
Defines functions ttest.nettest prop.nettest cor2adj diag.delta rmRecipLow mergeModels getIncompleteNodes dlm.retro stepwise.combine stepwise.backward stepwise.forward symmetric rmdiag rmna rand.test patel scaleTs perf pruning patel.group dgm.group getModelNr getModel corTs reshapeTs binom.nettest gplotMat getAdjacency getWinner read.subject node subject center exhaustive.search model.generator dlm.lpl priors.spec

Documented in binom.nettest center cor2adj corTs dgm.group diag.delta dlm.lpl dlm.retro exhaustive.search getAdjacency getIncompleteNodes getModel getModelNr getWinner gplotMat mergeModels model.generator node patel patel.group perf priors.spec prop.nettest pruning rand.test read.subject reshapeTs rmdiag rmna rmRecipLow scaleTs stepwise.backward stepwise.combine stepwise.forward subject symmetric ttest.nettest

#' Specify the priors. Without inputs, defaults will be used.
#' @param m0 the value of the prior mean at time \code{t=0}, scalar (assumed to be the same
#'  for all nodes). The default is zero.
#' @param CS0 controls the scaling of the prior variance matrix \code{C*_{0}} at time 
#'  \code{t=0}. The default is 3, giving a non-informative prior for \code{C*_{0}, 3 x (p x p)}
#'  identity matrix. \code{p} is the number of thetas.
#' @param n0 prior hyperparameter of precision \code{phi ~ G(n_{0}/2; d_{0}/2)}. The default
#'  is a non-informative prior, with \code{n0 = d0 = 0.001}. \code{n0} has to be higher than 0.
#' @param d0 prior hyperparameter of precision \code{phi ~ G(n_{0}/2; d_{0}/2)}. The default
#'  is a non-informative prior, with \code{n0 = d0 = 0.001}.
#' @details At time \code{t=0}, \code{(theta_{0} | D_{0}, phi) ~ N(m_{0},C*_{0} x phi^{-1})},
#'  where \code{D_{0}} denotes the set of initial information.
#' @return \code{priors} a list with the prior hyperparameters. Relevant to \code{\link{dlm.lpl},
#'  \link{exhaustive.search}, \link{node}, \link{subject}}.
#' @references West, M. & Harrison, J., 1997. Bayesian Forecasting and Dynamic Models. Springer New York.
#' @examples
#' pr=priors.spec()
#' pr=priors.spec(n0=0.002)
priors.spec <- function(m0 = 0, CS0 = 3, n0 = 0.001, d0 = 0.001) {
  priors = list(m0 = m0, CS0 = CS0, n0 = n0, d0 = d0)

#' Calculate the log predictive likelihood for a specified set of parents and a fixed delta.
#' @param Yt the vector of observed time series, length \code{T}.
#' @param Ft the matrix of covariates, dim = number of thetas (\code{p}) x number of time
#'  points (\code{T}), usually a row of 1s to represent an intercept and the time series of
#'  the parent nodes.
#' @param delta discount factor (scalar).
#' @param priors list with prior hyperparameters.
#' @return
#' \item{mt}{the vector or matrix of the posterior mean (location parameter), dim = \code{p x T}.}
#' \item{Ct}{and \code{CSt} the posterior scale matrix \code{C_{t}} is \code{C_{t} = C*_{t} x S_{t}},
#'  with dim = \code{p x p x T}, where \code{S_{t}} is a point estimate for the observation variance
#'  \code{phi^{-1}}}
#' \item{Rt}{and \code{RSt} the prior scale matrix \code{R_{t}} is \code{R_{t} = R*_{t} x S_{t-1}},
#'  with dim = \code{p x p x T}, where \code{S_{t-1}} is a point estimate for the observation
#'  variance \code{phi^{-1}} at the previous time point.}
#' \item{nt}{and \code{dt} the vectors of the updated hyperparameters for the precision \code{phi}
#'  with length \code{T}.}
#' \item{S}{the vector of the point estimate for the observation variance \code{phi^{-1}} with
#'  length \code{T}.}
#' \item{ft}{the vector of the one-step forecast location parameter with length \code{T}.}
#' \item{Qt}{the vector of the one-step forecast scale parameter with length \code{T}.}
#' \item{ets}{the vector of the standardised forecast residuals with length \code{T},
#'  \eqn{\newline} defined as \code{(Y_{t} - f_{t}) / sqrt (Q_{t})}.}
#' \item{lpl}{the vector of the Log Predictive Likelihood with length \code{T}.}
#' @references West, M. & Harrison, J., 1997. Bayesian Forecasting and Dynamic Models. Springer New York.
#' @examples
#' data("utestdata")
#' Yt = myts[,1]
#' Ft = t(cbind(1,myts[,2:5]))
#' m = dlm.lpl(Yt, Ft, 0.7)
dlm.lpl <- function(Yt, Ft, delta, priors = priors.spec() ) {
  m0 = priors$m0
  CS0 = priors$CS0
  n0 = priors$n0
  d0 = priors$d0
  CS0 = CS0*diag(nrow(Ft))
  m0 = rep(m0,nrow(Ft))
  Nt = length(Yt)+1 # the length of the time series + t0
  p = nrow(Ft)      # the number of parents and one for an intercept (i.e. the number of thetas)
  Y = numeric(Nt)
  Y[2:Nt] = Yt
  F1 = array(0, dim=c(p,Nt))
  F1[,2:Nt] = Ft
  # Set up allocation matrices, including the priors
  mt = array(0,dim=c(p,Nt))
  Ct = array(0,dim=c(p,p,Nt))
  CSt = array(0,dim=c(p,p,Nt))
  CSt[,,1] = CS0
  Rt = array(0,dim=c(p,p,Nt))
  RSt = array(0,dim=c(p,p,Nt))
  nt = numeric(Nt) 
  dt = numeric(Nt)
  S = numeric(Nt)
  ft = numeric(Nt)
  Qt = numeric(Nt)
  ets = numeric(Nt)
  lpl = numeric(Nt)
  # Updating
  for (i in 2:Nt){
    # Posterior at {t-1}: (theta_{t-1}|D_{t-1}) ~ T_{n_{t-1}}[m_{t-1}, C_{t-1} = C*_{t-1} x d_{t-1}/n_{t-1}]
    # Prior at {t}: (theta_{t}|D_{t-1}) ~ T_{n_{t-1}}[m_{t-1}, R_{t}]
    # D_{t-1} = D_{0},Y_{1},...,Y_{t-1} D_{0} is the initial information set
    # R*_{t} = C*_{t-1}/delta
    RSt[,,i] = CSt[,,(i-1)] / delta
    Rt[,,i] = RSt[,,i] * S[(i-1)] 
    # One-step forecast: (Y_{t}|D_{t-1}) ~ T_{n_{t-1}}[f_{t}, Q_{t}]
    ft[i] = t(F1[,i]) %*% mt[,(i-1)]
    QSt = as.vector(1 + t(F1[,i]) %*% RSt[,,i] %*% F1[,i])
    Qt[i] = QSt * S[(i-1)]
    et = Y[i] - ft[i]
    ets[i] = et / sqrt(Qt[i])
    # Posterior at t: (theta_{t}|D_{t}) ~ T_{n_{t}}[m_{t}, C_{t}]
    # D_{t} = D_{0},Y_{1},...,Y_{t}
    At = (RSt[,,i] %*% F1[,i])/QSt
    mt[,i] = mt[,(i-1)] + (At*et)
    nt[i] = nt[(i-1)] + 1
    dt[i] = dt[(i-1)] + (et^2)/QSt
    CSt[,,i] = RSt[,,i] - (At %*% t(At))*QSt
    Ct[,,i] = S[i]*CSt[,,i]
    # Log Predictive Likelihood 
    lpl[i] = lgamma((nt[(i-1)]+1)/2)-lgamma(nt[(i-1)]/2)-0.5*log(pi*nt[(i-1)]*Qt[i])-((nt[(i-1)]+1)/2)*log(1+(1/nt[(i-1)])*et^2/Qt[i])
  mt = mt[,2:Nt]; Ct = Ct[,,2:Nt]; CSt = CSt[,,2:Nt]; Rt = Rt[,,2:Nt]; RSt = RSt[,,2:Nt]
  nt = nt[2:Nt]; dt = dt[2:Nt]; S = S[2:Nt]; ft = ft[2:Nt]; Qt = Qt[2:Nt]; ets = ets[2:Nt]; lpl = lpl[2:Nt]
  output <- list(mt=mt,Ct=Ct,CSt=CSt,Rt=Rt,RSt=RSt,nt=nt,dt=dt,S=S,ft=ft,Qt=Qt,ets=ets,lpl=lpl)

