp5); tmp6

          tmp1b <- paste0(" See the end of the summary output ")
          tmp2 <- nchar(tmp1b); tmp2
          tmp3 <- (81 - tmp2)/2; tmp3
          tmp4 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 + 0.45, 0)); tmp4
          tmp5 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 - 0.45, 0)); tmp5
          tmp6b <- paste0(tmp4, tmp1b, tmp5); tmp6

          Msg <- paste0("################################################################################# \n", tmp6a, "\n", tmp6b, "\n#################################################################################")

          #Msg <- "Bayesian sampling was selected, which does require appropriate scaling of time. See the end of the summary output \n"


        # select correct template
        currentTpoints <- (lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$timePoints))[[i]]; currentTpoints

        # scale Drift to cover changes in ctsem 3.4.1 (this would be for ctmaFit/ctmaModFit, but for Init individual study modification is done later)
        driftParamsTmp <- driftParams
        diffParamsTmp <- diffParams
        longestLag <- max((lapply(studyList, function(extract) extract$delta_t))[[i]]); longestLag
        if ((longestLag > 6)  & (customPar)) {
          counter <- 0
          for (h in 1:(n.latent)) {
            for (j in 1:(n.latent)) {
              counter <- counter + 1
              if (h == j) {
                driftParamsTmp[counter] <- paste0(driftParams[counter], paste0("|-log1p_exp(-param *.1 -2)"))
                diffParamsTmp[counter] <- paste0(diffParams[counter], paste0("|log1p_exp(-param *.1 -2)"))
        currentModel <- ctsem::ctModel(n.latent=n.latent, n.manifest=n.var, Tpoints=currentTpoints, manifestNames=manifestNames,    # 2 waves in the template only
                                       DIFFUSION=matrix(diffParamsTmp, nrow=n.latent, ncol=n.latent), #, byrow=TRUE),
                                       DRIFT=matrix(driftParamsTmp, nrow=n.latent, ncol=n.latent),
                                       CINT=matrix(0, nrow=n.latent, ncol=1),
                                       #T0MEANS = matrix(c(0), nrow = n.latent, ncol = 1),
                                       #MANIFESTMEANS = matrix(manifestmeansParams, nrow = n.var, ncol = 1),
                                       T0MEANS = matrix(c(T0meansParams), nrow = n.latent, ncol = 1),
                                       MANIFESTMEANS = matrix(manifestMeansParams, nrow = n.var, ncol = 1),
                                       MANIFESTVAR=matrix(manifestVarsParams, nrow=n.var, ncol=n.var)
        currentModel$pars[, "indvarying"] <- FALSE

        if (indVarying == TRUE) {
          Msg <- "################################################################################# \n######## Just a note: Individually varying intercepts model requested.  ######### \n#################################################################################"
          MANIFESTMEANS <- paste0("mean_", manifestNames); MANIFESTMEANS # if provided, indVarying is the default
          # added 9. Aug. 2022
          T0MEANS <- paste0("T0mean_", manifestNames); MANIFESTMEANS # if provided, indVarying is the default

          currentModel <- ctsem::ctModel(n.latent=n.latent, n.manifest=n.var, Tpoints=currentTpoints, manifestNames=manifestNames,    # 2 waves in the template only
                                         DIFFUSION=matrix(diffParams, nrow=n.latent, ncol=n.latent), #, byrow=TRUE),
                                         DRIFT=matrix(driftParams, nrow=n.latent, ncol=n.latent),
                                         CINT=matrix(0, nrow=n.latent, ncol=1),
                                         # changed 9. Aug. 2022/16. Aug
                                         #T0MEANS = matrix(c(0), nrow = n.latent, ncol = 1),
                                         #T0MEANS = matrix(c(T0MEANS), nrow = n.latent, ncol = 1),
                                         #MANIFESTMEANS = matrix(MANIFESTMEANS, nrow = n.var, ncol = 1),
                                         #T0MEANS = matrix(c(T0meansParams), nrow = n.latent, ncol = 1),
                                         #MANIFESTMEANS = matrix(manifestMeansParams, nrow = n.var, ncol = 1),
                                         T0MEANS = "auto",
                                         MANIFESTMEANS = "auto",
                                         MANIFESTVAR=matrix(manifestVarsParams, nrow=n.var, ncol=n.var)

        if (doPar < 2) {
          # CHD changed 7 Oct 2022
          if (any(is.na(studyList[[i]]$startValues))) inits <- NULL else inits <- studyList[[i]]$startValues
          results <- suppressMessages(ctsem::ctStanFit(
            datalong = emprawLong[[i]],
            ctstanmodel = currentModel,
            cores=coresToUse) )
        } else {
          # parallel re-fitting of problem study

          tmp1 <- paste0(" Parallel fit attmepts requested. Screen remains silent for a while. ")
          tmp2 <- nchar(tmp1); tmp2
          tmp3 <- (81 - tmp2)/2; tmp3
          tmp4 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 + 0.45, 0)); tmp4
          tmp5 <- strrep("#", round(tmp3 - 0.45, 0)); tmp5
          tmp6 <- paste0(tmp4, tmp1, tmp5); tmp6

