
Defines functions plot.GIC.compCL plot.cv.compCL plot.compCL plot.GIC.FuncompCGL plot.cv.FuncompCGL plot.FuncompCGL predict.GIC.compCL predict.cv.compCL predict.compCL predict.GIC.FuncompCGL predict.cv.FuncompCGL predict.FuncompCGL print.compCL print.FuncompCGL coef.GIC.compCL coef.cv.compCL coef.compCL coef.GIC.FuncompCGL coef.cv.FuncompCGL coef.FuncompCGL

Documented in coef.compCL coef.cv.compCL coef.cv.FuncompCGL coef.FuncompCGL coef.GIC.compCL coef.GIC.FuncompCGL plot.compCL plot.cv.compCL plot.cv.FuncompCGL plot.FuncompCGL plot.GIC.compCL plot.GIC.FuncompCGL predict.compCL predict.cv.compCL predict.cv.FuncompCGL predict.FuncompCGL predict.GIC.compCL predict.GIC.FuncompCGL print.compCL print.FuncompCGL

## These functions are minor modifications or directly copied from the
## glmnet package:
##        Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani (2010).
## Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate
#   Descent.
##        Journal of Statistical Software, 33(1), 1-22.
##        URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v33/i01/.
## The reason they are copied here is because they are internal functions
## and hence are not exported into the global environment.

## roxygen2
## references and author sections are passed from coef.compCL and coef.FuncompCL

#### >>> coef method <<< ####

#' @title
#' Extract estimated coefficients from a \code{"FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @description
#' get the coefficients at the requested values for \code{lam}
#' from a fitted \code{\link{FuncompCGL}} object.
#' @param object fitted \code{\link{FuncompCGL}} object.
#' @param s value(s) of the penalty parameter \code{lam} at which coefficients
#'          are requested. Default (\code{NULL}) is the entire sequence used to
#'          create the model.
#' @param \dots Not used.
#' @details
#' \code{s} is a vector of lambda values at which the coefficients are requested. If \code{s} is not in the
#' \code{lam} sequence used for fitting the model, the \code{coef} function will use linear
#' interpolation, so the function should be used with caution.
#' @return
#' The coefficients at the requested tuning parameter values in \code{s}.
#' @author
#' Zhe Sun and Kun Chen
#' @references
#' Sun, Z., Xu, W., Cong, X., Li G. and Chen K. (2020) \emph{Log-contrast regression with
#' functional compositional predictors: linking preterm infant's gut microbiome trajectories
#' to neurobehavioral outcome}, \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.02403}{https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.02403}
#' \emph{Annals of Applied Statistics}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{FuncompCGL}}, and \code{\link[=predict.FuncompCGL]{predict}},
#' \code{\link[=plot.FuncompCGL]{plot}} and \code{\link[=print.FuncompCGL]{print}}
#' methods for \code{"FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @examples
#' df_beta = 5
#' p = 30
#' beta_C_true = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = df_beta)
#' beta_C_true[1, ] <- c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 , -1, -1)
#' beta_C_true[2, ] <- c(0.8, 0.8,  0.7,  0.6,  0.6)
#' beta_C_true[3, ] <- c(-0.8, -0.8 , 0.4 , 1 , 1)
#' beta_C_true[4, ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, -0.6  ,-0.6, -0.6)
#' Data <- Fcomp_Model(n = 50, p = p, m = 2, intercept = TRUE,
#'                     SNR = 2, sigma = 2, rho_X = 0, rho_T = 0.5, df_beta = df_beta,
#'                     n_T = 20, obs_spar = 1, theta.add = FALSE,
#'                     beta_C = as.vector(t(beta_C_true)))
#' m1 <- FuncompCGL(y = Data$data$y, X = Data$data$Comp , Zc = Data$data$Zc,
#'                  intercept = Data$data$intercept, k = df_beta)
#' coef(m1)
#' coef(m1, s = c(0.5, 0.1, 0.01))
#' @export

coef.FuncompCGL <- function(object, s = NULL, ...) {
  beta <- object$beta
  if (!is.null(s)) {
    lam <- object$lam
    lamlist <- point.interp(lam, s)
    if(length(s) == 1)
      beta = beta[, lamlist$left, drop = FALSE] *  (1 - lamlist$frac) +
        beta[, lamlist$right, drop = FALSE] * lamlist$frac
    } else {
      beta = beta[, lamlist$left, drop = FALSE] %*% diag(1 - lamlist$frac) +
        beta[, lamlist$right, drop = FALSE] %*% diag(lamlist$frac)

  if(is.numeric(object$ref)) {
    beta <- apply(beta, 2, function(x, k, p1, ref)
      c(x[ifelse(ref==1, 0, 1):((ref-1)*k)], -colSums(matrix(x[1:p1], byrow = TRUE, ncol = k)), x[((ref-1)*k+1):(length(x))]),
      ref = object$ref, k = as.list(object$call)$k, p1 = ncol(object$Z) )


#' @title
#' Extract estiamted coefficients from a \code{"cv.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @description
#' This function gets the coefficients from a cross-validated
#' \code{FuncompCGL} model, using the stored \code{"FuncompCGL.fit"} object,
#' and the optimal grid values of the penalty parameter \code{lam} and the degrees of freedom \code{k}.
#' @param object fitted \code{\link{cv.FuncompCGL}} object.
#' @param trim logical; whether to use the trimmed result. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param s value(s) of the penalty parameter \code{lam} at which coefficients are requested.
#'          \itemize{
#'          \item \code{s="lam.min"}(default), grid value of
#'          \code{lam} and \code{k} stored in the \code{"cv.FuncompCGL"} object
#'          such that the minimum cross-validation error is achieved.
#'          \item \code{s="lam.1se"}, grid value of
#'          \code{lam} and \code{k} stored on the \code{"cv.FuncompCGL"} object
#'          such that the 1 standard error above the miminum cross-validation error is achieved.
#'          \item If \code{s} is numeric, it is taken as the value(s) of \code{lam} to be used. In this
#'          case, \code{k} must be provided.
#'          \item If \code{s = NULL}, the whole sequence of \code{lam} stored in the \code{cv.FuncompCGL}
#'                object is used.
#'          }
#' @param k value(s) of the degrees of freedom of the basis function at which coefficents are requested.
#'          \code{k} can be \code{NULL} (default) or integer(s).
#'          \itemize{
#'          \item \code{k = NULL}, \code{s} must be either \code{"lam.min"} or \code{"lam.1se"}.
#'          \item if \code{k} is an integer(s), it is taken as the value of \code{k} to be used and
#'                it must be one(s) of these in the \code{"cv.FuncompCGL"} object.
#'          }
#' @param \dots not used.
#' @return
#' The coefficients at the requested values of \code{s} and \code{k}.
#' If \code{k} is a vector, a list of coefficient matrices is returned.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{cv.FuncompCGL}} and \code{\link{FuncompCGL}}, and
#' \code{\link[=predict.cv.FuncompCGL]{predict}} and
#' \code{\link[=plot.cv.FuncompCGL]{plot}} methods for \code{"cv.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' df_beta = 5
#' p = 30
#' beta_C_true = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = df_beta)
#' beta_C_true[1, ] <- c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 , -1, -1)
#' beta_C_true[2, ] <- c(0.8, 0.8,  0.7,  0.6,  0.6)
#' beta_C_true[3, ] <- c(-0.8, -0.8 , 0.4 , 1 , 1)
#' beta_C_true[4, ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, -0.6  ,-0.6, -0.6)
#' Data <- Fcomp_Model(n = 50, p = p, m = 0, intercept = TRUE,
#'                     SNR = 4, sigma = 3, rho_X = 0, rho_T = 0.6, df_beta = df_beta,
#'                     n_T = 20, obs_spar = 1, theta.add = FALSE,
#'                     beta_C = as.vector(t(beta_C_true)))
#' cv_m1 <-  cv.FuncompCGL(y = Data$data$y, X = Data$data$Comp,
#'                         Zc = Data$data$Zc, intercept = Data$data$intercept,
#'                         k = c(4,5), nfolds = 5, nlam = 50,
#'                         keep = TRUE)
#' coef(cv_m1)
#' coef(cv_m1, s = "lam.1se")
#' coef(cv_m1, s = c(0.5, 0.1, 0.05), k = c(4,5))
#' coef(cv_m1, s = NULL, k = c(4,5))
#' }
#' @inherit coef.FuncompCGL details references author
#' @export

coef.cv.FuncompCGL <- function(object, trim = FALSE, s = c("lam.min", "lam.1se"), k = NULL, ...) {
  trim <- ifelse(trim, "Ttrim", "Ftrim")

  if (is.numeric(s) || is.null(s) ) {
    lam_se <- s
  } else if (is.character(s)) {
    s <- match.arg(s)
    lam_se <- object[[trim]][[s]]["lam"]
    k_se <- object[[trim]][[s]]["df"]
  } else stop("Invalid form for s")

    if(FALSE %in% (k %in% as.integer(names(object$FuncompCGL.fit)))) stop("K is out of range")
    k_se <- k
  k_se <- as.character(k_se)
  if(length(k_se) > 1) {
    beta <- as.list(k_se)
    for(i in seq(length(k_se))) {
      cv.fit <- object$FuncompCGL.fit[[k_se[i]]]
      beta[[i]] <- coef(cv.fit, s = lam_se)
    names(beta) <- paste("k", k_se, sep = "=")
  } else {
    cv.fit <- object$FuncompCGL.fit[[k_se]]
    beta <- coef(cv.fit, s = lam_se)


