
Defines functions dm.network.dea

Documented in dm.network.dea

dm.network.dea <-
function(xdata.s1, ydata.s1 = NULL, zdata, xdata.s2 = NULL, ydata.s2, 
                           rts = "crs", orientation = "i", type = "nc", leader = "1st", ss = 10^-4, o = NULL){
  # Initial checks
  if(is.na(match(rts, c("crs", "vrs", "irs", "drs")))) stop('rts must be "crs", "vrs", "irs", or "drs".')
  if(is.na(match(orientation, c("i", "o"))))           stop('orientation must be either "i" or "o".')
  if(is.na(match(type, c("co", "nc"))))                stop('type must be "co" or "nc".')
  if(is.na(match(leader, c("1st", "2nd"))))            stop('leader must be "1st" or "2nd".')
  if(!is.null(o) && !all(o <= nrow(xdata.s1)))         stop('o must be element(s) of n.')
  # Parameters
  xdata.s1 <- as.matrix(xdata.s1)
  ydata.s2 <- as.matrix(ydata.s2)
  zdata    <- as.matrix(zdata)
  if(!is.null(ydata.s1)){ydata.s1 <- as.matrix(ydata.s1)}
  if(!is.null(xdata.s2)){xdata.s2 <- as.matrix(xdata.s2)}  
  n        <- nrow(xdata.s1)
  m.s1     <- ncol(xdata.s1)
  s.s1     <- ifelse(is.null(ydata.s1), 0, ncol(ydata.s1))
  p        <- ncol(zdata)
  m.s2     <- ifelse(is.null(xdata.s2), 0, ncol(xdata.s2))
  s.s2     <- ncol(ydata.s2)
  o        <- if(is.null(o)) c(1:n) else as.vector(o)
  # Data frames
  res.eff.s1 <- array(NA, c(n, 1))
  res.eff.s2 <- array(NA, c(n, 1))
  res.v.s1   <- array(NA, c(n, m.s1)) 
  res.u.s1   <- array(NA, c(n, s.s1)) 
  res.p      <- array(NA, c(n, p)) 
  res.w.s1   <- array(NA, c(n, 1)) 
  res.v.s2   <- array(NA, c(n, m.s2)) 
  res.u.s2   <- array(NA, c(n, s.s2)) 
  res.w.s2   <- array(NA, c(n, 1))

  # Indices for coding convenience
  no.dv.t <- (m.s1 + s.s1 + p + 1 + m.s2 + s.s2 + 1) 
  id.v.s1 <- 1:m.s1
  id.u.s1 <- if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else (m.s1 + 1):(m.s1 + s.s1)
  id.p    <- (m.s1 + s.s1 + 1):(m.s1 + s.s1 + p)
  id.w.s1 <-  m.s1 + s.s1 + p + 1
  id.v.s2 <- if(is.null(xdata.s2)) 0 else (m.s1 + s.s1 + p + 2):(m.s1 + s.s1 + p + 1 + m.s2)
  id.u.s2 <- (m.s1 + s.s1 + p + 1 + m.s2 + 1):(m.s1 + s.s1 + p + 1 + m.s2 + s.s2)
  id.w.s2 <- no.dv.t
  # Analysis
  if(type == "co"){ # Centralized / Cooperative game
    if(!is.null(ydata.s1) | !is.null(xdata.s2)){ # With external input/output
      for(k in o){
        # Declare LP
        lp.ndea <- make.lp(0, no.dv.t) # v1+u1+p+w1+v2+u2+w2
        # Labeling
        temp <- c(paste0("v1", 1:m.s1), if(!is.null(ydata.s1)) paste0("u1", 1:s.s1),
                  paste0("p", 1:p), paste0("w1"), if(!is.null(xdata.s2)) paste0("v2", 1:m.s2), 
                  paste0("u2", 1:s.s2), paste0("w2"))
        dimnames(lp.ndea)[[2]] <- temp
        # Objective
        if(orientation == "o") set.objfn(lp.ndea,  c(xdata.s1[k,], 1), 
                                         indices = c(id.v.s1, id.w.s1))
        if(orientation == "i") set.objfn(lp.ndea,  c(if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else -ydata.s1[k,], -zdata[k,], 1), 
                                         indices = c(if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, id.p, id.w.s1))
        # CRS
        if(rts == "crs") add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(1, 1), indices = c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2), "=", 0)