          Msg <- paste0("################################################################################# \n", tmp6, "\n#################################################################################")

          #Msg <- "Parallel fit attmepts requested. Screen remains silent for a while.\n"

          allfits <- foreach::foreach(p=1:doPar) %dopar% {
            # CHD changed 7 Oct 2022
            if (any(is.na(studyList[[i]]$startValues))) inits <- NULL else inits <- studyList[[i]]$startValues

            fits <- suppressMessages(ctsem::ctStanFit(
              datalong = emprawLong[[i]],
              ctstanmodel = currentModel,
              cores=1) )
          all_loglik <- unlist(lapply(allfits, function(x) x$stanfit$optimfit$value)); all_loglik
          # CHD added 27 SEP 2022 to prevent neg -2ll fits
          if(posLL == FALSE) {
            if (all(all_loglik > 0)) {
              ErrorMsg <- "\n All loglik values > 0, but you provided the argument posLL=FALSE, so no fit confirmed your expectations and I had to stop!"
            all_loglik <- all_loglik[-(which(all_loglik > 0))]
          # CHD added 27 SEP 2022: changed min to max
          bestFit <- which(abs(all_loglik) == max(abs(all_loglik)))[1]; bestFit
          results <- allfits[[bestFit]]

        gc() # tryout garbage collector to avoid memory issues

        studyFit[[i]] <- results
        studyFit[[i]]$resultsSummary <- summary(studyFit[[i]])

        df <- "deprecated"
        studyFit[[i]]$resultsSummary$'df (CoTiMA)' <- df
      } # END if (!(studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo %in% ...

      # SAVE
      if ( (length(saveSingleStudyModelFit) > 1) & (studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo %in% saveSingleStudyModelFit[-1]) ) {
        x1 <- paste0(saveSingleStudyModelFit[1], " studyFit", studyList[[i]]$originalStudyNo, ".rds"); x1
        x2 <- paste0(saveSingleStudyModelFit[1], " singleStudyFits/"); x2
        # CHD added 21. Sep 2022 & changed 28 Sep 2022
        #if (!(is.null(studyFit[[1]]$empraw))) empraw[[i]] <- studyFit[[i]]$empraw
        studyFit[[i]]$empraw <- empraw[[i]]
        ctmaSaveFile(activateRPB, activeDirectory, studyFit[[i]], x1, x2, silentOverwrite=silentOverwrite)

      resultsSummary <- studyFit[[i]]$resultsSummary; resultsSummary

      studyFit_Minus2LogLikelihood[[i]] <- -2 * resultsSummary$loglik
      studyFit_estimatedParameters[[i]] <- resultsSummary$npars

      # Subsequent if ... else ... became necessary with ctsem 3.4.1 where the namens of the rows (rownames) were moved into a column named "matrix"
      tmp <- grep("toV", rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)); tmp
      if (!(length(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DRIFT", "Mean"]) == 0)) {
        model_Drift_Coef[[i]] <- c(matrix(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DRIFT", "Mean"], n.latent)); model_Drift_Coef[[i]]
      } else { # new version of ctsem
        model_Drift_Coef[[i]] <- c(matrix(resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "DRIFT", "Mean"], n.latent)); model_Drift_Coef[[i]]
      names(model_Drift_Coef[[i]]) <- driftFullNames; model_Drift_Coef[[i]]

      if (!(length(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DRIFT", "Sd"]) == 0)) {
        model_Drift_SE[[i]] <- c(matrix(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DRIFT", "Sd"], n.latent, byrow=FALSE)); model_Drift_SE[[i]]
      } else { # new version of ctsem
        model_Drift_SE[[i]] <- c(matrix(resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "DRIFT", "sd"], n.latent, byrow=FALSE)); model_Drift_SE[[i]]
      names(model_Drift_SE[[i]]) <- c(driftFullNames); model_Drift_SE[[i]]

      if (!(length(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DRIFT", "2.5%"]) == 0 )) {
        tmp1 <- c(matrix(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DRIFT", "2.5%"], n.latent, byrow=FALSE)); tmp1
        tmp2 <- c(matrix(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DRIFT", "97.5%"], n.latent, byrow=FALSE)); tmp2
      } else {
        tmp1 <- c(matrix(resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "DRIFT", "2.5%"], n.latent, byrow=FALSE)); tmp1
        tmp2 <- c(matrix(resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "DRIFT", "97.5%"], n.latent, byrow=FALSE)); tmp2
      model_Drift_CI[[i]] <- c(rbind(tmp1, tmp2)); model_Drift_CI[[i]]
      tmp3 <- c(rbind(paste0(driftFullNames, "LL"),
                      paste0(driftFullNames, "UL"))); tmp3
      names(model_Drift_CI[[i]]) <- tmp3; model_Drift_CI[[i]]

