
Defines functions experimentalComparison crossValidation holdOut loocv bootstrap monteCarlo join dsNames learnerNames statNames bestScores rankSystems statScores compAnalysis showTab getFoldsResults getSummaryResults variants getVariant runLearner slidingWindowTest growingWindowTest regr.eval class.eval ts.eval

Documented in bestScores bootstrap class.eval compAnalysis crossValidation dsNames experimentalComparison getFoldsResults getSummaryResults getVariant growingWindowTest holdOut join learnerNames loocv monteCarlo rankSystems regr.eval runLearner slidingWindowTest statNames statScores ts.eval variants

# EXPERIMENTS WITH MODELLING TOOLS                              #
# IT IS A PART OF THE PACKAGE DMwR                              #
# Author : Luis Torgo (ltorgo@inescporto.pt)     Date: Jan 2009 #
# License: GPL (>= 2)                                           #


# =====================================================
# This function is intended for carrying out comparisons
# of a set of learning systems over a set of data sets.
# The type of experimental methodology that is used depends
# on the class of the experimental settings object (3rd arg.):
# if it is of class "cvSettings" then a Cross Validation
# experimental comparison is carried out; if it is of class
# "mcSettings" then a Monte Carlo comparison is done.
# The user provides the data sets (a list), the learning
# system (another list) and the experimental comparison
# settings in an object of the adequate class (see above).
# The result is a complex data structure with all
# information on the experiment.
# There are a few extra utility functions to work over
# the resulting data structure, e.g.
# bestScores(res)
# getVariant("cv.nnet-v2",res)
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Jan-Aug 2009
# =====================================================
# Example calls:
# z <- experimentalComparison(
#       # data sets
#       list(dataset(medv~.,Boston,'b1'),
#         dataset(medv ~ lstat + rm + dis, Boston,'b2')
#         ),
#       # learners
#       list(sld5.se1=learner('slidingWindowTest',
#                 pars=list(learner=learner("MC.rpartXse",pars=list(se=1)),
#                   relearn.step=5,
#                   eval.func='erros')
#                 ),
#         sld10.se0=learner('slidingWindowTest',
#                 pars=list(learner=learner("MC.rpartXse",pars=list(se=0)),
#                   relearn.step=10,
#                   eval.func='erros')
#                 )
#         ),
#       # experiment settings (in this case a Monte Carlo experiment)
#       mcSettings(5,100,100,1234)
#                   )
# y <- experimentalComparison(
#       # data sets
#       c(dataset(medv~.,Boston,'b1'),
#         dataset(medv ~ lstat + rm + dis, Boston,'b2')
#         ),
#       # learners
#       c(variants('cv.rpartXse',se=c(0,0.5,1))),
#       # experiment settings (in this case a 3x10-fold Cross Validation)
#       cvSettings(3,10,1234)
#                   )
experimentalComparison <- function(datasets,systems,setts,...) {

  if (!is(datasets,'list')) datasets <- list(datasets)
  if (!is(systems,'list')) systems <- list(systems)
  if (is.null(names(systems)))
    names(systems) <- paste('var',1:length(systems),sep='.')
  results <- compExp(systems,
                     lapply(datasets,function(x) as(x,'task')),

  r <- NULL
  cat('\n\n##### ',
             cvSettings='CROSS VALIDATION',
             hldSettings='HOLD OUT',
             mcSettings='MONTE CARLO',
  for(d in 1:length(datasets)) {

    cat('\n\n** DATASET ::',datasets[[d]]@name)

    rr <- NULL
    for (s in 1:length(systems)) {

      cat('\n\n++ LEARNER ::',systems[[s]]@func,
          ' variant -> ',names(systems)[s],'\n')

      var.res <- do.call(
#               if(is(setts,'cvSettings')) 'crossValidation' else 'monteCarlo',
      rr <- abind(rr,var.res@foldResults,along=3)

    r <- abind(r,rr,along=4)

  results@foldResults <- r
  dimnames(results@foldResults)[3:4] <-
    list(names(systems),unlist(lapply(datasets,function(x) x@name)))