#' @title
#' Extract model estimated coefficients from a \code{"GIC.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @description
#' This function gets coefficients from a \code{"GIC.FuncompCGL"} object,
#' using the stored \code{"FuncompCGL.fit"} object, and the optimal values of
#' \code{lam} and \code{k}.
#' @param object fitted \code{\link{GIC.FuncompCGL}} object.
#' @param s value(s) of the regularization parameter \code{lam} at which coefficients are requested.
#'          \itemize{
#'          \item \code{s="lam.min"} (default), grid value of \code{lam} and \code{k} stored in
#'                \code{"GIC.FuncompCGL"} object such that the minimun value of GIC is achieved.
#'          \item If \code{s} is numeric, it is taken as the value(s) of \code{lam} to be used.
#'                In this case, k must be provided.
#'          \item If \code{s = NULL}, used the whole sequence of \code{lam} stored in the \code{GIC.FuncompCGL}
#'                object.
#'          }
#' @param k value(s) of degrees of freedom of the basis function at which coefficents are requested.
#'          \code{k} can be \code{NULL} (default) or integer(s).
#'          \itemize{
#'          \item \code{k = NULL}, \code{s} must be \code{"lam.min"}.
#'          \item if \code{k} is integer(s), it is taken as the value of \code{k} to be used
#'                and it must be one(s) of these in \code{"GIC.FuncompCGL"} model.
#'          }
#' @param \dots not used.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{GIC.FuncompCGL}} and \code{\link{FuncompCGL}}, and
#' \code{\link[=predict.GIC.FuncompCGL]{predict}} and
#' \code{\link[=plot.GIC.FuncompCGL]{plot}} methods for \code{"GIC.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @examples
#' df_beta = 5
#' p = 30
#' beta_C_true = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = df_beta)
#' beta_C_true[1, ] <- c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 , -1, -1)
#' beta_C_true[2, ] <- c(0.8, 0.8,  0.7,  0.6,  0.6)
#' beta_C_true[3, ] <- c(-0.8, -0.8 , 0.4 , 1 , 1)
#' beta_C_true[4, ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, -0.6  ,-0.6, -0.6)
#' n = 50
#' k_list <- c(4,5)
#' Data <- Fcomp_Model(n = n, p = p, m = 0, intercept = TRUE,
#'                     SNR = 4, sigma = 3, rho_X = 0.6, rho_T = 0,
#'                     df_beta = df_beta, n_T = 20, obs_spar = 1, theta.add = FALSE,
#'                     beta_C = as.vector(t(beta_C_true)))
#' GIC_m1 <-  GIC.FuncompCGL(y = Data$data$y, X = Data$data$Comp,
#'                           Zc = Data$data$Zc, intercept = Data$data$intercept,
#'                           k = k_list)
#' coef(GIC_m1)
#' coef(GIC_m1, s = c(0.05, 0.01), k = c(4,5))
#' coef(GIC_m1, s = NULL, k = c(4,5))
#' @inherit coef.FuncompCGL details return references author
#' @export

coef.GIC.FuncompCGL <- function(object, s ="lam.min", k = NULL, ...) {

  if (is.numeric(s) || is.null(s) ) {
    lam_se <- s
  } else if (is.character(s)) {
    s <- match.arg(s)
    lam_se <- object[[s]]['lam']
    k_se <- object[[s]]['df']
  } else stop("Invalid form for s")

    if(FALSE %in% (k %in% as.integer(names(object$FuncompCGL.fit)))) stop("K is out of range")
    k_se <- k
  k_se <- as.character(k_se)
  if(length(k_se) > 1) {
    beta <- as.list(k_se)
    for(i in seq(length(k_se))) {
      GIC.fit <- object$FuncompCGL.fit[[k_se[i]]]
      beta[[i]] <- coef(GIC.fit, s = lam_se)
    names(beta) <- paste("k", k_se, sep = "=")
  } else {
    GIC.fit <- object$FuncompCGL.fit[[k_se]]
    beta <- coef(GIC.fit, s = lam_se)

#' @title
#' extracts model estimated coefficients from a \code{"compCL"} object.
#' @description
#' gets the coefficients at the requested values for \code{lam} from a fitted
#' \code{"\link{compCL}"} object.
#' @param object fitted \code{"\link{compCL}"} object.
#' @inheritParams coef.FuncompCGL
#' @author
#' Zhe Sun and Kun Chen
#' @references
#' Lin, W., Shi, P., Peng, R. and Li, H. (2014) \emph{Variable selection in
#' regression with compositional covariates},
#' \href{https://academic.oup.com/biomet/article/101/4/785/1775476}{https://academic.oup.com/biomet/article/101/4/785/1775476}.
#' \emph{Biometrika} \strong{101} 785-979.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{compCL}} and \code{\link[=predict.compCL]{predict}},
#' \code{\link[=plot.compCL]{plot}} and \code{\link[=print.compCL]{print}} methods
#' for \code{"compCL"} object.
#' @examples
#' Comp_data = comp_Model(n = 50, p = 30)
#' Comp_fit = compCL(y = Comp_data$y, Z = Comp_data$X.comp, Zc = Comp_data$Zc,
#'                   intercept = Comp_data$intercept)
#' coef(Comp_fit)
#' coef(Comp_fit, s = Comp_fit$lam[50])
#' coef(Comp_fit, s = c(1, 0.5, 0.1))
#' @inherit coef.FuncompCGL details return
#' @export

## TODO: adjust after adding baseline feature in compCL

coef.compCL <- function(object, s = NULL, ...) {
  beta <- object$beta
  if (!is.null(s)) {
    lam <- object$lam
    lamlist <- point.interp(lam, s)
    if(length(s) == 1) {
      beta = beta[, lamlist$left, drop=FALSE] *  (1 - lamlist$frac) +
        beta[, lamlist$right, drop=FALSE] * lamlist$frac
    } else {
      beta = beta[, lamlist$left, drop=FALSE] %*% diag(1 - lamlist$frac) +
        beta[, lamlist$right, drop=FALSE] %*% diag(lamlist$frac)
    colnames(beta) <- paste(seq(along = s))

#' @title
#' Extract estimated coefficients from a \code{"cv.compCL"} object.
#' @description
#' This function gets coefficients from a \code{compCL} object, using the
#' stored \code{"compCL.fit"} object.
#' @param object fitted \code{"\link{cv.compCL}"} object.
#' @param trim whether to use the trimmed result. Default is FASLE.
#' @param s value(s) of the penalty parameter \code{lam} at which coefficients are requested.
#'          \itemize{
#'          \item \code{s="lam.min"} (default) stored in the \code{cv.compCL} object,
#'                which gives value of \code{lam} that achieves the minimum
#'                cross-vadilation error.
#'          \item \code{s="lambda.min"} which gives the largest value of \code{lam}
#'                 such that 1 standard error above the minimum of the cross-validation errors is achieved.
#'          \item If \code{s} is numeric, it is taken as the value(s) of \code{lam} to
#'                be used.
#'          \item If \code{s = NULL}, the whole sequence of \code{lam} stored in the
#'                \code{cv.compCGL} object is used.
#'          }
#' @param \dots not used.
#' @examples
#' p = 30
#' n = 50
#' beta = c(1, -0.8, 0.6, 0, 0, -1.5, -0.5, 1.2)
#' beta = c(beta, rep(0, times = p - length(beta)))
#' Comp_data = comp_Model(n = n, p = p, beta = beta, intercept = FALSE)
#' cvm1 <- cv.compCL(y = Comp_data$y, Z = Comp_data$X.comp,
#'                   Zc = Comp_data$Zc, intercept = Comp_data$intercept)
#' coef(cvm1)
#' coef(cvm1, s = NULL)
#' coef(cvm1, s = c(1, 0.5, 0.1))
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{cv.compCL}} and \code{\link{compCL}}, and
#' \code{\link[=predict.cv.compCL]{predict}} and \code{\link[=plot.cv.compCL]{plot}} methods
#' for \code{"cv.compCL"} object.
#' @inherit coef.compCL details return author references
#' @export

coef.cv.compCL <- function(object, trim = FALSE, s = c("lam.min", "lam.1se" ),...) {
  trim <- ifelse(trim, "Ttrim", "Ftrim")
  object_use <- object[[trim]]
  if (is.numeric(s) || is.null(s) ) {
    lam <- s
  } else if (is.character(s)) {
    s <- match.arg(s)
    lam <- object_use[[s]]
  } else {
    stop("Invalid form for s")
  beta = coef(object$compCL.fit, s = lam, ...)