      tmp <- grep("diff", rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)); tmp
      if (!(length(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DIFFUSIONcov", "Mean"]) == 0)) {
        model_Diffusion_Coef[[i]] <- (resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DIFFUSIONcov", "Mean"])
        names(model_Diffusion_Coef[[i]]) <- rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]
      } else {
        model_Diffusion_Coef[[i]] <- (resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "DIFFUSIONcov", "Mean"])
        names(model_Diffusion_Coef[[i]]) <- c(OpenMx::vech2full(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]))

      if (!(is.null(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DIFFUSIONcov", "Sd"]))) {
        model_Diffusion_SE[[i]] <- (resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DIFFUSIONcov", "Sd"]) #; model_Diffusion_SE[[i]]
        names(model_Diffusion_SE[[i]]) <- rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]
      } else {
        model_Diffusion_SE[[i]] <- resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "DIFFUSIONcov", "sd"] #; model_Diffusion_SE[[i]]
        names(model_Diffusion_SE[[i]]) <- c(OpenMx::vech2full(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]))

      if (!(length(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DIFFUSIONcov", "2.5%"])) == 0) {
        tmp1 <- resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DIFFUSIONcov", "2.5%"]; tmp1
        tmp2 <- resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "DIFFUSIONcov", "97.5%"]; tmp2
        model_Diffusion_CI[[i]] <- c(rbind(tmp1, tmp2)); model_Diffusion_CI[[i]]
        tmp3 <- c(rbind(paste0(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp], "LL"),
                        paste0(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp], "UL"))); tmp3
        names(model_Diffusion_CI[[i]]) <- tmp3; model_Diffusion_CI[[i]]
      } else {
        tmp1 <- resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "DIFFUSIONcov", "2.5%"]; tmp1
        tmp2 <- resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "DIFFUSIONcov", "97.5%"]; tmp2
        model_Diffusion_CI[[i]] <- c(rbind(tmp1, tmp2)); model_Diffusion_CI[[i]]
        tmp3 <- c(rbind(paste0(OpenMx::vech2full(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]), "LL"),
                        paste0(OpenMx::vech2full(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]), "UL"))); tmp3
        names(model_Diffusion_CI[[i]]) <- tmp3; model_Diffusion_CI[[i]]

      tmp <- grep("0var", rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)); tmp
      # added 9. Aug. 2022. Next one become neccessary because ctsem labeling changed from "var" to "cov"
      if (length(tmp) == 0) {
        tmp <- grep("0cov", resultsSummary$parmatrices$matrix)
        tmp2 <- (resultsSummary$parmatrices[tmp, c("matrix", "row", "col")]); tmp2
        T0covNames <- c()
        for (m in 1:nrow(tmp2)) T0covNames[m] <- paste0(tmp2[m, 1], tmp2[m, 2], tmp2[m, 3])
      } else {
        T0covNames <- c(OpenMx::vech2full(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]))
      if (!(length(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "T0VAR", "Mean"])) == 0 ) {
        model_T0var_Coef[[i]] <- (resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "T0VAR", "Mean"])
        names(model_T0var_Coef[[i]]) <- rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]; model_T0var_Coef[[i]]
      }  else {
        model_T0var_Coef[[i]] <- (resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "T0cov", "Mean"])
        # added 9. Aug. 2022
        if (length(model_T0var_Coef[[i]]) != n.latent^2) {
          names(model_T0var_Coef[[i]]) <- c(OpenMx::vech2full(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]))
        } else {
          names(model_T0var_Coef[[i]]) <- T0covNames

      if (!(is.null(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "T0VAR", "Sd"]))) {
        model_T0var_SE[[i]] <- (resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "T0VAR", "Sd"]); model_T0var_SE[[i]]
        names(model_T0var_SE[[i]]) <- rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]; model_T0var_SE[[i]]
      } else {
        model_T0var_SE[[i]] <- (resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "T0cov", "sd"])
        if (length(model_T0var_SE[[i]]) != n.latent^2) {
          names(model_T0var_SE[[i]]) <- c(OpenMx::vech2full(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]))
        } else {
          names(model_T0var_SE[[i]]) <- T0covNames