# Cross Validation Experiments

# =====================================================
# Function that performs a cross validation experiment
# of a system on a given data set.
# The function is completely generic. The generality comes
# from the fact that the function that the user provides
# as the system to evaluate, needs in effect to be a
# user-defined function that takes care of the learning,
# testing and calculation of the statistics that the user
# wants to estimate through cross validation. 
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Jan 2009
# =====================================================
# Example runs:
# x <- crossValidation(learner('cv.rpartXse',list(se=2)),
#                      dataset(medv~.,Boston),
#                      cvSettings(1,10,1234))
crossValidation <- function(sys,ds,sets,itsInfo=F) {


  n <- nrow(ds@data)
  n.each.part <- n %/% sets@cvFolds

  itsI <- results <- NULL

  if (sets@strat) {  # stratified sampling
    respVals <- resp(ds@formula,ds@data)
    regrProb <- is.numeric(respVals)
    if (regrProb) {  # regression problem
      # the bucket to which each case belongs  
      b <- cut(respVals,10)  # this 10 should be parametrizable
    } else {
      b <- respVals
    # how many on each bucket
    bc <- table(b)
    # how many should be on each test partition
    bct <- bc %/% sets@cvFolds
    # still missing (due to rounding effects of the previous statement)
    #rem <- n.test-sum(bct)
    #ib <- 1
    #nb <- length(bct)
    #while (rem) 
    #  if (bct[ib] < bc[ib]) {
    #    bct[ib] <- bct[ib]+1
    #    rem <- rem-1
    #    ib <- ib %% nb + 1
    #  }

  for(r in 1:sets@cvReps) {
    cat('Repetition ',r,'\nFold:')

    permutation <- sample(n)
    perm.data <- ds@data[permutation,]

    for(i in seq(sets@cvFolds)) {
      cat(' ',i)
      if (sets@strat) {
          out.fold <- c()
          for(x in seq(along=levels(b))) 
              if (bct[x]) out.fold <- c(out.fold,which(b == levels(b)[x])[((i-1)*bct[x]+1):((i-1)*bct[x]+bct[x])])
      } else {
          out.fold <- ((i-1)*n.each.part+1):(i*n.each.part)

      it.res <- runLearner(sys,

     if (itsInfo && !is.null(tmp <- attr(it.res,'itInfo'))) itsI <- c(itsI,tmp)
     results <- rbind(results,it.res)
  rownames(results) <- 1:nrow(results)
  colnames(results) <- names(it.res)
  # randomize the number generator to avoid undesired
  # problems caused by inner set.seed()'s
  set.seed(prod(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(strsplit(date()," ")[[1]][4],":")))))

  if (itsInfo) return(structure(cvRun(sys,as(ds,'task'),sets,results),itsInfo=itsI))
  else         return(cvRun(sys,as(ds,'task'),sets,results))


# Hold Out Experiments

# =====================================================
# Function that performs a hold out experiment
# of a system on a given data set.
# The function is completely generic. The generality comes
# from the fact that the function that the user provides
# as the system to evaluate, needs in effect to be a
# user-defined function that takes care of the learning,
# testing and calculation of the statistics that the user
# wants to estimate through hold out. A few example
# functions are provided (cv.rpartXse, cv.lm, cv.nnet)
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Feb 2010
# =====================================================
# Example runs:
# x <- holdOut(learner('cv.rpartXse',list(se=2)),
#              dataset(medv~.,Boston),
#              hldSettings(4,0.25,1234))
holdOut <- function(sys,ds,sets,itsInfo=F) {


  n <- nrow(ds@data)
  n.test <- as.integer(n * sets@hldSz)

  itsI <- results <- NULL
  if (sets@strat) {  # stratified sampling
    respVals <- resp(ds@formula,ds@data)
    regrProb <- is.numeric(respVals)
    if (regrProb) {  # regression problem
      # the bucket to which each case belongs  
      b <- cut(respVals,10)  # this 10 should be parameterizable
    } else {
      b <- respVals
    # how many on each bucket
    bc <- table(b)
    # how many should be on each test partition
    bct <- as.integer(bc * sets@hldSz)
    # still missing (due to rounding effects of the previous statement)
    #rem <- n.test-sum(bct)
    #ib <- 1
    #nb <- length(bct)
    #while (rem) 
    #  if (bct[ib] < bc[ib]) {
    #    bct[ib] <- bct[ib]+1
    #    rem <- rem-1
    #    ib <- ib %% nb + 1
    #  }
  for(r in 1:sets@hldReps) {
    cat('Repetition ',r)