        # Constraint for o
        if(orientation == "o"){
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(zdata[k,], if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else ydata.s1[k,]), 
                         indices = c(id.p, if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1), "=", 1)
        if(orientation == "i"){
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, xdata.s1[k,], indices = id.v.s1, "=", 1)  

        # Constraint for all
        for(d in o){
          # Stage 1
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-xdata.s1[d,], 
                                    if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else ydata.s1[d,],
                                    zdata[d,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.v.s1, 
                                     if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, 
                                     id.p, id.w.s1), "<=", 0)
          # Stage 2
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-zdata[d,],
                                    if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else -xdata.s2[d,],
                                    ydata.s2[d,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.p, 
                                     if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, 
                                     id.u.s2, id.w.s2), "<=", 0)  
        # Bounds for VRS/IRS
        temp.lb <- rep(  0, no.dv.t)
        temp.ub <- rep(Inf, no.dv.t)
        if(rts == "vrs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf}
        if(rts == "irs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf; temp.ub[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- 0}
        set.bounds(lp.ndea, lower = temp.lb, upper = temp.ub)  
        # Solve
        # Get maximum possible results of Stage 1
        res.eff.max <- ifelse(orientation == "i", abs(get.objective(lp.ndea)), 1/abs(get.objective(lp.ndea)))
        # Heuristic search
        res.eff.cand <- c()
        for(q in 1:floor(res.eff.max/ss)){
          # Running status 
          if(q == ceiling(res.eff.max/ss*0.25)){
            print(paste("Heuristic search:  25% of job done for DMU", k))  
          }else if(q == ceiling(res.eff.max/ss*0.5)){
            print(paste("Heuristic search:  50% of job done for DMU", k))  
          }else if(q == ceiling(res.eff.max/ss*0.75)){
            print(paste("Heuristic search:  75% of job done for DMU", k))  
          }else if(q == floor(res.eff.max/ss)){
            print(paste("Heuristic search: 100% of job done for DMU", k))  

          # Temporal eff
          res.eff.temp <- res.eff.max - (q - 1) * ss
          # Declare LP
          lp.ndea <- make.lp(0, no.dv.t) # v1+u1+p+w1+v2+u2+w2
          # Labeling
          temp <- c(paste0("v1", 1:m.s1), if(!is.null(ydata.s1)) paste0("u1", 1:s.s1),
                    paste0("p", 1:p), paste0("w1"), if(!is.null(xdata.s2)) paste0("v2", 1:m.s2), 
                    paste0("u2", 1:s.s2), paste0("w2"))
          dimnames(lp.ndea)[[2]] <- temp
          # Objective
          if(orientation == "o") set.objfn(lp.ndea,  c(zdata[k,], if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else xdata.s2[k,], 1), 
                                           indices = c(id.p, if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, id.w.s2))
          if(orientation == "i") set.objfn(lp.ndea,  c(-ydata.s2[k,] * res.eff.temp, 1 * res.eff.temp), 
                                           indices = c(id.u.s2, id.w.s2))
          # CRS
          if(rts == "crs") add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(1, 1), indices = c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2), "=", 0)

          # Constraint for o
          if(orientation == "o") add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(ydata.s2[k,] * res.eff.temp), 
                                                indices = c(id.u.s2), "=", 1)
          if(orientation == "i") add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(zdata[k,], if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else xdata.s2[k,]), 
                                                indices = c(id.p, if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2), "=", 1)  

          # Eff linking constraint
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-xdata.s1[k,] * res.eff.temp, 
                                    if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else ydata.s1[k,], zdata[k,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.v.s1, if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, id.p, id.w.s1), "=", 0)
          # Constraint for all
          for(d in o){
            # Stage 1
            add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-xdata.s1[d,], 
                                      if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else ydata.s1[d,],
                                      zdata[d,], -1), 
                           indices = c(id.v.s1, 
                                       if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, 
                                       id.p, id.w.s1), "<=", 0)
            # Stage 2
            add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-zdata[d,],
                                      if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else -xdata.s2[d,],
                                      ydata.s2[d,], -1), 
                           indices = c(id.p, 
                                       if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, 
                                       id.u.s2, id.w.s2), "<=", 0)  
          # Bounds for VRS/IRS
          temp.lb <- rep(  0, no.dv.t)
          temp.ub <- rep(Inf, no.dv.t)
          if(rts == "vrs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf}
          if(rts == "irs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf; temp.ub[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- 0}
          set.bounds(lp.ndea, lower = temp.lb, upper = temp.ub)  

