
Defines functions calculateBinProbabilities costValueFunction gs calculateCostValueGS cs calculateCostValueCS calculateCostValueSPE calculateCostValueRMSE minimizeCostValue mean.dmcfit dmcFitSubjectDE dmcFitSubject dmcFitDE dmcFit

Documented in calculateBinProbabilities calculateCostValueCS calculateCostValueGS calculateCostValueRMSE calculateCostValueSPE dmcFit dmcFitDE dmcFitSubject dmcFitSubjectDE mean.dmcfit

#' @title dmcFit
#' @description Fit theoretical data generated from dmcSim to observed data by
#' minimizing the root-mean-square error ("RMSE") between a weighted combination
#' of the CAF and CDF functions using optim (Nelder-Mead). Alternative cost functions
#' include squared percentage error ("SPE"), and g-squared statistic ("GS").
#' @param resOb Observed data (see flankerData and simonTask for data format) and the function dmcObservedData to create
#' the required input from either an R data frame or external *.txt/*.csv files
#' @param nTrl Number of trials to use within dmcSim.
#' @param startVals Starting values for to-be estimated parameters. This is a list with values specified individually
#' for amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, spBias, sigm (e.g., startVals = list(amp = 20, tau = 200,
#' drc = 0.5, bnds = 75, resMean = 300, resSD = 30, aaShape = 2, spShape = 3, spBias = 0, sigm = 4)).
#' @param minVals Minimum values for the to-be estimated parameters. This is a list with values specified individually
#' for amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, spBias, sigm (e.g., minVals = list(amp = 10, tau = 5, drc = 0.1,
#' bnds = 20, resMean = 200, resSD = 5, aaShape = 1, spShape = 2, spBias = -20, sigm = 1)).
#' @param maxVals Maximum values for the to-be estimated parameters. This is a list with values specified individually
#' for amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, spBias, sigm (e.g., maxVals = list(amp = 40, tau = 300, drc = 1.0,
#' bnds = 150, resMean = 800, resSD = 100, aaShape = 3, spShape = 4, spBias = 20, sigm = 10))
#' @param fixedFit Fix parameter to starting value. This is a list with bool values specified individually for
#' amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, spBias, sigm (e.g., fixedFit = list(amp = F, tau = F, drc = F,
#' bnds = F, resMean = F, resSD = F, aaShape = F, spShape = F, spBias = T, sigm = T))
#' @param fitInitialGrid TRUE/FALSE
#' @param fitInitialGridN 10 linear steps between parameters min/max values (reduce if searching more than ~2/3 initial parameters)
#' @param fixedGrid Fix parameter for initial grid search. This is a list with bool values specified individually for
#' amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, spBias, sigm (e.g., fixedGrid = list(amp = T, tau = F, drc = T,
#' bnds = T, resMean = T, resSD = T, aaShape = T, spShape = T, spBias = T, sigm = T)). As a default, the initial gridsearch
#' only searches the tau space.
#' @param nCAF The number of CAF bins.
#' @param nDelta The number of delta bins.
#' @param pDelta An alternative option to nDelta by directly specifying required percentile values (vector of values 0-100)
#' @param tDelta The type of delta calculation (1=direct percentiles points, 2=percentile bounds (tile) averaging)
#' @param costFunction The cost function to minimise: root mean square error ("RMSE": default),
#' squared percentage error ("SPE"), or likelihood-ratio chi-square statistic ("GS")
#' @param rtMax The limit on simulated RT (decision + non-decisional components)
#' @param spDist The starting point (sp) distribution (0 = constant, 1 = beta, 2 = uniform)
#' @param drDist The drift rate (dr) distribution type (0 = constant, 1 = beta, 2 = uniform)
#' @param drShape The drift rate (dr) shape parameter
#' @param drLim The drift rate (dr) range
#' @param printInputArgs TRUE (default) /FALSE
#' @param printResults TRUE/FALSE (default)
#' @param optimControl Additional control parameters passed to optim (see optim details section)
#' @param numCores Number of cores to use
#' @return dmcfit returns an object of class "dmcfit" with the following components:
#' \item{sim}{Individual trial data points (RTs for all trial types e.g., correct/error trials) and activation vectors from the simulation}
#' \item{summary}{Condition means for reaction time and error rate}
#' \item{caf}{Conditional Accuracy Function (CAF) data per bin}
#' \item{delta}{DataFrame with distributional delta analysis data correct trials (Bin, meanComp, meanIncomp, meanBin, meanEffect)}
#' \item{delta_errs}{DataFrame with distributional delta analysis data incorrect trials (Bin, meanComp, meanIncomp, meanBin, meanEffect)}
#' \item{par}{The fitted model parameters + final cost value of the fit}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Code below can exceed CRAN check time limit, hence donttest
#' # Example 1: Flanker data from Ulrich et al. (2015)
#' fit <- dmcFit(flankerData) # only initial search tau
#' plot(fit, flankerData)
#' summary(fit)
#' # Example 2: Simon data from Ulrich et al. (2015)
#' fit <- dmcFit(simonData) # only initial search tau
#' plot(fit, simonData)
#' summary(fit)
#' # Example 3: Flanker data from Ulrich et al. (2015) with non-default
#' # start vals and some fixed values
#' fit <- dmcFit(flankerData,
#'   startVals = list(drc = 0.6, aaShape = 2.5),
#'   fixedFit = list(drc = TRUE, aaShape = TRUE)
#' )
#' # Example 4: Simulated Data (+ve going delta function)
#' dat <- createDF(nSubjects = 20, nTrl = 500, design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat,
#'   RT = list(
#'     "Comp_comp" = c(510, 100, 100),
#'     "Comp_incomp" = c(540, 130, 85)
#'   ),
#'   Error = list(
#'     "Comp_comp" = c(4, 3, 2, 1, 1),
#'     "Comp_incomp" = c(20, 4, 3, 1, 1)
#'   )
#' )
#' datOb <- dmcObservedData(dat, columns = c("Subject", "Comp", "RT", "Error"))
#' plot(datOb)
#' fit <- dmcFit(datOb, nTrl = 5000)
#' plot(fit, datOb)
#' summary(fit)
#' }
#' @export
dmcFit <- function(resOb,
                   nTrl = 100000,
                   startVals = list(),
                   minVals = list(),
                   maxVals = list(),
                   fixedFit = list(),
                   fitInitialGrid = TRUE,
                   fitInitialGridN = 10, # reduce if grid search 3/4+ parameters
                   fixedGrid = list(), # default only initial search tau
                   nCAF = 5,
                   nDelta = 19,
                   pDelta = vector(),
                   tDelta = 1,
                   spDist = 1,
                   drDist = 0,
                   drShape = 3,
                   drLim = c(0.1, 0.7),
                   rtMax = 5000,
                   costFunction = "RMSE",
                   printInputArgs = TRUE,
                   printResults = FALSE,
                   optimControl = list(),
                   numCores = 2) {