      if (!(length(resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "T0VAR", "2.5%"]) == 0)) {
        tmp1 <- resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "T0VAR", "2.5%"]; tmp1
        tmp2 <- resultsSummary$parmatrices[rownames(resultsSummary$parmatrices) == "T0VAR", "97.5%"]; tmp2
        model_T0var_CI[[i]] <- c(rbind(tmp1, tmp2)); model_T0var_CI[[i]]
        tmp3 <- c(rbind(paste0(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp], "LL"),
                        paste0(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp], "UL"))); tmp3
        names(model_T0var_CI[[i]]) <- tmp3; model_T0var_CI[[i]]
      } else {
        tmp1 <- resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "T0cov", "2.5%"]; tmp1
        tmp2 <- resultsSummary$parmatrices[resultsSummary$parmatrices[, "matrix"] == "T0cov", "97.5%"]; tmp2
        model_T0var_CI[[i]] <- c(rbind(tmp1, tmp2)); model_T0var_CI[[i]]
        if (length(tmp1) != n.latent^2) {
          tmp3 <- c(rbind(paste0(OpenMx::vech2full(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]), "LL"),
                        paste0(OpenMx::vech2full(rownames(resultsSummary$popmeans)[tmp]), "UL"))); tmp3
          names(model_T0var_CI[[i]]) <- tmp3; model_T0var_CI[[i]]
        } else {
          tmp3 <- c(rbind(paste0(T0covNames, "LL"),
                          paste0(T0covNames, "UL"))); tmp3
          names(model_T0var_CI[[i]]) <- tmp3; model_T0var_CI[[i]]
      # changed 17. Aug. 2022
      if (indVarying == TRUE) {
        model_popsd[[i]] <- resultsSummary$popsd
        e <- ctsem::ctExtract(studyFit[[i]])
        model_popcov_m[[i]] <- round(ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcov, 1, mean), digits = digits)
        model_popcov_sd[[i]] <- round(ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcov, 1, stats::sd), digits = digits)
        model_popcov_T[[i]] <- round(ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcov, 1, mean)/ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcov, 1, stats::sd), digits)
        model_popcov_05[[i]] <- ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcov, 1, function(x) stats::quantile(x, .05))
        model_popcov_50[[i]] <- ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcov, 1, function(x) stats::quantile(x, .50))
        model_popcov_95[[i]] <- ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcov, 1, function(x) stats::quantile(x, .95))
        # convert to correlations and do the same (array to list then list to array)
        e$popcor <- lapply(seq(dim(e$popcov)[1]), function(x) e$popcov[x , ,])
        e$popcor <- lapply(e$popcor, stats::cov2cor)
        e$popcor <- array(unlist(e$popcor), dim=c(n.latent*2, n.latent*2, length(e$popcor)))
        model_popcor_m[[i]] <- round(ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcor, 3, mean), digits = digits)
        model_popcor_sd[[i]] <- round(ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcor, 3, stats::sd), digits = digits)
        model_popcor_T[[i]] <- round(ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcor, 3, mean)/ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcor, 3, stats::sd), digits)
        model_popcor_05[[i]] <- ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcor, 3, function(x) stats::quantile(x, .05))
        model_popcor_50[[i]] <- ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcor, 3, function(x) stats::quantile(x, .50))
        model_popcor_95[[i]] <- ctsem::ctCollapse(e$popcor, 3, function(x) stats::quantile(x, .95))
      } else {
        model_popsd <- "no random effects estimated"
        model_popcov_m <- model_popcov_sd <- model_popcov_T <- model_popcov_05 <- model_popcov_50 <- model_popcov_95 <- "no random effects estimated"
        model_popcor_m <- model_popcor_sd <- model_popcor_T <- model_popcor_05 <- model_popcor_50 <- model_popcor_95 <- "no random effects estimated"

    } # END     for (i in 1:n.studies)

    # Combine summary information and fit statistics
    allStudies_Minus2LogLikelihood <- sum(unlist(studyFit_Minus2LogLikelihood)); allStudies_Minus2LogLikelihood
    allStudies_estimatedParameters <- sum(unlist(studyFit_estimatedParameters)); allStudies_estimatedParameters
    allStudies_df <- "deprecated"
    tmp1 <- driftFullNames; tmp1
    tmp2 <- rep("SE", length(tmp1)); tmp2
    targetNames1 <- c(rbind(tmp1, tmp2)); targetNames1
    targetNames2 <- c()
    for (i in 1:n.latent) {
      for (j in 1:n.latent) {
        if (i != j) {
          targetNames2 <- c(targetNames2, paste0("_eta", i, "_eta", j))
        } else {
          targetNames2 <- c(targetNames2, paste0("_eta", i))
    targetNames2  <- paste0("diff", targetNames2); targetNames2
    targetNames2  <- c(rbind(targetNames2, rep("SE", 4))); targetNames2
    targetNames3 <- targetNames2
    targetNames3 <- gsub("eta", "V", targetNames3)
    targetNames3 <- gsub("diff", "T0var", targetNames3); targetNames3