    permutation <- sample(n)
    perm.data <- ds@data[permutation,]

    if (sets@strat) {
        out.fold <- c()
        for(x in seq(along=levels(b))) 
            if (bct[x]) out.fold <- c(out.fold,which(b == levels(b)[x])[1:bct[x]])
    } else {
        out.fold <- 1:n.test

    it.res <- runLearner(sys,
    if (itsInfo && !is.null(tmp <- attr(it.res,'itInfo'))) itsI <- c(itsI,tmp)
    results <- rbind(results,it.res)
  rownames(results) <- 1:nrow(results)
  colnames(results) <- names(it.res)
  # randomize the number generator to avoid undesired
  # problems caused by inner set.seed()'s
  set.seed(prod(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(strsplit(date()," ")[[1]][4],":")))))

  if (itsInfo) return(structure(hldRun(sys,as(ds,'task'),sets,results),itsInfo=itsI))
  else         return(hldRun(sys,as(ds,'task'),sets,results))

# Leave One Out Cross Validation (LOOCV) Experiments

# =====================================================
# Function that performs a LOOCV experiment
# of a system on a given data set.
# The function is completely generic. The generality comes
# from the fact that the function that the user provides
# as the system to evaluate, needs in effect to be a
# user-defined function that takes care of the learning,
# testing and calculation of the statistics that the user
# wants to estimate through hold out. 
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Mar 2010
# =====================================================
# Example runs:
# x <- loocv(learner('cv.rpartXse',list(se=2)),
#            dataset(medv~.,Boston))
loocv <- function(sys,ds,sets,itsInfo=F,verbose=F) {


  n <- nrow(ds@data)

  itsI <- results <- NULL

  if (verbose) cat('Iteration: ')
  for(r in 1:n) {
    if (verbose) cat('*')


    it.res <- runLearner(sys,
    if (itsInfo && !is.null(tmp <- attr(it.res,'itInfo'))) itsI <- c(itsI,tmp)
    results <- rbind(results,it.res)
  if (verbose) cat('\n')
  rownames(results) <- 1:nrow(results)
  colnames(results) <- names(it.res)

  if (itsInfo) return(structure(loocvRun(sys,as(ds,'task'),sets,results),itsInfo=itsI))
  else         return(loocvRun(sys,as(ds,'task'),sets,results))

# Bootstrap Experiments

# =====================================================
# Function that performs a bootstrap experiment
# of a system on a given data set.
# The function is completely generic. The generality comes
# from the fact that the function that the user provides
# as the system to evaluate, needs in effect to be a
# user-defined function that takes care of the learning,
# testing and calculation of the statistics that the user
# wants to estimate through cross validation. 
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Apr 2010
# =====================================================
# Example runs:
# x <- bootstrap('cv.rpartXse',list(se=2)),
#                      dataset(medv~.,Boston),
#                      bootSettings(1234,10))
bootstrap <- function(sys,ds,sets,itsInfo=F,verbose=T) {


  n <- nrow(ds@data)

  itsI <- results <- NULL

  if (verbose) cat('Repetition: ')
  for(r in 1:sets@bootReps) {
    if (verbose) cat(' ',r)

    idx <- sample(n,n,replace=T)
    it.res <- runLearner(sys,

    if (itsInfo && !is.null(tmp <- attr(it.res,'itInfo'))) itsI <- c(itsI,tmp)
    results <- rbind(results,it.res)
  if (verbose) cat('\n')

  rownames(results) <- 1:nrow(results)
  colnames(results) <- names(it.res)
  # randomize the number generator to avoid undesired
  # problems caused by inner set.seed()'s
  set.seed(prod(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(strsplit(date()," ")[[1]][4],":")))))
  if (itsInfo) return(structure(bootRun(sys,as(ds,'task'),sets,results),itsInfo=itsI))
  else         return(bootRun(sys,as(ds,'task'),sets,results))