  # default parameter space
  defaultStartVals <- list(amp = 20, tau = 200, drc = 0.5, bnds = 75, resMean = 300, resSD = 30, aaShape = 2, spShape = 3, spBias = 0, sigm = 4)
  defaultMinVals <- list(amp = 0, tau = 5, drc = 0.1, bnds = 20, resMean = 200, resSD = 5, aaShape = 1, spShape = 2, spBias = -20, sigm = 1)
  defaultMaxVals <- list(amp = 40, tau = 300, drc = 1.0, bnds = 150, resMean = 800, resSD = 100, aaShape = 3, spShape = 4, spBias = 20, sigm = 10)
  defaultFixedFit <- list(amp = F, tau = F, drc = F, bnds = F, resMean = F, resSD = F, aaShape = F, spShape = F, spBias = T, sigm = T)
  defaultFixedGrid <- list(amp = T, tau = F, drc = T, bnds = T, resMean = T, resSD = T, aaShape = T, spShape = T, spBias = T, sigm = T)

  startVals <- modifyList(defaultStartVals, startVals)
  startVals <- lapply(startVals, function(x) ifelse(x == 0, .Machine$double.xmin, x))
  if (!fitInitialGrid) {
    startVals <- unlist(startVals)

  minVals <- modifyList(defaultMinVals, minVals)
  maxVals <- modifyList(defaultMaxVals, maxVals)
  fixedFit <- modifyList(defaultFixedFit, fixedFit)
  fixedGrid <- modifyList(defaultFixedGrid, fixedGrid)

  parScale <- unlist(startVals) / min(unlist(startVals) + 1)
  prms <- startVals

  # default optim control parameters
  defaultOptimControl <- list(parscale = parScale[!as.logical(fixedFit)], maxit = 500)
  optimControl <- modifyList(defaultOptimControl, optimControl)

  # check observed data contains correct number of delta/CAF bins
  if (nrow(resOb$delta) != nDelta) {
    stop("Number of delta bins in observed data and nDelta bins are not equal!")
  if ((nrow(resOb$caf)) != nCAF) {
    stop("Number of CAF bins in observed data and nCAF bins are not equal!")

  # which cost function?
  calculateCostValue <- costValueFunction(costFunction)

  if (is.character(costFunction)) {
    if (tolower(costFunction) %in% c("cs", "gs")) {
      # add additional probabilities to observed data required for cs/gs cost functions
      resOb <- calculateBinProbabilities(resOb)

  # fit procedure initial grid
  if (fitInitialGrid) {
    minValsGrid <- minVals
    maxValsGrid <- maxVals
    startValsGrid <- startVals

    # which parameters to search within grid
    if (TRUE %in% fixedGrid) {
      minValsGrid[fixedGrid == T] <- startValsGrid[fixedGrid == T]
      maxValsGrid[fixedGrid == T] <- startValsGrid[fixedGrid == T]

    startValsGrid <- Map(seq, minValsGrid, maxValsGrid, length.out = fitInitialGridN)
    startValsGrid <- dplyr::distinct(expand.grid(Map(unique, startValsGrid)))
    message("Searching initial parameter gridspace: N = ", nrow(startValsGrid), ", with ", nTrl, " trials per simulation.")

    # CRAN maintainer personal communication: THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT!
    # CRAN submissions can only use maximum of two cores unless user requests more!
    # R check limits number of cores to 2 (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50571325/r-cran-check-fail-when-using-parallel-functions)
    # chk <- tolower(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", ""))
    # if (nzchar(chk) && (chk == "true")) {
    #   num_cores <- 2L
    # } else {
    #   num_cores <- parallel::detectCores() / 2
    # }

    # Older code (pre June 2020) used doSNOW progress bar
    # R CMD check --as-cran -->  doSNOW warning “superseded packages”
    # Use pbapply for progress bar
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58473626/r-doparallel-progress-bar-to-monitor-finished-jobs

    pCostValue <- function(i) {
      resTh <- dmcSim(
        amp = startValsGrid$amp[i], tau = startValsGrid$tau[i], drc = startValsGrid$drc[i], bnds = startValsGrid$bnds[i],
        resMean = startValsGrid$resMean[i], resSD = startValsGrid$resSD[i], aaShape = startValsGrid$aaShape[i],
        spShape = startValsGrid$spShape[i], spBias = startValsGrid$spBias[i], sigm = startValsGrid$sigm[i],
        spLim = c(-startValsGrid$bnds[i], startValsGrid$bnds[i]), spDist = spDist,
        drDist = drDist, drShape = drShape, drLim = drLim,
        rtMax = rtMax, nTrl = nTrl, nDelta = nDelta, pDelta = pDelta, tDelta = tDelta, nCAF = nCAF,
        printInputArgs = TRUE, printResults = FALSE
      return(calculateCostValue(resTh, resOb))

    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(numCores)
    invisible(parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = c("dmcSim", "calculateCostValue"), envir = environment()))