    allStudiesDRIFT_effects <- matrix(t(cbind(unlist(model_Drift_Coef), unlist(model_Drift_SE)) ), n.studies, 2*n.latent^2, byrow=T)
    colnames(allStudiesDRIFT_effects) <- targetNames1; allStudiesDRIFT_effects

    allStudiesDIFF_effects <- matrix(t(cbind(unlist(model_Diffusion_Coef), unlist(model_Diffusion_SE)) ), n.studies, 2*n.latent^2, byrow=T)
    colnames(allStudiesDIFF_effects) <- targetNames2; allStudiesDIFF_effects

    allStudiesT0VAR_effects <- matrix(t(cbind(unlist(model_T0var_Coef), unlist(model_T0var_SE)) ), n.studies, 2*n.latent^2, byrow=T)
    colnames(allStudiesT0VAR_effects) <- targetNames3; allStudiesT0VAR_effects

    if (!(is.null(scaleTime))) {
      allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale <- matrix(t(cbind(unlist(model_Drift_Coef) * scaleTime,
                                                                    unlist(model_Drift_SE) * scaleTime) ), n.studies, 2*n.latent^2, byrow=T)
      colnames(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale) <- targetNames1
      allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale <- round(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale, digits)
      allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale <- matrix(t(cbind(unlist(model_Diffusion_Coef) * scaleTime,
                                                                   unlist(model_Diffusion_SE) * scaleTime) ), n.studies, 2*n.latent^2, byrow=T)
      colnames(allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale) <- targetNames2
      allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale <- round(allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale, digits)
    } else {
      allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale <- NULL
      allStudiesDIFFUSION_effects_original_time_scale <- NULL

    source <- lapply(primaryStudies$source, function(extract) paste(extract, collapse=", ")); source
    if (length(source) > n.studies) source[n.studies +1] <- NULL # new 6. July< 2022
    for (l in 1:length(source)) if ( source[[l]] == "NA") source[[l]] <- "Reference not provided"
    allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext <- cbind(unlist(source), allStudiesDRIFT_effects)
    tmp <- allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext
    tmp[, 2:(ncol(tmp))] <- round(as.numeric(tmp[, 2:(ncol(tmp))]), digits)
    allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext <- tmp; allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext
    allStudiesDIFF_effects_ext <- cbind(unlist(source), allStudiesDIFF_effects)
    tmp <- allStudiesDIFF_effects_ext
    tmp[, 2:(ncol(tmp))] <- round(as.numeric(tmp[, 2:(ncol(tmp))]), digits)
    allStudiesDIFF_effects_ext <- tmp; allStudiesDIFF_effects_ext
    allStudiesT0VAR_effects_ext <- cbind(unlist(source), allStudiesT0VAR_effects)
    tmp <- allStudiesT0VAR_effects_ext
    tmp[, 2:(ncol(tmp))] <- round(as.numeric(tmp[, 2:(ncol(tmp))]), digits)
    allStudiesT0VAR_effects_ext <- tmp; allStudiesT0VAR_effects_ext

    if (!(is.null(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale))) {
      allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale_ext <- cbind(unlist(source), allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale)
      tmp <- allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale_ext
      tmp[, 2:(ncol(tmp))] <- round(as.numeric(tmp[, 2:(ncol(tmp))]), digits)
      allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale_ext <- tmp; allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale_ext
      allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale_ext <- cbind(unlist(source), allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale)
      tmp <- allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale_ext
      tmp[, 2:(ncol(tmp))] <- round(as.numeric(tmp[, 2:(ncol(tmp))]), digits)
      allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale_ext <- tmp; allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale_ext
    } else {
      allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale_ext <- allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext # new 8.7.2022
      allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale_ext <- allStudiesDIFF_effects_ext # new 8.7.2022

    # confidence intervals
    allStudiesDriftCI <- matrix(unlist(model_Drift_CI), nrow=n.studies, byrow=TRUE)
    colnames(allStudiesDriftCI) <- names(model_Drift_CI[[1]]); allStudiesDriftCI
    allStudiesDiffusionCI <- matrix(unlist(model_Diffusion_CI), nrow=n.studies, byrow=TRUE)
    colnames(allStudiesDiffusionCI) <- names(model_Diffusion_CI[[1]]); allStudiesDiffusionCI
    allStudiesT0varCI <- matrix(unlist(model_T0var_CI), nrow=n.studies, byrow=TRUE)
    colnames(allStudiesT0varCI) <- names(model_T0var_CI[[1]]); allStudiesT0varCI