# Monte Carlo Experiments

# =====================================================
# Function that performs a Monte Carlo experiment of a 
# system on a given data set.
# The function is completely generic. The generality comes
# from the fact that the function that the user provides
# as the system to evaluate, needs in effect to be a
# user-defined function that takes care of the learning,
# testing and calculation of the statistics that the user
# wants to estimate through this experiment. A few example
# functions are provided.
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Aug 2009
# =====================================================

monteCarlo <- function(learner,
                       itsInfo=F,verbose=T) {

  itsI <- results <- NULL

  n <- NROW(data.set@data)

  train.size <- if (mcSet@mcTrain < 1) as.integer(n*mcSet@mcTrain) else mcSet@mcTrain
  test.size <- if (mcSet@mcTest < 1) as.integer(n*mcSet@mcTest) else mcSet@mcTest
  if (n-test.size+1 <= train.size+1) stop('monteCarlo:: Invalid train/test sizes.')
  selection.range <- (train.size+1):(n-test.size+1)
  starting.points <- sort(sample(selection.range,mcSet@mcReps))

  # main loop over all repetitions
  for(it in seq(along=starting.points)) {
    start <- starting.points[it]

    if (verbose)  cat('Repetition ',it,'\n\t start test = ',
                      start,'; test size = ',test.size,'\n')

    itDS <- dataset(data.set@formula,
    rep.res <- runLearner(learner,

    if (itsInfo && !is.null(tmp <- attr(rep.res,'itInfo'))) itsI <- c(itsI,tmp)
    results <- rbind(results,rep.res)

  if (verbose) cat('\n')
  rownames(results) <- 1:nrow(results)

  # randomize the number generator to avoid undesired
  # problems caused by inner set.seed()'s
  set.seed(prod(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(strsplit(date()," ")[[1]][4],":")))))

  if (itsInfo) return(structure(mcRun(learner,as(data.set,'task'),mcSet,results),itsInfo=itsI))
  else         return(mcRun(learner,as(data.set,'task'),mcSet,results))


# Manipulation of the "compExps" objects

# =====================================================
# Function that joins  experimental results objects.
# The joining is carried out by some specified dimension,
# the most common being joining experiments carried out in
# different data sets (dimension 4), or experiments with
# different learners (dimension 3) on the same data sets.
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Aug 2009
# =====================================================
# Example runs:
# > bestScores(join(subset(earth,stats='e1',vars=1:3),
#                   subset(nnet,stats='e1',vars=4:6),by=3))
# > bestScores(join(nnet,earth,rf,rpartXse,svm,by=3))
join <- function(...,by='datasets') {

  s <- list(...)
  if (length(s) < 2) return(s[1])
  if ((! by %in% c('iterations','statistics','variants','datasets')) &&
      (! by %in% 1:4))
    stop('join:: invalid value on "by" argument!')
  for(i in 2:length(s)) 
    if (!identical(s[[i]]@settings,s[[1]]@settings))
      stop('join:: trying to join experimental comparisons with different settings!')

  if (!is.numeric(by))
    by <- match(by,c('iterations','statistics','variants','datasets'))

  r <- s[[1]]
  if (by == 3) for(i in 2:length(s)) r@learners <- c(r@learners,s[[i]]@learners)
  if (by == 4) for(i in 2:length(s)) r@datasets <- c(r@datasets,s[[i]]@datasets)
  for(i in 2:length(s))
    r@foldResults <- abind(r@foldResults,s[[i]]@foldResults,along=by)

# =====================================================
# Small auxiliary functions to obtain information from 
# compExp objects.
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Mar 2011
# =====================================================
dsNames      <- function(res) dimnames(res@foldResults)[[4]]
learnerNames <- function(res) dimnames(res@foldResults)[[3]]
statNames    <- function(res) dimnames(res@foldResults)[[2]]