    # calculate initial cost values across grid starting values and find min
    costValue <- pbapply::pblapply(cl = cl, X = 1:nrow(startValsGrid), FUN = pCostValue)
    startVals <- startValsGrid[which.min(costValue), ]


  # optimize
  fit <- optim(
    par = as.numeric(startVals[!as.logical(fixedFit)]), fn = minimizeCostValue,
    costFunction = calculateCostValue, prms = prms, fixedFit = fixedFit, resOb = resOb,
    nTrl = nTrl, nDelta = nDelta, pDelta = pDelta, tDelta = tDelta, nCAF = nCAF,
    spDist = spDist, drDist = drDist, drShape = drShape, drLim = drLim,
    rtMax = rtMax, minVals = minVals, maxVals = maxVals,
    printInputArgs = printInputArgs, printResults = printResults,
    method = "Nelder-Mead", control = optimControl

  prms[!as.logical(fixedFit)] <- fit$par

  # bounds check
  prms <- pmax(unlist(prms), unlist(minVals))
  prms <- pmin(unlist(prms), unlist(maxVals))
  if (any(prms == unlist(minVals)) || any(prms == unlist(maxVals))) {
    warning("Parameter estimates at minVals/maxVals bounds!")
  prms <- as.list(prms)

  dmcfit <- dmcSim(
    amp = prms$amp, tau = prms$tau, drc = prms$drc, bnds = prms$bnds,
    resMean = prms$resMean, resSD = prms$resSD, aaShape = prms$aaShape,
    spDist = spDist, spBias = prms$spBias, spShape = prms$spShape, spLim = c(-prms$bnds, prms$bnds),
    sigm = prms$sigm, drDist = drDist, drShape = drShape, drLim = drLim,
    rtMax = rtMax, nTrl = nTrl, nDelta = nDelta, pDelta = pDelta, tDelta = tDelta, nCAF = nCAF,
    printResults = TRUE

  # fitted parameters
  dmcfit$prms <- NULL # TO DO: Would this be useful to keep or is it only redundant?
  dmcfit$par <- prms
  dmcfit$par["cost"] <- fit$value

  if (!is.function(costFunction)) {
    if (tolower(costFunction) %in% c("CS", "GS")) {
      dmcfit$par["df"] <- 2 * (12 - 1) - (sum(unlist(fixedFit) == FALSE)) # 2 conditions with 6 bins - N fitted parameters
    if (costFunction == "GS") {
      dmcfit$par["BIC"] <- fit$value + (sum(unlist(fixedFit) == FALSE)) * log(sum(resOb$data$outlier == 0))

  class(dmcfit) <- "dmcfit"


#' @title dmcFitDE
#' @description Fit theoretical data generated from dmcSim to observed data by
#' minimizing the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between a weighted combination
#' of the CAF and CDF functions using the R-package DEoptim. Alternative cost functions
#' include squared percentage error ("SPE"), and g-squared statistic ("GS").
#' @param resOb Observed data (see flankerData and simonTask for data format)
#' @param nTrl The number of trials to use within dmcSim.
#' @param minVals Minimum values for the to-be estimated parameters. This is a list with values specified individually
#' for amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, sigm (e.g., minVals = list(amp = 10, tau = 5, drc = 0.1,
#' bnds = 20, resMean = 200, resSD = 5, aaShape = 1, spShape = 2, spBias = -20, sigm = 1)).
#' @param maxVals Maximum values for the to-be estimated parameters. This is a list with values specified individually
#' for amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, sigm (e.g., maxVals = list(amp = 40, tau = 300, drc = 1.0,
#' bnds = 150, resMean = 800, resSD = 100, aaShape = 3, spShape = 4, spBias = 20, sigm = 10))
#' @param fixedFit Fix parameter to starting value. This is a list with bool values specified individually for
#' amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, sigm (e.g., fixedFit = list(amp = F,  tau = F, drc = F,
#' bnds = F, resMean = F, resSD = F, aaShape = F, spShape = F, spBias = T, sigm = T))
#' @param nCAF The number of CAF bins.
#' @param nDelta The number of delta bins.
#' @param pDelta An alternative option to nDelta by directly specifying required percentile values (vector of values 0-100)
#' @param tDelta The type of delta calculation (1=direct percentiles points, 2=percentile bounds (tile) averaging)
#' @param costFunction The cost function to minimise: root mean square error ("RMSE": default),
#' squared percentage error ("SPE"), or likelihood-ratio chi-square statistic ("GS")
#' @param rtMax The limit on simulated RT (decision + non-decisional components)
#' @param spDist The starting point distribution (0 = constant, 1 = beta, 2 = uniform)
#' @param drDist The drift rate (dr) distribution type (0 = constant, 1 = beta, 2 = uniform)
#' @param drShape The drift rate (dr) shape parameter
#' @param drLim The drift rate (dr) range
#' @param deControl Additional control parameters passed to DEoptim (see DEoptim.control)
#' @param numCores Number of cores to use
#' @return dmcfit returns an object of class "dmcfit" with the following components:
#' \item{sim}{Individual trial data points (RTs for all trial types e.g., correct/error trials) and activation vectors from the simulation}
#' \item{summary}{Condition means for reaction time and error rate}
#' \item{caf}{Conditional Accuracy Function (CAF) data per bin}
#' \item{delta}{DataFrame with distributional delta analysis data correct trials (Bin, meanComp, meanIncomp, meanBin, meanEffect)}
#' \item{delta_errs}{DataFrame with distributional delta analysis data incorrect trials (Bin, meanComp, meanIncomp, meanBin, meanEffect)}
#' \item{par}{The fitted model parameters + final cost value of the fit}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # The code below can exceed CRAN check time limit, hence donttest
#' # NB. The following code when using numCores = 2 (default) takes approx 20 minutes on
#' # a standard desktop, whilst when increasing the number of cores used, (numCores = 12),
#' # the code takes approx 5 minutes.
#' # Example 1: Flanker data from Ulrich et al. (2015)
#' fit <- dmcFitDE(flankerData);
#' plot(fit, flankerData)
#' summary(fit)
#' # Example 2: Simon data from Ulrich et al. (2015)
#' fit <- dmcFitDE(simonData, nTrl = 20000)
#' plot(fit, simonData)
#' summary(fit)
#' }
#' @export
dmcFitDE <- function(resOb,
                     nTrl = 100000,
                     minVals = list(),
                     maxVals = list(),
                     fixedFit = list(),
                     nCAF = 5,
                     nDelta = 19,
                     pDelta = vector(),
                     tDelta = 1,
                     costFunction = "RMSE",
                     spDist = 1,
                     drDist = 0,
                     drShape = 3,
                     drLim = c(0.1, 0.7),
                     rtMax = 5000,
                     deControl = list(),
                     numCores = 2) {