    if (!(is.null(scaleTime))) {
      allStudiesDriftCI_original_time_scale <- matrix(round(unlist(model_Drift_CI) * scaleTime, digits),
                                                      nrow=n.studies, byrow=TRUE)
      colnames(allStudiesDriftCI_original_time_scale) <- names(model_Drift_CI[[1]]); allStudiesDriftCI_original_time_scale
      allStudiesDiffCI_original_time_scale <- matrix(round(unlist(model_Diffusion_CI) * scaleTime, digits),
                                                     nrow=n.studies, byrow=TRUE)
      colnames(allStudiesDiffCI_original_time_scale) <- names(model_Diffusion_CI[[1]]); allStudiesDiffCI_original_time_scale
    } else {
      allStudiesDriftCI_original_time_scale <- allStudiesDriftCI  # new 8.7.2022
      allStudiesDiffCI_original_time_scale <- allStudiesDiffusionCI  # new 8.7.2022

    allStudiesCI <- cbind(allStudiesDriftCI, allStudiesDiffusionCI, allStudiesT0varCI); allStudiesCI
    allStudiesCI_ext <- cbind(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext[,1], allStudiesCI); allStudiesCI_ext

    allStudiesCI_original_time_scale <- allStudiesCI_ext
    tmp1 <- grep("T0", colnames(allStudiesCI_original_time_scale)); tmp1
    tmp2 <- allStudiesCI_original_time_scale[, -c(1, tmp1)]; tmp2
    if (!(is.null(scaleTime))) scaleTime2 <- scaleTime else scaleTime2 <- 1
    if (is.null(ncol(tmp2))) tmp2b <- length(tmp2) else tmp2b <- ncol(tmp2)
    tmp3b <- matrix(round(as.numeric(tmp2) * scaleTime2, digits), ncol=tmp2b); tmp3b

    if (!(is.matrix(allStudiesCI_original_time_scale[, 1]))) {
      tmp3a <- matrix(allStudiesCI_original_time_scale[, 1], nrow=length(allStudiesCI_original_time_scale[, 1]))
    } else {
      tmp3a <- allStudiesCI_original_time_scale[, 1]
    if (!(is.matrix(allStudiesCI_original_time_scale[, tmp1]))) {
      tmp3c <- matrix(allStudiesCI_original_time_scale[, tmp1], nrow=length(allStudiesCI_original_time_scale[, tmp1]))
    } else {
      tmp3c <- allStudiesCI_original_time_scale[, tmp1]

    if (dim(tmp3c)[2] == 1) tmp3c <- c(tmp3c) # new 6.7.2022
    if (is.null(dim(tmp3c))) tmp3 <- cbind(tmp3a, tmp3b, t(tmp3c)) else tmp3 <- cbind(tmp3a, tmp3b,   tmp3c)
    colnames(tmp3) <- colnames(allStudiesCI_original_time_scale); tmp3
    allStudiesCI_original_time_scale <- tmp3

    # Label summary table
    rownames(allStudiesDRIFT_effects) <- paste0("Study No ", primaryStudies$studyNumbers)
    rownames(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext) <- paste0("Study No ", primaryStudies$studyNumbers)
    rownames(allStudiesDIFF_effects) <- paste0("Study No ", primaryStudies$studyNumbers)
    rownames(allStudiesDIFF_effects_ext) <- paste0("Study No ", primaryStudies$studyNumbers)

    if (!(is.null(scaleTime))) {
      rownames(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale) <- paste0("Study No ", primaryStudies$studyNumbers)
      rownames(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale_ext) <- paste0("Study No ", primaryStudies$studyNumbers)
      rownames(allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale) <- paste0("Study No ", primaryStudies$studyNumbers)
      rownames(allStudiesDIFF_effects_original_time_scale_ext) <- paste0("Study No ", primaryStudies$studyNumbers)

    # dt effects
    allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt <- allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext
    tmp1 <- grep("toV", colnames(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt))
    tmp2 <- (allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext[, tmp1])
    if (!(is.null(dim(tmp2)))) {
      for (l in 1:dim(tmp2)[1]) {
        tmp3 <- matrix(as.numeric(tmp2[l, ]), n.latent, n.latent, byrow=TRUE)
        # changed 16 Sep 2022
        if (is.null(scaleTime)) tmp4 <- c(t(OpenMx::expm(tmp3))) else tmp4 <- c(t(OpenMx::expm(tmp3 * scaleTime)))
        allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt[l, tmp1] <- round(tmp4, digits)
    } else {
      tmp3 <- matrix(as.numeric(tmp2), n.latent, n.latent, byrow=TRUE)
      # changed 16 Sep 2022
      if (is.null(scaleTime)) tmp4 <- c(t(OpenMx::expm(tmp3))) else tmp4 <- c(t(OpenMx::expm(tmp3 * scaleTime)))
      allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt[tmp1] <- round(tmp4, digits)
    tmp1 <- grep("SE", colnames(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt))
    allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt <- allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt[, -tmp1]
    if (!(is.null(dim(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt)))) {
      colnames(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt) <- paste0(colnames(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt), " discrete time")
    } else {
      names(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt)  <- paste0(names(allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext_dt), " discrete time")

    # check single study results
    if (checkSingleStudyResults == TRUE) {
      if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
      cat(crayon::blue(" Press 'q' to quit or any other key to continue. Press ENTER afterwards."))
      char <- readline(" ")
      if (char == 'q' | char == 'Q') stop("Good luck for the next try!")

