
Defines functions dbSimulate genRelated lbind countAlleles genUnrelatedRec gRec genRypeRec genTypeRec

Documented in dbSimulate genRypeRec genTypeRec

#' Generates DNA profiles of n unrelated individuals for a locus
#' @param x Allele probabilities
#' @param t theta correction
#' @param n Number of probles
#' @param z FIXME
genTypeRec <- function(x, t, n, z = rep(0, lx <- length(x))) {
  if (t == 0) {
    y <- sample(length(x), size = n * 2, prob = x, replace = TRUE)
  } else {
    y <- sample(length(x), size = 1, prob = x)
    z[y] <- z[y] + 1
    while (length(y) < (n * 2)) {
      a <- sample(lx, size = 1, prob = x * (1 - t) + z * t)
      y <- c(y, a)
      z[a] <- z[a] + 1
  data.frame(a1 = y[nn <- seq(from = 1, by = 2, len = n)], a2 = y[nn + 1])

#' Generates DNA profiles of n individuals. 
#' These are formed as n/2 pairs for relatives with
#' a IDB-vector given by k. I.e. the profiles are 
#' mutually unrelated between pairs.
#' @param x Allele probabilities
#' @param t theta correction
#' @param k Relatedness vector
#' @param n Number of probles
#' @param print Print information
genRypeRec <- function(x, t, k, n, print = FALSE) {
  if (n == 0) 
  y <- numeric(0)
  a <- c(0, 0)
  if (is.list(x)) {
    z <- x[[2]]
    x <- x[[1]]
    lx <- length(x)
  } else z <- rep(0, lx <- length(x))
  if (t == 0) {
    while (length(y) < (n * 2)) {
      z <- rep(0, lx <- length(x))
      a <- sample(lx, size = 2, prob = x, replace = TRUE)
      IBD <- sample(0:2, size = 1, prob = k)
      if (IBD == 2) 
        b <- a else if (IBD == 1) 
        b <- c(a[sample(1:2, size = 1)], sample(lx, size = 1, prob = x)) else if (IBD == 0) 
        b <- sample(lx, size = 2, prob = x, replace = TRUE)
      y <- c(y, a, b)
  } else {
    while (length(y) < (n * 2)) {
      a[1] <- sample(lx, size = 1, prob = x * (1 - t) + z * t)
      z[a[1]] <- z[a[1]] + 1
      a[2] <- sample(lx, size = 1, prob = x * (1 - t) + z * t)
      z[a[2]] <- z[a[2]] + 1
      y <- c(y, a)
      b <- gRec(a, x, z, t, k)  ## relative's profile, allele probs, allele counts, theta, k-vector
      z[b[1]] <- z[b[1]] + 1
      z[b[2]] <- z[b[2]] + 1
      y <- c(y, b)
      if (print) 
        message(paste("Pair ", format(length(y)/4, width = 2), ": R1=(", a[1], ",", 
          a[2], ") R2=(", b[1], ",", b[2], ") x=", paste(z, sep = ",", collapse = ","), 
          sep = ""), appendLF = TRUE)
  data.frame(a1 = y[nn <- seq(from = 1, by = 2, len = n)], a2 = y[nn + 1])

## Help function that creates profile of relative number 2 given the profile of relative 1.
gRec <- function(a, p, x, t, k) {
  b <- c(0, 0)  ## profile of the relative
  IBD <- sample(x = 0:2, size = 1, prob = k)
  lx <- length(x)
  if (IBD == 2) 
    b <- a else if (IBD == 1) {
    b[1] <- a[sample(1:2, size = 1, prob = c(0.5, 0.5))]
    ## x[b[1]] <- x[b[1]]+1 CHANGED DUE TO THORE'S COMMENT: I.e. First relative (denoted a) is
    ## sampled 'from posterior database'. First allele of second relative (denoted b) is sampled
    ## from the same distribution and second allele from uniform distribution of a's alleles.
    b[2] <- sample(lx, size = 1, prob = p * (1 - t) + x * t)
  } else if (IBD == 0) {
    b[1] <- sample(lx, size = 1, prob = p * (1 - t) + x * t)
    x[b[1]] <- x[b[1]] + 1
    b[2] <- sample(lx, size = 1, prob = p * (1 - t) + x * t)

## Wrapper function that combines the locus-specific databases
genUnrelatedRec <- function(probs, theta = 0, n) {
  db <- as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", lapply(probs, genTypeRec, t = theta, n = n)))
  names(db) <- paste(rep(names(probs), each = 2), 1:2, sep = ".")
  cbind(id = 1:n, db)