  # default parameter space
  defaultMinVals <- list(amp = 10, tau = 5, drc = 0.1, bnds = 20, resMean = 200, resSD = 5, aaShape = 1, spShape = 2, spBias = 0, sigm = 4)
  defaultMaxVals <- list(amp = 40, tau = 300, drc = 1.0, bnds = 150, resMean = 800, resSD = 100, aaShape = 3, spShape = 4, spBias = 0, sigm = 4)
  defaultFixedFit <- list(amp = F, tau = F, drc = F, bnds = F, resMean = F, resSD = F, aaShape = F, spShape = F, spBias = T, sigm = T)

  minVals <- modifyList(defaultMinVals, minVals)
  maxVals <- modifyList(defaultMaxVals, maxVals)
  fixedFit <- modifyList(defaultFixedFit, fixedFit)

  prms <- (unlist(minVals) + unlist(maxVals)) / 2 # start in middle of min/max vals

  # check observed data contains correct number of delta/CAF bins
  if (nrow(resOb$delta) != nDelta) {
    stop("Number of delta bins in observed data and nDelta bins are not equal!")
  if ((nrow(resOb$caf)) != nCAF) {
    stop("Number of CAF bins in observed data and nCAF bins are not equal!")

  # which cost function?
  calculateCostValue <- costValueFunction(costFunction)

  if (is.character(costFunction)) {
    if (tolower(costFunction) %in% c("cs", "gs")) {
      # add additional probabilities to observed data required for cs/gs cost functions
      resOb <- calculateBinProbabilities(resOb)

  # CRAN maintainer personal communication: THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT!
  # CRAN submissions can only use maximum of two cores unless user requests more!
  # R check limits number of cores to 2 (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50571325/r-cran-check-fail-when-using-parallel-functions)
  # chk <- tolower(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", ""))
  # if (nzchar(chk) && (chk == "true")) {
  #   num_cores <- 2L
  # } else {
  #   num_cores <- parallel::detectCores() / 2
  # }

  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(numCores)
  invisible(parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = c("dmcSim", "calculateCostValue"), envir = environment()))

  defaultControl <- list(VTR = 0, strategy = 1, NP = 100, itermax = 200, trace = 1, cluster = cl)
  deControl <- modifyList(defaultControl, deControl)

  # optimize
  fit <- DEoptim::DEoptim(
    fn = minimizeCostValue,
    lower = unlist(minVals[!as.logical(fixedFit)]),
    upper = unlist(maxVals[!as.logical(fixedFit)]),
    costFunction = calculateCostValue,
    prms = prms,
    fixedFit = fixedFit,
    minVals = minVals,
    maxVals = maxVals,
    resOb = resOb,
    nTrl = nTrl,
    nDelta = nDelta,
    nCAF = nCAF,
    pDelta = pDelta,
    tDelta = tDelta,
    spDist = spDist,
    drDist = drDist,
    drShape = drShape,
    drLim = drLim,
    rtMax = rtMax,
    printInputArgs = FALSE,
    printResults = FALSE,
    control = deControl


  prms[!as.logical(fixedFit)] <- as.list(fit$optim$bestmem)

  # bounds check
  prms <- pmax(unlist(prms), unlist(minVals))
  prms <- pmin(unlist(prms), unlist(maxVals))
  if (any(prms[!as.logical(fixedFit)] == unlist(minVals[!as.logical(fixedFit)])) ||
    any(prms[!as.logical(fixedFit)] == unlist(maxVals[!as.logical(fixedFit)]))) {
    warning("Parameter estimates at minVals/maxVals bounds!")
  prms <- as.list(prms)


  dmcfit <- dmcSim(
    amp = prms$amp, tau = prms$tau, drc = prms$drc, bnds = prms$bnds,
    resMean = prms$resMean, resSD = prms$resSD, aaShape = prms$aaShape,
    spDist = spDist, spBias = prms$spBias, spShape = prms$spShape, spLim = c(-prms$bnds, prms$bnds),
    sigm = prms$sigm, drDist = drDist, drShape = drShape, drLim = drLim,
    rtMax = rtMax, nTrl = nTrl, nDelta = nDelta, pDelta = pDelta, tDelta = tDelta, nCAF = nCAF,
    printResults = TRUE

  # fitted parameters
  dmcfit$prms <- NULL # TO DO: Would this be useful to keep or is it only redundant?
  dmcfit$par <- prms
  dmcfit$par["cost"] <- fit$optim$bestval

  if (!is.function(costFunction)) {
    if (tolower(costFunction) %in% c("CS", "GS")) {
      dmcfit$par["df"] <- 2 * (12 - 1) - (sum(unlist(fixedFit) == FALSE)) # 2 conditions with 6 bins - N fitted parameters
    if (costFunction == "GS") {
      dmcfit$par["BIC"] <- fit$value + (sum(unlist(fixedFit) == FALSE)) * log(sum(resOb$data$outlier == 0))

  class(dmcfit) <- "dmcfit"