#' A function to generate all the possible models. 
#' @param Nn number of nodes; the number of columns of the dataset can be used.
#' @param node The node to find parents for.
#' @return
#' output.model = a matrix with dimensions (Nn-1) x number of models, where number of models = 2^(Nn-1).
#' @examples 
#' m=model.generator(5,1)
  # Create the model 'no parents' (the first column of the matrix is all zeros)
  for (k in 1:(Nn-1)) {
    # Calculate all combinations when number of parents = k
    if (Nn==2 & node==1) {
      model = matrix(c(0,2),1,2)
    } else { 
      # Expand the array so that unconnected edges are represented by zeros  

      # Bind the matrices together; the next set of models are added to this matrix

#' A function for an exhaustive search, calculates the optimum value of the discount factor.
#' @param Data  Dataset with dimension number of time points T x Number of nodes Nn.
#' @param node  The node to find parents for.
#' @param nbf   Log Predictive Likelihood will sum from (and including) this time point. 
#' @param delta a vector of potential values for the discount factor.
#' @param cpp boolean true (default): fast C++ implementation, false: native R code.
#' @param priors list with prior hyperparameters.
#' @return
#' model.store a matrix with the model, LPL and chosen discount factor for all possible models.
#' runtime an estimate of the run time of the function, using proc.time().
#' @examples
#' data("utestdata")
#' result=exhaustive.search(myts,3)
exhaustive.search <- function(Data, node, nbf=15, delta=seq(0.5,1,0.01), cpp=TRUE, priors=priors.spec() ) {
  m0 = priors$m0
  CS0 = priors$CS0
  n0 = priors$n0
  d0 = priors$d0
  Nn=ncol(Data) # the number of nodes
  Nm=2^(Nn-1)   # the number of models per node
  M=model.generator(Nn,node) # Generate all the possible models
  models=rbind(1:Nm,M) # Label each model with a 'model number'
  Yt=Data[,node]    # the time series of the node we wish to find parents for
  Nt=length(Yt)     # the number of time points
  nd=length(delta)  # the number of deltas
  # Create empty arrays for the lpl scores and the optimum deltas
  # Now create Ft. 
  for (z in 1:Nm) {
    if (ncol(Ft)>1) {
      Ft[,2:ncol(Ft)]=Data[,pars] # selects parents 
    # Calculate the log predictive likelihood, for each value of delta
    for (j in 1:nd) {
      if (cpp) {
        # new C++ implementation
        lpl=c(dlmLplCpp(Yt, t(Ft), delta[j], m0, CS0, n0, d0))
      } else {
        # original native R
        a=dlm.lpl(Yt, t(Ft), delta=delta[j], priors=priors)
    if (sum(is.na(lpldet[z,])) == length(lpldet[z,])) {
      lplmax[z] = -.Machine$double.xmax
    } else {
      DF.hat[z] = delta[which.max(lpldet[z,])]
  # Output model.store

#' Mean centers timeseries in a 2D array timeseries x nodes,
#' i.e. each timeseries of each node has mean of zero.
#' @param X 2D array with dimensions timeseries x nodes.
#' @return M 2D array.
#' @examples
#' data("utestdata")
#' myts=center(myts)
center <- function(X) {
  d = dim(X)
  M = matrix(NA, d[1], d[2])
  for (i in 1:d[2]) {
    M[,i]=scale(X[,i], center = T, scale = F)

#' Estimate subject's full network: runs exhaustive search on very node.
#' @param X array with dimensions timeseries x nodes.
#' @param id subject ID. If set, results are saved to a txt file.
#' @param nbf  Log Predictive Likelihood will sum from (and including) this time point. 
#' @param delta a vector of potential values for the discount factor.
#' @param cpp boolean true (default): fast C++ implementation, false: native R code.
#' @param priors list with prior hyperparameters.
#' @param path a path where results are written.
#' @param method ether exhaustive, foward, backward, or both.
#' @return store list with results.
#' @examples
#' data("utestdata")
#' # select only 3-nodes to speed-up this example
#' sub=subject(myts[,1:3]) 
#' sub=subject(myts[,1:3], method="both")
subject <- function(X, id=NULL, nbf=15, delta=seq(0.5,1,0.01), cpp=TRUE,
                    priors = priors.spec(), path = getwd(), method = "exhaustive") {
  if (!is.element(method, c("both", "exhaustive", "forward", "backward"))) {
    stop("Method must be either exhaustive, forward, backward or both")
  Nn=ncol(X)  # nodes
  for (n in 1:Nn) {
    if (method == "both") {
      tmp=stepwise.combine(X, n, nbf=nbf, delta=delta, priors=priors)
      models[[n]] = tmp$model.store
    } else if (method == "forward") {
      tmp=stepwise.forward(X, n, nbf=nbf, delta=delta, priors=priors)
      models[[n]] = tmp$model.store
    } else if (method == "backward") {
      tmp=stepwise.backward(X, n, nbf=nbf, delta=delta, priors=priors)
      models[[n]] = tmp$model.store
    } else if (method == "exhaustive") {
      tmp=exhaustive.search(X, n, nbf=nbf, delta=delta, cpp=cpp, priors=priors)
      models[[n]] = tmp$model.store
    if (!is.null(id)) {
      write(t(models[[n]]), file=file.path(path, sprintf("%s_node_%03d.txt", id, n)), 
            ncolumns = ncol(tmp$model.store))