## Help function that computes the sufficient statistic for computing P(A_i | x^n) where x^n
## is the allele counts in a sample of n alleles - the sufficient statistic.
countAlleles <- function(x, p, start = 1) {
  x1 <- x[, y <- seq(from = start, to = ncol(x) - 1, by = 2)]
  x2 <- x[, y + 1]
  names(x2) <- names(x1)
  lapply(rbind(x1, x2, unlist(lapply(p, length))), function(z) table(c(1:z[length(z)], z[-length(z)])) - 

## A function for binding lists of equal lengths
lbind <- function(l1, l2) {
  if (length(l1) != length(l2)) 
    stop("Lists are not of same length")
  ll <- lapply(l1, function(x) list(x, x))
  for (i in 1:length(ll)) ll[[i]][[2]] <- l2[[i]]

## A wrapper function that generates a database with relatives included.
genRelated <- function(probs, theta = 0, n, rel = c(FS = 0, C = 0, PC = 0, A = 0, U = 0)) {
  if (!all((rel%%2) == 0)) 
    stop("not all 'rel' counts are even numbers")
  names(rel) <- c("FS", "C", "PC", "A", "U")
  dbn <- paste(rep(names(probs), each = 2), 1:2, sep = ".")
  ## Unrelated: (k0,k1,k2) = c(1,0,0)
  db <- as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", lapply(probs, genTypeRec, t = theta, n = rel[["U"]])))
  names(db) <- dbn
  ## Full-sibs: (k0,k1,k2) = c(1,2,1)/4
  z <- countAlleles(db, p = probs)
  if (nrow(db.fs <- as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", lapply(lbind(probs, z), genRypeRec, t = theta, 
    k = c(1, 2, 1)/4, n = rel[["FS"]])))) > 0) {
    names(db.fs) <- dbn
    db <- rbind(db, db.fs)
  ## First cousins: (k0,k1,k2) = c(3,1,0)/4
  z <- countAlleles(db, p = probs)
  if (nrow(db.c <- as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", lapply(lbind(probs, z), genRypeRec, t = theta, 
    k = c(3, 1, 0)/4, n = rel[["C"]])))) > 0) {
    names(db.c) <- dbn
    db <- rbind(db, db.c)
  ## Parent-child: (k0,k1,k2) = c(0,1,0)
  z <- countAlleles(db, p = probs)
  if (nrow(db.pc <- as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", lapply(lbind(probs, z), genRypeRec, t = theta, 
    k = c(0, 1, 0), n = rel[["PC"]])))) > 0) {
    names(db.pc) <- dbn
    db <- rbind(db, db.pc)
  ## Avuncular: (k0,k1,k2) = c(1,1,0)/2
  z <- countAlleles(db, p = probs)
  if (nrow(db.a <- as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", lapply(lbind(probs, z), genRypeRec, t = theta, 
    k = c(1, 1, 0)/2, n = rel[["A"]])))) > 0) {
    names(db.a) <- dbn
    db <- rbind(db, db.a)
  cbind(id = 1:n, db)