#' @title
#' Extracts estimated coefficients from a \code{"GIC.compCL"} object.
#' @description
#' This function gets coefficients from a \code{compCL} object, using
#' the stored \code{"compCL.fit"} object.
#' @param object fitted \code{"\link{GIC.compCL}"} object.
#' @param s value(s) of the penalty parameter \code{lam} at which coefficients are requested.
#'          \itemize{
#'          \item \code{s="lam.min"} (default) stored in the \code{GIC.compCL} object,
#'                which gives value of \code{lam} that achieves the minimum value of GIC.
#'          \item If \code{s} is numeric, it is taken as the value(s) of \code{lam} to be used.
#'          \item If \code{s = NULL}, the whole sequence of \code{lam} stored
#'                in the \code{GIC.compCGL} object is used.
#'          }
#' @param \dots not used.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{GIC.compCL}} and \code{\link{compCL}}, and
#' \code{\link[=predict.GIC.compCL]{predict}}, and
#' \code{\link[=plot.GIC.compCL]{plot}} methods for \code{"GIC.compCL"} object.
#' @examples
#' p = 30
#' n = 50
#' beta = c(1, -0.8, 0.6, 0, 0, -1.5, -0.5, 1.2)
#' beta = c(beta, rep(0, times = p - length(beta)))
#' Comp_data = comp_Model(n = n, p = p, beta = beta, intercept = FALSE)
#' GICm1 <- GIC.compCL(y = Comp_data$y, Z = Comp_data$X.comp, Zc = Comp_data$Zc,
#'                     intercept = Comp_data$intercept)
#' coef(GICm1)
#' coef(GICm1, s = c(1, 0.5, 0.1))
#' @inherit coef.compCL details return author references
#' @export

coef.GIC.compCL <- function(object, s = "lam.min",...){
  if (is.numeric(s) || is.null(s) ) {
    lam <- s
  } else if (s == "lam.min") {
    lam <- object[[s]]
  } else {
    stop("Invalid form for s")
  beta = beta = coef(object$compCL.fit, s = lam, ...)

#### <<< coef method >>> ####

#### >>> print method <<< ####

#' @title
#' Print a \code{"FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @description
#' print the number of nonzero coefficient curves for the functional compositional
#' predictors at each \code{lam} along the FuncompCGL path.
#' @param x fitted \code{\link{FuncompCGL}} object.
#' @param digits significant digits in printout.
#' @param \dots not used.
#' @return
#' a two-column matrix; the first column \code{DF} gives the number of nonzero
#' coefficients and
#' the second column \code{Lam} gives the correspondint \code{lam} values.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{FuncompCGL}}, and \code{\link[=coef.FuncompCGL]{coef}},
#' \code{\link[=predict.FuncompCGL]{predict}} and
#' \code{\link[=plot.FuncompCGL]{plot}} methods for \code{"FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @examples
#' df_beta = 5
#' p = 30
#' beta_C_true = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = df_beta)
#' beta_C_true[1, ] <- c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 , -1, -1)
#' beta_C_true[2, ] <- c(0.8, 0.8,  0.7,  0.6,  0.6)
#' beta_C_true[3, ] <- c(-0.8, -0.8 , 0.4 , 1 , 1)
#' beta_C_true[4, ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, -0.6  ,-0.6, -0.6)
#' Data <- Fcomp_Model(n = 50, p = p, m = 2, intercept = TRUE,
#'                     SNR = 2, sigma = 2, rho_X = 0, rho_T = 0.5, df_beta = df_beta,
#'                     n_T = 20, obs_spar = 1, theta.add = FALSE,
#'                     beta_C = as.vector(t(beta_C_true)))
#' m1 <- FuncompCGL(y = Data$data$y, X = Data$data$Comp ,
#'                  Zc = Data$data$Zc, intercept = Data$data$intercept,
#'                  k = df_beta)
#' print(m1)
#' @inherit coef.FuncompCGL references author
#' @export

print.FuncompCGL <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
  cat("\nCall: ", deparse(x$call), "\n\n")
  show <- cbind(Df = x$df, Lam = signif(x$lam, digits))
  colnames(show) <- c("DF", "Lam")
  rownames(show) <- seq(nrow(show))

#' @title
#' Print a \code{"compCL"} object.
#' @description
#' print the number of nonzero coefficients for the compositional varaibles at each step along the compCL path.
#' @param x fitted \code{"\link{compCL}"} object.
#' @inheritParams print.FuncompCGL
#' @return
#' a two-column matrix; the first column \code{DF} gives the number of nonzero
#' coefficients for the compositional predictors and
#' the second column \code{Lam} gives the corresponding \code{lam} values.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{compCL}} and \code{\link[=coef.compCL]{coef}},
#' \code{\link[=predict.compCL]{predict}} and \code{\link[=plot.compCL]{plot}} methods
#' for \code{"compCL"} object.
#' @examples
#' Comp_data = comp_Model(n = 50, p = 30)
#' Comp_fit = compCL(y = Comp_data$y, Z = Comp_data$X.comp,
#'                   Zc = Comp_data$Zc, intercept = Comp_data$intercept)
#' print(Comp_fit)
#' @inherit coef.compCL references author
#' @export

print.compCL <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
  cat("\nCall: ", deparse(x$call), "\n\n")
  show <- cbind(Df = x$df, Lam = signif(x$lam, digits))
  colnames(show) <- c("Df", "Lam")
  rownames(show) <- paste0("L", seq(nrow(show)))
  #print(cbind(Df = object$df, Lam = signif(object$lam, digits)))
#### <<< print method >>> ####

#### >>> predict method <<< ####

#' @title
#' Make prediction from a \code{"FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @description
#' Make prediction based on a fitted \code{\link{FuncompCGL}} object.
#' @usage
#' \method{predict}{FuncompCGL}(object, Znew, Zcnew = NULL, s = NULL,
#'         T.name = "TIME", ID.name = "Subject_ID",
#'         Trange, interval, insert, basis_fun, degree, method, sseq,
#'         ...)
#' @param object fitted \code{\link{FuncompCGL}} object.
#' @param Znew data frame or matrix \code{X} as in \code{FuncompCGL} with new
#'             functional compositional data at which prediction is to be made.
#' @param Zcnew matrix \code{Zc} as in \code{FuncompCGL} with new values of
#'              time-invariate covariates at which prediction is to be made.
#'              Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param s value(s) of the penalty parameter \code{lam} at which predictions are requested.
#'          Default is the entire sequence used to fit the model.
#' @param Trange,interval,insert,basis_fun,degree,method the same as those in \code{FuncompCGL}.
#' @param sseq full set of potential time points of observations;
#'             used for interpolation when \code{insert = "X"}
#'             or \code{insert = "basis"}.
#' @param \dots not used.
#' @inheritParams FuncompCGL
#' @details
#' \code{s} is the vector at which predictions are requested. If \code{s} is not in the \code{lam}
#' sequence used for fitting the model, the \code{predict} function uses linear interpolation.
#' \cr
#' If the data frame \code{X} is provided in \code{FuncompCGL} mode, the integral
#' for new data \code{newx} is taken the same as that in the fitted
#' \code{FuncompCGL} model. This means that the parameters \code{degree},
#' \code{basis_fun}, \code{insert}, \code{method}, \code{inteval},
#' \code{Trange}, and \code{K} are exactly the same as these in the provided
#' \code{object}. If \code{insert="X"} or \code{"basis"}, \code{sseq} is the
#' sorted sequence of all the observed time points in fitting \code{FuncompCGL} model and
#' all the observed time points in \code{newx}. Then interpolation is
#' conducted on \code{sseq}. If matrix \code{X} after integral is provided in
#' the \code{FuncompCGL} object, these parameters are required.
#' @return
#' predicted values at the requested value(s) for \code{s}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{FuncompCGL}}, and \code{\link[=coef.FuncompCGL]{coef}},
#' \code{\link[=plot.FuncompCGL]{plot}} and \code{\link[=print.FuncompCGL]{print}}
#' methods for \code{"FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @examples
#' p = 30
#' n_train = 50
#' n_test = 30
#' df_beta = 5
#' beta_C_true = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = df_beta)
#' beta_C_true[1, ] <- c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 , -1, -1)
#' beta_C_true[2, ] <- c(0.8, 0.8,  0.7,  0.6,  0.6)
#' beta_C_true[3, ] <- c(-0.8, -0.8 , 0.4 , 1 , 1)
#' beta_C_true[4, ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, -0.6  ,-0.6, -0.6)
#' Data <- Fcomp_Model(n = n_train, p = p, m = 0, intercept = TRUE,
#'                     SNR = 2, sigma = 2,
#'                     rho_X = 0, rho_T = 0.5, df_beta = df_beta,
#'                     n_T = 20, obs_spar = 1, theta.add = c(3,4,5),
#'                     beta_C = as.vector(t(beta_C_true)))
#' m1 <- FuncompCGL(y = Data$data$y, X = Data$data$Comp , Zc = Data$data$Zc,
#'                  intercept = Data$data$intercept, k = df_beta)
#' arg_list <- as.list(Data$call)[-1]
#' arg_list$n <- n_test
#' TEST <- do.call(Fcomp_Model, arg_list)
#' predmat <- predict(m1, Znew = TEST$data$Comp, Zcnew = TEST$data$Zc)
#' predmat <- predict(m1, Znew = TEST$data$Comp, Zcnew = TEST$data$Zc, s = c(0.5, 0.1, 0.05))
#' @inherit coef.FuncompCGL references author
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods cbind2

predict.FuncompCGL <- function(object, Znew, Zcnew = NULL, s = NULL,
                               T.name = "TIME", ID.name = "Subject_ID",
                               Trange, interval, insert, basis_fun, degree, method, sseq,
  newx = Znew
  newZc = Zcnew

  beta = coef(object)
    newZc <- matrix(newZc, nrow = 1)
  } else if (is.data.frame(newZc)) {
    newZc <- as.matrix(newZc)
  pc = ifelse(is.null(dim(newZc)), 0, ncol(newZc))
  p1 = nrow(beta)

  if(ncol(newx) == (p1 - pc - 1)){
    ## case I: already take integral and ready to go
    Z <- as.matrix(newx)
    p1 <- ncol(Z)
  } else {
    ## case II: take integral first
    digits = 10
    list_param = as.list(object$call)

    newx = as.data.frame(newx)
    if( !(T.name %in% names(newx)) || !(ID.name %in% names(newx))) stop("Please provide ID.name and T.name")
    newx[, T.name] = round(newx[, T.name], digits = digits)
    newx[, ID.name] <- factor(newx[, ID.name], levels = unique(newx[, ID.name])) # In case that newx is not represented in numerical order of Subject_ID
    X.names <- colnames(newx)[!colnames(newx) %in% c(T.name, ID.name)]
    newx[, X.names] = proc.comp(newx[, X.names])
    p = length(X.names)
    k_choice = (p1 - 1 - pc) / p
    if(k_choice %% 1 != 0) stop("fitted data and predicting data with different dimensions")