    DRIFTCoeff <- matrix(unlist(model_Drift_Coef), n.studies, n.latent^2, byrow=TRUE); DRIFTCoeff
    DRIFTSE <- matrix(unlist(model_Drift_SE), n.studies, n.latent^2, byrow=TRUE); DRIFTSE
    DIFFCoeff <- matrix(unlist(model_Diffusion_Coef), n.studies, n.latent^2, byrow=TRUE); DIFFCoeff
    DIFFSE <- matrix(unlist(model_Diffusion_SE), n.studies, n.latent^2, byrow=TRUE); DIFFSE
    T0VARCoeff <- matrix(unlist(model_T0var_Coef), n.studies, n.latent^2, byrow=TRUE); T0VARCoeff
    T0VARSE <- matrix(unlist(model_T0var_SE), n.studies, n.latent^2, byrow=TRUE); T0VARSE

    if (n.studies < 2) {
      if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
      Msg <- "Only a single primary study was handed over to ctmaInitFit. No further (meta-) analyses can be conducted. \nI guess this stop is intended!"

  } ### END fit ctsem model to each primary study

  end.time <- Sys.time()
  time.taken <- end.time - start.time
  message1 <- c()

  if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","CoTiMA has finished!"))}

  if (!(all(is.na(unlist(primaryStudies$deltas))))) {
    maxDeltas <- max(unlist(primaryStudies$deltas), na.rm=TRUE)

    if (!(is.null(scaleTime))) maxDeltas <- maxDeltas * scaleTime
    largeDelta <- which(unlist(primaryStudies$deltas) >= maxDeltas); largeDelta

    if (!(is.null(scaleTime))) {
      tmp1 <- unlist(primaryStudies$deltas)
      tmp1 <- tmp1[!(is.na(tmp1))]
      largeDelta <- which( (tmp1 * scaleTime) >= maxDeltas)
    tmp1 <- table(unlist(primaryStudies$deltas)[largeDelta]); tmp1
    if (!(is.null(scaleTime))) {
      #table(unlist(primaryStudies$deltas * scaleTime)[largeDelta])
      table((tmp1 * scaleTime)[largeDelta])
    tmp2 <- which(tmp1 == (max(tmp1))); tmp2
    suggestedScaleTime <- as.numeric(names(tmp1[tmp2])); suggestedScaleTime
    #message1 <- c()
    if (maxDeltas > 6) {
      tmp2 <- paste0("Maximum time interval was ", maxDeltas, "."); tmp2
      tmp3 <- paste0("timeScale=1/", suggestedScaleTime); tmp3
      if (suggestedScaleTime != scaleTime2) {
        #tmp4 <- paste0("It is recommended to fit the model again using the arguments ", tmp3, " and customPar=FALSE. "); tmp4
        tmp4 <- paste0("It is recommended to fit the model again using the arguments ", tmp3, ". "); tmp4
      } else {
        tmp4 <- paste0(""); tmp4
      message1 <- paste(tmp2, tmp4, "If the model fit (-2ll) is better (lower), continue using, e.g.,", tmp3, "in all subsequent models.", collapse="\n"); message1
  } else {
    maxDeltas <- NA
  }; maxDeltas

  if (is.null(scaleTime)) scaleTime2 <- 1 else scaleTime2 <- scaleTime

  if (!(is.null(scaleTime))) {
    model_Drift_Coef_original_time_scale <- lapply(model_Drift_Coef, function(x) x * scaleTime)
    model_Diffusion_Coef_original_time_scale <- lapply(model_Diffusion_Coef, function(x) x * scaleTime)
  } else {
    model_Drift_Coef_original_time_scale <- model_Drift_Coef
    model_Diffusion_Coef_original_time_scale <- model_Diffusion_Coef