#' Runs exhaustive search on a single node and saves results in txt file.
#' @param X array with dimensions timeseries x nodes.
#' @param n node number.
#' @param id subject ID. If set, results are saved to a txt file.
#' @param nbf  Log Predictive Likelihood will sum from (and including) this time point. 
#' @param delta a vector of potential values for the discount factor.#'
#' @param cpp boolean true (default): fast C++ implementation, false: native R code.
#' @param priors list with prior hyperparameters.
#' @param path a path where results are written.
#' @param method can be exhaustive (default), forward, backward, or both.
#' @return store list with results.
node <- function(X, n, id=NULL, nbf=15, delta=seq(0.5,1,0.01), cpp=TRUE, priors=priors.spec(),
                 path=getwd(), method = "exhaustive") {
  if (!is.element(method, c("both", "exhaustive", "forward", "backward"))) {
    stop("Method must be either exhaustive, forward, backward or both")
  if (method == "both") {
    store=stepwise.combine(X, n, nbf=nbf, delta=delta, priors=priors)
  } else if (method == "forward") {
    store=stepwise.forward(X, n, nbf=nbf, delta=delta, priors=priors)
  } else if (method == "backward") {
    store=stepwise.backward(X, n, nbf=nbf, delta=delta, priors=priors)
  } else if (method == "exhaustive") {
    store=exhaustive.search(X, n, nbf=nbf, delta=delta, cpp=cpp, priors=priors)
  if (!is.null(id)) {
    write(t(store$model.store), file=file.path(path, sprintf("%s_node_%03d.txt", id, n)), 
          ncolumns = ncol(store$model.store))

#' Reads single subject's network from txt files.
#' @param path path.
#' @param id identifier to select all subjects' nodes, e.g. pattern containing subject ID and session number.
#' @param nodes number of nodes.
#' @param modelStore can be set to false to save memory.
#' @return store list with results.
read.subject <- function(path, id, nodes, modelStore=TRUE) {
  models = list()
  for (n in 1:nodes) {
    #file=sprintf("%s_node_%03d.txt", id, n)
    #models[,,n] = as.matrix(read.table(file)) # quite slow
    file=list.files(path, pattern=glob2rx(sprintf("%s*_node_%03d.txt", id, n)))
    # we have to use a list as model dimension is variable in stepwise.
    models[[n]] = as.matrix(fread(file.path(path,file))) # faster, from package "data.table"
  if (modelStore) {

#' Get winner network by maximazing log predictive likelihood (LPL)
#' from a set of models.
#' @param models 2D matrix, or 3D models x node.
#' @param nodes number of nodes.
#' @return winner array with highest scored model(s).
getWinner <- function(models, nodes) {
  if (is.matrix(models)) {
    winner = models[,which.max(models[nodes+1,])]
  } else if (is.list(models)) {
    winner = array(0, dim=c(nodes+2,nodes))
    for (n in 1:nodes) {

#' Get adjacency and associated likelihoods (LPL) and disount factros (df) of winning models.
#' @param winner, 2D matrix.
#' @param nodes number of nodes.
#' @return adj, 2D adjacency matrix.
getAdjacency <- function(winner, nodes) {
  am = array(rep(0,nodes*nodes),dim=c(nodes,nodes))
  lpl = df = array(rep(NA,nodes*nodes),dim=c(nodes,nodes))
  for (n in 1:nodes) {
    p = winner[2:nodes,n]  # parents
    p = p[p>0]
    am[p,n] = 1
    lpl[p,n] = winner[nodes+1,n]
    df[p,n]  = winner[nodes+2,n]
  return(list(am=am, lpl=lpl, df=df))

#' Plots network as adjacency matrix.
#' @param adj 2D adjacency matrix.
#' @param title title.
#' @param colMapLabel label for colormap.
#' @param hasColMap FALSE turns off color map, default is NULL (on).
#' @param lim vector with min and max value, data outside this range will be removed.
#' @param gradient gradient colors.
#' @param nodeLabels node labels.
#' @param axisTextSize text size of the y and x tick labels.
#' @param xAngle orientation of the x tick labels.
#' @param titleTextSize text size of the title.
#' @param barWidth width of the colorbar.
#' @param textSize width of the colorbar.
#' @examples
#' # Generate some sample binary 5-node network structures for N=20, then compute
#' # proportion at each edge
#' N=20
#' x = array(rbinom(n=5*5*N, size=1, prob=0.30), dim=c(5,5,N))
#' A = apply(x, c(1,2), mean)
#' \donttest{
#' gplotMat(A, title = "network", colMapLabel = '%', barWidth = 0.3)
#' }
gplotMat <- function(adj, title=NULL, colMapLabel=NULL, hasColMap=NULL, lim=c(0, 1),
                     gradient=c("white", "orange", "red"), nodeLabels=waiver(), axisTextSize=12,
                     xAngle=0, titleTextSize=12, barWidth = 1, textSize=12) {
  x = melt(adj)
  names(x)[1] = "Parent"
  names(x)[2] = "Child"
  # handle scales in case custom labeling is set
  if (is.list(nodeLabels)) {
    x_scale = scale_x_continuous()
    y_scale = scale_y_reverse()
  } else {
    x_scale = scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:ncol(adj), labels = nodeLabels)
    y_scale = scale_y_reverse(breaks = 1:ncol(adj), labels = nodeLabels)
  if (is.null(hasColMap)) {
    myguides = guides(fill=guide_colorbar(barwidth = barWidth))
  } else {
    myguides = guides(fill=hasColMap)
  ggplot(x, aes_string(x = "Child", y = "Parent", fill = "value")) +
    geom_tile(color = "gray60") +
      na.value = "transparent",
      low  = gradient[1],
      mid  = gradient[2],
      high = gradient[3],
      midpoint = sum(lim)/2,
      limit = lim,
      space = "Lab",
      name = colMapLabel) + 
    theme(#axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks = element_blank(),
      axis.line = element_blank(),
      text = element_text(size=textSize),
      plot.title = element_text(size=titleTextSize),
      axis.text.x = element_text(size=axisTextSize,angle=xAngle),
      axis.text.y = element_text(size=axisTextSize),
      panel.background = element_blank()
      #panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="black", size = (1.5)),
      #panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = (0.2), colour="grey")
    ) +
    x_scale + y_scale + ggtitle(title) + myguides