          # Solve
          # Get results
          res.eff.cand <- c(res.eff.cand, ifelse(orientation == "i", abs(get.objective(lp.ndea)), 1/abs(get.objective(lp.ndea))))
        # Pick the best system eff
        id.best <- which(res.eff.cand == max(res.eff.cand))
        # Obtain eff.s2 with the best system eff
        # Fixate eff.s1
        res.eff.s1[k,] <- res.eff.max - (id.best - 1) * ss
        # Declare LP
        lp.ndea <- make.lp(0, no.dv.t) # v1+u1+p+w1+v2+u2+w2
        # Labeling
        temp <- c(paste0("v1", 1:m.s1), if(!is.null(ydata.s1)) paste0("u1", 1:s.s1),
                  paste0("p", 1:p), paste0("w1"), if(!is.null(xdata.s2)) paste0("v2", 1:m.s2), 
                  paste0("u2", 1:s.s2), paste0("w2"))
        dimnames(lp.ndea)[[2]] <- temp
        # Objective
        if(orientation == "o") set.objfn(lp.ndea,  c(zdata[k,], if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else xdata.s2[k,], 1), 
                                         indices = c(id.p, if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, id.w.s2))
        if(orientation == "i") set.objfn(lp.ndea,  c(-ydata.s2[k,] * res.eff.s1[k,], 1 * res.eff.s1[k,]), 
                                         indices = c(id.u.s2, id.w.s2))
        # CRS
        if(rts == "crs") add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(1, 1), indices = c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2), "=", 0)

        # Constraint for o
        if(orientation == "o") add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(ydata.s2[k,] * res.eff.s1[k,]), 
                                              indices = c(id.u.s2), "=", 1)
        if(orientation == "i") add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(zdata[k,], if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else xdata.s2[k,]), 
                                              indices = c(id.p, if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2), "=", 1)  
        # Eff linking constraint
        add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-xdata.s1[k,] * res.eff.s1[k,], 
                                  if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else ydata.s1[k,], zdata[k,], -1), 
                       indices = c(id.v.s1, if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, id.p, id.w.s1), "=", 0)
        # Constraint for all
        for(d in o){
          # Stage 1
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-xdata.s1[d,], 
                                    if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else ydata.s1[d,],
                                    zdata[d,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.v.s1, 
                                     if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, 
                                     id.p, id.w.s1), "<=", 0)
          # Stage 2
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-zdata[d,],
                                    if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else -xdata.s2[d,],
                                    ydata.s2[d,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.p, 
                                     if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, 
                                     id.u.s2, id.w.s2), "<=", 0)  
        # Bounds for VRS/IRS
        temp.lb <- rep(  0, no.dv.t)
        temp.ub <- rep(Inf, no.dv.t)
        if(rts == "vrs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf}
        if(rts == "irs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf; temp.ub[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- 0}
        set.bounds(lp.ndea, lower = temp.lb, upper = temp.ub)  
        # Solve
        # Get results
        res.all        <- get.variables(lp.ndea)
        res.v.s1[k,]   <- res.all[id.v.s1]
        res.u.s1[k,]   <- if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NA else res.all[id.u.s1]
        res.p[k,]      <- res.all[id.p]
        res.w.s1[k,]   <- res.all[id.w.s1]
        res.v.s2[k,]   <- if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NA else res.all[id.v.s2]
        res.u.s2[k,]   <- res.all[id.u.s2]
        res.w.s2[k,]   <- res.all[id.w.s2]
        res.eff.s1[k,] <- ifelse(orientation == "i", res.eff.s1[k,], 1/res.eff.s1[k,])
        res.eff.s2[k,] <- ifelse(orientation == "i", max(res.eff.cand) / res.eff.s1[k,], res.eff.s1[k,] / max(res.eff.cand))