# =====================================================
# This function receives a data structure resulting from
# the experimentalComparison() function and provides list with as
# many components as there are data sets and for each data
# set, a data frame with the best system and respective
# score for each statistic.
# By default the best is obtained as the minimum average
# score over all folds, but through a second parameter
# the user may indicate that some statistics are to be maximized
# and not minimized.
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Jan-Aug 2009
# =====================================================
# Example calls:
# 1) a situation with only minimizations
# > bestScores(results)
# 2) a situation where the 2nd statistic is to be maximized
# > bestScores(results,c(F,T,F,F))
bestScores <- function(compRes,maxs=rep(F,dim(compRes@foldResults)[2])) {
  if (!inherits(compRes,'compExp')) stop(compRes,' needs to be of class "compExp".\n')
  if (length(maxs) == 1) maxs <- rep(maxs,dim(compRes@foldResults)[2])
  else if (length(maxs) != dim(compRes@foldResults)[2]) stop('"maxs" needs to have the same size as the number of evaluation statistics.\n')

  avgsDS <- apply(compRes@foldResults,4,
                  function(d) {
                    m <- matrix(apply(d,3, function(x) apply(x,2,mean,na.rm=T)),
                    dimnames(m)[2] <- dimnames(compRes@foldResults)[3]
  nms <- lapply(avgsDS,
                             if (f[l]) which.max(tab[l,]) else which.min(tab[l,]),p,maxs))
  nms <- lapply(nms,function(x) names(x))

  scs <- lapply(avgsDS,
                             if (f[l]) max(tab[l,],na.rm=T) else min(tab[l,],na.rm=T),p,maxs))

  res <- lapply(1:length(nms),
                function(x,p,s) data.frame(system=p[[x]],score=s[[x]],row.names=dimnames(compRes@foldResults)[[2]],stringsAsFactors=F),
  names(res) <- dimnames(compRes@foldResults)[[4]]

# =====================================================
# This function receives a data structure resulting from
# the experimentalComparison() function and provides a list with as
# many components as there are data sets and for each data
# set, another list with as many components as there are
# evaluation statistics. For each component of this list a top X
# is given the the names and scores of the best X systems on
# that data set / statistic.
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Nov 2009
# =====================================================
# Example calls:
rankSystems <- function(compRes,top=5,maxs=rep(F,dim(compRes@foldResults)[2])) {
  if (!inherits(compRes,'compExp')) stop(compRes,' needs to be of class "compExp".\n')
  if (length(maxs) == 1) maxs <- rep(maxs,dim(compRes@foldResults)[2])
  else if (length(maxs) != dim(compRes@foldResults)[2]) stop('"maxs" needs to have the same size as the number of evaluation statistics.\n')
  dss <- list()
  for(d in 1:dim(compRes@foldResults)[4]) {
    dss[[d]] <- list()
    for(s in 1:dim(compRes@foldResults)[2]) {
      m <- apply(compRes@foldResults[,s,,d],2,mean,na.rm=T)
      t <- m[order(m,decreasing=maxs[s])[1:top]]
      dss[[d]][[s]] <- data.frame(system=names(t),score=t,row.names=1:top,stringsAsFactors=F)
      names(dss[[d]])[s] <- dimnames(compRes@foldResults)[[2]][s]

  names(dss) <- dimnames(compRes@foldResults)[[4]]
# =====================================================
# This function receives a data structure resulting from
# the experimentalComparison() function and provides a list with as
# many components as there are data sets and for each data
# set, the scores of all systems on a single statistic. The scores are
# by default the mean but any other numeric summarization function
# can be provided in the argument summary.
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Nov 2009
# =====================================================
# Example calls:
# > statScores(svmR,'NTrades')
# > statScores(svmR,'NTrades','max')
statScores <- function(compRes,stat,summary='mean') {
  if (!inherits(compRes,'compExp'))
    stop(compRes,' needs to be of class "compExp".\n')
  if (length(stat)>1)
    stop('"stat" should contain a single statistic.\n')
  dss <- list()
  for(d in 1:dim(compRes@foldResults)[4]) 
    dss[[d]]  <- apply(compRes@foldResults[,stat,,d],2,summary,na.rm=T)

  names(dss) <- dimnames(compRes@foldResults)[[4]]