#' Performes a binomial test with FDR correction for network edge occurrence.
#' @param adj adjacency matrix, nodes x nodes x subj, or nodes x nodes x runs x subj.
#' @param alter type of binomial test, "two.sided" (default), "less", or "greater"
#' @param fdr false discovery rate (FDR) control, default is 0.05.
#' @return store list with results.
#' @examples
#' # Generate some sample binary 5-node network structures for N=20, then perform
#' # significance testing.
#' N=20
#' x = rmdiag(array(rbinom(n=5*5*N, size=1, prob=0.10), dim=c(5,5,N)))
#' x[1,2,2:N]=1; x[2,3,seq(1,N,2)]=1 # add some consitent edges
#' A = apply(x, c(1,2), mean)
#' l = binom.nettest(x)
binom.nettest <- function(adj, alter="two.sided", fdr=0.05) {
  M = sum(adj) # total edges over all N subjects, all R(R-1) edges
  if (length(mydim) == 3) { # without runs
    N=mydim[3] # No. of subjects
    adj_ = apply(adj, c(1,2), sum)
  } else if (length(mydim) == 4) { # with runs
    N=mydim[4] # No. of subjects
    N=N*N_runs # adjust N by for no. of runs
    adj_ = apply(adj, c(1,2), sum) # sum acrosss subjects and runs
  # binom test for every edge occurance
  p0 = M/N/N_Comp/(N_Comp-1) # H0 edge probability
  p = array(NA, dim=c(N_Comp,N_Comp))
  for (i in 1:N_Comp) {
    for (j in 1:N_Comp) {
      if (i !=j) {
        tmp=binom.test(adj_[i,j],N,p=p0, alternative=alter)
  # FDR
  p_fdr=matrix(p.adjust(p, method = "fdr"),N_Comp,N_Comp)
  store$adj_fdr=adj_fdr/N # significant proportions

#' Reshapes a 2D concatenated time series into 3D according to no. of subjects and volumes.
#' @param ts a 2D time series volumes x nodes.
#' @param N No. of subjects.
#' @param V No. of volumes.
#' @return M 3D matrix, time series x nodes x subjects.
#' @examples 
#' # Let's say subjects are concatenated in a 2D matrix
#' # (samples x nodes), with each having 200 samples.
#' # generate some sample data
#' N=20
#' Nn=5
#' x = array(rnorm(200*N*Nn), dim=c(200*N,Nn))
#' ts = reshapeTs(x,N,200)
reshapeTs <- function(ts, N, V) {
  NC = ncol(ts)
  M = array(NA, dim=c(V,NC,N))
  for (i in 1:N) {
    idx = ((i-1)*V+1):(V*i)
    M[,,i] = ts[idx,]

#' Mean correlation of time series across subjects.
#' @param ts a 3D time series time series x nodes x subjects.
#' @return M correlation matrix.
#' @examples
#' # create some sample data with 200 samples,
#' # 5 nodes, and 2 subjects
#' ts = array(rnorm(200*5*2), dim=c(200,5,2))
#' M = corTs(ts)
corTs <- function(ts) {
  N=d[3] # No. subjects
  R=array(NA, dim=c(N_nodes,N_nodes,N))
  for (s in 1:N) {
  M = apply(R, c(1,2), mean)

#' Extract specific parent model with assocated df and ME from complete model space.
#' @param models a 2D model matrix.
#' @param parents a vector with parent nodes.
#' @return mod specific parent model.
#' @examples
#' data("utestdata")
#' r=exhaustive.search(myts,3)
#' # get model with parents 1, 2, and 4.
#' m=getModel(r$model.store,c(1,2,4))
getModel <- function(models, parents) {
  Nn = nrow(models) - 2 # No. of nodes
  Nm = ncol(models) # No. of models
  parents = c(parents, rep(0, (Nn - 1) - length(parents))) # add fill zeros
  for (m in 1:Nm) {
    if (sum(models[2:Nn,m] == parents) == Nn - 1) {
      mod = models[,m]

#' Get model number from a set of parents.
#' @param models a 2D model matrix.
#' @param parents a vector with parent nodes.
#' @return nr model number.
getModelNr <- function(models, parents) {
  Nn = nrow(models) + 1 # No. of nodes
  Nm = ncol(models) # No. of models
  parents = c(parents, rep(0, Nn-length(parents)-1)) # add fill zeros
  for (m in 1:Nm) {
    if (all(models[,m] == parents)) {
      nr = m

#' A group is a list containing restructured data from subejcts for easier group analysis.
#' @param subj a list of subjects.
#' @return group a list.
#' @examples
#' # create some sample data with 200 samples,
#' # 3 nodes, and 2 subjects
#' ts = array(rnorm(200*3*2), dim=c(200,3,2))
#' mysubs=list()
#' mysubs[[1]]=subject(ts[,,1])
#' mysubs[[2]]=subject(ts[,,2])
#' g=dgm.group(mysubs)
dgm.group <- function(subj) {
  am = lpl = df = tam = tbi = array(NA, dim=c(Nn,Nn,N))
  df_ = array(NA, dim=c(N,Nn))
  tlpls = array(NA, dim=c(Nn,Nn,2,N))
  winner = array(NA, dim=c(Nn+2,Nn,N))
  for (s in 1:N) {
    am[,,s]  = subj[[s]]$adj$am
    lpl[,,s] = subj[[s]]$adj$lpl
    df[,,s]  = subj[[s]]$adj$df
    df_[s,]  = subj[[s]]$winner[nrow(subj[[s]]$winner),]
    winner[,,s]  = subj[[s]]$winner
    # pruning
    if (!is.null(subj[[s]]$thr)) {
      tam[,,s]  = subj[[s]]$thr$am
      tbi[,,s]  = subj[[s]]$thr$bi
      tlpls[,,,s]= subj[[s]]$thr$lpls

#' A group is a list containing restructured data from subejcts for easier group analysis.
#' @param subj a list of subjects.
#' @return group a list.
#' @examples
#' # create some sample data with 200 samples,
#' # 3 nodes, and 2 subjects
#' ts = array(rnorm(200*3*2), dim=c(200,3,2))
#' mysubs=list()
#' mysubs[[1]]=patel(ts[,,1])
#' mysubs[[2]]=patel(ts[,,2])
#' g=patel.group(mysubs)
patel.group <- function(subj) {
  kappa = tkappa = tau = ttau = net = tnet = array(NA, dim=c(Nn,Nn,N))
  for (s in 1:N) {
    kappa[,,s]  = subj[[s]]$kappa
    tkappa[,,s] = subj[[s]]$tkappa
    tau[,,s]    = subj[[s]]$tau
    ttau[,,s]   = subj[[s]]$ttau
    net[,,s]    = subj[[s]]$net
    tnet[,,s]   = subj[[s]]$tnet