#' @title dmcFitSubject
#' @description Fit theoretical data generated from dmcSim to observed data by
#' minimizing the root-mean-square error ("RMSE") between a weighted combination
#' of the CAF and CDF functions using optim (Nelder-Mead). Alternative cost functions
#' include squared percentage error ("SPE"), and g-squared statistic ("GS").
#' @param resOb Observed data (see flankerData and simonTask for data format) and the function dmcObservedData to create
#' the required input from either an R data frame or external *.txt/*.csv files
#' @param nTrl Number of trials to use within dmcSim.
#' @param startVals Starting values for to-be estimated parameters. This is a list with values specified individually
#' for amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, spBias, sigm (e.g., startVals = list(amp = 20, tau = 200,
#' drc = 0.5, bnds = 75, resMean = 300, resSD = 30, aaShape = 2, spShape = 3, spBias = 0, sigm = 4)).
#' @param minVals Minimum values for the to-be estimated parameters. This is a list with values specified individually
#' for amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, spBias, sigm (e.g., minVals = list(amp = 10, tau = 5, drc = 0.1,
#' bnds = 20, resMean = 200, resSD = 5, aaShape = 1, spShape = 2, spBias = -20, sigm = 1)).
#' @param maxVals Maximum values for the to-be estimated parameters. This is a list with values specified individually
#' for amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, spBias, sigm (e.g., maxVals = list(amp = 40, tau = 300, drc = 1.0,
#' bnds = 150, resMean = 800, resSD = 100, aaShape = 3, spShape = 4, spBias = 20, sigm = 10))
#' @param fixedFit Fix parameter to starting value. This is a list with bool values specified individually for
#' amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, spBias, sigm (e.g., fixedFit = list(amp = F, tau = F, drc = F,
#' bnds = F, resMean = F, resSD = F, aaShape = F, spShape = F, spBias = T, sigm = T))
#' @param fitInitialGrid TRUE/FALSE
#' @param fitInitialGridN 10 linear steps between parameters min/max values (reduce if searching more than ~2/3 initial parameters)
#' @param fixedGrid Fix parameter for initial grid search. This is a list with bool values specified individually for
#' amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, spBias, sigm (e.g., fixedGrid = list(amp = T, tau = F, drc = T,
#' bnds = T, resMean = T, resSD = T, aaShape = T, spShape = T, spBias = T, sigm = T)). As a default, the initial gridsearch
#' only searches the tau space.
#' @param nCAF Number of CAF bins.
#' @param nDelta Number of delta bins.
#' @param pDelta An alternative option to nDelta by directly specifying required percentile values (vector of values 0-100)
#' @param tDelta The type of delta calculation (1=direct percentiles points, 2=percentile bounds (tile) averaging)
#' @param costFunction The cost function to minimise: root mean square error ("RMSE": default),
#' squared percentage error ("SPE"), or likelihood-ratio chi-square statistic ("GS")
#' @param spDist The starting point (sp) distribution (0 = constant, 1 = beta, 2 = uniform)
#' @param drDist The drift rate (dr) distribution type (0 = constant, 1 = beta, 2 = uniform)
#' @param drShape The drift rate (dr) shape parameter
#' @param drLim The drift rate (dr) range
#' @param rtMax The limit on simulated RT (decision + non-decisional components)
#' @param subjects NULL (aggregated data across all subjects) or integer for subject number
#' @param printInputArgs TRUE (default) /FALSE
#' @param printResults TRUE/FALSE (default)
#' @param optimControl Additional control parameters passed to optim (see optim details section)
#' @param numCores Number of cores to use
#' @return dmcFitSubject returns a list of objects of class "dmcfit"
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Code below can exceed CRAN check time limit, hence donttest
#' # Example 1: Flanker data from Ulrich et al. (2015)
#' fit <- dmcFitSubject(flankerData, nTrl = 1000, subjects = c(1, 2));
#' plot(fit, flankerData, subject = 1)
#' plot(fit, flankerData, subject = 2)
#' summary(fit)
#' # Example 2: Simon data from Ulrich et al. (2015)
#' fit <- dmcFitSubject(simonData, nTrl = 1000, subject = c(1, 2))
#' plot(fit, simonData, subject = 1)
#' plot(fit, simonData, subject = 2)
#' summary(fit)
#' }
#' @export
dmcFitSubject <- function(resOb,
                          nTrl = 100000,
                          startVals = list(),
                          minVals = list(),
                          maxVals = list(),
                          fixedFit = list(),
                          fitInitialGrid = TRUE,
                          fitInitialGridN = 10, # reduce if grid search 3/4+ parameters
                          fixedGrid = list(), # default only initial tau search
                          nCAF = 5,
                          nDelta = 19,
                          pDelta = vector(),
                          tDelta = 1,
                          costFunction = "RMSE",
                          spDist = 1,
                          drDist = 0,
                          drShape = 3,
                          drLim = c(0.1, 0.7),
                          rtMax = 5000,
                          subjects = c(),
                          printInputArgs = TRUE,
                          printResults = FALSE,
                          optimControl = list(),
                          numCores = 2) {

  if (length(subjects) == 0) {
    subjects <- unique(resOb$summarySubject$Subject) # fit all individual subjects in data

  dmcfit <- vector("list", max(subjects))
  for (subject in subjects) {
    if (is.null(resOb$data)) {
      resObSubject <- list(
        deltaAgg = resOb$deltaSubject[resOb$deltaSubject$Subject == subject, ],
        cafAgg = resOb$cafSubject[resOb$cafSubject$Subject == subject, ]
    } else {
      resObSubject <- list(
        data = resOb$data[resOb$data$Subject == subject, ],
        deltaAgg = resOb$deltaSubject[resOb$deltaSubject$Subject == subject, ],
        cafAgg = resOb$cafSubject[resOb$cafSubject$Subject == subject, ]

    dmcfit[[subject]] <- dmcFit(resObSubject,
      nTrl            = nTrl,
      startVals       = startVals,
      minVals         = minVals,
      maxVals         = maxVals,
      fixedFit        = fixedFit,
      fitInitialGrid  = fitInitialGrid,
      fitInitialGridN = fitInitialGridN, # reduce if grid search 3/4+ parameters
      fixedGrid       = fixedGrid, # only fit tau
      nCAF            = nCAF,
      nDelta          = nDelta,
      pDelta          = pDelta,
      tDelta          = tDelta,
      costFunction    = costFunction,
      spDist          = spDist,
      drDist          = drDist,
      drShape         = drShape,
      drLim           = drLim,
      rtMax           = rtMax,
      printInputArgs  = printInputArgs,
      printResults    = printResults,
      optimControl    = optimControl

  class(dmcfit) <- "dmcfit"