# ======================================================================
# Construction of comparative analysis tables based on the results of 
# comparative experiment obtained with experimentalComparison() (i.e. based
# on a compExp object).
# The first argument is the compExp object that resulted from the 
# experiments. Then we have the system against which all remaning are
# compared to (defaults to first in the structure). Finally we can
# provide a vector of the names of the statistics we which to get a
# table (defaults to all).
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Jan-Aug 2009
# =====================================================
compAnalysis <- function(comp,
                       show=T) {
  if (!inherits(comp,'compExp')) stop(comp,' is not of class compExp.\n')

  d <- dim(comp@foldResults)
  dn <- dimnames(comp@foldResults)
  n.ds <- length(datasets)
  n.methods <- d[3]
  if (n.methods < 2)
    stop('More than one method is necessary for significance comparisons.\n')
  methods <- dn[[3]]

  ag <- which(methods==against)
  theOne <- methods[ag]
  theRest <- methods[-ag]
  sig.res <- c('  ','+ ','++','- ','--')
  res <- list()
  for(s in stats) {
    for(d in seq(along=datasets)) {
      la <- ls <- list()

      la[[theOne]] <- getSummaryResults(comp,theOne,datasets[d])[1,s] # 1= avg
      ls[[theOne]] <- getSummaryResults(comp,theOne,datasets[d])[2,s] # 2= std

      for(m in theRest) {
        la[[m]] <- getSummaryResults(comp,m,datasets[d])[1,s]
        ls[[m]] <- getSummaryResults(comp,m,datasets[d])[2,s]

        t <- try(w <- wilcox.test(comp@foldResults[,s,m,d],
        if (inherits(t,"try-error")) i <- NA
        else if (w$p.value  > 0.05)  i <- '  '
        else if (w$p.value > 0.001)  i <- if (la[[m]] > la[[theOne]]) '+ ' else '- '
        else i <- if (la[[m]] > la[[theOne]]) '++' else '--'
        la[[paste('sig.',m,sep='')]] <- factor(i,levels=sig.res)
        ls[[paste('sig.',m,sep='')]] <- factor('  ',levels=sig.res)
      if (exists('temp')) {temp[2*d-1,] <- la; temp[2*d,] <- ls}
      else {temp <- data.frame(la); temp[2,] <- ls}
    row.names(temp)[seq(1,by=2,len=n.ds)] <- datasets
    res[[s]] <- temp
  if (show) {
    cat('\n== Statistical Significance Analysis of Comparison Results ==\n')
    cat('\nBaseline Learner::\t',against,' (Learn.1)\n')
    for(s in stats) {
      cat('\n** Evaluation Metric::\t',s,'\n')
      for(d in seq(along=datasets)) showTab(datasets[d],res[[s]][(d-1)*2+1:2,])
    cat('\nLegends:\nLearners -> ')
#    cat('\t|')
    for(s in seq(along=c(theOne,theRest))) cat(paste('Learn',s,sep='.'),'=',c(theOne,theRest)[s],'; ')
    cat("\nSignif. Codes -> 0 '++' or '--' 0.001 '+' or '-' 0.05 ' ' 1\n")

    return(if (length(stats)==1) invisible(res[[1]]) else invisible(res))
  } else  if (length(stats)==1) res[[1]] else res

showTab <- function(d,x,dig=3) {
  rownames(x) <- c('AVG','STD')
  colnames(x)[1] <- c('Learn.1')
  for(i in 2*(1:(ncol(x)%/%2))) colnames(x)[c(i,i+1)] <- c(paste('Learn',i/2+1,sep='.'),paste('sig',i/2+1,sep='.'))
  cat('\n- Dataset:',d,'\n')
# ======================================================================
# Get the fold results of a certain variant (learning system) over a
# certain dataset. Both can be specified by name or number.
# You get a matrix with as many rows as there are folds and as many
# columns as there are evaluation statistics.
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Jan 2009
# =====================================================
getFoldsResults <- function(results,learner,dataSet) {
  if (!inherits(results,'compExp')) stop(results,' is not of class compExp.\n')