#' Get pruned adjacency network.
#' @param adj list with network adjacency from getAdjacency().
#' @param models list of models.
#' @param winner matrix 2D with winning models.
#' @param e bayes factor for network pruning.
#' @return thr list with pruned network adjacency.
#' @examples
#' data("utestdata")
#' # select only 3-nodes to speed-up this example
#' sub=subject(myts[,1:3])
#' p=pruning(sub$adj, sub$models, sub$winner)
pruning <- function(adj, models, winner, e = 20) {
  Nn = ncol(adj$am)
  # determine bidirectional edges
  bi = array(0, dim=c(Nn, Nn))
  for (i in 1:Nn) {
    for (j in 1:Nn) {
      if (adj$am[i,j] == 1 & adj$am[j,i] == 1) {
        bi[i,j] = 1
  # Calculate models
  lpls=array(NA, dim=c(Nn, Nn, 2))
  for (i in 1:Nn) {
    for (j in 1:Nn) {
      # if bidirectional, calculate 3 models
      # A+B:i<>j, A:i>j, B:i<j
      # A+B: LPLj + LPLi
      # A  : LPLj + LPLi-j
      # B  : LPLi + LPLj-i
      if (B[i,j] == 1) {
        # bidirectional LPL
        lpls[i,j,1] = lpls[j,i,1] = adj$lpl[i,j] + adj$lpl[j,i]
        # uni i->j, LPL without parent j
        p = winner[,i][2:Nn]
        p = p[p != j & p!= 0] # remove node j
        lpls[i,j,2] = adj$lpl[i,j] + getModel(models[[i]], p)[Nn+1]
        # uni j->i, LPL without parent i
        p = winner[,j][2:Nn]
        p = p[p != i & p!= 0] # remove node i
        lpls[j,i,2] = adj$lpl[j,i] + getModel(models[[j]], p)[Nn+1]
  # am matrix
  for (i in 1:Nn) {
    for (j in 1:Nn) {
      if (B[i,j] == 1) {
        if (lpls[i,j,1] - e <= max(lpls[i,j,2], lpls[j,i,2]) ) {
          # if unidirectional lpl is larger than bidirectional with a
          # bayes factor penatly, take the simpler unidirectional model.
          if (lpls[i,j,2] > lpls[j,i,2]) {
            am[i,j] = 1; am[j,i] = 0
          } else if (lpls[i,j,2] < lpls[j,i,2])  {
            am[i,j] = 0; am[j,i] = 1
  thr$bi=bi # bidirectional edges
  thr$lpls=lpls # lpls
  thr$am=am # adjacency matrix (pruned)

#' Performance of estimates, such as sensitivity, specificity, and more.
#' @param x estimated binary network matrix.
#' @param true, true binary network matrix.
#' @return p list with results.
#' @examples
#' trueNet=matrix(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0),3,3)
#' am=matrix(c(0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0),3,3)
#' p=perf(am, trueNet)
perf <- function(x, true) {
  d = dim(x)
  if (length(d) == 3) {
  } else if (length(d) == 2) {
    x=array(x, dim=c(Nn,Nn,1))
  for (i in 1:N) {
    TP = sum(x[,,i] & true)
    FP = sum((x[,,i] - true) == 1)
    FN = sum((true - x[,,i]) == 1)
    TN = sum(!x[,,i] & !true) - ncol(x[,,i])
    # see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitivity_and_specificity
    tpr = TP/(TP+FN) # 1
    spc = TN/(TN+FP) # 2
    ppv = TP/(TP+FP) # 3
    npv = TN/(TN+FN) # 4
    fpr = FP/(FP+TN) # 5
    fnr = FN/(TP+FN) # 6
    fdr = FP/(TP+FP) # 7
    acc = (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN) # 8
  colnames(cases) = c("TP", "FP", "FN", "TN")
  colnames(subj) = c("tpr", "spc", "ppv", "npv", "fpr", "fnr", "fdr", "acc")
  p = list()
  p$tpr = sum(cases[,1])/(sum(cases[,1]) + sum(cases[,3]))
  p$spc = sum(cases[,4])/(sum(cases[,4]) + sum(cases[,2]))
  p$acc = (sum(cases[,1]) + sum(cases[,4]))/(sum(cases[,1]) + sum(cases[,2]) + sum(cases[,3]) + sum(cases[,4]))
  p$ppv = sum(cases[,1])/(sum(cases[,1]) + sum(cases[,2]))

#' Scaling data. Zero centers and scales the nodes (SD=1).
#' @param X time x node 2D matrix, or 3D with subjects as the 3rd dimension.
#' @return S centered and scaled matrix.
#' @examples
#' # create some sample data
#' ts = array(rnorm(200*5, mean=5, sd=10), dim=c(200,5))
#' ts = scaleTs(ts)
scaleTs <- function(X) {
  if (length(D)==2) {
    tmp=array(NA, dim=c(D[1],D[2],1))
  S=array(NA, dim=c(D[1],D[2],D[3]))
  # center data
  for (s in 1:D[3]) {
    S[,,s]=X[,,s]-t(array(rep(colm, D[1]), dim=c(D[2],D[1])))
  # scale data
  for (s in 1:D[3]) {
    SD=sqrt(mean(apply(S[,,s], 2, var)))
  if (D[3]==1) {

#' Patel.
#' @param X time x node 2D matrix.
#' @param lower percentile cuttoff.
#' @param upper percentile cuttoff for 0-1 scaling.
#' @param bin threshold for conversion to binary values.
#' @param TK significance threshold for connection strength kappa.
#' @param TT significance threshold for direction tau.
#' @return PT list with strengths kappa, direction tau, and net structure.
#' @examples
#' # Generate some sample data
#' x=array(rnorm(200*5), dim=c(200,5))
#' p=patel(x)
patel <- function(X, lower=0.1, upper=0.9, bin=0.75, TK=0, TT=0) {
  # scale data into 0,1 interval
  X10 = apply(X, 2, quantile, lower) # cutoff 0.1 percentile
  X90 = apply(X, 2, quantile, upper) # cutoff 0.9 percentile
  a = sweep(sweep(X, 2, X10), 2, X90-X10, FUN="/") # center, scale data
  X2 = apply(a, c(1,2), function(v) max(min(v,1),0)) # keep between 0,1
  # binarize
  X2=(X2>bin)*1 # convert to double
  # Joint activation probability of timeseries a, b
  # See Table 2, Patel et al. 2006
  theta1 = crossprod(X2)/nt        # a=1, b=1 -- a and b active
  theta2 = crossprod(X2,1-X2)/nt   # a=1, b=0 -- a active, b not
  theta3 = crossprod(1-X2,X2)/nt   # a=0, b=1
  theta4 = crossprod(1-X2,1-X2)/nt # a=0, b=0
  # directionality tau [-1, 1]
  tau = matrix(0, nn, nn)
  inds = theta2 >= theta3
  tau[inds] = 1 - (theta1[inds] + theta3[inds])/(theta1[inds] + theta2[inds])
  tau[!inds] = (theta1[!inds] + theta2[!inds])/(theta1[!inds] + theta3[!inds]) - 1
  #tau=-tau # inverse 
  # tau(a,b) positive, a is ascendant to b (a is parent)
  # functional connectivity kappa [-1, 1]
  inds = theta1>=E
  D = matrix(0, nn, nn)
  kappa=(theta1-E)/(D*(max_theta1-E) + (1-D)*(E-min_theta1))
  # thresholding
  tkappa = kappa
  tkappa[kappa >= TK[1] & kappa <= TK[2]] = 0 # this is a tow-sided test, kappa ranges from -1 to 1
  ttau = tau
  ttau[tau >= TT[1] & tau <= TT[2]] = 0
  # binary nets: we focus on positive associations
  net = (tkappa > 0)*(tau < 0)  # only kappa thresholded
  net[diag(nn)==1]=0 # remove NA
  tnet = (tkappa > 0)*(ttau < 0) # both tau and kappa thresholded
  tnet[diag(nn)==1]=0 # remove NA
  PT=list(kappa=kappa, tau=tau, tkappa=tkappa, ttau=ttau, net=net, tnet=tnet)