#' @title dmcFitSubjectDE
#' @description Fit theoretical data generated from dmcSim to observed data by
#' minimizing the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between a weighted combination
#' of the CAF and CDF functions using the R-package DEoptim. Alternative cost functions
#' include squared percentage error ("SPE"), and g-squared statistic ("GS").
#' @param resOb Observed data (see flankerData and simonTask for data format)
#' @param nTrl The number of trials to use within dmcSim.
#' @param minVals Minimum values for the to-be estimated parameters. This is a list with values specified individually
#' for amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, sigm (e.g., minVals = list(amp = 10, tau = 5, drc = 0.1,
#' bnds = 20, resMean = 200, resSD = 5, aaShape = 1, spShape = 2, spBias = -20, sigm = 1)).
#' @param maxVals Maximum values for the to-be estimated parameters. This is a list with values specified individually
#' for amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, sigm (e.g., maxVals = list(amp = 40, tau = 300, drc = 1.0,
#' bnds = 150, resMean = 800, resSD = 100, aaShape = 3, spShape = 4, spBias = 20, sigm = 10))
#' @param fixedFit Fix parameter to starting value. This is a list with bool values specified individually for
#' amp, tau, drc, bnds, resMean, resSD, aaShape, spShape, sigm (e.g., fixedFit = list(amp = F,  tau = F, drc = F,
#' bnds = F, resMean = F, resSD = F, aaShape = F, spShape = F, spBias = T, sigm = T))
#' @param nCAF The number of CAF bins.
#' @param nDelta The number of delta bins.
#' @param pDelta An alternative option to nDelta by directly specifying required percentile values (vector of values 0-100)
#' @param tDelta The type of delta calculation (1=direct percentiles points, 2=percentile bounds (tile) averaging)
#' @param costFunction The cost function to minimise: root mean square error ("RMSE": default),
#' squared percentage error ("SPE"), or likelihood-ratio chi-square statistic ("GS")
#' @param rtMax The limit on simulated RT (decision + non-decisional components)
#' @param spDist The starting point distribution (0 = constant, 1 = beta, 2 = uniform)
#' @param drDist The drift rate (dr) distribution type (0 = constant, 1 = beta, 2 = uniform)
#' @param drShape The drift rate (dr) shape parameter
#' @param drLim The drift rate (dr) range
#' @param subjects NULL (aggregated data across all subjects) or integer for subject number
#' @param deControl Additional control parameters passed to DEoptim (see DEoptim.control)
#' @param numCores Number of cores to use
#' @return dmcFitSubjectDE returns a list of objects of class "dmcfit"
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Code below can exceed CRAN check time limit, hence donttest
#' # Example 1: Flanker data from Ulrich et al. (2015)
#' fit <- dmcFitSubjectDE(flankerData, nTrl = 1000, subjects = c(1, 2))
#' plot(fit, flankerData, subject = 1)
#' plot(fit, flankerData, subject = 2)
#' summary(fit)
#' # Example 2: Simon data from Ulrich et al. (2015)
#' fit <- dmcFitSubjectDE(simonData, nTrl = 1000, subject = c(1, 2))
#' plot(fit, simonData, subject = 1)
#' plot(fit, simonData, subject = 2)
#' summary(fit)
#' }
#' @export
dmcFitSubjectDE <- function(resOb,
                            nTrl = 100000,
                            minVals = list(),
                            maxVals = list(),
                            fixedFit = list(),
                            nCAF = 5,
                            nDelta = 19,
                            pDelta = vector(),
                            tDelta = 1,
                            costFunction = "RMSE",
                            spDist = 1,
                            drDist = 0,
                            drShape = 3,
                            drLim = c(0.1, 0.7),
                            rtMax = 5000,
                            subjects = c(),
                            deControl = list(),
                            numCores = 2) {

  if (length(subjects) == 0) {
    subjects <- unique(resOb$summarySubject$Subject) # fit all individual subjects in data

  dmcfit <- vector("list", max(subjects))
  for (subject in subjects) {
    if (is.null(resOb$data)) {
      resObSubject <- list(
        deltaAgg = resOb$deltaSubject[resOb$deltaSubject$Subject == subject, ],
        cafAgg = resOb$cafSubject[resOb$cafSubject$Subject == subject, ]
    } else {
      resObSubject <- list(
        data = resOb$data[resOb$data$Subject == subject, ],
        deltaAgg = resOb$deltaSubject[resOb$deltaSubject$Subject == subject, ],
        cafAgg = resOb$cafSubject[resOb$cafSubject$Subject == subject, ]

    dmcfit[[subject]] <- dmcFitDE(resObSubject,
      nTrl         = nTrl,
      minVals      = minVals,
      maxVals      = maxVals,
      fixedFit     = fixedFit,
      nCAF         = nCAF,
      nDelta       = nDelta,
      pDelta       = pDelta,
      tDelta       = tDelta,
      costFunction = costFunction,
      spDist       = spDist,
      rtMax        = rtMax,
      deControl    = deControl

  class(dmcfit) <- "dmcfit"