# ======================================================================
# Get some summary statistics of the performance of a variant on a certain
# data set, for all evaluation statistics.
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Jan 2009
# =====================================================
getSummaryResults <- function(results,learner,dataSet) {
  if (!inherits(results,'compExp')) stop(results,' is not of class compExp.\n')

          min=if (all(is.na(x))) NA else min(x,na.rm=T),
          max=if (all(is.na(x))) NA else max(x,na.rm=T),

# Learners and Variants of Learners

# =====================================================
# This function generates a named list of objects of class
# learner.
# It is used for easily generating a list of variants of
# a learning system that is usable by the experimentalComparison()
# function.
# If you give only the learning system name it will generate
# a learner wit the default parameters of that system.
# The names of the components are generated automatically
# and have the form <sys>-v<x> where <x> is an increasing
# integer. In the case of using defaults the name is
# <sys>-defaults
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Jan 2009
# =====================================================
# Example call:
# ex1 <- variants('cv.rpartXse',se=c(0,0.5,1))
# ex2 <- variants('nnet')
variants <- function(sys,varsRootName=sys,as.is=NULL,...) {

    vars <- list(...)
    if (!length(vars)) {
        vars <- c(learner(sys,list()))
        names(vars)[1] <- paste(varsRootName,'.v1',sep='')
    ## the parameters not involved in variants generation
    ## their names:
    allnovar <- c(as.is,names(vars)[which(sapply(vars,length)==1)])
    ## their positions in vars:
    toExcl <- which(names(vars) %in% allnovar)
    ## their number:
    nExcl <- length(toExcl)
    ## checking how many variants per parameter and generate the grid
    nvarsEach <- rep(1,length(vars))
    varying <- if (nExcl) (1:length(vars))[-toExcl] else 1:length(vars)
    if (length(varying)) nvarsEach[varying] <- lapply(vars[varying],length)
    idxsEach <- lapply(nvarsEach,function(x) 1:x)
    theVars <- expand.grid(idxsEach)
    ## now go for generating the different variants
    vs <- list()
    for(i in 1:nrow(theVars)) {
        ## start
        varPars <- list()
        for(k in 1:ncol(theVars)) {
            if (nExcl & (k %in% toExcl)) varPars <- c(varPars,vars[k])
            else varPars <- c(varPars,vars[[k]][theVars[i,k]])
        names(varPars) <- names(vars)
        vs <- c(vs,learner(sys,varPars))
    names(vs) <- paste(varsRootName,'.v',1:nrow(theVars),sep='')

# =====================================================
# This function obtains the parameter settings associated
# to a certain variant name in the context of the variants
# of an experimental comparison
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Jan 2009
# =====================================================
# Example Call:
# > getVariant('cv.nnet-v6',cvResults)
# Note: The result of this can then be "run" as follows,
# > runLearner(getVariant('cv.nnet-v6',cvResults),
#              medv~.,Boston[1:100,],Boston[-(1:100),])
getVariant <- function(var,ExpsData) 
  ExpsData@learners[[which(names(ExpsData@learners) == var)]]

# =====================================================
# Function that can be used to call a learning system
# whose information is stored in an object of class learner.
# =====================================================
# Luis Torgo, Fev 2009
# =====================================================
# Example run:
# l  <- learner('nnet',pars=list(size=4,linout=T))
# runLearner(l,medv ~ ., Boston)
runLearner <- function(l,...) {
  if (!inherits(l,'learner')) stop(l,' is not of class "learner".')