#' Randomization test for Patel's kappa. Creates a distribution of values
#' kappa under the null hypothesis.
#' @param X time x node x subjects 3D matrix.
#' @param alpha sign. level
#' @param K number of randomizations, default is 1000.
#' @return stat lower and upper significance thresholds.
#' @examples
#' # create some sample data with 200 samples,
#' # 3 nodes, and 2 subjects
#' ts = array(rnorm(200*3*5), dim=c(200,3,5))
#' mysubs=list()
#' mysubs[[1]]=patel(ts[,,1])
#' mysubs[[2]]=patel(ts[,,2])
#' mysubs[[3]]=patel(ts[,,3])
#' mysubs[[4]]=patel(ts[,,4])
#' mysubs[[5]]=patel(ts[,,5])
#' g=patel.group(mysubs)
#' r=rand.test(rmdiag(g$kappa), K=100)
rand.test <- function(X, alpha=0.05, K=1000) {
  low = alpha/2      # two sided test
  up  = 1 - alpha/2
  N  = dim(X)[3] # Nr. of subjects
  Nn = dim(X)[2] # Nr. of nodes
  Nt = dim(X)[1] # Nr. of nodes
  ka = array(NA,dim=c(Nn,Nn,K)) # kappa null distribution
  ta = array(NA,dim=c(Nn,Nn,K)) # tau null distribution
  X_= array(NA, dim=c(Nt,Nn))
  for (k in 1:K) {
    s = sample(N,Nn, replace = F)
    # shuffle across subjects with fixed nodes (because of node variance)
    for (n in 1:Nn) {
  # two sided sign. test
  stat = list()
  stat$kappa = quantile(ka[!is.na(ka)], probs=c(low, up)) # two sided
  stat$tau   = quantile(ta[!is.na(ta)], probs=c(low, up)) # two sided

#' Removes NAs from matrix.
#' @param M Matrix
#' @return matrix with NAs removed.
#' @examples 
#' M=array(NA, dim=c(3,3))
#' M[1,2]=0.9
#' M=rmna(M)
rmna <- function(M) {
  M[is.na(M)] = 0

#' Removes diagonal of NA's from matrix.
#' @param M Matrix
#' @return matrix with diagonal of 0's.
#' @examples 
#' M=array(rnorm(3*3), dim=c(3,3))
#' M[as.logical(diag(3))] = NA
#' M=rmna(M)
rmdiag <- function(M) {

#' Turns asymetric network into an symmetric network. Helper function to
#' determine the detection of a connection while ignoring directionality.
#' @param M 3D matrix nodes x nodes x subjects
#' @return 3D matrix nodes x nodes x subjects
#' @examples 
#' M=array(NA, dim=c(3,3,2))
#' M[,,1]=matrix(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0),3,3)
#' M[,,2]=matrix(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0),3,3)
#' M_=symmetric(M)
symmetric <- function(M) {
  d = dim(M)
  R = M
  for (i in 1:d[3]) {
    R[,,i] = pmax(M[,,i], t(M[,,i]))

#' Stepise forward non-exhaustive greedy search, calculates the optimum value of the discount factor.
#' @param Data  Dataset with dimension number of time points \code{T} x number of nodes \code{Nn}.
#' @param node  The node to find parents for.
#' @param nbf   The Log Predictive Likelihood will sum from (and including) this time point. 
#' @param delta A vector of values for the discount factor.
#' @param max.break If \code{TRUE}, the code will break if adding / removing parents does not
#' improve the LPL. If \code{FALSE}, the code will continue to the zero parent / all parent model.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param priors List with prior hyperparameters.
#' @return
#' model.store The parents, LPL and chosen discount factor for the subset of models scored using this method.
stepwise.forward <- function(Data, node, nbf=15, delta=seq(0.5,1,0.01), 
                             max.break=TRUE, priors=priors.spec()){
  # Define the prior hyperparameters
  m0 = priors$m0
  CS0 = priors$CS0
  n0 = priors$n0
  d0 = priors$d0
  Nn = ncol(Data) # the number of nodes
  Nm = 2^(Nn-1)   # the number of models (per node)
  # Begin at model 1, the no parent (intercept only) model
  model.store = array(0,dim=c((Nn+2),1))
  # Find the Log Predicitive Likelihood and discount factor for the zero parent model
  Yt = Data[,node]    # the time series of the node we wish to find parents for
  Nt = length(Yt)     # the number of time points
  nd = length(delta)  # the number of deltas
  # Create Ft. For the zero parent model, this is simply a column of ones, representing an intercept.
  for (j in 1:nd){
    lpl = dlmLplCpp(Yt,t(Ft),delta=delta[j],m0_=m0,CS0_=CS0,n0=n0,d0=d0)
  lpl.max = max(lpl.delta,na.rm=TRUE)
  w = which(lpl.delta==lpl.max)
  DF.hat = delta[w]
  # Store the model number, model, LPL and discount factor
  model.store[(Nn+1),] = lpl.max
  model.store[(Nn+2),] = DF.hat
  # The parents in the model
  pars = numeric(0)
  for (N in 1:(Nn-1)){
    # Find all the models with the correct length and containing the previously selected parents
    pars_add = c(1:Nn)[-c(node,pars)]
    ms.new = array(0,dim=c((Nn+2),(Nn-N)))
    if (length(pars>0)){ms.new[2:(length(pars)+1),] = pars}
    ms.new[(length(pars)+2),] = pars_add
    # Find the LPL and discount factor of this subset of models models
    nms=ncol(ms.new) # How many models are being considered?
    # Create empty arrays for the LPL scores and the deltas
    # Now create Ft.
    for (i in 1:nms){
      pars = ms.new[(2:Nn),i] 
      pars = pars[pars!=0]
      if (ncol(Ft)>1){Ft[,2:ncol(Ft)] = Data[,pars]}
      # Calculate the Log Predictive Likelihood for each value of delta, for the specified models
      for (j in 1:nd){
        lpl = dlmLplCpp(Yt,t(Ft),delta=delta[j],m0_=m0,CS0_=CS0,n0=n0,d0=d0)
      lpl.max[i] = max(lpl.delta[i,],na.rm=TRUE)
      w = which(lpl.delta[i,]==lpl.max[i])
      DF.hat[i] = delta[w]}
    ms.new[(Nn+1),] = lpl.max
    ms.new[(Nn+2),] = DF.hat
    # Find the highest LPL so far
    max.score = max(model.store[(Nn+1),]) 
    logBF = lpl.max - max.score
    W = which(logBF > 0)
    # Update model.store
    model.store = cbind(model.store,ms.new)
    if (length(W)==0 & max.break==TRUE){break} 
    else{W.max = which.max(logBF)
    # Update the model parents
    pars = ms.new[(2:Nn),W.max]
    pars = pars[pars!=0]}}
  model.store[1,] = c(1:ncol(model.store)) # attach a model number
  return(list(model.store = model.store, runtime=runtime))