    # >>> integral domain <<<
    Trange_choice = c(list_param$Trange[1], list_param$Trange[2])
    if(is.null(Trange_choice)) {
      if(missing(Trange)) stop("\"Trange\" shoulde be provided") else Trange_choice = Trange
    filter_id <- newx[, T.name] >= Trange_choice[1]
    filter_id <- newx[filter_id, T.name] <= Trange_choice[2]
    newx <- newx[filter_id, ]

    interval_choice = list_param$interval
    if(is.null(interval_choice)) {
      if(missing(interval)) {
        stop("\"interval\" shoulde be provided")
      } else {
        interval_choice = match.arg(interval, choices = c("Original", "Standard"))

           "Standard" = {
             ## mapping time sequence on to [0,1]
             newx[, T.name] = (newx[, T.name] - min(Trange_choice)) / diff(Trange_choice)
             interval_choice = c(0, 1)
             Trange_choice = c(0, 1)
           "Original" = {
             interval_choice = Trange_choice
    # <<< integral domain >>>

    # >>> integral interpolation: sseq <<<
    insert_choice = list_param$insert
    if(is.null(insert_choice)) {
      if(missing(insert)) {
        stop("\"insert\" shoulde be provided")
      } else {
        insert_choice = match.arg(insert, choices = c("FALSE", "X", "basis"))

    sseq_choice <- object$sseq
    if(is.null(sseq_choice)) {
      if(missing(sseq)) stop("\"sseq\" shoulde be provided") else sseq_choice = sort(unique(sseq))
    sseq_choice <- sort(unique(c(round(Trange_choice, digits = digits), as.vector(newx[, T.name]), sseq_choice)))

    # if(insert != "FALSE") sseq_choice <- round(seq(from = interval_choice[1], to = interval_choice[2],
    #                                            by = min(diff(sseq)_choice)/10 # by = length(sseq_choice) * 2
    #                                            ),
    #                                            digits = digits)
    # <<< integral interpolation: sseq >>>

    # >>> integral basis <<<
    basis_fun_choice = list_param$basis_fun
    if(is.null(basis_fun_choice)) {
      if(missing(basis_fun)) {
        stop("\"basis_fun\" shoulde be provided")
      } else {
        basis_fun_choice = match.arg(basis_fun, choices = c("bs", "OBasis", "fourier"))

    degree_choice <- list_param$degree
    if(is.null(degree_choice)) {
      if(missing(degree)) stop("\"degree\" shoulde be provided") else degree_choice = degree
    basis <- switch(basis_fun_choice,
                    "bs" = bs(x = sseq_choice, df = k_choice, degree = degree_choice,
                              Boundary.knots = interval_choice, intercept = TRUE),
                    "fourier" = eval.basis(sseq_choice,
                                           basisobj = create.fourier.basis(rangeval = interval_choice, nbasis = k_choice )),
                    "OBasis" = {
                      nknots <- k_choice - (degree_choice + 1)
                      if(nknots > 0) {
                        knots <- ((1:nknots) / (nknots + 1)) * diff(interval_choice) + interval_choice[1]
                      } else  knots <- NULL

                      evaluate(OBasis(expand.knots(c(interval_choice[1], knots, interval_choice[2])),
                                      order = degree_choice + 1),
    # <<< integral basis >>>

    # >>> integral <<< #
    D <- split(newx[, c(T.name, X.names)], newx[, ID.name])
    n <- length(D)
    method_choice = list_param$method
    if(is.null(method_choice)) {
      if(missing(method)) {
        stop("\"method\" shoulde be provided")
      } else {
        method_choice = match.arg(method, choices = c("trapezoidal", "step"))
    newZ <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = p1 - pc - 1)
    for(i in 1:n) newZ[i, ] <- ITG(D[[i]], basis, sseq_choice, T.name, interval_choice, insert_choice, method_choice)$integral
    # <<< integral >>> #

  # >>> prediction <<< #
  newX = cbind(newZ, newZc)
  if(!is.null(s)) {
    beta <- lamtobeta(lambda = object$lam, beta = beta, s = s)
  fitting <- as.matrix(cbind2(newX, 1)) %*% beta
  # <<< prediction >>> #


#' @title
#' Make predictions based on a \code{"cv.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @description
#' This function makes prediction based on a \code{cv.FuncompCGL}
#' object, using the stored \code{"FuncompCGL.fit"} object and the optimal values of the
#' regularization parameter \code{lam} and the degrees of freedom \code{k}.
#' @usage
#' \method{predict}{cv.FuncompCGL}(object, Znew, Zcnew = NULL,
#'         s = c("lam.1se", "lam.min"), k = NULL, trim = FALSE, ...)
#' @param Znew data frame or matrix \code{X} as in \code{FuncompCGL} with new
#'             functional compositional data at which prediction is to be made.
#' @param Zcnew matrix \code{Zc} as in \code{FuncompCGL} with new values of
#'              time-invariate covariates at which prediction is to be made.
#'              Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{predict.FuncompCGL}
#' @inheritParams coef.cv.FuncompCGL
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{cv.FuncompCGL}} and \code{\link{FuncompCGL}}, and
#' \code{\link[=coef.cv.FuncompCGL]{coef}} and
#' \code{\link[=plot.cv.FuncompCGL]{plot}} methods for \code{"cv.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @return
#' The prediction values at the requested value(s) for \code{s} and \code{k}.
#' If \code{k} is a vector, a list of prediction matrix is returned,
#' otherwise a prediction matrix is returned.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' df_beta = 5
#' p = 30
#' beta_C_true = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = df_beta)
#' beta_C_true[1, ] <- c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 , -1, -1)
#' beta_C_true[2, ] <- c(0.8, 0.8,  0.7,  0.6,  0.6)
#' beta_C_true[3, ] <- c(-0.8, -0.8 , 0.4 , 1 , 1)
#' beta_C_true[4, ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, -0.6  ,-0.6, -0.6)
#' n_train = 50
#' n_test = 30
#' Data <- Fcomp_Model(n = n_train, p = p, m = 0, intercept = TRUE,
#'                     SNR = 4, sigma = 3, rho_X = 0, rho_T = 0.6, df_beta = df_beta,
#'                     n_T = 20, obs_spar = 1, theta.add = FALSE,
#'                     beta_C = as.vector(t(beta_C_true)))
#' arg_list <- as.list(Data$call)[-1]
#' arg_list$n <- n_test
#' Test <- do.call(Fcomp_Model, arg_list)
#' k_list = c(4,5)
#' cv_m1 <-  cv.FuncompCGL(y = Data$data$y, X = Data$data$Comp,
#'                         Zc = Data$data$Zc, intercept = Data$data$intercept,
#'                         k = k_list, nfolds = 5)
#' y_hat = predict(cv_m1, Znew = Test$data$Comp, Zcnew = Test$data$Zc)
#' predict(cv_m1, Znew = Test$data$Comp, Zcnew = Test$data$Zc, s = "lam.1se")
#' predict(cv_m1, Znew = Test$data$Comp, Zcnew = Test$data$Zc, s = c(0.5, 0.1, 0.05), k = k_list)
#' plot(Test$data$y, y_hat, xlab = "Observed Response", ylab = "Predicted Response")
#' }
#' @inherit predict.FuncompCGL details references author
#' @export

predict.cv.FuncompCGL <- function(object, Znew, Zcnew = NULL,
                                  s = c("lam.1se", "lam.min"), k = NULL,
                                  trim = FALSE, ...) {

  trim <- ifelse(trim, "Ttrim", "Ftrim")

  if (is.numeric(s) || is.null(s) ) {
    lam_se <- s
    if(is.null(k)) {
      stop("Need to provide df k")
    } else {
        if(FALSE %in% (k %in% as.integer(names(object$FuncompCGL.fit)))) stop("element in \"K\" is out of range")
        k_se <- k
      k_se <- as.character(k_se)
  } else if (is.character(s)) {
    s <- match.arg(s)
    lam_se <- object[[trim]][[s]]['lam']
    k_se <- object[[trim]][[s]]['df']
  } else stop("Invalid form for s")

  if(length(k_se) > 1) {
    predmat <- as.list(k_se)
    for(i in seq(length(k_se))) {
      predmat[[i]] <- predict(object$FuncompCGL.fit[[ which(names(object$FuncompCGL.fit) == k_se[i])]],
                              Znew, Zcnew, s = lam_se, ...)
    names(predmat) <- paste("k", k_se, sep = "=")
  } else {
    predmat <- predict(object$FuncompCGL.fit[[which(names(object$FuncompCGL.fit) == k_se)]],
                       Znew, Zcnew, s = lam_se, ...)