# Sliding and Growing Windows Approaches to Learn+Test a Model

slidingWindowTest <- function(learner,
                               relearn.step=1,verbose=T) {

  data <- rbind(train,test)
  n <- NROW(data)
  train.size <- NROW(train)
  sts <- seq(train.size+1,n,by=relearn.step)

  preds <- vector()
  for(s in sts) {

    if (verbose) cat('*')

    ps <- runLearner(learner,

    preds <- c(preds,ps)

  if (verbose) cat('\n')
  if (is.factor(resp(form,train))) return(factor(preds,levels=1:3,labels=levels(resp(form,train)))) else return(preds)

growingWindowTest <- function(learner,
                               relearn.step=1,verbose=T) {

  data <- rbind(train,test)
  n <- NROW(data)
  train.size <- NROW(train)
  sts <- seq(train.size+1,n,by=relearn.step)

  preds <- vector()
  for(s in sts) {

    if (verbose) cat('*')

    ps <- runLearner(learner,

    preds <- c(preds,ps)

  if (verbose) cat('\n')
  if (is.factor(resp(form,train))) return(factor(preds,levels=1:3,labels=levels(resp(form,train)))) else return(preds)


## Functions calculating evaluation metrics

# =====================================================================
# Function to calculate some standard regression evaluation statistics
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# L. Torgo (2009)
# Examples:
# s <- regr.eval(tr,ps,train.y=data[,'Y'])
# s <- regr.eval(tr,ps,stats=c('mse','mae'))
regr.eval <- function(trues,preds,
                      stats=if (is.null(train.y)) c('mae','mse','rmse','mape') else c('mae','mse','rmse','mape','nmse','nmae'),
  allSs <- c('mae','mse','rmse','mape','nmse','nmae')
  if (any(c('nmse','nmad') %in% stats) && is.null(train.y))
    stop('regr.eval:: train.y parameter not specified.',call.=F)
  if (!all(stats %in% allSs))
    stop("regr.eval:: don't know how to calculate -> ",call.=F,
         paste(stats[which(!(stats %in% allSs))],collapse=','))
  N <- length(trues)
  sae <- sum(abs(trues-preds))
  sse <- sum((trues-preds)^2)
  r <- c(mae=sae/N,mse=sse/N,rmse=sqrt(sse/N),mape=sum(abs((trues-preds)/trues))/N)
  if (!is.null(train.y)) r <- c(r,c(nmse=sse/sum((trues-mean(train.y))^2),nmae=sae/sum(abs(trues-mean(train.y)))))

# =====================================================================
# Function to calculate some standard classification evaluation statistics
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# L. Torgo (2012)
# Examples:
# s <- class.eval(tr,ps)
# s <- class.eval(tr,ps,benMtrx=matrix(c(2,-13,-4,5),2,2))
class.eval <- function(trues,preds,
                       stats=if (is.null(benMtrx)) c('err') else c('err','totU'),

    preds <- factor(preds,levels=allCls)
    trues <- factor(trues,levels=allCls)
    allSs <- c('acc','err','totU')
    if (any(c('totU') %in% stats) && is.null(benMtrx))
      stop('class.eval:: benMtrx parameter not specified.',call.=F)
    if (!all(stats %in% allSs))
      stop("class.eval:: don't know how to calculate -> ",call.=F,
           paste(stats[which(!(stats %in% allSs))],collapse=','))
    N <- length(trues)
    cm <- as.matrix(table(trues,preds))
    a <- sum(diag(cm))/N
    r <- c(acc=a,err=1-a)
    if (!is.null(benMtrx))
      if (!all(dim(cm)==dim(benMtrx)))
        stop("class.eval:: dimensions of confusion and benefits metrices do not match",call.=F)
      else r <- c(r,totU=sum(cm*benMtrx))

# =====================================================================
# Function to calculate some standard  evaluation statistics for time series
# problems
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# L. Torgo (2013)
# Examples:
# s <- ts.eval(tr,ps,train.y=data[,'Y'])
# s <- ts.eval(tr,ps,stats=c('mse','mae'))
ts.eval <- function(trues,preds,
                    stats=if (is.null(train.y)) c('mae','mse','rmse','mape') else c('mae','mse','rmse','mape','nmse','nmae','theil'),
  r <- if (!is.null(train.y))  c(regr.eval(trues,preds,setdiff(stats,'theil'),train.y),theil=sum((trues-preds)^2)/sum((c(train.y[length(train.y)],trues[-length(trues)])-preds)^2)) else regr.eval(trues,preds,setdiff(stats,'theil'),train.y)

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