#' Stepise backward non-exhaustive greedy search, calculates the optimum value of the discount factor.
#' @param Data  Dataset with dimension number of time points \code{T} x number of nodes \code{Nn}.
#' @param node  The node to find parents for.
#' @param nbf   The Log Predictive Likelihood will sum from (and including) this time point. 
#' @param delta A vector of values for the discount factor.
#' @param max.break If \code{TRUE}, the code will break if adding / removing parents does not
#' improve the LPL. If \code{FALSE}, the code will continue to the zero parent / all parent model.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param priors List with prior hyperparameters.
#' @return
#' model.store The parents, LPL and chosen discount factor for the subset of models scored using this method.
stepwise.backward <- function(Data, node, nbf=15, delta=seq(0.5,1,0.01), 
                              max.break=TRUE, priors=priors.spec()){
  # Define the prior hyperparameters
  m0 = priors$m0
  CS0 = priors$CS0
  n0 = priors$n0
  d0 = priors$d0
  Nn = ncol(Data) # the number of nodes
  Nm = 2^(Nn-1)   # the number of models (per node)
  # Begin at the all parent model
  model.store = array(0,dim=c((Nn+2),1)) 
  model.store[(2:Nn),1] = c(1:Nn)[-node]
  # Find the Log Predicitive Likelihood and discount factor for the all parent model
  Yt = Data[,node]    # the time series of the node we wish to find parents for
  Nt = length(Yt)     # the number of time points
  nd = length(delta)  # the number of deltas
  # The parents in the model
  pars = model.store[2:Nn,1]
  pars = pars[pars!=0]
  Ft = array(1,dim=c(Nt,Nn)) 
  Ft[,2:Nn] = Data[,pars]
  for (j in 1:nd){
    lpl = dlmLplCpp(Yt,t(Ft),delta=delta[j],m0_=m0,CS0_=CS0,n0=n0,d0=d0)
  lpl.max = max(lpl.delta,na.rm=TRUE)
  w = which(lpl.delta==lpl.max)
  DF.hat = delta[w]
  model.store[(Nn+1),] = lpl.max
  model.store[(Nn+2),] = DF.hat
  for (N in 1:(Nn-1)){
    # Find all the models with the correct length and missing the previously removed parents
    pars_add = combn(pars,(Nn-(N+1)))
    ms.new = array(0,dim=c((Nn+2),(Nn-N))) 
    if (length(pars_add>0)){ms.new[2:(nrow(pars_add)+1),] = pars_add}
    # Find the LPL and discount factor of these models
    nms=ncol(ms.new) # How many models are being considered?
    # Create empty arrays for the lpl scores and the deltas
    # Now create Ft. 
    for (i in 1:nms){
      if (ncol(Ft)>1){Ft[,2:ncol(Ft)]=Data[,pars]}
      # Calculate the log predictive likelihood for each value of delta, for the specified models
      for (j in 1:nd){
        lpl = dlmLplCpp(Yt,t(Ft),delta=delta[j],m0_=m0,CS0_=CS0,n0=n0,d0=d0)
      lpl.max[i] = max(lpl.delta[i,],na.rm=TRUE)
      w = which(lpl.delta[i,]==lpl.max[i])
      DF.hat[i] = delta[w]}
    ms.new[(Nn+1),] = lpl.max
    ms.new[(Nn+2),] = DF.hat
    max.score = max(model.store[(Nn+1),]) # Find the highest LPL calculated so far
    logBF = lpl.max - max.score
    W = which(logBF > 0)  
    # Update model.store
    model.store = cbind(model.store,ms.new)
    if (length(W)==0 & max.break==TRUE){break}
    else{W.max = which.max(logBF)
    # Update the model parents 
    pars = ms.new[(2:Nn),W.max]
    pars = pars[pars!=0]}}
  model.store[1,] = c(1:ncol(model.store)) # attach a model number
  return(list(model.store = model.store, runtime=runtime))

#' Stepise combine
#' @param Data  Dataset with dimension number of time points \code{T} x number of nodes \code{Nn}.
#' @param node  The node to find parents for.
#' @param nbf   The Log Predictive Likelihood will sum from (and including) this time point. 
#' @param delta A vector of values for the discount factor.
#' @param max.break If \code{TRUE}, the code will break if adding / removing parents does not
#' improve the LPL. If \code{FALSE}, the code will continue to the zero parent / all parent model.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param priors List with prior hyperparameters.
#' @return
#' model.store The parents, LPL and chosen discount factor for the subset of models scored using this method.
stepwise.combine <- function(Data, node, nbf=15, delta=seq(0.5,1,0.01), 
                             max.break=TRUE, priors=priors.spec()) {
  fw=stepwise.forward(Data, node, nbf=nbf, delta=delta, priors=priors, max.break=max.break)
  bw=stepwise.backward(Data, node, nbf=nbf, delta=delta, priors=priors, max.break=max.break)
  model.store = mergeModels(fw$model.store,bw$model.store)
  return(list(model.store=model.store, runtime=runtime))