#' @title mean.dmcfit
#' @description Aggregate simulation results from dmcFitSubject/dmcFitSubjectDE.
#' @param x Output from dmcFitSubject/dmcFitSubjectDE
#' @param ... pars
#' @return mean.dmcfit return an object of class "dmcfit" with the following components:
#' \item{summary}{DataFrame within aggregated subject data (rtCor, sdRtCor, seRtCor, perErr, sdPerErr, sePerErr, rtErr, sdRtErr, seRtErr) for compatibility condition}
#' \item{delta}{DataFrame within aggregated subject distributional delta analysis data correct trials (Bin, meanComp, meanIncomp, meanBin, meanEffect, sdEffect, seEffect)}
#' \item{caf}{DataFrame within aggregated subject conditional accuracy function (CAF) data (Bin, accPerComp, accPerIncomp, meanEffect, sdEffect, seEffect)}
#' \item{par}{The fitted model parameters + final cost value of the fit}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Code below can exceed CRAN check time limit, hence donttest
#' # Example 1: Fit individual data then aggregate
#' fitSubjects <- dmcFitSubject(flankerData, nTrl = 1000, subjects = c(1, 2))
#' fitAgg <- mean(fitSubjects)
#' plot(fitAgg, flankerData)
#' }
#' @export
mean.dmcfit <- function(x, ...) {
  if ("sim" %in% names(x)) { # aggregated fit
    stop("No individual data to aggregate!")

  mergeLists <- function(lists, name) {
    return(lapply(c(name), function(x) do.call(rbind, lapply(lists, `[[`, x)))[[1]])

  # mean fit of summary, delta, caf, and parameters
  meanfit <- list()

  meanfit$summary <- mergeLists(x, "summary") %>%
    dplyr::group_by(Comp) %>%

  meanfit$delta <- mergeLists(x, "delta") %>%
    dplyr::group_by(Bin) %>%

  meanfit$caf <- mergeLists(x, "caf") %>%
    dplyr::group_by(Bin) %>%

  meanfit$par <- as.data.frame(mergeLists(x, "par")) %>%
    dplyr::summarize_all(~ mean(unlist(.x)))

  class(meanfit) <- c("dmcfit")


# function to minimise
minimizeCostValue <- function(x,
                              printResults) {
  prms[!as.logical(fixedFit)] <- x

  # implement bounds
  prms <- as.list(pmax(unlist(prms), unlist(minVals)))
  prms <- as.list(pmin(unlist(prms), unlist(maxVals)))

  resTh <- dmcSim(
    amp = prms$amp, tau = prms$tau, drc = prms$drc, bnds = prms$bnds,
    resMean = prms$resMean, resSD = prms$resSD, aaShape = prms$aaShape,
    spDist = spDist, spShape = prms$spShape, spBias = prms$spBias, sigm = prms$sigm, spLim = c(-prms$bnds, prms$bnds),
    drDist = drDist, drShape = drShape, drLim = drLim,
    rtMax = rtMax, nTrl = nTrl, nDelta = nDelta, pDelta = pDelta, tDelta = tDelta, nCAF = nCAF,
    printInputArgs = printInputArgs, printResults = printResults

  cost <- costFunction(resTh, resOb)
  cat(" | cost:", formatC(cost, 3, format = "f"))

#' @title calculateCostValueRMSE
#' @description Calculate cost value (fit) using root-mean-square error (RMSE) from a combination of RT and error rate.
#' @param resTh list containing caf values for comp/incomp conditions (nbins * 4 columns) and
#' delta values for comp/incomp conditions (nbins * 5 columns). See output from dmcSim (.$caf).
#' @param resOb list containing caf values for comp/incomp conditions (n * 4 columns) and
#' delta values for comp/incomp conditions (nbins * 5 columns). See output from dmcSim (.$delta).
#' @return cost value (RMSE)
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' resTh <- dmcSim()
#' resOb <- dmcSim()
#' cost <- calculateCostValueRMSE(resTh, resOb)
#' # Example 2:
#' resTh <- dmcSim()
#' resOb <- dmcSim(tau = 150)
#' cost <- calculateCostValueRMSE(resTh, resOb)
#' @export
calculateCostValueRMSE <- function(resTh, resOb) {
  n_rt <- nrow(resTh$delta) * 2
  n_err <- nrow(resTh$caf) * 2

  costCAF <- sqrt((1 / n_err) * sum((resTh$caf[c("accPerComp", "accPerIncomp")] - resOb$caf[c("accPerComp", "accPerIncomp")])**2))
  costRT <- sqrt((1 / n_rt) * sum((resTh$delta[c("meanComp", "meanIncomp")] - resOb$delta[c("meanComp", "meanIncomp")])**2))
  weightRT <- n_rt / (n_rt + n_err)
  weightCAF <- (1 - weightRT) * 1500

  costValue <- (weightCAF * costCAF) + (weightRT * costRT)


#' @title calculateCostValueSPE
#' @description Calculate cost value (fit) using squared percentage errror (SPE) from combination of RT and error rate.
#' @param resTh list containing caf values for comp/incomp conditions (nbins * 4 columns) and
#' delta values for comp/incomp conditions (nbins * 5 columns). See output from dmcSim (.$caf).
#' @param resOb list containing caf values for comp/incomp conditions (n * 4 columns) and
#' delta values for comp/incomp conditions (nbins * 5 columns). See output from dmcSim (.$delta).
#' @return cost value (SPE)
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' resTh <- dmcSim()
#' resOb <- dmcSim()
#' cost <- calculateCostValueSPE(resTh, resOb)
#' # Example 2:
#' resTh <- dmcSim()
#' resOb <- dmcSim(tau = 150)
#' cost <- calculateCostValueSPE(resTh, resOb)
#' @export
calculateCostValueSPE <- function(resTh, resOb) {
  costCAF <- sum(((resOb$caf[, c("accPerComp", "accPerIncomp")] -
    resTh$caf[, c("accPerComp", "accPerIncomp")]) / resOb$caf[, c("accPerComp", "accPerIncomp")])**2)