  results <- list(activeDirectory=activeDirectory,
                  plot.type="drift", model.type="stanct",
                  coresToUse=coresToUse, n.studies=n.studies,
                  studyList=studyList, studyFitList=studyFit,
                  emprawList=empraw, statisticsList=statisticsList,
                  modelResults=list(DRIFT=model_Drift_Coef, DIFFUSION=model_Diffusion_Coef, T0VAR=model_T0var_Coef, CINT=model_Cint_Coef,
                  parameterNames=list(DRIFT=names(model_Drift_Coef[[1]]), DIFFUSION=names(model_Diffusion_Coef[[1]]), T0VAR=names(model_T0var_Coef[[1]])),
                  summary=(list(model="all drift free (het. model)",
                                estimates=allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext, #allStudiesDRIFT_effects_ext, = estimates that would be obtained without the scaleTime argument
                                # changed 17. Aug. 2022
                                #randomEffects=list(popsd=model_popsd, popcov=model_popcov, popcor=model_popcor),
                                                   popcov_mean=model_popcov_m, model_popcov_sd=model_popcov_sd,
                                                   model_popcov_T=model_popcov_T, model_popcov_05=model_popcov_05,
                                                   model_popcov_50=model_popcov_50, model_popcov_95=model_popcov_95,
                                                   popcor_mean=model_popcor_m, model_popcor_sd=model_popcor_sd,
                                                   model_popcor_T=model_popcor_T, model_popcor_05=model_popcor_05,
                                                   model_popcor_50=model_popcor_50, model_popcor_95=model_popcor_95),
                                minus2ll= round(allStudies_Minus2LogLikelihood, digits),
                                n.parameters = round(allStudies_estimatedParameters, digits),
                                drift_estimates_original_time_scale =allStudiesDRIFT_effects_original_time_scale_ext,
  # excel workbook is added later
  class(results) <- "CoTiMAFit"

  ### prepare Excel Workbook with several sheets ################################################################
    wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
    sheet1 <- openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName="model")
    sheet2 <- openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName="modelResults")
    sheet3 <- openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName="estimates")
    sheet4 <- openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName="confidenceIntervals")
    sheet5 <- openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName="randomEffects")
    sheet6 <- openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName="stats")
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet1, results$summary$model)

    ### modelResults
    # DRIFT
    startCol <- 2; startCol
    startRow <- 1; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet2, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow, matrix(c(t(matrix(driftNames, nrow=n.latent))), nrow=1), colNames = FALSE)
    startCol <- 2; startCol
    startRow <- 2; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet2, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow, colNames = FALSE,
                               nrow=n.studies, ncol=n.latent^2, byrow=TRUE))
    startCol <- 1; startCol
    startRow <- 2; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet2, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow, colNames = FALSE,
                        matrix(unlist(primaryStudies$studyNumbers), ncol=1))
    offset <-  n.studies + 1
    startCol <- 2; startCol
    startRow <- 2 + offset; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet2, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow,
                        matrix(names(results$modelResults$DIFFUSION[[1]]), nrow=1), colNames = FALSE)
    startCol <- 2; startCol
    startRow <- 2 + offset + 1# offset; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet2, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow, colNames = FALSE,
                               nrow=n.studies, byrow=TRUE))
    startCol <- 1; startCol
    startRow <- 2 + offset + 1; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet2, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow, colNames = FALSE,
                        matrix(unlist(primaryStudies$studyNumbers), ncol=1))
    # T0Var
    offset <-  offset + n.studies + 2
    startCol <- 2; startCol
    startRow <- 2 + offset; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet2, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow,
                        matrix(names(results$modelResults$T0VAR[[1]]), nrow=1), colNames = FALSE)
    startCol <- 2; startCol
    startRow <- 2 + offset + 1# offset; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet2, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow, colNames = FALSE,
                               nrow=n.studies, byrow=TRUE))
    startCol <- 1; startCol
    startRow <- 2 + offset + 1; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet2, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow, colNames = FALSE,
                        matrix(unlist(primaryStudies$studyNumbers), ncol=1))
    ### estimates
    startCol <- 2; startCol
    startRow <- 1; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet3, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow,
                        t(colnames(results$summary$estimates)), colNames = FALSE)
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet3, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow + 1, results$summary$estimates, colNames = FALSE)
    ### confidence Intervals
    startCol <- 2; startCol
    startRow <- 1; startRow
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet4, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow,
                        t(colnames(results$summary$confidenceIntervals)), colNames = FALSE)
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet4, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow + 1, results$summary$confidenceIntervals, colNames = FALSE)
    ### random Effects
    startCol <- 2; startCol
    startRow <- 1; startRow
    # CHD 7. Sep 2022: Quickfix: do not report all random effect matrices
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet5, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow, results$summary$randomEffects[1], colNames = FALSE)
    ### stats
    startCol <- 2; startCol
    startRow <- 1; startRow
    tmp <- cbind("-2ll = ", results$summary$minus2ll, "Number of Parameters = ", results$summary$n.parameters)
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet6, startCol=startCol, startRow = startRow, t(tmp), colNames = FALSE)

  results$excelSheets <- wb


}   # end function definition

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