## ## A wrapper function that generates a database with relatives included.  genRelated <-
## function(probs,theta=0,n,rel=c('FS'=0,'C'=0,'PC'=0,'A'=0,'U'=0)){ if(!all((rel%%2)==0))
## stop('not all 'rel' counts are even numbers') names(rel) <- c('FS','C','PC','A','U') dbn
## <- paste(rep(names(probs),each=2),1:2,sep='.') odd <-
## seq(from=1,to=2*length(probs)-1,by=2) if(rel[['U']]<2) db.u <- NULL else{ ## Unrelated:
## (k0,k1,k2) = c(1,0,0) db.u <-
## as.data.frame(do.call('cbind',lapply(probs,genTypeRec,t=theta,n=rel[['U']]))) names(db.u)
## <- dbn } db <- db.u if(rel[['FS']]<2) db.fs <- NULL else { ## Full-sibs: (k0,k1,k2) =
## c(1,2,1)/4 z <- countAlleles(db,p=probs) db.fs <-
## as.data.frame(do.call('cbind',lapply(lbind(probs,z),genRypeRec,t=theta,k=c(1,2,1)/4,n=rel[['FS']])))
## names(db.fs) <- dbn } db <- rbind(db,db.fs) if(rel[['C']]<2) db.c <- NULL else{ ## First
## cousins: (k0,k1,k2) = c(3,1,0)/4 z <- countAlleles(db,p=probs) db.c <-
## as.data.frame(do.call('cbind',lapply(lbind(probs,z),genRypeRec,t=theta,k=c(3,1,0)/4,n=rel[['C']])))
## names(db.c) <- dbn } db <- rbind(db,db.c) if(rel[['PC']]<2) db.pc <- NULL else{ ##
## Parent-child: (k0,k1,k2) = c(0,1,0) z <- countAlleles(db,p=probs) db.pc <-
## as.data.frame(do.call('cbind',lapply(lbind(probs,z),genRypeRec,t=theta,k=c(0,1,0),n=rel[['PC']])))
## names(db.pc) <- dbn } db <- rbind(db,db.pc) if(rel[['A']]<2) db.a <- NULL else{ ##
## Avuncular: (k0,k1,k2) = c(1,1,0)/2 z <- countAlleles(db,p=probs) db.a <-
## as.data.frame(do.call('cbind',lapply(lbind(probs,z),genRypeRec,t=theta,k=c(1,1,0)/2,n=rel[['A']])))
## names(db.a) <- dbn } db <- rbind(db,db.a) cbind(id=1:n,db) }

#' Simulate a DNA database
#' Simulates a DNA database given a set of allele probabilities and theta
#' value. It is possible to have close relatives in the database simulated in
#' pairs, such that within each pair the profiles are higher correlated due to
#' close familial relationship, but between pairs of profiles the correlation
#' is only modelled by theta.
#' Simulates a DNA database with a given number of DNA profiles (and possibly
#' relatives) with a correlation between profiles governed by theta.
#' @param probs List of allele probabilities, where each element in the list is
#' a vector of allele probabilities.
#' @param theta The coancestry coefficient
#' @param n The number of profiles in the database
#' @param relatives A vector of length 4. Determining the number of PAIRS of
#' profiles in the database: (FULL-SIBLINGS, FIRST-COUSINS, PARENT-CHILD,
#' AVUNCULAR). They should obey that 2*sum(relatives)<=n.
#' @return A data frame where each row represents a DNA profile. The first
#' column is a profile identifier (id) and the next 2*L columns contains the
#' simulated genotype for each of the L loci. L is determined by the length of
#' the list 'probs' with allele probabilities
#' @author James Curran and Torben Tvedebrink
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'   ## Simulate some allele frequencies:
#'   freq <-  replicate(10, { g = rgamma(n=10,scale=4,shape=3); g/sum(g)},
#'              simplify=FALSE)
#'   ## Simulate a single database with 5000 DNA profiles:
#'   simdb <- dbSimulate(freq,theta=0,n=5000)
#'   ## Simulate a number of databases, say N=50. For each database compute
#'   ## the summary statistic using dbCompare:
#'   N <- 50
#'   Msummary <- matrix(0,N,(length(freq)+1)*(length(freq)+2)/2)
#'   for(i in 1:N)
#'     Msummary[i,] <- dbCompare(dbSimulate(freq,theta=0,n=1000),
#'                       vector=TRUE,trace=FALSE)$m
#'   ## Give the columns  representative names:
#'   dimnames(Msummary)[[2]] <- DNAtools:::dbCats(length(freq),vector=TRUE)
#'   ## Plot the simulations using a boxplot
#'   boxplot(log10(Msummary))
#'   ## There might come some warnings due to taking log10 to zero-values (no counts)
#'   ## Add the expected number to the plot:
#'   points(1:ncol(Msummary),log10(dbExpect(freq,theta=0,n=1000,vector=TRUE)),
#'          col=2,pch=16)
#'   }
#' @export dbSimulate
dbSimulate <- function(probs, theta = 0, n = 1000, relatives = NULL) {
  if (is.null(relatives)) 
    return(genUnrelatedRec(probs, theta = theta, n = n)) else {
    if (length(relatives) != 4) 
      stop("'relatives' need to be a vector of length 4, where the elements gives the number of PAIRS of c(FULL-SIBLINGS, FIRST-COUSINS, PARENT-CHILD, AVUNCULAR)")
    if (n - sum(2 * relatives) < 0) 
      stop("Too many pairs of relatives specified compared to the total number of profiles 'n'.")
    return(genRelated(probs, theta = theta, n = n, rel = c(relatives * 2, n - sum(relatives * 

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