#' @title
#' Make predictions based on a \code{"GIC.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @description
#' This function makes prediction based on a \code{"GIC.FuncompCGL"} object, using the
#' stored \code{"FuncompCGL.fit"} object and the optimal values of
#' the regularization parameter \code{lam} and the degrees of freedom \code{k}.
#' @usage
#' \method{predict}{GIC.FuncompCGL}(object, Znew, Zcnew = NULL,
#'         s = "lam.min", k = NULL, ...)
#' @param Znew data frame or matrix \code{X} as in \code{FuncompCGL} with new
#'             functional compositional data at which prediction is to be made.
#' @param Zcnew matrix \code{Zc} as in \code{FuncompCGL} with new values of
#'              time-invariate covariates at which prediction is to be made.
#'              Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{predict.FuncompCGL}
#' @inheritParams coef.GIC.FuncompCGL
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{GIC.FuncompCGL}} and \code{\link{FuncompCGL}}, and
#' \code{\link[=coef.GIC.FuncompCGL]{coef}} and
#' \code{\link[=plot.GIC.FuncompCGL]{plot}} methods for \code{"GIC.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @examples
#' df_beta = 5
#' p = 30
#' beta_C_true = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = df_beta)
#' beta_C_true[1, ] <- c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 , -1, -1)
#' beta_C_true[2, ] <- c(0.8, 0.8,  0.7,  0.6,  0.6)
#' beta_C_true[3, ] <- c(-0.8, -0.8 , 0.4 , 1 , 1)
#' beta_C_true[4, ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, -0.6  ,-0.6, -0.6)
#' n_train = 50
#' n_test = 30
#' k_list <- c(4,5)
#' Data <- Fcomp_Model(n = n_train, p = p, m = 0, intercept = TRUE,
#'                     SNR = 4, sigma = 3, rho_X = 0.6, rho_T = 0,
#'                     df_beta = df_beta, n_T = 20, obs_spar = 1, theta.add = FALSE,
#'                     beta_C = as.vector(t(beta_C_true)))
#' arg_list <- as.list(Data$call)[-1]
#' arg_list$n <- n_test
#' Test <- do.call(Fcomp_Model, arg_list)
#' GIC_m1 <-  GIC.FuncompCGL(y = Data$data$y, X = Data$data$Comp,
#'                           Zc = Data$data$Zc, intercept = Data$data$intercept,
#'                           k = k_list)
#' y_hat <- predict(GIC_m1, Znew = Test$data$Comp, Zcnew = Test$data$Zc)
#' predict(GIC_m1, Znew = Test$data$Comp, Zcnew = Test$data$Zc, s = NULL, k = k_list)
#' plot(Test$data$y, y_hat, xlab = "Observed response", ylab = "Predicted response")
#' @inherit predict.cv.FuncompCGL details return references author
#' @export

predict.GIC.FuncompCGL <- function(object, Znew, Zcnew = NULL,
                                   s = "lam.min", k = NULL, ...) {

  if (is.numeric(s) || is.null(s) ){
    lam_se <- s
    if(is.null(k)) {
      stop("Need to provide df k")
    } else {
        if(FALSE %in% (k %in% as.integer(names(object$FuncompCGL.fit)))) stop("element in \"K\" is out of range")
        k_se <- k
      k_se <- as.character(k_se)
  } else if (is.character(s)) {
    s <- match.arg(s)
    lam_se <- object$lam.min['lam']
    k_se <- object$lam.min['df']
  } else stop("Invalid form for s")

  if(length(k_se) > 1) {
    predmat <- as.list(k_se)
    for(i in seq(length(k_se))) {
      predmat[[i]] <- predict(object$FuncompCGL.fit[[which(names(object$FuncompCGL.fit) == k_se[i])]],
                              Znew, Zcnew, s = lam_se, ...)
    names(predmat) <- paste("k", k_se, sep = "=")
  } else {
    predmat <- predict(object$FuncompCGL.fit[[ which(names(object$FuncompCGL.fit) == k_se)]],
                       Znew, Zcnew, s = lam_se, ...)

#' @title
#' Make predictions based on a \code{"compCL"} object.
#' @description
#' Make predictions based on a fitted \code{"\link{compCL}"} object.
#' @param object fitted \code{"\link{compCL}"} object.
#' @param Znew \code{z} matrix as in \code{compCL} with new compositional data
#'          or categorical data.
#' @param Zcnew \code{Zc} matrix as in \code{compCL} with new data for other
#'              covariates. Default is \code{NULL}
#' @param s value(s) of the penalty parameter \code{lam} at which predictions are required.
#'          Default is the entire sequence used in the fitted object.
#' @param \dots not used.
#' @details
#' \code{s} is the vector at which predictions are requested. If \code{s} is not in the lambda
#' sequence used for fitting the model, the \code{predict} function uses linear interpolation.
#' @return
#' predicted values at the requested values of \code{s}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{compCL}} and \code{\link[=coef.compCL]{coef}},
#' \code{\link[=print.compCL]{predict}} and \code{\link[=plot.compCL]{plot}} methods
#' for \code{"compCL"} object.
#' @examples
#' Comp_data = comp_Model(n = 50, p = 30)
#' Comp_data2 = comp_Model(n = 30, p = 30, beta = Comp_data$beta)
#' m1 = compCL(y = Comp_data$y, Z = Comp_data$X.comp,
#'             Zc = Comp_data$Zc, intercept = Comp_data$intercept)
#' predict(m1, Znew = Comp_data2$X.comp, Zcnew = Comp_data2$Zc)
#' predict(m1, Znew = Comp_data2$X.comp, Zcnew = Comp_data2$Zc, s = c(1, 0.5, 0.1))
#' @inherit coef.compCL references author
#' @export

predict.compCL <- function(object, Znew, Zcnew = NULL,  s = NULL, ...) {
  Znew <- proc.comp(Znew) # log is taken
  if( !is.null(Zcnew) && is.null(dim(Zcnew)) ) {
    #if only one new data point
    newZc = matrix(Zcnew, nrow = 1)
  predict.linear(object, cbind(Znew, Zcnew), s)

#' @title
#' Make predictions based on a \code{"cv.compCL"} object.
#' @description
#' This function makes prediction based on a cross-validated \code{compCL} model,
#' using the stored \code{compCL.fit} object.
#' @usage
#' \method{predict}{cv.compCL}(object, Znew, Zcnew = NULL, s = c("lam.min", "lam.1se" ),
#'         trim = FALSE, ...)
#' @param object fitted \code{"cv.compCL"} model.
#' @param s specify the \code{lam} at which prediction(s) is requested.
#'          \itemize{
#'            \item \code{s = "lam.min"} (default), value of \code{lam} that obtains
#'                  the minimun value of cross-validation error.
#'            \item \code{s = "lam.1se"} value of \code{lam} that obtains 1 standard
#'                  error above the miminum of the cross-validation errors.
#'            \item if \code{s} is numeric, it is taken as the value(s) of lam to be used.
#'            \item if \code{s = NULL}, uses the whole sequence of \code{lam} stored in the
#'                  \code{"cv.compCL"} object.
#'          }
#' @param trim Whether to use the trimmed result. Default is FASLE.
#' @inheritParams predict.compCL
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{cv.compCL}} and \code{\link{compCL}},
#' and \code{\link[=coef.cv.compCL]{coef}} and \code{\link[=plot.cv.compCL]{plot}} methods
#' for \code{"cv.compCL"} object.
#' @examples
#' p = 30
#' n = 50
#' beta = c(1, -0.8, 0.6, 0, 0, -1.5, -0.5, 1.2)
#' beta = c( beta, rep(0, times = p - length(beta)) )
#' Comp_data = comp_Model(n = n, p = p, beta = beta, intercept = FALSE)
#' test_data = comp_Model(n = 30, p = p, beta = beta, intercept = FALSE)
#' cvm1 <- cv.compCL(y = Comp_data$y, Z = Comp_data$X.comp,
#'                   Zc = Comp_data$Zc, intercept = Comp_data$intercept)
#' y_hat = predict(cvm1, Znew = test_data$X.comp, Zcnew = test_data$Zc)
#' predmat = predict(cvm1, Znew = test_data$X.comp, Zcnew = test_data$Zc, s = NULL)
#' plot(test_data$y, y_hat, xlab = "Observed response", ylab = "Predicted response")
#' abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "red")
#' @inherit predict.compCL details return references author
#' @export

predict.cv.compCL <- function(object, Znew, Zcnew = NULL, s = c("lam.min", "lam.1se" ),
                              trim = FALSE, ...){
  if (is.numeric(s) || is.null(s) ) {
    lam <- s
  } else if (is.character(s)) {
    s <- match.arg(s)
    trim <- ifelse(trim, "Ttrim", "Ftrim")
    lam <- object[[trim]][[s]]
  } else {
    stop("Invalid form for s")
  predict(object$compCL.fit, Znew, Zcnew, s = lam, ...)