    }else{ # No external input/output
      for(k in o){
        # Declare LP
        lp.ndea <- make.lp(0, no.dv.t) # v1+u1+p+w1+v2+u2+w2
        # Labeling
        temp <- c(paste0("v1", 1:m.s1), if(!is.null(ydata.s1)) paste0("u1", 1:s.s1),
                  paste0("p", 1:p), paste0("w1"), if(!is.null(xdata.s2)) paste0("v2", 1:m.s2), 
                  paste0("u2", 1:s.s2), paste0("w2"))
        dimnames(lp.ndea)[[2]] <- temp
        # Objective
        if(orientation == "o") set.objfn(lp.ndea, c(xdata.s1[k,], 1, 1), indices = c(id.v.s1, id.w.s1, id.w.s2))
        if(orientation == "i") set.objfn(lp.ndea, c(1, -ydata.s2[k,], 1), indices = c(id.w.s1, id.u.s2, id.w.s2))
        # CRS
        if(rts == "crs") add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(1, 1), indices = c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2), "=", 0)

        # Constraint for o
        if(orientation == "o") add.constraint(lp.ndea, ydata.s2[k,], indices = id.u.s2, "=", 1)
        if(orientation == "i") add.constraint(lp.ndea, xdata.s1[k,], indices = id.v.s1, "=", 1)
        # Constraint for all
        for(d in o){
          # Stage 1
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-xdata.s1[d,], zdata[d,], -1), indices = c(id.v.s1, id.p, id.w.s1), "<=", 0)
          # Stage 2
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-zdata[d,], ydata.s2[d,], -1), indices = c(id.p, id.u.s2, id.w.s2), "<=", 0)  
        # Bounds for VRS/IRS
        temp.lb <- rep(  0, no.dv.t)
        temp.ub <- rep(Inf, no.dv.t)
        if(rts == "vrs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf}
        if(rts == "irs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf; temp.ub[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- 0}
        set.bounds(lp.ndea, lower = temp.lb, upper = temp.ub)  
        # Solve
        # Get results
        res.all         <- get.variables(lp.ndea)
        res.v.s1[k,]    <- res.all[id.v.s1]
        res.p[k,]       <- res.all[id.p]
        res.w.s1[k,]    <- res.all[id.w.s1]
        res.u.s2[k,]    <- res.all[id.u.s2]
        res.w.s2[k,]    <- res.all[id.w.s2]
        res.eff.s1[k,]  <- ifelse(orientation == "i", 
                                  sum(res.p[k,] * zdata[k,]) - res.w.s1[k,],
                                  (sum(res.v.s1[k,] * xdata.s1[k,]) + res.w.s1[k,]) / sum(res.p[k,] * zdata[k,]))
        res.eff.s2[k,]  <- ifelse(orientation == "i", 
                                  (sum(res.u.s2[k,] * ydata.s2[k,]) - res.w.s2[k,]) / sum(res.p[k,] * zdata[k,]),
                                  (sum(res.p[k,] * zdata[k,]) + res.w.s2[k,]) / sum(res.u.s2[k,] * ydata.s2[k,]))

  }else{ # Decentralized / Stackelberg game

    if(leader == "1st"){
      # Leader
      res.eff.s1 <- dm.dea(xdata.s1, cbind(ydata.s1, zdata), rts, orientation)$eff
      # Skip for zero-weighting inefficient DMU(s)
      if(orientation == "i" & rts == "vrs"){
        id.ineff  <- which(round(res.eff.s1, 8) != 1)
        id.zero.u <- which(round(rowSums(dm.dea(xdata.s1, cbind(ydata.s1, zdata), rts, orientation)$u), 8) == 0)
        o         <- setdiff(o, intersect(id.ineff, id.zero.u))
      # Follower
      for(k in o){
        # Declare LP
        lp.ndea <- make.lp(0, no.dv.t) # v1+u1+p+w1+v2+u2+w2
        # Labeling
        temp <- c(paste0("v1", 1:m.s1), if(!is.null(ydata.s1)) paste0("u1", 1:s.s1),
                  paste0("p", 1:p), paste0("w1"), if(!is.null(xdata.s2)) paste0("v2", 1:m.s2), 
                  paste0("u2", 1:s.s2), paste0("w2"))
        dimnames(lp.ndea)[[2]] <- temp
        # Objective
        if(orientation == "o") set.objfn(lp.ndea, c(if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else xdata.s2[k,], zdata[k,], 1), 
                                         indices = c(if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, id.p, id.w.s2))
        if(orientation == "i") set.objfn(lp.ndea, c(-ydata.s2[k,], 1), indices = c(id.u.s2, id.w.s2))
        # CRS
        if(rts == "crs") add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(1, 1), indices = c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2), "=", 0)