#' Calculate the location and scale parameters for the time-varying coefficients 
#' given all the observations. West, M. & Harrison, J., 1997. Bayesian Forecasting
#' and Dynamic Models. Springer New York.
#' @param mt the vector or matrix of the posterior mean (location parameter), dim = \code{p x T}, 
#' where \code{p} is the number of thetas (at any time \code{t}) and \code{T} is the number of time points
#' @param CSt the posterior scale matrix with dim = \code{p x p x T} (unscaled by the observation variance)
#' @param RSt the prior scale matrix with dim = \code{p x p x T} (unscaled by the observation variance)
#' @param nt vector of the updated hyperparameters for the precision \code{phi} with length \code{T}
#' @param dt vector of the updated hyperparameters for the precision \code{phi} with length \code{T}
#' @return
#' smt = the location parameter of the retrospective distribution with dimension \code{p x T}
#' sCt = the scale matrix of the retrospective distribution with dimension \code{p x p x T} 
dlm.retro <- function(mt, CSt, RSt, nt, dt) {
  # Convert vectors to matrices
  if (is.vector(mt)){
    mt = array(mt, dim=c(1,length(mt)))
    CSt = array(CSt, dim=c(1,1,length(CSt)))
    RSt = array(RSt, dim=c(1,1,length(RSt)))}
  p = nrow(mt) # the number of thetas at any time t
  Nt = ncol(mt) # the number of time points
  smt = array(NA, dim=c(p,Nt))
  sCSt = array(NA, dim=c(p,p,Nt))
  # Values at the last time point
  smt[,Nt] = mt[,Nt]
  sCSt[,,Nt] = CSt[,,Nt] 
  # For other time points
  for (i in (Nt-1):1){
    #inv.sR = solvecov(RSt[,,(i+1)], cmax = 1e+10)$inv # overcomes the limitation when it cannot invert the matrix package:fpc
    inv.sR = solve(RSt[,,(i+1)])
    B = CSt[,,i] %*% inv.sR
    smt[,i] = mt[, i] + B %*% (smt[,(i+1)] - mt[,i])
    sCSt[,,i] = CSt[,,i] + B %*% (sCSt[,,(i+1)] - RSt[,,(i+1)]) %*% t(B)}
  # Multiply by the observation variance
  sCt = sCSt * (dt[Nt] / nt[Nt])
  result = list(smt=smt, sCt=sCt)

#' Checks results and returns job number for incomplete nodes.
#' @param path path to results.
#' @param ids subjects ids.
#' @param Nr Number of runs.
#' @param Nn Number of nodes.
#' @return jobs job numbers
getIncompleteNodes <- function(path, ids, Nr, Nn) {
  f=list.files(path, pattern=glob2rx('*.txt'))
  # get info flag
  info = strsplit(f[1], "_")[[1]][6]
  idx = rep(NA, length(ids)*Nr*Nn)
  for (i in 1:length(ids))  {
    for (r in 1:Nr)  {
      for (n in 1:Nn)  {
        s = sprintf("%s_Run_%03d_Comp_%03d_%s_node_%03d.txt", ids[i], r, n, info, n)
        idx[c] = s %in% f

#' Merges forward and backward model store.
#' @param fw forward model.
#' @param bw backward model.
#' @return m model store.
mergeModels <- function(fw, bw) {
  Nn = nrow(fw)-2
  a = apply(fw[2:(Nn),], 2, sort)
  b = apply(bw[2:(Nn),], 2, sort)
  idx = array(NA, ncol(b))
  for (i in 1:ncol(b)) {
    idx[i] = any(apply(a, 2, function(x, want) isTRUE(all.equal(x, want)), b[,i]))
  model.store=cbind(fw, bw[,!idx])

#' Removes reciprocal connections in the lower diagnoal of the network matrix.
#' @param M adjacency matrix
#' @return M adjacency matrix without reciprocal connections.
rmRecipLow <- function(M) {
  # get edges, just upper diagonal
  edges = which((M*upper.tri(M))==1, arr.ind = T)
  for (i in 1:nrow(edges)) {
    # if edge symmatric
    if (M[edges[i,1], edges[i,2]] == 1 &&
        M[edges[i,2], edges[i,1]] == 1) {
      M[edges[i,2], edges[i,1]] = 0 # remove edge in lower diag.

#' Quick diagnostics on delta.
#' @param path path to results files.
#' @param id subject identifier.
#' @param nodes number of nodes.

#' @return x array node model's delta
diag.delta <- function(path, id, nodes) {
  s = read.subject(path=path, id=id, nodes=nodes)
  x=t(as.matrix(s$winner[nodes+2,], 1, nodes))
  rownames(x) = 'delta'
  colnames(x) = seq(1,nodes)

#' Threshold correlation matrix to match a given number of edges.
#' @param R correlation matrix.
#' @param n number of edges.

#' @return A thresholded matrix.
cor2adj <- function(R, n) {
  # if uneven change to even
  if (n %% 2) {
    n = n + sample(c(-1,1),1)

  l = length(R)
  v=quantile(abs(R), probs = 1-n/l)
  A = R
  A[R < v & R > -v] = 0

#' Comparing two population proportions on the network with FDR correction.
#' @param x1 network matrix with successes in group 1.
#' @param n1 sample size group 1.
#' @param x2 network matrix with successes in group 2.
#' @param n2 sample size group 2.
#' @param alpha alpha level for uncorrected test.
#' @param fdr alpha level for FDR.
#' @return store List with test statistics and p-values.
prop.nettest <- function(x1, n1, x2, n2, alpha=0.05, fdr=0.05) {
  # # Verified test with example from
  # # https://onlinecourses.science.psu.edu/stat500/node/55
  # x1 =  52; n1 =  69
  # x2 = 120; n2 = 131

  p1 = x1/n1
  p2 = x2/n2
  p = (x1+x2)/(n1+n2)
  z = (p1 - p2)/sqrt(p*(1-p)*(1/n1 + 1/n2))
  pval = 2*pnorm(-abs(z)) # get two-sided p-value
  # FDR
  pval_fdr=array(p.adjust(pval, method = "fdr"), dim=dim(pval))

#' Comparing connectivity strenght of two groups with FDR correction.
#' @param m matrix with Nn x Nn x N.
#' @param g group assignment, vector of type factor of size N.
#' @param fdr FDR alpha level.
#' @param alpha alpha level for uncorrected test.
#' @param perm optional permuation test, default is false.
#' @param n_perm number of permutations.
#' @return store List with test statistics and p-values.
ttest.nettest <- function(m, g, alpha=0.05, fdr=0.05, perm=FALSE, n_perm=9999) {
  Nn = dim(m)[1]
  N  = dim(m)[3]
  stat = array(NA, c(Nn, Nn))
  pval = array(NA, c(Nn, Nn))
  df = array(NA, c(Nn, Nn))
  for (i in 1:Nn) {
    for  (j in 1:Nn){
      if (!all(is.na(m[i,j,]))) { # if not NaN
        if (!perm) {
          tmp = t.test(m[i,j,] ~ g, var.equal=TRUE)
          stat[i,j] = tmp$statistic
          pval[i,j] = tmp$p.value
          df[i,j] = tmp$parameter
        } else if (perm) {
          # using package "coin" here
          tmp = oneway_test(m[i,j,] ~ g, distribution = approximate(B=n_perm))
          stat[i,j] = statistic(tmp)
          pval[i,j] = pvalue(tmp)
  # FDR
  pval_fdr = pval
  idx = !is.na(pval)
  pval_fdr[idx] = p.adjust(pval[idx], method = "fdr")

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