#' @title
#' Make predictions based on a \code{"GIC.compCL"} object.
#' @description
#' This function makes prediction based on a \code{"GIC.compCL"} model,
#' using the stored \code{"compCL.fit"} object and the optimal value of \code{lambda}.
#' @param object fitted \code{"GIC.compCL"} model.
#' @param s specify the \code{lam} at which prediction(s) is requested.
#'          \itemize{
#'            \item \code{s = "lam.min"} (default), \code{lam} that obtains the minimun value of GIC values.
#'            \item if \code{s} is numeric, it is taken as the value(s) of lam to be used.
#'            \item if \code{s = NULL}, uses the whole sequence of \code{lam} stored in the
#'                  \code{"GIC.compCL"} object.
#'          }
#' @inheritParams predict.cv.compCL
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{GIC.compCL}} and \code{\link{compCL}}, and
#' \code{\link[=coef.GIC.compCL]{coef}} and
#' \code{\link[=plot.GIC.compCL]{plot}} methods for \code{"GIC.compCL"}.
#' @examples
#' p = 30
#' n = 50
#' beta = c(1, -0.8, 0.6, 0, 0, -1.5, -0.5, 1.2)
#' beta = c(beta, rep(0, times = p - length(beta)))
#' Comp_data = comp_Model(n = n, p = p, beta = beta, intercept = FALSE)
#' test_data = comp_Model(n = 100, p = p, beta = beta, intercept = FALSE)
#' GICm1 <- GIC.compCL(y = Comp_data$y, Z = Comp_data$X.comp,
#'                     Zc = Comp_data$Zc, intercept = Comp_data$intercept)
#' y_hat = predict(GICm1, Znew = test_data$X.comp, Zcnew = test_data$Zc)
#' predmat = predict(GICm1, Znew = test_data$X.comp, Zcnew = test_data$Zc, s = c(1, 0.5, 1))
#' plot(test_data$y, y_hat, xlab = "Observed value", ylab = "Predicted value")
#' abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "red")
#' @inherit predict.compCL details return references author
#' @export

predict.GIC.compCL <- function(object, Znew, Zcnew = NULL, s = "lam.min", ...){
  if (is.numeric(s) || is.null(s) ) {
    lam <- s
  } else if (is.character(s)) {
    s <- match.arg(s)
    lam <- object$lam.min
  } else {
    stop("Invalid form for s")

  predict(object$compCL.fit, Znew, Zcnew, s = lam, ...)
#### <<< predict method >>> ####

#### >>> plot method <<< ####

#' @title
#' Plot solution paths from a \code{"FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @description
#' Produce a coefficient profile plot of the coefficient paths for a fitted
#' \code{"FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @param x fitted \code{"FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @param ylab what is the on Y-axis,
#'             \code{"L2"} (default) plots against the L2-norm of each group of coefficients,
#'             \code{"L1"} against L1-norm.
#' @param xlab what is on the X-axis,
#'             \code{"log"} plots against \code{log(lambda)} (default),
#'             \code{"-log"} against \code{-log(lambda)}, and \code{"lambda"} against \code{lambda}.
#' @param \dots other graphical parameters.
#' @details
#' A solution path plot is produced.
#' @return
#' No return value. Side effect is a base R plot.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{FuncompCGL}}, and \code{\link[=predict.FuncompCGL]{predict}},
#' \code{\link[=coef.FuncompCGL]{coef}} and \code{\link[=print.FuncompCGL]{print}}
#' methods for \code{"FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @examples
#' df_beta = 5
#' p = 30
#' beta_C_true = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = df_beta)
#' beta_C_true[1, ] <- c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 , -1, -1)
#' beta_C_true[2, ] <- c(0.8, 0.8,  0.7,  0.6,  0.6)
#' beta_C_true[3, ] <- c(-0.8, -0.8 , 0.4 , 1 , 1)
#' beta_C_true[4, ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, -0.6  ,-0.6, -0.6)
#' Data <- Fcomp_Model(n = 50, p = p, m = 0, intercept = TRUE,
#'                     SNR = 4, sigma = 3, rho_X = 0, rho_T = 0.6, df_beta = df_beta,
#'                     n_T = 20, obs_spar = 1, theta.add = FALSE,
#'                     beta_C = as.vector(t(beta_C_true)))
#' m1 <- FuncompCGL(y = Data$data$y, X = Data$data$Comp, Zc = Data$data$Zc,
#'                  intercept = Data$data$intercept, k = df_beta, tol = 1e-10)
#' plot(m1)
#' plot(m1, ylab = "L1", xlab = "-log")
#' @inherit coef.FuncompCGL author references
#' @export

## TODO: add "coef" and "L2_curve" features on ylab

plot.FuncompCGL <- function(x,
                            ylab = c("L2", "L1"),
                            xlab = c("log", "-log", "lambda"),
                            ...) {
  obj <- x
  ylab = match.arg(ylab)
  xlab = match.arg(xlab)

  obj$call <- as.list(obj$call)
  k <- obj$call[['k']]
  p1 <- ncol(obj$Z)
  p <- p1 / k

  ## implicitly converting baseline result into full-long
  beta <- coef(obj)
  ## groups that ever been non-zero
  include_which <- sort(unique(unlist(apply(beta, 2, Nzero, p = p, k = k))))
  group <- matrix(1:p1, nrow = k)
  beta <- beta[group[, include_which], ]

         "L1" = {
           yvalue = apply(beta, 2, function(x, k) {
             value = vector()
             for(l in 1:(length(x)/k)) value[l] <- sum(abs(x[(l*k-k+1):(l*k)]))
           }, k = k)
           ylab = "L1 norm"},
         "L2" = {
           yvalue = apply(beta, 2, function(x, k) {
             value = vector()
             for(l in 1:(length(x)/k)) value[l] <- sqrt(sum((x[(l*k-k+1):(l*k)])^2))
           }, k = k)
           ylab = "L2 norm"

         "lambda" = {
           xlab = "Lambda"
           xvalue = drop(obj$lam)
         "log" = {
           xlab = "Log(Lambda)"
           xvalue = log(drop(obj$lam))
          "-log" = {
            xlab = "Log(Lambda)"
            xvalue = -log(drop(obj$lam))

  dotlist=list(...) #list(...)
    matplot(xvalue,t(yvalue),lty=1,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,type="l", ylim = c(-0.1, max(yvalue)), ...
    )  else matplot(xvalue,t(yvalue),lty=1,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab
                    , ylim = c(-0.1, max(yvalue)),...

  #text(x = min(xvalue), y = yvalue[,dim(yvalue)[2]], labels = paste(include_which))
  # cvraw <- (drop(y) - cv.m1$fit.preval[, , 1])^2
  # N <- length(y) - apply(is.na(cv.m1$fit.preval[, , 1]), 2, sum)
  # cvm <- apply(cvraw, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  # cvsd <- sqrt(apply(scale(cvraw, cvm, FALSE)^2, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)/(N - 1))

  at.txt = apply(yvalue, 1, function(x) which(x>0)[1])
  at.index <- rbind(at.txt, sort(at.txt))
  #matplot(xvalue,t(yvalue),lty=1,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,type="l", ylim = c(-0.4, max(yvalue)))
  cex = 1
  text(x = xvalue[at.txt[order(at.txt)[-((1:floor(length(at.txt)/2))*2)]]],
       y = -0.05, labels = paste(include_which[order(at.txt)][-((1:floor(length(at.txt)/2))*2)]),
       col = rep(c("black", "grey"), length.out = length(include_which) - length((1:floor(length(at.txt)/2))*2)),
       cex = cex)
  text(x = xvalue[at.txt[order(at.txt)[((1:floor(length(at.txt)/2))*2)]]],
       y = -0.1, labels = paste(include_which[order(at.txt)][(1:floor(length(at.txt)/2))*2]),
       col = rep(c("black", "grey"), length.out = length((1:floor(length(at.txt)/2))*2)),
       cex = cex)


#' @title
#' Plot the cross-validation curve produced by \code{"cv.FuncompCGL"}.
#' @description
#' Plot the cross-validation curve with its upper and lower standard
#' deviation curves.
#' @param x fitted \code{"cv.FuncompCGL"} model.
#' @param trim logical; whether to use the trimmed result.
#'        Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param k a vector or character string
#'               \itemize{
#'               \item if character string, either \code{"lam.1se"} or
#'                     \code{"lam.min"}.
#'               \item if it is an integer vector, specify the set of degrees of freedom
#'                     \code{k} to plot.
#'               \item if it is missing (default), cross-validation curves for \code{k}
#'                     that are associated with \code{lambda.min} (blue)
#'                     and \code{lambda.1se} (red) are plotted.
#'               }
#' @inheritParams plot.FuncompCGL
#' @details
#' A cross-validation curve is produced.
#' @inherit plot.FuncompCGL return
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{cv.FuncompCGL}} and \code{\link{FuncompCGL}}, and
#' \code{\link[=predict.cv.FuncompCGL]{predict}} and
#' \code{\link[=coef.cv.FuncompCGL]{coef}} methods for \code{"cv.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' df_beta = 5
#' p = 30
#' beta_C_true = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = df_beta)
#' beta_C_true[1, ] <- c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 , -1, -1)
#' beta_C_true[2, ] <- c(0.8, 0.8,  0.7,  0.6,  0.6)
#' beta_C_true[3, ] <- c(-0.8, -0.8 , 0.4 , 1 , 1)
#' beta_C_true[4, ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, -0.6  ,-0.6, -0.6)
#' Data <- Fcomp_Model(n = 50, p = p, m = 0, intercept = TRUE,
#'                     SNR = 4, sigma = 3, rho_X = 0, rho_T = 0.6, df_beta = df_beta,
#'                     n_T = 20, obs_spar = 1, theta.add = FALSE,
#'                     beta_C = as.vector(t(beta_C_true)))
#' k_list <- 4:5
#' cv_m1 <-  cv.FuncompCGL(y = Data$data$y, X = Data$data$Comp,
#'                         Zc = Data$data$Zc, intercept = Data$data$intercept,
#'                         k = k_list, nfolds = 5, keep = TRUE)
#' plot(cv_m1)
#' plot(cv_m1, xlab = "-log", k = k_list)
#' }
#' @inherit coef.FuncompCGL author references
#' @export
#' @import graphics

plot.cv.FuncompCGL <- function(x, xlab = c("log", "-log", "lambda"),
                               trim = FALSE, k, ...) {
  cvobj = x
  xlab <- match.arg(xlab)
  trim <- ifelse(trim, "Ttrim", "Ftrim")
  cvobj_use <- cvobj[[trim]]