  costRT <- sum(((resOb$delta[, c("meanComp", "meanIncomp", "meanBin")] -
    resTh$delta[, c("meanComp", "meanIncomp", "meanBin")]) / resOb$delta[, c("meanComp", "meanIncomp", "meanBin")])**2)

  costValue <- costRT + costCAF


#' @title calculateCostValueCS
#' @description Calculate cost value (fit) using chi-square (CS) from correct and incorrect RT data.
#' @param resTh list containing simulation $sim values (output from dmcSim) for rts_comp, rts_incomp,
#' errs_comp, errs_incomp
#' @param resOb list containing raw observed data (see dmcObservedData with keepRaw = TRUE)
#' @return cost value (CS)
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' resTh <- dmcSim()
#' resOb <- flankerData
#' resOb <- calculateBinProbabilities(resOb)
#' cost <- calculateCostValueCS(resTh, resOb)
#' @export
calculateCostValueCS <- function(resTh, resOb) {
  cs_comp_correct <- cs(resTh$sim$rts_comp, resOb$prob[resOb$prob$Comp == "comp" & resOb$prob$Error == 0, ])
  cs_comp_error <- cs(resTh$sim$errs_comp, resOb$prob[resOb$prob$Comp == "comp" & resOb$prob$Error == 1, ])
  cs_incomp_correct <- cs(resTh$sim$rts_incomp, resOb$prob[resOb$prob$Comp == "incomp" & resOb$prob$Error == 0, ])
  cs_incomp_error <- cs(resTh$sim$errs_incomp, resOb$prob[resOb$prob$Comp == "incomp" & resOb$prob$Error == 1, ])

  return(cs_comp_correct + cs_comp_error + cs_incomp_correct + cs_incomp_error)

cs <- function(th, ob) {
  if ((length(th) == 0 | nrow(ob) == 0)) {
    return(0) # no observations (can happen, esp. for error trials in comp conditions)
  probE <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1) # TO DO hard coded?
  nBin <- table(factor(.bincode(th, c(0, ob$boundary, Inf)), levels = 1:6))
  pBin <- nBin / sum(nBin) # sum(pBin) == 1
  cs <- sum(ob$nTrials[1] * (pBin - probE)**2 / probE)

#' @title calculateCostValueGS
#' @description Calculate cost value (fit) using likelihood-ratio chi-square statistic (GS) from correct and incorrect RT data.
#' @param resTh list containing simulation $sim values (output from dmcSim) for rts_comp, rts_incomp,
#' errs_comp, errs_incomp
#' @param resOb list containing raw observed data (see dmcObservedData with keepRaw = TRUE)
#' @return cost value (GS)
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' resTh <- dmcSim()
#' resOb <- flankerData
#' resOb <- calculateBinProbabilities(resOb)
#' cost  <- calculateCostValueGS(resTh, resOb)
#' @export
calculateCostValueGS <- function(resTh, resOb) {
  nComp <- nrow(resOb$data[resOb$data$Comp == "comp" & resOb$data$outlier == 0, ])
  gsCompCorrect <- gs(resTh$sim$rts_comp, resOb$prob[resOb$prob$Comp == "comp" & resOb$prob$Error == 0, ])
  gsCompError <- gs(resTh$sim$errs_comp, resOb$prob[resOb$prob$Comp == "comp" & resOb$prob$Error == 1, ])
  gsComp <- nComp * (sum(gsCompCorrect, na.rm = TRUE) + sum(gsCompError, na.rm = TRUE))

  nIncomp <- nrow(resOb$data[resOb$data$Comp == "incomp" & resOb$data$outlier == 0, ])
  gsIncompCorrect <- gs(resTh$sim$rts_incomp, resOb$prob[resOb$prob$Comp == "incomp" & resOb$prob$Error == 0, ])
  gsIncompError <- gs(resTh$sim$errs_incomp, resOb$prob[resOb$prob$Comp == "incomp" & resOb$prob$Error == 1, ])
  gsIncomp <- nIncomp * (sum(gsIncompCorrect, na.rm = TRUE) + sum(gsIncompError, na.rm = TRUE))

  costValue <- 2 * (gsComp + gsIncomp)


gs <- function(th, ob) {
  if ((length(th) == 0 | nrow(ob) == 0)) {
    return(0) # no observations (can happen, esp. for error trials in comp conditions)
  probE <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1) # TO DO hard coded?
  nBin <- table(factor(.bincode(th, c(0, ob$boundary, Inf)), levels = 1:6))
  pBin <- nBin / sum(nBin) # sum(pBin) == 1
  gs <- pBin * log(pBin / probE)

costValueFunction <- function(costFunction) {
  if (is.character(costFunction)) {
    if (tolower(costFunction) == "rmse") {
    } else if (tolower(costFunction) == "spe") {
    } else if (tolower(costFunction) == "gs") {
    } else if (tolower(costFunction) == "cs") {
  } else if (is.function(costFunction)) {
  stop("costFunction must be one of 'rmse', 'spe', 'gs', 'cs', or custom function")

#' @title calculateBinProbabilities
#' @description Calculate bin probabilities in observed data
#' @param resOb Observed data (see dmcObservedData)
#' @return resOb Observed data with additional $probSubject/$prob table
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' resOb <- flankerData
#' resOb <- calculateBinProbabilities(resOb)
#' resOb$prob
#' @export
calculateBinProbabilities <- function(resOb) {

  # Some subjects are likely not to have 5+ error trials, esp. in compatible conditions!
  probs <- c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)
  resOb$probSubject <- resOb$data %>%
    dplyr::filter(outlier == 0) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(Subject, Comp, Error) %>%
      nTrials  = n(),
      prob     = probs,
      boundary = quantile(RT, probs),
      .groups  = "drop"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::filter(nTrials >= 5)

  resOb$prob <- resOb$probSubject %>%
    dplyr::group_by(Comp, Error, prob) %>%
      nSubjects = n(),
      nTrials   = sum(nTrials),
      boundary  = mean(boundary),
      .groups   = "drop"


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