        # Constraint for o
        if(orientation == "o"){
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-xdata.s1[k,] / res.eff.s1[k,], ydata.s1[k,], zdata[k,], -1/res.eff.s1[k,]), 
                         indices = c(id.v.s1, if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, id.p, id.w.s1), "=", 0)
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, ydata.s2[k,], indices = id.u.s2, "=", 1)  
        if(orientation == "i"){
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-xdata.s1[k,] * res.eff.s1[k,], ydata.s1[k,], zdata[k,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.v.s1, if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, id.p, id.w.s1), "=", 0)
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else xdata.s2[k,], zdata[k,]), 
                         indices = c(if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, id.p), "=", 1)  

        # Constraint for all
        for(d in o){
          # Stage 1
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-xdata.s1[d,], 
                                    if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else ydata.s1[d,],
                                    zdata[d,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.v.s1, 
                                     if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, 
                                     id.p, id.w.s1), "<=", 0)
          # Stage 2
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-zdata[d,],
                                    if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else -xdata.s2[d,],
                                    ydata.s2[d,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.p, 
                                     if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, 
                                     id.u.s2, id.w.s2), "<=", 0)  

        # Bounds for VRS/IRS
        temp.lb <- rep(  0, no.dv.t)
        temp.ub <- rep(Inf, no.dv.t)
        if(rts == "vrs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf}
        if(rts == "irs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf; temp.ub[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- 0}
        set.bounds(lp.ndea, lower = temp.lb, upper = temp.ub)  
        # Solve
        # Plan B for multiple optima
        if(solve.lpExtPtr(lp.ndea) == 3){
          if(orientation == "o"){
            # Constraint for o: v1x1 + w1 = 1
            add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(xdata.s1[k,], 1), indices = c(id.v.s1, id.w.s1), "=", 1)  
          if(orientation == "i"){
            # Constraint for o: v1x1 = 1
            add.constraint(lp.ndea, xdata.s1[k,], indices = id.v.s1, "=", 1)  

          # Re-solve
        # Get results
        res.all        <- get.variables(lp.ndea)
        res.v.s1[k,]   <- res.all[id.v.s1]
        res.u.s1[k,]   <- if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NA else res.all[id.u.s1]
        res.p[k,]      <- res.all[id.p]
        res.w.s1[k,]   <- res.all[id.w.s1]
        res.v.s2[k,]   <- if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NA else res.all[id.v.s2]
        res.u.s2[k,]   <- res.all[id.u.s2]
        res.w.s2[k,]   <- res.all[id.w.s2]
        res.eff.s2[k,] <- abs(get.objective(lp.ndea))
      # Leader
      res.eff.s2 <- dm.dea(cbind(xdata.s2, zdata), ydata.s2, rts, orientation)$eff
      # Skip for zero-weighting inefficient DMU(s)
      if(orientation == "o" & rts == "vrs"){
        id.ineff  <- which(round(res.eff.s2, 8) != 1)
        id.zero.v <- which(round(rowSums(dm.dea(cbind(xdata.s2, zdata), ydata.s2, rts, orientation)$v), 8) == 0)
        o         <- setdiff(o, intersect(id.ineff, id.zero.v))
      # Follower
      for(k in o){
        # Declare LP
        lp.ndea <- make.lp(0, no.dv.t) # v1+u1+p+w1+v2+u2+w2
        # Labeling
        temp <- c(paste0("v1", 1:m.s1), if(!is.null(ydata.s1)) paste0("u1", 1:s.s1),
                  paste0("p", 1:p), paste0("w1"), if(!is.null(xdata.s2)) paste0("v2", 1:m.s2), 
                  paste0("u2", 1:s.s2), paste0("w2"))
        dimnames(lp.ndea)[[2]] <- temp
        # Objective
        if(orientation == "o") set.objfn(lp.ndea, c(xdata.s1[k,], 1), indices = c(id.v.s1, id.w.s1))
        if(orientation == "i") set.objfn(lp.ndea, c(-zdata[k,], 
                                                    if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else -ydata.s1[k,], 1),
                                         indices = c(id.p, 
                                                     if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, id.w.s1))
        # CRS
        if(rts == "crs") add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(1, 1), indices = c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2), "=", 0)