  # >>> x-axis matching <<< #
         "log" = {
           xlab = "Log(Lambda)"
           xvalue = log(drop(cvobj$lam))
         "-log" = {
           xlab = "-Log(Lambda)"
           xvalue = -log(drop(cvobj$lam))
         "lambda" = {
           xlab = "Lambda"
           xvalue = drop(cvobj$lam)
  # <<< x-axis matching >>> #

  # >>> k value(s) <<< #
  k_all <- as.numeric(names(cvobj$FuncompCGL.fit))
  rule_min <- cvobj_use$lam.min
  rule_1se <- cvobj_use$lam.1se
  if (missing(k)) {
    k <- c(rule_min['df'], rule_1se['df'])
  } else if (is.numeric(k)) {
    k <- k[k %in% k_all]
    if(length(k) == 0) stop("Elements in \"k\" MUST be one(s) of these used in model fitting.")
  } else if (is.character(k)) {
    k <- match.arg(k, choices = c("lam.min", "lam.1se"))
    k <- switch(k,
                "lam.1se" = rule_1se['df'],
                "lam.min" = rule_min['df'])
  emp1 <- which(rule_min['df'] == k)
  emp2 <- which(rule_1se['df'] == k)
  normal <- which(!(k %in% c(rule_min['df'], rule_1se['df'])))
  k <- c(sort(k[normal]), k[emp2], k[emp1])
  k_id <- match(k, k_all)
  # <<< k value(s) >>> #

  # >>> pre-process <<< #
  N <- apply(!is.na(cvobj_use$cvm[k_id, , drop = FALSE]), 1, function(x) max(which(x)))
  N_id <- seq(max(N))
  xvalue = xvalue[N_id]
  cvobj_use <- lapply(cvobj_use[c("cvm", "cvup", "cvlo")], function(x, slice) x[, slice], slice = N_id)
  ## red for lam.min; blue for lam.1se
  bar_col <- c(rep("lightgrey", length(normal)), rep("blue", length(emp2)), rep("red", length(emp1)))
  bar_width <- 0.01
  cuv_col <- c(rep("limegreen", length(normal)), rep("blue", length(emp2)), rep("red", length(emp1)))
  cuv_pch <- c(rep(18, length(normal)), rep(20, length(emp2)), rep(20, length(emp1)))
  # <<< pre-process >>> #

  # >>> plot <<< #
  plot.args = list(xlab = xlab, ylab = "MEAN-Squared Error", type = "n", 0,
                   xlim = range(xvalue),
                   ylim = range(cvobj_use$cvup[k_id, ], cvobj_use$cvlo[k_id, ], na.rm = TRUE))
  new.args = list(...)
  if(length(new.args)) plot.args[names(new.args)] = new.args
  do.call("plot", plot.args)

  ## base layer: error bars
  for(l in 1:length(k)) {
    error.bars(xvalue, cvobj_use$cvup[k_id[l], ], cvobj_use$cvlo[k_id[l], ],
              width = bar_width, col = bar_col[l])

  ## top layer: error curve
  for(l in 1:length(k)) {
    points(xvalue, cvobj_use$cvm[k_id[l], ], pch = cuv_pch[l], col = cuv_col[l])

  # <<< plot >>> #

  # >>> label DF along path: axis = 3 <<< #
  if(length(emp2)) {
    labels <- drop(cvobj$FuncompCGL.fit[[as.character(rule_1se['df'])]]$df)[N_id]
    axis(side = 3, tick = FALSE, col.axis = "blue", line = -0.4, # pos = plot.args$ylim[2],
         at = xvalue, labels = as.character(labels))
    abline(v = switch(xlab,
                      "Lambda" = rule_1se["lam"],
                      "Log(Lambda)" = log(rule_1se["lam"]),
                      "-Log(Lambda)" = -log(rule_1se["lam"])),
           lty = 3, col = "blue")

  if(length(emp1)) {
    labels <- drop(cvobj$FuncompCGL.fit[[as.character(rule_min['df'])]]$df)[N_id]
    axis(side = 3, tick = FALSE, line = 0.5, col.axis = "red",
         at = xvalue, labels = as.character(labels))
    abline(v = switch(xlab,
                      "Lambda" = rule_min["lam"],
                      "Log(Lambda)" = log(rule_min["lam"]),
                      "-Log(Lambda)" = -log(rule_min["lam"])),
           lty = 3, col = "red")
  # <<< label DF along path: axis = 3 >>> #


#' @title
#' Plot the GIC curve produced by \code{"GIC.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @description
#' Plot the GIC curve as a function of the \code{lam} values used for different
#' degree of freedom \code{k}.
#' @param x fitted \code{"\link{GIC.FuncompCGL}"} object.
#' @param k value(s) of the degrees of freedom at which GIC cuvre(s) are plotted.
#'          \itemize{
#'          \item if missing (default), GIC curve for \code{k} that is associated
#'                with \code{"lam.min"} (RED) stored on \code{x} is plotted.
#'          \item if it is an integer vector, specify what set of degrees of freedom
#'                to plot.
#'          }
#' @inheritParams plot.cv.FuncompCGL
#' @details
#' A GIC curve is produced.
#' @inherit plot.FuncompCGL return
#' @examples
#' df_beta = 5
#' p = 30
#' beta_C_true = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = df_beta)
#' beta_C_true[1, ] <- c(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 , -1, -1)
#' beta_C_true[2, ] <- c(0.8, 0.8,  0.7,  0.6,  0.6)
#' beta_C_true[3, ] <- c(-0.8, -0.8 , 0.4 , 1 , 1)
#' beta_C_true[4, ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, -0.6  ,-0.6, -0.6)
#' Data <- Fcomp_Model(n = 50, p = p, m = 0, intercept = TRUE,
#'                     SNR = 4, sigma = 3, rho_X = 0.6, rho_T = 0,
#'                     df_beta = df_beta, n_T = 20, obs_spar = 1, theta.add = FALSE,
#'                     beta_C = as.vector(t(beta_C_true)))
#' k_list <- c(4,5)
#' GIC_m1 <-  GIC.FuncompCGL(y = Data$data$y, X = Data$data$Comp,
#'                           Zc = Data$data$Zc, intercept = Data$data$intercept,
#'                           k = k_list)
#' plot(GIC_m1)
#' plot(GIC_m1, xlab = "-log", k = k_list)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{GIC.FuncompCGL}} and \code{\link{FuncompCGL}}, and
#' \code{\link[=predict.GIC.FuncompCGL]{predict}} and
#' \code{\link[=coef.GIC.FuncompCGL]{coef}} methods for \code{"GIC.FuncompCGL"} object.
#' @inherit coef.FuncompCGL author references
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @importFrom utils tail

plot.GIC.FuncompCGL <- function(x, xlab = c("log", "-log", "lambda"), k, ...) {
  ## >>> x-axis <<<
  xlab <- match.arg(xlab)
         "lambda" = {
           xlab = "Lambda"
           xvalue = drop(x$lam)
           legend_pos = "topright"
           line_value = x$lam.min['lam']
         "log" = {
           xlab = "Log(Lambda)"
           xvalue = log(drop(x$lam))
           legend_pos = "topright"
           line_value = log(x$lam.min['lam'])
         "-log" = {
           xlab = "-Log(Lambda)"
           xvalue = -log(drop(x$lam))
           legend_pos = "topleft"
           line_value = -log(x$lam.min['lam'])
  ## <<< x-axis >>>

  ## >>> K value(s) <<<
  k_all <- as.numeric(names(x$FuncompCGL.fit))
  k_opt <- x$lam.min['df']
  if(missing(k)) k <- k_opt
  if(is.numeric(k)) {
    k <- k[k %in% k_all]
    if(length(k) == 0) stop("Elements in \"k\" MUST be one(s) of these used in model fitting.")
  emp <- which(k_opt == k)
  normal <- which(k_opt != k)
  k <- c(sort(k[normal]), k[emp]) # k[c(normal, emp)]
  k_id <-  match(k, k_all)
  ## <<< K value(s) >>>

  # >>> pre-process <<< #
  N <- apply(!is.na(x$GIC[k_id, , drop = FALSE]), 1, function(x) max(which(x)))
  N_id <- seq(max(N))
  xvalue <- xvalue[N_id]
  Yvalue <- x$GIC[, N_id]
  ## reserve pch = 1 for k_opt
  pch = c(0, seq(length(k))[-1])
  ## reserve vcol = "red" ("#FF0000FF") for k_opt
  col = rainbow(length(k)+1)[-1]
  ## reverse order to let k_opt, if included, list as the first
  col <- c(switch(length(emp) == 0 + 1, "#FF0000FF", NULL), head(col, length(normal)))
  pch <- c(switch(length(emp) == 0 + 1, 1, NULL), head(pch, length(normal)))
  text <- paste("k", rev(k), sep = "=")
  ylab = unlist(strsplit(rownames(x$GIC)[1], split = "_"))[1]
  ylab = paste(ylab, "curve(s)")
  # <<< pre-process >>> #

  ## >>> plot <<<
  plot.args = list(xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "n", 0,
                   xlim = range(xvalue), ylim = range(Yvalue[k_id, ], na.rm = TRUE))
  new.args = list(...)
  if(length(new.args)) plot.args[names(new.args)] = new.args
  do.call("plot", plot.args)
  for(l in 1:length(k)) points(xvalue, Yvalue[k_id[l], ], pch = pch[l], col = col[l])
  if(length(emp)) {
    labels = drop(x$FuncompCGL.fit[[as.character(k_opt)]]$df)[N_id]
    axis(side = 3, tick = FALSE, col.axis = "red", line = 0.2,
         at = xvalue, labels = as.character(labels))
    abline(v = line_value, lty = 3, col = "red")

  legend(legend_pos, inset = 0.02, cex = 0.8,
         box.lty = 2, box.lwd = 0.1, box.col = "grey",
         legend = text, col = col, pch = pch)
  # <<<  plot >>> #

#' @title
#' Plot solution paths from a \code{"compCL"} object.
#' @description
#' Produce a coefficient profile plot from a fitted
#' \code{"\link{compCL}"} object.
#' @param x fitted \code{"\link{compCL}"} model.
#' @param xlab what is on the X-axis. \code{"lam"} plots against the log-lambda sequence
#'             (default) and \code{"norm"} against the L1-norm of the coefficients.
#' @param label if TRUE, label the curve with the variable sequence numbers. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @inheritParams plot.FuncompCGL
#' @details
#' A coefficient profile plot for the compositional predictors is produced.
#' @return
#' No return value. Side effect is a base R plot.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{compCL}} and \code{\link[=print.compCL]{print}},
#' \code{\link[=predict.compCL]{predict}} and \code{\link[=coef.compCL]{coef}} methods
#' for \code{"compCL"} object.
#' @examples
#' Comp_data = comp_Model(n = 50, p = 30)
#' Comp_fit = compCL(y = Comp_data$y, Z = Comp_data$X.comp, Zc = Comp_data$Zc,
#'                   intercept = Comp_data$intercept)
#' plot(Comp_fit)
#' plot(Comp_fit, xlab = "norm", label = TRUE)
#' @inherit coef.compCL author references
#' @export

plot.compCL <- function(x, xlab=c("lam", "norm"), label = FALSE, ...) {

  xlab <-  match.arg(xlab)
  p <- ncol(x$Z_log)
  beta <- x$beta[1:p, ]
  lambda <- x$lam
  df <- x$df

  # nr = nrow(beta)
  # if(nr == 1) {
  #   index_which <- ifelse(any(abs(beta) > 0), 1, NULL)
  # } else {
  #   index_which <- apply(beta, 1, function(x) ifelse(any(abs(x) > 0), TRUE, FALSE))
  #   index_which <- seq(nrow(beta))[index_which]
  # }

  index_which <- apply(beta, 1, function(x) ifelse(any(abs(x) > 0), TRUE, FALSE))
  index_which <- seq(nrow(beta))[index_which]
  nwhich = length(index_which)

  if(nwhich == 0) {
    warning("No plot produced since all coefficients are zero")

  beta = as.matrix(beta[index_which, , drop=FALSE])
  name_ylab = "Coefficients"
         "norm" = {
           index_xlab = apply(abs(beta), 2, sum)
           name_xlab = "L1 Norm"
           approx.f = 1
         "lam" = {
           index_xlab = log(lambda)
           name_xlab = "log Lambda"
           approx.f = 0

  dotlist = list(...)
  type = dotlist$type
  if(is.null(type)) {
    matplot(index_xlab, t(beta), lty=1, xlab = name_xlab, ylab = name_ylab, type = "l", ...)
  } else {
    matplot(index_xlab, t(beta), lty=1, xlab = name_xlab, ylab = name_ylab, ...)

  ## compute df by interpolating to df at next smaller lambda thanks to R
  ## package glment and Yunyang Qian

  axis(3, at = atdf, labels = prettydf, tcl = NA, col.axis = "red", tick = FALSE)
  # mtext("DF", side=3, line=3, cex.lab=2,las=0, col="red")
           "norm" = {
             xpos = max(index_xlab)
             pos = 4
           "lam" = {
             xpos = min(index_xlab)
             pos = 2
    pos_xlab = rep(xpos, nwhich)
    pos_ylab = beta[, ncol(beta)]
    text(pos_xlab, pos_ylab, paste(index_which), cex = 0.8, pos = pos)

#' @title
#' Plot the cross-validation curve produced by \code{"cv.compCL"} object.
#' @description
#' Plot the cross-validation curve with its upper and lower standard deviation
#' curves.
#' @param x fitted \code{"cv.compCL"} object.
#' @inheritParams plot.cv.FuncompCGL
#' @details
#' A cross-validation curve is produced.
#' @inherit plot.compCL return
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{cv.compCL}} and \code{\link{compCL}},
#' and \code{\link[=coef.cv.compCL]{coef}} and \code{\link[=plot.cv.compCL]{plot}} methods
#' for \code{"cv.compCL"} object.
#' @examples
#' p = 30
#' n = 50
#' beta = c(1, -0.8, 0.6, 0, 0, -1.5, -0.5, 1.2)
#' beta = c(beta, rep(0, times = p - length(beta)))
#' Comp_data = comp_Model(n = n, p = p, intercept = FALSE)
#' cvm1 <- cv.compCL(y = Comp_data$y, Z = Comp_data$X.comp,
#'                   Zc = Comp_data$Zc, intercept = Comp_data$intercept)
#' plot(cvm1)
#' plot(cvm1, xlab = "-log")
#' @inherit coef.compCL author references
#' @export

plot.cv.compCL <- function(x, xlab = c("log", "-log", "lambda"), trim = FALSE, ...) {
  cvobj <- x
  xlab <- match.arg(xlab)
  trim <- ifelse(trim, "Ttrim", "Ftrim")
  cvobj_use <- cvobj[[trim]]
         "log" = {
           xlab = "Log(Lambda)"
           xvalue = log(drop(cvobj$lam))
         "-log" = {
           xlab = "-Log(Lambda)"
           xvalue = -log(drop(cvobj$lam))
         "lambda" = {
           xlab = "Lambda"
           xvalue = drop(cvobj$lam)

  plot.args = list(x = xvalue,y = cvobj_use$cvm,
                   ylim = range(cvobj_use$cvupper,cvobj_use$cvlo),
                   xlab = xlab,
                   ylab = "MEAN-Squared Error",
                   type = "n")
  if(length(new.args)) plot.args[names(new.args)] = new.args
  error.bars(xvalue, cvobj_use$cvupper, cvobj_use$cvlo, width = 0.01, col="darkgrey")
  points(xvalue, cvobj_use$cvm, pch=20, col = "limegreen")
  axis(side = 3,at = xvalue,labels = paste(cvobj$compCL.fit$df),
       tick = FALSE, line=0, col.axis = "orange")
  # mtext("DF", side=3, line=3, cex.lab=2,las=0, col="orange")

  abline(v = switch(xlab,
                    "Log(Lambda)" = log(cvobj_use$lam.1se),
                    "-Log(Lambda)" = -log(cvobj_use$lam.1se),
                    "Lambda" = cvobj_use$lam.1se),
         lty=3, col = "blue")

                  "Log(Lambda)" = log(cvobj_use$lam.min),
                  "-Log(Lambda)" = -log(cvobj_use$lam.min),
                  "Lambda" = cvobj_use$lam.min),
         lty=3, col = "red")


#' @title
#' Plot the GIC curve produced by \code{"GIC.compCL"} object.
#' @description
#' Plot the CIC curve as a function of the \code{lam} values.
#' @param x fitted \code{"GIC.compCL"} object.
#' @inheritParams plot.cv.compCL
#' @details
#' A GIC curve is produced.
#' @inherit plot.compCL return
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{GIC.compCL}} and \code{\link{compCL}}, and
#' \code{\link[=predict.GIC.compCL]{predict}} and
#' \code{\link[=coef.GIC.compCL]{coef}} methods for \code{"GIC.compCL"} object.
#' @examples
#' p = 30
#' n = 50
#' beta = c(1, -0.8, 0.6, 0, 0, -1.5, -0.5, 1.2)
#' beta = c(beta, rep(0, times = p - length(beta)))
#' Comp_data = comp_Model(n = n, p = p, beta = beta, intercept = FALSE)
#' GICm1 <- GIC.compCL(y = Comp_data$y, Z = Comp_data$X.comp,
#'                     Zc = Comp_data$Zc, intercept = Comp_data$intercept)
#' plot(GICm1)
#' plot(GICm1, xlab = "-log")
#' @inherit coef.compCL author references
#' @export

plot.GIC.compCL <- function(x, xlab = c("log", "-log", "lambda"), ...) {
  xlab <- match.arg(xlab)
         "lambda" = {
           xlab = "Lambda"
           xvalue = drop(x$lam)
         "log" = {
           xlab = "Log(Lambda)"
           xvalue = log(drop(x$lam))
         "-log" = {
           xlab = "-Log(Lambda)"
           xvalue = -log(drop(x$lam))

  plot.args = list(x = xvalue,y = x$GIC,
                   ylim = range(x$GIC),
  if(length(new.args)) plot.args[names(new.args)]=new.args
  points(xvalue, x$GIC)
  axis(side = 3, at = xvalue, labels = paste(x$compCL.fit$df),
       tick = FALSE, line = 0, col.axis = "orange")
  # mtext("DF", side = 3, line = 3, cex.lab = 2, las = 0, col = "orange")

                  "Lambda" = x$lam.min,
                  "Log(Lambda)" = log(x$lam.min),
                  "-Log(Lambda)" = -log(x$lam.min)
  ), lty=3, col = "red")

#### <<< plot method >>> ####

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