        # Constraint for o
        if(orientation == "o"){
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-zdata[k,] / res.eff.s2[k,], 
                                    if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else -xdata.s2[k,] / res.eff.s2[k,],
                                    ydata.s2[k,], -1/res.eff.s2[k,]), 
                         indices = c(id.p, if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, id.u.s2, id.w.s2), "=", 0)
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(zdata[k,], if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else xdata.s2[k,]), 
                         indices = c(id.p, if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2), "=", 1)  
        if(orientation == "i"){
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-zdata[k,] * res.eff.s2[k,], 
                                    if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else -xdata.s2[k,] * res.eff.s2[k,], 
                                    ydata.s2[k,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.p, 
                                     if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, 
                                     id.u.s2, id.w.s1), "=", 0)
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(xdata.s1[k,]), indices = c(id.v.s1), "=", 1)
        # Constraint for all
        for(d in o){
          # Stage 1
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-xdata.s1[d,], 
                                    if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else ydata.s1[d,],
                                    zdata[d,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.v.s1, 
                                     if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NULL else id.u.s1, 
                                     id.p, id.w.s1), "<=", 0)
          # Stage 2
          add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(-zdata[d,],
                                    if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else -xdata.s2[d,],
                                    ydata.s2[d,], -1), 
                         indices = c(id.p, 
                                     if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, 
                                     id.u.s2, id.w.s2), "<=", 0)  
        # Bounds for VRS/IRS
        temp.lb <- rep(  0, no.dv.t)
        temp.ub <- rep(Inf, no.dv.t)
        if(rts == "vrs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf}
        if(rts == "irs"){temp.lb[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- -Inf; temp.ub[c(id.w.s1, id.w.s2)] <- 0}
        set.bounds(lp.ndea, lower = temp.lb, upper = temp.ub)  
        # Solve
        # Plan B for multiple optima
        if(solve.lpExtPtr(lp.ndea) == 3){
          if(orientation == "o"){
            # Constraint for o: pz + (v2x2) + w2 = 1
            add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(zdata[k,], if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else xdata.s2[k,], 1), 
                           indices = c(id.p, if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2, id.w.s2), "=", 1)
          if(orientation == "i"){
            # Constraint for o: pz + (v2x2) = 1
            add.constraint(lp.ndea, c(zdata[k,], if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else xdata.s2[k,]), 
                           indices = c(id.p, if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NULL else id.v.s2), "=", 1)
          # Re-solve
        # Get results
        res.all        <- get.variables(lp.ndea)
        res.v.s1[k,]   <- res.all[id.v.s1]
        res.u.s1[k,]   <- if(is.null(ydata.s1)) NA else res.all[id.u.s1]
        res.p[k,]      <- res.all[id.p]
        res.w.s1[k,]   <- res.all[id.w.s1]
        res.v.s2[k,]   <- if(is.null(xdata.s2)) NA else res.all[id.v.s2]
        res.u.s2[k,]   <- res.all[id.u.s2]
        res.w.s2[k,]   <- res.all[id.w.s2]
        res.eff.s1[k,] <- abs(get.objective(lp.ndea))
  # Returning object
  results <- list(eff.s1 = res.eff.s1, eff.s2 = res.eff.s2, 
                  v.s1 = res.v.s1, u.s1 = res.u.s1, p = res.p, w.s1 = res.w.s1,
                  v.s2 = res.v.s2, u.s2 = res.u.s2, w.s2 = res.w.s2)

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DJL documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:05 p.m.